
Young Writers Society

Above A Red Moon

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Mon May 20, 2024 2:26 am
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ScarlettFire says...


The Plot

In a galaxy far, far. away, where a powerful, dark Empire rules with an iron hand, you are one the few who have escaped its clutches. Whether a jedi, a padawan or a force sensitive, you're being hunted. You've heard the rumours, seen the signs. It's hard to ignore the Empire when it's actively bringing the entire galaxy to heel.

But then you hear the Force Calling, and it's calling you to New Nystao, Wayland, a city on a small planet on the edges of Mandalorian space.

Will you heed the Call?

Character Sheet:

Code: Select all
[b]Name:[/b] (first and last, if possible)
[b]Age:[/b] (17+ please)
[b]Gender:[/b] (male/female)

[b]Race:[/b] (human, pandoran, others, etc. feel free to scour the internet (like wookiepedia) for Star Wars races)

[b]Profession:[/b] (jedi, thief, bounty hunter, etc! Please include the associated skills!)

[b]Appearance:[/b] (a brief appearance will work; you can include a picture)

[b][i] - Strengths:[/i][/b]
[b][i] - Weaknesses:[/i][/b]

[b]Force Abilities:[/b] If applicable

[b]History:[/b] (brief history will work)

[b]Up For Love:[/b] (y/n, orientation?)

[b]Other:[/b] (anything that doesn't fit above, such as personal missions/goals, any secrets you might be keeping, etc.)

Characters Slots:

Tallak Eldar - Mandalorian/Jedi padawan - @ScarlettFire
Drak Trur - Mandalorian Bounty Hunter - @Razor
Laverna Wren - Mandalorian Bounty Hunter - @22Midnight
Yulsam Vevvej - Ex-Nightsister - @WeepingWisteria
The First Brother - Inquisitor - @Omni
Last edited by ScarlettFire on Fri Jun 14, 2024 4:05 am, edited 7 times in total.
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

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Sun Jun 02, 2024 3:55 am
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ScarlettFire says...

Tal Eldar
Streets of New Nystao, Wayland

Neon glinted off matte black as Tal made his way down the street. He ignored the looks he was getting, especially from some of the other bounty hunters. Tal twitched, glancing behind him for a moment, feeling as though he was being followed. There was nothing there, so he put it down to the Force being twitchy about something. Honestly, sometimes it was hard to figure out what was going on with the Force on a good day, let alone a bad one. Tallak shook his head and turned right at a nudge from the Force. He spotted a bar and headed towards it, rolling his eyes at the insistent urging of the Force that he was headed to the right place. He was listening to it; it didn't need to be so insistent.

"I know, I know," he muttered, mostly to himself--and to the Force. It didn't seem to react. He snorted and stepped inside, the door sliding open to reveal a busy cantina.

Heavy bass pounded through him as Tal appraoched the bar. Thankfully, those already inside just gave him a quick once-over and then returned to whatever they'd been doing. Which was mostly drinking along with the occasional sabacc game. Tal eyed one such game before turning his attention to the bartender. The young Togruta tending bar took one look at him and ducked beneath the bar for a moment. She popped up a moment later with a bottle of tihaar and a glass. Tal blinkekd at her. Her leku twitched and she inclined her head. Tal tossed a couple of credits onto the bar and the togruta snatched them up before wandering off towards the other end of the bar, clearly giving him some privacy if he wanted it.

Tal waited a beat before he pulled the bottle and glass closer to him. A second later, someone leaned against the bar beside him. The Force whispered a warning, though it didn't seem particularly urgent. Tal turned his head and raised an eyebrow, not that they'd see it, considering he was still wearing his helmet. He eyed them for a moment, noting the green skin, dark hair and dark eyes. He wasn't sure if their eyes were brown or orange--it was hard to tell in the low lights of the cantina. Ah, a Falleen. The man next to him was staring at him, gaze intense. Tal frowned, tilting his head to study them right back. They obviously wanted something from him and he didn't even need to Force to see that. He had to wonder what they wanted. Probably nothing good. Definitely not something he wanted anything to do with.

"Not interested," he said, short and curt, and straight to the point. He really wasn't in the mood for being bothered. And clearly the Falleen was going to be bothering him. Tallak exhaled very carefully, glad that his vocoder didn't pick it up. "Leave."

"Aw, c'mon," the Falleen said, cocking their head at him. "I haven't even asked you for anything yet!"

"You were about to." Tal sighed and turned back to his tihaar, reaching for the bottle. "Like I said; not interested."

The Falleen shuffled closer and leaned into his personal space. Tal paused, gloved fingers millimeters from the bottle. He pulled his hand back just as the Falleen's hand came to rest on his wrist, over the vambrace. The hand slid higher, towards his elbow, and the Force flared in warning. Tal moved quickly, grabbing the Falleen's wrist. He was out of his seat and had the Falleen face-down over the bar with his arm twisted up behind his back before anyone realised he'd done so. The cantina went deathly silent except for the thumping bass of overly loud music.

"I warned you twice," he hissed, his voice crackling through his vocoder, palming the vibroblade out of the hidden holster on his hip. He slammed the blade into the bartop less than an inch from the tip of the Falleen's nose. "I don't like repeating myself."

"Sorry! I'm sorry!" the Falleen whimpered and Tal huffed. Not likely, he thought, tightening his grip. The thumping song switched over to something more inviting a few seconds before the door opened, bringing with it a sharp breeze. Tal didn't pay attention to it, holding the Falleen down as he squirmed and whimpered. "I'm sorry!"

Tal snorted, applying a little more pressure. The man was starting to piss him off, and Tal wasn't easily angered. The Falleen made a strangled noise so Tal pressed just a little harder, hiking his arm just a little higher as well. His gaze narrowed at the whine that escaped the Falleen. It sounded fake. Suspicious. The door clid closed. Footsteps approached the bar, but Tal ignored them. They were probably just going to order a drink.

"No," he said, very calmly, shoving the anger and annoyance deep down beneath calm waters. "You're not."
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

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Sun Jun 02, 2024 3:10 pm
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22Midnight says...

Her Ship, above Wayland

A lady sat in a comfortable seat on her ship as she thought about her life. Since leaving Mandalorian space she’d been trying to process all that had happened in the past two years. It had all happened so fast that Laverna wasn’t able to think about it at all until now. Her mother was dead, she’d died trying to get them away from the galactic empire. Those thoughts swirled around her mind like a poison dart had hit her and was slowly killing her but making it as agonizing as possible. How had she not even taken the time to morn her own mother’s death? Right, because she was running from her home that was now trying to kill her as well. Not to mention her dad also disowned her because he believes that the Galactic Empire should forever be in control and everyone should be bowing at their feet. Tears poured down her face as she wished for the years to rewind to when she was young again. All she wanted more then anything was to be in her father and mothers warm grasp, but that was never to be now. Instead, she’d been forced to leave her home and was now being driven by her heart’s desire to go to Wayland. Laverna couldn’t wait to get off the ship and take in the fresh air. As nice as the view of the galaxy was, she’d have to land at some point to restock on food anyway.
She got up from her chair, her hazel eyes falling to a map on a screen. Wayland sounded like a very pretty place to live but she needed to pick the right place to land. Mount Tantiss was probably out of question due to the obvious reasons for mountains and such getting in the way, but mostly the rumors about Mount Tantiss and all that lived there didn’t put her at ease either. But she needed to decide quickly for there where other ships following her. They’d probably been summoned to kill her by the Emperor or one of his rabid dogs. Yes New Nystao was probably the best option for landing at this very moment. Even if it wasn’t she’d have to make it work. Laverna went to push the button for the force field to go around the ship to make it more protected from other ships targeting her with there laser cannons, and whatever else they had. Just as she’d done this a loud bang burst through the ship and filled her ears. The ship started to shake a little before recovering from the blow. Laverna ran to where the controls where for the laser cannons and all other weapons that could be fired.
She decided not to fire them yet though, the best option was to try to land without crashing her only ship. This wasn’t going to be easy though, and she didn’t want them hitting her again. She punched down on a few buttons. The ship started to move fast through the galaxy towards its destination. Laverna hoped to lose the ships behind her with the speed she was going at, and then she’d have enough time to land without being seen. But she new how well there tracking systems worked, and the force was good at telling them where she’d gone.

After a grueling hour or so she’d been able to land the ship in Wayland without to much damage being done. All she needed to do now was see if she had anything to repair the ship with and then she’d be ready to go see what New Nystao had to offer. Although ship repairs could wait for now, she felt that she had somewhere more important to be. Laverna walked out into the streets as she tried to listen to the voice telling her where to go. There was a bar a few meters ahead that looked like it might be a nice place to sit down and relax for a bit. Laverna made her way over to it and as she came up to the door it opened to let her into the bar. She headed inside and let the door close behind her. The smell of liquor was overwhelming her senses but the music that played was inviting.
*looks up from writing* hi if you're reading this I hope you have a lovely day!


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Sun Jun 02, 2024 4:11 pm
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ScarlettFire says...

Tal Eldar
Red Moon Cantina, New Nystao, Wayland

"Let that poor man go."

Tallak blinked and straightened up, turning to look towards the Mandalorian standing only a few feet away from him and the Fallen. He cocked his head, watching them as they seemed to watch him. He couldn't exactly tell their gender just yet, not from their voice through their vocoder, though from their armour, it seemed they were a woman. Tallak frowned. Was she talking to him? The Falleen made a soft noise of confusion. Tallak snorted and released his arm, then grabbed the Falleen by a handful of hair and yanked him off the bar. He tossed him somewhat carelessly onto the floor and moved to take his seat again. He carefully removed his helmet with a hiss and set it down on the bar, shaking his hair out. Tallak shoved a hand back through his hair, ruffling it, and tucked a couple of braids behind one ear.

"He bothered me," he said, opening the bottle of tihaar and pouring himself a glass. "I should not have to tell him that was a bad idea." Tallak sipped his tihaar carefully, savouring the taste. He glanced at the whimpering Falleen on the floor, lips pulled back in a sneer of disgust. The Force whispered of danger and close calls. Tal silently thanked it, and cast the man on the ground a warning look. "I think he understands his mistake now."

The Falleen nodded quickly, scrambling up onto his feet and scurring off towards the far side of the bar. Good riddance. He snorted again and turned to eye the other Mandalorian up and down. At least the Falleen wasn't bothering him anymore. But the Mando'ade... Her, he was curious about. He'd have to introduce himself, wouldn't he? He wasn't entirely sure about it, but he was willing to try. It paid to be polite, right? At least, to a degree.

"What's your Clan?" he asked, switching to Mando'a. He really hoped she understood Mando'a and that she'd actually answer him. Honestly, he wasn't entirely how she'd respond, but he was willing to attempt speaking to her. "I am Tal Eldar, Clan Eldar. You?"

"Laverna Wren, Clan Wren," she told him, seemingly unimpressed.

Tallak blinked, once, twice and tilted his head. Clan Wren? She was Clan Wren? Damn, he should have known she was Clan Wren. She wore Wren colours. Still. What was a Wren doing so far from Krownest? Had she been as displaced as his own Clan? Maybe. But he probably wouldn't know until she responded to him. He sighed and turned back towards the bar to set his glass down. He didn't meet many Mandalorians anymore. Hopefully, this Laverna would be open to friendly conversation. Not that any conversation between Mandalorians could be considered... friendly. He was amused by that. Most Mandalorians had a friendly--or not so friendly--spar. It was the traditional Mandalorian way to bond. Violence was part of their culture, as were weapons. He palmed the pouch on his belt that contained his old lightsaber and then leaned back a little, clearing his throat.

"What are you doing so far from home?" he asked, curious now. He eyed his vibroblade and plucked it out of the bar, tucking it away into his thigh sheath. He gave it a pat, nodded and returned his attention back to the Mando'ade and his tihaar. Tal pulled his gloves off, set them down on the bar and picked up the glass again. As soon as skin came into contact with the glass, he froze, inhaling sharply at the sudden, disorienating surge of emotions and laughter that echoed through the Force, bringing with it disembodied voices.

"...are you sure this is a good idea?" a young man whispered to his companion, glass held tightly in his free hand. The other was wrapped around his companion's wrist, fingers tight enough to leave bruises.

"It's a bad idea, Pel. We shouldn't be making deals with bounty hunters or smugglers!"

"Dvern! What other options do we have?"


And then there the sound of blaster fire and a sharp pain in Dvern's stomach, spreading heat through his gut and up into his chest. Pel screamed and the pain and heat intensified.


More blaster fire and then... blackness.

Tal cursed and yanked his hand away from the glass. He glared at it, breathing hard for a long moment, then turned and waved the bartender down. She came back, a concerned look on her face, and he quietly requested a new glass before turned to face the other Mandalorian, Laverna Wren. He was worried that she would say something about that little incident that had just happened. Tal really hoped she wouldn't say anything. The last thing he needed was questions about his abilities in the Force. He definitely did not need someone tipping off the Inquisitors. He hated his psychometry sometimes, and he really, really did not need anyone questioning him about it. Tal glanced about carefully to make sure no one else had seen him freeze up for several moments.

Tal cleared his throat, inclining his head towards her, and calmly pulled his gloves back on. Don't act too weird, Tal, he told himself sternly. Don't act like anything is off. And definitely do not act like you just had a psychometric vision curtsey of the Force! He really hoped that putting the gloves back on wasn't too weird or suspicious. Tal really hated his psychometry sometimes. It was probably one of the worst gifts the Force had gifted him. Play it cool, Tallak. Act like nothing happened. You did not just have a vision of the past and she definitely cannot tell that you did. He really hoped she hadn't noticed anything...

"Well?" he asked, raising an eyebrow at her. "What are you doing here on Wayland?"
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly. Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground.
— The Bee Movie