
Young Writers Society

The Magical Diary of L.L.P

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Sun Jul 03, 2011 8:47 pm
Mikko says...

Spoiler! :
This piece is yet another start of a new project. It was inspired by the great J.K Rowling and one of our fellow YWSers: Charlii101. Remember that this is from a nine-year old’s point of view so her language must not be expected to be of such a high level, though if it is higher than her level, I excuse myself. Don’t worry: I made sure spelling was correct though. Just imagine some words in nine-year old spelling because I don’t think it’s right for me to post things with bad spelling.

Harry Potter: "It won't be long, and you'll be going too."
Lily Potter: "Two years. I want to go now!"

How do I start? Dear diary No. Dear Kitty. Not that either. Dear Luna? Let me see. Well my middle name- 'Luna'- means ‘moon’, named after my parents’ friend Luna Scamander. And my friend Teddy often talks about the moon…Dad says when he was my age he liked looking at the moon through his window because it made him feel better when he was upset and alone. Basically the moon seems to be important in my life so it just makes sense to start like that.

Okay. I’ll start again.

Dear Moon,

It’s awful! James and Albus have gone off to Hogwarts and left me! It’s not fair! Why do I have to wait two more years? I want to go too!!!!!!! I cried when the train left and as the smoke filled the whole of the platform because I was going to miss them and because I wanted to be on that train, leaving to the best place ever.

Dad hugged me and said he’d buy me a present: This diary. He said the best things to do to get rid of sadness were to either speak to someone or write it all down. He figured getting me this diary was a good option and I agreed. And now that I won’t have anyone to tease me at home (sniff…) I would have more time for writing. And he said that it would help me to write better and become intelligent like mum, Aunt Hermione and my Grandma: grandmother Lily who I'm named after. But what do you write in a diary? I’ve never owned one before…

Secrets? Spells? Worries? Deepest thoughts? I guess all of them mixed. And I’ll write as often as possible to remember everything I do and I’ll tell my children my adventures, just like Mum and Dad.

Oh no! I’ve been trying to forget about Hogwarts all day but it came again! :'( Why can’t they have a primary school too? It’s sooooooooo not fair! And Hugo thinks so too. He says he’d love to try transfigurations to play tricks on Rose but I know Rose is way too intelligent to fall for that sort of thing! I hope he doesn't find out I thought that about him. He’d think I’m saying he’s stupid. Today we had a long chat about which houses we would be in and we both agreed on being in Gryffindor because we’re so really closely related!

But I did see Scorpius Malfoy with his father. Mr. Malfoy only just looked at Dad for a few seconds then turned away. Dad and Mr. Malfoy were big enemies when they were in school but I don't think they still are. Dad had said something about having made up with him, but I'm not too sure about them. They're family is full of bad people, James says. Scorpius is in the same class as Albus, I think. Yes. He is. It’s also his first year. Hugo says he’s sure Scorpius’ll end up in Slitherin just like his dad, and granddad…

Well, Mum is calling me for dinner. I’m off. I’ll write again before going to bed.
Now what do I write to end? My name?
Lily Luna Potter No, that's too long. Or…I know!



Dear Moon,

I’m back! We had a delicious dinner…As usual! Mum’s cooking is the absolute best! She said it was something secret Grandma cooked to make some of my uncles to eat their veggies. And it worked! Anyway, Dad was away all day. He went back to London after dropping us home early in the afternoon.

He told me where he went! :) Him and my Uncle Ron and Aunt Hermione went to a place that was important for them many years ago. He said it was called…I think ‘Grim Old Place’? They said the last time they went there was about twenty years ago. Before The Battle. And Hugo was over for dinner, his parents came to pick him up just a minute ago. We both didn’t want to talk about H******s because we knew we wouldn’t want to sleep tonight!

But dinner was too quiet. The house feels so weird after such a loud summer with my brothers and cousins all over the house, excited about September. Mum says I should spend some time with Grandma because when Uncle Ron had to go for his first year, she was all alone but her mum kept her so busy that she forgot about H******s. But Uncle Ron told me that when they go back for holidays, she would always talk about Dad. That story always makes me laugh!
But now I’m yawning. Time for bed.

I know my dreams will be full of black robes, wands, red, yellow, blue, green patterns…


1/9/2017—later that evening.

Dear Moon,

I am getting used to writing in a diary now. And after a week of writing everyday, I think I really like it! Everyone has gone back to their usual lives. Dad went to work, he says it’s not the same ever since Uncle Ron left. Mum has decided to work from home because I’m all alone now even though I keep telling her it’s fine. I always tell her that I’d love to stay with Grandma (and I know Grandma would also LOVE to have me with her everyday) but Mum keeps saying she’s old and she needs to rest.

“You’ll go tomorrow.” That’s what Mum always says. I absolutely adore Grandma! She the best woman I know (after Mum of course)! Sometimes she gives me chores but then we get to cook cakes and eat and drink tea and she would tell me stories about my Mum and my uncles. She has a day for each of my uncles and my mum: Monday is for Uncle Charlie, Tuesday is for Uncle Bill, Wednesday is for Uncle Percy (she’s usually not in the mood on Wednesdays…), Thursday is for my uncles Fred and George (she often weeps on Thursdays because of uncle Fred D: ), Fridays are for uncle Ron and Saturdays are for Mum.

She would sometimes say a few things about Dad and Aunt Hermione on Sundays, when the two of us were left alone.
I find the best days are Thursdays though she gets sad, but hearing my uncles’ stories of twin mischief is really funny. When me and Hugo visit her, we have so much fun listening to those funny stories and she tells us never to do anything like that to our parents. She would always add: “You remind me so much of my little Ginny and Ronald…how I miss them.” I would always get sad because she seems so upset that her children have grown up and left her but she always says she’s proud of them…

But today I didn’t get to see grandma. I was at home with Mum who was reading Quidditch Throughout The Ages. I found nothing fun in all that reading and highlighting but I did start writing. I wrote a letter to Albus to know if he was okay. I knew he would’ve been surprised if he saw that I was becoming a better writer and I even told him that I was dreaming of becoming a writer for the Daily Prophet just like my uncle Percy and Mr. Lovegood—the dad of my parents’ friend who I’m named after.

I told him how I wished I could also be at Hogwarts with him and in Gryffindor too. I asked him if it was just like how everyone describes it and if he’d made new friends. I asked him which classes he liked and if he saw Rose and James often…

At the end, I told him I missed him and James and Rose and Fred and Roxanne and that he really had to answer because I had to know how he was. All I can do is wait for Xedo- our owl- to get the letter to him.
I can’t wait to learn real magic. All I knew was what I and Hugo had secretly learned in advance with our parents’ wands. I know it’s not right. I hope no one find out though! We only want to learn ahead before going to Hogwarts in two years…

I don’t really have much to write today. It’s been really boring especially because I didn’t even get to play with Hugo. If Dad comes back and brings me something good, I’ll write later. If not, then it’s goodnight.
Bye :)


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Last edited by Mikko on Tue Dec 06, 2011 10:49 pm, edited 9 times in total.
when she needs to shelter from reality she takes a dip in my daydreams

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Sun Jul 03, 2011 10:39 pm
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purpleandblue22 says...

Hahahaha! I loved that! I'm a monster Harry Potter fan, and this did it justice.

Mikko wrote:He told me where he went! Him and my uncle Ron and aunt Hermione went to a place that was important for them many years ago. He said it was called…I think ‘Grim Old Place’? They said the last time they went there was about ten years ago. Before The Battle.

The only issue I had was I think the battle would have been seventeen years ago, not ten. *Checks book* Sorry, I was off too. It was nineteen years ago. I don't know if that messes with your dates or anything.

And if this is the start of a new project, I'm definatly going to read it.

Keep writing,
"When a resolute young fellow steps up to the great bully, the world, and takes him boldly by the beard, he is often suprised to find it comes off in his hand, and that it was only tied on to scare away the timid adventurers."Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Sun Jul 03, 2011 11:32 pm
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cityofdragons says...

I found it really creative that she was related to the Harry Potter characters. I really thought it was cool and enjoyed the diary. Although it's really good, I would like to see more backround info. Like how old she is or what her actual name is. Great job though! :D
Like a dragon, I'll spread my wings and fly. Fly far away from this hatred planet and fly somewhere deep, where I shall be alone. My imagination is paradise.

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Thu Jul 07, 2011 5:24 pm
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joshwaa38038 says...

Beautiful writing! I love how you delved so deeply into the character, and the diary was magnificent. I'm a huge Potter fan, and this was definitley a pleasing piece :D Keep writing! I'd love to see some more of your Potter ideas :)
Some people walk in the rain, others just get wet. ~Roger Miller

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Mon Jul 18, 2011 11:51 pm
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emXshorty says...

I honestly... LOVED this!!!! I think its a great idea to do this. I wish I did this.
"I can't just GO to Pigfarts. It's ON MARS. You need a rocket ship. Do you have a rocket ship, Potter? You know, I bet you do. Oh, look, it's Moonshoes Potter, Starkid Potter, traversing the galaxy on intergalactic travels to Pigfarts!"

-Draco, a VPM

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Mon Aug 15, 2011 4:39 am
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goofysmurf1 says...

AWESOMEEE! i Love it keep writing them! and get this i dont even read novels
go to page.php?id=1242 now please and subcribe

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Mon Aug 15, 2011 5:45 pm
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LadySpark says...

Hi Marco! This is the last Part I have to review... :D YEA. Are you proud of me? I am!!!! :) after this I'm making a club for Amore, then I'm going to start my own HP fan-fic. :) YEA.

Luna Scamander.

? Don't you mean Luna Lovegood? Who did she get married too? I thought she married Neville. Luna Longbottom. Mwhaha.



I think ‘Grim Old Place’?

They Don't live there? *shrugs* I always figured they did, but maybe not.

Done! I enjoyed reviewing you immensly!
hush, my sweet
these tornadoes are for you

-Richard Siken

Formerly SparkToFlame

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Sun Aug 28, 2011 10:57 am
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IcyFlame says...

I noticed I hadn't reviewed some of these chapters, so thought I'd give it a shot now.

Mikko wrote:How do I start? Dear diary No. Dear Kitty. Not that either. Dear Luna? My middle name 'Luna' means ‘moon’, named after my parents’ friend Luna Scamander. And my friend Teddy often talks about the moon…Dad liked looking at the moon through his window when he was little. So it just makes sense to start like that.

I like that she writes to 'moon' but somehow, I feel this needs a little more explanation. I love the quote you've put at the top by the way, it really brings us into the story quite well!

Mikko wrote:I cried when the train went and the smoke filled the whole of the platform because I was going to miss them and because I wanted to be on that train.
Describe this a little more. I know she's only young but this feels like a list. I did this an then this happedend because of this and this. See how you could expand?

Mikko wrote:He said the best things to do to get rid of sadness were to either tospeak to someone or write it down.

Mikko wrote:And he said that it would help me to write better and become intelligent like mum, Aunt Hermione and grandma Lily.

I don't know if she would refer to her as grandma Lily, having never known her. Also, this would be a great time to mention she's named after her.

Mikko wrote:Oh no! I’ve been trying to forget about Hogwarts all day but it came again! :'( Why can’t they have a primary school too? It’s sooooooooo not fair!
I'm not pointing out the excess puntuation, because I understand that's how she writes but I don't think she would put a :'( in a diary, unless it was on the computer.

I'll be back in a while to finish this review, I need food!

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Sun Aug 28, 2011 11:13 am
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IcyFlame says...

Right, I'm back for the second half! Sorry about that :)

Mikko wrote:He says he’d love to try transformations to play tricks on Rose but I know Rose is way too intelligent to fall for that sort of thing!

Mikko wrote:Please don’t tell him though.
She's speaking to her diary, not the reader.

Mikko wrote:But I did see Scorpius Malfoy with his father. Mr. Malfoy only just looked at dad for a few seconds then turned away. Dad and Mr. Malfoy were big enemies when they were in school and but I don't think they still are. Dad hadsaid something about having made up with him. Scorpius is in the same class as Albus, I think. Yes. He is. It’s also his first year. Hugo says he’s sure Scorpius willl end up in Slitherin just like his dad, and granddad…
The last correction isn't an obligation, I just think it reads better like this.

Mikko wrote:red, yellow, blue, grey, green patterns
I understand the other four colours, but why grey?

Mikko wrote:Him and my Uncle Ron and Aunt Hermione went to a place that was important for them many years ago.

I like the idea that she wrote a letter to Albus, and hope that you'll maybe include his reply in a later chapter. Sorry for all the nitpicks, I'm in that kind of mood!

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Sun Sep 04, 2011 2:04 pm
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Rocklobster says...

This is FABULOUS. I love Harry Potter, and this is by far the best HP fanfiction I've read so far. It seems so realistic, like this is what really happened after the prolouge in Book Seven. I'm so glad you wrote this, please write more- and soon!
when i was five, i was asked what i wanted to be when i grew up.
i said happy.
they said i didn't understand the question.
i said they didn't understand life. --john lennon <3

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Tue Sep 13, 2011 4:55 pm
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Charlii101 says...

OMG it is absolutely brilliant!it's so good and i love how you have capture the imagination of a young child. it's soo good! i love totally brilliant i have no words to describe it :)! it's perfect! really good!

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Wed Nov 30, 2011 2:00 am
MariaRowlands says...

That was really good! I believe that you may have messed a few things around. But otherwise a brilliant story.
May The Blood of my Enemies Flow Like Rivers to the Sea

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Thu Dec 08, 2011 12:31 am
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RomanticWriter92 says...

i just finished reading this and i have to say good job :) im a huge HP fan and i love what you did here. Yea like the others said theres a few mistakes but they are correctable so no biggie but overall i loved it keep writing and i def keep reading :)

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Sun Dec 18, 2011 12:31 am
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lili024 says...

I really enjoyed it! You know I'm a Potter geek so you just made my day FUN! You should add Albus's letter in the next chappter, but the rest is fine.
Why would it be dear Kitty? Just wandering
Great job!

lili (Potter) :)
[insert clever signature here]

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