
Young Writers Society

Experiment F58

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Sat Oct 03, 2009 12:59 am
madhatter58 says...

Hello :D You might be familiar with this piece since I've posted it on this site before, but after a few months of hard thinking. The final re-write of the first draft has taken flight and won't stop (I promise). So please, if you would be so kind, critique and rip this to shreds. Thank-you :) I'll try to return the favor as quickly as humanly possible. :elephant:

People say when you’re about to die, your life flashes before your eyes. That’s a lie. All I could see were the small bubbles of air escaping from my lips and drifting up to the surface of the ocean. Fear overwhelmed me and I fought wildly against the water that was stealing my life from me. Darkness gained control of my vision and my lungs convulsed painfully. The small remains of life slipped through my loose hold like smoke.

My memories consumed me. I could remember everything; from the moment that I was born to the moment I died. I could feel everything as well, my emotions unbearably vivid and overpowering. All my love and joy clashed brutally against my sorrow, anger and fear, which made me scream and writher in agony. It was worse that the most morbid torture one could endure. I was powerless against it, unable to make it stop. It was like having your life compressed into one memory. Slowly, it faded away. I was left weak and disoriented.
A flat, emotionless voice blasted through my aching head, making me wince. “F58 has awoken. M.E is complete.”
Who is that? Where am I? What am I doing? I thought sluggishly. I wanted desperately to open my eyes and see who was talking, but they felt glued shut. My whole body burned and ached. Something was wrong. I had just drowned. I was dead; but that was impossible.
“And? What’s F58’s status?” snapped another voice, their tone implying great annoyance.
“79% possibility of containing information,” replied the monotonous voice.
I forced my eyes open, but quickly squeezed them back shut. The light was blinding and painful, seeming to burn my eyes. I took a deep, ragged breath and murmured,” What’re you talking about?” My mouth was dry and my throat parched. Pain shot through my head and down my spine, enabling me to move. My thoughts returned to their chaotic state.
“Should I get the M.W ready?” growled the annoyed person. “Hurry up, before F58 wakes up completely.”
“No, F58 can join the other Dreamers.”
I forced my eyes open, the light not as blinding as it had been previously. Everything was white and my eyes wouldn’t focus. Slowly, I turned my head to one side and something soft and dark covered my eyes, returning me to the darkness. Determined to not let whoever was with me get the best of me, I whispered,” What’s going on? Who are you? What are you talking about?”
“Damn it! Before F58 wakes up, give me the normal rundown! I don’t want another N02 episode to happen.”
“Yes, sir. F58’s name is Jacqueline Birstmor, female, fifteen years old, born in 1994-”
“What’s going on?” I said clearly, my head finally clear. I was positive that I was dead, so whatever was going on at the moment was impossible. In one fluid motion, I ripped the cloth that was covering my eyes off and sat up, my eyes settling on something that made me regret ever having opened them. My throat closed up in terror, not allowing me to scream.
There was some sort of deformed human next to me. It had skin so translucent that I could see its veins clearly beneath, as if they were blue lines drawn on paper. It had no hair, just smooth unwrinkled skin. Bones jutted out of it’s face awkwardly, skin stretched so tautly that I thought it was going to tear. It had no nose or ears, just small barely noticeable holes for ears and nostrils.
The most horrifying features were it’s eyes and mouth. It’s eyes could barely be seen as they had sunk so deep into their sockets and were so white that they seemed to glow, with pinpricks of black pupils. Tiny, thread-like streams of red flowed down its face, as if it were crying tears of blood. Never did it drip from the creatures jutting chin though, only vanish at the tip. Its mouth seemed to be sewn shut with thick, black cable that crisscrossed over it.
I began to shake so horribly that I could barely sit up. My breaths came in short gasps, making darkness edge into my vision. I kicked out with my feet, which caught on bed sheets and forced me backwards until I hit a wall. The wrong feeling that I had felt before was nothing compared to what I felt then.
“This is exactly what I didn’t want happening. G76, deal with her,” said someone on my other side. I wanted to look, but I couldn’t take my eyes off the creature. Footsteps sounded and then vanished. Whoever else had been in the room left. Me and the creature stared at each other. Eventually, I felt my racing heart begin to slow. Terrifying as it might look, it didn’t seem to want to harm me in anyway.
“What is F58’s name?”
I dug my nails into my palms painfully. “A-are you referring to me?” I was proud that my voice barely shook.
I tried to stop trembling. “Why do you call me F58? And you already know my name, I heard you tell someone else. Where am I? Am I dead? What are you? What the hell is happen-” My voice got higher and higher until I was yelling. The creature cut me off.
“F58 was born in Ward F and is the 58th child, therefore, F58 is called F58. F58 is in the Dream Lab, Ward F, room 58. F58 is not dead. G76 is human.”
This isn’t happening. Was I abducted my aliens? I thought in panic. Blood started to drip from my clenched fists and onto the pure white bed sheets.
“What is F58’s name?”
I didn’t want to answer, but something forced my mouth to form words. “Jacqueline Birstmor.”
“Year of birth?”
“What continent, country and city is F58 from?”
I bit my tongue, trying to force myself to not talk. “North America, Canada, Calgary. I’ve been living in St. Johns with my uncle for two years.”
“How did F58 wake up?”
Now I wasn’t able to answer because I had no idea what the creature was talking about. Seeing my baffled expression the creature said,” G76 seems to have phrased that question incorrectly. F58 is a new Dreamer. How did F58 die?”
I swear my heart stopped when the word “die” emerged from the creature. The shock that I should have been feeling previously started to kick in. My head started spinning, my stomach churn and my heart throb. The one thing that I had told myself was impossible, and feared the most, was true. I was dead. I didn’t want to accept it, I wanted it to just be a lie. My mind rejected the words instantly. I wasn’t a religious person, but I had always thought there was some sort of heaven or hell that one would go to after death. I had been proven wrong.
Even though my brain was frozen in shock, I whispered unconsciously,” I drowned.”
“How did F58 drown?”
I squeezed my eyes shut, not wanting to think about it. More blood flowed from my hands.
“My uncle got into a fight with my parents so I ran out of the house during a storm. I slipped and fell into the river, which had swelled up to twice its size from the rain.”
I noticed a white, sliding door behind the creature that could be easily mistaken for a wall. I can escape if I’m fast enough! I thought with hope. I just have to get around this creature. I decided to ask a couple more questions to stall for time while I prepared myself to make my run for it.
“Am I really dead? I mean, if I’m dead, how am I here? You jut asked me how I died, but before, you said that I wasn’t really dead. It doesn’t make sense,” I said quickly, edging slowly towards the edge of the table that I was on.
“F58 is not dead. F58 experienced death within the Dream, of which F58 has woken from.”
“What’s the Dream?”
“G76 is not permitted to give out information about the Dream.”
I held back a scowl and asked,” Before, you referred to me as a Dreamer. What’s a Dreamer then?”
“A human who has undergone the Dream.”
Now! I screamed to myself. I threw myself off the bed and raced towards the door, but in one lightning face motion, the creature injected a needle into my arm and I crashed to the ice cold floor. I tried to break my fall with my elbow, which hit the floor with all my weight and pain danced up my arm. Cursing, I desperately tried to crawl towards the door, but my body wouldn’t respond to me, like it were made from lead. The last thing I saw before my vision faded away into darkness was a bloody smear from my elbow on the pure white floor.

*** Note - Remember that this is just a first draft so suggestions on ANYTHING would be highly appreciated. Thank-you again!
I'm not emo. I'm just thoughtful. Think about it :D

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Sat Oct 03, 2009 2:45 am
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Deifyance says...

Good idea. I have a feeling this is going to be along the lines of Matrix?
One thing. If the creature is talking, how is it's mouth sewed shut?
and of coarse just some small grammar like jut instead of just.
Overall good job ill be watching. Keep writing :D
Check out my current Series: Changing Legacy

Chapter 1
Changing Legacy: Chapter 1 - Disheartening

Chapter 2
Changing Legacy: Chapter 2 - Ambushed

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Sat Oct 03, 2009 5:06 am
pacu says...

madhatter58 wrote:My memories consumed me. I could remember everything; from the moment that I was born to the moment I died. I could feel everything as well, my emotions unbearably vivid and overpowering.

Isn't this an example of someone's life flashing before their eyes?

madhatter58 wrote:“What’s going on?” I said clearly, my head finally clear

find a word other than "clear"

madhatter58 wrote:only vanish at the tip

The tip of what?
madhatter58 wrote: and my heart throb

should be throbbed
madhatter58 wrote:which had swelled up to twice its size from the rain.”

This seems to be a rather detached and scientific way to talk about your own death.

Overall a good story, I liked the G76 character, I wanted to know more about it. The start is great how the weird experience of the main character is contrasted with this really dry, scientific dialouge.
the only thing that didn't quite make sense was the main character trying to run at the end. F58 is acting quite rationally but then suddenly decides to run away without working out if G76 is good or bad, or even if it's possible to escape. I would seriously think about cutting that part out, it was probably the only weakness in the story.
a very good start though, make sure you keep writing.

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Tue Oct 06, 2009 3:54 pm
OxfordandOnyx says...

Hi, OxfordandOnyx here to review (:

I'll start of by saying even though that paragraph of 'deformed human' description was quite a chunk, you described that thing well- I was so creeped out when I read it (which is a good thing) and I could picture all those veins in my head as well!

Okay first off...

People say when you’re about to die, your life flashes before your eyes. That’s a lie.

I really liked the way you opened up into the story. I was intrigued and instantly wanted to read more. However, you then go on to say...

My memories consumed me. I could remember everything; from the moment that I was born to the moment I died.

So, I was a tad bit confused as you basically describe her life flashing before her eyes! You kind of contradict yourself a bit there :P


Its mouth seemed to be sewn shut with thick, black cable that crisscrossed over it.

You say the creatures mouth is sewn shut, yet it talks. Is it talking with some advanced gadget? Telepathy? Please explain as this is quite confusing.

I swear my heart stopped when the word “die” emerged from the creature.

Hmm, there's something a bit off about this sentence. I don't see how a word would 'emerge' from a creature.

I liked the way you conveyed your characters feelings, I find that hard to do sometimes but you did quite well.

All my love and joy clashed brutally against my sorrow, anger and fear, which made me scream and writher in agony.

I really liked this sentence. Although 'writher' is suppose to be 'writhe' but nice choice of word.

Your character seems very trusting....

Eventually, I felt my racing heart begin to slow. Terrifying as it might look, it didn't’t seem to want to harm me in anyway.

It seemed she also answered a lot of questions immediately. It seemed a little off, especially as she is supposedly traumatised, I can understand her willingness to cooperate but I think you should try and add in some description of her speech. She when she tells them her name, you could, say... Describe her stuttering or describe how her voice was shaking.

I bit my tongue, trying to force myself to not talk. “North America, Canada, Calgary. I’ve been living in St. Johns with my uncle for two years.”

Again, she is giving quite a lot of information to say she is scared, you have North America, then Canada, then Calgary, then St.Johns and then with her uncle... For two weeks! Maybe she would apprehensive about telling the creature about her life at first and give just the towns name? After all, they have abducted her and she has only just met them.

Also, I agree with what someone else said regarding the part where the MC tries to escape from the creature- it is a bit sudden and out of the blue. I got the impression that the MC kind of trusted the creature.

I think you should make it clear on how she feels about the alien people.

I liked the last line, it makes me want to carry on reading. This was a very entertaining chapter- my favourite being the description of the creature, although, the paragraph was a bit too long for my liking.

PM if you post up another chapter or an improvement on this one, I'll be sure to review as I really enjoyed reading this! (:

Keep on writing (:

Four kinds of people I hate most in life.
1. People who use a preposition to end a sentence with.
2. People who can't count.
3. People who think it's 'clever' to quote ironic phrases.

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Fri Oct 09, 2009 11:27 am
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Dubaian says...

your life flashes before your eyes. That’s a lie.

My memories consumed me.

Contradiction, needs revision, either by changing her view on what happens when you die or by removing the 'memories' paragraph.

My whole body burned and ached. Something was wrong. I had just drowned.

Having three short sentences in line with each other seems a bit out of place. Try to create a sentence encompassing all of them.

My mouth was dry and my throat parched.

My favourite line due to the great contrast between this paragraph and the first.

“Hurry up, before F58 wakes up completely.”

“Damn it! Before F58 wakes up, give me the normal rundown!..."

Stating 'before F58 wakes up' twice becomes a bit too repetitive. Perhaps by removing the second, you can achieve greater flow. The character has already stated that G76 needs to hurry before she wakes, so he should not have to state it again, but cut it straight to what he needs, the rundown. It will give a greater sense of urgency if you get straight to what he needs.

The description of the creature is very good, although I too am confused about the black cable keeping the creatures mouth sealed. You need to state how it is still able to communicate to the MC.

Never did it drip from the creatures jutting chin though, only vanish at the tip.

This just needs a quick re-phrasal, seems a bit weird a sentence.

“North America, Canada, Calgary. I’ve been living in St. Johns with my uncle for two years.”

Try to cut areas like this down, shes being interviewed by something she was terrified at. Why would she give away information to a complete stranger. That and the fact of how she died, I suggest leaving that whole sentence at "Fell into a river."

Lastly the scene where she tries to flee is a bit confusing. Why would she want to run away when she seems to have calmed down?

This is still great work, just my ten cents.

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Fri Oct 09, 2009 3:22 pm
fhwdf says...

I like it! There's not much to say that hasn't already been said, but I think it's a great idea and definitely worth following up. I would be interested to find out more about the backstory with the parents and uncle - why are they in the same house to have a fight in the first place? A family reunion? Dinner party? Does the uncle live with them?

I think the important thing to keep in mind whilst writing sci-fi is that a lot of people aren't going to be interested in long, technical descriptions, which you probably have realised already, and certainly isn't a problem with this, but just if you were thinking of writing more...
"What if, doctor, we need these knots and these tangles because they're the only things holding our souls down - and if we untied the knots and untangled the tangles and stretched them out ... would our souls just float away?"
~Luke Kennard, A Practical Course in Entry Level Expressionism

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Sat Oct 10, 2009 7:33 pm
Stealth_Slicer says...

Hi all

I really like it very mysterious. Not much of a background is given but I think it was intended here, I think you could have put more in were you say “from the moment that I was born to the moment I died”. Perhaps put a strong memory there, and not just say all of them were remembered.

All the best

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Fri Oct 16, 2009 10:26 pm
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SaberCrazy says...

madhatter58 wrote:People say when you’re about to die, your life flashes before your eyes. That’s a lie. All I could see were the small bubbles of air escaping from my lips and drifting up to the surface of the ocean. Fear overwhelmed me and I fought wildly against the water that was stealing my life from me. Darkness gained control of my vision and my lungs convulsed painfully. The small remains of life slipped through my loose hold like smoke.

My memories consumed me. I could remember everything; from the moment that I was born to the moment I died.

This is in fact, not a contradiction... Yeah I'm the new guy.

I would like to point out that the main character dies and then she has her life flash before her eyes. Where if about was not in the sentence it would be, she died but it's a lie that she is witnessing her life flash before her eyes.

Just thought I'd point that out as best I could... and yes I have a bit of a grammar problem.

Any questions on that ask me over PM, lol kinda a slippery explanation. :?

The tools of conquest do not necessarily come with bombs and explosions and fallout. There are weapons that are simply thoughts, attitudes, prejudices; to be found only in the minds of men. For the record, prejudices can kill, and suspicions can destroy. A thoughtless, frightened search for a scapegoat has a fallout all of its own.
— Rod Serling, Twilight Zone