
Young Writers Society

Who do you talk to your writing about

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Fri Oct 05, 2007 10:53 am
chocoholic says...

Whenever I'm excited about an idea I just have to discuss it with my mum. And I always show her my writing. She doesn't read loads, and never writes, but she's always very useful with her comments.

But I knwo that many people don't like showing their writing to their parents, or even discussing it with them. So if you do talk about it or show it to anyone, who? Are they useful in giving you comments?
*Don't expect to see me around much in the next couple of weeks. School has started again, and it'll be a couple of weeks before I've settled in. If you've asked me for a critique, you will get it, but not for a little while. Sorry*

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Fri Oct 05, 2007 12:34 pm
PenguinAttack says...

Aside: Hey Chocoholic; I don't know if this is important but your title is gramatically incorrect.
"Who do you talk to your writing about" Should be someting like "Who do you talk with about your writing?" or "Who do you talk to about your writing?" eheh. Sorry, I'm a bit of a grammar nazi :p


Hehe, I show it to you guys :D

But before that I didn't much show anybody. It was quite rare that I got around to showing actual pieces of work to people. Though quite a few of my friends not only excell at writing but encourage me to do so as well. In particular are my friends; Sandy, Jacques (Hopefully he encourages Jig too :p ) and Elva. Each give me different advice or help.

Sandy is an editing Goddess! Not only that but she's major talented too =D Jacques writes well, as well, and has a large store of encouragement for lazy, unmotivated, kids like myself. Lastly, I would DIE if I did not have Elva to whinge to :D The girl is a font of encouragement, advice and intellectuality.

Hehe, those are the main people who help me, they're all legends. hehe.

I do hope other people have major influences like that too, helpful and handy =]

*hearts* Le Penguin.
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Fri Oct 05, 2007 8:25 pm
Meep says...

... anyone who will listen. My mother, my friends, strangers - especially my friends Ezekiel and Mouse, because I know Ezekiel-kohai will be honest, and Mo-chan will be nice. I've bribed people on Gaia Online by promising 100g for every helpful review. I've handed in stories for English class assignments just to get the teacher's feedback. (I even write "extra credit" stories, by which I mean I hand in whatever I'm working on for bonus points and feedback.)

Seriously, I am a feedback junkie. I thrive on it, and when I don't get any, I like ... stop. I mean, I love writing, but at the same time, I need feedback - and I'll take it from anyone. (I rationalize my addiction by saying that I need feedback so that I can know what I need to improve before it turns into a nasty, hard-to-break habit.)
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Fri Oct 05, 2007 10:37 pm
Manny says...

I don't talk about my writing to anyone. It seems that if I talk about it then I loose the drive to actually write it. So I tell no one.

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Fri Oct 05, 2007 10:48 pm
Leja says...

I mutter about writing to my friend every once in a while, but not too many people I know find this kind of thing interesting, so y'all at YWS hear the majority of it ^_^

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Sat Oct 06, 2007 11:08 am
Myth says...

People on here, obviously. In real life: my siblings, though they don't seem to listen.
.: ₪ :.


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Sat Oct 06, 2007 5:11 pm
AWritersFantasy says...

Uh. Mainly people online. I post it any where I can find- here, my Inspired Writers board, Livejournal. I've talked to one of my real life friends about writing in the past, but she hasn't been as serious about it in the last few years as I have been. I've sent a few of my current WIP's chapters to my aunts and uncle but they don't really give any extensive feedback. I have one other friend in real life who likes writing, but I don't get to hang out with her very often 'cause she works and hangs out with her boy friend and stuff.

I wish I had more people I could talk to about it in real life. x.x

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Sat Oct 06, 2007 5:18 pm
Sumi H. Inkblot says...

Seriously, I am a feedback junkie. I thrive on it, and when I don't get any, I like ... stop. I mean, I love writing, but at the same time, I need feedback - and I'll take it from anyone. (I rationalize my addiction by saying that I need feedback so that I can know what I need to improve before it turns into a nasty, hard-to-break habit.)

Ah, ditto, ditto! Feedback is my crack. 8)

My mom's a writer, so I talk to her about NaNo occasionally. But I'm a fantasy freak and she's a sci/fi nerd, so more often than not I end up listening to her stories' plotlines and details. >.> That bothers me a lot, but I deal.

I also talk to my dad about ideas to hear his feedback. For example, recently I chatted with him about my NaNo -- "The Water Over Sleeping Stones" -- and he made a few good suggestions. I've spoken with my friends a few times, but, again, most often the conversation is quickly steered away from my novel. :P I guess I'm sort of transparent.

And, of course, here. My blog especially. Many thank-yous to the folks who read that. :D

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Sat Oct 06, 2007 8:42 pm
tinny says...

On here, if at all XD

I do occasionally ramble to one of my friends, but I feel awkward most of the time when I'm doing stuff like that, it never sounds as good once it comes out of my mouth.
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Sat Oct 06, 2007 9:12 pm
Snoink says...

My siblings and YWS. The rest of the people I know rarely know I am a writer. O_o
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Sat Oct 06, 2007 9:18 pm
Twit says...

My siblings and YWS. The rest of the people I know rarely know I am a writer. O_o

Me too. :roll:
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Sat Oct 06, 2007 9:22 pm
Via says...

Haha, actually, other than this site I don't talk to anyone about my writing. I have a writing mentor, but I usually prefer just to use him as a professional take at editing rather than to bounce ideas off of.

I'm pretty lame haha.
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Sat Oct 06, 2007 10:37 pm
EnchantressMuffin says...

I don't tell a lot of people that I write - at least, I try not to, but my parents love to thwart my plans - but I pretty much have one person who I let read everything I write, and one person who reads much of it.
Those would be my English teacher - who is a great friend as well as a teacher and the person I bounce ideas off of - and Prok, who will read my stuff even if he secretly thinks it sucks. XD

But when I'm not finished with it, I rarely talk about what I'm working on, or show anybody parts of what I'm working on. I like to have things at least finished before I start showing them to people.

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Sat Oct 06, 2007 10:45 pm
Lindsaroo says...

I don't tell anyone. I mean, I post my writing up on YWS of course, but you will never see me talking to anyone about an idea for a story or one I'm writing. And I don't tell anyone that I know in person because they just say "Oh that sounds great." or "You're one demented kid." And I don't like either of the responses, so I talk to myself about it. (And sometimes my platypus plushie ^_^)
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Sat Oct 20, 2007 9:30 pm
kshsj777 says...

I've tried to talk to different people about my writing, but even people that like it don't give me much helpful feedback. That's why I'm posting my stuff on here, hoping somebody will like it and give me advice on how to improve it.

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