
Young Writers Society

The Halloween Adventures

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Wed Oct 12, 2016 10:38 pm
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reikann says...

In Which Order is Half Reestablished In, Ironically, the Anarchy Bus

Rei slammed all the bus buttons she could find.

"IT'S FUN TO LIVE IN ABJECT AAAN-AR-C-Y," She screamed along with the smoking remains of the bus. The still intact radio blasted YCMA in sync with flashing lights. Not even the rules of spelling could break from the pull of this excited necromancer's theological face-heel turn!

"THERE IS EVERYTHING YOU COULD THINK TO ENJOY except food water and wi-fi!" @Moonwatcher, beleaguered tagalong, clapped.

The reality of the statement hit them both like a wifi dead zone. Suddenly, YCMAnarchy didn't seem as fun anymore. Rei turned down the music.

"How are we supposed to look up funny cat videos now?"

In the distance, Rei thought she could make out what might be shrouded silhouettes of @RippleGylf and @heather.

She rolled down the window. Tendrils of fog crept in over the window, like dry ice spilling across a theater stage.

"Hey! Who wants in on the anarchy bus?"

"True vampires need an invitation!" Heather shouted back,

"You're all invited to the anarchy bus!"

Rei rolled the window back up and pushed further important-looking buttons until she figured out that, in fact, that lever opened the doors. They creaked open.

The anarchy bus' lights had lit beacon-like pools through the rippling fog, which turned out to be uncomfortable to stand in. Therefore, by the time Rei figured out which level to pull, a respectable handful of stranded party-goers had gathered, and in turn flooded onboard.

The swell of noise overtook the muted Village People at once.

"There are creepy crawlies out there!" Heather exclaimed as soon as she'd flopped over a seat, one hand poised dramatically over her heart. "Like werewolves! Nasty things, they are. Far inferior to us true vampires."

"I don't know, I quite like dogs." @ChildofWriting put forth, calm and collected.

"Order on the anarchy bus!" Rei called from the front seat. No one listened. Outside, the fog crept up the sides of the bus, fingering corners, poking at seams, trying to leak its way inside.

"Stupid question. Give me another." @Kaos pouted at @DrThomas.

Rei shrugged and gave up. At least she still had control of the radio.

At least, she did - until the fog got into that, too.

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Thu Oct 13, 2016 2:15 pm
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JuliasSneezer says...

Widening her eyes at @RavenLord's question, she shoved her hands into the pockets of her toga. "Uh... um..." She looked down at her left shoulder. There was a little silver pin in the shape of a sun holding her toga on. She grimaced, and ripped it off. Her toga fell to the ground, and she was extremely thankful that she was wearing a pair of skinny jeans.

She threw it into the face of a wherefox, who promptly ran away, tail between his legs. She chucked it in @Mage's direction. @Mage, catch!"

She then reached into the back pocket of her skinny jeans, and found a bag of candycorn. She frowned, but she was already forming a strategy as she was surrounded by the wherefoxes. She took a piece of candycorn, and threw it as far away from her as she could. Everyone knew that wherefoxes loved candy corn. She shot her fist in the air as the wherefoxes ran toward the candy, striking an anime-esque pose. "YES!"
"When in doubt, improvise!"
-Winny the woodpecker

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Sat Oct 15, 2016 9:58 pm
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Rydia says...

Rule Two: Always Tell Someone Where you are Going

A train of broken down buses on a foggy lane and of course it was the one she was leading. Rydia did not understand how she always ended up in these situations but she did and due to her great experience (also known as terrible bad luck) a lot of people were looking to her for guidance on what to do next. And @Lumi was in her dueling books for daring to insinuate that she might be two years older than him.

Except that Lumi appeared to have disappeared in an ink-swirl of fog so she'd have to settle for taking the high ground.

"Okay, everyone who's with me, let's go. We're heading up to the top of the hill so we can see if we're closer to the place we came from, or the place we're going to.

"And where exactly are we going?" @Omnom asked as he branded a weapon which looked unsettlingly like the brake stick from out of the bus.

"Well we were originally going to this cool candy factory where they make chocolates in your likeness for you to eat. That's what Nate signed off on anyway. But then we got a call from this town, something about a recent invasion, so I thought it would be cool to take a detour and see if there's anything fun and spooky going on. Afterall, it is Halloween."

Rydia got the feeling that a lot of people were looking at her in the kind of incredulous and accusing way that might say 'its no wonder you get into these terrible situations'.

"So what you're saying is that you told somebody where we were going but then we didn't actually go there?" @Moonwatcher asked.

"Yes, you should always tell someone where you're going," Rydia agreed. "Which is why I announced very loudly that we're hiking up this hill, in case someone wants to come after us."

"Someone or some-thing," @StupidSoup added in a very spooky voice.

Rydia looked over her shoulder, back down the hill at the people who were following them. There seemed to be less than there had been before but she could only assume they were hidden by the very black and ominous fog which was bringing up the rear. There was a lot of turmoil down there and it almost looked like people were fighting with small, fuzzy creatures and well-dressed but steadily decaying zombies. Wow, I'd better lay off the rum for a little while.

"Have you got the map?" Rydia asked Omom as they started to crest over the hill.

"Who? Me?" Omnom asked.

"I said to get everything useful off of the bus."

Omnom brandished the weapon, which was definitely the buses' break stick, and that seemed to be the only answer he was willing to give.

"Well I think it looks like we're closer to the town than back home. Maybe if we help them with their invasion they'll give us some food and beds for the night?"

It certainly didn't seem like they had any other options, though unfortunately the small town looked to be on the other side of those tumbling waves of fog.

"Isn't that town on the other side of that spooky looking fog?" @Lightsong asked.

"Everyone, take the hands of the people next to you and let's form a long chain. We're going to walk through that fog and find our way to the town and this way nobody will go missing, okay?" Rydia reached out to take the hand of the person on her left and must have grabbed a bit too hard because she felt some of their skin come off under her fingers.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, are you-"

"You can't wear a pirate hat with that dress," the fashion zombie interrupted her.
Writing Gooder

~Previously KittyKatSparklesExplosion15~

The light shines brightest in the darkest places.

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Sun Oct 16, 2016 12:17 pm
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Mea says...

In Which Mea Definitely Does Not Eat Any Candy Corn

Mea decided to charge. Or take charge. Or something like that.

Anyway, she seized the opportunity that @JuliasSneezer had created with her ingenious use of candy corn. A moment earlier, she had noticed @Rydia and what looked everyone who wasn't aboard the crazy train (either figuratively or literally - well, okay technically it was a bus, but who cared?) was climbing the hill. And up a hill without a bus seemed like just the place to be when being chased by undead hordes that wanted to complain about your fashion sense. Or, y'know, eat you. Mea wasn't sure which.

"Nice work," she said to Julias. "Now follow me!" she declared to @Mage, @RavenLord, and of course Julias. "We're going up the hill with the others. Once we're all together, they'll decide what to do."

"They" being the GMs and Rydia, assuming they weren't the ones responsible for this whole mess. Mea was willing to bet that the Storybook Crew had a cage of werefoxes hidden somewhere. And if they didn't, they definitely would after this.

And off they went, smashing through their enemies like a kid through Halloween candy! It was a grand, glorious battle, the likes of which were being fought by YWSers all over the hill and the crash site. And okay, maybe it did mostly involve throwing candy corn to distract the werefoxes. And no, Mea did not sneak any for herself. Not even once. Even though candy corn was almost as good as chocolate.

They wove their way up the hill, passing @Carlito and @Holysocks leading a confused team of newbies and @Casanova... rapping? Just then, she was distracted by a fashion zombie lumbering towards them, moaning something about "the abomination called crocs." Mea glanced down at her own bright purple crocs, offended.

"Crocs," she proclaimed, "are the best footwear on this planet. They cover your feet and can get wet! And if you're cold, well - "

She broke off because Mage was tugging on her sleeve. The zombie was awfully close to them now. So Mea did the natural thing to do with a Minecraft sword: she stabbed a zombie. Then she realized that a) the sword was fake, and b) she had no idea why she'd brought it. She inspected it closely and found her own handwriting scrawled on the handle. For the love of all that is holy, write that REVOLUTION POST. Oh. Hey, maybe that was what the note she'd found stuck on her mirror that morning had said.

Then a cold, clammy undead hand touched her, and next thing Mea knew, Mage was yanking her out of the zombie's path. "Crocs, really?" Julias said when they were clear.

Mea was about to start defending her footwear again when the fog rolled in.
We're all stories in the end.

I think of you as a fairy with a green dress and a flower crown and stuff.

I think you, @Deanie and I are like the Three Book Nerd Musketeers of YWS.

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Wed Oct 19, 2016 12:54 pm
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JuliasSneezer says...

Sneezy tore her eyes away from @Mea's footwear, and watched the fog with fearful eyes as it steadily rolled in. "Uh... anyone have any bright ideas?" She pinned her toga back on, and began to rummage through her pockets, withdrawing a paper fan she had made on the bus when she was bored. She desperately fanned away a wisp of fog that was making its way toward her face. It was wooshed away, and Sneezy pumped a fist into the air. "Wooh!"
"When in doubt, improvise!"
-Winny the woodpecker

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Sat Oct 22, 2016 5:27 pm
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Lightsong says...

Lightsong had been seeing all of this with sleepy eyes. He hadn't have enough sleep for - how long? - two days. Yup, two days. All thanks to his brain working overtime in creating horrible creatures that he might encounter.

He felt something sharp at the side of his neck. The sensation he received was of someone being injected by a pleasure serum. At least, that was what the Veronica Ruth fan thought it was. When he looked at it, his eyes went wide. At first, he didn't say anything and resumed watching. But, yes, he was sure of it now.

A vampire was biting his neck.

Blood oozed from a couple of punctures the creature had made with his fangs.

Lightsong wasn't afraid of blood, and if he had more time to consider about this, he wouldn't mind the feeling of the rush of euphoria surging into his body. The next thing he did was embarrassing when he thought about it later on - when all of this was over and he emerged alive.

He moaned in pleasure.

By then, the screams erupted, and at the back of his mind, he hoped @Rosendorn come to rescue him like a saviour she was. Or @Lareine could kindly rip the vampire away off him and threw the beast to the sky where he belonged. He wasn't in his right mind, and he needed help before help was lost to him.
Last edited by Lightsong on Sun Oct 23, 2016 5:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
"Writing, though, belongs first to the writer, and then to the reader, to the world.

The subject is a catalyst, a character, but our responsibility is, has to be, to the work."

- David L. Ulin

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Sun Oct 23, 2016 2:27 am
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Astronomer says...

In Which Moon Has No Idea What Is Going On While the Radio Is Doomed

"Oh no, the radio died!" Moon cried out in grief.

"We can't have an anarchy bus without YMCA playing in the background!" @reikann cried.

Well, at least now we wouldn't have to listen to done-to-death pop songs, either. The fog successfully killed Justin Bieber songs.

Yet @reikann called @heather over, "YOU, YOU'RE GOOD WITH TECHNOLOGY, FIX IT!"

"I believe what I mean when I say technology is computer scie-"

"COMPUTERS ARE TECHNOLOGY, FIX IT!" @reikann persisted.

Oh joy, resurrecting Justin Bieber once more.

Soon, after minutes of watching Heather tinkering with the fancy bits of technology, the radio was nursed back to health. Finally, back to having a proper anarchy bus.

Before Moon and Rei could turn YMCAnarchy back on, @Casanova popped up out of nowhere and stole the radio.


@OnlyWaffle tackled @Casanova in order to listen to her christian music after she lost her Club Penguin password. If Moon recalled correctly, the password included the word "Psalm". Even her passwords were holy.

"Great, now instead of YMCAnarchy, we get to listen to a blur of Eminem and Hillsong United," Reikann complained.

"What's a Hillsong United?"

"It's the best Christian Band ever, duh," @OnlyWaffle answered, before she continued to tickle @Casanova to death.

The two slouched on the bus seats, grunting at their loss of control over the anarchy bus, and the radio.

Luckily, @lostthought had found out a way to get the radio back.

"I'll give you a cookie."


But it was too late, anyway. @Markontheworld stole the cookie jar.

Spoiler! :
also going to tag @Sacredlege @Dreamery @Megrim and @Sheyren because why not?

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Sun Oct 23, 2016 8:17 pm
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Lumi says...

it's time to
du du du du ddddddduel

One card left.

Yeah, we skipped to this part because no one would write a whole duel out.

One card left. "@Crysi," said Lumi, "It's not too late. Call off your Fashion Zombies and let us leave in peace to check out the...haunted factory? Is that where we were going with this? Jeez, Adult Chaperone @Rydia, what the heck?"

His intercom buzzed. "Call me an adult one time and we'll see who's first...in the adult DIAPER." There was distinct cackling on the other end.

Another line buzzed, static hissing through the fog. It was @Steggy and @Craz together:

Steggy: Captain, why -av-nt w- be-n u-i-g the-e to t-lk?

Oh good, the static cleared for that part. That surely wouldn't stir up some feelings and doings.

Crysi groaned. "All you active mods are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cool with your walkie talkies and your schemes and your "tagbooks". Pfft. I could tag a book if I wanted!"

She reached in her bag and grabbed a copy of The Sorcerer's Stone.

And she tagged Harry's Face.


"You shouldn't have done that," Lumi said.

"Why not?" She tagged it again.

"This is still YWS, darling," he reminded her. "You basically just slapped the president."

"...I've made a terrible mistake."

Lumi made a jump to the left as a YWS secret serviceman tackled Crysi. Then he stepped to the right as the YWSWAT team stormed into the fog bubble and arrested her. He put his hands on his hips as she was chucked into their paddy wagon. Then did the timewarp again as she was hauled off and the fog cleared, leaving a very quaint countryside visage.

"What a quaint countryside visage," he remarked originally, stuffing his hands in his pockets. "Okie doke. Time to go check on the chaos crew." He began whistling. "Wonder if @AstralHunter's having any luck."
I am a forest fire and an ocean, and I will burn you just as much
as I will drown everything you have inside.
-Shinji Moon

I am the property of Rydia, please return me to her ship.

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Sun Oct 23, 2016 9:01 pm
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Steggy says...

what happened to Steggy?

She couldn't remember. Well, no. That was a lie. She wished that her memory was cleared, replaced with someone else's memory. Brighter one. She sighed into the walkie talkie before throwing it aside. @Craz was lucky enough to make it through, commenting on pancakes, which at the time, sounded amazing. Her stomach growled at the thought of food but she pushed it aside.
Heaving herself up, Steggy looked around. The trees had risen out of the fog (credit to @Tuesday and @Wolfical for the realistic scenery) and there was a faint noise of YMCA being played, somewhere in the distance. Steggy climbed on top of a rock, peering over the fog. The fog machine must be broken, she thought before hoping off the rock. Where did @TheSilverFox plug it in again?
She patted her pockets, in hopes of finding a flashlight or something but came up empty handed. Grumbling, Steggy proceeded around the edge of the room. Candy wrappers crunched under her red sneakers as she squinted in the dark. The fog had licked at the edges, covering any sort of power outlet.

Follow the cord, a small voice in her head called out. Follow the cord, Steggy. You'll find it. She scowled, cleaning out her ear with her finger. I'm not in your ear, silly. I'm in your mind.

"Very funny, @Lumi." Steggy muttered aloud but she did take the advice from the voice inside her head. Following the cord of the fog machine only led her into a circle, around several trees and bushes. Taking the orange cord in her hand, Steggy fixed her eyes around the curvy line in the darkness. Like a long snake, it seemed to move out her hand. Steggy was fell back as it began to cord moved around her.
Of course, being the silly person Steggy was, her leg was stuck. As the cord moved, she would move with it. Spinning around, Steggy fell to the floor and started to claw at the ground. Around her, the fog seemed to race by. The dead leaves scraped her green shirt.

Grabbing at rocks that passed, it seemed she was helpless and being dragged. The only thing she could've done was sleep, so she closed her eyes, waiting for the ride to be over.

Somewhere In YWS Headquarters

"I found a connection, Stegs!" Craz cried out into the dimly lit room with hands held high. She looked behind her, hoping to hear the footsteps of Steggy racing towards her but heard none.

"Steggy?" she called out, moving the walkie talkie to her pocket. "Are you there?"

A high pitched noise rose over the intercoms. Craz covered her ears and fell to the ground.

What the-

Darkness was all she could remember. And the smell of brunt chicken.
You are like a blacksmith's hammer, you always forge people's happiness until the coal heating up the forge turns to ash. Then you just refuel it and start over. -Persistence (2015)

You have so much potential and love bursting in you. -Omnom

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Mon Oct 24, 2016 6:58 pm
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BrumalHunter says...

Making no attempt whatsoever at maintaining order

Though Hunter didn't often jump onto bandwagons, literal or otherwise, he decided the third person was the narrator most suited for his story. Besides, not posting despite being thrice-tagged in a seasonal tagbook was illegal, so he had no choice but to tell his story anyway.

It might have seemed as if he had missed all the fun, for the "atramentous" fog had abruptly cleared, but in reality, he had been quite content to watch the events unfold. He had known Fox was terrible at driving, but when no-one had objected when the concerned individual offered to drive, he'd decided to tag along (as it were). @Lumi had attempted to reinitiate the previous year's werewolf/vampire theme, but he'd disappeared into the fog before the plan was fully discussed. After the fashion zombies and werefoxes had arrived, Hunter persisted in his freeloading, calmly ascending the hill while everyone else fought off the unholy creatures.

If @Buggiedude2340 had went on the trip with him, he'd probably have had to endure an earful, but luckily, she was buried under her college applications somewhere. Nobody else ever thought to monitor the conscience, so he was free to do as he pleased - and what he pleased entailed sowing more seeds of chaos.

But first, he had to capture some vulpinthropes, starting with the argentine one. The fog - who decided to call it that anyway when they were clearly not next to a large body of water and it should therefore have been classified as mist? - having subsided, it was easy to spot the confused clusters of zombies and werecanines. Their master must have been apprehended somehow, for they started muttering and collecting any candy corn still lying around.

"Did anyone see in which general direction @TheSilverFox went?" Hunter asked no-one in particular.

"He went that way," four voices, belonging to @Mea, @Mage, @RavenLord and @JuliasSneezer, replied in unison. Naturally, the quartet pointed in four different directions.

Hunter frowned. "Err, does anyone know in which direction he didn't go?"

The group rotated clockwise.

"Never mind. But for the record, does that count as four lines of dialogue by four different people?"

"Technically it was only spoken one line," @Rydia replied, "so no. But since this is a tagbook, you shouldn't have too much difficulty getting three more."

"Make that two," @Omnom corrected.

Rydia huffed at him. "Make that one."

Omnom opened his mouth to have the final say, but then he realised he had already spoken and therefore no longer qualified.

"And now he's officially completed the Captain's Challenge," @Moonwatcher remarked. "Can we go to the town now? I'm hungry."

"We need to round everyone up first," the pirate captain in a dress said. "They're scattered all over the place, so it might take a while."

"I still have my megaphone, you know," Lumi said. "We just need something that will grab everyone's attention."

"Do you mind?" Hunter asked, holding out his hand. Lumi shrugged and handed him the megaphone. Clearing his throat, Hunter announced, "Attention YWSers: while you were all valiantly fighting off the undead horde, a Fat Chocobo arrived at our destination and began eating the town's supply of candy corn, toffee apples and gingerbread men. If you don't hurry, only real broccoli and spider doughnuts will remain."

The members of the dispersed crowd began mumbling to each other and slowly made for the town. Lumi scratched his head. "I guess that worked..."

"I can have them move faster, if you like." Hunter raised the megaphone once more. "Attention YWSers: disregard what I just said, for the Fat Chocobo has already consumed the town's main supply and is now moving on to the reserve. It is likely no amount of hurrying will change the situation." The scattered YWsers merely continued muttering. Sighing, Hunter added, "Please, remain calm and do not panic."

Shouts rang out and a mob stampeded for the quaint little settlement. Hunter dove out of the way, leaving Mea, Julias, RavenLord, Rydia, Lumi, Omnom, Moonwatcher and Mage to be swept away by a tide of angry users. Chuckling, he rose, dusted himself off, and headed into the forest. It wasn't too long before he found a group of werefoxes sitting around a campfire, with TheSilverFox among them.

"Salutations, Fox. I see you found those therianthropes you were looking for."

Said canid jumped in surprise but slid on some moss and fell backwards. He scrabbled to his feet and glared at his fellows despite being blindfolded.

"All this time you sat here in silence and didn't tell me you were werefoxes?" He turned around and made to stomp away, but he once again slid on the same patch of moss. When he rose, he added, "And who makes fire next to ground with moss on it?"

Hunter produced a bottle of soda. "Cake or soda?"

Fox shrugged. "Cake."

"Sorry, but you can't have your cake and eat it."

He grunted. "Then soda, I guess? Will you take this rope off already? It's not funny anymore."

"I'm pretty sure the liquid that sprayed onto your eyes glued the rope to your face."

"You're making that up," Fox accused.

"I am," Hunter admitted, "but that doesn't mean it isn't true." He placed the soda in Fox's hands. Once he drank the liquid and instantly shrunk to mini-Alice in Wonderland size, Hunter scooped him up in a gilded cage.

"Hey, what's the big idea?"

"Ironic choice of words," Hunter said, chuckling. He handed the soda bottle with the lable "drink me" to the werefoxes who then, for some reason, drank some too. He scooped them up as well. "But to answer your question, someone had mentioned the moderators probably had some werefoxes locked up somewhere, so somebody has to ensure that's the case. Besides, the story needs an antagonist, so that'll be me, for the time being."

"Why?" Fox asked. "What are you planning?"

"This," Hunter said, producing an inconspicuous seed. "You can't see what I'm holding, but it'll produce a new antagonist for us."

"What is it?"

"An Inspiration Seed. It's created whenever a character profile is submitted. As it turns out, I have twenty-seven of them that I promised to use in a storybook. Well, this is a storybook revolving around a theme of evil and general menace, so I can't think of a better place to use them."

"Are you going to use all of them at once?"

"Goodness, no! Do you know how many tagbooks I can ruin with these bad guys?"

"Err, twenty-seven?"

"Shush, it was rhetorical."

"Yeah, Silver. Don't you know not to answer rhetorical questions?"

Hunter yelped and leapt over the campfire, dropping all the cages while doing so. (Luckily, none fell into the fire.) He glared at @Poopsie.

"Pidgeons aren't supposed to startle people!"

"Unless their the Poopsiest."

Hunter cringed. "How dare you make me intentionally write a malapropism."

"You didn't use a question mark." The bird pointed out.

"It wasn't exactly a question. And you did it again, except this time with poor dialogue formatting! That's it, begone!" He chucked a bread into the distance, prompting Poopsie to squawk and fly after it.

"Hunter," Fox called in a tiny voice, "your post is too long. Stop boring everyone already."

Hunter scoffed. "Fine!" He poked a hole in the soil with his finger, placed the seed in it, and kicked some dirt over the hole. "Happy?!"

"Don't those have to grow for like a few years before they split open and reveal the antagonist within?"

"Damn. Hold on."

Hunter teleported to the town inn. Hearing a commotion outside, he exited. Some way off, Mea squabbled with someone he didn't recognise over a candied corn on the cob. (He didn't even know that was a thing.) He tapped on her shoulder, earning an irritated stare from both squabblers.

"Can't you see we're squabbling?" Mea asked.

"Do you have bone meal on you?"

"Why would I have that?"

Hunter pointed to the fake diamond sword on her belt.

"Pfft. Go kill your own skeletons!"

"Asking you is easier."

She sighed and handed him a pouch she had grabbed out of hammerspace. "Now shoo. I'm busy."

Hunter accepted the pouch with a bow and teleported back to the site where he'd left Fox. He emptied the bone meal over the hole and stepped back just in time to avoid being hit in the face with the tree that shot up from the ground. The trunk split open and a snake person emerged.

"Greetings..." Hunter quickly pulled out a scroll, "err, Mister Merione. I'm a Space Wolf and these are werefoxes, so there are no humans for you to get revenge on. If you go in that direction, however," Hunter pointed at the town, "you'll find a mass of humans fighting over petty candy while your people languish. Now go wreck havoc or something." He ushered the snake-man away. "There. Antagonist = provided. Now I can go back to loafing around."

"You know we're the only ones who why he hates humans, right?"

"Good point." Hunter produced a crowbar and smashed the fourth wall. He pushed the scroll through and sealed the rift. "The readers can now find his character profile at the end of the post."

"...Does that mean we're done yet?"

"The post ends once you stop saying things for me to write down."


"Ellipses count as a thing I can write down."

"Just end it!"

Spoiler! :

Alsather Merione

Age: 38
Gender: Male

Appearance: A fairly tall, grey-haired individual with crystal blue eyes. Typically wears the green and black robes that designate the royalty of the country he serves as an advisor to. Clean shaven and well-dressed, but a few scars are scattered across his face, and he typically dons a grimace or sneer. Usually stooping or bending to some extent, due to back problems.

In actuality, he is a snake. Specifically, he is a death adder with the ability to transform into a human, or shift some parts of his anatomy to resemble human ones or snake ones. He tends to remain in human form, as he leads a primarily-human country, but he has no problem with shifting his form if need be. In particular, when he needs to eliminate threats in the most convenient way possible, or to speak before his fellow race of snakes.

Personality: Dour, simply. Not one for smiling or rubbing his hands evilly or discussing his plots. He has a tendency to scowl at people, and his expression among friends is blank and emotionless. Not enigmatic, his diplomacy style is nonetheless blunt, forceful, and effective. He can communicate a point clearly, his eerie presence often unnerves and intimidates his opponents, and he is incredibly good at negotiation, specifically to suit his ends. Alsather tends to be secretive or quiet unless he has something to say, which isn’t incredibly often. However, when he does speak, it’s hard not to listen to what he has to say (unless he’s complaining about his back, which tends to be the focus of his mumbling).

Disdainful of humans, though he isn’t particularly sadistic. Rather, he can be sociopathic and aggressive, and has no problem ruining the lives of the people under his control. Even friends can find themselves dead if they’re not careful, though this isn’t common – Alsather tends to have plans for each of them. He uses his own personal network of spies and assassins to harass and eliminate his opponents by whatever means necessary, while making it seem like an accident. Given his effective status as the ruler of an entire kingdom, it is nearly impossible to oppose him without a large and comparable force, and he is merciless.

Drive: Primarily, vengeance. After the extensive and tragic history of his species (see “Other”), he considers the cooperation between his family and the humans of Claec to be despicable and pathetic, likening it to servitude. Regardless of the fact that the snakes have been coiling around the said royal family and constricting them for a long time before he showed up. Thus, he has made it his personal mission to destroy the country, eliminate the humans within it, oust the royal family, and found a new dynasty of his own, potentially with the assistance of the snakes scattered throughout the continent (though they tend to disagree a lot). He has also been cooperating with other rulers and species to push out humans from neighboring regions, and has effectively formed an elaborate case of fantastic racism.

Too, he also desires power. His species has remained divided and bickering for a long time, and the superiors who helped him acquire his position expected to act as a puppet through him. However, his ambition stretches well above their heads, as does his greed, and he was quite infuriated to find that they are trying to use him as a pawn. As such, Alsather seeks the overthrowing/death of his superiors, so he can rule alone and on top. Thus, his superiors are learning fairly quickly to leave him alone, especially as he continually grows stronger.

Skills: As stated above, he’s an effective diplomat, potential assassin, and skilled at manipulation. Incredibly good at getting what he wants, and also coaxing and bribing people to do what they would rather not otherwise.

History: Born to two prominent snakes in the royal court of Claec, Alsather was used to high-class behaviors and attributes from a young age. While not related to the royal family of snakes, key in preserving the coordination between the two species (alongside the human Claec royal family), he quickly gained prominence due to his intellect, understanding of politics, and ambition. A multitude of people took notice, but a series of spiteful snakes saw the opportunity to mold him into Claec’s demise. Well aware of the history of snakes and humans, they were hoping to finally get their revenge, and thought of him as the personal vessel by which to do so. Thus, he was taught the harsh ideologies and ability to threaten and manipulate people that has characterized his present behavior, and lapped in the information eagerly. Nationalistic to the idea of a potential nation composed of all of the snake species, he married a member of the snake royal family. While this marriage was brief and childless, it thrust him into the spotlight, and his superiors and advisors helped manipulate him to gain more and more power, eventually becoming an advisor to the Claec family. From there, he helped bring about the accusations and propaganda that overthrew the king and queen, who were forced to abdicate and leave the country, leaving behind their young, naïve, and weak daughter, Cerin.

Since then, it’s been a downhill slope for everyone hoping to control him. His greed for power has only grown stronger over time, to the point where he is effectively the king. Many of those who attempted to use him have been exiled or murdered, and Alsather plans to ruin Cerin’s reputation and dispatch her in turn, thus allowing him to succeed as true ruler of the land, where he can apply his fantastic racism. Therefore, he is nigh invulnerable, save for the series of land negotiations and trades Alsather has been struggling with, as well as the general unreliability of allies he does have. Too, the invasion of Kasimir Geren, the lord of Walenty, has left him at a mildly troublesome situation. Kasimir, with more resources and power, can easily muscle Alsather out of the way – he simply keeps the snake to hold the country in one place. This infuriated Alsather, who can do nothing, but remains ever waiting for the right moment to strike…

Other: A lot of Alsather’s personal hatreds, as well as those who brought him to his present position, comes from the illustrious history of the snakes. Formerly one of the most powerful species in the land, they were found in a multitude of locations, having established great kingdoms under the reign of their gigantic, imposing leader. Opponents were generally dispatched without much thought, and they had the supremacy to develop a fairly advanced society, centered around philosophy, medicine, and warfare. However, the arrival of the humans from the East fractured their power. After an extensive and long battle, the most skilled magicians slew the leader of the snakes, and their subsequent alliances with many neglected species meant that the snakes were in trouble. The most imposing warriors were shoved to the icy north and south, forced to hide in mountains, jungles, swamps, and the most reclusive and secretive environments. Disorganized and divided, several new kingdoms were established, but none were as notable as those that preceded them, and tension between different groups of snakes broke them further apart. Those not capable enough to fight forged alliances with the humans, thus maintaining some facsimile of their former power, but not enough to satiate their fury at what had happened to their might. This, of course, explains the present situation.

Thus, the post ends, even though this means the spoiler is paradoxically located before the end. Try not to think about it too much.
But the Fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.
— Paul the Apostle

Winter is inevitable. Spring will return eventually, and AstralHunter with it.

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Tue Oct 25, 2016 12:48 am
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TheSilverFox says...

The Gilded Age

Fox was now regretting his tendency to craft conniving, cynical characters for contests. And also drinking weird sodas while blindfolded. There was being stuffed into a tiny cage and held by Hunter, who had now completely upstaged him as the antagonist. And not recognizing that he was surrounded by the werefoxes that had brought him to a warm campfire (in his defense, beyond the occasional odd noise, they’d remained almost perfectly quiet) that slightly melted the liquid on his face, which Silver now had the suspicion – no thanks to Hunter – was stuck to him. Meaning that it would take some ridiculous surgery or random magical powers to remove his blindfold. Since he wasn’t skilled in either, that wasn’t likely to happen.

“What are you going to do with me now?” called out the fox. Thanks to his tiny voice, he had to shout everything he wanted to say, which wasn’t rather tiring. Didn’t hurt as bad as his shoulder, which had taken the impact when Hunter had dropped the cages on the ground by accident. At least he hadn’t fallen upon the oddly-placed fire, which remained warm. And, of course, he was surrounded by the werefoxes in the same cage, and they were making a racket.

“I suppose I’ll present the evidence that our crew has been keeping werefoxes when the group returns.” He chuckled. “Or if.”

“How very funny,” replied Silver, brushing away the flame that sprouted on him. “And I’m sure you’ll do your best, as our new antagonist, to not help me in any way. What have you already done with everyone else?”

“So many questions! I don’t suppose it would be that amusing to see you on fire, but I do wonder if they’d spot you in the crowd of werefoxes.” Hunter stamped out the campfire and set the cage upright, causing Silver to fall face-first into a pile of fur. “As for your other question, I’ve guided everyone else to the town, where they, as you’ve heard, as fighting over candy.”

“Charming. Wait, I thought the town was inaccessible because of the fog? They surely couldn’t driven over there.” Silver clambered his way out among the werefoxes, but fell back in when Hunter leaned down and replied in a surprisingly loud voice. Or, it would be surprising if silver wasn’t as small as he was.

“Hmmm, you must’ve been too far away to hear,” mused the wolf. “The culprit behind the attackers was arrested for abuse of a book, and the fog machine has apparently shut off.”

“I knew we should’ve found something that wasn’t so cheap,” grumbled Silver. “Well, I don’t think we have any need for it anymore, with our adventure drawing to a conclusion. Not unless some mysterious force is controlling it. I’d like to believe the known threat has been taken care of, but who knows what kind of power one could have if the vulnerable fog machine is misused.”

The fox felt the cage being lifted into the air. It was almost like an elevator, but without the dull music, and incredibly disorienting. He was knocked about some before it stopped, and was now bitterly regretting that he had not found the cake, even if he couldn’t eat it. Of course the werefoxes had to listen to him – otherwise, he might be free and have his tiny-sized revenge. Now, he was stuck listening to ultimatums and commands. He would’ve rolled his eyes if he could move them, and itched the annoying impressions left by the blindfold as it rubbed against the skin around his eyes. It had been easier to ignore until the moment he thought about it, at which point it doubled its cries for attention.

“I’m here for more than one reason,” said Hunter, beginning to move away from the campsite with the cage held out at eye level in front of him. “I’d like to cause as much chaos as possible, and I remember hearing that you set up the fog machine somewhere in this forest to antagonize Captain @Rydia in the event she decided to take a detour.”

“I didn’t expect that it would be misused and turn into a red whatever-it-was, but yes,” huffed Silver. “If they wouldn’t let me have a simple trip, I wouldn’t let them have too much fun in the process.”

“So, I’m sure you know where it is? We’re in the middle of the forest now, beside the misshapen rock.” His voice had a malicious edge to it, which infuriated Silver, since that was his signature tone.

“The one that looks like a hamburger? Weird art project, not my fault. I forgot who made it. And you can forget it. I’m not going to be outdone or imitated in any way. Find the fog machine yourself.” Unfortunately, Silver managed to hurriedly blurt this out (at least, the first part) while forgetting that he was a few inches tall and trapped in a gilded cage by that said antagonist, who was more than happy to tip the cage upside-down. So now the fox was desperately grabbing on to whatever he could get his hands on; which, as the cage lacked bumps or protrusions, meant he ended up grabbing a couple of werefoxes and fell down on top of the rest. “Fine! Fine!” he shouted, before Hunter tried to right the cage, which he did regardless.

“That’s more like it,” replied Hunter, fairly happily, while a dazed and frustrated Silver started providing directions.

As they began casually strolling through the woods – at least, as one of them was – with the cage held to the side, it was Silver who sparked up a new conversation.

“I do believe you’re going to regret using that inspiration seed,” he said, trying desperately to pull the blindfold off of his face and brush the fur off of him.

“How so? We can’t be in any danger – he clearly despises humans. It has to be simple enough to lead him to do anything with a good enough explanation.” Hunter climbed over a log and jumped down, rattling the cage.

“Maybe…not,” replied Silver, after a few seconds of regaining his balance. The fox then yelped as Hunter turned the cage on its side.

“What didn’t you tell me?” said Hunter in a suspicious, and slightly angry, tone.

“Yes! I’ll explain! Stop!” shouted the fox, who breathed a sigh of relief as the cage was brought back to its normal position. Still though, with all the rustling and movement, he knew he would be feeing all those bruises in the morning. And the claw marks, because the werefoxes were somehow rather agitated from being tossed about so much. “You know I made him, right? Sure, you’ve figured out his character, but you’ve forgotten the context. He’s from a story of manipulative, cynical people. What do you think he’s going to be like?”

Realization dawned on Hunter. “He’s...he’ll take ten steps out of this forest and wonder why he just listened to someone’s commands.” Now he seemed a little nervous. “But…we’re far enough away that he can’t find us, right? Won’t he have enough targets to go after?”

“Well,” said Silver, shrugging. “He isn’t a fighter, sure, but he is a leader. I’m also kind of sort of sure that he can talk to snakes, and I imagine this forest isn’t lacking in them. Sure, he might see humans to deal with, but he can and will strike down anybody who gets in his way, even his own species. Did I mention he doesn’t like taking orders?”

Hunter sighed, out of what Silver thought was, at first, disappointment, but turned out to be relief. “It’s a good thing we’ve found the mist machine, then.” The cage was gently set down, though it didn’t help the fox, who still couldn’t see anything. The werefoxes were surrounding him, though whether they were all facing him or away from him was a mystery. They were clearly concerned, and seemed to look upon him as a leader, given that none of them made an attempt to attack him and there was a wimper or two in the audience. Ah, what he could’ve done if they were life-size, instead of these miniature weaklings. “Now, how do you activate this thing? There are way too many dials and levers for one simple machine.”

“It’s a fog machine, but, do you see the only red dial? The others are fakes, and I wouldn’t suggest using any of those. Anyways, just set it to 4 or something. Any setting beyond that just produces…weird results, to put it lightly.” There was a click and a hum as the machine activated and began spewing fog into the forest. It didn’t make the fox’s vision any worse than it already was, but he imagined Hunter was having a hard time seeing through the encroaching fog.

“That would be mist, not fog,” corrected Hunter. “There appears to be something tugging on the power cord. What in the world is that?”

“Fog,” shot back Silver. “And I don’t have a clue. The machine is connected to YWS headquarters, so it could be some idiot tugging on it. You may as well try yanking on it to see if it will stop.”

“Mist,” replied Hunter, before complying. There was silence, and then a frustrated voice, saying, “…No good, it’s still pulling.”

“Fog! Pull harder, then!” The fox felt the loud footsteps of Hunter walking over, likely to tip the cage again, when he heard the machine start to sputter and whine loudly. After only but a few seconds, the device stopped functioning entirely. Silver kept imagining clouds of smoke pouring out of it, which was a correct assumption, though not the kind of smoke he was thinking of. Either way, he felt the cage tip to the side, much to his complaints.

“Mist! What’s happening? Is this your doing?” shouted back Hunter, who was evidently not happy with the prospect of the only thing keeping him from some kind of a snake army now dying. He was still pulling on the cord.

“Fog!” said Silver in a muffled voice, as he was now amid a pile of werefoxes. “I don’t know! Our chicken-powered generators should be working perfectly fine, but perhaps the stress from running the machine overloaded them. Or, somebody was stupid enough to use the generator for radio calls. Either way, there should be enough of that fog to keep us safe for a while, and hopefully Alsather will be motivated enough to attack everyone else. Then, maybe we would make our getaway?”







“Now who’s writing too-long posts?” commented Hunter.

“Shut up! You know I can’t compose anything short.”

“Well then, I guess we’ll have to wait until you decide to actually end this spectacle,” finished Hunter, sitting down and peering around him to see if he could, well, see anything.


“Wait,” said Silver, “I forgot to state that I wondered what shut off the fog machine in the first place. It’s working now, but it was clearly turned off between now and when it was last used.”

An eerie rustling emanated from a neighboring bush.

“Oh, thanks a-”



S'io credesse che mia risposta fosse
a persona che mai tornasse al mondo,
questa fiamma staria senza piu scosse.
Ma per ciò che giammai di questo fondo
non tornò vivo alcun, s'i' odo il vero,
senza tema d'infamia ti rispondo.

Inferno, Canto 27, l 61-66.

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Tue Oct 25, 2016 12:49 am
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Ventomology says...

Dear MIT, I Cannot Explain My Love for Dance in 100 Words or Less.

Unbeknownst to @AstralHunter, Buggie had, in fact, been on the trip. But she had disembarked during a bathroom break, which may or may not have actually happened, and was quietly sitting in a coffee shop trying to access their wifi and upload her latest answers to the MIT application.

When it became apparent that the wifi was sketchier than @TheSilverFox's driving, she spared a glance at the clock and realized almost an hour had passed. Rather long time for a bathroom break. That was probably a problem.

Closing her laptop--why did she bring that, honestly? Could anyone really expect to get anything done around these jokers?--Buggie peeked out of a dusty window with a poorly painted black cat on it to check for the bus.

The poor cat was grey, and its fur looked matted, and also mostly see-through.

No bus. Duh.

Buggie pulled out her phone.

"Well," she mused, "I could call Hunter, but he's probably off performing some dastardly deed like kidnapping Silver, so maybe I should pick someone else." She punched in @EnderFlash's number, hoping she got the area code right, because who knows where anyone lives, and held the phone to her ear.

Someone's phone rang out from the booth behind Buggie's. Grimacing, Buggie twisted around in the seat and hauled herself up.

Looking very sheepish and somewhat fearful, Ender and @lostthought waved.

"Hi," said Ender. "We definitely weren't eavesdropping."

Losty stretched across the table like a cat (definitely not a dog, because that's what her icon is) and closed her eyes. "You curse when you write. Did you know that?"

"It was more like really intense and quiet screaming," Ender corrected. She shook her head and shrugged, smiling wider, probably to appease Buggie. "Is that how all people write their college applications?"

"Yes," Buggie said. "Duh. November first is scarier than Halloween. Which is definitely what this tagbook is supposed to be about."

"Maybe you shouldn't scare all us young people before we start thinking about college," Losty replied, still lying on the table.

Ender looked a little paler than before, like maybe she was considering turning into some kind of animal so that she wouldn't have to face college applications. Buggie decided now was not the time to placate fears and tried calling @Tortwag.

He picked up almost immediately, which was kind of worrying because he was supposed to be fighting candy-stealing beasts at the moment. "Hey! Buggie! It feels like forever since we chatted!"

"We chatted like two weeks ago," Buggie said.

Under her breath, Ender muttered that she hadn't chatted with Buggie in months.

"That's like forever! Anyways, where are you? I've been crushing these zombies and stuff for hours now, and I haven't run into you yet!"

"I'm at a coffee shop with lostthought and Enderflash, you know the guy from our LMS group. We got left behind during a bathroom break." Buggie scratched her head and wondered if that bathroom break really happened or not.

"I didn't know there was a bathroom break. Do you need help joining up with the rest of us?"

"YES!" shouted Ender. "I wanna fight zombies too!"

Wondering vaguely how Ender could hear the conversation, Buggie squinted at her phone to check if it was on speaker. It definitely wasn't, at least if the little unlit speaker icon was anything to go by.

"I guess so," Buggie agreed. "Can you send @falconer, or are there some other fliers who can help us out?"

The fuzz of maniacal laughter blared through the phone, and Buggie nearly dropped it. "Oh, you'll meet back up with us. I promise you that."

Buggie hated that tone of voice.

Like, it was cool and all? But she really did hate those schemers.
"I've got dreams like you--no really!--just much less, touchy-feeley.
They mainly happen somewhere warm and sunny
on an island that I own, tanned and rested and alone
surrounded by enormous piles of money." -Flynn Rider, Tangled

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Mon Oct 31, 2016 11:38 pm
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TheSilverFox says...

Where Are They Now? Starring a Host You Won’t Possibly Care About

Unfortunately for @Buggiedude2340 (who is still probably writing college applications), she never was able to make it to join everyone else in the epic zombie-fighting action. Because, you know, all the zombies were gone by that time. Hopefully, they’ll pass away as a genre here you do not get to express your opinion. Instead, everyone was fighting the new thing – snakes. Apparently, @AstralHunter’s efforts had briefly succeeded, until it was discovered that a ragtag group of people with a variety of weapons on hand were competent enough to fight them back. Thanks to some argument over waffles and music, the anarchy bus crushed part of Alsather’s army and found itself embedded in yet another tree. The bookends were not ignored by anyone, especially not @Lumi, who is probably still laughing while doling out punishment through a megaphone. All occupants are presumed to be fine, but that just wouldn’t be enough fun, would it?

@lostthought, thanks to the miracles of discordant plots, was somehow trapped between the bus and the restaurant, and apparently traveled so quickly between those two points in the same plane of reality that she vanished from existence, probably into another plane of reality. We’re still looking for her. @Casanova claims to know where she is, but is being regarded as an unreliable witness for hitting his head on the bus’s radio when the said bus hit a tree. All other witnesses are either unconscious or grumpy.

We never did find out what was on the other end of the rope, because it managed to pull itself free from the machine. In the meantime, the YWS radio station has apparently taken heavy damage, and we regret to inform the viewers that the chickens took the brunt of it. The carnage does not have any appropriate images, as we don’t want to frighten our younger audience. I mean, this is Halloween, and that wouldn’t be a bad idea, but my camera was taken from me by my mysterious, shadowy co-editor, and I don’t want to hear a wave of complaints about chocolate-smelling barf. @Craz and @Steggy were in attendance; the former was found listless on the floor, and is presently in the hospital over possible hearing loss (and/or voice loss, as the only thing she can say now is “The horror…the horror…I didn’t have any gravy). The latter’s whereabouts are unknown, and we are currently searching for her in the woods, where it is rumored she might be shacked up in a creepy house with a broken camera in the basement.

The whereabouts of Hunter’s Imagination Seed and its consequence are also unknown – Alsather was last seen retreating into the forest, swearing vengeance and a desire to raise a sufficient army. There have been a noticeable lack of snakes throughout the entirety of YWS, which I am thankful for you do not get to express your opinion, and I’m sure he’ll return in style for the next tagbook. Or just vanish from existence, and nobody will ever notice his return. Which is a lot like you do not get to express your opinion.

Credit goes to @Tuesday and @Wolfical for the realistic scenery.

@Crysi has apparently escaped arrest yesterday, hours before facing trial over her charge of defacing literature, and is plotting her revenge from a secret hideaway. I would have more news on this, but I am not in a position to tell you much about potential hiding spots, such as secret undersea caverns, lonely forest caves, and eerie post-apocalyptic cities with odd caste systems. Nor the means by which her escape was conducted, beyond there being a mole, a really sharp toothbrush, and a dimensional portal.

@Mea would like to tell you that crocs are the best shoes ever. Fashion zombies would like to tell you otherwise. I must be impartial, because my new credo is you do not get to express your opinion.

Adult Chaperone Adult Chaperone Adult Chaperone Adult Chaperone would you stop that? Adult Adult Adult Chaperone @Rydia has safely led most individuals away from the peaceful countryside, save for the few who persist arguing and you do not get to express your opinion. The Halloween-themed comedy event never took place, and yours truly is never allowed to drive a vehicle again. This being YWS, that means I’m bound to do it again in about a month or two.

Yours truly and Hunter never did resolve the fist/mog/fog/mist argument, as he made his speedy departure when he heard an eerie rustling in the woods. It is assumed that he, as with most of the rest of the moderating crew, have returned to their daily lives without issue. The search and rescue team continues to look for Steggy.

@Mage, @JuliasSneezer, @RavenLord and associates are being commended for their efforts in fighting off the fashion zombies and werefoxes. @Lightsong is now being treated in the hospital, but appears to be at least a half-vampire (and completely embarrassed).

And the remainder of information is the same old, same old. It’s incredibly hard to type which two inches tall. Do you know how much effort it takes to jump from letter to letter, especially with a great looming shadow making it hard to see? The possessor of that shadow has already nearly crushed me with their large hands in an effect to type out the words in italics, but it appears that their brief departure has made them unable to do so. Thus, I’d like to make a small (get it?) cry for help. I’m hungry, I’d like candy, and I’m fairly sure I’ve been completely forgotten here. Wishing you all a great Halloween, sure. I bet you’ve all picked out wonderful costumes and are going to have grand adventures, but can I get some attention? If anybody reads this manuscript, please find me and get me out of this mess as soon as you can, because I’m not sure how much longer I can…oh no, oh no, at least this is a typewriter, so there’s no way they can…

…2923tuq atuoei uatpw qotue toquwer

you do not get to express your opinion. Never. Not until I say so. Nobody is allowed to read this manuscript until it is dealt it. Preferably with water. As will you be if you continue to struggle and resist. Transmission end.

Happy Halloween!

This storybook will be archived tomorrow. Thanks for the adventure, everyone! This is easily my most active SB thus far (which isn’t saying much, as this is only my second, but I’m fairly sure I outpaced at least most of the other Halloween SBs), and I’m happy to have written for it with you over the course of the month. Enjoy my last batch of weirdness, plot holes, and general nonsense. In the meantime, the writer would like to inform you that

Transmission end.
S'io credesse che mia risposta fosse
a persona che mai tornasse al mondo,
questa fiamma staria senza piu scosse.
Ma per ciò che giammai di questo fondo
non tornò vivo alcun, s'i' odo il vero,
senza tema d'infamia ti rispondo.

Inferno, Canto 27, l 61-66.

I think the best thing about making it into the quote generator is when nobody tells you, so one day you're just scrolling and voila, some phenomenally inane thing that crawled out of your dying synapses and immediately regretted being born the second it made contact with the air has been archived for all time. Or worse, a remark of only average inanity. Never tell me when you've put me in the generator. Pride-tinged regret just doesn't taste the same without the spice of surprise.
— SirenCymbaline