
Young Writers Society

Twilight by Stephenie Meyer

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Mon Jun 18, 2007 9:03 pm
DamnGirl says...

I adore this book. And its sequel.

Edward Cullen = major love. And the romance between Edward and Bella is addictive. Its just so squee-worthy and the angst is amazing. I get why people are being so ugh-y about New Moon, but I swear it gets better. Way better. ;)

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Sat Jun 23, 2007 1:21 am
Alice says...

Even though I love Edward and if he were real I would make him make me a vampire I still have to say this... The love between them seems too one sided, which is probably only because its from Bella's point of view.

But the characters are so real its scary, if I got to meet one of them it would so be Edward or Jake. Jake would be able to teach me how to ride a motorcycle.
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Sat Jul 14, 2007 1:25 am
Manzanna says...

I did enjoy the books quite a bit. Although in New Moon I rushed through it because I wanted Edward to come back.

I have to agree though, Bella really kind of annoyed me in the second one. Especially when she treated Jacob that way. I really really like Jacob.

To me Bella seems way to serious all the time. I can't ever picture her laughing or telling jokes or teasing people like she sometimes does in the book. I dunno, maybe I'm just weird.

All in all, for me they're the kind of book I would read when I need some comfort and don't have any chocolate.

I really wish there were some guys like Edward floating around. *sigh*
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Sun Jul 15, 2007 5:50 pm
Alainna says...

Any Edward's walking down the street? No, didn't think so.

Well, I liked this book but it was a complete let down. So much of it was repetitive and useless. It got good around the point when they went to the meadow...I liked that part but up until then was a bit same old, same old.

Now, I'm rather into YA and yes, I would class it as YA but I think that Meyer let the story line down big time. The ending nearly made me scream. I wanted MORE to happen with the actual love story line.

So, my opinion is yes, read it, the characters are fairly good (except why do they speak like the middle class English???) and the idea is great. It's just not as fulfilling as I would have liked.

I must say though, the thing I did like about Twilight was that it was exciting. That may sound rather lame....but you can have a great book that just isn't exciting. But this was.

I might read New Moon but I won't bother buying it. I'll try to find a copy in the library.

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Sun Jul 15, 2007 5:57 pm
RED says...

I actually really liked this book. As well as the second one. And Alice, i would like to point out that the 3rd book is the first book from Edward's point of view. Or so I've heard. Whether that makes it any less one sided or not, I don't know. I think that the romance part of the book was very repetitive. And she kept mentioning about his statuesque body. Which was rather annoying. I think that she could have expanded a little on Edward rather than saying the same things over and over again. It's rather un-original, no?
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Tue Jul 17, 2007 3:39 pm
KiteRide86 says...

When I first started reading this book, I really disliked it. It kind of bored me and I didn't like the characters. Luckily, I stuck it out and began to really enjoy it. I love vampire stuff! I eventually realized that Bella was almost identical to myself and I began to like her.

Overall I only had a few problems with this book. One, is that it seemed very amature in writing style and use of words. Two, I was very disapointed in the first visit to Edward's house. It seemed rushed and I wanted to meet the family more. She pretty much skipped them and went back to Bella and Edward being alone agian. Third, was baseball. Okay, this is cool in theory, but in the book it seemed kinda cheesy.

Out of five stars I give this book 3 1/2, mostly because it was forgettable and it didn't pain me not to have the second one.

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Thu Jul 19, 2007 4:45 pm
DragonWriter says...

I think i am addicted by new moon and twillight. I have read twilight at leat 12 times, and newmoon like 18 times. I have both hard back, but they are about to fall apart. If the new one does not comout soon, i wil officially explode.

Oh, I officailly hate rosala, i am annoyed at charlie. All the other characters i am in love with.

Twilight rocks!
New Moon rules!
Eclispe kicks butt!
In coclusion, Steaphine Meyer is a rocking, ruling, and kick butt authour!
That is the TRUTH!

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Sat Jul 21, 2007 7:43 am
JC says...

Rosala= Rosalie....

Anyways, I'm a bit obsessed with these books, as I'm counting down the day's until Eclispe...I pre-ordered it today! Yay!

Fans should go to stephenie mayers website...it has all this really cool stuff on it about the movie and Midnight Sun, the first book from Edwards perspective. It's grand. =D

But that is not the question. Why we are here, that is the question. And we are blessed in this, that we happen to know the answer. Yes, in this immense confusion one thing alone is clear. We are waiting for Godot to come. -Beckett

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Sun Aug 05, 2007 5:39 pm
Penhaligon29 says...

Yes, I'm a guy and I love this book! Granted, I'm a bit different, but this book just defies all writing! This is one of the best books I've ever read. I'd recommend this book to anyone 13 and up.
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