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Moonlight Seagull: Chapter Three Tripping Attracts

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Mon Jan 14, 2008 3:58 am
Gwenevire says...

The first two chapters :arrow: topic24545.html

I slowly opened my eyes. Good work, stud. You are so smart; you just had to get all hyped up about gym. A dark voice cackled into my left ear. Ow. What had happened? Where was I? Blinked once more and looked right into the eyes of Griffin. I almost fainted again. Oh god. What is he doing here? I turned my head to studied my surroundings. I saw the random kid run past and voices filled the room with screeches and giggles. I saw Tamika pass, and then it all came back to me. I had bumped into Griffin… I looked back up and he hadn’t taken his gaze off of me. I felt anger begin to boil inside of me. What? Why was I mad… You bumped into him… the voice reminded me. God… Talk about embarrassing. Good work Sam. I couldn’t keep it in it was overflowing.

“What’s your problem?” I snarled at him.

He pulled his head back in disgust and turned away. Oh great now look what you have made me done! Where did goody go? I questioned? Vacation…So your stuck with me! He said simply. I shook my head and sat up.

“Why where you so rude? He sat with you all the way…” A teacher behind me said.

He did? Oops…

“My good side is on vacation.” I replied before getting up and trotting around the gym with the rest of my class. I saw Tamika approaching from behind. I slowed my pace and let her come up to my side.

“Hey” She panted.

“Hi…” I replied blandly.

“What happened back there girly?” She laughed.

“Aw you know. Me my blindness… I had to hit at least one person on the way out of the door.” I muttered

“Oh how could I forget” She teased, “But what about the snappiness with Griffin?” She continued.

“Well… its hard to explain.”

“He was with you the whole time. He seemed very worried.” She smiled.

“Really… You’d think he would be the last man on earth to be worried after what I did to him this morning.” I frowned

“Why? What did you do?” She questioned.

“Um… I kinda flicked an eraser into his eye.” I cringed. Plug your ears Sam prepare yourself for the lecture of your life.

“Really?” She said calmly.

WHAT? Is that all I get is a really?

“Yah…” I nodded.

The teacher blew the whistle and we all lined up in front of him.

“Today we are going to play dodge ball. I am going to let you guys pick teams. All who wish to be a captain lift your hand.” He said loudly.

I looked down the line off blue gym shirts to the five people with there hands raised. Alicia, Ben, Daniel, Diana and Griffin. My eyes fuzzed up and I snapped my head back up.

“Diana and Griffin!” He yelled, “You two are the captains of the two teams.”

Great, its eather braces talk a lot Diana or Griffin the guy who I have hurt twice today. Perfect. Diana here I come… Heh-heh

“Griffin you go first” The teacher demanded.

“Jeremy” He said

“Michel” Diana smiled. The whole world new that she liked him. He was a geek. No one likes a geek. That’s why they are so perfect for each other.

“Alicia” Griffin said clearly. She giggled and ran up to him, she jumped into the air and hugged him. My eyes bugged out and I snarled quietly. Back off girly! This guys mine… I was about to burst.
Seconds later his voice rung out again but this time it was to call my name.

“Sam” He said almost sweetly. I almost choked on my own spit. What? Why is he calling me? I crinkled my nose and walked towards him. He didn’t look my way he was already calling out another name. I grabbed a black piney and walked to the back of the line.

Before I new it we where in the middle of a dodge ball game. Everything had gone by so fast and it all seemed to be a great big blur in my head. All of a sudden a ball wised towards me. I stuck out my hands and caught it. I smiled and threw it back at the other side. Seconds later Griffin appeared at my side.

“Nice work Sam!” He congratulated me.

I smiled and said nothing. I had just finished wiping another ball at someone when an extremely loud screech of pain erupted from the back of the gym. I turned to see Alicia crumpled on the floor against the back of the room. Tears leaked from her face and a group made up of girls and the gym teacher had formed around her. I stared back at her and almost laughed, She so deserved that. A small voice snickered in the back of my head. Oh ya. I nodded and wiped another ball towards Tamika she squeaked and ducked under it. I laughed as she picked one up and tossed it helplessly towards me. I took a step to the side and let it slowly pass by. I looked behind me and noticed that Griffin was no where near Alicia he was still engaged in the game.
The gym teacher blew the whistle once more.

“Time to head out” He said before bending back over Alicia, who was still bawling her eyes out.

I smiled and slowly began to walk towards the exit of the gym. I opened the door and raced up the stairs surprisingly enough without tripping. I had spoken to soon. I tripped on the last step and crumpled to the ground. God. Now look what you have done. You have probably lost half your kneecap. I grumbled and looked up. Griffin stood above me with his hand outstretched towards me. He nodded and I grabbed on. He pulled me to my feet and smiled.

“Thanks” I breathed.

“No problem” He answered before walking into the boys change room.
I sighed and fell back against the wall. I let a large smile part my lips and I watched as Alicia limped past me scowling. Nice one Sam! The voice cheered. Thanks.
Last edited by Gwenevire on Mon Jan 14, 2008 10:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Mon Jan 14, 2008 6:25 pm
Gladius says...

First thing I really notice is, when Sam is thinking she doesn't use contractions. I think you should use more contractions--it just feels more natural. I like to think characters think like they talk. So...yeah.
Anyway, on to the meat of this crit!

In the first sentence, 'blinked' is unneccessary--you want just 'opened.'

Oh boy. Other than that...how about I just show you examples of what should and shouldn't be done/what needs to be fixed and hopefully you can incorporate it into later chapters? For example, in sentences like this:
Gwenevire wrote:"What's your problem?" I snarled right at him.

You have extra words. Cut the word 'right' and just say 'snarled at him.'

Gwenevire wrote:Good work stud. You are so smart you just had to get all hyped up about gym. A dark voice cackled in my left ear.

Comma after work, either a period or semicolon after smart, and a comma in between the 'dialogue' and dialogue tag. You have problems with that a lot, so I recommend just doing a thorough reread/proofread and editing that. especially where you don't even have punctuation in between dialogue and dialogue tags, like when Diana and Griffin are calling out team members.

Also, I don't know if there were any others I missed, but in the latter half of the chap during the dodgeball game when Alicia gets hit, you spelled 'crying their eyes out' as 'balling' instead of 'bawling.' Not sure what 'balling' would be...

I think that's it! You've got a very intersting style and an interesting story here. I'm not usually into romance, but I'm liking this one! ^_^ Good luck with the rest of it!
When Heroes fall and the Sacred Blade is captured, can Evil be stopped?~The Wings of Darkness

I'm also ZeldaMoogle on Fanfiction.net!

"Funny is a formula for which there are a million variables, and it is impossible to backtrack unless, possibly, you make a living out of it."~Rosey Unicorn

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Mon Jan 14, 2008 9:29 pm
Gwenevire says...

Thank you for the review! =]
I will make my corrections right away!
You like it? Or are you just saying that? :lol:
I hope you do. I really appreciate all your help. I hope to see your reviews on my next few chapters!


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Tue Jan 15, 2008 12:18 am
Kepe says...

I thought this chapter did a lot for character development, and (I don't know if you meant to do this or not) it really felt like Griffin was picking out Sam from the rest of the group. I do enjoy the fact that Sam is not perfect, however I am really looking forward to an encounter with Griffin where she doesn't mess up :-) I really didn't notice anything grammatically, which doesn't mean much as grammar and Kepe are like oil and vinegar, however it does show that there was nothing overly distracting. Once again you have captured my attention, and I am looking forward to finding out what will happen next.

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Tue Jan 15, 2008 1:43 am
Gwenevire says...

Thank you!
I will have the next Chapter hopefully posted by tomorrow.
We will see how it goes with Griffin and Sam. Who knows he may just be teasing her...
Maybe an unexpected date will pope up in the later chapters.

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Tue Jan 15, 2008 5:32 pm
Gladius says...

[quote=Gwenevire]You like it? Or are you just saying that?[/quote]
Yes, I like it! I don't say I like something if I don't like it. :D

When you do get the next chappie up, can you PM me the link? Thanks! :D
When Heroes fall and the Sacred Blade is captured, can Evil be stopped?~The Wings of Darkness

I'm also ZeldaMoogle on Fanfiction.net!

"Funny is a formula for which there are a million variables, and it is impossible to backtrack unless, possibly, you make a living out of it."~Rosey Unicorn

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Wed Jan 16, 2008 5:35 am
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chayonz says...

Wow this is even better than the others. And way funnier.

She reminds me of Anne of green gables...but thats just my opinion. You may not have read it tho.

I don't really understand why she keeps making the wrong decisions with Griffan. I think you need to give us a better explanation, than, "my good sides on vacation,". For instance, was she embarrased? Was her pride hurt? Things like that.

And when Tanikia, threw that ball which helplessly missed, i was surprised. i thought Tanikia was the sporty one. Anyways those are my only thoughts!

i cant wait to read the next!
h a y o n :)

nobody is perfect. thats why pencils have erasers.
- unknown

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— Abraham Heschel