
Young Writers Society

Blood is Everything (Royal houses SB- open-not started)

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Tue May 14, 2013 3:27 am
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Shadowlight says...

Come to the day before yesterday and the year before that. To a time of broken shields, and whispering winds. When warriors were bold, and great deeds of valor were preformed. When the world was wilder, the mountains higher, lofty as the dreams of men. When the unsettled places were far greater than civilization and when kingdoms were created and obliterated by the sword.

Great kingdoms dot the wild landscape of Drallion- the very forests, mountains and seas are full of beasts of lore, and legends walk the greensward.

Royal houses struggle with one another for domination, peace, and just to survive- Drallion is not a forgiving world, you grow up fast, live hard and probably die young. Heirs are both treasures and goods to trade in a land where the blood is in your veins is everything.

Murmurings of war are beginning to fly, fast as a wildfire. Something has happened, someone is warmongering- but who? The rulers of Drallion are struggling to keep their fragile peace in any way they can or else make sure they come out on top- no matter the outcome. Old blood-feuds begin to seep to the surface, alliances will be made and broken, treaties signed and burned, Marriage pacts formed and put to the test- Bloodshed seems inevitable.

You are a member of a royal house, be you king, queen, prince, princess or bastard child you struggle to stay alive, thrive and come out on top. Maybe you are a prince struggling for recognition, to prove his metal. Maybe a young princess afraid of the prospect of being "sold" to a man you've never met to make an alliance for your family. Maybe the bastard child who's lived in the shadows and now suddenly you're thrust into the limelight. Maybe you are a warrior trying to gain more, , a handmaiden, whoever you are you have to make alliances, take risks and try to be one step ahead of everyone else.

Spoiler! :
NOt taking any more Profiles for Assassins at the time.

Spoiler! :
This is only a start- if we need to add more kingdoms we will.

~In the north is Ithirica, a mighty kingdom led by a royal house that has been in power for hundreds of years. The battle hardened troops of this country have taken over many smaller kingdoms and the ambitions of the kings seems to have no limits and they are looming in the north- greedy for more.

~ T'a'Wyvn is a sleepy northern kingdom that boarders the sea, trade is its main lifeline. Ruled by a king who does not seem to be aware of the Ithirian snake slowly coiling a stranglehold onto the kingdom, while the Queen scrambles to make powerful matches for her children to fend off the enemy.

~ In the east there are two strong countries. On the coast nestled between the sea and the mountains of the Teeth is the empire of Karajan. A strange country- the rule is not passed to the son but to the daughter. A beautiful empire ruled by a long line of empresses. The Karadjan Empresses have always striven for higher learning and the arts flourish here, but so does Blackmail and Intrigue- all is not fair in this beautiful empire.

~On the island belt just of the eastern coast is the tiny empire of Jaipine, a wealthy sea trading country. The warrior clans of this country are some of the most highly trained and highly feared warriors anywhere. The strongest clan has been in power for over five hundred years and has no intentions of giving it up to anyone, but now they look to the mainland- wishing to expand as the tiny islands become crowed with an exploding population- dark rumors of famine and plague begin to be heard in the capitol.

~In the harsh mountains on the southeastern limits of Drallion is the small kingdom of Napurr. A country of herdsmen and scattered villages, ruled by the leading religions high priest, in the capitol of Nagniss. This kingdoms wealth and power lay in the rich mines of precious metal and stones, that pepper the high red bluffs. Many kingdoms covet the treasured red bluffs, and Napurr is forced to hire mercenaries to protect their mines- but at what cost?

~The mysterious kingdom of the south is Sunuma, which lies in the steamy jungle of the same name. Mountainous temples of carved white limestone stand taller that the tallest trees cutting though the deep green growth. Priest kings rule a widely dispersed people, of smaller tightly knit tribes. They are a fierce, yet superstitious people- stuck in a past while the world turns, leaving them behind. Will their traditions preserve them or will their refusal to change be their destruction, only time will tell

~In the west only one kingdom dominates the Arid lifeless black sands- Rapbutan, a giant of an empire secluded from the rest of Drallion by the vast belt of the Desert of Yarl- it is a kingdom steeped in tradition and legends- so cut off from the world some do not even believe in it's existence, but it is real- and the other houses of Drallion look on worriedly– For Rapbutans history was painted in blood, and the sleeping giant seems to be stirring.

Special information
Spoiler! :
-I encourage you to form alliances with other Sbers, and plot to work out fun subplots and twists. Maybe one country is going to try a alliance by marriage? Another by kidnapping another kingdoms royals? Then there are always; threats, promises, spying, assassinations- lets have fun with this. (please just make sure Shadowlight is in the know so she may assist and stay on top of plots.)

-If you don't wish to play a royal house member and only want to play (for lack of a better word) a commoner, then you can wait until those royal house slots are filled, or PM Shadowlight and she will get you plugged in somewhere. (I would strongly suggest you play a royal, or someone very close to a royal house though.)

General rules:
Spoiler! :
- Usual YWS/SB rules.

-This is a "permission" SB. So if you would like to join (and I hope you do!) Please PM me Shadowlight. and please tell me "who" you would like to play so I can add you to the character list. if you don't have a name no worries- I more mean what rank or position is your character- like Prince, Princess, handmaiden.

-The creator of this SB (Shadowlight) is always right. If there are disputes over ANYTHING the final word will be mine. (don't worry I don't bite)

- No minimum word count! Just make sure all posts are more than one paragraph and help advance the plot.

- Swearing; it's allowed just don't overdo it. And keep it reasonable; No F-bombs!
- Romance is allowed but no sex scenes please. If something mildly sexual it is crucial to what you wish to write, then PM Shadowlight the final draft- it must have her approval BEFORE being posted on the SB- thanks

- Claim as many characters as you want-- just make sure you can handle them.

- Don't God-mod. Please, it's not fair. And no Mary/Gary Sues either. They lack depth.

- Please have a name and place at the top of each post. Such as Name | Place OR, for example; Eliza/Town:.

- Please do not kill another person's character without permission; it's unfair, and not to forget mentioning godmodding. and besides, no one likes it when they're randomly killed.

- All NON-SB posts (besides profiles) to the DT please.

- The SB is run by Shadowlight. if you have any questions, comments, problems, or suggestions- send her a PM (she likes getting those.)

-thers is NO magic in this SB, I am rigid on this point- the one magical character in this SB has jumped through many hoops and knows I will eat them if they step outside the lines so PLEASE leave it as it is. No magic, no mental abilities, nothing that is not perfectly human.

-All characters have to be human.

- one last note- this SB takes place in the world of my novel. The names of places that I Shadowlight have stated are mine, the ideas and characters you come up with belong to you. please just don't use Drallion or the countries in anything other then this SB. thanks. <3

Character List
(Please try to keep genders as even as possible.)



~Bastard Princess- Crazycraz

~King- Scarlettefire
~Prince- Scarlettefire



~Queen/Phari- Shadowlight
~Princess- Shadowlight

~Female Magic user- methrirr123 (this is the only magic user I am allowing)
~Female Healer -Janika
~Assassin- ReisePiecey

(Slots may be created or taken away as needed. If you have any character suggestions please shoot Shadowlight a PM- she likes getting those.)

Character template:
Spoiler! :
Code: Select all
[b]Name:[/b] (if an unusual name, please include a pronunciation key)
    [b]Age:[/b] ( Characters can be any age- just be reasonable.)
    [b]Gender:[/b] (Male/Female?)
    [b]Rank[/b] (king, queen, prince, princess, other?)
    [b]Allegiance:[/b] (country, king, self, other?)

    [b]Appearance:[/b] (description and picture-and please no anime or scene- digital paintings and sketches are fine though)

    [b]Personality:[/b] (Include likes and dislikes, strengths and weaknesses. you can do this in points if you prefer)

    [b]Flaws:[/b] (every character has to have them- they make them interesting)

    [b]Skills/special abilities:[/b] (No magic please.)

    [b]History:[/b] (Every character has one, please give us a history of  reasonable length)

    [b]Up For Love?[/b] (yes/no, conditions, reasons for such?)

    [b]Other:[/b] (anything we've missed?)

DT! I STRONGLY suggest you join.
Last edited by Shadowlight on Thu May 16, 2013 1:22 am, edited 5 times in total.
"D*** the torpedoes! Four bells! Full speed ahead!"~ Admiral David Farragut

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Tue May 14, 2013 3:32 am
AlmondEyes says...

Name: Tamsin Light

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Rank: Royal healer. Also bastard child of the Sunuma King.

Allegiance: To herself and the ones that she loves.

Appearance: Long thick dark ebony hair that falls to her thighs and clear vibrant royal purple eyes that could pen you to the floor a single glance. Her smooth and flawless tanned skin has always been found irresistible by men. She's 6'1 with an athletic in shape body from all of her traveling and training. You'll find her wearing a long dark purple cloak with a large hood to keep herself covered. Underneath that you'll find her in an warrior's out fit. Form fitting sleeveless top and leather trousers with straps going across her thighs holding her throwing knives in place. She keeps a bow at her back with a quiver of 25 arrows. She has a bag slung over one should that holds her herbs.

Personality: She's tough . She's mean. She won't take crap from anyone. When you talk to her, you meet her eyes and speak up. When she speaks, people listen to her. She's well respected by all because of her commitment and vast knowledge of medicines. Tamsin also has a loving and caring side you don't see much of when she's not healing. She does tend to be a smart ass and sarcastic sometimes, but not too often. She's very smart, and knows how to think on her feet. She's not afraid to get her hands dirty, and also isn't afraid of much either. She's a very curious person, but hides it well. Tamsin is good at controlling her emotions, and is very wise and mature for her age.

Flaws: Her stubbornness. Tamsin's not one to back down from much of anything, which can sometimes land her in trouble.

Skills/special abilities: She's a fast healer and has a voice that can carry across the land and enchant anyone. Her voice is known to attract birds. They say she sings like an angel.

History: Tamsin was originally born in Sunuma, but never stays in one place for long, so she doesn't really have a place to call home anymore. Not since her mother died, at least. When Tamsin was 10, her mother fell gravely ill, and she could only watch as doctor after doctor said there was nothing they could do for her mother. Tamsin took it upon herself to cook and clean and work to keep food on the table for her mother, but it wasn't enough. As time went on, her mother grew closer death, and Tamsin could do nothing as she watched her mother wither away, until one day, she left this earthly plain, leaving her by herself.

That day Tamsin vowed to learn everything there was to learn about medicine, so others wouldn't suffer the same fate as her mother and herself. One day when she was cleaning out her mother's belongings, she found a note. She read this note, thinking she had no one call family, thinking she was alone in the world, and put the note down,realizing she was the bastard child of the Sunuma King.

After reading the note, she headed to the kingdom to meet the man who was supposedly her father. She became the apprentice of the healer who was soon retiring as a way to stay close to him. She spent long hours learning and memorizing every plant there was and it's every property. Day and night. Non-stop relentlessly. All of her hard work finally payed off. By the time she had completed her work, she was known throughout all of the kingdoms for her knowledge. By the time she was twenty, she became one of the best non-magic healers out there.

Tamsin is called out to most kingdoms for aid in healing, so she keeps busy for the most part, but when she has leisure time, she's known to wander the forest. She's also known to wader around the kingdom. Tamsin has never actually met the king face to face, but she's seen him at a glance. For the most part, he seems like decent man to her. Everyone in the kingdom seems to love him. Tamsin has met one of the princes, though, and she doesn't really know know whether to make heads or tails of him, though. She's had multiple encounters with him, and most were pleasant, but she didn't like the way he would watch her, so she keeps her distance.

Up For Love? Yes. She's looking for someone to hold her in their arms at night.

Other: She does know how to fight, and very well so. Make no mistake of that. It's one thing any woman who travels alone should learn how to do.
Last edited by AlmondEyes on Wed May 15, 2013 11:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"What is dead my never die, but rises again, larger and stronger..."

*Ride like Lightening, crash like Thunder*

"Ask me no questions, and I'll tell you no lies..."

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Wed May 15, 2013 1:34 am
Craz says...

Name: Aurora Allister (Rora for short, pronounced aw-ROHR-ah)
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Rank: Bastard Princess
Allegiance: country, loved ones, and self


She has long very dark hair that curls at the end and light misty green eyes. She has charming features and almost a roundish face, with a warm skin tone. She is medium height and her expression is guarded, even when she is smiling.

Spoiler! :
She looks like a mix between these two pictures.

Personality: Aurora rarely talks genuinely. She'll smile and act like a good little girl when she has to and feign weakness when the situation allows it, following what the empress had told her to do. But underneath she's frustrated, short tempered, and as stubborn as a mule. She has gotten used to being shoved in the back corner for most of her life, and doesn't like the fact that all of a sudden the empress has her going to every royal event possible. She doesn't know what they are planning, and is becoming more wary around people.
She loves dancing and exceeds in history, and has a surprisingly innocent laugh when it is real. She has a soft spot for children and she does her best thinking in gardens.

Flaws: She is terrified of heights and snakes and her hard headed nature can get her into trouble.

Skills/special abilities: History, dancing, fencing, and lying. She wasn't trained to fight, but she learns quickly.

History: Aurora is a bastard child. Not only that, but she is one between a former servant and the empress, and she is the first born which automatically makes her the heir. The empress made a hasty decision to cover her up and made the excuse of Aurora being prone to illness to hide her from the eyes of her political rivals. As a child, Aurora didn't understand why she had to stay in her room all the time and wandered the castle grounds and right into the hands of a noble that had been trying to undo the female ruling line for years. Oblivious to the man's intent, Aurora answered his questions until a servant finally found her and hastily stopped her just as she was about to say who her father was. Frantic, the empress posted guards at her doors and kept her locked inside for a year. During that year Aurora lost her childhood innocence, and became silently aware of the double crossed lies that were spoken like a common language in the castle.
Aurora only trusts her servant Rhoda who treats her like her own child. As the years went by the empress distanced herself from Aurora, and Aurora and the emperor share a mutual hatred for each other.
Up For Love? Yes, straight. Maybe someone that would be going against the emperor and empress's wishes to love. :wink:

Other: (anything we've missed?) Not that I can think of.
Last edited by Craz on Sat May 18, 2013 12:50 am, edited 2 times in total.
"we'll fasten it with some safety pins and tape and a dream, and you're good to go, honey."

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Wed May 15, 2013 4:26 am
Sassafras says...

Name: Os (Awws) Tao
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Rank Mercenary
Allegiance: Self

Appearance: Os is tall, standing at 6"3, but his height is not exactly uncommon where he comes from. Granted, it does make his job just a bit harder when he has to travel to different kingdoms where his height isn't common, but he makes it work. His skin is brown and tanned darker from long days training for long nights. His body is covered in scars and dark freckles on his face and shoulders. His hair is black and long, it falls to a stop at the bottom of his shoulder blades.
Os' face is the most scarred part of his body, which is why he keeps it mostly covered in bandages. He has two long, deep scars intersecting on his face. One travels from the far right edge of his hairline all the way down to the left base of his neck, and travels through his right eyebrow, skims his eye, across the bridge of his nose and on straight from there. The other begins at the bottom of his right ear and stops at his nose. Though the latter is smaller, it's a deeper cut and is puckered. Most of his scars are from being captured and tortured for information. The others are simply battle wounds.
His eyes are dark hazel and narrowed. He's mostly blind in his right eye. His nose is crooked from being broken so many times and he has fresh stitches through his left eyebrow.
He's usually dressed in robes that resemble those that the priest of Sunuma wear, but his are black instead of the traditional white.

Personality: Os is strange, especially for his profession. He's not at all as serious as he's supposed to be. Instead, he thinks life a game. He enjoys the adrenaline rush he gets when he's on a hunt. If the target is too easy to kill, he'll make the game harder, for example, he'll knock over lamps and vases, make noise, and even play hide-and-seek with the target just to see how long it takes them to find him before he kills them.
He likes laughing, especially at the expense of others, but also has a quick temper and can spiral into rages unexpectedly and over the smallest things. His mood swings are unexpected and he can do nothing to stop them except try and wait it out. Mostly he makes his jokes to himself because he doesn't really enjoy the company of other people, but at night he lets go of all restraints. Like I said, Os likes games and risky situations. He knows that nighttime is his element, and because he can't be seen unless he wants himself to be seen, he likes messing around with people and their things.
Face to face, however, he's rude, sarcastic, and just an all around bad person. He's not particularly nice or a good person to be around. He's manipulative and untrustworthy, however, he does not joke around with his money.

Flaws: He's mostly blind in his right eye. He has anger management problems which causes him to make stupid decisions when enraged. He's uneducated. He can read, but not very well, and any math or science is beyond his comprehension.

Skills/special abilities: He's a great mercenary. He can run quickly, move quietly, climb most of anything, and kill efficiently. He does best in close and mid-range combat.

History: Os was born to High Priest Jin Atif, leader of the second biggest church in the Kingdom of Sunuma. Os' birth was kept a secret because all Priest of Sunuma must swear to an oath of celibacy, and fathering a child is an obvious break of that oath. Those who break it have are immediately stripped of their title, banished, and sometimes, depending on circumstance, sentenced to death. Even though Jin could not claim Os, he sent money to Os' mother regularly so she could take care of their child. However, when Os was nine, his mother died of an unnamed illness, and the money stopped coming in. Jin didn't actually know who his child was, his name, or even his gender. Any information he acquired could be dangerous, so when Os went to his father's church in hopes of joining as an acolyte, his father accepted him as a trainee.
Os stayed in the church for a short four months before he discovered the truth of his birth. While snooping around his father's chambers - he'd always been sneaky and too curious for his own good - he found a letter Jin kept that was sent from his mother. Os approached Jin about the letter and it was then that they both realized the truth. Jin banished Os from the church, afraid that word would get out, and because Os was only nine and still very new to the church, he didn't know a lot of its rules, he didn't know why Jin was banishing him. He left.
In the outskirts of Sunuma he stumbled across a person sleeping in the woods. He'd been traveling for a few days and the last thing he had to eat was stolen from a street cart the day he was banished. Hungry and desperate, he tried to sneak some food and a few coin out of the man's backpack. He was clumsy, though, and was caught immediately when the man woke up at the sound of jingling money. Instead of killing Os, the man took him in.
Harver was on his way to assassinate some shifty merchant in Sunuma. He could tell Os was alone and ignorant as to how to survive on his own, so he decided to train him and teach him how to kill and steal. Os already had an inclination towards stealth, so he picked up on the techniques quickly and mastered them without much difficulty. His only problem was focusing and managing his causeless anger. He played around too much and often got himself into bad situations - sometimes purposefully. While this frustrated Harver, he admired what he saw as Os' way of challenging himself. But to help Os control his emotions, Harver required he meditate at least an hour a day. Os still does this.
At the age of sixteen, Os got his first assassination mission. It just so happens that it was back in Sunuma. While he was stalking his target, he crossed the church that Jin rules. He decided to leave the gambler, his target, behind to pay a visit to his dad. One of the things that Harver taught him in passing were the rules of the church. Harver's father was also a Priest that broke the oath, and when Os heard Harver's story his resentment towards his father grew. When Os found Jin again he threatened to tell the Royals his secret - he'd kept the note from his mother as evidence - unless Jin gave him all the money he had in his possession. Jin agreed and emptied the church's banks, and Os took the money back to Harver. Though the man was mad that Os failed his mission, the coin was plentiful and all was forgiven. The next day, Os killed the gambler and also his father.
As a sort of token, Os took Jin's robes and stained them black. That robe then became his standard uniform. Os spent the rest of his years training and at the age of nineteen Harver died while on a mission to assassinate the King of Ta'Wyvn. Os took over Harver's mercenary business and that's where he stands now. All that wish to contact him know him by the name of Atif.

Up For Love? He doesn't completely object, but considers very few people worth his time.

Other: He's most comfortable up in high places, where he can see everything, but nothing can see him. Being in crowds of people makes him anxious and paranoid. He hates Priest.
Last edited by Sassafras on Thu May 16, 2013 1:38 am, edited 3 times in total.
A pale imitator of a girl in the sky.

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Wed May 15, 2013 12:58 pm
Wolferion says...

Name: Shen (cautious or deep) Wei (high, lofty, heroic, remarkable)

Age: 25

: Male

Rank: Karajan prince.

Allegiance: Depends on the situation (he’s not cowardly and won’t cross certain limits, but tries to hold neutral ground).

: For his nation uncharacteristically tall, 6 feet 1 inch (very rare height), has an athletic build. He has dirty-blond short hair, his eyes are green, they have a kind hint to them, but what people mainly notice is a clear depth of a very experienced person; he’s seen enough, his eyes show that. Wears silken royal clothes of Chinese origin, on the black background are woven traditional chinese decorations in violet, red and white. Doesn’t have any weapons in open sight. By Karajan standards is believed to be alluring, mainly for atypical physical appearance due to taking after a foreign ancestor.

Personality: Behaves harmless and seemingly honest, values benevolence and practices it himself, but having grown in Karajan, his outward behavior is but a mask in comparison to his inner-self, but is seemingly so true, that people fail to doubt. He is good enough in intrigue to speak without thinking for the best “honesty” impression, yet behind it all is a sharp mind that keeps watch and memorizes any important detail, which could be later exploited in manipulating people in certain situations without them realizing it. Has a kind heart, but given his immensely agonizing experiences from past, can be truly merciless and strict at dealing with people, though he’s always cautious which. Dislikes unnecessary bloodshed and doesn’t tolerate any wrong doings, yet has no issues resorting to violence himself after seeing that words fail to resolve the situation. Even experienced people have serious trouble figuring out the exact points for various reactions, his behavior sometimes contradicts itself and is too complex even for a sharp eye to fully grasp him, is also known to never fail in surprising, mainly because nobody knows how exactly his mind works and what he is thinking. Is the mind over heart type, no matter the emotions, doesn’t act on impulse alone, never does what his mind doesn’t agree to, in result barely ever regrets what he’s done and keeps calm mind in various situations (as he has formidable willpower). Has studied a lot and is well knowledged, always seeks to learn more, so that he’d be never surprised; he hardly ever is already.

Flaws: Is idealistic and doesn’t want to approve of anything done in a way that doesn’t agree with his. Is sometimes clumsy and absent minded, people tend to underestimate him. Takes his responsibilities too seriously, often has headaches and isn’t social. Sees himself above others, believes he’s one of a kind, his headaches sometimes make him do stupid mistakes. Anybody trying to get close to him or befriend him never gets past his fool-proof mental shield, and so he isn’t trusted much.

Skills/special abilities: Was born with a sharp intuition, sees people through and successfully escapes death situations. Is a type of a visionary. Can learn well anything he is interested in, can’t learn at all anything he has no interest in. Thought up his own martial arts, that include use of short blades that are hidden behind his clothes. He doesn’t have lasting strength or much raw power, is however very knowledgeable about human body and can put his whole body’s weight behind his moves, resulting in instantaneous strikes with impressive power, but is inferior in power struggle; technique and speed over raw strength. Is in fact a remarkable assassin.

History: Born into main royal family he had always been expected, even forced, to be smarter, stronger and better than anybody else in his surroundings. Having natural potential to learn anything he’s interested in, he showed greater than expected results and at age of eight already grasped leadership positions in the groups of his generation. Seeing a possibility to obtain a powerful tool, the Empress, his mother, herself took over his education and raising up, teaching him how to use others for his advantage for “the greater good”. Unfortunately, he was reluctant to use others as tools, since he was very kind at heart and loved peace, much to his mother’s surprise. Unwilling to have her plains fail, she encouraged his friends through other servants, which he was ready to sacrifice much for (being blind from his kindness), to misuse him and eventually betray him. At an age of nine, when they felt they had no use for him anymore, one day, his friends lured him outside of the capital under the promises of joyful fun and adventure, and hit him over his head, leaving him for dead to the wild animals. One servant was sent on purpose to drag him, unconscious, far away into the wilderness, so that he wouldn’t find his way back anytime soon. As planned by the Empress, having thrown him into such a deadly situation, without any knowledge where he is, without any food and water, and completely shocked to the core about his own life, in order to survive his real nature surfaced; a sharp intuition that so few people in the world have you could almost count them. Through great hardship and many near-death situations, he learnt the life of animals, learnt how to take care of himself under any circumstances, lost faith in humanity, and in two months found his way back to the capital. The Empress didn’t hesitate and convinced him to punish his friends through blood with his own hands, making them his first kills. He felt no remorse, and more than ever, grasped Empresses’ interest. Many specialists in combat, assassinations, deceivement ,trickery, willpower hardening, scholars, and many more, over long years, were sent to teach him their ways, making him into the most useful assassin that could easily learn what he needed about anybody, as a prince had access to any nobility, and ultimately could easily dispose of anybody his mother needed taken care of. Unbeknownst to her, however, his nature wasn’t completely broken, and the more blood he shed, the more doubtful he was about his mother’s justice, and the more conscious he was of his own capabilities. He started listening to stories more than ever, spent the rest of his free-time wandering around the common folk in disguise, under pretense of improving himself, and eventually came upon realization; he was endlessly displeased with his life at an age of 17. He wanted things done his way, the right way, wanted a country of his own with his own laws, own system, and most importantly, accumulate good people. Hidden from his mother, he reconstructed his mentality from ground up to the very limits, underwent many mental conditionings, started practicing benevolence, returned some of his kindness, founded a secret organization of assassins, and started a long road of digging mother’s influence away without losing his mask she was so used to, successfully hiding everything from her with extreme caution. Up to this day he’s been fulfilling her commands to get rid of certain people, despite not wanting to anymore, but necessary to not lose everything he’s trying to bring into motion. His plans are grand, his schemes are long in motion and now has come his greatest chance; Empress wants to take advantage of the legendary empire Rapbutan to be more powerful in Drallion than ever, and none other than Shen was sent to find that empire, infiltrate it as a prince looking for meaningful trade alliance between two countries, with any means necessary gain power and give it to his mother. What he will eventually do, nobody knows, yet his schemes are in motion, and their impact upon the world will be felt, no matter how they go.

Up For Love? He sometimes thinks about a warm family, but is skeptical to any chances of that happening, in order to not hurt himself and be led astray, he is cold to anything love related.

Other: “There are some things best left hidden, you have been warned.” as he’d say.
~Don't beg for things, do it yourself or else you'll never get anything~
-Formerly Shinda

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43 Reviews

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Wed May 15, 2013 6:42 pm
AlmondEyes says...

Full Metal Alchemist rocks!!! Our charactera should be friends also :)
"What is dead my never die, but rises again, larger and stronger..."

*Ride like Lightening, crash like Thunder*

"Ask me no questions, and I'll tell you no lies..."

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Wed May 15, 2013 9:40 pm
Shadowlight says...

Janika please keep all OOC posts in the DT- thanks!
"D*** the torpedoes! Four bells! Full speed ahead!"~ Admiral David Farragut

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Wed May 15, 2013 10:37 pm
Dakushau says...

Name: Rose Sabelli
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Rank Assassin/Spy.
Allegiance: None, but herself and money. She is an Assassin for hire.

Appearance: Rose has long thick golden brown hair that reaches down to about her waistline. She is a beautiful girl and has a good complexion. Her eyes are a pretty blue color and her only noticeably apparent blemishes are a small symbol etched into the lower-right side portion of her neck and some scars that cover her body, which have been gathered from being an assassin and from childhood, of which the majority is on her back. She wears a dark reddish-brown cloak over her gray full-body armor, which has red tints to it. She usually wears her hood up with a red cloth around her face which cover all but her eyes and above.

Personality: She's tough and independent and doesn't like help from anyone. She is completely and utterly lacking of trust towards strangers, and even to friends or allies it takes an effort to make her begin to trust them. She keeps all of her emotions hidden and bottled up in side most of the time. She prefers to be alone and is usually in thought or taking place in actions that don't allow for thinking.

Flaws: Her greed and envy are probably some of her biggest flaws, she'll do many things if the price is right. She longs to be appreciated but doesn't let it get in the way of her missions and acquiring wealth.

Skills/special abilities: She is very good in the art of stealth, deception, and persuasion. She's also trained in many fighting styles such as: hand-to-hand combat, one-handed, two-handed, ranged, close-combat.

History: When she was only a young girl her parents abandoned her to the life of a slave. She was miserable and hated working for her "owners", who beat her constantly and treated her like dirt. One day, while delivering the evening meal, she got so angry with her masters she grabbed a knife from the table and murdered them in cold blood. After that she ran away and got mixed up with the wrong crowds and the wrong people and took jobs that involved stealth and killing. Eventually, she got trained by someone who saw the potential in her and taught her to be a master assassin. She learned to not trust and keep emotions hidden. Once she surpassed the skills of her teacher, she killed him. After killing her teacher she went into self-training, sharpening her skills to there finest. Then she became an assassin for hire.

Up For Love? Sure, though she would have to be made to trust them first.


Name: Hakiah Durronian (Hah-kai-ah Dur-roh-nian)
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Rank Knight of the Royal Family of Sunuma
Allegiance: To Sunuma and those he cares about.

Appearance: Hakiah's eyes have a nice natural green color to them and his hair is a nice brown. He has a muscular build and is almost a head taller than average with a fair complexion. He always wears his suit of armor, only taking off his helmet, which completely covers his head, occasionally.

Personality: Hakiah is loyal and will almost always follow orders without hesitation. He cares deeply for others but puts those in his kingdom and his kingdom itself as slightly higher on his priority list. He is calm and when around a member of the royal blood doesn't speak without being spoken to, unless they're his friend and he wouldn't get in trouble for it. He's usually quite kind and compassionate, but can be sarcastic at times, though usually not to superiors. He's usually wary of most people until he knows them. He can get very prideful at times.

Flaws: He has a tendency to take action and act out the commands of his superiors without always thinking about them. Sometimes his pride gets in the way.

Skills/special abilities: He is very skilled in fighting like hand-to-hand combat, archery, and sword fighting and other such things.

History: When he was young he loved to examine his dad's swords and hear stories of his dad's life as a knight. He enjoyed practicing his swordsmanship and learning about knights. As he aged he expressed his interest in becoming a knight like his father. So he joined the army of Sunuma and eventually became a knight himself. Not long after he became a knight his father died in battle. He later heard the news and mourned the loss of his father. After years of dedicated service he was given the task of protecting the royal family. He now serves faithfully as a knight of Sunuma.

Up For Love? Yes, but probably not if it interferes with his duty, he puts his kingdom first above most other things.
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Wed May 15, 2013 11:03 pm
Swiftfur says...

Spoiler! :
Can I join as a hired assassin/spy?
You can't change the past, so live in the future, and choose your course wisely.

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Fri May 17, 2013 8:54 pm
wordsandwishes says...

Name: (if an unusual name, please include a pronunciation key) Sal'kana (Sal- canna)
Age: ( Characters can be any age- just be reasonable.) 17
Gender: (Male/Female?) female
Rank (king, queen, prince, princess, other?) Princes of Ithirica
Allegiance: (country, king, self, other?) Ithirica, she will do anything she can for her people.

Appearance: (description and picture-and please no anime or scene- digital paintings and sketches are fine though) Sal'kana is fair skinned with long black hair and cold grey eyes. She's tall, thin and feminine, but strong. She walks with perfect posture, and is usually either seen wearing her armour or royal finery.

Personality: (Include likes and dislikes, strengths and weaknesses. you can do this in points if you prefer) Sal'kana is very cool and contained for the most part. She's just, patient, but extremely judgemental. You're not likely to get a second chance if you cross her. Sal'kana is also quite clever, extremely untrusting, and very persuasive. She's also been taught to spot a lie a mile away, and how to keep her own secrets hidden.

Flaws: (every character has to have them- they make them interesting) Sal'kana was raised in a world full of expectations, and little to no love. Because of this, she has trouble warming up to people. She's also prone to jealousy, and getting lost.

Skills/special abilities: (No magic please.) She's a master swordsman, and an expert in the art of diplomacy.

History: (Every character has one, please give us a history of reasonable length) As the first born of a mighty nation, Sal'kana learned quickly who she could trust, and who she couldn't, what she was allowed to do, and what she wasn't. She never had time for a childhood, and all the expectations for a future queen were pushed upon her so forcefully, sometimes she wondered who she really was. Sal'kana also learned young that marrying out of love would most surely never be an option when the time came.
However, despite all of the grief it had caused her, Sal'kana loved her country. She promised herself that when the day came that she would rule, she'd vow to make her people the first priority.

Up For Love? (yes/no, conditions, reasons for such?) Though she does not believe in it, yes. (straight)

Other: (anything we've missed?) She has more than her fair share of secrets. The only division between them being the ones she keeps, and the ones she pretends not to have.

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Fri May 24, 2013 11:21 pm
onedarkhorizon says...

I'm sorry, I'm going to have to drop out. :(

Chickens are honestly little dinosaurs. And they know it.
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