
Young Writers Society

Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows

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Sat Aug 04, 2007 7:18 pm
Jules the jester says...

the whole epilougue was terrible. I read one of the pages and didnt like it, a week later and i did finish reading it. The last line. Disgustingly bad. J.K is suppose to be a very talented author but that last line has made me rethink my opinion on her. She could have spent a few hours thinking about it, couldn't she?
Man:George look at this.
George: look at what?
Man: Ha made you look!
George: Idiot!

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Wed Aug 08, 2007 3:08 pm
Evangelina says...

What was the last line again?

I loved it. It scared me, however, that when compared the book was three times bigger than the first.
Break the boundaries, hunt the hunter, and leave me a tip.
----to kill or not to kill

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Mon Aug 13, 2007 10:23 am
berrylique says...

It was fabulous. I enjoyed every page of the last book and I cried for the deaths of Snape, Fred, Tonks and Lupin. I thought that the story should keep on going about Harry's children, but JKR said that there wouldn't be any prequel for the HP series.
She left the story like, hanging mid-air, because of the epilougue, yeah.
And I am going to read and re-read that book. :D
'follow the notes upon a journey,
at first sight marks one's destiny.
when the voyage comes to an end,
return lies within hasty keys.'

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Mon Aug 13, 2007 6:35 pm
Snoink says...

I did like it. Dono said that the deaths were random, but I didn't really think it was very random. I thought more people would die, but not a lot of people actually did. I mean, there's Snape, Fred, Tonks, Lupin, Moody, Dobby, and a couple of others, but really, that's not that much, considering what it could be.

I liked the some of the endings. I keep on thinking about, "I open at the close" part especially. When I read it, I kept on expecting Harry to be able to open it, and I was disappointed that he was not able to. But, towards the end when he finally did open it, it was very creepy, because then you know, "Holy crap, he's going to die." And it just makes it creepier still that he says, "I am about to die," and the ball opens up. That is creepy, but very good.

However, about that time, I knew that he wouldn't die. Is that bad? From reading her series, it is obvious that she loves the Chronicles of Narnia, and the ending parallels a scene from "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe" where Aslan goes to die for Edmund's sake but, because of deep magic, this doesn't happen. It is fitting that, in a book where so much magic is involved, this is also the case.

I love the Malfoys. I was always hoping that Draco and Harry could come to terms with each other, and it pleased me that this was the case. I also love that Narcissa and Lucius loved their son that much, and that love they had helped Voldemort's power crumple in the end. And I think it is funny that they are the only Slytherin family left at Hogwarts by the ending, so that in a way, Draco is left as the heir of Slytherin!

I LOVE SNAPE. I always figured that he wasn't an evil character, even with the end, and I guessed that he loved Lily as well from the sixth book, but I loved having this confirmed. I loved that his patronus was a doe, even after all that time, because it both represents Lily as someone who is gentle, and it shows a connection to James as well (the female counterpart of the stag) so that, in a way, his love reaches past the childhood memories that James and he had together. And it's just so awesome. I was sad (but not surprised) when he died, but I think the fact that he gave his memories to Harry is wonderful and I love seeing his change.

I love Kreacher! I never really cared about him much, but the fact that he can love is amazing and the fact that he learned to love again -- even a blood traitor like Harry -- is awesome in itself. His loyalty and dedication was brought upon, not by the stupid activities of S.P.E.W. (though Hermione had a part to play in his loyalty) but by a recognition from Harry that even those he considered bad were not so.

And... I'll probably be here back again, but yeah. It was good.

Even though I didn't like the epilogue. :P
Ubi caritas est vera, Deus ibi est.

"The mark of your ignorance is the depth of your belief in injustice and tragedy. What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the Master calls the butterfly." ~ Richard Bach

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Sat Oct 13, 2007 7:45 pm
JackBauerHasABaldSpot says...

Oh, FINALLY! I thought no one had posted about Harry, and I was just so shocked! Then I found it! I know this is months old and everything, but everyone at my school still rereads the book and I have to do it justice: the book is so perfect to me from cover to cover (made so because it has a few errors in it), and yes, the epilogue was a little tacked on, but I still loved it. The only sour note is that this is it. No more Harry, Ron, or Hermione.

All in all, a fantastic goodbye.
"...some birds aren't meant to be caged. Their feathers are just too bright."
-The Shawshank Redemption

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Tue Oct 16, 2007 6:16 pm
Tessitore says...

I don't remember how many times I cried... but it was a lot.

I was given a pirated copy by a friend (bad, I know) then went out and bought it a few days later because I wanted to re-read it without staring at a computer screen and feeling my retnas burn.

I think I cracked the spine of the book twice, getting quite emotional. Seeing the memories of Snape was one of those really blubbery moments for me, as well as the meeting in the train station between Harry and Dumbledore near the end.

Man, that was some good stuff. I'm sure it was not what I was expecting, but it was quite well-written and happily one my favorite book list with, well, dozens of others...
I'm not even angry... I'm being so sincere right now.
Even though you broke my heart.
And killed me... And tore me to pieces.
And threw every piece into a fire.
-"Still Alive"- GLaDOS

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Wed Oct 17, 2007 7:27 pm
lyrical_sunshine says...

I actually think the only time I cried was when Harry held the Snith to his mouth and said, "I am about to die." And right there I just broke down lol. I didn't even cry when Fred died, probably because I was expecting either Ginny or Hermione to die and so everyone else I was just like, "Oh, it's Dobby. That's so said, but at least GINNY'S STILL ALIVE!!" haha. Needless to say, Ginny is my favorite character.
“We’re still here,” he says, his voice cold, his hands shaking. “We know how to be invisible, how to play dead. But at the end of the day, we are still here.” ~Dax

Teacher: "What do we do with adjectives in Spanish?"
S: "We eat them!"

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Wed Oct 17, 2007 8:52 pm
Perra says...

I think I cried a little when Snape and Fred died. I know I shed a few tears when Harry told his son Albus Severus that he was named after the bravest man he had ever met (Snape). Snape totally should have been Harry's father! :P

Other than the "bravest man I ever met" part, I didn't really like the epilogue. Luna wasn't in it at all! I have to know what happened to her! She also didn't get enough page-time. I really thought she would be more important than she was, and Harry, Ron, and Hermione left/allowed her house to become a mess without a second thought! Oh! Some tears may have come up when Harry saw Luna's ceiling covered in their portraits.

Harry shouldn't have ended up with Ginny. It creeps me out that Harry went for someone who's so similar to his mom, at least look wise (although I think their personalities were pretty similar, too, but I can't remember). Stand them side-by-side and it's like Lily and James: the Next Generation! I think it would have been a lot more interesting if Harry went for a Slytherin. Or Luna. ;D

The Malfoys were a bit of a let down. Draco could have been so much more. The Slytherins in general were a disappointment, actually (except Snape :D). Would really none of them decide to stay behind and fight for good? Surely they're not all rotten to the core, people are much more diverse than that. I did like how Lucius and Narcissa, at least, chose something greater.

However, I was not disappointed at all with Snape. Well, maybe his death, because it's sad to see/read Snape die, but the memories and the fact that he is (as I shouted many times to my friends on gmail/chat) good were amazing! =D He made me so happy!! Why did he have to mess up his chances with Lily?! Why didn't Lily forgive him?! Why?! </3

The way Kreacher turned around was amazing, as well. I actually liked him this time, as apposed to being annoyed by him or just not liking him as I had been doing.

I don't know if I like Dumbledore as much as I once did, though. He seemed to manipulate Harry and Snape, and I don't like manipulators unless they're the crazy-evil sort.

So, overall it's a good book, the major faults being not enough Luna and Snape and having Ginny and Harry end up together. :)
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Evil lurks everywhere, often in plain sight...Can you lurk in plain sight? Or is that just walking?

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Sat Oct 20, 2007 11:44 pm
lyrical_sunshine says...

Hmm... as far as Luna goes, i think I read an interview by JKR where she said that Luna become a naturalist - studying strange magical animals. she didn't put it in the epilogue, but she said that's what she imagined Luna doing with her life.

and i LOVED the Ginny/Harry pair up! mostly b/c i didn't see it coming. yes, i suppose it was a little weird that it was like second-generation Lily/James, but still. I love Ginny. and she's good for Harry, b/c he's so serious and she's...not.
“We’re still here,” he says, his voice cold, his hands shaking. “We know how to be invisible, how to play dead. But at the end of the day, we are still here.” ~Dax

Teacher: "What do we do with adjectives in Spanish?"
S: "We eat them!"

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Sun Oct 21, 2007 12:05 am
BigBadBear says...

Hey! I didn't cry, but I seriously thought about it. When Harry walked into the forest..with his parents, Serious..and all of them..oh gosh...it's sad. But I kinda had a suspicion that Harry was the last Hocrux because..it just fitted him. It explained why he could feel Voldemort and stuff. Yeah.

The epolouge was good, but not good enough. I mean...I really didn't like how he renamed his children after his parents. And i cannot see Harry marrying Ginny! She is like sooooooo ugly in the movies! Anyway..Harry would be good with Hermiony, and she is too hot for Ron...Ron should just be single. Ron and Hermiony fought all the time.. I don't see a happy marrige in there.

Anyway..let's see. I really liked how Voldemort died. It fitted him. Harry never sent a Killing Curse, but just blocked the Killing Curse Voldemort sent out. This means Harry wouldn't kill anyone.

I was totally shocked when Fred died and when George lost an ear. But I nearly laughed my head off when George said, "I am holey." that was funny!!!!
Moody..hm..It fitted him that he was going to die, but then..omgosh...I think I did cry, or else I threw HP 7 across the room when I read that Hedwig had died. I mean, how can JK Rowling kill off Hedwig? She was the best charactor of the whole series!!!!! I mean, come on!

anyway, I would like her to make some more HP books.. but that is a dream that won't come true.
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Would love help on this.

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Sun Oct 21, 2007 11:10 am
flytodreams says...

Deathly Hallows rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!! Except for the [s]crappilogue[/s] epilogue. And the pairings, I hate Harry/Ginny.
The Prince's Tale was such a sad chapter... :cry: poor Snape. I still like James/Lily though. :D

[spoiler]I can't believe Fred died... :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: And Hedwig, Moody, Dobby, Lupin and Tonks. I cried when I read the parts where they died. [/spoiler]
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I came, I saw, I conquered.

When you're being nice to your character, you're being bad to your book.

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Mon Nov 05, 2007 10:29 pm
onceuponatim3xo says...

I liked it... but the ending was terrible. Especially the epilogue, either let our imagination picture what will happen, or don't leave us hanging like that! I hated how Voldemort died in one sentence, when the whole series was about everyone wanting him dead! I mean seriously, it kind of seemed like J.K. just wanted to get the series over with! It was a weak ending, and i really didn't like it for that! And then after voldemort died, they had a party, :? kind of seems like one of my old stories... immaturely written - there was really no impact to Voldemort's death! I really think that J.K. could've done much, much better!

I know I sound like a complete a**hole but, I really didn't like the ending! I did love the rest though!!!!!! :D

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Tue Nov 06, 2007 6:47 pm
lyrical_sunshine says...

bigbadbear wrote:
! She is like sooooooo ugly in the movies!


that is rather rude. i liked the fact that she wasn't supermodely.
“We’re still here,” he says, his voice cold, his hands shaking. “We know how to be invisible, how to play dead. But at the end of the day, we are still here.” ~Dax

Teacher: "What do we do with adjectives in Spanish?"
S: "We eat them!"

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Fri Nov 09, 2007 10:06 am
Shadeslayer says...

I absolutely loved Harry Potter 7. and i thought the last line was excellent as well. Harry's scar hadn't pained him in 19 years. All was well. I almost cried at the death of Fred. i thought Jo killed a bit too many of the good people though, it was just death after death after death.

I thought it was a smart move adding the 19 years later bit, because that would mean that there would be little if not no hope of a continuation, because you can't really carry on from 19years later you know.

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Sat Nov 10, 2007 7:13 pm
Audy says...

I just have to post my two cents, even if its like 4 months after the book was released :P

I absolutely enjoyed this book, I loved every step of the way! I started ready Harry Potter since I was 10 and grew up with him and the last book, truly made me proud xD I felt as if I was part of the fandom and part of the whole experience. Harry Potter has introduced me to the fantasy genre and it has definitely influenced me as a reader and a writer. I have wonderful memories of dressing up and camping out on three of the midnight releases and it's just phenomenal! HP is definitely my top favorite book/series and JK Rowling is an inspiration and a role model to all writers and children alike.

That being said, Deathly Hallows completely surpassed my expectations by defying all my expectations :shock: I was completely against the theory of Harry being a horcrux, I 100% believed with every fiber of my being, that Harry wasn't a horcrux, and was of course proved wrong...

I thought the book was going to have all these battles and such and Harry was going to have to go to all these neat places and learn so much magic from Aberforth or Snape or someone in order to find them, but it didn't. Harry was just same old Harry who only needed to cast Experlliarmus(sp?) xP

I also thought that Harry was going to die from the minute I opened the book and read that poem about death not being quite the end. So I was expecting it for a long time but then when Harry was actually about to die, I was crying so hard. I had /expected/ it yet I was crying so much and it was so suspenseful! The chapter, Kings Cross blew my mind away because Dumbledore came back, which I hadn't expected at all. I did correctly guess that the blue eye in the mirror was Aberforth's (1 pt for me, 600 pts for JK). I think I cried the most when Dobby died, it was so sad, Dobby was easily one of my favorite characters! Tonks and Lupin had been my favorites too, but I didn't cry for their deaths like I cried for Fred's. Actually, I was peeved that they didn't even get a death scene, especially as mugglecast puts it, when Hedwig got a death scene yet Lupin and Tonks "just weren't important enough to get one". I figured that it was a good thing that they died together though and I forgiven JKR when she cleverly mirrored the whole godfather thing (Sirius being Harry's godfather, Harry being Teddy's). Hermione was just /awesome/ in this book --it made me respect her so much more and of course Molly Weasley quickly moved up on my favorite characters list when she delivered my favorite line throughout the book xDD And killed Bellatrix. God, I hate that woman.

The best thing about Deathly Hallows though, was the whole Snape subplot, at least in my opinion. Snape has always been one of my favorite characters ever since "Snape's Worst Memory" chapter in OoTP and I had always known Snape was good even after HBP, though I had expected him to redeem himself/explain himself a lot earlier Deathly Hallows and was worried by the time that Snape fled out of Hogwarts and still appeared to be on Voldemort's side. I felt so sorry for him though, the way he had died. He's such a complex character! I was also against the theory of Snape loving Lily, for some reason I found it cheesy, but it makes complete sense now and I was so surprised at how much Lily's death affacted Snape even till this day and it was such a moving and heartwarming story.

The epilogue was...well I liked it, I'm not fond of it but I would prefer it to not having an epilogue at all. I liked Harry naming his children Lily, James, and...wait for it...Albus Severus :lol: It sort of brings the whole Marauder era back again, doesn't it?

Anyway, after finishing the book, I dunno...I felt complete xD I felt like my thirst for HP has been satisfied /yet/ the fandom can still live on with all the new era of wizards. I've yet to find a decent fanfic though =P Let me know if anyone knows of a good one.

It's unsettling to know how little separates each of us from another life altogether.
— Wes Moore, The Other Wes Moore