
Young Writers Society

I Hate Him *7*

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267 Reviews

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Points: 314
Reviews: 267
Wed Jan 19, 2011 10:05 pm
Nike says...

Chapter 7

My mom paced back and forth through the living room. Her face was tomato red and she yelled at us. Her anger bounced off the navy walls and hit me directly in the heart.

I tapped my fingers against my jeans as Harry stared at my mom.

“Are you crazy?” she finally asked.

I looked down at my hands and didn’t speak up.

“I’m sorry Mrs. Fuller. I didn’t mean to get her in such danger, no one informed me that our enemy is going to strike today.” He explained.

“You should know Harry! Not only was I scared for my little baby, I was scared for you! You both are very important to me! Don’t ever do that again, you almost gave me a heart attack!” she protested.

I looked up at Harry and waited for his response. My heart beat like crazy as my mom went on.

“…and to add it up, you didn’t even tell her that we’re spies, now did you?!”

“I did ma’am,” he said.

She nodded her head.

“Well, that’s good. But still Harry, I don’t wanna see my daughter get in any more danger! That’s why I never told her, and no one knew that I even had a family; they just thought I had you. Now since you guys are hanging out more often they think that you’re dating,” she chuckled, “…which would be horrible for you guys, right?”

I looked at Harry and back at my mom.

I never told her that we were dating. Not ever. It never actually slipped my mind to tell her, I completely forgot all about that. Opps.

I cleared my throat and looked straight into my mom’s brown eyes.

“Mom…” she cut me off.

“Wait, why are you guys hanging out more often?”

Harry looked at me and I looked back. There was panic in his eyes.

“Uh,” Maybe I shouldn’t tell her yet.

But then, as I was about to tell her the world’s biggest lie, Harry beat me to it.

We are dating,”

My jaw dropped and so did my mom’s.

“Okay, Jessa is shocked, you guys aren’t dating.” She laughed it off.

“No, mom, we are dating. I’m just shocked that he actually told you, I mean I…” I didn’t know how to finish.
I looked at my mom and noticed that her hand was covering her face in shock. She shook her head and breathed in deeply. That caused me to breathe in deeply as well.

“Well, that makes everything worse,”

She sat down in front of us, on her knees and continued.

“…you can’t date a spy Jessa,”

“But mom! You are a spy and you dated dad and had a family! Why can’t I date Harry?” I protested.

She rolled her eyes and replied, “I hid the fact that I was dating, and I hid everything. Harry obviously didn’t…”

I stood up from the leather couch and watched her sit down in my spot. It was my turn to talk, my turn to protest against her very words.

“Uh, mom, they won’t hurt us! Look, we’re intact. And you didn’t hide anything, they found me!”

“…only because Harry kissed you in the hallway the day before. Before that, they didn’t even know who you are. They want us spies to die, to be in torture, so whoever and whatever is around them, they check ‘em out. They checked you and saw that you had the same last name as me, that surly didn’t convince them fully because anyone can have the same last name, so, they checked your files. Now they’ve got you. Anywhere you go, even by yourself, you’re in utter danger!” she said nicely.

I listened to every word she said and tapped my foot against the wooden floors.

“But, you can get out of some of it. With me you’re safe, I can make them stop. The problem is that, you have to stop dating Harry…”

My jaw dropped and Harry looked down at his hands. He knew that this was coming, I’m one hundred percent sure of it.
My mom pulled her hair back into a ponytail and stood up right in front of me. She put her hands on my shoulders and sighed.

“Jessa… can you do that for me?” she asked quietly.

Even though my heart was sinking, even though I wanted to protest, even though I felt wrong about this, I said yes.

“Uhuh,” I nodded and she smiled, patting my head lightly.

“It’ll be okay, now I’ll leave you two alone to talk,”

She left the room and left us in complete silence. I shut my eyes and breathed deeply. I heard Harry walk up to me, he put his hands on my shoulders and I opened my eyes.

He smiled, a sad smile, not his normal ear to ear one.

“You knew that this was coming,” I wanted to yell, but didn’t have the energy.

He simply nodded.

“Why didn’t you watch out? Why didn’t you tell me?!” I got some force and spoke up a little louder.

“Jess, I couldn’t, well, I could’ve. But, I just didn’t wanna end this.”

“We could’ve been more hidden about it like my mom and dad…” I recommended.

He sighed and I looked away from his eyes. God, I thought that he was more honest than that!

“I thought that you wouldn’t understand.”

He put his arms back down and I flipped out. My heart was speeding. He pulled his bangs back but they fell back down on his tanned forehead.

“I…? That I wouldn’t understand!?” I pointed at myself, “That’s not even funny, Harry!” I practically yelled at him.

I switched my weight from one foot to the other in a fast rhythm.

“I’m sorry Jessa, it’s just that, you just found out about this and… and… I thought that I was doing right.” He explained.

I laughed a bit and rolled my eyes. “Well, obviously you weren’t.” I pointed him wrong.

He walked up closer to me and I took a step back. My stomach burned with anger and I bet that smoke was flying out of my ears. Yes, I was a feminist. I think that he thought girls understood nothing!

“I’m sorry, really.” He said innocently.

“No, you won’t go down that easily. You didn’t trust me! I can’t believe you!” I yelled this time.

He tried to touch my arm but I pulled away.

“I do…” I cut him off.

“No Harry, no. Now leave my house! I don’t wanna see you ever again!” I pointed at the front door and regretted those words right away.

His jaw dropped and his eyes widened in complete shock.

“You don’t mean that,” he tried to touch me again.

“I do,” I held my tears and breathed in deeply.

He breathed in deeply as well and walked toward the door. I wanted to say ‘No, stay. I’m sorry I overreacted,’ but I just couldn’t get the words out.
He opened the door and didn’t even look back at me. Once he shut the door I fell to the floor and let those imprisoned tears free.

I lay in my bed, un able to sleep. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I stared out the window. This was the worst day ever.
He left me, I let him. Well, I had no other choice; I mean we could’ve secretly dated. But, he didn’t even trust me. He didn’t trust that I would hide this. That broke my heart.

I sniffed and wiped my tears but left my heart crushed on the floor.
My phone got a text message and I hoped that it was Harry. But I doubt it.
Why would he write to me after I just did that? It’s all my fault that we are now actually completely over. No, it’s his! He didn’t trust me for God’s sakes! Why do I try to blame myself all the time?!
I checked the phone and it’s a text from my best friend, gosh, I didn’t talk to her in so long. Why did I put her away for all this time? It was Harry’s fault, I was his girlfriend and that took my time. Now, I have time for real things, well, he is real it’s just that I mean real love from friends and family.

Georgie: hey, ur mom called me an hour ago. R u ok?

Yeah, it wasn’t that late of a time. Whenever I’m sad, I go to sleep early, just to ease the pain. When you sleep it goes away. It was nine pm. That’s a little late, right? I sleep the pain away in a sense.

Jessa: no, im less than just a simple ok, Georgie im so sry I didn’t type 2 u earlier! Its just that idk why I didn’t!

I sent the message and waited for her reply. I hope it’s a “happy go lucky” one.
She sent one right away and I looked at it with delight. My heart was coming back to pieces; a great friend can fix your broken heart. That’s the good part of having a Georgie in your life.

Georgie: Oh wow. Im coming no matter wat u say! My best friend needs a best friend! I know that its 9 don’t even remind me k?

I laughed and replied.

Jessa: thx, ur the best friend anyone could ever have!!!!

Gerogie: im comin!

Jessa: Oki Doki! C ya!

I jumped off my bed and slipped on my slippers.

We were watching Scary Movie 3 in the living room. I don’t have a TV in my room, so we’re stuck for the downstairs.
At least she agreed to a “No Chick Flick Marathon” today. I bet she understood what I’m going through after we broke up.

We both cracked up at the sight of Charlie Sheen’s scared look.

“Oh my gosh, this is the best girl night – movie night ever!” Georgie said.

“Yeah it is!” we high fived and continued to watch.

In about another two hours we ended up falling asleep. The movie went on even though we didn’t even see it or hear it.
The next thing I knew it was morning. The first day of school after the three day weekend. I opened my eyes and noticed popcorn all over Georgie. I chuckled and climbed over her quietly. Her white blonde hair was in a French braid and popcorn was in her hair as well.

I threw some throw pillows at her but she didn’t budge.

I chuckled and walked out of the brightly shined living room. I pushed open the French doors and walked through the small burgundy family room. The leather couches were in front of the grand book case, and my puppy Du-Du was sleeping on the small couch.

I went up to her and petted her soft, white hair. She opened her eyes and licked my hand, her warmth traveled to my body and it tickled.
I pulled my hand away and walked up the stairs.

My brother was awake since the bathroom was locked. I pulled on the knob but it just simply wouldn’t open. I leaned against the peach walls and heard my dad snoring down the hall. The parents’ door was open.
Frankie opened the door and had a toothbrush in his mouth.

“Can I use the bathroom?” I asked, standing up straight.

“Mhm,” he murmured and let me in.

I looked at myself and grabbed my toothbrush. I didn’t look half bad, sometimes when I wake up, I look like a reck!
I started to brush my teeth as Frankie continued.

Georgie put her stuff in her locker that was two away from mine. I closed the door and walked up to her.

“So, you have Math now, right?” I asked.

“Mhm, you have um, Polish?”

I nodded as she shut her locker door. We started to walk to our classes when I spotted Harry. I froze in my step. He was looking through his locker and some girl was talking to him. They were both laughing insainly.
My heart stopped and Georgie noticed.

“Hey, girl? Are you okay?”

I nodded but she stood in front of me and looked me straight in the eye.

“Look,” I spit out and pointed at them.

She turned around and her jaw dropped.

“Well, he got over you pretty fast,”

She pulled me down the hall but I stared at him all the way until we turned and I couldn’t see him anymore. I tried to pull my arm back; I wanted to go to him. To apologize.

“No! You cannot do that!” Georgie kept on pulling.

“It’s for your own good missy!”

I laughed, “You sound like my mom,”

She kept on pulling me and we passed by many teenagers dressed in their own styles. Some Goths were staring at their lockers in horror. The populars skipped down the hall, trying to look cool but never pull it off. The nerds were laughing about some stupid math equation.

We reached the Polish classroom and she let me go.

“Thanks, my arm hurts.” I said.

She smiled and said, “Now, stay out of trouble and don’t kiss mean boys that break girls hearts!” she said in a mom voice.

I laughed and hugged her.

“Sometimes, all you need a best friend,” I whispered in her ear.

She hugged me tighter and then let go. We waved at each other when she skipped down the crowded red hall.
I walked into the classroom and spotted Harry sitting in one of the desks and two other people. Right, the bell hasn’t rang yet so not everyone is here.

My heart skipped a beat and I sat in my assigned seat, which, thankfully was far away from his. I took out my Polish book and notebook and pencil case. The teacher waltzed in dressed in his usual attire.
His blue and white stripped sweater showed his abs and his jeans made him look really tall.

The bell rang and a whole crowd of teenagers rammed through the door, afraid of getting any tardy slip today. My Polish class partner sat next to me and smiled.

He’s my other best friend since fourth grade. We’ve been tight ever since then. He was a rock band lead singer, the band was called: Paranoid. I loved that name, I actually gave him the idea.

“How’re you?” Samuel asked.

“Uh, fine, you?”

“Great, I just won the Battle of The Bands yesterday!” he said in the happiest tone I’ve ever heard.

His smile made my heart beat faster from happiness. Gosh, he’s the only person in the world that could make you happy for no reason.

“That’s great!”

I looked at his navy blue eyes and imagined the waves of the Baltic Sea. My heart jumped and I felt hot all of a sudden.

Oh no, not again!

I’ve been feeling this awkward feeling toward him ever since two years ago. It’s been haunting me. It’s this kind of closeness I want to break between us. I don’t know how to explain it. My heart pumped faster every time I looked into his eyes, that’s why I always tried to watch out for that. My stomach flipped every time he laughed. Weird, I know.

It didn’t bother me when I dated Harry though. Well, Harry kind of took over my life then. I was in huge situations, you know what. But it did bug me, I just simply ignored it. The whole time.

“Okay class, welcome back from your ever so long weekend…” our teacher was the sarcastic-just-out-of-collage-one.

We looked at him and smiled. He’s the only teacher that makes us happy to actually survive a day at school.
He took out some sort of binder from his briefcase and spoke his deep voice again.

“Today we’ll be learning about the Polish culture on the holidays,”

He took out some paper from it and handed it to Harry to pass out.

“So class, does anyone here know how to spend a traditional Polish holiday?” he asked.

I raised my hand and he smiled, his teeth were snow white.

“Yes, Jessa,”

I cleared my throat, “A traditional Polish holiday is very special in Poland, but wait, should I explain Christmas or what…?”

He laughed, “Yes, Christmas, I’m sorry I said holidays,”

Everyone looked at me with interest. They all knew that my family is from Poland so I do celebrate every holiday the Polish way; well, except for the American holidays of course.

“Um, on Christmas there are three days that Christmas lasts through, like in Britain, except it’s not Boxing Day. Instead of Santa giving presents, it’s an angel. There are supposed to be twelve types of food on the table, but it cannot be meat. When you eat on Christmas Eve that is. You have to give a piece of wafer to everyone and wish them something nice…” I explained.

Mr. Gibson smiled and clapped.

“Great job Jessa,”

I smiled and looked at Sam. He gave me a high five and I felt better already.
Maybe breaking up wasn’t that bad. I would be able to hang out with my friends more often and maybe just have more fun.

I walked down the hall with Sam to the lunch room.

“And then that freakin’ soldier killed me! I can’t believe that he did that!” Sam went on with his Black Ops story.

I laughed, “Well, it is a killing game, so I don’t see the problem here,”

He pretended to look hurt and we walked on.
The loud chatter and laughter filled our ears once we stepped into the room. The smell of pizza and mac and cheese came through my nose. I smiled from ear to ear, its pizza and mac and cheese day, my favorite day of the week in lunch.

“What’re you ordering today?” Sam asked.

I looked at him, “Pizza, no, mac and cheese, no, I don’t know.” I chuckled and he did the same.

The kids in front of us picked up what they wanted as the lunch ladies chatted in the back. Here, it was like a buffet, we chose what we wanted. We never got gray goo.
I picked up a mac and cheese bowl from under the screened ceiling of the buffet. Sam grabbed two slices of pizza and we went on picking stuff.

When we finished, we walked up to the table by the window and Georgie was already sitting there with her packed lunch. When she saw Sam she smiled widely.

Oh, she has a huge crush on him and its understandable why. He has surfer blonde hair, navy blue eyes, a skater style. He has the most beautiful smile anyone has ever seen.

I was sometimes jealous of Georgie when she tried to flirt with him. When Sam had the time of day for her, she did her flirting. That really pissed me off even though I wanted them to be together, and I didn’t as well.

“Hey guys,” she said in a high pitched tone.

I laughed as we sat down. I placed my tray in front of me and started to dig in.

“Hey Georgie,” I said.

“Hey, what’s up?” Sam asked.

Her eyes shined at his words and I almost spit out my food. Gosh, her crushness is really hilarious. I know, that’s not a word, but how else can I describe it?!

“Uh, nothin’ much, you?” she looked at her homework.

She forgot to do the Math homework again. Gosh, she didn’t even understand anything from it and she wanted to be a doctor when she grows up. Well, I don’t think that you need math though…

“Me either, wait, is that the math homework from last night?” he asked, sounding interested.

“Yeah,” she looked up at him but looked back down.

Wow, she was high for him. She can’t even look into his eyes, well, I couldn’t either.

“That was really easy,” he looked at me and smiled.

“Well, it was, but for some it may be confusing,” I pointed my spork at Georgie.

Her hazel eyes looked up at me and I smirked.

Maybe this will get them at least a little bit closer.

“Oh, I can help you,” he said to me.

My jaw dropped and I pointed at her again. “Dude, she needs the help, not me!”

He laughed at himself and sat on her side of the table. She turned bright red when he sat down. My stomach flipped a tons of times, but I put that aside. I need to stop this.

Oh, she better watch out. Some guys can’t be trusted, well, I think he can. We’re best friends, he can be trusted. It’s just a shock that a violin player is in love with this math geek. Yeah, every girl liked him by his look but he was a math geek.

“Oh, you see here? You gotta carry the one,” he explained to Georgie.

“Uhuh,” she murmured and nodded.

He kept on pointing out and explaining this and that. I looked at my cell phone and saw a text message form Harry.

Harry: don’t think that this is a im sorry message or an I wanna get together message becuz its not I just wanna tell u that ur mom is gonna be out of town and she made me watch u during the time, it’s a mission so I have to protect u.

Oh no! Why wouldn’t she tell me herself!!!!

I dialed in my mom’s phone number and called her, hearing the dang long dial tone.

“Hello,” she asked.

“Mom, why are you going out of town without telling me for a mission?!” I said quietly.

The last thing I need is a teacher to notice that I have a cell phone in school.

“Whoa, calm down missy. I was going to tell you but I thought that Harry would be able to take the message since he’s home. You’re at school and cannot use the phone,” she explained.

“That’s still no excuse mom! You have to tell me these kinds of things!” I protested.

“Fine, sweetie, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you first. I thought that he told you.”

I rolled my eyes and placed the phone against my other ear.

“He did tell me, obviously. But why does he have to watch me then?”

“To protect you, Wally is in the city and I can’t stop him now, I’m sorry sweetie, but I have to go on a mission to Peru,”

I sighed as my heart beated faster.

“Doesn’t Harry have to go with you? I mean he is your assistant…” I reminded her.

“Yes, I know. But he can’t. He’s too young for this mission. Oh, crap sweetie, I have to go! My plane is here! I love you so much; I’ll call when I’m there, okay?”

“I love you too mom, okay, bye!” I said.

“Bye, see you later!” she hung up and I hid my phone right away into my backpack.

I noticed that both Sam and Georgie were staring at me with their jaws dropped. I don’t know why though. So, this may be interesting.

“What…?” I asked innocently.

“Mission…?” Georgie asked.

“Assistant…?” Sam asked.

“Watch you…?” Georgie asked.

“Harry…?” Sam finished.

I laughed and tried to hide the mission.

“Uh, it’s that my mom has a business meeting in Washington and, um, Harry is her junior assistant and he usually goes with her,” I made my story up as I went, “… and he has to watch me for the time she’s gone. She’s afraid that I might catch the flu yada yada yada,”

They both breathed out and smiled. I guess that they’re done with the homework lesson.

“Really, that sounds kinda unbelievable.” Georgie said with a sly grin.

“…unless you guys are hooking up and you want a private relationship,” Sam laughed.

Georgie giggled and I crossed my arms over my chest. They kept on laughing and I decided to grab my tray and leave.
I stood up, with my backpack slung over my shoulder.

“Hey, you know that we were just joking, right?” Sam asked.

I turned around and noticed that they stopped.

“Will you stop then? We are not and will never ‘hook up’!” I told them both.

Georgie smiled and pointed to where I just sat. I smiled and sat back down on the plastic chair. They both smiled and we went on talking about what we’ll do on the weekend.
“There is no need to call me Sir, Professor.”

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1503 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 156589
Reviews: 1503
Mon Aug 08, 2011 2:37 pm
IcyFlame says...

Seeing as there are no revies here, I'm going to nitpick again.
Nike wrote:My mom paced back and forth through the living room. Her face was tomato red and she yelled at us. Her anger bounced off the navy walls and hit me directly in the heart.
Try connecting two of these sentences. The structure of your novel seems to be composed entirely out of short ones and whislt this is effective for an action scene it becomes tiresome if we have to read it constantly.
Nike wrote:no one informed me that our enemy was going to strike today,he explained.

This is a bit of a silly thing to say. How would they know that the enemy would strike? it's not as if they sat down, had a meeting with the FBI and told them the exact date they were going to launch an attack so that they could prepare for it?!?
Nike wrote:Its just that idk why I didn’t!
Get rid of that bit. It contradicts itself.
That's all I'm doing for nitpicks at the moment. I wanted to talk about the structure of your chapters. Why is it that you feel you need to end each chapter on a light note? This one in particular didn't look as if it were leading anywhere and didn't hook me at all. You need to google fiction hooks and find some to use or you're going to put off a lot of your readers.

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1503 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 156589
Reviews: 1503
Sun Aug 28, 2011 1:01 pm
IcyFlame says...

Nike wrote:Chapter 7

My mom paced back and forth through the living room. Her face was tomato red and she yelled at us. Her anger bounced off the navy I thought that they were burgandy?walls and hit me directly in the heart. Listing. nnpI tapped my fingers against my jeans as Harry stared at my her.

“Are you crazy?” she finally asked.

I looked down at my hands and didn’t speak up.

“I’m sorry Mrs. Fuller. I didn’t mean to get her in such danger, no one informed me that our enemy was going to strike today,he explained.

“You should know Harry! How? Not only was I scared for my little baby, I was scared for you! You both are very important to me! Don’t ever do that again, you almost gave me a heart attack!” she protested.
I looked up at Harry and waited for his response. My heart beat like crazy as my mom went on.

“…and to add it up, you didn’t even tell her that we’re spies, now did you?!” Why is she mad about that? Surely she would be more worried that Jessa knew?

“I did ma’am,” he said.

She nodded her head.

“Well, that’s good. Why? But still Harry, I don’t want to see my daughter get in any more danger! That’s why I never told her, and no one knew that I even had a family; they just thought I had you. Now since you guys are hanging out more often they think that you’re dating,” she chuckled, “…which would be horrible for you guys, right?” what would be horrible?

I looked at Harry and back at my mom.

I never told her that we were dating. Not ever. It never actually slipped my mind to tell her, I completely forgot all about that. Oops.

I cleared my throat and looked straight into my mom’s brown eyes.

“Mom…” but she cut me off.

“Wait, why are you guys hanging out more often?”

Harry looked at me and I looked back. There was panic in his eyes.

“Uh,” Maybe it wasn't the best time to tell her.
But then, as I was about to tell her the world’s biggest lie,too melodramatic. Harry beat me to it.

We are dating,”

My jaw dropped and so did my mom’s.

“Okay, Jessa is shocked, you guys aren’t dating.” She laughed it off.

“No, mom, we are dating. I’m just shocked that he actually told you, I mean I…” I didn’t know how to finish.
I looked at my mom and noticed that her hand was covering her face in shock. She shook her head and breathed in deeply. That caused me to breathe in deeply as well.

“Well, that makes everything worse,”

She sat down in front of us, on her knees and continued.

“…you can’t date a spy Jessa,”

“But mom! You are a spy and you dated dad and had a family! Why can’t I date Harry?” I protested.

She rolled her eyes and replied, “I hid the fact that I was dating, and I hid everything. Harry obviously didn’t…”

I stood up from the leather couch and watched her sit down in my spot. It was my turn to talk, my turn to protest against her very words.

“Uh, mom, they won’t hurt us! Look, we’re intact. And you didn’t hide anything, they found me!”

“…only because Harry kissed you in the hallway the day before. How does she know? Before that, they didn’t even know who you are. They want us spies to die, to be tortured, so whoever and whatever is around them, they check them out. They checked you and saw that you had the same last name as me, that surly didn’t convince them fully because anyone can have the same last name, so, they checked your files. Now they’ve got you. Anywhere you go, even by yourself, you’re in utter danger!” she said nicely. If that's sarcasm, you need to show it.

I listened to every word she said and tapped my foot against the wooden floors.

“But, you can get out of some of it. With me you’re safe, I can make them stop. The problem is that, you have to stop dating Harry…”

My jaw dropped and Harry looked down at his hands. He knew that this was coming, I’m one hundred percent sure of it.
My mom pulled her hair back into a ponytail and stood up right in front of me. She put her hands on my shoulders and sighed.

“Jessa… can you do that for me?” she asked quietly.

Even though my heart was sinking, even though I wanted to protest, even though I felt wrong about this, I agreed.“Uhuh,” I nodded and she smiled, patting my head lightly.

“It’ll be okay, now I’ll leave you two alone to talk,”

She left the room and left us in complete silence. I shut my eyes and breathed deeply. I heard Harry walk up to me, he put his hands on my shoulders and I opened my eyes.

He smiled; it was a a sad smile, not his normal ear to ear one.

“You knew that this was coming,” I wanted to yell, but didn’t have the energy.

He simply nodded.

“Why didn’t you watch out? Why didn’t you tell me?!” I got some force and spoke up a little louder.

“Jess, I couldn’t, well, I could’ve. But, I just didn’t wanna end this.” Which might not have happened if he had watched out ^^^

“We could’ve been more hidden about it like my mom and dad…” I recommended.

He sighed and I looked away from his eyes. God, I thought that he was more honest than that!

“I thought that you wouldn’t understand.”

He put his arms back down and I flipped out. My heart was speeding. He pulled his bangs back but they fell back down on his tanned forehead.

“I…? That I wouldn’t understand!?” I pointed at myself, “That’s not even funny, Harry!” I practically yelled at him.

I switched my weight from one foot to the other in a fast rhythm.

“I’m sorry Jessa, it’s just that, you just found out about this and… and… I thought that I was doing right,he explained.

I laughed a bit and rolled my eyes. “Well, obviously you weren’t.” I pointed him wrong.

He walked up closer to me and I took a step back. My stomach burned with anger and I bet that smoke was flying out of my ears. Yes, I was a feminist. I think that he thought girls understood nothing!

“I’m sorry, really.” He said innocently.

“No, you won’t go down that easily. You didn’t trust me! I can’t believe you!” I yelled this time.

He tried to touch my arm but I pulled away.

“I do…” I cut him off.

“No Harry, no. Now leave my house! I don’t wanna see you ever again!” I pointed at the front door and regretted those words right away.

His jaw dropped and his eyes widened in complete shock.

“You don’t mean that,” he tried to touch me again.

“I do,” I held my tears and breathed in deeply.

He breathed in deeply as well and walked toward the door. I wanted to say ‘No, stay. I’m sorry I overreacted,’ but I just couldn’t get the words out.
He opened the door and didn’t even look back at me. Once he shut the door I fell to the floor and let those imprisoned tears free.

I lay in my bed, un able to sleep. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I stared out the window. This was the worst day ever.
He left me, I let him. Well, I had no other choice; I mean we could’ve secretly dated. But, he didn’t even trust me. He didn’t trust that I would hide this. That broke my heart.

I sniffed and wiped my tears but left my heart crushed on the floor.
My phone got a text message and I hoped that it was Harry. But I doubt it.
Why would he write to me after I just did that? It’s all my fault that we are now actually completely over. No, it’s his! He didn’t trust me for God’s sakes! Why do I try to blame myself all the time?!
I checked the phone and it’s a text from my best friend, gosh, I didn’t talk to her in so long. Why did I put her away for all this time? It was Harry’s fault, I was his girlfriend and that took my time. Now, I have time for real things, well, he is real it’s just that I mean real love from friends and family.

Georgie: hey, ur mom called me an hour ago. R u ok?

Yeah, it wasn’t that late of a time. Whenever I’m sad, I go to sleep early, just to ease the pain. When you sleep it goes away. It was nine pm. That’s a little late, right? I sleep the pain away in a sense.

Jessa: no, im less than just a simple ok, Georgie im so sry I didn’t type 2 u earlier! Its just that idk why I didn’t!

I sent the message and waited for her reply. I hope it’s a “happy go lucky” one.
She sent one right away and I looked at it with delight. My heart was coming back to pieces; a great friend can fix your broken heart. That’s the good part of having a Georgie in your life.

Georgie: Oh wow. Im coming no matter wat u say! My best friend needs a best friend! I know that its 9 don’t even remind me k?

I laughed and replied.

Jessa: thx, ur the best friend anyone could ever have!!!!

Gerogie: im comin!

Jessa: Oki Doki! C ya!

I jumped off my bed and slipped on my slippers.

We were watching Scary Movie 3 in the living room. I don’t have a TV in my room, so we’re stuck for the downstairs.
At least she agreed to a “No Chick Flick Marathon” today. I bet she understood what I’m going through after we broke up.

We both cracked up at the sight of Charlie Sheen’s scared look.

“Oh my gosh, this is the best girl night – movie night ever!” Georgie said.

“Yeah it is!” we high fived and continued to watch.

In about another two hours we ended up falling asleep. The movie went on even though we didn’t even see it or hear it.
The next thing I knew it was morning. The first day of school after the three day weekend. I opened my eyes and noticed popcorn all over Georgie. I chuckled and climbed over her quietly. Her white blonde hair was in a French braid and popcorn was in her hair as well.

I threw some throw pillows at her but she didn’t budge.

I chuckled and walked out of the brightly shined living room. I pushed open the French doors and walked through the small burgundy family room. The leather couches were in front of the grand book case, and my puppy Du-Du was sleeping on the small couch.

I went up to her and petted her soft, white hair. She opened her eyes and licked my hand, her warmth traveled to my body and it tickled.
I pulled my hand away and walked up the stairs.

My brother was awake since the bathroom was locked. I pulled on the knob but it just simply wouldn’t open. I leaned against the peach walls and heard my dad snoring down the hall. My parents’ door was open.
Frankie opened the door and had a toothbrush in his mouth.

“Can I use the bathroom?” I asked, standing up straight.

“Mhm,” he murmured and let me in.

I looked at myself and grabbed my toothbrush. I didn’t look half bad, sometimes when I woke up, I looked like a reck!
I started to brush my teeth as Frankie continued.

Georgie put her stuff in her locker that was two away from mine. I closed the door and walked up to her.

“So, you have Math now, right?” I asked.

“Mhm, you have um, Polish?”

I nodded as she shut her locker door. We started to walk to our classes when I spotted Harry. I froze in my step. He was looking through his locker and some girl was talking to him. They were both laughing insainly.
My heart stopped and Georgie noticed.

“Hey, girl? Are you okay?”

I nodded but she stood in front of me and looked me straight in the eye.

“Look,” I spat out and pointed at them.

She turned around and her jaw dropped.

“Well, he got over you pretty fast,”

She pulled me down the hall but I stared at him all the way until we turned and I couldn’t see him anymore. I tried to pull my arm back; I wanted to go to him. To apologize. For what?

“No! You cannot do that!” Georgie kept on pulling.

“It’s for your own good missy!”

I laughed, “You sound like my mom,”

She kept on pulling me and we passed by many teenagers dressed in their own styles. Some Goths were staring at their lockers in horror. The populars skipped down the hall, trying to look cool but never pull it off. The nerds were laughing about some stupid math equation.

We reached the Polish classroom and she let me go.

“Thanks, my arm hurts.” I said.

She smiled and said, “Now, stay out of trouble and don’t kiss mean boys that break girls hearts!” she said in a mom voice.

I laughed and hugged her.

“Sometimes, all you need a best friend,” I whispered in her ear.

She hugged me tighter and then let go. We waved at each other when she skipped down the crowded red hall.
I walked into the classroom and spotted Harry sitting in one of the desks and two other people. Right, the bell hasn’t rang yet so not everyone is here.

My heart skipped a beat and I sat in my assigned seat, which, thankfully was far away from his. I took out my Polish book and notebook and pencil case. The teacher waltzed in dressed in his usual attire.
His blue and white stripped sweater showed his abs and his jeans made him look really tall.

The bell rang and a whole crowd of teenagers rammed through the door, afraid of getting any tardy slip today. My Polish class partner sat next to me and smiled.

He’s my other best friend since fourth grade. We’ve been tight ever since then. He was a rock band lead singer, the band was called: Paranoid. I loved that name, I actually gave him the idea.

“How’re you?” Samuel asked.

“Uh, fine, you?”

“Great, I just won the Battle of The Bands yesterday!” he said in the happiest tone I’ve ever heard.

His smile made my heart beat faster from happiness. Gosh, he’s the only person in the world that could make you happy for no reason.

“That’s great!”

I looked at his navy blue eyes and imagined the waves of the Baltic Sea. My heart jumped and I felt hot all of a sudden.

Oh no, not again!

I’ve been feeling this awkward feeling toward him ever since two years ago. It’s been haunting me. It’s this kind of closeness I want to break between us. I don’t know how to explain it. My heart pumped faster every time I looked into his eyes, that’s why I always tried to watch out for that. My stomach flipped every time he laughed. Weird, I know.

It didn’t bother me when I dated Harry though. Well, Harry kind of took over my life then. I was in huge situations, you know what. But it did bug me, I just simply ignored it. The whole time.

“Okay class, welcome back from your ever so long weekend…” our teacher was the sarcastic-just-out-of-collage-one.

We looked at him and smiled. He’s the only teacher that makes us happy to actually survive a day at school.
He took out some sort of binder from his briefcase and spoke his deep voice again.

“Today we’ll be learning about the Polish culture on the holidays,”

He took out some paper from it and handed it to Harry to pass out.

“So class, does anyone here know how to spend a traditional Polish holiday?” he asked.

I raised my hand and he smiled, his teeth were snow white.

“Yes, Jessa,”

I cleared my throat, “A traditional Polish holiday is very special in Poland, but wait, should I explain Christmas or what…?”

He laughed, “Yes, Christmas, I’m sorry I said holidays,”

Everyone looked at me with interest. They all knew that my family is from Poland so I do celebrate every holiday the Polish way; well, except for the American holidays of course.

“Um, on Christmas there are three days that Christmas lasts through, like in Britain, except it’s not Boxing Day. Instead of Santa giving presents, it’s an angel. There are supposed to be twelve types of food on the table, but it cannot be meat. When you eat on Christmas Eve that is. You have to give a piece of wafer to everyone and wish them something nice…” I explained.

Mr. Gibson smiled and clapped.

“Great job Jessa,”

I smiled and looked at Sam. He gave me a high five and I felt better already.
Maybe breaking up wasn’t that bad. I would be able to hang out with my friends more often and maybe just have more fun.

I walked down the hall with Sam to the lunch room.

“And then that freakin’ soldier killed me! I can’t believe that he did that!” Sam went on with his Black Ops story.

I laughed, “Well, it is a killing game, so I don’t see the problem here,”

He pretended to look hurt and we walked on.
The loud chatter and laughter filled our ears once we stepped into the room. The smell of pizza and mac and cheese came through my nose. I smiled from ear to ear, its pizza and mac and cheese day, my favorite day of the week in lunch.

“What’re you ordering today?” Sam asked.

I looked at him, “Pizza, no, mac and cheese, no, I don’t know.” I chuckled and he did the same.

The kids in front of us picked up what they wanted as the lunch ladies chatted in the back. Here, it was like a buffet, we chose what we wanted. We never got gray goo.
I picked up a mac and cheese bowl from under the screened ceiling of the buffet. Sam grabbed two slices of pizza and we went on picking stuff.

When we finished, we walked up to the table by the window and Georgie was already sitting there with her packed lunch. When she saw Sam she smiled widely.

Oh, she has a huge crush on him and its understandable why. He has surfer blonde hair, navy blue eyes, a skater style. He has the most beautiful smile anyone has ever seen.

I was sometimes jealous of Georgie when she tried to flirt with him. When Sam had the time of day for her, she did her flirting. That really pissed me off even though I wanted them to be together, and I didn’t as well.

“Hey guys,” she said in a high pitched tone.

I laughed as we sat down. I placed my tray in front of me and started to dig in.

“Hey Georgie,” I said.

“Hey, what’s up?” Sam asked.

Her eyes shined at his words and I almost spit out my food. Gosh, her crushness is really hilarious. I know, that’s not a word, but how else can I describe it?!

“Uh, nothin’ much, you?” she looked at her homework.

She forgot to do the Math homework again. Gosh, she didn’t even understand anything from it and she wanted to be a doctor when she grows up. Well, I don’t think that you need math though…

“Me either, wait, is that the math homework from last night?” he asked, sounding interested.

“Yeah,” she looked up at him but looked back down.

Wow, she was high for him. She can’t even look into his eyes, well, I couldn’t either.

“That was really easy,” he looked at me and smiled.

“Well, it was, but for some it may be confusing,” I pointed my spork at Georgie.

Her hazel eyes looked up at me and I smirked.

Maybe this will get them at least a little bit closer.

“Oh, I can help you,” he said to me.

My jaw dropped and I pointed at her again. “Dude, she needs the help, not me!”

He laughed at himself and sat on her side of the table. She turned bright red when he sat down. My stomach flipped a tons of times, but I put that aside. I need to stop this.

Oh, she better watch out. Some guys can’t be trusted, well, I think he can. We’re best friends, he can be trusted. It’s just a shock that a violin player is in love with this math geek. Yeah, every girl liked him by his look but he was a math geek.

“Oh, you see here? You gotta carry the one,” he explained to Georgie.

“Uhuh,” she murmured and nodded.

He kept on pointing out and explaining this and that. I looked at my cell phone and saw a text message form Harry.

Harry: don’t think that this is a im sorry message or an I wanna get together message becuz its not I just wanna tell u that ur mom is gonna be out of town and she made me watch u during the time, it’s a mission so I have to protect u.

Oh no! Why wouldn’t she tell me herself!!!!

I dialed in my mom’s phone number and called her, hearing the dang long dial tone.

“Hello,” she asked.

“Mom, why are you going out of town without telling me for a mission?!” I said quietly.

The last thing I need is a teacher to notice that I have a cell phone in school.

“Whoa, calm down missy. I was going to tell you but I thought that Harry would be able to take the message since he’s home. You’re at school and cannot use the phone,” she explained.

“That’s still no excuse mom! You have to tell me these kinds of things!” I protested.

“Fine, sweetie, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you first. I thought that he told you.”

I rolled my eyes and placed the phone against my other ear.

“He did tell me, obviously. But why does he have to watch me then?”

“To protect you, Wally is in the city and I can’t stop him now, I’m sorry sweetie, but I have to go on a mission to Peru,”

I sighed as my heart beated faster.

“Doesn’t Harry have to go with you? I mean he is your assistant…” I reminded her.

“Yes, I know. But he can’t. He’s too young for this mission. Oh, crap sweetie, I have to go! My plane is here! I love you so much; I’ll call when I’m there, okay?”

“I love you too mom, okay, bye!” I said.

“Bye, see you later!” she hung up and I hid my phone right away into my backpack.

I noticed that both Sam and Georgie were staring at me with their jaws dropped. I don’t know why though. So, this may be interesting.

“What…?” I asked innocently.

“Mission…?” Georgie asked.

“Assistant…?” Sam asked.

“Watch you…?” Georgie asked.

“Harry…?” Sam finished.

I laughed and tried to hide the mission.

“Uh, it’s that my mom has a business meeting in Washington and, um, Harry is her junior assistant and he usually goes with her,” I made my story up as I went, “… and he has to watch me for the time she’s gone. She’s afraid that I might catch the flu yada yada yada,”

They both breathed out and smiled. I guess that they’re done with the homework lesson.

“Really, that sounds kinda unbelievable.” Georgie said with a sly grin.

“…unless you guys are hooking up and you want a private relationship,” Sam laughed.

Georgie giggled and I crossed my arms over my chest. They kept on laughing and I decided to grab my tray and leave.
I stood up, with my backpack slung over my shoulder.

“Hey, you know that we were just joking, right?” Sam asked.

I turned around and noticed that they stopped.

“Will you stop then? We are not and will never ‘hook up’!” I told them both.

Georgie smiled and pointed to where I just sat. I smiled and sat back down on the plastic chair. They both smiled and we went on talking about what we’ll do on the weekend.

This is a bit fast paced but still a little empty. Put some real feeling into it.

I have writer's block. I can't write. It is the will of the gods. Now, I must alphabetize my spice rack.
— Neil Gaiman