jumpingsheep Thank you so much!!!
Aug 5, 2018
Thank you!!!!!
Aug 5, 2018
s/o to my florida grandparents who I texted asking about hurricanes for this project and who sent me a two page letter detailing the whole event
PrincessInk It looks intriguing!
Jun 28, 2018
Participating in July's nanowrimo camp and writing a contemporary fiction YA novel! yeehaw. a nice departure from my usual sci-fi
So about my hiatus... I'm currently in the process of querying literary agents on my finished novel, "Regard the Skies". It's a daunting process but I finally hit my stride. Some of you may (?) remember this work... I posted the first 3 chapters of it a few years ago back in its early days. I think I even made a post on my wall about working on it about 2-3 years ago! Anyways, I'm hoping to delve into poetry while I'm back here, as that's also something I picked up!
Wolfi Yay! Welcome back!
May 9, 2018
jumpingsheep Wolfie!!!! Ahhhh it's so good to see everyone again!!!
May 9, 2018
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I haven't been posting on here lately but it's because I'm currently working on editing the fourth draft of Regard the Skies! I also finished writing the query letter. Does anyone know if there's anywhere on YWS where I could get feedback on it?
jumpingsheep Thank you thank you!
Aug 6, 2017
jumpingsheep Omg thank you!!!
Aug 6, 2017
jumpingsheep Thank you
Jun 3, 2017
Aug 5, 2022