
Young Writers Society

E - Everyone Mature Content

Ward 2N, Part 1.

by Fizz

“Hello? Are you there? Fiona? Fiona please talk to me”

I was lying sprawled on the lounge room floor, phone to my ear, a movie playing on the TV in the background. The ceiling above me blurred. My heart was pounding.

Earlier that day I was standing in the backyard of my mother’s house, staring at the trees. My mind was empty, and I all I could hear was the ringing in my ears. It was a lot like watching a movie. I knew that I was standing outside, but it felt more like I was watching somebody else standing in my mother’s garden, like I wasn’t attached to that body. It was surreal. Later that evening, alone in the house I was minding for my mother, I put on a movie, sat down on the floor, and swallowed a box of paracetamol, pill by pill.


I hung up the phone.

I lay motionless for a few minutes, feeling the room begin to spin around me, and searched myself for any emotions. I felt so detached, almost ghostly. I don’t think I could have done it if I didn’t. If the world felt real, if I could experience what I was leaving behind, I might never have gone through with it. If I hadn’t drank that bottle of wine, I might not have gone through with it. But I did. I felt my consciousness begin to fade, and my stomach began to lurch horribly, trying to force back up the poison. I picked the phone back up and dialled the only number I knew off by heart.

“Hey, Fiona!”



I was fighting with myself. My call to the crisis line had been the mistake of someone who wasn’t sure that they could face death. I couldn’t bring myself to tell them my address.

“Fiona? Are you ok?”

“Tim? I love you a lot…ok?”

“Ok…what’s going on?”

I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t do it. I hung the phone back up as my heart raced faster than I had ever felt before. My heart was pounding as the room around me spun, and I just lay on the floor, staring at the empty pill packets.

Hours later, I woke up. I was dazed, I couldn’t remember what had happened, didn’t know where I was, couldn’t even remember my name. I didn’t panic, I wasn’t worried, I wasn’t conscious enough to feel anything just yet. But as the world came in to focus it all started to come back. I looked down at the bed I was lying in, at the needle in my arm, I reached up to touch the oxygen tubes in my nose and the noise of the hospital started to rise. It flooded back to me so suddenly, so painfully. This wasn’t meant to happen. There were nurses talking, rushing around, going from bed to bed. I could hear someone groaning, and there was this persistent beeping noise, so loud that it was like it was happening inside my head. I looked to the chairs at the side of my bed, and they were empty. I was alone. I think I cried for hours, but no one came.

I had done no permanent damage to my body. They managed to find me before the drugs affected my liver. They said I was lucky. My family did come, Tim sat with me for hours, but it didn’t matter. Everything was just noise.

The assessing psychiatrist decided to admit me to the hospital’s psychiatric ward, ward 2N. They took me there in a wheel chair, and gave me a tour. I was numb, unable to come to terms with what was happening. I wasn’t meant to be here. This wasn't supposed to be happening. The ward was warm, and quiet, and my room was just across from the nurse’s station. I sat upright in bed, staring in to the darkness, frozen stiff. Every half hour the night nurses came in and offered me a high strength sleeping pill. At midnight I finally gave in and took the pill, still terrified of what might happen while I slept.

I woke up the next morning to a dark room and a sleeping pill hangover. My mother had been in, and had brought a bag of my clothes, my toiletries, and some books. It all started to sink in. I was alive, and I was sitting on my bed in my room in the psych ward. I sat statue-still, feeling the despair rise in my chest, thinking ‘oh my god…what have I done?’ This wasn't what I had bargained for. But before I could sink in to hysterics, a nurse came in with a green tray, and a nice big needle. It was filled with medication to help repair my liver, and to balance the effects of my excessive alcohol consumption over the past month. After she injected the liquid in to the side of my thigh she left, only to appear moments later with my medication. I recognised the white and green capsules of my anti-depressant, but the little plastic cup contained two other pills that I didn’t recognise. The nurse explained impatiently that one pill was Valium, for my nerves, and that the other was a low dose of a drug called Seroquel, an anti-psychotic. This time I took them without hesitation.

Once the drugs had set in I was in a numb daze, so I left my room and began to wander around the ward. Directly outside my room was the mahogany desk of the nurses station, and the heavy, well locked door of the medication room. To the right of my room was a long corridor with evenly spaced rooms, and the doors to the bathrooms. The ward was relatively small, so there were only 20 beds. On the other side of my room was the door to the staff room, and the corridor down to the dining room. The dining room was bright and clean, and the second I walked in I felt like someone had just covered me in mud. It was so clean, and the bright light hurt my eyes, and I felt below human. The dining room had doors that opened out to a courtyard between the dining room and the art room. The tables out there were dirty, so I ate there for the majority of my stay. 

The ward had a peaceful, warm atmosphere, rather than the chaotic, clinical scene I was expecting. It may have been the quiet, or it may have been the Valium, but I felt at ease sitting in the small lounge area, staring at the television until another nurse brought me more Seroquel, and took me to the dining room for lunch. Meals came on trays, and we were given a menu each day to fill out for meals the next day. Unlike any other account of psych ward life will tell you, eating or not eating did not earn you any points. There were no points, or levels, or rewards or limitations. You were just there, like everyone else. There was no up or down.

The nurses on the ward were a diverse group of people. There were the caring, kind, motherly nurses who would sit in my room and talk to me for hours, and there were the business-like nurses who were upbeat and efficient, bringing my medication exactly on time, and trying to inject some calm and reality when I was slipping out of control. And then there were the rest of the nurses, the disgruntled, impatient, clinical nurses. The nurses who had zero time for ‘dramatics’ and who ruled the ward with a strict adherence to the rules. Within those three groups of nurses there were no nurses who would sit with me while I was in the throes of a panic attack or while I cried hysterically over something meaningless. They all resorted to the same things, medications, or vague avoidance. Distance, always distance. Over the time of my stay I made a number of enemies on the nursing staff, and built a working rapport with others. I began to understand that ward 2N was a small society in and of itself, and navigating it was taxing. 

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Sun Aug 03, 2014 8:09 pm
AdmiralKat wrote a review...

Hello! KatyaElefant here for another review! Wolf and I decided to gang up on this work and get it out of the green room(give you awesome reviews). Let's see what we have here.

"I picked the phone back up and dialled the only number I knew off by heart."
There is an extra l in dialed. Just a minor spelling error.

I really like this short story(what I am going to call it). I think that this part is great and I love how you implemented that the ward 2N was a small society, that they are a family. I always love groups like that. I think that your paragraphs could be broken up a little bit more. Some of these paragraphs could and should be 2 or 3 or even 4 paragraphs long. My question is why did she try to kill herself? Everyone has to have a reason, especially since she seems to have someone that loves them and that they want to know that they care about them. Your grammar is okay and your spelling is okay(as you saw what wolf showed you XD). Your organization could be a tiny bit better. I am just a little concerned on your plot but I think that you could end up having a great story here! Overall great job! Keep calm and keep writing!

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Sun Aug 03, 2014 8:05 pm
BrumalHunter wrote a review...

Fiery Salutations

I am extremely happy that someone has finally decided to categorise their supposed "short story", except that it has several parts, under "Other". And not only that, but your story on its own is fantastic! Your imagery is satisfying, and you pay attention to characterisation, but you know to keep it short, as one should in a short story; brevity is the single most essential aspect of a short story, and even if it is divided into parts, you cannot give as much detail as you would in a novel or novella.

I also appreciate that you made use of flat characters. In a novel or novella, it would either be boring or entertaining to read of them, but not interesting. Here, they were used effectively, and that is part of what makes this "short story" so impressive.

You also began with the story immediately, as there was no rambling introduction about how bad and unfair life has been towards the protagonist, and we aren't even given a reason for her attempted suicide - you simply began with the action immediately and managed to guide the reader all the way to the end, and so skillfully that they don't even realise they have reached the end until the text stops. I also found that I was not bored with the story - not even once. Your pace greatly contributed to this, but you have employed it skillfully, for a fast pace, but bad writing, leads to the reader stumbling, being confused, and leaving your "short story" with an air of indignation.

There were a few grammatical errors here and there, but they are part of a very small minority, and the errors themselves are nothing more than minor. I shall not explicitly point them out though, since I believe a confident and excellent writer such as yourself is perfectly capable of finding and correcting them yourself.

Well done on a fabulous piece of writing! I hope to review part two soon.

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Sun Aug 03, 2014 7:42 pm
SpiritedWolfe wrote a review...

Hello, Fizz, Wolf here for a review.

I'll try to focus more on grammar and execution rather than content, just because this seems like a touchy subject, though it did tug at my heart strings a bit.

First off, there are spots in here that are obvious comma splices, such as the sentence:
"I was dazed, I couldn’t remember what had happened, didn’t know where I was, couldn’t even remember my name."
Quick grammar lesson: I'm sure you know about independent (complete thought, capable of being a stand alone sentence) and dependent (portion of a thought that cannot stand alone) clauses, but I still reiterated them. In the sentence above, there are two independent clauses, separated only by a comma, which is incorrect. That comma has to either become a period or a semi-colon, otherwise it's a comma splice. This is done later on in the work too, so be careful for that.

One other quick nitpick:
"...the mahogany desk of the nurses station..."
Since the desk is the nurses' station, there should be an apostrophe after 'nurses'.

You do a really good job of executing this, and the emotion in this is wonderful, though I have one suggestion. A lot of times, each sentence is started with a pronoun, and occasionally the same pronoun three or four times in a row. Really there's nothing grammatically wrong with this, but it kind of gets tedious to read, looks kind of choppy, and is repetitive. My suggestion is to spice things up a bit, like have dependent clauses here and there, those things'll be your best friends in writing.

Hope this helps, and I still really liked this, no matter how much criticism I have. Keep Writing!

Hi everyone who clicks on my profile!...Um, not quite sure what else to do here. Yup, definitely new at this! XD
— Magebird