
Young Writers Society

Event 5: Cruel Character Profiles

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Tue Aug 09, 2016 6:45 pm
Gymnast2801 says...

Just sent my CP in over PM!
If the world was blind, how many people would you impress?

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Tue Aug 09, 2016 7:48 pm
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passenger says...


Submitted Profile

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Archer "Jane" Janet

Age: 22
Gender: Male

Appearance: Archer stands straight-backed at a height of about 5'10. His dark chestnut hair warps into short ruffles that curl at the nape of his neck. Permanent sleep lines and dimples characterize his face, disclosing his youth. He wears dark-wash jeans and slim, black winter coats. Doesn't like his hands near his pockets. Nose gets pink in the cold. Smile kills.

Personality: Archer is a man of very few words; he's found that in many cases, actions speak far louder. He doesn't brood over his baggage, though it remains a generous part of him. Hates his parents, but never talks about them. He's quick to love but also quick to hate. Dislikes bad jokes but laughs anyway. Cares overtly when you're upset but doesn't touch you. His mood swings are few and far in-between, but very severe when they do occur.

Drive: Archer is motivated by vengeance and by his craving for direction; by the early death of his twin brother and by his disregard for power. (See History)

Skills: Very fine-tuned leadership skills. Has a commanding presence and a sharp mind. Good hands, courtesy of his middle school football career. Well-spoken.

History: Archer would not consider his early childhood as unusual. He grew up in the clutches of Dallas, Texas, and regardless of how much he squirmed, he couldn't escape the hold of his family's expectations: a high school state championship, and then (most-likely) the NFL. Football was the hub of his father's life, and thus it became that of his. His middle school years were spent in the shoes of Dallas's best young receiver, and the town revered him with a promise; that he was destined for great things.

After his twelfth birthday, his life became a downward spiral. His father (Archer knew him as Pa) had become a violent man, and Archer often the witnessed severe beatings he inflicted on Archer's twin brother, Jonas. Jonas was a different boy than Archer; he didn't understand the life that Archer led, and the Janets' fellow neighbors had frequently confessed their strong suspicions that Jonas was gay.

Overtime, the beatings became less harmless. On one Wednesday night, Jonas had put Pa in an outrage. Archer didn't know what the fight was about, but he had just come home from school when he saw them in the kitchen. Pa's clenched fists and red ears were a wildfire across the kitchen floor, and in a mere second, Pa had wrapped Jonas's backpack strap around his neck.

In the scuffle, Archer had tackled Pa and tried to free Jonas of his grip, but Pa knocked Archer away and Jonas was choked to death.

After a long and tedious court trial, Pa was sentenced to death, and Archer was put in the custody of his apathetic and sickly mother. Archer gave up football and expressed interest in dropping out of high school.

In the spring before his fourteenth birthday, Earth was struck with a horrific disaster. Two billion of the world population perished at the hands of an unseen creature. Humanity only knew two things about the face behind their demise: that their tendency was to attack from behind, and that their mere presence on Earth infected more than half of the remaining population with a near-fatal illness. Those who contracted the illness suffered a hindering side-effect: blindness.

To cope with the widespread catastrophe, international governments combined their efforts to form the Diet, a "parliamentary" assembly made up of several power-hungry senators. They launched a massive recruitment effort to enlist the immune as Leaders, or people who would guide the infected through the visual aspect of their existence and to protect them. Their private objective was to increase the majority's dependence on those in charge, and to dictate the lifestyle of the blind.

Archer quickly found that he was immune to the infection, and immediately took the government job. He became a "Leader" and embarked on his journey down a dark path, sexually harassing and killing his first three Followers. Figuratively, he was also blinded, but by anger and remorse.

Other: When he was younger, his friends called him "Jane" teasingly on behalf of his feminine surname. He didn't mind much then, but isn't presently fond of the memory.
"We accept the love we think we deserve." -Stephen Chbosky's Perks of Being a Wallflower

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Tue Aug 09, 2016 7:58 pm
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Steggy says...

You are like a blacksmith's hammer, you always forge people's happiness until the coal heating up the forge turns to ash. Then you just refuel it and start over. -Persistence (2015)

You have so much potential and love bursting in you. -Omnom

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Tue Aug 09, 2016 8:39 pm
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ty7lucky says...

Finished my villain. I hope you like him.

Submitted Profile

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Name "Nickname (if any)" Surname

Isaiah “Shadow Hunter” Graves



The first thing you notice is his eyes. They are like a full moon the pupil a crater. A sickening smile of yellow teeth. His skin is a light gray as though pulled from a black and white movie. His hair is a silky red as dark as blood. He wears a dark coat and a black hat.

Isaiah’s world revolves around hate, if it were taken from him he would be lost. He doesn’t understand why he isn’t like most kids his age. He wishes the world were fair for everyone. He is quiet and unfriendly.

He wants to make up for the terrible world his parents lived in, by taking out those who he and his group find unworthy of life.

Getting into places unnoticed. He has the skills of an assassin. He is an expert at killing and could take out any person easily with his bare hands, too bad for the rest of us he sticks with a gun.

Isaiah sticks to the shadows not wanting credit or acknowledgment for his crimes. He is a ruthless assassin, part of a group called the Red Barons. They have a list of people that are necessary to be killed to cleanse the world. He was taught at a young age to hate the world. His parents were part of a gang when they had him. He grew up with terrible people constantly surrounding him. His parents tried to teach him love but all that got through was their hate for how their lives turned out. He left at the age of ten and lived on the streets for a year before the Red Barons took him away. They trained him in almost every form of martial arts. He is dangerous without a weapon, but with a pistol he could take out a city. At age of 12 he killed his first victim.

If you find him run like you’ve never run before.
"Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job."
-Douglas Adams

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Tue Aug 09, 2016 9:40 pm
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soundofmind says...

I submitted mine,, , *sweats*


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Alexander "Alex" Kingsman

Age: 21
Gender: Male

Appearance: He’s a pretty tall guy, standing at roughly 6 feet and two inches, and with enough muscle to fill out his figure, but it’s all pretty lean. He’s got a prominent chin, and dark arching brows that, even when his face is resting, give him an overall confident expression. He’s got dark black hair, and a darkly tanned skin (even without a lot of exposure to the sun). He’s got a few premature grey hairs sprouting near his temples and forehead, and a very toothy smile, displaying his pearly whites.

He’s got a large belt strapped across his shoulders that’s armed with multiple throwing knives, and a structured dark green jacket that just about covers his bum. Besides that, he’s just got a practical set of trousers and boots, and a loose fitting shirt underneath.

Personality: Apart from being a veritable ass He’s very extroverted. He’s very knowledge-hungry, and he loves to learn people’s secrets. He also loves to push people’s buttons, and test their boundaries. But he’s also very intelligent, and he does everything very intentionally. He observes people closely, and will evaluate a situation on how to act so that he gets what he wants out of it.

He’s calculating, and he’s learned how to lie and bluff his way through things, so much so, that he’s not quite sure what he’s like when he isn’t. Because of this, he tries to stay busy, and he’s constantly pushing himself into situations where he needs to mentally stretch himself. Because of such, sometimes his sanity is put into question… but don’t worry about him, he’ll be ok. Maybe.

Drive: (Well, he doesn’t drive a car, ba dum tss. Because they don’t exist in his world.) He was hired by his best (and only) friend to catch this guy named James, but James has gotten away a few times now. He’s not even doing it for the money. This is about the GREATER GOOD. It’s for the honor and,, well mostly his friend.

Idk um,, *sweats* yEAh I’m bad at explaining this.

Skills: He’s a registered bounty hunter, but he operates more like a combination of an assassin, detective, and interrogator while on the job. He’s very good at it too. His weapon of choice is throwing knives, second is his hand-held gun.

He’s also got a lot to say, and will not hesitate, when given the chance, to spout off long monologues. He doesn’t however, sacrifice a monologue for an even better timed bullet, or a knife. He’s quick to act in that way.

History: When he was very young, him, his mother, and his father lived out in a cabin out in the forests north of the Moonlight Kingdom. Fancying himself to be some sort of hero, Alex’s father was on a mission to kill as many werewolves as he could find in this forest that was famed for their sightings. Little did he know, there weren’t many of them left… but since he was already an accomplished big game hunter, he was actually very successful at hunting werewolves. When he caught and killed them, he would skin them (if they were in wolf form) and sell their furs. His father was not very popular among the werewolf community though because of what he was doing. Consequently, the werewolves planned their own hunt to track down and kill Steven, and were successful in doing so. Unfortunately for Alex though, he witnessed his father’s death along with his mom.

Naturally, him and his mother moved to a safer place, but still remained near forests. Alex continued his father’s practice of hunting and trapping, trying to get better and better so that he could ultimately track down and kill the werewolf that killed his father. His mother tried her best to raise him well, but was not opposed to his desire for revenge.

He spent the best of his teenaged years actively trying to find the werewolf that killed his father, but continually failed to find him. Frustrated with his fruitless efforts, he decided to find another use of his skillset and became a bounty hunter working for the Moonlight Kingdom, sometimes working on commissioned, and other times simply pursuing wanted people he found interest in. It was during this time that he seemed to develop an obsession for gather information, but more specifically, secrets. (It might’ve been because he was trying to bury his own.)

Other: The only thing that really makes him a baddie is that he’s got it out for the two main characters, one of which he’s trying to catch since he’s wanted. So idk.
Pants are an illusion. And so is death.

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Tue Aug 09, 2016 9:44 pm
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TheSilverFox says...


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Alsather Merione

Age: 38
Gender: Male

Appearance: A fairly tall, grey-haired individual with crystal blue eyes. Typically wears the green and black robes that designate the royalty of the country he serves as an advisor to. Clean shaven and well-dressed, but a few scars are scattered across his face, and he typically dons a grimace or sneer. Usually stooping or bending to some extent, due to back problems.

In actuality, he is a snake. Specifically, he is a death adder with the ability to transform into a human, or shift some parts of his anatomy to resemble human ones or snake ones. He tends to remain in human form, as he leads a primarily-human country, but he has no problem with shifting his form if need be. In particular, when he needs to eliminate threats in the most convenient way possible, or to speak before his fellow race of snakes.

Personality: Dour, simply. Not one for smiling or rubbing his hands evilly or discussing his plots. He has a tendency to scowl at people, and his expression among friends is blank and emotionless. Not enigmatic, his diplomacy style is nonetheless blunt, forceful, and effective. He can communicate a point clearly, his eerie presence often unnerves and intimidates his opponents, and he is incredibly good at negotiation, specifically to suit his ends. Alsather tends to be secretive or quiet unless he has something to say, which isn’t incredibly often. However, when he does speak, it’s hard not to listen to what he has to say (unless he’s complaining about his back, which tends to be the focus of his mumbling).

Disdainful of humans, though he isn’t particularly sadistic. Rather, he can be sociopathic and aggressive, and has no problem ruining the lives of the people under his control. Even friends can find themselves dead if they’re not careful, though this isn’t common – Alsather tends to have plans for each of them. He uses his own personal network of spies and assassins to harass and eliminate his opponents by whatever means necessary, while making it seem like an accident. Given his effective status as the ruler of an entire kingdom, it is nearly impossible to oppose him without a large and comparable force, and he is merciless.

Drive: Primarily, vengeance. After the extensive and tragic history of his species (see “Other”), he considers the cooperation between his family and the humans of Claec to be despicable and pathetic, likening it to servitude. Regardless of the fact that the snakes have been coiling around the said royal family and constricting them for a long time before he showed up. Thus, he has made it his personal mission to destroy the country, eliminate the humans within it, oust the royal family, and found a new dynasty of his own, potentially with the assistance of the snakes scattered throughout the continent (though they tend to disagree a lot). He has also been cooperating with other rulers and species to push out humans from neighboring regions, and has effectively formed an elaborate case of fantastic racism.

Too, he also desires power. His species has remained divided and bickering for a long time, and the superiors who helped him acquire his position expected to act as a puppet through him. However, his ambition stretches well above their heads, as does his greed, and he was quite infuriated to find that they are trying to use him as a pawn. As such, Alsather seeks the overthrowing/death of his superiors, so he can rule alone and on top. Thus, his superiors are learning fairly quickly to leave him alone, especially as he continually grows stronger.

Skills: As stated above, he’s an effective diplomat, potential assassin, and skilled at manipulation. Incredibly good at getting what he wants, and also coaxing and bribing people to do what they would rather not otherwise.

History: Born to two prominent snakes in the royal court of Claec, Alsather was used to high-class behaviors and attributes from a young age. While not related to the royal family of snakes, key in preserving the coordination between the two species (alongside the human Claec royal family), he quickly gained prominence due to his intellect, understanding of politics, and ambition. A multitude of people took notice, but a series of spiteful snakes saw the opportunity to mold him into Claec’s demise. Well aware of the history of snakes and humans, they were hoping to finally get their revenge, and thought of him as the personal vessel by which to do so. Thus, he was taught the harsh ideologies and ability to threaten and manipulate people that has characterized his present behavior, and lapped in the information eagerly. Nationalistic to the idea of a potential nation composed of all of the snake species, he married a member of the snake royal family. While this marriage was brief and childless, it thrust him into the spotlight, and his superiors and advisors helped manipulate him to gain more and more power, eventually becoming an advisor to the Claec family. From there, he helped bring about the accusations and propaganda that overthrew the king and queen, who were forced to abdicate and leave the country, leaving behind their young, naïve, and weak daughter, Cerin.

Since then, it’s been a downhill slope for everyone hoping to control him. His greed for power has only grown stronger over time, to the point where he is effectively the king. Many of those who attempted to use him have been exiled or murdered, and Alsather plans to ruin Cerin’s reputation and dispatch her in turn, thus allowing him to succeed as true ruler of the land, where he can apply his fantastic racism. Therefore, he is nigh invulnerable, save for the series of land negotiations and trades Alsather has been struggling with, as well as the general unreliability of allies he does have. Too, the invasion of Kasimir Geren, the lord of Walenty, has left him at a mildly troublesome situation. Kasimir, with more resources and power, can easily muscle Alsather out of the way – he simply keeps the snake to hold the country in one place. This infuriated Alsather, who can do nothing, but remains ever waiting for the right moment to strike…

Other: A lot of Alsather’s personal hatreds, as well as those who brought him to his present position, comes from the illustrious history of the snakes. Formerly one of the most powerful species in the land, they were found in a multitude of locations, having established great kingdoms under the reign of their gigantic, imposing leader. Opponents were generally dispatched without much thought, and they had the supremacy to develop a fairly advanced society, centered around philosophy, medicine, and warfare. However, the arrival of the humans from the East fractured their power. After an extensive and long battle, the most skilled magicians slew the leader of the snakes, and their subsequent alliances with many neglected species meant that the snakes were in trouble. The most imposing warriors were shoved to the icy north and south, forced to hide in mountains, jungles, swamps, and the most reclusive and secretive environments. Disorganized and divided, several new kingdoms were established, but none were as notable as those that preceded them, and tension between different groups of snakes broke them further apart. Those not capable enough to fight forged alliances with the humans, thus maintaining some facsimile of their former power, but not enough to satiate their fury at what had happened to their might. This, of course, explains the present situation.
S'io credesse che mia risposta fosse
a persona che mai tornasse al mondo,
questa fiamma staria senza piu scosse.
Ma per ciò che giammai di questo fondo
non tornò vivo alcun, s'i' odo il vero,
senza tema d'infamia ti rispondo.

Inferno, Canto 27, l 61-66.

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Tue Aug 09, 2016 9:59 pm
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Lordofkittys says...

the deed is done (Submitted!)

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Fearn "The Trapper" Locron

Age: 34
Gender: Male

Appearance: He is short and dwarfish. His back carries a slight arch as he walks normally, almost comparable to that of a hunchback. He usually wears a simple black hood as a mask, but when not his facial features look fairly average and homely. The rest of his clothes seem to be simple farmers clothes styled into such a way to make them seem more menacing and fierce.

Personality: He is incredibly bi-polar. At points he can show some sympathy to his victims, but is often times put down by his strong feelings of hate. He hates everyone including himself, but is generally in denial of this fact. Revenge and pain drives almost all of his actions, as he doesn't know how to handle either.

Drive: Fearn wants to kill/punish hunters and other rural residents, because he finds them all to 'blame' for his brother's death. Dozens of his traps made for humans scatter the country side.

Skills: He is a skilled trapper and can make a multiple of various traps that stretch from being lethal to just extremely painful. Despite his stout-ish appearance, he can move surprisingly fast at times of need. Also in times of emergency, Fearn can defend himself with short blades as a fairly competent fighter.

History: He used to be a quite happy individual with his older brother. His brother was far more handsome and temperate than Fearn. They lived an enjoyable life out on their farm. Unfortunately, his brother died from stumbling into a hunter's trap. Fearn secretly feels responsible because of failing to warning his brother about the trap before hand.


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Tue Aug 09, 2016 10:29 pm
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jumpingsheep says...


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Teresa Cruz

Age: 30

Gender: Female

Teresa is half Puerto Rican and half Northern European. She is tall and her height is usually magnified by the elevated, steel-toed boots that she wears as part of her uniform. Teresa has light brown skin and medium-length, black hair that she either wears in a tight bun or immaculately straightened. Her eyes are a pale, eerie blue. Some of her colleagues say that she surgically altered them when she went undercover, but no one quite knows for sure. Her face is angular and made up with maroon lipstick and neatly eyeliner, eye shadow, and mascara. She has high, prominent cheekbones, and narrow, dark eyes. Teresa is rarely seen without her royal blue uniform on.
Teresa lives to work. She enjoys nothing more than being in the field, running down those on Atheon’s most wanted lists. She believes in cold justice and will use any methods to accomplish her means. In her eyes, any criminal, from small-time hackers to infamous assassins are inhuman and must be punished to the full extent of the law. She extends this model to children and elders. Teresa is patient and she does not mind playing the long game if it reaps greater benefits. She spends time learning about each of the targets the Atheon police force is tasked to bring in. She’ll follow them, learn their habits, study who their friends are, and most importantly, find what they’re willing to die for. By the time said criminal is apprehended and in interrogation, Teresa knows exactly how they think and what buttons to push. She will cruelly abuse these triggers and pressure points to obtain whatever she needs.
In having a conversation with Teresa, one may take note of her focus on the task at hand. She is not one for small talk. This agent maintains a cool composure, as if she cannot be fazed by anything, and she speaks deliberately. Teresa is not one to waste words. While speaking to her, most of her coworkers feel a creeping uneasiness, because just as Teresa knows exactly how the felons think, she seems to have an understanding how they think as well.
While Teresa acts almost robotic at times, she harbors a deep insecurity about her past, something to be addressed in a later section. In fact, this insecurity is what has pushed her to becoming the hell-devil she is today, as if she is making up for her past shortcomings.

Teresa is motivated by two things: her love of rules and her passion for learning. Ironic, really, at how two seemingly innocuous things lead her to acting out and harming her enemies in the way she does. To Teresa, every rule most be followed, and those who break them must be punished accordingly. However, it is her desire for rule following that causes her to follow and carry out the laws of Atheon blindly, without stopping to consider their moral. And it’s her passion for learning that granted her such a high position at a young age, and pushes her to learn everything she can about her adversaries.

Teresa excels at research and undercover work. She finds it easy to blend in and quickly pick up local customs, much to the detriment of gang members and criminals who rely on being able to pick out Atheon moles by agents’ inexperience in the underground. She can lie without breaking a sweat, and she knows better than to elaborate beyond what she needs to say. Teresa is also more than competent in hand-to-hand combat, and she prefers to isolate her enemies so that she can take them out while they’re alone. Worst case, if there is more than one, Teresa can use a firearm and shoot without hesitation. This is worst case, because she prefers to bring in her captures somewhat alive.

Teresa grew up in Puerto Rico, Earth, and started attending an Atheon academy at the age of twelve. She quickly ascended through the ranks and graduated when she was eighteen as valedictorian, as well as Cadet Major, before attending two years of boot camp. Her work experience began when she was twenty and Teresa moved off Earth to complete a four-year deployment bringing in war criminals on Mars after the Martian Revolution. The term “war criminals” was extended loosely, however, to anyone who spoke out against the new Atheon regime. These people were quickly brought in and disposed of, and Teresa did not mind one bit. All of these rebels she considered detrimental to the glory that Atheon Corps would bring to Mars and beyond. She saw them as childish renegades who had nothing better to do with their time.
When Teresa was twenty-four, she was assigned to go undercover on Europa and breach the drug rings that locked up the planet. This was where her problems started.
She successfully wormed her way into one of the gangs and began sending in information to her superiors. This job lasted two years. During this time, Teresa was constantly sending intelligence into Atheon, providing the locations and the names of the individuals involved in a larger ring that composed of nearly two-thousand members.
While in the ring, Teresa found herself growing close to the other members of her small group, even though they were the ones she’d eventually turn in. She found herself beginning to see “the other side”, of the people who dealt drugs to feed their family, or the kid who stole shipments from Atheon several times, but made a mean lasagna on Tuesday nights and helped her fix her tablet. She couldn’t help but start to feel at home in this eccentric family. Furthermore, this new outlook was not helped by the appearance of a young girl named Jayleen Khan, a ten-year-old that showed up, willing to do finances and hack for the gang. Teresa began to see Jayleen as a younger sister, and Jayleen idolized her as such. Another member of the crew, Raco, began to have feelings for Teresa, and she reciprocated them. During this time undercover, while planning the operation that would end all of these people, Teresa began to have misgivings. What if she ran away and started a life with Raco? What if she could help Jayleen get back into school? What if this family could last forever? The gang spoke of dangerous things, sometimes, about overthrowing Atheon and uncovering the evildoings of the sinister corporation.
Most importantly, what would happen to Jayleen if she was captured? Atheon would break her.
The night of the big operation, Teresa executed her part perfectly. At least, that’s what it reads in the records. In one night, the entire drug ring was busted. Raco, and the entire gang were arrested.
Except for Jayleen. Teresa finagled some things so that Jayleen was not present the night of the operation, and without Jayleen knowing, Teresa saved her life, while simultaneously betraying them all.
After the mission, Teresa went back to work. She was promoted. She burned away the strange compassion she had felt, hardening her heart so that she would never come close to fumbling another operation like she almost did. Okay, so she let Jayleen escape. What’s the worst that could happen?
Another two years after it all went down, Teresa saw a teenage girl appear in one of her mission briefings. Jayleen Khan, now a hacker whose leaks were threatening the very infrastructure of Atheon.
Now, Teresa is on the hunt again for the girl that she let get away. This young rebel is Teresa’s fault, and she intends to bring her down, even killing her if that’s what it takes. Jayleen is a reminder of how a real compassion for others nearly destroyed Teresa and her mission. And if Atheon finds out what Teresa did, she’ll pay the price. Teresa starts following Jayleeen obsessively, waiting for the moment where she can torch Jayleen Khan, and all that Jayleen stands for.
In the end, Teresa never once considers herself the “bad guy”. She sees herself as a hero, even if she’s the freedom fighters’ worst enemy.
“I am justice,” Teresa repeats to herself every morning. And she believes it.
She doesn’t want to know about the children being kidnapped by Atheon for experimentation. She doesn’t want to think about her targets on an emotional level. She ignores the reasons why criminals are brought it. She is justice. And criminals will get what they deserve. Every gunshot, every minute of torture, every loss they face.
“I am justice.”
hello there

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Tue Aug 09, 2016 10:40 pm
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Mea says...

Sending! I completely made up this character for this, but now I actually really want to write the story that she's the villain for...

Submitted Profile

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Miyako "Mia" Yamashita

Age: 55

Gender: Female

Appearance: About 5'3'', she is 'well-preserved' for her age, with little more than a few lines around her eyes to show that she is not in her early 40s. She has typical Japanese hair - black and straight down to the middle of her back, along with round eyes and a small nose. She is neither curvy nor excessively skinny - she is small, but her frame is powerful.

Personality: Miyako is focused and calculating, but only after years of practice at regulating her emotions to aid her ambitions. She took affronts very personally in her youth, and still does, though her revenge is much subtler. She is ruthless when it comes to money. She enjoys bowling and expensive wines.

Drive: Fear. And greed.

Skills: Finances. Leadership. Organization. Japanese is her native language, but she speaks English and German fluently.

History: Ever since she was small, Miyako dreamed of coming to America, and as a young college student she fulfilled that dream, going to study economics at Oxford University. After a few false starts, she quickly rose to become a prominent business owner and one of the wealthiest women in America, but at a cost. It was no accident that several leading mail-order services all went out of business just a few months before she launched her own revolutionary DroneMail, one of them because the CEO had died unexpectedly and the company was left in the hands of his over-confident son.

Miyako has never regretted the blood on her hands, but she’s always tightly controlled what her ex-FBI, morally upright husband knows about her unsavory business practices. Now, he knows everything. Their marriage has fallen apart, and he’s just a few phone calls away from starting an investigation that would almost certainly land her in jail and tear apart her companies. And Miyako will do anything to stop that, even if it means destroying the man she loved.

Other: She has no children, nor has she ever wanted any. She is not outright abusive, but she was always a bit controlling of her husband.
We're all stories in the end.

I think of you as a fairy with a green dress and a flower crown and stuff.

I think you, @Deanie and I are like the Three Book Nerd Musketeers of YWS.

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Tue Aug 09, 2016 11:43 pm
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krazkat says...

His profile has been sent.
All there is to know about Carl can be read in there :)

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Tue Aug 09, 2016 11:50 pm
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erilea says...

My character has a strange name... Snocida is up for judging! :)

My profile is also really long...

I have no idea how to do this. o.o

Submitted Profile

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Snocida "Icicle" Zalor

Age: 26
Gender: Female

Appearance: Snocida has thick brown hair that is usually in an elegant braid. She has a slim figure and brown eyes. Her skin is tanned but not too dark, and her lips are curled in a seemingly gentle but extremely dangerous smile. She usually wears black, not caring much about fashion, and has an extreme love for tennis shoes.[/b]

Personality: Snocida is beautiful but evil, and her specialty is holding valued things for ransom. She got her nickname by a cold and aloof attitude and a steely personality. She's rumored to have an immense skill for picking out cherished items. Snocida also isn't big on threatening, but the warning is always implied by her soft yet dangerous tone. Snocida has had quick fingers ever since she was born, and she was successful on her first attempted robbery. She's a first-rate villain and, contrary to most movie-star malefactors, always gets away with her crime.

Drive: Snocida never had anything valuable when she was little. Everything that she loved was eventually taken away from her, and what she wants most is her pet cat that disappeared years ago. Snocida feels that if other people have treasured possessions, why shouldn't she? Or, at least, she could get a profit from stealing them.

Skills: She knows what's loved and what's not. The most famous example that set her apart from the other criminals is when she bypassed a diamond ring that could've fooled less competent convicts and stole a jeweled dog collar, receiving five thousand dollars for returning it. Snocida also has quick fingers, as mentioned above, and a reliable instinct.

History: Snocida first started her occupation as a criminal when she was twenty. At that time she was relatively poor but she knew that she had to use her skills for something. Since many jobs had turned her away, she was frustrated and took her anger out on the house of her latest interviewer, Michael Davis. Ever since, she's been stealing things and holding them for ransom. Years before, her harsh and miser parents always took her valued items away from her because they were wary against the dangers of indulgence. Snocida grew up with a constant fury in her because of this.

Other: None[/quote]
Was *wisegirl22*Artemis28*Lupa22*

focus on... enjoying happy moments

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Tue Aug 09, 2016 11:57 pm
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DragonWriter22 says...

Profile has been sent!

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Valcyrie "Val" Hartana

Age: 27

Gender: Female

Appearance: Elegant wavy brown hair, deep amber brown eyes

Personality: Valcyrie is very patient, willing to wait for the perfect opportunity to strike. She's very careful in her planning and is also very cunning in the plans she creates. Around her own people she is very gentle and understanding, but when she's around those who hate magic she gives no mercy. If she's tipped over the edge she can fall into a blinding rage and become a hurricane of fiery anger and power.

Drive: Revenge and saving those with magic

Skills: Valcyrie has spent much of her time dueling and practicing with a variety of weapons, so she's mastered quite a few of them including archery, sword fighting, and can fight fairly well without a weapon if the need arises. Valcyrie is also quite skilled in her energy manipulating powers as well as strategy and planning. She can also be a deadly assassin as she is skilled in stealth and has memorized hundreds of poisons.

History: Valcyrie's parents, Gwalter and Caitriona Hartana, were both sorcerers with healing abilities. Despite the stigma associated with magic powers, they didn't hide it and often helped the people of their village. Unfortunately, word spread and the King sent knights to track down these rogue sorcerers. The people of the village, in terror for their own lives, turned them over. Valcyrie and her little sister, Elin, managed to escape and Val kept them safe in the forest for many years. The only two rules that she set up for her sister were to never wander alone or practice magic when she was gone. Elin had powers of fire manipulation and Val, if had any powers, she hadn't discovered them yet. Unfortunately her sister didn’t listen, she broke the rules and was discovered by knights traveling through the forest. Valcyrie was not too far away at the time and she raced back when she heard Elin’s screams, but she was too late. As she looked down at her sister’s lifeless body, she lost control and fell into a blinding rage. Power burst from her and she discovered she could control pure energy. There were ten knights in the camp and by the time Valcyrie collapsed from exhaustion, they were all dead. When she woke up, she was being taken care of by a farmer and his wife, but as soon as they mentioned “Those dirty, miserable, flea-ridden sorcerers”, she killed them without a second thought and moved on. Now she is the leader of a group of evil Sorcerers known as the Midnight Star Sorcerers, which has remained a secret so far. They go about taking revenge on those who hate magic and rescuing magic users who have been captured. Besides that, Valcyrie is also creating a master plan to get rid of King Alistair and his family.

Other: Valcyrie is from a medieval world that was struck with a mysterious shower of asteroids form a far corner of the universe. Swords crafted from the ore of the asteroids were lighter, stronger, and sharper than any other metal of their world. These swords eventually became known as enchanted swords. Unknown to the people of that world at first however, the asteroids also carried a powerful radiation that infected some people, but passed over others. Those effected gained incredible powers and became the witches and sorcerers of story and legend, but few people will trust something so strange and new. And during the early years of powers, the radiation could still pass from person to person. Terrified of this new "illness" many people began executions and hunted down every witch and sorcerer they could find.
No. For the last time, I don't write on dragons!

I am the Night Rider! Wait, I mean the Night Writer! Ah, no. Well, I do write at night, but... I am the Knight Writer of the Green Room! There we go. :D

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Tue Aug 09, 2016 11:59 pm
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TheGatherer says...


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Prepster Lee

Age: 17

Gender: male

Appearance: He's 1,75m, has curly brown hair and a spider called "Spencer" living in his hair

Personality: He's a bit shy, weary of other person's feelings but sometimes distant and lost in his thoughts

Drive: The hate he feels from others, as everyone scolds him. Each time he opens up, he later feels increasingly betrayed.

Skills: He's not special or has superpowers, his only power is imagination. Sometimes he has really great ideas but they come off differently or not like he wished them to be put in practice. He's also terribly careless and most of the times gets into trouble because of that.

History: The first time he experiences dread was when he found himself helpless besides his girlfried. She's crying but backs him off because it's all his fault. He later leaves her in his room and exits the house. When he returns her mother bashes on him for going out like that but he tells her to shut up and hides in his room.

The next day, he finds out his girlfriend had told every high school friend of his about his mistake. He passes all day alone, until her English teacher, Ms. Hazy, asks what's wrong. He tells her about his fears and she conforts him. The next day, she discovers he missed homework and she scolds him. Prepster Lee runs away.

Eventually, his pain is building up and his rage turns him against the world.

Other: The spider on his hair tells him all the bad things that turn him against the world. Later she'll command him to kill her friends, his mother and finally go after his girlfriend, who according to "Spencer" is the source of all evil.
An arrow can only be shot by pulling it backwards. So when life is dragging you back with difficulties, it means that life's going to launch you into something great, so just focus and keep aiming.
— Unknown

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Wed Aug 10, 2016 12:33 am
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Merkava120 says...

Dunnit. That was way funner than I thought it would be.

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Kaldun Omalum, The Great Liberator

Age: 47
Gender: Male

Appearance: Blond hair, slightly messy but in a way that makes it look on purpose. Tall and straight, with a very rigid, assertive frame, the result of years of public appearance. Dark blue eyes and a serious expression.

Personality: Behind his guarded expression and strong frame lies a secret explosively enthusiastic personality, which leaps out when he becomes obsessed with a new idea.

Drive: Kaldun believes in the fallacy he created, the myth of the Great Liberator and how he is working to free Ketan from the influences of the Ikadrian Empire. He also has an obsession with destroying an ancient league of fighters known as the Krishe, who protect the people of Ketan and are currently leading a resistance against Kaldun and the other warlords in control of the nation. This obsession, combined with his enormous support for the ruling nobility, has made him into a dictator, not a liberator, but he is blind to that fact.

Skills: Kaldun is a brilliant strategist and soldier, having risen through the ranks in the Ketanni army long ago. He also knows a lot about resistance tactics, from experience prior to his taking control. He also cooks for a hobby, specializing in meat, which he prefers to hunt himself, when he has the time and a safe place to do so.

History: Kaldun was born into a noble family in Southern Ketan a decade or two before the Ikadrian invasion, during which he fought as a soldier. He joined the resistance movement shortly after the Ketanni government collapsed, but when the Ikadrian emperor died and the temporary anarchy allowed generals all over the empire to grab up power, Kaldun led a bunch of former soldiers to take back the capital of Ketan (in the southeast) and drive out the Imperial soldiers. He has spent the decade or two since then fighting the two warlords who control the northern and western portions of Ketan, as well as stamping out the Krishe and other resistance groups, conducting magical experiments to improve his soldiers, purging anyone with ties to the Empire, and allowing his soldiers to roam free throughout his reign in order to maintain their loyalty.

Other: His name comes from the latin words "caldus" and "malum", which mean "rash" and "wrong".

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Wed Aug 10, 2016 1:16 am
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JustJasper says...

I sent mine awhile ago but here is a post

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William "Will" Ray

Gender: Male

Appearance: Will wears plain clothing. A simple t-shirt and any random pair of shorts is good enough for him. Perhaps a long coat in the winter, other than that his sense of fashion is about the same. He is human with neat Chestnut hair and tawny eyes long bony limbs wide sunken eyes. Some may say his style is nonexistent but what is the point of armor or flowing robes when you can crush your opponent easily.

Personality: Will really isn't a bad guy, he fiercely loves his family and will do anything to protect them. However he perceives many people as a threat and can end up with blood on his hands. He is quiet and mostly calm but has a quick temper. He is not trusting and he always doubts people he doesn't know but once he warms up to you he will be very friendly.

Drive: He is motivated by love. He will do anything to keep the people he loves safe and that can be the most terrifying motive a villain can have.

Skills: He has the ability to control the weather and he is very good at it. His specialty is zapping people with bolts of lightning. He is also able to heal people but that doesn't mean he will help his enemies.

History: He became an orphan at the age of 2 and was raised in many different orphanages. He had to restrain himself from using his powers to help people when he was a child because magic was frowned upon. Now he uses his gifts with a vengeance and will not hesitate to hurt people.

Other: He dislikes those without magic because of their disdained for him as a child.
Why do we capital-N Nerds love Mars so much?
Because it's beautiful, it's tough, it's buried in our mythic, childhood memories.
It's covered with human triumphs but also with sad stories of failure.

-Greg Bear

I have to ask. Does every question or statement regarding the quote generator end up in the quote generator?
— WeepingWisteria