
Young Writers Society

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by deleted28


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Mon Jul 28, 2014 5:34 am
ScarletDreams14 wrote a review...

Hey there! Scarlet here to review.

Yeah, yeah I know. Review day is over but I just can't help myself!

Perfect punctuation and grammar.

This gave me a little prick with the thorn, I've been not only cyber-bullied but physically bullied.

I dread remembering but sometimes It's necessary.

This sends out a powerful message and I commend you for getting out this message.

I've been told I'm stupid, weak, I've been cursed at and beaten down mentally on the internet.

This means a lot to me and I'm glad to have someone like you to represent it. I've been bruised mentally on the internet, It's people like you that encourage me too stay.

I salute you and your creativity and honorable actions.

In, 5...4...3...2...1

( Thanks to @TiggaBiscuit for the image )

Sincerely, Scarlet; Reader, Writer, and Reviewer

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Mon Jul 28, 2014 12:14 am
mephistophelesangel wrote a review...

Hey TiggaBiscuit!

So, I kind of liked this poem but was kind of confused. I noticed that this was about bullying, cyber bullying, in fact, and I loved the way you made those letters "Would You Really" repeat. One thing I was a little confused about :

[Would You Really delete that message?]

This part. This seems like a bystander just ignoring the person who's being bullied. Like, the rest of the lines seem to be directed at the bully, but this like doesn't seem like it. Confuses me a little. Maybe if you want to divide the point of views, you could try separating the poem into stanzas.

[Would You Really listen?]

This part too. Who does this apply to? The bully? The bystander? The person being bullied? You could make that a little more broader.

For the last nitpick, I think that this line,

[Cyberbullying... It's not okay!]

is a little cliche. I mean, you see that like every day. You could try to change it into something different, something unique.

Overall, a great poem with a lot of potential.

Keep on writing, Mephis

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Sun Jul 27, 2014 7:54 pm
AdmiralKat wrote a review...

Hello! KatyaElefant here for another review! Happy Review Day! Let's see what we have here!

I can't say anything bad about this really. I can only advise somethings. You should categorize this into something other than general, like say realistic. That could help attract more people to read about it. Also, I think this would be really great as a script. You could have a little informative message to tell people to stop cyber bullying.

I have been bullied(not cyber bullied but in real life). Some people would actually do this to your face. One day, I remember that day, clearly, the people that bullied me(2 people), told me that they were purposely bullying me. One said they did it because they were jealous that I was smart. The other probably was going along with the friend and said they were doing it because it was for fun. They also bullied one of my friends and they almost choked her but I saved her. If I were to apply this poem to my life, all the answers would be yes. Now, when I think about cyber bullying, people would mostly say no. Some of them, may not even know that they hurt your feelings. It's just how cruel the world is. All your spelling and grammar is good. You don't really need to organize this into stanzas. Overall, you did a great job. Have a nice review day! Keep calm and keep writing!

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Sun Jul 27, 2014 1:21 am
Dracula wrote a review...


Even though this is very simple and repetitive, I think it gets to the point and that's all it needs to do. At first, I was wondering what the topic was, then I got down to the bully line and that sort of shouted at me what it was about.

Cyber Bullying.

So I know this is more of a commercial for your campaign than anything and you might get growled at by some readers, but I don't really mind. It is a good poem which seriously makes you think. I know so many people who have been threatened and even though it was never carried out, they were still left very shaky.

This poem questions the humanity of so many internet users, let alone cyber bullies. Because even harmless little tweets can have a big effect on the right person.

Would You Really show your true colours?

Everything else is fine, but I'm not sure about this line. It doesn't really fit in with the bullying theme.

Great job otherwise!

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Sun Jul 27, 2014 12:31 am
Willard wrote a review...

Hey, yo, TiggaBiscuit! Strangelove here on this PokeReview Day and I have a quick review for you!
I honestly would go more in depth on this, but this was more of a promotional ad than anything.
This whole poem/ad thing feels really.... cliched. Like, really cliched. I understand that it's against bullying, but it doesn't get the whole jist (Don't worry, I'm not a bully).

Would You Really send that text?

Would You Really say that in person?

Chances are, yes. We all care about dominance. Whether it's cerebral dominance or physical dominance. We need to be ALPHA in one way or another. If you aren't associated with them, chances are they don't really care about it. The project seems like it can do this holy stoppage to bullying, which nothing can stop bullying. Counselors doesn't stop bullying. You have to rely on the radar in retrospect. The reason why bullies bully people is because the victims can't fight back. That's why cyberbullying exists (except for that one person who manages to SWAT the other).
I'm sorry, but yeah. That was my quick review.
Go ahead, call me hostile again because I go ahead and voice my opinions


deleted28 says...

We don't want money, if you'd clicked the link you would've seen that.

Willard says...

Well, to start it off. And I did click the link, you know, you send it out once in a while

Willard says...

Well, support or what ever. Misread that part

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