
Young Writers Society


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1162 Reviews

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Sat Nov 26, 2022 4:21 am
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Carlito says...

DAY 25
one month until Christmas, and day 2 of NaNo Hail Mary Writing Weekend!

Today: 810
Total: 35844
NaNo total: 18444

One little line:

Today I:
*did a good chunk of ch. 14 (two scenes that are mostly recycled)
*did some agent spreadsheet organization (cause it's never too early lol)
*skated for 3 hours
*played sims for 0 hours

I was pretty beat after all that skating today and didn't quite get as far as I wanted, but that's okay! I'm pretty close to the end of act 2, and my goal will be to finish act 2 tomorrow. I have no plans tomorrow other than laundry and going to the grocery store. If I can finish act 2 that will put me back on track to where I wanted to be by the end of this weekend :)
It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.

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1162 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 32055
Reviews: 1162
Mon Nov 28, 2022 3:54 am
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Carlito says...

DAY 26 & 27
the end of NaNo Hail Mary Writing Weekend!

Today: 2464
Total: 36878
NaNo total: 20908

One little line: Would Seth go this out of his way to spend time with me if it was all fake to him?

During the weekend finale I:
*finished ch. 14, reworked the ending a little bit to prep for a better novel midpoint
*wrote all of ch. 15, which is a completely new chapter! I added a character and reworked everything leading up to the midpoint and the midpoint itself.
*roughy plotted all the scenes of act 3. I was nervous about this because the dark night of the soul and pretty much the last third of the first draft is super weak and a total mess because I was sick of writing and just wanted to be done. I now have hope it will be better! (I personally use a four act system rather than three. It's the same as three acts, except I divide the second act into two different acts so act two doesn't feel so long.)
*started a read through of everything I've done so far! I want to make sure act 2 is working before I move on to act 3, and I want the context of act 1 so I'm starting from the top :)

I was struggling with the midpoint for this book because the midpoint in the first draft was a little weak and I wasn't sure how I wanted to fix it. I thought I figured it out, but was struggling to write the final two scenes of this act to bring us to the midpoint. Then as I was mostly pantsing a new scene with a new character, I had a big cute aha moment that will help bring the midpoint. AND THIS IS WHY I LOVE PANTSING. I will admit that plotting does help me when I revise and write subsequent drafts, but sometimes pantsers just need to pants lol.

For reference:
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[size=150][b][color=teal]DAY 1[/color][/b][/size]
[b]NaNo total:[/b]

[b]One little line:[/b]
It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.

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I want to beta read your novel!

Ask me anything. Talk to me about anything. Seriously. My PM box is always open <3

a little humanity makes all the difference
— Rosendorn