
Young Writers Society

Worst Book You've Ever Read

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Tue Nov 30, 2010 3:07 pm
JenGwen says...

Defo The Little White Horse. I bought it because it looked and sounded ok in the store (It sounds childish, but its really complicated and adult) it had NOTHING to do with horses and it just seemed like the author was moaning about how she didn't like x person and x person had a funny leg. Just mind-numbing!

Twilight is my fave. I love romance books, it makes me feel like at least some people can think of anything but horses! lol.
Eragon is really good, but i didn't like the long tedious journeys across the dry plains and it seemed like the author was desperate to keep a good idea so he made them do stupid things so he could keep his bacic idea.

The harry Potter books. I just couldn't get into them. Once i put them down i had no desire to pick them up again. But i do think J.K Rowling is a good writer. I admire her work, just don't like the characters.

The four elements of success: Talent, Skills, Try, and Luck. Talent you are born with; Skills you develop; Try is intestinal, fortitude or guts; Luck is spelled w.o.r.k. and is defined when preporation meets opportunity. :D

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Wed Dec 08, 2010 10:32 pm
koinu160 says...

It would have to be hands down... The Stand By: Stephen King. I know that loads o college students have read it and loved it but the first part of the book was just boring to me. The end was interesting enough to keep my attention but sadly I had to read this "bestseller" in parts. Ugh!!!

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Sun Dec 12, 2010 4:09 am
IsebellaLynnette says...

The Watsons of Birmingham--by far the worst book that I have ever read. I tried to get through it, I really did. At least seven times over the course of several months. And I failed each time, though I managed to get a couple pages farther every time. The book bored me to death, nothing happened, and the sort-of but not really exciting parts that could have been exciting if the author had bothered to look over their work were flat and predictable.


I'm glad that's out of my system now.
"There's a big difference between shooting a target and shooting a charging Wargal. A target isn't usually trying to kill you."
~Halt, Ranger's Apprentice Book Two: The Burning Bridge

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Tue Dec 14, 2010 12:42 pm
Eavn says...

I honestly loath books that are force fed to me from the spoon that is school. i absolutley hated To Kill a Mockingbird and I just finished Great Expectations. why do the books we have to read in school be the worst ones in the whole word and all because they teach good morals. Happily I can say I am looking forward to reading The Odessy in school next semester and i hope its not a let down like all the others.

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Sun Dec 19, 2010 4:45 am
melcally says...

Anything by Kevin Brooks. I bought two of his books from Amazon.com because of his great reviews but his books aren't for me. In 'Lucas' 45% of each chapter is spent explaining England weather, which doesn't really vary. It's either cold, rainy, cold and rainy, or cold windy and rainy. I made it a quater through and believe it or not the character whom the book was named after had yet to speak! Even with the huge "mystery" that made me want to read the book, I had lost interest and now it sits on my hutch under some foreign money, collecting dust.

The second book, 'Being', I forced myself to finish even though it seemed as though Mr. Brooks had forgotten he was supposed to eventually finish the book and made the worlds most rushed ending to meet deadline with his editor. I was VERY dissapointed.

Now on to an actual good book call Mockingjay By Suzanne Collins!

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Sat Jan 01, 2011 2:23 am
emilym1178 says...

The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck
The Pearl by John Steinbeck
The Tattooed Girl by Joyce Carol Oates.

go everywhere. do everything.
regret nothing.

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Sat Jan 01, 2011 4:34 am
katchaerin says...

I don't read bad books because they just make my head ache.
But I have read one: Sideways Stories from Wayside School. IDK but it makes me dumb I don't even want to open it. I thought it was a good book when I bought it at the bookstore. I was wrong. HAHA. I just read it because I don't want to waste my money by not reading it.

'cause I review back. XD XD XD

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Fri Jan 07, 2011 8:46 pm
TorahikoOoshima says...

I know you said no Twilight, but... Twilight.
Holy Mother of Mary Sues and purple prose.
Hajimari no yokan ni, soro soro to orotoki no, doki doki suru kimochi, wasurenai yo!

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Fri Jan 07, 2011 9:54 pm
lifetimewriter says...

Great Expectations by Charles Dickens. I was forced to read it by my Honors English I teacher and was bored out of my mind until the very end. I've NEVER said that about a book! I love to read, but seriously, it was awful. .
Dare to Dream

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Sat Jan 08, 2011 9:43 pm
WritersUnleashed says...

My lord, I used to be a magnet for these types of books. I coud say "Some of the novels posted here", but that is a little obvious (AND some are actually really good). But the worst book that is published, and that I actually finished is... oh boy I can't even remember the name. Its like THE FIRE by Gary Paulson. It is where people go riding up to a lodge, they light a match, and they die in a forest fire. His absolute WORST book.

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Mon Jan 24, 2011 4:52 am
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Mutant says...

I hated, hated, HATED The Call of the Wild by Jack London. I know it's a classic, but it just irritated me every time I opened it. To me, Buck was extremely flat and horribly overpowered. For what was supposed to be a book that defined American realism, it didn't seem very realistic.

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Sun Jan 30, 2011 7:55 pm
abba315 says...

Oh my god, Origin by Diana Abu-Jaber. It's a pseudo-mystery thriller that I couldn't even finish. It's about a woman who believes she was raised by monkeys, not an adoptive mother and father, and sets out to prove it. I'm serious. I had reservations as soon as I opened the book because it's written in present tense, which I generally hate, but I powered through a couple of chapters until I could stand it no longer. The book tries really hard to be creepy, but it fails miserably and is sort of reminiscent of how uncomfortable you feel when someone is trying to tell a ghost story and gets really into it themselves, but you're left going 'Ooh, gosh, stop, I'm so scared" in that half-sincere way. I just... agh. The protagonist is whiny and annoying, too. I just couldn't do it. Abu-Jaber's writing isn't necessarily bad- some passages are pretty enough- but this book was a failure in my opinion.
I have technically read worse books, like Twilight, but I tend to discount YA books in my best/worst categories because they have a different set of standards.

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Sun Jan 30, 2011 8:16 pm
Button says...

Orcs, by Stan Nicholls. I know, most of you would probably back away from the book just after seeing the title, but I'd read something by the author before, which was quite good. This was not.

The entire book was cliche; not just the subject, but the wording, the phrases, the action scenes......I think that if you're going to write a book that's half action-fight-scenes, you're obligated to make them cool ones. These weren't.
The characters were flat and predictable, and the creatures the author created were hard to picture and way too overdone. All, in all, awful book. I'm glad I read it though. It's now in the reference part of my bookshelf (Yes, I organize my bookshelf) because it's a reminder of how NOT to write books.

Wouldn't recommend it to anybody, unless you want to use it for those purposes.

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Wed Feb 02, 2011 12:19 am
DaSpetsnaz says...

I love the Hunger games series, but the last book, Mockingjay," was really bad. You start in district 13 and then it moves right to the capitol. The book moves way to fast and I couldn't keep up. The book is just overall really bad, and I think Suzanne Collins should have just stuck with the first book.
"Is this the real life, or is this just fantasy? Caught in a landslide, no escape from reality."


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Tue Mar 01, 2011 11:25 pm
AlyKat says...

Ohh my word....Found by Margaret Haddix
We had to read it for battle of the books and the first chapter is horrid plus the characters bore me and the story line is flat

Oh and whoever said Eragon and Lord of the rings im with you on that!!!!!!!! :P
Oompa Loompa something something something :)

A good artist should be isolated. If he isn't isolated, something is wrong.
— Orson Welles