Not a single day goes by when I don't think of you
Each day I wish we could be together
It just keeps getting harder and harder
Yet I still hope that text was from no one but you
Hearing your name made me a little insane
You brightened my path in my darkest times
You were the reason I kept on tryin'
But now I'm scared to fall in love again
I'm barricading my feelings and emotions
I'm scared cause eventually they'll come right through
I'm not ready to feel the pain and tensions
Feeling very weak I dunno whether i'll make it through
Who would have ever thought you would mean this much to me?
It took me only a few days to completely fall in love with you
I'm sorry I made things awkward, I'm sorry I'm not impeccable
I'm hoping that you are not mad at me
Afraid to face my feelings and emotions
Like a herd of bulls, they will all come charging right through
Too afraid to face all the pain and tensions
Feeling very weak I dunno whether i'll make it through
Just hearing your name made my smiles inevitable
Feels like it was yesterday when I first fell for you
I'm sorry I made things awkward, I'm sorry I'm not impeccable
Cause deep inside, I don't wanna continue without you
I don't wanna have to face heartbreak again
Please just promise me you won't come back
Cause I don't wanna hurt you the same way you did me back
In the end, I'm too scared to fall in love again
Not a single day went by when I didn't think of you
Each day I wished we could've been together
It just kept on becoming harder and harder
But deep down, I don't wanna continue without you
So don't you dare come back and stab my heart with that knife
I trusted you with it, now my heart is bleeding for life
I'd never want to hurt you, even though I'm in pain
Because in the end…. I'm too scared to fall in love again
Points: 226
Reviews: 58