Dreamy Welcome back!
Dec 25, 2013
It's snowing in Georgia! Like serious fluffy, high snow! This is crazy! All the schools have already been declared shut down; and the streets are CRAZY quiet, very few cars; LOL! I'm loving it! This is a REAL winter!
Rethinking the title of my novel! UGH! Since 2007/2008 I had titled my work after the main character; Vixen. But I'm starting not to feel that title...I been brainstorming for weeks and half my ideas sound like I'm "trying" to hard and the other titles are too weak!!! I'm going crazy! Maybe I should just stick with my original title....NOT!
Me:"I'm not fond of guys wearing skinny jeans but I do dig guys in eye liner"
Mom: "That doesn't make any sense"
Me: "How? I just don't like them in skinny jeans it doesn't look good to me."
Mom: "Have you ever seen a guy who wears eye liner but doesn't wear skinny jeans??"
Me: "............Good Point......."
This 13 year old girl told me I act like a little kid, my respones: "Girl, growing up isn't everything; sometimes you just have to make fun of yourself and have fun. You're going to miss being this age cause it goes so fast! I'm in my last year of being a teenager, I may be an "adult" legally but I do still have a lot of growing up to do. So I'm fine with being called a kid, cause sometimes to stay sane in this world you got to act a little "weird".
Warrior Princess Amen to that.
Jan 2, 2011
Hi, I'm Warrior Princess (a.k.a. Stephanie)! Thanks for the review, and welcome to YWS! If you ever have a question or need a review, just PM me or write on my wall.
Hello my name is Mel; I'm 18 about to turn 19 in exactly one week. I've been writing ever since I was in the first grade. I currently working one a novel called Vixen. But along the way I have writen and started many short stories and poems that I would love to share with my fellow young writers.
maxlovesfang15 *high fives*
Dec 21, 2010
maxlovesfang15 I'm totally random!
Dec 21, 2010
Dec 25, 2013
I Joined a few days before my 19th birthday, now I'm back in the wee hours of my of my 22nd birthday... would you look at that! The Prodigal's "daughter" has returned.