
Young Writers Society

Eaglefeather's Path (Chapter One)

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Sat May 15, 2010 5:10 pm
Bugwhisker says...

(Author's Note: Hello again, everyone! It's been a long while since I posted here last. :wink: I've been working more on the story of Eaglefeather's Path (in fact, I'm already half way through Chapter Eight), and since a few people liked the Prologue, I thought I'd post Chapter One. So, here you are. Chapter One was mainly to introduce the rest of the main characters- meaning, those who (or is it, whom?) were not mentioned or didn't make an appearance in the previous chapter. It reveals some of the plot line, without giving away too much.

I'm still in the process of editing this chapter, so I would appreciate constructive criticism and compliments.

Disclaimer: I do not own "Warriors." It is copyrighted to HarperCollins and Erin Hunter.)

Chapter One

Eaglefeather yawned, fighting to stay awake as the GorseClan patrol weaved through the dark forest, heading for the Shallow Pool, where the gathering would be held. He glanced sideways at his friend, Startail, as she flicked his ear with her tail.

“I wonder what the punishment for falling asleep at a gathering would be?” She teased lightly.

“I’ll be fine. And besides,” He batted at her ear playfully with his paw, claws sheathed. “If I fell asleep, I’d miss everything!”

“Same old Eaglepaw,” Falconwing’s voice rang behind them.

“Eaglefeather,” Startail corrected him, rolling her eyes.

“Keep up you three!” Moontail’s yowl snapped them back to attention. The black-and-white deputy was waiting for them near the stream that separated GorseClan territory from SwiftClan territory. It was GorseClan’s only path to get to the Shallow Pool, and it meant crossing through an unknown forest. “We haven’t got all night!”

Falconwing and Startail glanced at each other, amusement in their eyes, before speeding forward to catch up to their Clanmates. Eaglefeather followed, pelt bristled with excitement. He had only been made a warrior the day before, along with Startail and Falconwing. This would be his first gathering as a full member of GorseClan. He couldn’t help but wonder if the Clans would be as big as the last time he had gone to a gathering, in late greenleaf. There had been more cats than he could have ever imagined there! Now that it was Leaf-fall, he doubted that the other two leaders would send many cats out.

Stepping over the border, Eaglefeather wrinkled his nose at the scent of SwiftClan. It disgusted him. And getting his belly fur wet, he didn’t like either. The currents on the stream were gentler than they had been earlier this season, and it was easy to stay on his paws. Upon reaching the bank, he shook his pelt, spattering Jaystripe, who had come up behind him, with a shower of water droplets.

“Hey!” She hissed. “Watch it!”

“Sorry, Jaystripe.” Eaglefeather hung his head in embarrassment. Jaystripe was a senior warrior, and a well-respected cat by all three Clans.

Jaystripe glared at him for a moment more, then continued on ahead.

“Don’t worry about Jaystripe,” Whitefoot mewed in his ear. “She’s been snapping at everyone lately. Rabbitdash thinks her age is getting to her.”

Eaglefeather laughed, turning to the orange she-cat, whose paws were the color of snow. “She isn’t that old is she?”

“She’s probably older than the Sky Oak!” Whitefoot joked softly.

“I heard that!” Jaystripe called back, making Whitefoot jump.

“Her hearing sure isn’t failing,” Eaglefeather mewed, smiling. He started forward again, Whitefoot following him.

Not too long after, the Shallow Pool came into view, its clear water glittering with the reflection of the full moon. The GorseClan cats padded down the grassy slope into the hollow where the pool lay, and spread out, each cat going to their own little groups. Eaglefeather, with Startail and Falconwing, spotted a dark brown tabby she-cat across the pool, and trotted over.

“Owlpaw!” Startail greeted her.

Owlpaw turned her head. “It’s actually Owlclaw now.”

“You’re a warrior too?” Falconwing asked. “That’s great! I’m Falconwing.”

“Startail,” Startail dipped her head. She nodded towards Eaglefeather. “And Eaglepaw is now Eaglefeather.”

“Those are great names,” Owlclaw purred, her tail curling neatly over her white paws. Her ears perked. “Have you heard yet?”

“Heard what?” Eaglefeather tilted his head.

“SwiftClan has been stealing prey from SunClan.”

What?” Startail’s ears flattened.

“It’s true!” Owlclaw insisted. “I went out on a border patrol not too long ago. We caught three SwiftClan cats on our side of the border. They had only managed to catch a rabbit, but still, they shouldn’t have even been there! Plus, the dawn patrol this morning reported scenting them near the border again!”

“You don’t think something’s wrong, do you?” Startail sounded sympathetic, almost worried for the cats of SwiftClan.

“Who cares?” Falconwing’s claws flexed. “If they’ve been stealing prey, they need to be punished!”

“You’re not suggested that SunClan attack them, are you?” Eaglefeather raised an eyebrow. But before Falconwing could reply, a yowl cut through the air, silencing every cat.

“Let the gathering begin!” Emberstar, the dark gray leader of SwiftClan called out, her blue eyes blazing in the dim light. Once every cat was paying attention, she nodded for Snowstar to speak first.

Snowstar stepped forward, taking his place in the center of the wide, tall stone- the Great Stone- where the leaders shared events. “All has been peaceful in GorseClan, despite the cooling air. We have three new warriors, who are all present here tonight: Eaglefeather, Startail, and Falconwing.”

“Eaglefeather! Startail! Falconwing!” Sageheart and Lizardpaw of SunClan began to chant the new warriors’ names, and the entire group of cats soon joined them. There were yowls and murmurs of approval among the crowd. When all had quieted down, the GorseClan leader continued.

“We also have two new apprentices, though only one was chosen to go tonight. Lionpaw is here, while Leafpaw is still in camp.” Snowstar paused yet again as there were murmurs of approval. “Two sunrises ago, Moontail and his patrol spotted a fox living on the GorseClan border with SwiftClan.” He turned to Emberstar. “I am warning you of this now.”

Emberstar’s only reply was a twitch of her whiskers. When Snowstar stepped back, she motioned for Goldenstar, the leader of SunClan, to step forward.

The golden tabby tom nodded to Snowstar as he passed him, replacing the other leader in the center of the stone. “SunClan also has new warriors: Owlclaw and Finchfoot.” There were yowls of approval once more. Eaglefeather could see Finchfoot, the brown-and-black tom he had known from the many border skirmishes with SunClan, standing up, his chest puffed out boldly. Owlclaw, he noticed, looked rather embarrassed to have every cat cheering for her.

When all was quiet, the leader continued, only reporting that prey had been plentiful, and that a new litter of kits had been born. Now, it was Emberstar’s turn to speak. Taking her place, she let every cat quiet down before yowling out the words, “Prey-stealers!”

Her accusation hung in the air for a few heartbeats before cats began to growl and hiss.

“Silence!” Snowstar roared. He turned to face Emberstar. “Care to explain, Emberstar?”

“SunClan,” The SwiftClan leader announced, flicking her tail in Goldenstar’s direction. “Have been trespassing on SwiftClan territory.”

“We have not!” SunClan’s deputy, Vinenose snarled from below the leaders. “You must have bees in your brain!”

“Hush, Vinenose.” Goldenstar scolded the she-cat. He turned to gaze to the SwiftClan leader again. Calmly, he mewed, “I assure you, Emberstar, my Clanmates have not come close to your territory. And if they have-“ He paused, letting the words sink in. “Then I haven’t been told so.”

“He didn’t even mention that they’re the prey-stealers!” Owlclaw hissed in Eaglefeather’s ear.

“The last thing the Clans need now is a fight,” Eaglefeather replied in a low voice, eyes still on the Great Stone. He had to admit that the SunClan warrior had a point. “He’s trying to keep things as peaceful as they are now.”

“The least he could do is put up a fight about it,” Owlclaw muttered, ears twitching.

“No! I refuse to believe that!” Eaglefeather heard Emberstar growl, turning his attention back to the leaders. “This gathering is over!”

Emberstar leaped down from the Great Stone, landing neatly on her paws, tail lashing. She glared at Goldenstar for only a moment more, then let a yowl, signaling for her Clanmates to follow her. After sharing unsure expressions, the SwiftClan cats stood, and bounded after their leader, disappearing over the hills. Eaglefeather could hear the remaining cats muttering amongst themselves. And why wouldn’t they? It wasn’t normal for a Clan to leave a gathering early, and without sharing recent events.

“The moon!” A cat called out. “It’s not covered!”

All heads turned to the sky. Eaglefeather’s eyes widened. Were StarClan... approving of this? He shook his head. No, that can’t possibly be it… can it? Confused, he stood, nodding a quick goodbye to Owlclaw before heading back over to his Clanmates.

Falconwing came up behind, Startail following. “Do you think there’ll be a battle? I haven’t seen a good fight in moons!”

Startail cuffed him around the ear, and Eaglefeather could tell that she was fighting to keep her claws sheathed. “How can you say that?! The last thing any Clan needs in Leaf-fall is a war.”

“Startail’s right,” Moontail’s meow made the young warriors glance in his direction. “Especially since prey is unusually scarce this season-cycle.”

“That must be why Owlclaw was so upset about it.” Falconwing commented. “SunClan live in the grasslands. If the rabbits have all gone in their burrows, they must be starving.”

“We’ll do no good talking about it.” Moontail narrowed his eyes. He trotted ahead. “Come on. The problem won’t be dealt with until it affects GorseClan. Until then, there will be no plans to enter either territory.”

(Well? What does everyone think? :smt001)

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Sat May 15, 2010 5:38 pm
Chupatoasta says...

Oh. My. Gosh.

I absolutely love this! And your adorable sound cat-characters! *huggles Eaglefeather*

Truthfully, I didn't find anything wrong with this! All your grammar seems to be perfect, to me that is, and nothing's misspelled! I, as an avid reader of the Warrior series, adore stories like this, and have even written a couple, but your's absolutely tops them!

I love the way you started your story off, and I'd really, really love to read more! So hurry up and post! Haha!

Impatiently waiting,
Oh, the tiger will love you. There is no sincerer love than the love of food.
George Bernard Shaw

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Sun May 16, 2010 3:00 am
Lava says...

Moving it to Novels. :)
Pretending in words was too tentative, too vulnerable, too embarrassing to let anyone know.
- Ian McEwan in Atonement

sachi: influencing others since GOD KNOWS WHEN.


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Sun May 16, 2010 3:08 pm
Bugwhisker says...

Thank you for the compliments, Chup. :) Nice to know I have a fan! :lol: Anyway, Chapter Two will probably be up later today. It'll dip deeper, so to speak, into the main plot of the story. I'm not going to give away too much, though!

Thanks for moving it into Novels, Lava!

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Wed May 19, 2010 8:50 pm
Allessandre says...

This ones just as good as the. prologue, better, chptr two, here I come!
GENERATION 30: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.

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Sat May 22, 2010 9:05 pm
Junglelover says...

Hello Bugwhisker,
You should explain why Eaglefeather hates the smell of SwiftClan.
The gathering is kinda confusing because they are talking to lots of different cats.
You should make a map and make the list of the cats in the different clans.

Really like it!!
Charlie Bucket: You can eat the grass?
Willy Wonka: Of course you can! Everything in this room is eatable, even *I'm* eatable! But that is called "cannibalism," my dear children, and is in fact frowned upon in most societies.

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Wed Jun 09, 2010 2:36 am
Bugwhisker says...

Thank you for the review, Junglelover. :)

Many cats in the Warriors series prefer the scent of their own Clan. This is why Eaglefeather hates the scent of the other Clans- especially SwiftClan, because they live in a completely different environment. Yes, the gathering is confusing. At a gathering, there are many cats. It's a bit difficult to keep track of them all... I won't defend myself on this. I'm thinking about going back and rewriting the first two chapters.

Also, I would post a map, but I have no idea how to. :) I'll come up with allegiances, though!

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Thu Jan 27, 2011 8:18 pm
thestorygirl says...

EagleFeather is adorable.

Startail is cute

Falconwing is fuzzy.

You are a good writer.
I will folllow you. A lot. Dont worry im just naturally odd. Peculiar. funky. mental. insane. phsycopath. those words decribe me. Anyway I love your stuff. I am going to read your next chapters now. I wont comment on those because this comments applies for them too.

Don't you just love Warriors?
Nella vita vi è la distruzione, desolazione nella morte, ma c'è speranza nella rivoluzione.

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Fri Feb 25, 2011 5:21 pm
fire_of_dawn says...

Hey Bugwhisker. I always did think two or three Clans would be more mangable... but that's not why I'm posting.

“Hey!” She hissed

Generally you don't capitalize the 'he' or 'she' in a dialog tag.
"Do? I'll tell you what we'll do! We'll be ready!"
Matthias, from Redwall

"Life consists of doing the impossible."
Brother Fir, The Heir of Mistmantle

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Thu Mar 10, 2011 2:04 am
jessig833 says...

First off ,im a big warriors fan.

You seem to have everything in order i didnt see any mistakes.
And it seems like it going to be good..
im looking forward to reading more of this story.
and if you can read mine that would be great...


Think of all the beauty still left around you, and smile.
— Anne Frank