
Young Writers Society

I Hate Him *18*

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Sat Aug 06, 2011 2:17 am
Nike says...

Chapter 18

I flipped through my math book, reading the lessons. Even though it sounded like rocket science, I had to learn something to get at least a C. I have a D in Algebra and that isn’t doing anything good for my grade at all.

My ears had the pleasure to listen to The Script.

Goin’ back to the Corner, Where I First Saw You, Gonna Camp In My Sleepin’ Bag And I’m Not Gonna Move…” I sang along.

Tapping my pencil, I scanned through the gibberish, trying to get some of it at least. That’s when my phone vibrated and I checked it.

It read: Hey, u busy?

It was from Georgie.

Yup. Studying.

I replied, not wanting any distractions. I have been going on at this studying and good grade thing for a while now, probably for two weeks!

She wrote back automatically: Oh ok, but u say that everytime I txt u! The last time we actually hung out was a month ago!

So not true, we hung out just last week. Weekend I mean sry.

Yeah, but that wasn’t a real hang out now was it?!

Sighing deeply, I replied.

Fine, but only for a while. I have tons of hw!

Now that’s a first. You never had that much hw.! You never really bragged about it either.

Just be happy I said yes. We r best friends so of course I want to hang out with ya!

Thx, love ya and c ya haha!

Love ya too!

I slid my phone into my pocket, smiling from ear to ear. I Finally get to hang out with my best friend. Well, okay, I could’ve hung out with them anyway, but still. It was harsh, I mean, hard for me to get time off.

Ever since I started to concentrate, I found out when testes truly are, not freaking out in shock when there’s one. And I turn in my homework on time.

No, I haven’t turned into a nerd; I’ve just turned into a smarter person. Caring about my work, but I still hang with my friends.

My true friends.

And if you guys are wonderin’, me and Sam are best friends again. We gave over the dating thing and went back to normal, in a flash.

It was just way too weird for us.

Right when we broke up, we went back to normal, as if nothing ever happened.

It’s better that way, I guess. We just figured that if we can’t date, then we can be friends. And not just friends, best friends.


We sat in Georgie’s brightly lit backyard, listening to the Plain White T’s. My book lay on my lap as I sat on a cushioned chair. It was a heavenly chair, making me as comfortable as I needed to be.

Ah, heavenly chair, oh how I do love you so much.

“So, Jessa…” Kaitlyn asked.

She sat next to me, hair with red and pink dyes in it. She was wearing short shorts and a Miley Cyrus concert top.

We were in Georgie’s sunroom, so really, even though it was freezing outside, we were warm inside.

“What?” I asked.

Her eyes were almost popping out of their sockets.

“Are you still dating Harry?”

My heart beat rushed, making me a bit dizzy.

“What…? No,” I said, chuckling at the end.

“Oh, so you’re okay if I ask him out right?”

“Y-yes,” I stuttered.

My brain just couldn’t take that information. What? No one has ever asked me permission about dating my ex before. And, wow, I felt… I felt sick to my stomach.

Thank you for the grandy dandy day I was supposed to have. Thank you Kaitlyn.

“Oh, that’s great! He’s just so…”

I cut her off, not wanting her to say that. “Just don’t,” I said sharply.

“But I thought you were over him?”

I took a deep breath and went on. “I am, I just hate hearing about him, okay?!”

Rolling her eyes, she turned away from me as if I was some kind of disease. I went back to my novel, ignoring the fact that she just said “fuck you” in body language.

After a while, I was still reading. Attached to the book like a leach to a human leg. I never stopped. My eyes scanned the paper as if it were the Declaration of Independence. Everyone else danced around, sang, played games but I read.

It may sound lame, but at least I’m truthful.

“Hey, Jessa… Hello, you there?!” Georgie waved her hand in front of my face.

I jumped, causing my book to hit the ground and my headphones fly off.

“What the fuck were you thinking?!” I exploded from fright.

“Whoa, I’m sorry, but you’re totally out. Like, you’ve been reading for four hours straight… don’t you have to go pee or something?” she asked, backing away.

I shook my head, heart beating a thousand times faster. Taking a deep breath, I reached around her and grabbed my book, sitting back down.

“No, I don’t. Now, God, do you know that bothering a person when they’re reading is deathly? They can kill you with your bare hands from fright.” I tried to scare her, but it sometimes may be true.

“Sorry, but don’t you wanna do something with us?”

Her eyes, they were glistening with a bit of tears. She really was begging.

“I know, you wanna be concentrated on your work and everything, but I want to hang out with you, not just like this separately.”


“You’re making it sound like it’s a bad thing…” she said, smile forming on her face.

I place my book on the chair and got up, clicking the table lamp off. She motioned toward the Twister mat and everyone was around it, waiting for me.

Well, at least I’ll be hanging out with her again. It has been a while since we did that.


I placed my foot on the green circle after hearing Laura tell us that. The sun was setting, showing us an orange light.

“Now, green left hand.” She recited.

I did as she said, not wobbling or getting twisted at all.

Georgie pushed me but I stayed stable.

“What the heck was that?” I laughed.

“Uh, I didn’t mean to do that… look behind you,” she said, motioning her chin up.

Now, she looked twisted. One leg on the red and the other on yellow. Her arms were like, twisted around each other, leaving her head to fall on the mat.

I turned my head, catching a glimpse of Sam.

“Hey dude,” I greeted.

A smile grew on his face as he slid his hands into his pockets.

“Hey dude,” he replied.

“Wanna play?” I asked, blowing my hair out of my face.

“Nah, I wanna read,” he pointed at my book.

As he walked up to it, I jumped up, beating him to the chair. I caught the book abruptly, making sure he wouldn’t take it before me.

“Fail,” Laura laughed.

“Ha-ha,” I fake laughed at her.

She rolled her eyes, spinning the twister board.

“What’s wrong?” he teased me.

I took a deep breath, clutching the book with a death grip.

“Nothin’,” I said slyly.

“Then why can’t I read it?” he asked, a sly grin growing.

He tried to grab it but I to a big step back, avoiding his grip.

“Because, it’s not that interesting anyway…” I said.

“Come on,” he got closer, my eyes widening.

“No!” I protested.

He pulled me into a “hug” and took my book from my hands. My jaw dropped and I jumped up to grab it. He was pretty tall so I had to jump. He held it up above his head, like it was a piece of cake, it probably was.

“Uh, come on Sam,” I begged.

Opening the book, he read aloud.

“Here I am, near him. My heart was rapidly beating wanting him to notice me…” he said breathtakingly.

“Wow, very romantic huh?” he added.

I know, I know that I was turning red from embarrassment. I mean come on, I told him not to!

“Just give me it,” I gave up with the jumping.

“No, I actually wanna see what girls read when they’re single!” he mocked me.

Gr, he has to do that doesn’t he?! God, can’t he just listen to me for this one time, or is it way to hard for him. All he has to do is give me the book.

“Fine, keep it, but you’ll be bored to death,” I sighed, walking away from him.

He just might give it back to me, noticing that I’m not fighting back. But I highly doubt it. He sat down on the chair and flicked the lamp on, reading the book.

I stepped back on the mat, feeling someone staring at me. I turned my head and saw Laura stare at me with daggers.

What’s up with her?

Looking away from her, I went back to my old position.

“Hey!” she yelled into my ear.

I jumped, yelling back. “What the fuck is wrong with you?! I’m not deaf you know!”

“No, you can’t go back into the game,” she hissed.

Her eyes looked like they were digging a core in me.

“Why not…?” I stood up, wiping my hands on my jeans.

“Because, you jumped off the mat. That’s not what you’re supposed to do, you failed.” She hissed once again.

God, she has a problem.

“Fine,” I walked away from the mat, sneering at her.

Still galring at her I bumped into something and fell on something soft.

“Ah crap,” I whispered.

Something was jabbing into my back. It was something sharp and it hurt like heck.

“You might wanna watch where you fall,” I heard Sam’s voice behind me.

I looked around me, noticing that I fell onto his lap. He pulled the sharp object away from my back and placed it on the side table, great, it was my book.

“Ha, maybe I should…” I sighed.

I felt his arms wrap around my waist, catching Laura’s glare. God, she pissed at me for something I don’t know.

“You can let me go now…” I tried pulling his arms away, but he wouldn’t budge.

“No, I want to ask why you read such a lame book like this one…”

I turned to look at him, a smile playing on his face.

Truly, he was the kind to get in my business as well. He always did that, but ever since we broke up, he got even closer to me. I know, that’s unbelievable, but it’s true.

“It’s a nice book, you’d know if you’d read.” I replied.

“Hey, I do read.” He protested.

“What, Facebook statuses?”

He chuckled, sending a surge of laughs out of me.

“Maybe,” he sighed, moving a strand of my hair behind my ear.

That’s when I started to feel uncomfortable. Why did he just do that? The smile that was on my face faded within a second as his followed.

“Hey, do you wanna play or not?” Laura barked at me.

I hate to say this but I was saved by the Laura. I smiled back at her, trying to mock her.


I know what’s biting her. She likes Sam. Mind as well mock her even more. She can like him, whatever, but it doesn’t mean that she has to bite my head off for hanging out with him! I mean she even knows that he’s my best friend!

“Fine,” she huffed.

I looked back, catching Sam reading the book again.

“Stop it!” I grabbed my book back.

His jaw dropped as he laughed.

“What…? All I’m doing is reading,”

So, even after that weird thing we were back to normal. I guess we were seriously over each other. That’s actually really great.

“Please, you hate that book so…” I smiled.

“How do you know, I actually find it highly educational, I know what a perfect guy to a girl is.”

Smiling slyly, I placed the book onto the table. In a quick second, Sam picked it back up, flipping through the pages.

Clearing his throat, he read aloud once again.

“He leaned in, kissing me. It took my breath away, leaving me speechless when we stopped…” he spoke in a girly voice.

I chuckled, giving up. Fine, he can read it, it doesn’t matter anymore.

“Prom…? Oh, prom is the day I’m waiting for. Oh, for will he ask me? Wow, this girl is stupid. If this guy made out with her of course he’ll ask her to the prom!” He judged.

“Not always, maybe they break up, or are not sure of their relationship. And guys, well they can cheat on the girl,” I protested.

“Oh, those bastards!” he mocked me.

Dimples popped up on his face getting me to smile from ear to ear.

A lot of people asked me stupid questions before. Because ever since we broke up we were closer than ever, and well still are.

They asked me are we still dating. I, as usual, said no. No one believed me because of our closeness. I’m telling you, we’re just best friends so don’t be getting any ideas.

You hear?

“Ha,” I said.

This was perfect; my life was back to normal, for once.
“There is no need to call me Sir, Professor.”

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Sat Aug 06, 2011 12:13 pm
Vitaletum says...

Not enough dragons. I must say, if there were more dragons the narrative would flow like a river, but rivers are awesome - it really depends how happy you are with the no. of non-dragon characters that are in this poem.

Keep writing though :)

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Mon Aug 08, 2011 4:38 pm
IcyFlame says...

Nike wrote:I Finally get to hang out with my best friend. Well, okay, I could’ve hung out with her anyway, but still. It was harsh, I mean, hard for me to get time off.
Why put a spelling mistake in a story and then attempt to correct it? If this story is directed to us,it would have been checked. You don't need to make it sound as though she is in conversation with the reader.

If you've noticed I've stopped trying to correct your tenses. There are a lot of them and it's mainly during one of Jessa's thoughts. Please, please read this through before starting your sequel. You might learn something before continuing in completely the same fashion as you have done throughout this entire book.

I never travel without my diary. One should always have something sensational to read in the train.
— Oscar Wilde, The Importance of Being Earnest