
Young Writers Society

LSS: Voyage of the Starry Seas

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Fri May 10, 2024 12:45 am
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WeepingWisteria says...




For thousands of years, all of recorded humans lived on the Twelve Ships of the zodiacs, looking to the stars for guidance and power. But when the leader Pisces finds something strange in the deep, the Ships are forced to question if they’re really alone, or if the abandoned lands of the Earth aren’t as they seem.

Now, it’s up to one group to discover the truth about humanity. Are there potential allies past the horizon or only enemies in store?

“the wist i knew would never allow a straight boy in their stories” ~Omni
“Hi Omni can I request wist get the role mom friend :]" ~winter
“ah yes, fear Wist's smile :) <- speaks of layers and layers of secrets” ~mint

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Gender: Demigirl
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Mon May 27, 2024 11:25 pm
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WeepingWisteria says...


Pisces had long lost sight of the Isles. He liked to wander far. Far away from all the engine whirring, metal clanging, and distant gunfire. Far, far away from humans.

Not that Pisces hated humans, of course. Even as a Zodiac, he still was one. But some things in life were better appreciated in small doses. Humans just happened to be one of those things.

Besides, his constellation provided the most incredible escape. The entire sea was his domain. Within the waves, he would never tire. His air was infinite. Hunger and thirst didn't exist. One could argue that he was better fit for the seas than his ship. (Libra actually had, bless his stubborn heart.) So, he didn't mind the whispers and the disappointed glances. If they were him, they'd understand. How does someone have an endless escape and not take it? It simply didn't make sense how anyone blamed him.

Oh well. What use is there in trying to understand the inconceivable?

Pisces swam around the thick clumps of seaweed, eyes lazily following all the darting schools of fish. He could see perfectly, the salt not even stinging his eyes. Occasionally, a smaller one would dart between his free-flowing locks of hair before quickly rejoining its group. He smiled.

A shadow crossed over his face. There was no need to look up. Plenty of fish large enough to do that. But this shadow was different, somehow. Most fish or whales didn't exactly take their time. They usually had somewhere to be, or they were playing a game. They didn't hover in place, occasionally getting knocked back. The stuttering of the shadow above him made him look up, only to see a rectangular blot over the water. He swam up, barely needing to kick his legs.

It was a crate. A large, wooden crate bearing a language Pisces didn't recognize. He coughed as his lungs took a moment to get reaccustomed to breathing air.

"Where are you from?" His voice was husky, a little unused. The crate, being a crate, did not answer.

He looked around. All he could see was a vast ocean. The Isles weren't nearby. But, it was hard to tell when the crate fell into the sea. He didn't exactly keep up to date with everyone's shipping labels. He dove back underwater and tore off a length of seaweed, surfacing again. He tied the crate to his back, swimming in a few circles to ensure it was secure.

"Let's hope it's nothing."

With a deep breath, he dove back under and swam back toward the Isles.

It didn't take long to make it back. Heading out, it was usually a slow, meandering pace. But when something was important, Pisces' legs could propel him at an unnatural speed, passing the dolphins he came across. In about an hour, he launched himself out of the water and grabbed hold of the anchor. They were only ever used for dangerous storms, so he wasn't at risk of being hurtled to the bottom of the sea.

Sitting on the edge of the anchor and resting against the ship, he pulled the crate onto his lap. It was a little awkward to maneuver, but he managed to pop the lid off. He was immediately flooded with the scent of fresh mint and old tea. It was a little jarring after so long of salt and sea life.

Inside was a thin layer of what looked like crumbled leaves. It must have been the tea. Pisces pushed them aside to reveal a soft green... spear. No, it didn't look quite right. It had the tip of a sword. Along the handle were more confusing symbols and drawings of plants. The most recognizable was that of a simplistic potato, but there were elaborate flowers, leaves, and interweaving vines. It was warm in his hand like a living creature, full of power and life.

He slammed it back into the crate and closed the lid tight. His heart was pounding in his chest. He had never seen a weapon like that before in his life. Cancer didn't talk about weapons like that. Sagittarius didn't talk about weapons like that. He swallowed, hugging the crate to his chest.

"I need to talk to the others." He tied it to his back once more and started scaling the anchor, the air uncharacteristically burning his lungs.

“the wist i knew would never allow a straight boy in their stories” ~Omni
“Hi Omni can I request wist get the role mom friend :]" ~winter
“ah yes, fear Wist's smile :) <- speaks of layers and layers of secrets” ~mint

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Mon May 27, 2024 11:56 pm
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herbalhour says...


Libra was not expecting that he'd have to accomodate for a soaking wet Pisces at the door of the meeting hall, but here he was handing him a towel.

"So, what brings you here to the meeting hall so urgently that you had to come soaked?" Libra mused, as he picked up a cup of coffee.

Pisces accepted the towel, gasping for breath. "One..." He practically wheezed, accepting that as a good enough sentence.

"Take your time. You'd think that for the best swimmer on the Isles you'd have stellar stamina."

After a few seconds of Pisces' slowing breath, he huffed. "You... would think that, huh?" He cleared his throat. "But, Libra. You need to summon all of the Zodiacs. Now."

Libra paused drinking his coffee and set it down. "For what reason?"

"Humans, Libra." There was the dull of thud of something wet being set on the ground. "Far away, distant humans."

"Oh? What brings you to that conclusion?" Libra chuckled lightly.

"Hold out your hand." Pisces didn't wait for a response as he grabbed Libra's hand, opening it into the right position to grab something.

"What are you talking about?"

There was a loud pop and the smell of old tea and fresh mint flooded the room. Before Libra could react, something was being shoved into his hand. It had a lot of bumps and felt like metal. But, it was warm. Like how a human body was warm.

Libra winced. "What... is this? It reeks of... mint and... herbs? It smells contradictory but at the same time comforting? Pisces, where did you find this?"

"In a crate. In the middle of the ocean. Far away from the Isles. I have no idea what it is, but it's definetly manmade. Unless the orcas are getting smarter."

"Oh yes, the orcas. It's obviously the orcas." Libra set down the sword on the table, and picked up his coffee once more. "I suppose this does call for a meeting." He winced once more. "Do we have to though? I really hate it when Cancer scratches up my hardwood floors..."

"Libra! This is more than hardwood floors. We're talking about humans who found their own way to survive the Great Ending. They could have magic. Besides, you can't even see the scratches. You'll be fine."

"But I can feel them!" Libra sighed. "I suppose we can hold a meeting. But you owe me something! I don't know what, but you owe me!"

"I'll have someone rewax your floors! This is important, Libra."

"I guess so. Let me go wrangle the other Zodiacs."

"Thank you."
nothing is forever but everything was infinite

herb/tea - he/him/his, she/her/hers

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Tue May 28, 2024 2:36 am
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Ley says...


Libra's messenger arrived just before sundown. The sky was starting to turn purple, and slowly faded into the night sky. Virgo glanced up at the stars, admiring the way they twinkled and shimmered to create such a lovely pattern. The carriage bumped and wobbled as her journey continued to Libra's jurisdiction, as he liked to call it. Virgo never really understood the interest in law, but being a leader consisted of such.

She pushed her dark brown hair behind her shoulders, flattening her pristine red suit that accentuated her bright green eyes. She checked her face in the metal hand bar in front of her, wiping excess dark red lipstick from around her lip line. As she arrived to Libra's territory, she was welcomed by guards, some grimacing at her as she judged their dirty shoes. She didn't say a word, her eyes spoke for her.

Virgo sighed heavily and dismissed them with a wave of the hand, plastering on a smile as she laid eyes on Capricornus. Capricornus was hiding behind their silvery hair, as usual. Thankfully, at least they were neat, and were dressed in a plain shirt tucked into a pair of trousers.

Capricornus was standing at the door, fiddling with something in their hands, but looked up when they saw Virgo and put the little machine away. They smiled faintly. "Hello, Virgo. I was hoping someone would show up so I wouldn't have to go in alone. Do you think this is one of the bad meetings?" they asked nervously.

"Well..." Virgo pursed her full lips, "I'd hope not. It seems important though, being as Libra, oh, how did he say it?" she pondered hard, placing a hand on her hip, "oh! Urgent. Must be important, don't you think?"

An arm wrapped around her shoulder, pulling her a downwards a little, "Well, I've heard some rumors our sea boy's back and something's got him freaked." Gemini's impish giggle sounded next to her, making Virgo's fear of dirt getting on her diminish. "If Pisces is back early, then it must be something interesting at least!" She shrugged. "Don't know, just a rumor."

"Pisces is always freaked out," Virgo responded, smiling even wider, "remember the last time a Pisces ruler found an old wooden peace of driftwood and thought it was some kind of prophecy? Only to find out, it was an excess part that drifted away from his ship."

"I don't know about this one, though. He accidentally missed an attempted revolt because he was sniffing coral. He takes his ocean time very seriously." Gemini feigned a solemn face.

"He better, I don't want any more junk on my side of the sea," Virgo grimaced and pushed the large, teakwood doors open to reveal an enormous circular table-- the one they always met at. Pisces paced back and forth, glancing at a waterlogged crate on the table. The room smelled of tea and mint and there was a faint buzzing noise, like a distant bee. Sagittarius was frowning, not that it narrowed it down, that was her default expression.

"What is that smell?' Virgo looked around, fanning herself, "and why is it so pungent?"

Pisces gestured wordlessly to the crate.

"You found... a box. And summoned all of us?" Virgo took her seat, crossing her legs. Capricornus followed silently, taking a seat next to her while nervously bouncing their knee. Gemini sat on Virgo's other side, immediately tilting her seat back.

"Obviously there's something in the box, Virgo." Pisces sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose. "I'm just waiting for everyone to get here before taking it out."

"Why are you acting like it's some sort of... spell? Like if you open it, we'll all die."

Capricornus looked up and tapped their fingers on the table. "Die?" They looked immensely worried.

Virgo glanced to her right and sighed, "We are not going to die," she looked back at Pisces, "What exactly is in the box?"

"It looks like a weapon."

"A weapon. What kind of weapon?" Virgo played with her blouse, trying to pick a piece of dirt from the buttons.

Pisces sighed. "Okay." He popped the lid open and somehow the smell got even stronger. "You have to see it to believe it."

"Ewwwwwww," came a voice from the back. "Pisces the seaweed scent is.. NOT.. working."

Pisces visibly flushed. "It's not seaweed! It's like... tea. Loose leaf tea." He pulled out a handful. "The entire crate is lined with it."

"Tea? Is that like a code for something I'm too young to know about?" Aquarius pulled up a chair. She was wearing jeans as usual, looking like she'd been through a small hurricane. Virgo scooted her chair further from the ruler, sighing in invisible agony.

"What?" It took a second before even more mortification dawned on his face. "Oh stars, no! It's not..." He groaned. "This is what I'm worried about!" He pulled out a mint green weapon. It was a little confusing to look at. It had the body of a spear, but the blade of a sword. The buzzing seemed to be coming from it.

Virgo stood abruptly and gasped, "Are you trying to assassinate us? What is that thing??" her voice visibly shook, as if it rumbled the ground itself.

Capricornus looked at it, an expression of terror on their face. "Yes. Die. I think we could die."

"EVERYONE JUST STOP!" Pisces set the thing down. "Why would I try to kill you? That doesn't make any sense. I found it in the ocean in a crate that smelled like herbs. It's warm and feels alive and it's probably breathing." He started pacing. "I don't know what it is."

"Exactly what someone trying to kill us would say."

"Herbs can be suspicious," Capricornus muttered. "And weapons. Especially living weapons." They took out their machine and started fiddling with it again as they drew their knees up to their chest.

"Sagittarius is it yours?" Pisces was running his fingers through his blonde hair.

She stood up and scoffed. "A wooden crate. With a lock of...that quality. You insult me Pisces." She pointed at it like it had insulted her entire bloodline. "Pathetic and out of alignment."

"Then that means that someone is throwing crates full of tea and WEAPONS into the ocean. If it's none of us, who is it then?"

"Aliens. Or an ancient race of underwater robots that has recently resurfaced..." Capricornus whispered dreamily.

The doors busted open again, and two rulers walked through the doors, freezing when they saw what laid on the table before them. Virgo facepalmed, taking a deep breath.

Leo smiled slyly, "Oh? Are we dueling? And what is this I hear about Aliens?"

"Obviously not," Taurus closed the doors behind them, "or Aries would already be swinging the thing around like a baton."

"No one's dueling! I found this thing in a box in the middle of the ocean. So can we get on topic of where it might be from?"

"Dueling? Did someone say dueling?" Aries rammed through the doors. "Duel me, duel me!" The captain was carrying a tomato plant today. It was scattering tiny clods of dirt over his overalls.

Gemini giggled. "This is a meeting for the history books."

"No. Dueling." Pisces rubbed his temples. "There might be more humans out there!" He waved his hands. "We might not be the only ones left."

"Oh," Taurus sat down elegantly, nodding at those around him very gentleman-like, his accent faltered, "in that case, what do we propose? A soiree to question our crews?"

"Why do you always do that?" Leo groaned, sliding into a seat next to Sagittarius, "not everything is a party, you know."

Taurus only frowned and mocked Leo. He glared and turned away with a pout, crossing his arms.

"I like parties!" threw in Aquarius helpfully.

"Duels are more fun," Aries commented.

"But you don't have ice cream at duels." Aquarius shot back.

Aries frowned. "Hey, sure you do. You can have ice cream as a reward for the victor."

"Lame. In a party you can have ice cream regardless and then duel with the spoons."

"Can we get back on topic, for the love of the stars?" Virgo finally spoke again, looking back at Pisces, "What do you propose, Pisces? What is there to do about this... weapon?"

Aries huffed and gently set the tomato plant on the table, then crossed his arms and quietly leaned back in his chair.

"Thank you, Virgo. I think we need to send an expedition to find these people. If this is a weapon, it could be a declaration of war and they already know where to find us or it could just be a lost shipment or-"

"The Lady Cancer Picklock is arriving!" Someone announced from the back. Several trumpets played.

Virgo rolled her eyes. Leo groaned. Taurus smiled wide and excitedly clapped his hands together. Aquarius whistled.

Several armed guards circled the room inspecting everything, four of them immediately surrounding the weapon in the middle of the room. A large box carried by four people appeared.

A voice issued from within. "What did I miss?"

As the guards approached Capricornus, their hands started shaking. They curled into a ball on their seat, creating as much space between themself and the guards as possible. "S-stop everything," Capricornus pleaded.

"Now I know that everyone is going to stand up and applaud my arrival but there's no need to stop everything. Carry on please." Cancer, the voice from inside the box, issued another order.

"Sis that's not what they meant," pointed out Aquarius, actually helpfully.

Capricornus scrunched into an even tighter ball. They squeezed their machine.

"Cancer, your spot is in its usual place. No need to suffocate Capri." Gemini's face turned strangely dark as she glared at the box.

Capricornus relaxed a fraction of a fraction.

A medley of trumpets played. "I exit the box when the box chooses to exit me."

"I meant move the box, genius."

More trumpets played as the box was moved to its corner. "Thank you. I am in fact a genius."

Virgo appeared noticeably irritated, "Guys. What are we doing?"

"Nobody knows!" boomed Aries, and he laughed uproariously. He smiled at his tomato plant.

Pisces was now braiding and unbraiding his hair, his face wearing a delirious grin. "As I was saying before every interruption of the sun cycle happened, we should get together an expedition so we can see why we received a magic, possibly living weapon." He grinned, blinking a few too many times to look sane.

"Okay. And who are we to send on this expedition?" Virgo continued, furrowing her brow.

"I don't know! Who do we think would be good?"

"Who do we think would be good?" Virgo waved her hand, "We need gifted individuals. Not just good. They need to be great."

"Ice cream. I'm telling you now. Gotta send ice cream. On the expedition. Its important." Aquarius, back to being unhelpfully helpful.

"Let's hold a contest. A series of duels," suggested Aries. "Best twelve or so go on the expedition."

Taurus stood dramatically, his accent now turning from British to Australian, "If we are to have a duel, I shall be the commencer!"

"NO. DUELS," Virgo raised her voice slightly, but soon regathered her poise, "Please tell me we have a group of people that we can send that won't kill themselves when the highest tide hits. Anyone? Anyone?" She looked around frantically.

"Pie eating contest. I vote pie eating contest!" Aquarius was on top of her chair now.

"Look, there is a population of talented people scattered on our ships. All we need to do is bring them together. We need a captain. A fighter. A healer."

Sagittarius stroked her chin thoughtfully. "I approve of this plan. It has a high chance of success provided we pick competent people."

"I have a healer. My daughter would be perfect. Heavily trained in herbal medicine," Virgo flashed a proud smile.

"I have an arena where I can hold a contest," mused Aries. "Possibly based on dueling, possibly based on growing tomatoes." He patted a leaf of the tomato plant, and it stretched upwards a few millimeters.

Capricornus straightened out slowly and mumbled, "I can think of a few people."

"Me! I have a fighter!" Gemini practically leaped out of her seat. "Sag, you might remember himmm. Her name is Darviii."

Taurus and Leo both pondered their thoughts. Taurus ended up speaking first, "I'm not sure I have anyone that would enjoy such a journey like this, let alone be successful. How about you, Leo darling?"

Leo angrily glanced at Taurus, "No. I will voluntarily not send any of my people on this expedition. Sounds dangerous, and I don't want to lose people. Maybe next year."

"Look, if it makes you feel better, I have someone I'm sending." Pisces sighed softly. "We all need to work together here."

"I'm providing the ice cream and snacks." Aquarius declared proudly.

Sagittarius was thoughtful for a moment. "I may have a captain for us."

Libra hummed. "I can provide someone as well."

"Great," Virgo stood once more, slamming her hands on the table in attempt to end the meeting, "Anyone else? Are we all good?"

Capricornus nodded vigorously in agreement with the "all good," looking as if they wished they were anywhere but here.

"Nobody? Great. I'm ready to go home. When are we going to send these chosen people out, and on what ship?" Virgo questioned.

More trumpets played. "I have someone." Cancer chimed in finally.

Taurus hummed along to the trumpets, smiling vigorously to himself. Virgo looked at Cancer's... box, "Great. Lovely. Now ships. Timeframe. And routes. Where exactly are we sending them? Just to look anywhere and everywhere there is land?"

"It shall be... a great expedition!" announced Aries dramatically. "A quest of exploration worthy of the olden days." As an afterthought, he added, "No idea where they'll get a ship, though."

"I'll provide my best ship. I'll escort the crew to where I found the crate and point them in the direction of where it came from. From there, it's up to them." Pisces shrugged. "Hopefully what they find is good."

"Wonderful!" Virgo exclaimed almost too enthusiastically, "Are we done here, then? Do they leave tomorrow when the sun rises and the stars disappear?"

"Yes." Capricornus spoke above a whisper for once, then ran out of the room.

"We do. I hope to see you all then with your people." Pisces ended the meeting, and the constellations guided the rulers home.

Potato Enthusiast

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Tue May 28, 2024 4:07 am
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KateHardy says...


in collaboration with @Ley

Sefarina inspected the official looking note in her hand carefully. She'd read it over a good five times now. This was an incredible moment. Both for them as a civilization and for her career. A mysterious object found afloat. An expedition to the unexplored reaches of the world. Sefarina had dreams of course. Of one day commanding something truly once in a lifetime, but she was hardly expecting to get it, much less this young and for something that seemed so very monumental.

There was just one small spanner in the works. Sagittarius had picked her to captain the crew but that was not going to work out, not if she couldn't have her trusted first mate on board. Rune.

Where could she even begin? She trusted Rune as much as she trusted her right hand. Honestly at this point it might as well be her right eye. They'd become very much a package deal when it came to handling ships. She had to take to Sagittarius. There had to be a way.


That led her to where she was standing now, outside Sag's cabin about to be admitted in for the appointment that she made. She had to put on her debating skills for this one. Not that she was tremendously good at it, but she had to make an impression here.

"Come in!" came the familiar deep rumble.

She walked in smiling brightly, neatly in uniform, not a speck of dust in sight.

Sag smiled proudly. "Ahh the pride of our navy. No one else can get those buttons to be centered so well. I swear they're all blind in the left eye."

Sefarina bowed politely. "My mama taught me well."

"That she did. So what brings you here? I assume you got the news."

"I did. I did. I am so honored. Truly. Not one I expected so young."

Sag nodded proudly again. "Ahhh you see it is not age that matters, but experience and skill. Between you and more several of our more experienced commanders would not work well for an expeditionary force. A military force sure to intimidate and establish dominance. But a crew meant to be both welcoming and at the same time able to defend itself, I can think of no one better."

Sefarina bowed. "I thank you once again. I would say perhaps I'm not qualified but I trust your excellent judgement too much for that."

Sag allowed herself a deep chuckle. "Always a witty one."

Sefarina smiled again.

"Well then, why don't we get right to it."

She nodded. "Thank you Sag. I came here to make a small request. If a first mate has not already been chosen might I recommend my fellow sailor Rune Zephyrus. He's been my right hand man for nearly a decade now. I trust no one better to fill that role."

Sag leaned back in her chair, look deep in though. "Rune you say. I am quite familiar with that name. Was not my initial choice. Truth be told I wasn't really looking for a first mate. The crew that was being assembled appeared small enough not to need one."

"I believe he'll be a valuable asset Sag. He brings quite a lot to the table, experience, both on the sea and if need be in matters of conflict to say nothing of how well he handles a crew. "

"Hmm well I don't disagree on those points. I had him marked down in my mental shortlist, but of course I was only going to end up picking the one."

"I see. Well I would implore that you think on this Sag. I believe he would contribute greatly, and perhaps could be a backup captain for this force should the worst happen."

Sag nodded gravely. "You know I hadn't considered that angle. An expeditionary force ought to have a first mate in the event of an emergency. Once again you prove my choice was a good one Rina."

Sefarina bowed. "Thank you again Sag."

"Alright well I doubt I need to send another messenger. You can inform Rune yourself and get the both of you prepared for this expedition."

Sefarina nodded. "That I can Sag."

"Wonderful. Our talk here is done then. Good Luck on your travels Rina."

"May the wind be with you Sag!"

"And may the wind be with you Rina!"

Sefarina allowed herself a small smirk as she walked out, turning two corners before she did a twirl and punched her first in the air. This was officially going to be the best expedition ever. She practically ran all the way to Rune's quarters.

She knocked excitedly.

Rune opened the door, his eyes tired with sleep. He wiped them before yawning, "I was napping. What's up?"

"Hiiii. This. Is what's up!" She handed him the neatly folded she'd been carrying around since the time she received it.

He studied the paper, and then Sefarina, before slowly unfolding it. His eyes widened, "Does that mean we're finally getting out of here?"

"Yesss! A whole expeditionn! It's going to be amazing!" She did another twirl for good measure.

Rune smiled lightly and smacked the paper on his hand before sitting on his bed, "I wish Glyph could come, too. You know he loved this kind of stuff."

"He really did. It would've been amazing."

Rune nodded silently and looked back up at her, smiling a tad wider, "Okay. Let's do this...Captain."
Stay Safe
The Princess of Darkness

Hello! You? Yes you reading this. Have a nice day because you're wonderful and you deserve it!

Catchphrase loading. Please Wait...

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Tue May 28, 2024 6:39 am
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Spearmint says...


in collaboration with @KateHardy, @Ley, and @WeepingWisteria

Capricornus did not like crowds. Nor did they like meeting rooms. The worst thing was when there were crowded meeting rooms. Like today.

Capricornus rushed out of the meeting room, fiddling with their machine. It was only one part of many, but when the whole machine was completed, hopefully it would prevent them from having to suffer through meetings like that again. And the same item they were working on could be part of a cool toy for Gemini.

When they reached their workshop, they became so absorbed in their tinkering that they nearly beheaded a messenger with a thin wire when he coughed delicately.

The messenger had somehow ended up right behind them, probably let in by their guards and left alone. The messenger barely looked startled, simply taking a step back. "Zodiac Capricornus Pangrove. Zodiac Libra has summoned you to arrive at the designated launch location early in order to discuss one more part of the plan.

"Baaaa!" Capricornus bleated. "Libra? Oh, joy."

"He wanted me to assure you that while it was urgent, it should not be too long."

More meetings meant more crowds. Ugh. Could Capricornus create some kind of universal silencer? If no one could talk, that meant no meetings... no, no, they would find some way to communicate visually instead. Capricornus sighed. "Alright. Kindly tell Zodiac Libra I will come."

"Good." The messenger bowed and walked away.


At least the launch location was outdoors. Capricornus had arrived early, so they watched the clouds as they waited. There were some cumulus clouds, and some wisps of cirrus high in the sky... That formation looked uncannily like the swordspear. Capricornus didn't want to think of that. Thankfully (or perhaps not), they were distracted by the appearance of the other zodiacs.

Gemini, surprisingly, was one of the first to show up. However, she was still in her pajamas and clearly not fully awake. She kept dozing off periodically, startling awake when she started to fall.

Capricornus approached her hesitantly. They had recently completed a small toy... it was nothing special, really, just a few wheels and a propeller. Something to fidget with. But should they really disturb Gemini's sleep? They hovered there for a few moments, their face obscured by their long silver hair, tilting their head up to pretend to watch the clouds.

Gemini seemed to rouse himself enough to recognize that there was a human in front of him. "Capi!" Her face grew a large, dopey grin. "I didn't know if you were coming. On one hand you're nocturnal, on the other you hate people!"

Capricornus laughed softly. "Very true. But I was promised this would be short." They smiled at Gemini and held up the little flying creature. "If you wind up the key here, it flies a short distance." They held it out to him.

Gemini gasped. "Oh my constellation!" He gently took it, as if it was precious. "That's so cool!"

Capricornus blushed. It was really nothing. "It was simple to make." They attempted to fade into the background. When would the meeting start?

"Ahh I see there is some sense of punctuality still." Sagittarius walked up to them. Behind them was a young woman smiling serenely and looking quite thrilled to be here.

"The sooner we get here, the sooner we get out and go right back into bed."

Capricornus nodded emphatically. Well, back to the workshop for them, but eh, minor details.

"So where is Blind Justice? I didn't see him. And who's that you got there?" Gemini gestured to the serene woman.

"Probably "fashionably" late." Sag sounded like she was talking about the most horrific crime on Earth. "And this will be our captain for the expedition."

Capricornus analyzed the woman. She seemed determined. That was good.

She flashed a smile at all of them. "Hello! I am Sefarina Santiago! Thank you kindly for this honor!"

Gemini smiled back. "Must be important to interrupt the world's most famous captain's beauty sleep."

Most famous captain? Wow. Capricornus didn't leave their ship much, so they couldn't validate that title, but it certainly sounded impressive.

Virgo pursed her lips and simply nodded at the captain before speaking, "So, you will be the one in charge of my daughter. Please, for the love of the stars, make sure she doesn't do anything stupid. She has a tendency to... underestimate her abilities."

"Oh I'm sure she'll realize her full potential." Sefarina smiled politely.

Just then, there was the soft scruff of someone dragging their feet. Capricornus looked over. Their first thought was, that person needs a toy. Almost unconsciously, they started tinkering with a bit of scrap metal and fashioning it into a bird.

It was a faded-looking young lady with greasy hair and eyes like the sky behind a filter of thin clouds. Her medical mask was a blue like the blue of a noontime sky. Overall, she looked unkempt, like she had no one to care about her. Capricornus offered her the tiny metal bird they'd just made.

The girl stared at the metal bird like she wasn't sure if it was going to hurt her or if she was going to break it. Instead of taking it, she held out a slip of paper, looking at the ground.

Capricornus hesitated, then took the slip of paper. They read it aloud in a quiet voice.

"Dear fellow Zodiacs and future captain,

Unfortuantely, I am unable to join this meeting because I have something to prepare, but don't worry. I'll summarize my points here. The woman handing you this letter is Idris. Don't bother asking her anything, she doesn't speak..."

Capricornus paused in their reading of the letter. Well, if she didn't speak, perhaps Idris and Capricornus would get along swimmingly. They smiled at her and tried offering her the bird again. "It won't hurt you, and you won't hurt it."

This time, Idris slowly reached out and took the bird, careful not to touch Capricornus' hand. She immediately backed away, cradling the bird to her chest like it was the most precious thing to her.

"Well isn't that wonderful. No speaking. Probably for the best. That's just-" Sagittarus pointed at her and then at her and then at her. "Mis alirnomokeokmokgormolkd." She turned away.

"I'm getting a small migraine. Excuse me." Sagittarus walked off.

Idris shrunk into herself, clearly understanding of what people said. She took a few more steps back, her head hung low. Capricornus glanced at Idris quizzically, tried to smile at her encouragingly, then continued reading.

"She will be in charge of keeping the ship clean. Despite her appearance, which I understand is horrific, she has proven herself useful with a mop and a duster. And I have many reasons to believe she is perfect for the job."

Capricornus raised an eyebrow. That job wasn't what they'd expected, but alright.

Virgo smiled at Idris, but kept her distance, "At least someone will be keeping the ship clean. Don't want anyone coming back with any viruses," she studied Idris once more, "although..."

At that moment, Idris let out a wheezing cough. She covered her mouth and turned away, her body shaking wth the effort not to let them out.

"Oh my heavens and the stars above!" Virgo practically screamed, frantically looking to anyone for a handkerchief, "someone get this baby some help! She's obviously sick."

Capricornus offered up a screwdriver and a rag that was streaked with grease. Virgo grimaced and sighed loudly, "I will have my daughter do an examination. We'll see if she's even fit to go on this exploration. I'm worried that by allowing her on the ship, she'll pass along pathogens to our chosen ones."

There was a small thud behind them. Sefarina scrambled to catch her zodiac who looked to have fainted.

Idris let out a very faint wheeze befoe turning around, her eyes watering. She was shaking at this point, cheeks red in a vivid blush.

"Are you okay?" Capricornus wasn't sure whether to direct the question to Sagittarius or to Idris, so they ended up directing it at the empty space that was in the middle of the two. They fiddled with a piece of wood.

Idris nodded shyly, looking back at the ground.

"This baby is not okay," Virgo countered, now covering her nose and mouth with the collar of her shirt.

Capricornus wavered, unsure of what to do in this conflicting situation. Machines were easier. Either do something or don't. True or false. This... they stepped away and looked up at the sky. Surely the others would figure it out. Then Capricornus looked down and realized they were still holding the letter. Oh. They turned back to the group.

Idris shakily reached into her pockets and pulled out a second medical mask and put it on.

Capricornus cleared their throat. Perhaps a change of subject was in order. They kept reading.

"Yes, you may have discovered by now that Idris has a cough. I do not know the cause of it, but so far there has been no proof that is contagious. Idris does take careful steps in order to prevent its spread in case it happens to be."

Sagittarius was back on her feet now and Sefarina walked over to listen closer. Sagittarius remained far away muttering to herself and shaking her head repeatedly.

"The reason I have selected her despite her bad health is because Idris is a convicted felon and is completeing her sentence through community service."

Capricornus looked at Idris again. This old dishrag of a person? They meant that in the nicest way possible. No, they couldn't see Idris as a felon.

Sagittarius meanwhile doubled over coughing. Oh dear. Was the cough Idris had spreading?

"Before you worry, I want to emphasis that Idris is both phsyically weak and never gradated from Constellation Bonding, meaning she doesn't have a constellation. So, no need to worry about Idris fighting. She is easily overpowered. And since you're sailing out, any attempt to escape will only result in her being stranded on an island or drowning.

However, to make you more comfortable, I wanted to say plainly why Idris was convicted, but I do ask that you don't tell anyone else on the crew. Idris plead guilty to brutally murdering her parents with a garden shovel at twelve years-old. My predecessor saw this as a violent crime with no rhyme or reason, and sentenced her to life in prison. However, when I took over, I reexamined her case and determined there was much more to Idris' story and have decided to give her a chance to prove herself. If she causes trouble, feel free to kill her yourselves. But something tells me she won't."

Hmm. That sounded more plausible. Capricornus looked at Idris again, feeling rather sorry for her, though she likely wasn't looking for pity. Nobody really was.

Idris didn't look up as they finished reading, only cradled her bird and braced, like she was ready for some sort of punishment.

Sefarina walked up with a smile and offered her hand. "Welcome to the crew! Glad to have you board! Do you do hugs?"

Idris jumped slightly as Sefarina's hand approached her. Settling into a look of absolute terror and uncertainty, she looked between Sefarina's hand, then her face, then her hand again.

Sefarina pulled her into a gentle hug. Capricornus nearly melted at the sweetness. They weren't much for physical contact themself, but if Idris was okay with the hug, they thought it could do her a lot of good. Idris wheezed, going rigid in Sefarina's hold. She started shaking again, holding her mouth closed. Sefarina patted her back gently.

"There now you'll be safe alright."

Idris pulled away and pratically doubled over with her coughs, facing away from Sefarina. Even through the two masks, it was easy to hear they way they rattled through her lungs, dry but bloodthirsty. By the time she was done, she was wheezing and staying bent over, like she was woozy.

Capricornus glanced at her in concern. They didn't suppose a good tightening of the screws or turning her off and on again would fix her. Bother. Why were humans so fragile and so hard to fix?

Sefarina patted her back gently. "All good there?"

She nodded faintly. Sefarina hugged her again. "You'll fit right in." Idris didn't react so strongly this time, but her face still held that deep uncertainty.

Sefarina finally pulled away and beamed at her. "Excited?"

Idris shrugged.

"Well we're still glad to have you! Thank you for joining us!"

Idris nodded and slowly approached Capricornus. She held out an open hand. Capricornus stared at it quizzically. She pointed at the letter and opened her hand again. Ahh, the letter. Capricornus quickly placed it in her hand.

Idris nodded and folded the letter. She kept folding it until a small paper crane rested in her hands.

Capricornus gasped. "Beautiful." They meant it.

Idris looked a little sad at that. She glanced between the metal bird and the crane for a while before gently handing the paper crane to Capricornus.

Capricornus blinked. For... for them? They took it gingerly and bowed to Idris. "Thank you. I will treasure it."

Idris nodded, holding the metal bird a little higher before tucking it back to her chest. She bowed. dipping her head low, then scurried off into the night.

Gemini yawned, stretching. "Now that. Was some juicy gossip. Can't wait to tell Darvi." She smiled sleeply and rubbed her eyes. "And Capi made a friend! Adorable."

Capricornus nodded happily. On the whole, the meeting had gone better than expected. They admired the crane, then turned to the other Zodiacs. "May I leave now?"

"I guess the meeting left. So I'm leaving too." Gemini sighed. "Walk with me, Capi?"

Capricornus was feeling rather drained of energy, as they usually were whenever they had to talk, but perhaps they could make an exception for Gemini. They nodded. "Sure, Gemi."
mint, she/her

.--. / ... ...- -.-. .-.. / - .--. ..- .- / .--- --- ...- .--- / .--- --- .--. .-- / .--. .--- .-.. / .--- -.-- .-.. .... -

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35 Reviews

Gender: Demigirl
Points: 1150
Reviews: 35
Wed May 29, 2024 5:30 am
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WeepingWisteria says...


"I've contacted Belinda's library and done everything I could. She has a stellar resume, so it shouldn't be hard to convince others to let her join."

Darvi rested on one knee, bowing his head. "Thank you, my Zodiac. I appreciate you doing this for my sister."

Gemini giggled, her feet dangling over the arm of her chair. "I do have to ask, though, why her? You've met a lot of top academics working with me. And you're not one for nepotism, so she must be special. What makes her the best?"

Darvi looked up. "Belinda has an impeccable memory and one of the most flawless connections to her constellation that I've ever seen. I believe she would both greatly benefit the expedition an herself if she was a memeber."

Gemini stared at Darvi for a moment before sighing. "I just don't want you to get disappointed if she doesn't come."

Darvi shook her head. "She will come. I know she will."

They stared at each other for a moment before Gemini nodded. "Well, get yourself ready. We need to be at the docks at Way Too Early O'Clock."

Darvi stood up, giving Gemini another short bow. "Yes, of course, my Zodiac. I'll be ready."

Gemini rolled his eyes and waved Darvi off. "Go on, then."

Darvi bowed one more time and walked away, wringing their hands. There was much to do. Deciding the essentials, packing the essentials, picking weapons, ensuring the weapons were fit for sea travel. Darvi shook his head. So much to do. Such little notice. But of course there was no notice, it was a potiential threat to the Isles! No one would want to wait. And Darvi's job was to be prepared for everything, so really it was her fault for not being ready to go on a weeks long expedition.

Darvi opened their door, shaking their head. They needed to do this fast.


Darvi was closing their bag for the expedition at around midnight, glancing more at their window outside. The longer this took the higher the chance that they become physically impared by sleep depriviation. If they became impared, they would be useless at the one job they were good enough at to be invited in the first place. And if they were useless, then that invintation would be revoked.

Darvi hissed, holding on to his hair. He didn't have much left. Just the weapons. Only the weapons now.

There was a quiet knock on the door.

"I'll be out in a moment, my Zodiac!"


Darvi flinced. Zodiac Cancer? He rushed over and opened the door. "I sinceriely apologize for making you wait." He bowed. "I was not expecting you."

"Good. I wa about to be murdered by the whimsical wondering warlock."

"Please, come inside." Darvi held the door open.

Cancer walked in four armed guards and a young woman in tow. "Close the blasted door please. ANd barricade it and arm your defense system."

Darvi closed the doors.

"The defense system. Please."

"I... don't have one, honored Zodiac. I apologize with all the power of the stars."
"Kids these days I swear."

Darvi bowed.

"Well at least you have some respect."

Darvi stood up. "What do you need, dear Zodiac?"

"Sidney come here." The girl walked over, smiling wide.

Darvi blinked. "Who is this, dear Zodiac?"

"This is my daughter."

Darvi bowed. "Zodiac Kin."

The girl, Sidney, frowned. "Who?"

"You are Zodiac Kin."

"I'm SIdneyyy!" She squealed excitedly and then promptly leapt at Darvi arms open. Darvi rolled away from Sidney, rising up into a fighting position, arms blocking her face and neck.

"Huh?" Sidney looked extremely confused.

Darvi cleared her throat, standing up and shaking out her hands. "Apologies. Dear Zodiac, what do you bring your daughter here for?"

"Not to attack you, that's for sure. But good. I like that readiness. Exactly why I picked you. Good to have my choice justified."

"Then what is the reason?"

"I need you to protect her."

"I'm going on an expedition, dear Zodiac. I won't be here to do so."

"That's precisely the point."

"What is?" Darvi glanced at Sidney.

"She will join you on your expedition."

"She's doing the expedition?"


"Oh. I'd be honored to protect a Zodiac Kin."

SIdney frowned. "Don't call me that. It sounds like a type of fishhh. I'm not a fishhh."

"That is your offical title. What do your guards call you?"

"Sidney? Or Sid?"

"I can't do that."

"Why not?"

"You need to be called a proper title." Darvi furrowed her eyebrows. "Last time I checked, the proper Cancer Ship term was Zodiac Kin. But there's different ones for each ship. For example, for Gemini it's Zodiacling."

Sidney pouted hard and walked up to Darvi. "Well my title is Princess The Lady Sidney Picklock The Lady Princess but that is soo longgggggggggggggggggggggg. And boringg." She had done three complete circuits of the room at this point.

"Well, if Princess The Lady Sidney Picklock The Lady Princess is your only title, that is what I shall call you." Darvi bowed.

"Nuuuuu. Nuuuuuuuuu." Sidney jumped up and down. "SIdney. Call me Sidney. S. I. D. N. E. Y. Sidney. S for Soap, I for Insect, D for Donkey, N for No, E for Eyesight, Y for You should call me Sidney."

"I cannot." Darvi took a deep breath. "The one thing keeping guards civilized is decorum. It is the lifeblood of the force. I have worked with my Zodiac for ten years, and I have not called her by her first name! I refuse to do something so uncivilized and inappriopate!"

"So. So. You're telling me. You're going to obey your own rules instead of my request. How is that any more civilized?"

Darvi fishmouthed. "You... you..." She took a deep breath. "One moment please." He turned into a weevil and flew into a small hole in her wall designated for moments like this.

Sidney clapped. "COool!!!"

Cancer frowned. "Did he just? What? Why? I mean, smart. That's. Very useful. Quite a blessing that. Claire?"

One of the armed guards looked up. "Yes Your Majesty?"

"Tell them to look into shapeshifting technology."

"You've filed that request four times before."

"Hasn't worked yet. Do another one. And this time. Whoever succeeds gets the honor of getting partial credit for it."

Meanwhile, Darvi hid in her wall and vibrated her wings at a frequency that felt similar enough to screaming to make her feel better. Once the intial wave of useless and probably dangerous emotion passed, she flew out of the wall and landed back in her same position. "I will provide a list of titles that you can pick from."

Sidney considered it for a moment. "I will accept that on one condition."

"What is that?"

"I get to hug you. Without you doing..." She did a vague parody of jumping up and defending herself against four imaginary assailants. "That."

Darvi choked. "Why?"

"I like hugs." She crossed her arms and pouted. Hard.

"This would be... one hug, correct?"

"Any amount of hugs, as long as we work together."

Darvi took a deep breath. "I will be calling you Princess Sidney, then." They turned back to Zodiac Cancer. "Anything else?"

"But you said a listtt. And where's my hugg?"

"I do not want to give you full reign to sprint at me like a charging bull."

"A charging bull? I'm Firstl now? Woww. FIrst a fish. Now a bull."

"Like a charging bull. Acting similar to a charging bull."

"Exactly. Calling me a bull."

"My dear Zodiac, I can't do this."Darvi kneeled before Zodiac Cancer. "Pick anyone else, I beg."

"But you're the security they hired for this. They didn't want to send armed guards with her. Atrocious really but I suppose they have a bit of a point there."

Darvi hung her head and stood up. "I will protect her with my life, dear Zodiac."

"Good, good. That's all I want."

"We'll meet at boarding tomorrow, then?"

"I still didn't get my hug." Sidney pouted some more. "Gimmme. Hug."

"I didn't agree to a hug."

"So. You're not caling me Sidney. And you're not giving me a hug?"

"I said I will be calling you Princess Sidney."

"That's not SIdney."

"It has Sidney in it."

"Doesn't make it Sidney."

"It's close enough."

"Close enough?? So I can't even get something close enough to a hug?"

Darvi grumbled and patted Sidney on the shoulder. "Your hug."

Sidney squealed happily. "Thank youuu." She promptly planted a very wet kiss on Darvi's cheek.

Darvi positively shrieked and turned into cockroach, scuttling underneath the nearest surface. SIdney squeaked and hid climbed onto Cancer who passed her to one of the guards like this was a practiced routine.

"So cooolll but..." No more sound was produced.

Darvi finally had to peace of mind to scuttle back out and turn back into xemself. "Never!" She wiped her already dry face. "Do that again!"

"Whyyy? I was thanking youuu. Be grateful!"

"THAT WAS NOT A THANK YOU!" Darvi growled. "Thank you, Zodiac Cancer for the duty. i will see you tomorrow."

"Its a thank youuu. Ask anyone you see!" She came down from her position on the guard.

Darvi opened the door. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"You're dismising me?" Cancer looked a little peeved.

"Your child needs to sleep to keep herself safe. It's late."

"She does. She does. Very well. Keep her safe. She smiled at Sidney and walked out with her guards who closed the door behind them, leaving Sidney inside.

"Wait, Princess Sidney isn't-"

"Oh I have to stay with youuu. Mama doesn't want to come tomorrow. Says it not very safe and she can't wish me goodbye anyway from her box."

Darvi took a deep breath. "Let me show you to a room then."


"This way." Darvi opened the door and led her down the hallway.

"Wait why we goingg? Why not your room?"

"I have to pack for the expedition. I don't want to wake you."

"Oh that's okayyyy. I would love to watchhh. I'll be quiettt. Promiseee. Pretty promisee pleasee."

"You need to sleep, Princess."

"I will. You need to sleep tooo! I'll sleep then. I trust following your schedule will be good."

"I need less sleep than you."


"Because I have been trained to sleep less."

"Fineee. I'm not cool enough for youuu. I get ittt."

"If that's what you want to take that as, go ahead. That's not what I said, and that's not what I meant."

"Then what did you meann?"

"I mean that I have been trained to sleep less than you, and thus have a lifestyle that matches that."

"I don't understand that."

"What do you not understand?"

"I can't sleep at the same time as you because of what?"

Darvi took a deep breath. "When I graduated from schooling, I became a solider. And becoming a solider took training. During that training, I was trained to be functional on less sleep than the average person."

"That. Oh. Is that? Possible? Good? Painful?"

"Is it possible. And it's fine and necessary."

"Are you suree? It seems rudeee to youu. Sleeep is soo goodd."

"Sleep is a luxury. My job is to keep people safe. If I'm sleeping, I'm not keeping people safe."

"Huh? Everyone gets sleep."

"I get sleep."

"Okay okay. I don't think I can fully understand. I. Ahhh. Not suree."

Dravi patted her shoulder. "I'm a solider. The less human weaknesses I have, the better."

Sidney just blinked.


"You're a human."


"That's a bad thing?"

"Humans are fragile creatures. My job is to not be fragile. Being human is fine for you. But for me, ir's something I have to fight against."

"That's a weird way to think."

Darvi sighed. "Sure. Do you accept that room or not?"

"I will."

Darvi led her to an empty room at the end of the hallway. "Right here."

"Thank youu! When should I wake upp?"

"Someone will fetch you."

"Whooo? Will they know my namee? And ask for meee? Will they kill me in my sleeppp?"

"No one's killing you in your sleep. It will probably be me unless my dear Zodiac needs me."

"Alrighttt. Try to be youu. I like youuu. I won't recognize anyone elsee."

"It's out of my control."

"I see. Can you get it under control?"

"Most likely not."

She huffed. "Well don't abandon meee. I get lonelyyy."

"I'll try my best." Darvi started walking away.

“the wist i knew would never allow a straight boy in their stories” ~Omni
“Hi Omni can I request wist get the role mom friend :]" ~winter
“ah yes, fear Wist's smile :) <- speaks of layers and layers of secrets” ~mint

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4171 Reviews

Gender: Female
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Wed May 29, 2024 5:37 am
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KateHardy says...


Sefarina smelled the fresh air, letting it soothe the few nerves she felt now that the big day was actually here. She'd set out on countless voyages at this point, many of them important, but none were going to be quite as important as this particular one.

Pisces was waiting for them by the ship they were being graciously provided. Sefarina turned to Rune standing beside her. His scruffy black hair fell messily over his face, landing just below his chin. He was wearing sage, like always, and his green pit viper, Janus, wrapped around his bicep snugly.

"Ready to go?'

Rune adjusted his bag over his shoulder, which was filled with the stars only know what. It seemed heavy, as he kept adjusting and readjusting every thirty seconds, "I'm ready."

She smiled. "Time to meet with Pisces then."

Pisces was standing on the docks, his bleach blonde hair flowing in the breeze behind him, somehow untangled and looking clean. Maybe his Zodiac also gave him perfect hair powers. He squinted, shielding the rising sun as he watched Sefarina and Rune approach. "I'm assuming you're the captain?"

Sefarina walked up and offered a hand, smiling. "I'm assuming you're the Pisces?" Rune followed, standing beside Sefarina but not quite. He stayed a few inches behind, merely nodding his head respectfully.

"Follow me then. Do you want like... a whole guided tour? Or are you being... more independent about it?"

Rune looked to Sefarina and shrugged innocently.

"Define guided if you don't mind please."

Pisces already looked slightly uncomfortable, his mouth pinching a little. "I don't know. I guide you around. Show you stuff."

"Does this ship possess any unusual features? Are there any stipulations to consider on your part? Is there a room we must avoid or only open on the fourth Saturday of a leap year when there's a full moon?"

"Uh... no?"

"Okay then," Rune finally spoke, caressing Janus' little green head, her tongue flickering through the air in attempt to smell Pisces, "We will be just fine. Right, Sefarina?"

Sefarina smiled. "Yeah I think we should be okay if there are no surprises. We can give ourselves a little tour. Thank you for the offer."

Pisces nodded in approval and waved them to board, and Rune gestured for Sefarina to go first, "Ladies first, Captain."

She giggled. "Sure!" Sefarina made her way to the little ramp leading on the ship, testing the weight out of habit. Rune followed hesitantly, and glanced around for any sailors that may have possibly jumped on the ship without them knowing. Seeing nobody, he continued forward with Sefarina.

Sefarina naturally walked towards the back first. The lifeblood of any ship, the beating heart was its engine. Its what she always checked first. No matter how perfect the rest of a ship was, if there was a bad engine, you were going nowhere.

Pushing open the door, she peered into the gloom. The lights flickered to life, casting a cool blue glow over everything. She walked up to the console. It was currently off naturally, but the display panels looked in order. Glancing down into the breach she took her measure of the engines. Selenite RAMF Engines. From the 900 series. She nodded in approval. Those were top of the line. They wouldn't be the fastest ship in the water but they could maintain a very respectable speed for a very long time.

She popped the hatch to check the charge. A full ring of the beautiful white crystal greeted her. Fully stocked. That would keep them going for a good decade by her estimates. Pisces had outdone himself.

"Rune? Thoughts?"

Rune studied the engine with a raised eyebrow, "Nothing bad to say about this one. Now I need to question Sag on why we don't have one of these things."

"I'm with you on that one. Why are we not outfitted with those all around?"

"That would fix the problem we always have. Steam only does so much. But these bad boys..." Rune felt along the side of the engine, his fingers bouncing off the ridges of the semi-clear selenite crystals, "these will keep us on route for at least a few years. Maybe more."

"Yup, and fun bonus, not going to blow up and decapitate whoever our poor engineer is going to be."

"Precisely, Captain. Shall we move on? Maybe check out the cabins?"

"I think that's a good plan!"

Rune led Sefarina downstairs and to the crew's cabins, where each door was painted an intense shade of dark blue. Carpet lined the floor, which at certain angles, seemed to shift and change colors: one moment a dark grey, the other a rich teal. Rune whistled, "Wow. Maybe we should join Pisces."

Sefarina grinned. " A few steps up from the old combat cruisers huh?"

"A few steps? I feel like we just walked a mile," Rune's voice faltered, as if he was too focused and astonished to keep his composure. He walked to one of the doors and pushed it open with his foot, "Ooh. Look at this, Sef."

Sefarina peeked in, letting out low whistle. It was a beautiful little cabin. Not the kind of thing you'd find in Cancer's palace of course, but a very comfortable looking bed, a lovely nightstand and a dedicated closet. It was much nicer than anything they'd normally be in.

"I'll take the cabin in the front, you take the cabin in the back," Rune said, slowly closing the door back, "It's best one of us is at each end, just in case, don't you think?"

"Hmm yes. I think that would be wise."

Rune nodded. Sefarina grinned.

"I do always like the back. Something about having it all laid out in front of me. Well I think these appear to all mostly be the same. I think we can throw something in as a claim before the rest arrive and then they can each pick their own cabin?"

"Agreed," Rune walked in the front room and placed Janus on the bed. Sefarina watched as the python slithered across the sheets to perch on the side table.

Serafina grinned. "I never get tired of seeing Janus just claim her spot." She tossed her hat towards the back cabin, it landing on the handle. "And that's me done. Kitchen?"

"Sounds good to me."

As the two of them approached the stairs down, there was a muffled cough. It sounded much further into the ship.

Rune paused and held an arm out, "Someone's down here. Move with ease, Captain."

They continued down the stairway, slowly, until they reached the kitchen. It was a marvelous sight-- stainless steel appliances, two fridges, and at least six cooktops.

But, there was definitely someone in here. The sound of raspy wheezing filled in the room, like someone was gravely ill.

"Hello?" Rune's voice slightly echoed, "Show yourself!"

The only response was a coughing fit, dry and definitely painful. Rune repeated himself even louder, "HELLO?! SHOW YOURSELF." He didn't move an inch from the bottom of the staircase.

There was a loud thump and a quiet, "Ow."

Rune glanced back at Sefarina and continued forward cautiously, one hand on his waistband which held a fully loaded pistol. He opened a cabinet, where the sounds came from: a sickly young girl laid curled up in a ball, a hand on the back of her head; face full of pain and absent of color.

"Who are you?" He asked, voice dominant and instructing.

The girl scrambled back, eyes wide.

"Idris! What are you doing in a closet?"

Idris looked between the two of them, curling more into herself.

"Come out here sweetie. Who put you in here? Did you have nowhere to sleep?"

"You know her?" Rune asked, astonished.

"Yes. You remember that meeting I had to go to with Sag?"

"Yes? What about it?"

"She was introduce then. She'll be our cleaner." Sefarina bent down beside Idris, offering her a hand.

"Ah," Rune looked back at the girl, a tad less tense, "well... hello, there. Idris, is it?"

Idris nodded, eyes wide. She ignored Sefarina's hand and crawled out of the cabinets.

Sefarina gently put an arm around her. "You get a cabin honey. Not a cabinet."

Idris shivered, hugging herself. She looked up at Sefarina like she was lost.

Rune removed his jacket and placed it over Idris shoulders without a word, smiling faintly at their new crewmate.

Idris flinched, but didn't protest or hand it back. She just held herself tightly, she was worried about touching the jacket more than she already was.

"Follow me darling, I'll take you to a cabin okay. You can pick anyone you like!"

"Just not the first one," Rune chimed in, "Unless you like snakes. If that's the case, then go right ahead. And Sefarina has the last one."

Idris' eyes darted between the two of them, her face frozen in an expression of pure terror and confusion. She coughed suddenly, bending over into her elbow, coughing enough times that when she straightened back up, she was wincing.

"Hm," Rune furrowed his brow, "That's a mean cough you got there. Would you be against the medic checking you out when she arrives? I've heard she's exceptionally good at what she does, so no need to worry."

Idris shrugged.

"Come on. Follow me sweetie. We'll get you a cabin with a nice comfy bed." Sefarina started to gently guide her out. Rune followed, a few steps behind.

Idris followed along, still wheezing. Sefarina started to gently stroke her back as they entered the area with the cabins. Idris looked at all the doors like they were going to bite her.

Sefarina sized her up. It was going to be hard to convince this one to sleep in a bed. She needed to keep a close eye on her. She guided Idris to the back and the cabin next to hers.

"How about this one sweetie?"

Idris shrugged, catching Rune's jacket as it started falling.

"Keep that," Rune said, nodding his head, "It's all yours now."

Idris flinched, looking a little hurt, but she just looked away.

"Are you alright honey?" Sefarina gently opened the door for her. "See, doesn't it look wonderful?"

Idris barely took a look before nodding.

"Wonderful honey. Then that's yours. You can get settled. Rune here and I are going to look at the ship a bit more and get right back to you okay?"

She nodded and walked inside.

Sefarina gently fixed the bed for her, giving it a little dusting and straightening out a few odds and ends as she went through. "There you go. All ready." Sefarina gave her a gentle hug. "We'll be right back."

She nodded.

Sefarina smiled and walked out to join Rune. "I think its time we take a look at that wheelhouse wouldn't you say?"

Rune smiled with her, "Lead the way, then!"

Sefarina nodded. "Off we go!" They made their way up the stairs back up onto the deck of the ship and the fresh air. Navigating around to the front, there was the wheel, gleaming silver and gold; it shone brightly in the sun. She put a hand on it, giving it an experimental tap.

"Now this is a beauty!"

"It is, indeed," Rune took a seat in the co-captain's seat, leaning back and throwing his legs up on the wooden structure in front of them, "I could get used to this."

Sefarina giggled. "If this expedition turns out to be as much of an adventure as Pisces and the rest think, I daresay you're going to get used to it. Or more like you're going to have to get used to this."

"No complaining on this end," Rune smirked, "Lets get to the port."

Sefarina nodded. "The rest of the crew should be here soon." She started back towards the little ramp.

Just as they got to the exit of the ship, a girl caught their eye. She was standing at the side, trying to pick up numerous bags filled with... dirt? She had long dreaded white hair, but looked rather young. Her face lit up when she saw Sefarina and Rune, "Oh, hello! Sorry, can I get some help? These plants are rather... heavy. You must be Sefarina and Rune! Nice to meet ya!" she smiled brightly, "I'm Juniper! Daughter of Virgo, uh... medic, I guess? Who knows what a medic really is anymore, to be honest. Oh- am I rambling? My apologies. Just super excited to be here!"

Sefarina beamed. "Glad to have you here, Juniper! You're not rambling at all!" She held out a hand.

Juniper took Sefarina's hand instantly, "Oh, cool!" she looked over at Rune, "Ooooh! Your tattoos are cool. What is that, a snake on your arm? I love snakes. I used to have one back at mother's but she said it was inappropriate to bring. Oh, well. It's not the end of the world I guess. And oh! This ship is nice! What is this, a new generation?!"

Rune smiled and nodded, "You could've brought your snake. I brought mine. And yes, I think so. It does seem like a rather new ship, doesn't it?" Rune grabbed her bags for her.

Juniper nodded rapidly, her mouth hung open in awe, "Niceee. Mother would be very happy. Anyways, Rune, right?"

"Yes," Rune nodded and gestured a hand to the door, "After you both."

Juniper clapped her hands excitedly and went first, practically fast walking.

Sefarina grinned and skipped after, matching her speed excitedly. This was already going to be fun. Juniper was absolutely adorable.

As soon as Juniper entered the ship, her eyes widened, "Woooow. This is niiiice. Where can I set up? Maybe in the kitchen? No, wait. That doesn't make sense. Scratch that. The brig? No. Hm. I'll be honest, I've never had my own office or anything of that sort. Do you think they have that there? If they don't, it's fine, but it would be pretty cool. Do you know if they have one of those? Like, a clinic or something?"

"I would imagine a ship this well stocked has a med bay. Usually they're found close to the cabins. Perhaps we can look there and you can pick a cabin while you're at it?"

"Oh, no, I prefer to sleep next to my plants. I'm worried about them, you know. Being in a new environment can be stressful for them. They also like lullabies. Weird, right? Who knew--" she paused when she saw the carpet, "Oh my gosh! It changes color! That is so cool!"

Rune smiled wider, "You're a talkative one, aren't you?"

"Oh, my apologies. Sometimes I tend to blabber. Speaking of blabber, when are the others getting here? I have to check their vitals," she looked upwards, as if to think, "Uh, make sure they aren't going to kill us all, and um... what else? Oh, yes! Mr. Flytrap here," She pointed to one of the bags Rune was holding, "will make sure they are safe to sail! Isn't that interesting? I created him by simply multiplying the chlorophyll by two hundred, and then--"

"Cool. Very cool," Rune nodded in the direction of the med bay, "I will lead you to where you will... sleep, I guess?"

"Sounds wonderful! Thank you!" Juniper clapped again, "So excited!"

"And I'd recommend you still pick a cabin at least for storage purposes but its up to you of course! The med bay's probably big enough."

"I will make do!" her voice trailed off as Rune led her away, "Oh, Rune, by the way, I was thinking..."

Sefarina allowed herself a satisfied smile as she found her little domain. A friendly medic who seemed incredibly enthusiastic about her craft was perfect. This was going to be a tough journey with many unknowns. Someone a little on the upbeat side was going to be desperately needed. Now if she could help poor Idris with that cough, Sefarina would build her a throne. Speaking of Idris, she peeked into that cabin to see how she was getting along.

Idris was asleep again, leaning against the dresser, dangerously close to falling over. She coughed once, jostling her position but ultimately not waking up. Sefarina shook her head. She was going to address that soon but she had to be at the port too. Before she could think too long on it she walked in, gingerly scooping Idris up and placing her carefully on the bed.

Idris curled in on herself, one hand latching on to Sefarina's wrist. Sefarina smiled softly, carefully tucking her in and making sure she was all comfy. Idris still didn't let go, but she seemed to relax, coughing again, but no longer in a position where it was dangerous. Sefarina gently stroked her hand. It was rough. It was clear she'd had a very rough life, probably one where she was never shown kindness. Well. Sefarina was not going to let that remain true if she had anything to do with it.
Stay Safe
The Princess of Darkness

Hello! You? Yes you reading this. Have a nice day because you're wonderful and you deserve it!

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Fri May 31, 2024 12:08 am
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herbalhour says...

In collaboration with @WeepingWisteria, @KateHardy, and @Spearmint.

When Gray was in high school, he dreamed of one day impressing Libra, in hopes of the possibility of a relationship. He did not expect that he'd work as a prison warden, then become a renowned chef who eventually was chosen to work on a ship.

[*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*]

Gray sighed, packing his clothes into a brown duffel bag. Why'd Libra have to choose me to do culinary work for a whole crew of people? He thought to himself, yet audibly grumbling. Sure, he is a renowned chef, but are there really no other chefs in the Isles?

He picked up his apron, putting it on to avoid having to pack it. Patting the pockets, he tried to make sure he had everything he needed. Multiple sheets and cubes of titanium? Check. Journal filled with recipies? Check. Small law book? Check. Various candies? Check,

He groaned, finally stepping out of his bedroom and walking down the stairs of his apartment. He made sure that the sign on his restaurant was up, informing his customers that he'd be on this trip and the restaurant would be closed for a while.

Finding an open spot of grass, he pulled out a few sheets of titanium and made a sort of magic carpet made of metal and sat down on it, all the while still grumbling. As he manipulated the metal, it started to fly in the air, heading towards the dock.

A few grueling hours later, Gray arrived. He picked his bags off the "carpet" and molded them back into their previous forms. He spotted a man with luxurious blond hair who he supposed would be Pisces. He walked up to the man, taking a few glances at the ship. "Hey. You. Are you Pisces?"

The man seemed to let out a quiet sigh before turning to Gray. "Yes."

"Cool. Where's the kitchen?" Gray somewhat spat, and quickly cleared his throat. He looked Pisces up and down, noticing his hair. Suprisingly well kept for someone who swims often.

"On the ship. Bottom deck."

"Thanks. Your hair is okay." he said, as he picked up his bags and boarded the ship.

Pisces ran his fingers through it. "Uh... okay?"

Gray groaned once more as he set foot on the ship, and walked down the stairs to his the kitchen. He set down his bags and opened the pantry, seeing the abundance of ingredients. He hummed contentedly as he put some of his personal staples in the pantry along with the others. Notably, sugar and various spices.

He molded some of the cast iron in his bag into various skillets, pots, and other kitchen utensils. He opened some of the drawers and cabinets, seeing more pots and skillets measuring utensils and such, along with dining utensils. He hummed contentedly and went back into the pantry, grabbing yeast, salt, flour, sugar, and oil.

He carefully heated up some water, and started mixing his ingredients into a dough when he heard a knock on the door. He looked up from the counter and somewhat grunted. "Come in."

"Hi there! I'm going to safely assume you're our cook, I believe Gray Roast if Sag informed me correctly?"

"Gray V. Roast. Yes, renowned chef and former prison warden from Libra. You're our captain?" Gray continued kneading his dough, partially paying attention to the woman who dared to enter entered his kitchen.

"Yes indeed! I'm Sefarina, you can call me Rina or whatever you want really! What do I call you?"

"Gray." he said gruffly. "Now could you leave? I'm trying to at least prepare our next 3 meals."

"Oh of course! Thank you Gray! I'll get out of your hair! I'll be near the wheelhouse if you need me."

"Cool." he grunted. After watching the door close, he continued kneading the dough, leaving it to rest in a bowl. Gray sighed, taking a candy out of his pocket and snacking on it, when he heard the door creak as it opened once more.

A slight figure wearing baggy trousers and a tank top slunk inside, scanning the kitchen. They froze when they spotted Gray. The figure looked to be on the younger side, perhaps barely an adult, with large dark eyes and medium brown skin. They hesitated, eyes locked on Gray, then carefully entered the kitchen and sidled along the far wall, their earrings swaying. One was a piece of aquamarine seaglass, and the other was... a dying flower?

Gray sighed once more, staring at the kid. "Who are you, and why are you in my kitchen?" he muttered as he went into the pantry to grab more oil, potatoes, curry powder, and salt.

They sniffed the air. "You're baking something," they said curiously. Their eyes were bright and crow-like from where they stared at Gray from against the wall.

"The dough needs to rest. Now answer me. Who are you?" Gray grumbled, peeling the potatoes and putting the oil in a metal pot.

"I'm Naim," the person said cautiously. "They/them." They kept watching from their position on the wall. Slowly, they looked around the room, taking in every nook and cranny.

"Do you want a snack?" He said, shooting an accidental glare at them as he cut the potatoes into long rectangular strips as he molded some metal into a sort of strainer.

Their eyes sparkled brighter. "Yes," they said softly, taking one step forwards.

Gray made something that vaugely looked like a smile as he set the potato strips into the strainer and lowered the strainer into the now very hot oil. "Give these a moment to fry, and you'll have some... fries."

Naim said nothing, but stepped closer, watching intently.

"What do you do here on the ship?" Gray said, taking the strainer out of the oil and pouring the fries onto a tray, sprinkling them with curry powder and salt.

"I watch from the crow's nest." Naim sniffed the air and smiled.

Gray nodded, picking up a fry and stuffing it in Naim's mouth. "It might be hot. Also, I've decided that you're my child now. No questions."

Their eyes grew wide. Then they chewed and swallowed, immediately breaking into a wide grin. "It's delicious. Thank you." They snuck another fry off the tray and ate it with just as much enjoyment as the first. They started to literally levitate an inch off the ground, but settled back down when they realized.

Gray froze, realizing he hadn't introduced himself. "Right. I'm Gray, he/him. You are still my child."

Naim seemed to consider this for a moment, then said, "Okay, Gray. You cook well."

"Thank you. Now shoo, as much as I would like you to stay here and eat these fries, I have to prep more food," he said as he molded the tray into a bowl, which he handed to Naim.

Naim's mouth formed a perfect "O". "All for me? I don't have to share?" they asked, already walking backwards towards the door.

"You better not share." Gray chuckled, as Naim left the room.

Another "Thank you!" floated into the room as Naim ran down the hallway, clutching their fries.

Gray sighed, retreating back to the pantry. This would be one long venture.
nothing is forever but everything was infinite

herb/tea - he/him/his, she/her/hers

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Fri May 31, 2024 4:12 am
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KateHardy says...


Sidney pounced on Darvi and died a tragic death. Blood splattered everywhere, and Rune cleaned it up with their Zodiac Swiffer made of potatoes, tea, mint, and swordspears. Sag fainted after hearing of the staining and had to be rushed to the hospital for a concussion. Virgo felt bad for Sag so she forced Juniper to create an acid that lifted the staining-- but in the process the swiffer exploded and now Rune was dead too.

"What a mess!" Virgo screamed. Sefarina had to avenge her fallen first mate so obliterated the remains of the swiffer. The potatoes rebelled and pelted Sefarina to death. The potatoes became alive and grew the size of an average palm tree, before growing their own mint tea potato swordspears as arms.

They turned to Darvi, "I am Sefarina now!" Darvi panicked and turned into a Colorado Potato Beetle and burrowed into the potatoes, infecting them with a terrible disease. Juniper clapped in pride. Nicky reverse engineeredd this technology to make a giant mint tea potato swordspear shooting canon. they were able to restore humanity with this magical mint tea potato swordspear and lived happily ever after. Belinda used her constellation powers to revive Sefarina, Rune, and Sidney.

Someone knocked on the door. "Zodiac Kin Sidney?" Another knock. "Zodiac Kin Sidney!"

Sidney blearily groaned. What was that?

"Zodiac Guard Darvi sent me to wake you up."

She harrumphed and poked her head. "Do you guys just like having long names so you put whatever you can think of in front of it? Like Zodiac Bathroom Cleaning Expert Tom Holland?"

"Sorry, ma'am. What would you like me to call you?"

"Sidneyyyyy. S for Sidney. I for I want you to call me my name. D for don't try to add something in front of it, N for no I don't like you calling me princess, E for everyone I know calls me Sidney and Y for you can call me Sidney."

"Yes, of course, Sidney. Zodiac Guard Darvi wants you to wake up and be ready to leave in twenty minutes or he, and I quote, 'leave you behind without so much as a note.'"

"Is that the same Darvi I met yesterday or some other higher ranked Darvi who's less mean?"

"Same Darvi as yesterday."

She huffed. "Fineeeee. I'll be readyyy. Tell him I'll comeeee. As soon as I can. I'm good with timesss."

"Very well." The person walked away.

Sidney pouted and slipped off the bed holding her out for her main to take off her top. Strange. There was no one. She frowned and spun in a circle.


There was no response.

Then it hit her. She wasn't home. Her mom had suggested going on the cool trip. She pouted at the wall. Rude. Rude. Rude. She punched the wall.


She whined and clutched her hand falling back on the bed. Big owie. Big owie. Where's Selena?

Still no one came. She was utterly alone. She clutched her hand tightly kissing it to make it feel better. It felt a teeny bit better. She pouted again. Mom had provided her with a suitcase. Maybe it would have something to help. Maybe. She slipped under her bed and pulled it out. It was a little heavy to put up on the bed so she just collapsed on the floor and flipped it open.

Rummaging around she found something that looked a little bit like a first aid kit. She opened it carefully. Cancer had taught her how to use that. She remembered that. She quickly gathered up the right crystal and pressed it gently to her knuckles. Slowly the pain began to ease. Sidney relaxed a small bit as the pain finally began to ease. She rummaged around and picked out a top before stumbling out the door.


The hallway was empty, the only sound being distant chatter.


A servant finally walked over. "Apologies. The bathroom is over there." She pointed to the bathroom.

"Thank youuuu!"

The servant bowed and walked away. Sidney stumbled in that direction, pushing the door open and making her way in. It was a simple bathroom. A shower and tub, a toilet, a sink, and a towel. Sidney huffed. What was this tiny toilet bowl for a sink. No bathhh. What kind of bathroom was this? Why didn't people get the kind of bathroom that was gooddd? Was Gemini this meannn? Surely everyone deservedd a good bathroommm?

Sidney huffed loudly and started to peel off the layers, quickly tossing it to the side. Someone will pick it up? Wait nooo. She had to pick it upp.Urghhh. Laterrr. Laterrr. She grabbed her bathing kit and wandered into the showerrr. How did this stupid thing even workss?

She rummaged about pressing things.

The shower roared to life and sprayed her directly in the face. She screamed loudly.


No one came. They must have not heard her over the water.

She backed up, trying to stand under the water without being attacked. How was one supposed to wash like this? This was just assault, not a bath. The shower did not react, just pouring down. She stood there for a while before just giving up and stepping out, frowning. There wasn't a proper way to wash. Urghh. She'd start with the tooth brush.

She walked to the stupid looking sink and pressed more buttons. The sink turned on. She managed to get her brush the required amount of water, the toothpaste feeding in before she finally got to brush her teeth. At least this felt normal. That was good to see. The sink just poured happily. Sidney finally finished brushing her teeth and cleaned her face.

She tried to get more water to wash properly. The sink didn't increase its water. Sidney huffed and punched the airr.

"You're so rudee...Terry. You look like a Terry."

The sink did not respond. Sidney huffed louder at Terry's unfathomable rudeness and ventured back into the dangerous water assault course to get more water on her face. The assault gave her plenty. She whined loudly at... Jerry.

"You suckk."

Jerry did not apologize and, in fact, started to spit out colder water. Sidney screamed.

"I knew it. You were assaulting me on purpose! You ungrateful water spraying...baboon. Baboon."

The shower did not attest to its sins. Sidney whined and went off to wash her face, defeated, battered and bruised by this cruel bathroom and the tormentors that ran it. She had to finish her shower now and she could be done with this blasted bathroom.

A knock sounded on the door.

"Yess? Who is itttt?"

"Darvi. You have five minutes."

"Five minutess! But I have to be cleannn. And this shower is assaulting me mercilessly."

"It's... a normal shower."

"Its rude an inconsiderate and hates me! You're probably best friends with Jerry."


"The showerrr. Its clearly a Jerry."

"Sure. Look, I'll give you ten more minutes, but then I have to go. I'm meeting someone."

Sidney huffed and puffed. "I can do ten minutess! I just have no tools that I need or helppp."

"What do you possibly need?"

"A shower. The people who help me changee. The people who help me fold these clothes nd a shower that doesn't despise me."

"Gemini doesn't believe in having shower servants on hand. And they won't be on the ship."

"That's just...rudeee. Rightt? Everyone should have helppp."

"My Zodiac prefers the power in doing things yourself. Also, she hates being treated like royalty and finds it incredibly embarrassing to be treated as incompetent."

"What do you even mean treated like royalty? I mean embarassing makes sensee but royalty? I'm confuseddd."

"I mean, having servants to aid your every need. Never having to do any work. Having people say you're right all of the time no matter what..."

"Doesn't everyone get people to help them?? And what do you mean never doing any work. Ewww. That would be so boringgg."

"I don't. My zodiac doesn't. It's really only Zodiac Cancer who values that type of work. She prefers to be treated like she's superior."

"But people helping youu is nicee!"

"But depending on yourself means no one can take advantage of you. And if there's no one around, you'll be fine."

"But why would there be no one around?"

"No one is going to help you get dressed on the ship."

Sidney whined loudly. "That's harddd."

"Your mother has done you a disservice. I suggest you go home, Princess Sidney. I don't think the ship will be a good place for you. Ten minutes." Darvi walked away.

"Wowww. The rudeness. You're name should be Rudy not Darvi!"

Darvi did not respond. She stomped around. "Rude. Rude. Rude." She stood under Jerry and the assault a little more using the soap she had to be as fast as she could. This was just sabotage and complete and utter rudeness of the highest degree. Jerry was all cold water now. She whimpered and whined, on the verge of tears, but stuck with it for now. Being dirty was worse than being assaulted by Jerry. She managed to get out the shower and analyzed her clothing situation.

She pulled on her top.

There was another knock on the door. "Ten minutes are up. I'm leaving now." Sidney panicked, pulling on her pajama bottoms, as far as she could manage and diving for the door.

"I'm coming!"


Sidney stumbled out, falling towards the floor with her pants all tangled up.

Darvi sighed, taking a step back. "You can quickly get dressed."

"I ammm. Let's gooo!" She finished adjusted her pants to actually be worn correctly.

"You don't want to take your suitcase?"

"I"ll go get itttt! Wait for me pleaseee!"

"I'll be here."

Sidney ran for her suitcase, grabbing it quickly and huffing and puffing to get it out. She couldn't actually carry it, so she resorted to slowly pulling it along towards her until she managed to stumble outside with it.

Darvi blinked slowly. "You can't carry it?"

"Its so heavyyy."

Darvi picked it up. He strained a little, but didn't show any other sign of it being heavy. "Fine. I'll carry it until we're outside."

SIdney beamed and kissed Darvi on the cheek again. "Thank youuu! You're so coolll!"

Darvi growled. "Keep doing that and I'm tying this to your back."


"K-Kissing me!"

"Yess. I was thanking youuu."

"You realize a proper thank you is saying, 'thank you?'"

"I do that toooo."

"Stick to just that."

"I like kissing you thank youuu thoughhh."

"Why me?"

"Cause you helped meee?"

"Let's go." Darvi picked up their bag and started walking. Sidney huffed and followed along.


Sidney frowned as Darvi led her to the dock. "Why is the ocean so funky smellinggg? Why is it bluee? How is this air so tastyy?"

"On the ship. Come on."

"Whatt? The ocean is funky because of on the ship? That sentence makes no sense at all?" She pointed at someone standing beside the ramp leading up to the ship. "And who's that wig wearing person?"

Darvi dragged Sidney to look at her. "That is Zodiac Pisces. If you insult his hair or accuse him of having a wig, he will throw you off of this ship."

Sidney huffed and marched up to Pisces. "Hiiiii! Why do you have fake hair and what are you doing heree? Are you like the one who pushes the ship forward? Are you a fish? You smell like a slightly rotting fish but with a lemon herb garnish? Was that your lunch?" She pulled on his hair. "See, wig rightt?"

The man yelped, slapping Sidney's hand away. "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?" He rubbed his scalp, wincing. "What are you doing near my docks? I don't want you on my ship." He grabbed Sidney's arm. "Why are you here?"

"To go on the shiippp! Nothing's wrong with mee!" She fanned her face. "Your breath is not much betterr. No more screaming for youuu. Until you brush your teeth. That can really help you know."

The man growled and suddenly handcuffs made of water formed around Sidney's wrists and ankles. He practically tossed her on the ground. "You're under arrest for Contempt of a Zodiac."

"Whatt? What does that even mean?"

Darvi groaned. "Insulting a Zodiac!"

"I was telling the truthh. How is that an insult?"

"You accused him of having a wig and told him he smelled bad! And yanked on his hair! You need to stop touching people!"

"Its what any reasonable person would do!"

"You think you're in handcuffs because you're being reasonable? You need to grow up." Darvi walked up to Pisces. "Dear Zodiac. I'm so sorry for her insolent behavior." He glared at Sidney. "But she has the brain of a small child. She can't even get dressed by herself."

Pisces glowered at Darvi, his face red. "Then why is she here? This is a serious expedition! I will not let someone make a mockery of this!"

"Hey! They said I could be on here!"

"It's my ship, kid!" Pisces turned to her. "I get to decide if you make the final cut!"

"Well do your cutting or whatever then. I'm not going to help you with it!"

"Okay, then! Then you're not allowed on this ship! Go home!"

Darvi took a deep breath. "She's very sorry, dear Zodiac. You're very sorry, Sidney?" Xe glared at Sidney.

"Why should I be sorryy?"

Darvi kneeled in front of her. "Because you hurt him and insulted him."

"How did I hurt himm and insult himm if I just spoke the truthh?"

Darvi took a strand of Sidney's hair and yanked.

Sidney just frowned at him. "How is that an answer?"

"Does that hurt?"

"A littlee."

She yanked as hard as Sidney yanked on the man's hair. Sidney screamed.

"That's what you just did to him."


"Do you want me to apologize to you for hurting you?"

"Did you have a good reason?"

"To prove to you that what you did hurt him. And that you don't have a good enough reason for doing it."

"So you don't have to apologizee!"

"But you do. To him. Or you're not going on this ship."

"Urghh. Mom will be soo madd."


"I mean its a lose lose. Apologizing for just saying the truth and asking a question or get sent home before even getting on the ship. Either one is very bad."

"Look, you need to learn that there's some things we keep to ourselves. They might be true, but if we say them, we're going to look rude. Right now, you look rude."

"That's...rude? But Mom. Mom always says people who call you rude are just afraid of the truth and people not worth your time. Everyone calls her rude. Even Mama."

"You've been calling me rude non-stop. Are you just afraid of the truth?"

"I mean rude for telling the truth. You just don't like me for some reason."

"I've been telling you the truth. I don't like it when people touch me. I don't like not using proper titles. That is the truth."

"Fineee maybe you're right on the touching but the name you call me is my choice. It is my name. You are calling me. Why is your like bigger than mine?"

"We'll circle back to that one later." Darvi took a deep breath. "The point is your truth was not necessary. Zodiac Pisces didn't ask for it. He did not want it, and it hurt him. Which is why it's rude."

Sidney pouted. "Fineee I'll say sorryy. Do I also have to mean ittt?"

"I think you should. You hurt him. That should mean something."

Sidney pouted and turned to Pisces. "Sorryy Pie Fish Ears."

"I don't want her on my ship."

"She'll do better!"

"Wow. Didn't even keep your promise."

"Call him by his proper name and title, Sidney."

"I mean you call him Pie Fish Ears? Is that not his name?"

"Pi-sees. Pisces. Zodiac Pisces."

"Piscesss! Sorrry PIEEE SEEES!"

Pisces scowled, but dissolved her handcuffs. "If she wants to die it's her choice." He walked to the docks and hopped off, diving into the ocean.

"Yes I will die when I decide I want too!"

Darvi sighed. "On the ship. Right now. Let's go." She practically dragged Sidney inside.

Sidney huffed and puffed but let Darvi drag her in.

Darvi walked up the ramp, looking a little fatigued from the suitcases.

"Hello there!" A tall woman walked up to them immediately snatching up the suitcase. "That looks a little heavy there! Welcome aboard both of you!"

Darvi fishmouthed, looking between the suitcase and the woman. "Oh. Hello."

She offered her free hand. "Helloo! I'm the captain Sefarina Santiago, but call me Rina!"

Sidney took her hand happily! "Hello Rinaa! I'm SIdneyy!"

"Sidneyyy! You mom told me about you! Welcome welcome! Glad to have you!"

Sefarina beamed and then turned to Darvi again.

Darvi took a moment to realize people were expecting him to talk now, and then kneeled, bowing his head low. "Wise Captain Santiago. I'm Zodiac Guard Darvi Esther and it is my job to serve you and this ship with my life."

Rina giggled. "You're adorable! No need to kneel. I'm Rina! And it's my job to serve you and this ship with my life. Always remember that! The captain's got your back okay?"

"And I have my captain's." Darvi stood up. "I will perform my duty to the bitter end."

"Well I'm glad to hear that Darvi! Gemini made a wonderful choice!" She smiled wider somehow. "Well do you two want to head down to our lovely medical office to get a little checkup and then you can pick your cabins. I'll get your bags down there."

"I can take the bags, my captain. I wouldn't want to add to the stress of your job." Darvi reached up to take them back.

"Nuuu. I am literally walking around and welcoming people." She tossed the bag into the air and caught it. "Not even heavy. I can handle this. You go talk to Juniper."

Darvi flushed and bowed. "Of course, my captain. Where is this medic?"

"Follow mee!" Sefarina skipped her way down to the deck, following closely by Sidney who matched her energy, delighted. Sefarina was way less rude. Darvi followed behind the two of them, her posture much straighter then it was with just Sidney. Their arms were folded behind their back.

Sefarina led them into a pretty neat looking area. Sidney beamed. It looked so much better than Gemini. Sefarina led them past a row of doors into a little medical office.

"She's in there! Have fun you two!"

Sidney grinned. "Thank youuu! I willl!"

"Are you sure I'm not needed for tasks, Captain? I can help."

"Rina, and nope. I'm good. You do your thing!"

"Are you sure, my captain? I can visit the medic chambers whenever I'm not needed. I can guard the perimeter to ensure only the invited arrive."

"You are getting in there right noww Darvi, I can handle this just fine!"

"Apologies, my captain. I did not mean to upset you." Darvi bowed again before slipping inside.

Sefarina made her way back and put a hand on Darvi's shoulder. "Sweetie, I'm not upset with you. I just want you to get this done first okay. You're not on duty yet."

"I understand, my captain. I will get it done as soon as possible."

"I'm Rina. But yes thank you!"

"Of course, my Captain Rina."

Sidney finally hopped inside once all of that was deal with, smiling at Rina. "Thank youuu. Byee!"

"Byee Sidney!" Sefarina walked off.

"I shall come soon for my duties, my captain."

"Alrightt!" Sefarina disappeared around a corner.

A woman with white dreaded hair came walking down the deck a few seconds after-- a plant in hand. She was talking to it in a baby voice, not paying attention to where she was ultimately trying to go. She bumped into Sidney, and her plant fell to the ground.

"Oh, darnnit!" She threw her hands up and dropped to the floor, soil all over her shoes, "I'm sorry, Mrs. Mugwort! Don't worry, I won't let it happen again!"

Sidney shrieked. "What is thiss? Its pricklyy!"

The girl looked up at Sidney, a puzzled look on her face, "Oh, I'm sorry! Did I bump into you? My apologies! It's just soil-- enhanced with minerals and crystals of sorts. It's actually very good to rub on our skin!" She smiled wide, scooping up the rest of the soil and shoving it in her dress pockets. She paused for a moment, "I haven't seen you two around, and I've been here for hours! I'm Juniper! Healer, plant grower, uh... I also like rings. And pretty things. What's your name?"

"Ohhh its goood thenn!" Sidney grinned. "Prickly things are usually badd! I'm Sidney! I like... writing! And doors! And good showers! Also food! Food is great!"

"Oh, nice! I also like doors, and writing, and good showers! Showers can be very mean sometimes. I hit my head earlier on the showerhead. Very mean of it, I might add. I also enjoy food. Especially salads with croutons and... flowers in it! Have you ever tried edible flowers? They're good for the soul! And what's your name, quiet one?" She turned to Darvi.

Darvi was looking a little misty eyed, but finally shook their head and snapped out of it. "Zodiac Guard Darvi Esther. I'm here on Gemini's orders."

Juniper scrunched her eyebrows, "What do you like? Do you like frogs? Frogs are pretty cool. And zodiac guard? That's an awesome title! I also had one back at home, but she got annoyed of me and left, leaving me alone. But I don't mind, my plants keep me company anyways."

"I... I like, bugs?" Darvi frowned. "Well, no. I like security, safety, and knowing that I am doing my due diligence to keep those around me safe." She nodded, like that was a much more acceptable answer.

Juniper frowned with her, "Are you okay? Seems like something might be wrong. Have you both checked out the medic bay? All boarders must get an in depth evaluation from Mr. Flytrap before we take sail! It'll be fun! We can talk about bugs, and illnesses, and doors, and plants."

"I would love to talk about doors! The others I am less sure about!" Sidney pouted. "But I'll still comee."

Juniper hooked an arm into Sidney's and Darvi's, putting herself in the middle, "Cool! I mean, we don't need to talk about the others, but it'll still be fun!"

Darvi flinched and pulled xemself away from the arm chain. He cleared his throat and straightened his collar. "No, thank you."

"Unfortunately, Mr. Poopy Pants, we need to get you evaluated!" Juniper smiled wider, "Wipe that frown off your face and turn it upside down! Like this!" she pointed to her own smile, "Wrong or right, show those pearly whites!"

"I'm all for doing my task of getting medically examined. The... arm linking is strictly unnecessary."

"You know what else is unnecessary? This conversation! Let's get going, Poopy Pants and Door Girl!" Juniper started skipping towards the med bay, dragging Sidney along with her.

"OOoh door girlll. I like thattt!"

"I would like a new name."

They reached the large room that was filled with vines and leaves. Plants moved and nipped at them as they walked in, a large medical reclining chair placed at the center of the room. As soon as they opened the door, green mist exploded from inside, traveling outwards.

"Oh, don't mind that," Juniper shrugged, petting one of her Flytraps, "They like humidity. Lets get started, shall we?"

"Princess, you may take the lead."

"Okayyy! Sooo doctor mee uppp. Is the plant going to bite meee?"

"Honestly, maybe? They're pretty tame though, as long as I'm here! Just don't come into the med bay unless I'm stationed. They don't like new people. Though..." She looked at Mr. Flytrap, "This one is an exception. He likes all people, unlike the few other grumpy ones I have. Anyways, let me start with a mental questionarre! Those are always fun! What's your power, door girl?" Juniper pulled out a notebook and a pen.

"Doorss! I can teleport through doors! But only if the door is lockedd and can't be opened! It very coooll! No one can lock me outtt!" She let out a little high pitched cackle like she'd been practicing in the mirror.

"Oh, cool! The name fits you well, then!" Juniper grinned and jotted something down, "Do you have any nausea, shortness of breath, or find it hard to sleep?"

"No nauseaaaa or breath shortness. Yesterday it was hard to sleep, the bed was a bitt ruddee but normally nooo."

"Oh, okay. Good to hear, can you open your mouth for me and say: AHHHHHH?!" Juniper mimicked, pointing to Sidney's mouth so she could take a peek. She picked up Mr. Flytrap and held him patiently, setting the notebook down.


Juniper nodded and smiled, moving Mr. Flytrap closer to Sidney's face. The plant sniffed once and then pulled back before sneezing, "Oops! Looks like you're a little too clean, Door Girl! Maybe try to lessen the amounts of showers you take, as you're lacking the appropriate minerals and oils your body needs!"

"Reallyy? Wowww. Didn't know that could be a thinggg."

"Yep! It's actually pretty fascinating!" Juniper placed Mr. FlyTrap back down on the table, "You're good to go! Okay Mr. Poopy Pants, your turn!"

"I'm not responding to that name." Darvi crossed his arms.

"Oh, I'd believe you, but you just did!" Juniper nudged her, "Lets go! The sooner we get this over with, the better!"

Darvi sighed, but sat down on the chair.

Juniper picked back up the notebook and pen, and studied Darvi, "Do you feel nauseous at all? Do you have trouble sleeping? How's your breathing? Any shortness of breath?"

Darvi sighed. "I don't feel nauseous. I sleep a recommended fives hours a day in shifts. My breathing's fine. I'm in perfect health."

Juniper raised an eyebrow, "and what's your power, Mr. Perfect Health? Is that a better nickname?"

"Much so. I can take any form and speak any language."

"Can you understand what Mr. Flytrap is saying right now?" Juniper questioned, glancing at her beloved plant, "He gives me mixed signals sometimes. It'd be nice to know what exactly he's saying!"

Darvi hummed and turned into a fruit beetle, nestling on the edge of the pot. They stayed there for a few moments before popping into herself again. "He said it's hot in here and you've added too much quartz to the soil this time. His roots are itchy."

Juniper glared at Mr. Flytrap, "He's playing you. Quartz is his medicine. He doesn't like quartz. Bad, bad plant. Behave, will you!"

The plant snarled at her and pouted, it's leaves turning inwards as if to cross it's arms. Juniper sighed and turned back to Darvi, "Thank you! Maybe I could use you in the future. I also have some Mugwort that never behaves. They're the bad ones. Anyways, can you open your mouth and say: AHHHHH!"

Darvi opened their mouth. "Aah."

"No, you have to scream it in order for Mr. Flytrap to get an accurate reading. Say AHHHHH!"


"That'll do," Juniper moved the plant close to Darvi's face. Mr. Flytrap jumped and shook it's little sprout menacingly, "Oooh. Interesting. Have you ever gone to a therapist, by any chance?"

"No." Darvi crossed their arms. "I don't need one."

"Hm. Well, you're in perfect shape to sail, but there's something going on up there," Juniper gestured to Darvi's brain, "that needs work. We'll have to figure something out to help with that, for the meantime. I'll think on it."

"I'm fine, but I appreciate your need for concern."

"Don't worry! We'll get that all figured out soon enough!" Juniper wrote something else down in her notebook, "Alrighty! You guys are all set! I'll report these notes back to the captain, and we're all good to go!"

"All good things to say to our captain, right?"

"Well as I said, I need to report all my findings! So I will report that Sidney needs to be less clean, and we need to work on your mental health! But no worries, nothing too bad. Nothing we can't fix with herbs and crystals and plants!"

"Oh. How... so. Well, I'll leave you be to your practice." Darvi stood up and have her a short bow before walking out.

"Okay, have a great rest of your day!" Juniper smiled and waved.

"Thank youuuu! Your plants are soo cooolll! I'lll try to shower a little bit lesss!"

"Thank you! And yes, do that!"

SIdney smiled and stepped outside. "Zodi Rack Bard Darvi wanna go pick our cabins nowww?"

"I suppose we shall."

"Rina said she'd be waiting for us!"

"Yes, the captain. We should hurry so we can meet her soon."

Sidney nodded and skipped her way to the back of the cabins. Darvi followed her.

Sefarina was waiting right where she'd said she'd be."Alrightt! You've got plenty of cabins here to pick from so go ahead!"

"Hello again, my captain!" Darvi bowed.

Rina beamed. "Helloo! How was your checkup?"

Sidney flashed a thumbs up. "It was amazingg!"

Darvi looked away from Rina and nodded awkwardly.

"Darvi are you goodd?" Rina stepped a little closer.

Darvi nodded. "Yes, of course. Everything is in top shape and if anyone tells you otherwise, they're lying."

"Alrighttt. Well ready to pick a cabin? Four are already taken but you can take any of the others!"

"Which one would you like me to take, my captain?"

"Oh you can pick!"

"But would be the best? Closest to the door? Closer to you?"

"Well the cabin next to me is free."

"Is that where you want me, my captain?"

"I mean if you want to be close to me, that's the one!"

"But where do you want me?"

"Where you enjoy your time!"

"I enjoy my time being useful."

"And how do you see yourself being yourself?"

"Whatever do you mean, my captain?"

"I mean you want to be useful. What things make you feel useful?

"Protecting others."

"Then you can stay in the cabin next to me."

Sidney watched the back and forth silently. This seemed like one of those talks she should know to stay out of.

"Then I shall, my captain."

"Wonderful! Sefarina pointed to it. Now which bag is yours?"

"That one, my captain," Fae pointed to the smaller of the two.

"Wonderful!" Sefarina gently put it down. "That's your cabin now. This is mine by the way!" Sefarina pointed to the next one over. "So that one over there's taken Sidney as is the one all the way down at the back and the one closest tot he medical center. You can take any others!"

Sidney hopped up happily, excited to have her turn. It was an easy choice. "That onee!" She pointed to the one closest to Darvi. She had to be near to her protector after all.

Darvi didn't even seem to mind, adjusting her uniform. "So what can I do for you now, my captain?"

Sefarina walked over and set down Sidney's suitcase too.

"Thank youuu!" She said jumping in excitement, she couldn't wait to explore this new room. It looked so much better than the one from yesterday.

"Well Darvi you can settle in properly, get unpacked, get your bearings and just relax until its time to set sail. Then I'll hold a meeting and we'll put together a good game plan."

"Of course, my captain. If I am needed before then, please don't hesitate to fetch me."

"Of course Darvi." She patted Darvi on the shoulder. "You're doing incredibly."

They still flinched, but they didn't pull away or scowl like they usually did. In fact, her entire face lit up. "Thank you, my captain."

"Of course sweetie. Sidney? All good?"

Sidney clapped happily. "I am loving this!

Sefarina beamed. "Glad to hear it! Well you two have fun." Sefarina patted Sidney on the shoulder too before walking off.

SIdney grinned. "Yayy!" She ran toward Darvi to kiss him again but stopped herself. Darvi said Sidney was mean to do that. Finee. She could live without it. She blew a kiss at her.

"Let's do this!'
Stay Safe
The Princess of Darkness

Hello! You? Yes you reading this. Have a nice day because you're wonderful and you deserve it!

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Sat Jun 01, 2024 12:10 am
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Ley says...

In collaboration with: @Spearmint

Willow wasn't sure how to feel about the Med Bay that was hosted by a giggly, overly-talkative Juniper. Normally, she'd adore people like that, but talking made her sick. Pisces convinced her to come after twenty minutes of Willow staring at him with pure concern. If it wasn't for his demands, she'd be back at Pisces ship cuddling with her pillow. She had snuck on this ship without seeing anyone, surprisingly, but stumbled into the medic as she was trying to sneakily curl up under the covers in her room. Maybe then, nobody would notice her. But, of course not. Willow had the worst luck, and ran into arguably the most talkative person on the damn ship.

After the examination by Juniper, she found a safe little spot right in the top left corner of the ship. Willow curled up into the smallest ball she possibly could, and inhaled deeply. The scent of sea moss, wet wood, and salt filled her nostrils-- but she didn't mind it. The souls haven't bothered her yet, and she hadn't had a vision in quite a few days. Maybe, after all, this journey wouldn't be too bad. She could do what she has to do, report back to Pisces, and then go back to her room and stay in there for the rest of eternity.

This ship is haunted, you know.

Willow groaned and slammed a palm to her forehead, "Leave me alone. Not now. Every where's haunted."

Why, you don't want to talk? another spirit came digging inside her mind, at least this voice sounded less spooky, we're here to help you, guide you, and tell you of--

"I don't care, please stop," Willow buried her head in her knees, bringing them closer to her chest, "I do not want help and guidance from you. I'll be just fine, thank you very much."

Oooh. We got a sassy one, Gertrude... The younger of the spirits giggled, and the less scary one sighed in irritation: too bad, too sad. We get lonely around here. Not much to do when you're dead, you know. Besides float around and scare people.

Willow ignored them and begged at that very moment to be one of the waves, lost and slowly drifting along until it slowly dissipates into seafoam. But no, she wasn't a wave; and never would be. She'd be stuck on this ship until she dies, or until they succeed. And it didn't seem like either one was happening anytime soon.

"So, the ship said I should talk to you." A pleasant voice cut into her thoughts.

Willow jumped and turned around, her eyes landing on an extremely attractive man who had the friendliest smile she'd ever seen. She turned a bright shade of red and smiled to herself, turning back to the ocean. She'd speak, but she was sure that her voice would come out cracking or flat. So instead, she just acted as if she did speak.

His smile broadened and he turned to look at the ocean as well. The breeze threw his hair back and forth like seaweed in a current. She could see him out of the corner of his eye, the way his hair so majestically flew behind him, and it was hard not to just turn to him and stare at him. In all honesty, at this point, she was scared that she may be a little out of place on this ship. So far, she'd seen an... extremely curvy lady that had eyes like the stars, and now, she's seeing a man with the most beautiful head of hair she'd ever seen, who also had a smile like the wind itself.

"I'm Will and I'm the mechanic, aka the ship therapist," he said, squinting at the sun reflecting off the waves. "What's your name?"

"Willow," She simply said, attempting a smile. It turned out more lopsided than she wanted, so she tried to fix it with awkward muscle movements, only to give up all together and fix it with a solid expression.

"That's cool, Willow! Our names are only two letters apart." He laughed. "What's your role on this ship? Are you excited? Er, you don't need to answer those at the same time."

"Define excited," Willow awkwardly twirled a piece of hair in between her fingers, "sometimes, I wonder if the sea could just eat me. Like maybe if I was a fish, it'd eat me. Do you ever think like that? About getting eaten by the sea so that you didn't have to participate in responsibilities like this?"

Out of the corner of her eyes, she could see his expression become more thoughtful. "That's an interesting question. I think I'd prefer staying alive on a ship, responsibilities and all, but getting eaten by the sea... well, who knows what we would see down there? There's this story I... heard once about a fisherman whose daughter was lost at sea, and... oh, hang on. I'm rambling. I do that a lot." He smiled bashfully.

Willow glanced at him, allowing herself a better view of his face, "No, continue. I like stories."

He brightened. "Wonderful! I like telling them. So, the fisherman. He lived with his wife and his daughter on Capricornus, the ship of energy. The wife worked at the wind turbines, and the fisherman grew vegetables and would cast his pole over the side of the ship to catch fish, and in that way they eked out a living for their daughter, who was the joy of their lives.

"But one day, there was a sudden storm. In the space of a few minutes, the skies darkened to black and lightning flashed and the ship rocked back and forth like a creature of the deep was gnawing on it in preparation to swallow it whole. The daughter had been playing outside in the garden."

Will's expression turned melancholy, anticipating the turn of the story. "And along with the potatoes and the tomato plants, she was swept out to sea. All the fisherman saw when he hurried outside was the little jar of dirt Capricornus had gifted the child a few days ago, caught against the railing of the ship. The jar had cracked open, revealing that within the dirt was a tiny gleaming machine. As the fisherman looked on in shock and grief, the machine's wings split open and it hovered into the air, a shining contraption of four wings of silver and bronze that hummed. It quested through the air, hovering by the jar then flying towards where the girl had been playing.

"'Are you... are you going to look for her?' the fisherman asked reverently. Capricornus had been known to create fantastical machines before, so he hoped that this little flying creature had similar abilities. The metallic bug dipped, as if in agreement. Then it flew over the railing and disappeared into the sun's glare.

"The fisherman waited for days. His wife returned from work and waited with him. Every day, they stood in the garden, gazing out to where the metal insect had flown off on its search. Every day, they squinted at the waves in hopes of seeing the insect return, leading their daughter back to them."

Will was quiet for a moment. "That's where the story ended. Waiting."

Willow just stared at him with a ghostly intensity, mouth dropping. So many details were too close to one of her visions she had before she boarded the ship, "Oh, that's scary. I think I had that same exact vision before I came here. The potato plant... the machine... the girl? Capricornus? The waiting..." she shuddered at the thought, turning back to the ocean.

Next to her, Will shifted to face her fully. His pale gray eyes were wide and intense. "I... I said I heard this story, but I dreamed it. If you did too... Do you think it's a common dream? What could it mean?" He sounded vaguely troubled. "Simply waiting and waiting for something that you don't know will ever come... I think it's worse than being swallowed by the sea."

"I don't know," Willow continued, eyebrows scrunched together, "I wouldn't say dreams are common. They're unique for everyone. So for me to have a vision, and for you to have this dream... maybe we're interconnected somehow to this story. The both of us, I mean."

Will tapped his fingers on the railing. "Well, there are worse people to be connected to." He flashed a grin. "Anyways, I think that's enough depressing stories for today."

Willow blushed again and smiled, "So, you talk to ships?"

"I do indeed. Actually, it's more like they talk to me and complain about barnacles and creakiness. It's not exactly something I can turn off." He laughed.

"Oh, I completely get that. My gift from the constellations is similar... except it's dead people. Mine doesn't have an off button either," she groaned, "matter of fact, you just saved me from a conversation."

"Ah, that was unintentional on my part, but I'm glad my chattering has been of some help! What is it like talking to dead people?" Will asked curiously. "Do they tell interesting stories about their lives?"

"Sometimes. Other times, it's them complaining about how they can't leave the spot they died, or how they're trapped. They also like to comment on me, personally, and how vulnerable I'd be as a host," WIllow glanced at him, "not to freak you out or anything, but some of them can be... pretty demanding."

"Ships are like that too," he sympathized. "Well, minus the host part. It'd be rather uncomfortable to be a host to a ship, to say the least, not to mention that ships already have their own physical presences so they wouldn't need a human one... But. Anyways. I relate to the constant comments and demands."

"Glad I'm not alone. Now, imagine, them telling you how people are going to die. How the weather is going to be. How you're going to die. How the ones you love..." Willow started tearing up but sucked it up quickly, "yeah. That's where it gets... dark."

"Oh. That's... that's different." Will was quiet for a moment. "Is it a constant weight on you? Knowing how people are going to die?"

"I don't get prophecies all the time," Willow played with her hair again, feeling a bit anxious, "It's not everyone. Only some people, if I spend enough time around them. So if I were you, I'd stay far away."

Will considered her words. "Well, I think you're a fascinating person to talk to. But if the prophecies hurt you, I can try to keep my distance." He bowed and shuffled away a few steps.

"Thanks," Willow forced a smile, "you're also very fascinating..." Willow thought on her next words, blushing once more before smiling back down at her lap, her voice was barely a whisper, " and a good man."

He beamed at that, then called, "You are a good person too! And don't worry, I can speak quite loudly to cover distances." He grinned goofily. "That's probably not what you mean. But still."

Willow let out a light giggle, "You're funny. Ever thought about being a comedian? A storyteller, comedian... and a person that connects with vessels. Never met anyone like you, Will. "

"Ha! I considered it, but I'm really not as funny when I don't have people to talk to. An audience doesn't count. And same to you! You're the first person I've met who also has to deal with sometimes-unwanted voices. Well, excluding my Aunt Bleu, who's gone a little loopy and thinks her plates are talking to her."

"It does that to people," Willow stood up and dusted herself off, realizing how much taller he was to her. She blushed again and crossed her arms, "Have you met Juniper yet? The medic?"

Will brightened, and it was like the sun sparkling off waves at midday. "Yes! She's another person who's delightful to talk to. I'm glad there are so many interesting people on this ship."

"Ah, she's definitely something," Willow said quietly, though, the waves were loud beneath them, "Interesting girl. Have you met any of the others?"

"I've met the captain, Sefarina, and Juniper, and you. I've seen some other people around, but haven't had a chance to talk to them yet. And of course, I've met the ship."

"Ooh! What has the ship say about us so far?" Willow raised an eyebrow in curiousity.

"The ship says we stink," he said, straight-faced. "Apparently it's a human thing."

Willow frowned and glared at the floor beneath her, "Well, that's something we need to work on then. Sorry ship."

Will winced as if someone was shouting in his ear. "Fine, fine-- sorry, the ship's upbraiding me right now. It didn't actually say that." He laughed. "The ship likes us well enough. It says it's nice that things are lively, and it looks forward to eavesdropping on us and getting the juicy gossip."

"Well, ship, don't listen too hard!" Willow joked awkwardly.

Will listened for a moment, then said, "Unfortunately, the ship can't control it. Guess people will have to learn code or write whatever they want to keep secret. Although the vibrations could be picked up by the ship... I never realized how effective of a spy a ship could be."

"Yay, a ship that knows all our secrets! I mean, if they can't help it, then fine. But it must suck for you, if they tell you everything. Unless you like secrets?"

"Well, secrets can be entertaining." Will smirked. "I try not to spill them, though."

"Respected and modest of you," Willow nodded, "I like you already. I also don't... spill secrets. Unless I need to, for the well being of some people."

Will nodded slowly. "That does happen sometimes. Knowing too much... it can be a burden." He seemed far away for a second, and then he returned. "I'm glad to have met another person with a similar situation. I hope to see you around."

"Same, nice meeting you Will. And tell the boat I say thanks for letting us stay on it," Willow's smile twinkled.

"Will do," Will said, smiling back.

Potato Enthusiast

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Sat Jun 01, 2024 11:07 pm
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Spearmint says...


Collabed with @KateHardy (with a few grammar corrections from @WeepingWisteria-- thanks! <3)

The ship was complaining to Will again. As Will walked away from Willow, he said out loud, "Willow says thanks for letting us stay on you."

The voice of the ship--reminiscent of timber and metal and sprays of salty seawater--scratched against his mind.

Glad to hear that. What a nice human. ...Now, Will. Dear Will. Could you please scrape the barnacles off of the stern? They itch. Very much. They're like little insects on my skin, to use a phrase a human might understand better.

Will laughed. As far as ships went, this one was fairly polite. But if he gave in now, it was possible the ship would see him as nothing more than an errand boy, and he did not want to be a ship's servant. "Maybe later. I need to check your engines first, and then I need to greet all the other crew members, then settle into my cabin..."

He started creating a to-do list in his head, not paying attention to where he was wandering until he saw a woman petting a cannon. He blinked. Yes, it was a giant 75mm cannon. The woman was tall and the sun made her bright blonde hair practically blinding.

"Hello there," Will said. "I'm assuming that cannon is a good cannon?"

She looked up from the barrel of it and grinned. "Bubbles here is behaving quite well!"

"Excellent!" Will looked at Bubbles. "How many cannons do we have, and what are the others' names?" Speaking of names, he should really ask the ship what its name was, or if it didn't have a name, find something to call the ship.

"Well." She walked up to Will and offered a hand. "How about we start with each other's names? I'm Siri Saria Nickelbanks, but everyone calls me Nicky!"

Will laughed and shook her hand. "Good idea. I'm William, but call me Will. It's nice to meet you, Nicky! I'm guessing you're the weapons specialist around here?"

"HI Will! That is why I was hired according to Cancer! Although you can never tell. Maybe they just wanted someone whose name started with S? It happens occassionally."

Oh, she was funny. Will had a feeling he'd make quite a few friends on this ship. "Possibly! Looks like they got double the Ws, though, as there's both me and Willow. As for me, I was hired to be the ship therapist."

"Oooh you're that Will. Will the ship guy!" Nicky beamed and promptly pulled Will into a hug. "Good to meet you! I was looking for you actually!"

He hugged her back. "Yes, the ship guy. Oh, and you were? Hopefully not to ask me to scrape the barnacles off the ship. Or to use me as whale bait."

Nicky pulled away and sized him up. "You know. You would make good whale bait." She looked completely serious as she promptly took his hand and sniffed his wrist. "Oh yeah perfect smell too." Good size to swallow whole. "Were you volunteering?"

Will snatched his wrist back and stepped away quickly. "Nope! That was a joke. Please don't actually use me as bait." Perhaps he'd misjudged her friendly appearance. Surely she wouldn't actually toss someone into the sea?

Nicky bent over laughing. "Oh wow, your face. Ahh. I wish I had a camera for this. I'm so sorry I couldn't resist." She straightened up. "You just..ahh. That innocent look. I'm so sorry again!" Still giggling she patted his back. "I actually wanted to ask you about what the ship thought of its weapons and where would the ship be most comfortable with placing our more portable armaments."

"Huh." Will eyed her carefully, the look of concern on his face not fully dissipating. "Okayy. Well, I'm glad that's something I can help with without fearing for my life. Probably. Give me a second." He stepped away a few paces, then asked, "Hey, ship? Do you have a name?"

Not at the moment, no! it said cheerily. They painted something on my side, but it sounded like a stuffy name so I didn't bother remembering it.

"Nicky, do you have any name ideas for our beloved ship over here?" Will asked. "It is currently rather tragically nameless."

"Well I believe Pisces named her minttea potato sword spear. Perhaps we shorten it to something the ship will prefer like mintytato swear orr miatoswar or just nickname her something else not based in whatever mysterious package Pisces found?"

"Miteposwosp," Will tried. "Hm. Miatoswar. Miatoswar's not bad. It's not perfect, but I guess we can talk with the rest of the crew later. Hold a nice vote. Anyways." He cleared his throat. "Okay, Miatoswar. What do you think of your weapons? Any preferences for where we place our more portable armaments?"

Miatoswar. Really. I said it just now and I already forgot it. I am rolling my eyes right now, in case you couldn't hear it.

Will winced. "Okay, so not Miatoswar."

The ship continued, Cannons look good to me. They're placed at the sides in four places: by the entrance to the cabin, on the third window of the upper deck from the back, by the very cool bird-shaped scratch on the railing, and by the speck of dirt that you really should clean.

Will relayed the information to Nicky, minus the part about cleaning. He'd get it later.

Portable armaments... You can keep them in a few different places on me, just in case one section becomes inaccessible. There's a safe in the cabin, and a not-so-secret compartment at the stern.

"Thanks, ship," Will said. He turned to Nicky again and repeated what it had said. "Any other questions I am to be the messenger for?"

"Ooh spicy. I love those placements. Umm. Yes. How are you so awesome, like these engines are absolute fire. Directed at the ship."

Will laughed. "Sure." Good thing he didn't get embarrassed easily. A lifetime of seeming to be talking to yourself did wonders for building up a thick skin. He gave the ship Nicky's compliments.

Aww, what a kind person! Almost as kind as whoever would give my deck a good scrubbing. Please give her my highest regards as well.

Will briefly debated whether to change anything of the ship's message, but decided it would probably be a good idea to get the ship cleaned anyways. He repeated the message word-for-word, then asked, "Hey, Nicky, do we have someone hired for cleaning, by any chance?"

"We should probably ask our captain on that. I do believe I need to meet her regardless!"

"Sounds good. Where would our esteemed captain be around this time?" Will looked around the deck.

"Possibly by the wheelhouse?"

"Off to the wheelhouse we go!" Will marched away. Nicky followed close behind.

Will saw Captain Sefarina talking to a wheel. What was it with this ship and people talking to inanimate objects, himself included? Well, maybe it was something they could all bond over. He cleared his throat and said, "Hey Sefarina! Do we perchance have a person on board whose job is cleaning? Because the ship is complaining."

Sefarina whirled around. "Will and Not Jill I assume! We do in fact have someon to clean! Idris. She's lovely. Please treat her with the same respect you treat me!" She grinned. "Or I will be throwing you in as whale bait." Her smile never diminished.

Whale bait. Really. "Do you have super hearing?" Will asked, with an eyebrow raised. "Also, I'm sure Idris is lovely. Or at least, the ship will love her. And I will most definitely respect her."

"Wonderful! I have my means of finding information!" She grinned. "So what is your name Not Jill?"

She offered a hand. "Nicky, and I will love Idris, I'm sure. The people who help you clean are quite literally the best!"

Sefarina nodded. "That's the attitude I like to see! Welcome to the ship!"

"We're excited to be here. Well, I am. I can't speak for the others, or for the ship." Will listened for a moment. "Never mind. The ship is excited too!"

Sefarina grinned. "Glad to hear it! Its going to be quite the voyage!"

In Will's mind, the ship made a creaking sound that somehow gave off the impression of agreement. Will smiled. "That it is indeed."
mint, she/her

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Look closely. The beautiful may be small.
— Immanuel Kant, Philosopher