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Carlito is poeting??

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Tue Apr 13, 2021 2:07 am
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Carlito says...

Day twelve:

OOPS didn't get around to poeting this weekend so here I am catching up today!!

Poem 10
Emotion: Defiant
As a: Terzanelle - combining the villanelle with the terza rima? two poetic forms i've already tried and didn't hate? okay!

I didn't try to channel anything specific, just a defiant girl doing defiant things? I don't know. I did manage to stick with an even syllable count per line (still not bothering with iambic pentameter because why should I have to suffer) but it feels off to me. I like the terza rima as a form the best out of villanelle/terza rima/terzanelle

Poem 11
Emotion: Paranoia
As a: Virelai - heard of this one? me neither! but again, the random number generator told me to so here we are. It's a French poetic form!

I was just telling boy the other day that I have an irrational fear of windows at night time because you can't see out but people can see in and I'm afraid someone is watching me and I don't know. So that's what I wrote about! And it's.... fine? But it took an unexpected turn midway through (I think because I was running out of rhymes) and the narrator was reading a scary book at night in front of a window, so there's that.

Poem 12
Emotion: Resignation
As a: Endecha - a Spanish poetic form (just slowly making my way through Europe with poetic forms I guess)

Okay Jane the Virgin is STILLLL on my brain (no shame) so I'm channeling when Jane told one of them that she loved the other one (can't get more specific than that because ya'll need to watchhhh ittttt).

when you told me you loved him
and your love for me ran out
i threw my white flag up high
but the ending should be ours without a doubt

we'll always be family
and my love for you endures
but i won't fight your ending
because you made up your mind. it's him. you're sure.
It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.

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Sat Apr 24, 2021 4:02 am
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Carlito says...

Just like when I did a NaNo Hail Mary Writing Weekend to get to 50,000 I will complete my 30 poems even though I am behind by a lot. Work + wedding planning takes up most of my mental energy at the moment, but I set out to blob my way through 30 poems. So I'm going to finish blobbing my way through 30 poems.

Poem 13
Emotion: anxiety (we are well acquainted)
As a: Tautogram (all the words have to start with the same letter rip)

I went with the letter S because I often feel anxiety in my stomach and I wanted to be able to use stomach and there are lots of S words! The hardest part was making it make sense since you can't use transitional words like and/but/to/etc. It... exists. It's fine, nothing special.
It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.

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Sat Apr 24, 2021 4:07 am
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Carlito says...

Poem 14
Emotion: Devastation
As a: Nasher

Channeling another show I love for this one! This time my original favorite - The OC (the season finale of season 3 the final scene IF YOU KNOW YOU KNOW. I STILL REMEMBER HOW I FELT THE FIRST TIME I SAW THIS SCENE.)
Imogen Heap's version of Hallelujah plays for part of this scene and I used some of the elements of that song in the poem.
I didn't quite understand comedic rhyming or wrenched rhyming, but I did my best and I don't hate it!

Broken hallelujahs don't make fairytales
Holy doves may move, but can't always prevail

The last breath you drew was my implosion
Our victory march ends with an explosion
It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.

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Sat Apr 24, 2021 4:25 am
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Carlito says...

Poem 15
Emotion: Annoyance
As an: Acrostic

Okay the tag line for this form is "a poem for hidden messages" and I actually think that's perfect for annoyance. Let's get petty!
This was easy. I thought about my idiot brother (jk actually love him) always picking something to watch on TV, then leaving the room for long amounts of time claiming "he's coming right back" and then I have to get up to change the channel because 9.5/10 whatever he's chosen is not my cup of tea, and then he gets mad at me for changing the channel after coming back 20 minutes later. we're both adults and don't live under the same roof anymore but the way he still does this when we're back at our parents house -_-

Yet another afternoon with
only one channel blaring
until someone leaves the room with the TV
Unless you're coming right back,
could you stop and think for once?
keeping the game on full volume makes you look dumb


It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.

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Sun Apr 25, 2021 1:37 am
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Hijinks says...

Can I just say I love the concept of this thread and all these different forms?? Like WHOAH I knew there are a lot of poetic structures but I haven't heard of half of these,,, might have to take note and try some of them some time c:

poem 9 -> ooooh such restrictive syllable count is quite challenging but you pulled it off super well! I definitely agree the short lines and stop-start flow works really well for a wary-vibe. My favourite lines from this one are "careful steps / watchful stares" and "something goes bump / at night" ! <3

poem 12 -> I have no knowledge about Jane the Virgin whatsoever whoops xD BUT THIS LINE: "but the endings should be ours without a doubt" is so simple and stark and bittersweet </3 and then the ending line, "because you made up your mind. it's him. you're sure." it sounds like the narrator is trying to convince themself of this and it's heartwrenching -- I like how you broke that line up into three sentences, the short statements add to that "okay this is true and I can't escape it" sort of vibe if that makes any sense xD

poem 14 -> "broken hallelujahs don't make fairytales" eep something about this line is so striking!! And such an unexpected image but it just works ^^

Ahaha and poem 15 made me laugh xD can definitely feel the sibling love-and-annoyance vibes coming through strong in this one!

Keep up the great work!! I believe in you, you can get those 30 poems done before April's over <33
When you're faced with something you don't understand, I think the most natural thing but also least interesting thing you can be is afraid.

-- Hank Green

(previously whatchamacallit and Seirre)

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Sun Apr 25, 2021 1:53 am
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Carlito says...

Awww thank you @whatchamacallit 💜💜
I'm not kidding when I say I don't know what I'm doing, but I'm really enjoying the process! Choosing an emotion at random and a poetic form at random and then just trying my best and not worrying about the outcome has been great! (It's a welcome shift from working on novels and actively trying to create a quality product).

I also had no idea there were so many poetic forms!! Imagine my surprise when I googled "poetic forms" and found this post with 169!!!
It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.

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"In my contact with people I find that, as a rule, it is only the little, narrow people who live for themselves, who never read good books, who do not travel, who never open up their souls in a way to permit them to come into contact with other souls -- with the great outside world."
— Booker T. Washington, Up From Slavery