Aw, I know this was posted a long time ago and is pretty much irrelevant, but . . . . aw!
I wanted to write this to show Nate my appreciation. If anyone would like to add on to this, they are more than welcome.
Thank you for all of the hard work and effort that you put into this site. It was great and I counted it as my home away from home.
Whenever I had a question, you showed me what to do. I have great respect and admiration for you. I am very sorry that your site is closing down, and I will be waiting for your e-mail when YWS returns. Thank you very much, Nate.
I am proud to call you my friend and I will mis this site and the work you put into it.
With respect, admiration, and friendship,
Reas e'lil
Aw, I know this was posted a long time ago and is pretty much irrelevant, but . . . . aw!
Jerk, please try not to live up to your name. If you have a problem with the mod choices, bring it up to Nate. YWS is closing for a few months, and a lot of us will miss it greatly. Sorry you're not one of them, but c'est la vie.
Nate... You've brought hope to so many young writers. Thank you for all you've done. Even when the members constantly got on your nerves, you stuck in there. You tried so hard to make this forum a haven for writers, and you succeeded. You've done a great thing with this site. I'm sure I can speak for most when I say I look forward to the reopening with eager eyes and yearning heart. It's been fun.
I considered making a refugee-style forum for all of us homeless YWSers, but decided it just wouldn't ever be the same as it is now. I just hope that we can bring YWS back--and soon! I'll miss all of you, and thanks Nate for making the best site on the 'Net for Young Writers!
Thanks to all the mods, and especially to Nate (you saved my blog!).
I'll miss this place so much. I just hope it's not gone for too long.
This has been an honor. I enjoyed every minute of this site, and I flourished in writing in ways I never thought I could. I actually have motivation for my dreams, now, and now I have met a bunch of people that can help me achieve them. Just with a huge group effort, we all have lifted each other. It's been a great time, and we've all had some laughs. As we all know, none of this is over. This is no finitive end - there never is one.
So, basically,
"All good things must come to an end -
So long, and thanks for all the chimp."
Life and honor, Nate.
Good luck, and thank you, sincerely. ^_^
dream deep
Yeah I agree with u(Reas e'lil).
Big bro has always been so good to us.
Nate has made a family in yws.
We all are proud of him.
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