
Young Writers Society

18+ Language Violence Mature Content

The Descent Chapter 5: A Week On Part 3


Warning: This work has been rated 18+ for language, violence, and mature content.

Full Novel Synopsis: Sequel to 'The Spiralling', itself a sequel to the Kick-Ass (2010) movie. However, this novel can be read on its own. After Big Daddy died, Mindy was driven mad, subdued by Dave, and locked away in an Institute after killing all who she deemed responsible but Dave. Will she recover? What will happen next to a New York without her nor the Motherfucker? Elements of the Kick-Ass 2 (2013) movie and comic series will be taken in.

The Descent

Chapter 5: A Week On Part 3

“Mandy… it’s important that you listen to me, okay?” I said, making sure that I spoke my words carefully. I needed a good reason to stop her from exercising too much. This time though, lying seemed different. This time, I was taking her athletic potential away, I was taking away her strength, her speed, her dexterity, everything that’d made kicking mafia ass possible. It was awesome when she did, but it had to be over now. Even as a stake was getting driven into my heart, I went ahead with my best idea, and it feels like I was getting good at coming up with excuses too, “You can’t do things like that. You were born weak, Mandy. You were always sick; we nearly lost you a few times, plus the bus accident.”

“But I feel better!” She was pleading me. It stung. Her stubbornness was a worrying trend, but I tried not to worry – reading online about parenting helped. Most kids were hyperactive by nature. They’d want to do a lot of things. Still, somewhere inside me, I knew that Mandy’s stubbornness was a part of Mindy’s stubbornness.

“No, no Mandy. It’s happened too many times.” I feel like a dirty, compulsive liar. Sometimes I wondered just how long I could keep the act up before spilling the beans out of guilt or getting tired. “You won’t know it when you’ve run too much, then you’ll get sick and go back to the hospital. Do you want to go back to the hospital?” Worryingly, I’d always try to comfort myself by thinking of it as the truth, resynthesized.

“No…” Her reply was immediate at the bare mention of the hospital. I doubt anyone would enjoy being in a hospital after getting back into the outside world. I bet Mindy was no different. Deep inside, I bet the real Mindy absolutely hates being in a hospital.

“And whenever you’re in a hospital, everyone’s going to be very sad. Do you want everyone to be sad?” I structured my question methodically, making sure there was no way out except for my way. I feel detestable, like Hannibal Lecter or Jigsaw.

“No…” She repeated her answer. I flashed a half-genuine smile, made it as real as possible. I was glad that the danger of her memories resurfacing was averted, but I was wrecked that I’d destroyed a frickin’ highway of possibilities for her in life. Down the pipe went the possibilities of her becoming an athlete, a police officer, a soldier, a firewoman – anything really that required good fitness. If it goes really well, she could even forget about being a surgeon, a doctor, or a lawyer – Hey, you can’t be wheezing while you’re performing an arterial bypass or fighting a case. I felt like a low-down muck-dwelling crook. At least this way, I knew for certain that I was no Lex Luthor.

“So be a good girl, and don’t run too far.” I’d never believe I was capable of this a week ago. I sounded completely different, lecturing Mindy like that. I would never have figured that I would be in position this soon, or in the next decade for the matter.

“Okay.” She replied, visibly upset.

“Good girl.” I praised her, stroking her hair, but I was instantly reminded of Dad’s me-as-a-paedophile joke for some reason.

Upon reaching the park, we started limbering off, but before we could finish, a superhero walked past us. A huge guy, but not the wrestling type. He was horizontally huge, as in obese, and he was in black tights with grey cape and overpants. A huge ‘B’ decorated his chest. “Wooow…” Mindy, with all her naivety, was amazed.

“You guys seen any crime around here?” The ‘B’ hero said. He had the worst opening line yet, reminding me of a hobo looking for thieves instead of coins. I began criticising everything about him with my eyes, I couldn’t help it. He bounced like a water balloon nearing breaking point as he walked – he looked like he could barely run. The sweat collecting around his back and chest helped with the impression. The worst part was, he was jeopardising Mindy’s memory the longer he was with us, “I’m The Buzzard, by the way.” So buzz off, my evil side thought.

“No, not at all, Mr Buzzard.” I said instead. It’d get him off our backs, plus, being Kick-Ass in secret, I didn’t feel like treating my fellow super-heroes that badly, “Not here, please.” But I couldn’t help some of the quirks in my language when I’m wishing he was gone. And soon, with a few bounces, he was off.

“Is he a… superhero?” Mindy exclaimed excitedly. Thankfully, the Buzzard was bouncing off faster after someone, though I didn’t bother if it was a criminal or an innocent person.

“Superheroes don’t exist, Mandy. He’s just an attention-seeker.” Again with the half-truth. This time, I had to break my personal code, though I wasn’t sure if I got through to her. She was still feasting her eyes on the Buzzard running after a person. I had to physically turn her head and get her back to limbering off, “Mandy! Are you listening to me?” I finally caught her attention. I was starting to regret taking her to the park, but investing some money in a running mill would cost far too much for dad to take, “What did I say?” I certainly caught her attention just as much, just not as Kick-Ass.

“You said that superheroes don’t exist.” She was mellowing out once again, repeating what I said as any kids would do.

“And before that, I told you it’s important that you listen to me.” I figured out quickly that scolding never was my style. I hated it, “Now, let’s limber off.”

The jogging cancelled out Mindy’s bad mood. She seemed to like it, which made it all the harder for me to take it away from her. It didn’t last very long though. She was out of breath and panting not even a quarter into it – a year completely without training had taken away all the stamina she’d worked for. Not even half a mile into it, Mindy tripped over her own foot and fell down. Klutz, you turned her into a Klutz! I remembered my criticism of Dr Paul, of what he’d done to Mindy. She’d bruised and cut a knee on the road. She didn’t take it too well, and started crying again as she was clutching her wounded knee. In the end, I had to carry her back to my bicycle – I had a first aid box just in case.

As I was washing it over and applying antiseptic, I had half my mind on the buzzard. It reminded me of my own superhero identity, of the superhero world. I became curious; Was the Buzzard the only one left? Crime was at a low as of late, ever since the D’Amico empire fell. My mind went back to the idea of becoming Kick-Ass again. The last time was months ago, and I hadn’t bothered to even wash the uniform at all. I hadn’t sweat much in it, and the blood and cuts on it were… sacred to me somehow, becoming as integral to the uniform as the fabric was.

“Dave?” Mindy’s voice brought me back to reality, and I realised I’d zoned out for a while. Returning to her wound, I wrapped a bandage over it and started driving her back home, much to her dismay.

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Thu Mar 05, 2015 3:03 pm
SpiritedWolfe wrote a review...

Hey, Dark Raven!

I'll talk about a few things that stood out to me as I was readings some which may or may not have been mentioned already, but this was written about a year and a half ago, so some reiteration wouldn't hurt.

Crime was at a low as of late, ever since the D’Amico empire fell.

This was mentioned a couple chapters ago, not exactly sure when, but I do remember commenting on it and the wording was basically the exact same. And so is the vagueness. What is the D'Amico Empire? I assume some gang place, but since this is the second time it's mentioned, maybe it's a better place to elaborate so more on it. Have Dave worry about remembering the empire (that she destroyed?) and how it may string up old memories along with it on how... the empire worked? Who was involved?

Another thing, which may seem perfectly normal to you, is the word choice of 'limbering off'. (Not to mentioned its repeated three times xD). So, this is supposed to be set in the US, correct? I saw before how you were contemplating how the spelling and word choice of that should be of an American usage, because that's where the story is at. And it would mak s perfect sense to do that, but this is definitely not something an American would say. I definitely didn't know it was an actual phrase until today. Perhaps try to think about those kinds of things.

Speaking of setting, I'm really left wondering where this is all going down in. We aren't given a city name, a place to associate this entire ordeal with. I can tell that it's a very urban area, since they jumped across buildings at one point, but where? Is it a totally new town (like Gothem? As an example.) or one already in existence? Where is this town associated to their home. What is their home surrounded by? Is it an actual home, or an apartment? Do they live in the heart of the city or the outskirts? What about the school? What's it look like? There seems to be quite a bit of setting lacking here, and it would be good to try to include some of it.

The chapter itself just feels bland. There wasn't anything specifically wrong with it, but nothing really stuck or excited me. I was hanging in the balance between struggling to get into the story and actually getting into it. After I finished reading, I has to go and do some other stuff for a moment, and when I came back, I hardly remembered anything that had happened. I suggest trying to make seem more urgent, and I can understand that he's feeling tired now, maybe even a bit exasperated with Mindy, but try to add the urgency of the memories. What she could become again in a full out thought instead of dancing around the incident.

I'm off to he next part. Keep on Writing,

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Sun Oct 27, 2013 7:33 pm
Deanie wrote a review...

Hey again :)

Well, this chapter looked absolutely spotless in all areas to me. There were no obvious technical mistakes, and the story was just moving forwards.

Dave just keeps on facing everyday problems which are trying to bring back Mandy's memories, isn't he? First with the craving for sport, and then with the Buzzard showing up. It's going to amount to something, I just know it. I love how Dave feels a bit angry at the Buzzard. First off for being a superhero that could awaken the inner Mindy and then the fact that he inspired this, so he feels proud. It must be a torn feeling, to know that what he started could eventually endanger Mandy.

Seems like Dave could be coming back as a superhero too. This chapter was pretty great in itself - meaning I don't have any criticism :)

Deanie x

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Fri Oct 25, 2013 1:53 pm
whitewolfpuppy wrote a review...

Yay! A short one, ha- Sorry the reviews are a bit later than normal. I had to take a day off because I was sick. I still am but feeling better. :D So if my reviews sound totally insane. I blame the sickness. Ha-

Nothing big on the grammar error's and what not. These are just a few things that are just a quick fix or can be changed with other words than I have suggested. :D

I hated it, "Now, let's limber off."

I don't know if this is a good way to say "lets go". I would add something different, maybe a different word than "limber". Again, weird here. ha-

Was the Buzzard the only one left? Crime was at a low as of late, ever since the D’Amico empire fell.

I would make this in italicize because this is something he is thinking in his head. That way it stands out from the text.

Over all
These are a few questions that popped up in my head so I will give you the questions. You don't have to answer them, I am just trying to give you a little more insight on how a reader might think when reading your novel.
Alright, so this chapter brings out a lot of emotions. We see a super hero walking around and Mandy loving him. Though will it spark her old memories? We see she can barely run, which is normal since she has not done it in a long time. Which is good to show the distress of her character. Now, with Dave, what might happen? Will he go back to doing his super hero work?

Now these will most likely be answered in the next few chapters and I know that. As I said before, I am giving you an insight to what the readers might think. Now, you did well with this part. I like how it flows with the second part, the one right before this. Though it is a bit dull because you are running, it has great information. She meets a hero, Dave freaks out and teaches her to stay away from them. It was great! It does show that Dave is doing what the Doctor asks though his thoughts are contradicting it. I love it, there is not a lot of mood changes here. So it is a bit smoother than it was earlier. Now here I like how you portray Mandy's character, you did well though it was not in detail and I now see your point with the extra detail. Great job over all, I am glad I am able to help you with this book. :D -feels proud.- So as always, thank you for your time and keep on writing my friend.
~Knight Onyx

D4RKR4VEN says...

Thanks for the review! Man I missed your review!

Anyway, thanks. I like how you're showing me your thought process. I wouldn't have known how a reader would perceive my work other than how I would. My only other source of this would be my headquarters website, but the reviews there pale in comparison to the kind found here.

Anyway, thanks again! Really appreciate this!

You are welcome! :D

I'm also not sure why but even though I normally wear cool tones I have a feeling red would have been my color in the 1860s.
— Elinor