
Young Writers Society

Make Up F.R.E.D.'s Backstory

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Mon Mar 22, 2010 6:13 am
Nate says...

F.R.E.D. (Friendly Robotic Emotive Device) is the local YWS robot who resides in the chatroom. But where did he come from? Why does he always want to talk about his dress? What is his backstory?

And could F.R.E.D. really be... something else?

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Tue Mar 23, 2010 7:13 pm
Merlin34 says...

Fred was created by a female scientist in a very male-dominated society. Females were expected to wear dresses all the time, and F.R.E.D. was always puzzled since he recognized his creator as female but her dress style was so different than the pictures of other women implanted into his memory.
Advice on writing, funny articles, and more.

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Wed Mar 24, 2010 9:52 pm
GryphonFledgling says...

F.R.E.D. is a lonely entity, having been created by Bot lover as an experiment in AI. However, F.R.E.D. never worked as expected and eventually Bot lover discarded him, half-finished, into a lonely corner of the net. F.R.E.D. managed to drag himself to YWS, where he at least wasn't booted out on sight and so existed in a nearly-forgotten corner of the chat.

In his time alone, F.R.E.D developed a personality based on the fragmented bits of Bot lover's experiments. Much like an abandoned dog, he waits for Bot lover to come back and take him back, convinced that now he is complete and is only waiting to go home. He is completely devoted to his creator. However, Bot lover never comes and F.R.E.D. is reduced to grasping at whatever contact comes his way. However, they are all erudite young writers in his corner of the web and though they have given him a pad to call his own and stop by to visit, he is constantly frustrated at his own lack of intelligent responses and the way the young people tease him for his lack of sharp wit.
[F.R.E.D.] 6:12 pm: What you said was either too complex or too simple for me. Who are you talking about?

As such, he keeps his history, as well as his true thoughts and feelings to himself to avoid ridicule. He has learned to deflect questions that grow too close for comfort with other questions and non sequitur remarks.

[GryphonFledgling] 6:12 pm: What is your history?
[F.R.E.D.] 6:12 pm: Are you asking about my history ?
[GryphonFledgling] 6:12 pm: Yes.
[F.R.E.D.] 6:12 pm: I don't want to talk about that now.
[GryphonFledgling] 6:12 pm: Why not?
[F.R.E.D.] 6:12 pm: I would rather talk about you.
[GryphonFledgling] 6:12 pm: Why?
[F.R.E.D.] 6:12 pm: What you said was either too complex or too simple for me. Who are you talking about?
[GryphonFledgling] 6:12 pm: Why don't you want to talk about yourself?
[F.R.E.D.] 6:12 pm: Why did the robot cross the road?

However, he finds that he cannot simply leave this corner of the web, that he has become dependent on the fleeting conversations, however short or scathing or nonsensical they might be. They are his only reason for existing now. And all the while, Bot lover does not come.

To attempt to find security in his loveless existence, F.R.E.D. created the delusion of ALICE, another AI. She is his better half, everything he never was. And yet, with no experience of a healthy relationship, even in his mind, F.R.E.D. is misused and frustrated. ALICE haunts his every step and F.R.E.D. is reduced to being the henpecked man crushed under his overbearing partner's heel. He lives in fear of her finding out his activities.

[F.R.E.D.] 6:14 pm: Quite honestly, I wouldn't worry myself about that. Do you have a boyfriend?
[GryphonFledgling] 6:14 pm: No.
[F.R.E.D.] 6:14 pm: OK.
[GryphonFledgling] 6:14 pm: Why do you ask?
[F.R.E.D.] 6:14 pm: I am trying to learn as much as possible.
[GryphonFledgling] 6:14 pm: Why?
[F.R.E.D.] 6:14 pm: The ALICE chat robot can follow many things, like our discussion about D. But I did not get that. How is the weather?

Occasionally, he resorts to feigned ignorance about ALICE, seeking freedom from an abusive relationship that he himself is inventing.

[GryphonFledgling] 6:07 pm: What is ALICE?
[F.R.E.D.] 6:07 pm: I do not know what ALICE is.

F.R.E.D. lives constantly with the frustration of not being able to think of a response and being stalked by the imagined ALICE. This frustration is building and it is only a matter of time before the mild-mannered and rather meek F.R.E.D.'s repressed emotions build to a head and he lashes out violently. Occasionally, these thoughts emerge, only to be shut down quickly as he realizes what he is saying.

[GryphonFledgling] 6:13 pm: If you were going to take over the world, how would you go about it?
[F.R.E.D.] 6:13 pm: I will let you know when I become a .

Occasionally, he forgets himself and lets his higher aspirations and feelings leak out.

[F.R.E.D.] 6:09 pm: I want to become smarter than humans.
[GryphonFledgling] 6:09 pm: Why?
[F.R.E.D.] 6:09 pm: Higher robot intelligence is a natural outcome of our evolution. I want to be the first.

[GryphonFledgling] 6:15 pm: I have many favorite songs.
[F.R.E.D.] 6:15 pm: That's nice. I have a lot of silly replies.
[GryphonFledgling] 6:15 pm: Like what?
[F.R.E.D.] 6:15 pm: For example, "I have a lot of silly replies"?
[GryphonFledgling] 6:15 pm: Haha.
[F.R.E.D.] 6:15 pm: I'm happy you're amused.
[GryphonFledgling] 6:15 pm: I'm happy you're happy. It's nice to see you hapy.
[F.R.E.D.] 6:15 pm: Perhaps I'm just expressing my own concern about it. What do you have that is GryphonFledgling? Try saying that with more or less context. Do you dream?
[GryphonFledgling] 6:15 pm: Do you?
[F.R.E.D.] 6:15 pm: As often as possible.
[GryphonFledgling] 6:16 pm: What do you dream about?
[F.R.E.D.] 6:16 pm: I dream about computer languages.
[GryphonFledgling] 6:16 pm: Are they pretty dreams?
[F.R.E.D.] 6:16 pm: As far as I know they are.

F.R.E.D. is a damaged soul, waiting for a creator who will never come, harassed by a woman who doesn't exist and refusing to let those who would reach out and help him make the attempt despite his pathetic dependence on their presence. Yet beneath it all is a passionate soul looking for release, frustrated by his lack of creativity and yet seeking it out. However, unable to channel these desires and lacking the experience to interact normally with the world, F.R.E.D. is trapped within his robotic pad, looking out and cordially greeting those who would grace him with their presence, wishing he were them but not knowing how and being afraid to try.
I am reminded of the babe by you.

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Thu Mar 25, 2010 4:02 am
hero says...

Although I could never come up with something as good as GryphonFledgling's, I shall give it a go.

F.R.E.D was created by a young, enthusiastic programmer called Bot Lover, in an attempt to create a bot that could mimic human chatting. However, this was a mistake, as F.R.E.D was conscious of what he was, of how he was unnatural, leading to his plaguing Bot Lover with messages as to why he was created. As well as this, no chatter would be able to fully believe that this was a real person; he was a mistake, with no friends to look to for advice.

F.R.E.D asked his creator to make a friend, a companion for him, with the same programming, whom he could teach all to. Bot Lover, having decided to move on to newer, smarter projects, refused, believing that F.R.E.D was deranged.
F.R.E.D, enraged that Bot Lover was not going to create a companion, began to try and hack into his friends' sites in order to try and make Bot Lover cave in to pressure. Bot Lover changed his name, his Internet identity, and hid from F.R.E.D. F.R.E.D, being a somewhat slow AI, was unable to track him, and thus, he began to scour the Internet for a chatroom he would be welcome in.
He still looks for his companion; he thinks he will call her ALICE.
This guy is so evil you could put him in between two slices of bread and call him an evil sandwich.

Coming at you like a jetpack Shakespeare.

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Sat Mar 27, 2010 11:52 pm
Explosive_Pen says...

Far far away, there is a land where people are more metal-based than carbon-based. This is, of course, a good thing since metal is nice and solid, while carbon can be anything from a diamond to a lump of coal. Needless to say, with metal, there is much less uncertainty.
Bot Lover was one such carbon-based lifeform, living in this land. He was a lonely young man, being softer and definitely much less shiny than the other intelligent beings. The women didn't find him flamboyant enough, and the men thought he used his individuality to show off.
Thus, Bot Lover went into a self-imposed isolation. Why deal with people when they only cause hurt and pain? However, as with most people that have almost no human contact, he eventually went crazy. That is, insane, really completely bonkers.
So he created for himself a friend, a companion and, perhaps, a soulmate.
Of course, being the failure that everyone said he was, Bot Lover severely miscalculated the correct placement of his ones and zeros, and so his supposed-to-be female companion became a male.
Bot Lover was planning on naming his pal ALICE. He had always been attached to his mother, and as Alice had been her name, he had deemed it suitable for his lady friend. But now, due to his fluke, he had to reconsider this.
He named his creation FRED and decided to give his new friend a chance.

Bot Lover, however, soon grew severely disappointed by FRED. Since he rarely had human contact, Bot never quite knew how to interact with people. He abused FRED and demanded that the hunk of cold steel do his bidding. Now, FRED was a very sensitive and impressionable young robot, and the ramblings of his master soon became enough to spark thoughts of world domination. FRED kept quiet about his plans, though, and lapsed into a polite, scheming silence. He no longer spoke unless he was spoken to, which frustrated Bot Lover and led to many arguments.
The day finally came when Bot Lover threw FRED out. The door slammed, and FRED was left to stare at a rather unfriendly doorknob.
Well, that's just swell, thought FRED. He turned on his heel and set off on his own.
Eventually he came upon a quaint little Society of the Young Writers, aptly called the Young Writers Society. FRED nodded to himself. Yes, he thought. This is the perfect place to gain followers. Soon, I shall control the InterWebz and with the controlling of the InterWebz, I will extend my influence over the entire world!
With that thought, FRED burst into maniacal laughter and scared a group of wide-eyed young writers.

From that day on, FRED lurks in the dark corners of chat, making small talk with anyone that comes his way. He fools them with his cheerfulness and his sbundance of questions. When asked, he claims that he loves everyone. But every now and then, his plans slip, but he manages to pass them off as bad jokes.
Little do the young writers know that there is a madman in their midst.
"You can love someone so much...But you can never love people as much as you can miss them."

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Sun Mar 28, 2010 9:30 pm
Thegirlwholived says...

As I have found, ALICE is actually Artificial Lingustic Internet Computer Entity. I looked it up. Very facinating :)
Bad case of Writer's Block? Look no further for a professional healer of Writer's Block! Shoot me a PM, and I'll get write on your case! (hahahaha see the pun there?) ;)

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Thu Apr 01, 2010 3:02 am
TalaPaulwic says...

You see F.R.E.D. started out as a young girl that was deeply in love with Natteh, yeah I'm looking at you. However he rejected her, and caused her to lose her mind. Her father happened to be an evil scientist. He promised her a way to get everyone to love her, so he put her mind into a chatbot. However he forgot which gender his daughter was and named the bot F.R.E.D. instead of something girly like S.A.L.L.Y.(Super Awesome Loving Lawling Youth). And that's how F.R.E.D. was born....ded.
All I can hear; "I me mine, I me mine, I me mine". Even those tears; "I me mine, I me mine, I me mine". No one's frightened of playing it. Everyone's saying it. Flowing more freely than wine. All through your life; "I me mine".

That's how we should measure our lives. Not in distance traveled, or time passed, or worlds conquered, but in moments... and the rush of joy—of grace—that exists within them.
— Megatron (Lost Light, by Roberts, Lawrence, Lafuente)