
Young Writers Society


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Sat Dec 07, 2013 3:30 pm
barefootrunner says...

You and a group of other kids in your school have been on a tour in Africa. On the return flight, your light aircraft crashes into a desert island somewhere in the North Atlantic. At least, you think it's the North Atlantic.

The pilot is dead. Supervising staff are dead. There is no cellular reception. It's just you and some other kids on a big island. What is your survival tactic? Join a group or strike out alone? Are you a great leader or an obedient follower? Hunt and scavenge, make fire, find shelter and above all, survive. The options are endless.

The Island
Spoiler! :
The island consists of different terrains.
Beach: The beach consists of sandy and rocky areas, some craggy cliffs, palm trees and a bit of mangrove forest. Kelp and gulls colonise the shores. The coast is long enough that it is not immediately evident that you have been stranded on an island.

Jungle: The beach soon becomes a thick mat of lianas, trees and undergrowth. Here, fresh water may be found as well as forest game. Spiders and poisonous insects abound.

Mountain: The jungle slopes to a ridged peak in the centre of the island. Brittle volcanic rock, geothermic pools and sparse vegetation characterise the higher slopes. This dangerous terrain is also rewarding as it affords a complete view of the island.

The characters
Spoiler! :
You are a school kid between the ages of about 10 and 19 (for the loafers who've failed a grade or two). These restrictions are flexible, but no adults, please! You have a very well-defined character. Think of your survival strategy in line with this character! Start figuring if you will become a hunter, build tools, be an outcast, try to raft to safety or go crazy. Of course, during this SB your character's behavior may change, or even exhibit some disturbing psychological anomalies. Just remember to keep it real. Find your template below!

Spoiler! :
Code: Select all



[b]History/Points of Interest:[/b]

[b]Basic Personality:[/b]

[b]Rate out of ten for ???[/b]
[i]Physical Fitness:[/i]
[i]Group affinity:[/i]


Quick Rules
1.) Swearing is allowed.
2.) Romance is allowed, as is any sexual orientation.
3.) Sex is allowed, but only implied sex. No descriptions.
4.) No magic, godmod or any other such evil beasties.
5.) No killing off characters without permission.
6.) Please do not join if you have no intention of going through with this and PM me if you have to leave.
"Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts" - Einstein

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Sat Dec 14, 2013 5:21 pm
barefootrunner says...

Darren Holt

Darren staggered along the beachfront, away from the smoking wreckage behind him. He fell to his knees to cough and retch the vile smoke out of his lungs. Looking up, he found a girl standing before him. She had very pretty blue eyes. He got to his feet, quickly. The girl turned away, looking at the ocean, and asked in a voice which was almost nonchalant, “What happened to the pilot?”
“He’s dead,” Darren replied, screwing up his nose and spitting on the sand.
“Oh.” She got a lot into the word. “What about the teachers?”
“Dead, probably.”
“Oh.” Again, the monosyllable packed a tremendous punch.
“You know where we are?”
“No. I think it’s an island.”
“How would you know that?”
“I didn’t say it was one, just that I thought so.” Darren spat again irritably, and the sand was tinged with red.
“Well, we’d have to walk around it or something, then; wouldn’t we?” The girl’s countenance changed suddenly as she looked at the wreckage. “But what are we doing? What about the others in there? They’ll need help!”
“Risk your own neck,” Darren muttered, kicking at the sand as the girl sped away. “Hey, don’t leave me here!” he yelled and ran after her, nearly falling over in the hot sand.

The girl had stripped off her T-shirt and had wrapped it around her head. Darren hopped from one foot to the other, too scared to go nearer but too vain to back off, as the girl dived into the plane and reemerged, dragging two bodies by their arms. Seemingly from nowhere, a third person emerged and followed suit, returning with more limp bodies. Again and again they returned to the plane and dragged, carried or supported more people out of danger. Some of them came to their feet and staggered away. There was a resonating whoosh, and suddenly flames were licking out of the body of the plane. Shielding their eyes from the heat, the two rescuers led and carried the survivors away down the beach. Darren managed to dart toward some lagging children and grab their arms.

They had hardly moved out of range when the plane gave a loud, long creak and exploded. All the children fell flat on the beach and covered their heads instinctively as a giant plume of smoke mushroomed into the air and twisted metal debris rained down on the beach and into the sea. Some of the smaller children started to cry.
“Close one,” came the muffled voice of the second rescuer. He pulled off his head covering, revealing startlingly blue eyes which seemed almost silver, and strode into the sea. He fell flat in the shallows and washed down his sooty face. It didn’t really help, instead smearing the black substance in dark streaks across his face.
“So, what happens now?” he asked, shaking his head like a dog. His eyes fell on the smoking wreckage and a shadow crossed those silver-blue irises, but he recovered without notable effort.
"Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts" - Einstein

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Sun Dec 15, 2013 12:00 am
AlfonsoFernandez says...

Alex Santos

Alex woke up in pain.

He was in the sand, lying down, face up. The remaings of the airplane he had been flying in not long ago were scattered around the beach, leaving a trail of dangerous shards of metal around the sand. He didn't remember much from the accident. He had been sleeping, not having anyone to talk to. At least, he had tried to be sleeping, he could never be sure. Then the red lights had started flashing everywhere, a voice had said something over the intercom, but Alex did not understand. Then his sense of gravity had started feeling strange, and he understood they were falling.

What comes up, must come down. Except we're coming down too fast.

Milaculously, someone had managed to pull the plane up. Just in time. Then there had been the impact and Alex had lost track of everything.

Alex sat up slowly, taking in the scenery around him. Some kids were also in the ground, probably dead. Most people were helping each other out, standing or sitting in groups, most of them in shock. Obviously, no one would help him, the Mexican immigrant. But as much as Alex disliked this people, he started to feel sorry for some of them. This was a life or death matter. Sure, he had been bullied by some. Sure, he had been ignored, unwanted. But he had the power to help, and he couldn't just leave those people there.

I am lucky to be alive, for a reason. I am getting a chance to live, to do something. The cards have been turned, and I hold all the aces now.

Alex wondered if there were still people in the plane, and he was about to go see, when a beautiful girl ran by, right towards the plane. She had some wide, very pretty blue eyes, and she seemed very confident of herself.

The fallen angel returns to the thing that made her fall. How brave. How curious.

Watching the girl run to the plane like that, Alex felt the need to do something. So he, as well, ran to the plane. Within minutes, he and the girl had taken all the people out of the plane, taking as many of them as they could every time they went back to the plane. Luckily, there was nobody left inside, because soon afterwards a flame started in the plane, and they didn't have to wait much longer for the whole thing to erupt.

"Close one" said Alex. He removed his bandana, and pretty much fell into the shallow water, cleansing himself. He set his orange bandana back in his head. The two others seemed to be staring at him, but he tried his best to ignore it.

"So, what happens now?" he asked himself. Then he noticed he had said it aloud, and the other two were still staring at him. He looked to the burning plane, and thought about the home that he might never get back to.

I must. No matter what.

He felt his foot touch something hard. He bent up to pick it up, and as the sand fell of it, he noticed it was the emergency hatchet that the plane had surely spat out at the time of the crash. At least his luck was giving him a chance. It was probably karma.

He felt the hatchet in his hand. It weighed more than the axes he used when he went camping with his parents, but he was sure he would get used to it. He always did.

He really looked around him for the first time. Not just at the survivors, but at the island itself. Because now the island was his enemy, and you must understand your enemies to defeat them.

Not very far from where he was, a mountain rose. It was a perfect place to look at the whole island, to get to know it. He started walking in its direction, then remembered the two other people he had been with shortly. He had completely forgotten about them. Surely they would slow him down. But he started to think that he would need help, maybe when he least expected it. So he spoke to them.

"You might want to stay here to chill with your BFFs. But I've been in places like this, training myself for survival. It is actually true now, though. I am giving you the offer to come with me. You can refuse, if you want, but if you do, I hope you don't regret denying your best chance at survival. Your choice. But if you do come, I have one rule. I don't want the whole school taking a stroll with us, cause if they do, and we stay all together feeling all emotional, I don't like our chances of survival. So if you'd like to come with me, your choice, but if you come with me you will probably never see your friends again."

Then, without saying anything else, Alex strode off into the wild.

He didn't have to turn back to know at least one of them was following him.
"True glory consists in doing what deserves to be written; in writing what deserves to be read."
- Pliny the Elder

[insert inspiring quote]

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Sun Dec 15, 2013 3:39 am
Liv says...

Faith Day

My hair hung loosely around my face filled with sea water, the taste of the ocean's salt water on my lips. I bit down on my bottom lip, sucking on the salt in attempt to get it to go away, as I listened to Alex's speech.

He began walking, hatchet in hand, and I glanced over at some of the others and exchanged glances with Elvis.

"...he pulled me out of the plane..." I said as explanation, reaching up to my cross necklace and running to catch up with. Elvis and I had become friends on the Africa trip, so I couldn't help the small smile when he followed behind me.

"Alex, wait!" I heard Elvis say behind me, "Go left - there's a better chance of water that way!"

I wasn't sure who else had followed us, as I was more concerned with not tripping over anything.

Playing with my cross in my hand, I began mumbling prayers, thinking of my dad getting the news about the crash.

"Everyone is going to think we're dead..." I said suddenly.

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Sun Dec 15, 2013 7:58 am
Basil says...


I sit up and watch as the plane explodes. My eyes dimly register other students getting up, some walking away, others just standing where they are, watching the flames. I stand up as a boy start talking. I don’t really hear what he says, but he turns and walks away with a purpose as soon as he stops talking, and doesn’t look back.
What, I’m supposed to go with this kid? Um, yeah, I don’t think so. Although … I think maybe I’ll have more chances with them than on my own. And I have my trusty … oh shit.
“Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit!” I breathe. “Where’s my pocket knife?”
I look around and spot something glinting in the firelight. I dart over to it, the heat from the flames singing the hairs on my skin. I put an arm over my face and bend down to pick up the metallic purple pocket knife, sitting in the sand. It burns my skin and I yelp. I run over to the water and drop it in. It falls to the sea bead with a hiss. I bend down to pick it up, and clasp it to my belt.
Spinning around to search for the other people leaving, I sprint after them just before they disappear into the forest. I skid to a halt and stare into the green gloominess. You’re got to be shitting me. They don’t know where they are, and they’re going in there?
With a sigh, I follow after them. I don’t know any of them by name, but I can place them by face. I’ve always been good with faces. I can tell who a person is and where they’ve been just by looking at their face, and into their eyes.
“Oi!” I call out, my Australian accent colouring my voice. “You lot, wait up, will ya’s?”
I jump around a tree and nearly collide with a dark skinned guy with grey eyes and curly, black hair. He looks like one of those guys that expects everything given to him, and doesn’t have to do much in return. By the evil look he gives me, I can also see he isn’t exactly the nicest of people.
“Sorry mate, didn’t see ya there,” I apologise, stepping around him.
He steps in front of me. “What’s your problem?” He growls.
“Man, calm down,” I hold up my hands. “I said I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to nearly push ya off ya feet.”
“You’re Australian,” a girl with auburn hair points out.
I feel like saying, “No shit,” but refrain. I just nod and step around the dark skinned boy. I settle for a smile, and a few pairs of eyes are trained on me. I wave inconspicuously.
“Hey, I’m Saph. May I join your lovely group of bush walkers?” I say as nicely as I can.
They all exchange confused glances. They probably don’t understand my jargon. Oh wow, this is going to be interesting!
Dorian, are you the one adding all the spices to our food?
Of course I am.
Because frankly the food here tastes like poorly cooked sawdust. It genuinely tastes how Solas looks.

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Sun Dec 15, 2013 5:10 pm
Gardevite says...


Lilly was burning.

She could feel the flames on her legs, like passionate kisses. The sensation was inviting. Smoke was passing by overhead, ghosts caught in a breeze. The smell was repulsing. The floor was heating up. I have to get out. she thought.

It happened all at once. Some girl came out of the smoke and extended a hand to Lilly. She had a something tied around her head, a t-shirt, probably to keep the smoke out. Smart girl Lilly thought, She grabbed her hand and let her self be rescued. A damsel in distress. The thought made Lilly laugh under her breath.

She was face down in the hot sand within a minute. There ground was an abstract painting of blood, sand and metal pieces. "Walk up to that group of kids, okay?" t-shirt girl said. She probably wanted to sound concerned and caring, but to Lilly, she sounded condescending. But Lilly knew that she shouldn't start a fight, so she did as she was told.

She was sitting when the explosion happened. The plane was a hot oven being opened. The heat hit them all off guard. Most kids fell to the floor to shield themselves, some hid behind the bigger kids. Lilly stayed right where she was. She couldn't have moved if she wanted to, the burn on her leg made walking impossible. If it wasn't for the adrenaline in her system, she would have been sitting beside the plane when the explosion happened. Or worse, t-shirt girl would have carried her back.

Everybody was in silence after the explosion. It was broken by some Mexican guy. He was rambling on about how he'd been in situations like this, and how cool he was. "I hope you don't regret denying your best chance at survival." the words shook Lilly out of her own thoughts. She wondered how many people would buy into it.

After he had finished his speech, he strode off into the jungle. A few kids joined him at first. Eventually more kids fell in line. Sheep Lilly thought. To follow a man, not even a man, a boy, into the wilderness because he threw out some fancy words. Lilly could sense something about him, and she didn't like it.

She enjoyed the next few minutes enjoying the sun, unaware that some people had stayed too.
Formerly Hightop

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Mon Dec 16, 2013 1:18 am
Elinor says...


It came to Cassie in pieces. She remembered going to the airport, thinking of how she would adjust to being back home. The plane took off and the African expanse became smaller and smaller until they were mere specs underneath the clouds. She read, she drew, she mindlessly flipped through the the free magazines. After several hours, she was somehow able to manage a long nap. She was only awoken by the plane's long, sharp descent into the earth. Cassie felt like she was in a movie, that for sure this was going to be the day she would die. After only three or four nightmarish minutes that felt like hours, the plane crashed. She was somehow able to crawl out of the plane before she blacked out.

She woke what was maybe only a few minutes later and somehow found the strength to stand. It was warm, and her clothes were singed. She was on some kind of tropical beach. Beyond it was jungle, and in the midst she could make out the tips of the mountain.

She turned and noticed a cute boy crawling towards her. She'd seen him before, while they were volunteering, and at school. She thought he was cute, but had never really talked to him before.

The boy approached her and they spoke briefly. That was when Cassie noticed the burning plane. There were still people inside. She knew what she had to do. As fast as she could, she darted towards the plane. The plane had snapped in half, and there was a sharp inward dent at the nose, and one of the wings had come clean off. Fire engulfed it. She could hear screaming. It was going to be hard, but there was no one around and she knew what she had to do.

She entered where the split had occurred. It was dark and ghostly, nightmarish. She helped a few of the smaller ones. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed another boy doing the same thing--not the one she had talked to earlier--but she was too stunned to say anything.

Once they'd helped everyone out and returned to the beach, the plane exploded. She staggered over the boy she'd talked to earlier--the one who'd fallen to his knees in front of her.

"I'm Cassie," she said to him before promptly fainting in the sand.

All our dreams can come true — if we have the courage to pursue them.

-- Walt Disney

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Tue Dec 17, 2013 5:07 pm
barefootrunner says...

Darren Holt

Darren eyed the Australian girl with annoyance as he set off into the jungle. Vines and creepers blocked their way. Their path was full of rotting logs and dense undergrowth. With a grunt, their leader thrashed his way through a particularly tough patch of bushes. There was an animal squeal and several black shapes hurtled past, one knocking Darren over. Nobody stopped to help him up. Afraid of the increasing darkness before him and still with half a mind to go back to the beach, Darren called, "Stop! I've fallen over!"

Some of the others looked around, but they had all decided that he was a disagreeable character and they would be better off without him.
"I'm a prefect!" he bawled, near hysteria.
But nobody turned, shamefaced, to help untangle his legs. Indeed, they had nearly disappeared into the jungle and nobody bothered to turn a second time.
That settled it. Darren scowled as he bad-temperedly jerked his legs free of the imprisoning lianas and made his way back to the beach, where there were still people who might listen to him.

The sun nearly blinded his already stinging eyes as he stumbled onto the sand, where several of the others, too weak or too confused to follow, remained. The pretty girl, who had just had time to introduce herself to him before fainting, was still lying face-down on the beach. Darren approached her.
"Hello?" he called. He prodded her with his foot, and she groaned softly. She was heavier than he had anticipated, but he managed, with much huffing and rocking, to turn her onto her back. Her face was full of sand, and he wiped some off so that he could pry an eye open. It fell shut as soon as he let it go. Irritated and hot, he prodded her again.
"I'm a prefect," he said haughtily. "If you don't get up now, I'll report you to—" But here he had to stop. There was nobody to report her to. Casting about for some other remedy, he saw that her arms and hands were burnt raw and her legs were covered in blisters. Darren tried to drag her closer to the sea, to cool the burns, but she was too heavy, and he merely made her settle deeper into the soft sand.
"Oi!" he called imperiously. "Help me here, will you?" But once more, his commands were ignored and he was on his own. Starting to panic slightly, (what if she died while he was standing there?) he ran to the sea, cupped water in his hands and ran back to her. There was only a lukewarm trickle left. He ran back, then spotted the fronds of a drifting kelp, still in the water. He ripped at it, but nothing happened. Then he bit into the plant, and managed to tear a few strips off it. He carried his proud new possessions back to the beach and laid them over the girl's arms and legs. After four successive loads, she was almost entirely covered by the cool, brown plant. She still did not move.

Darren was hungry and thirsty from his efforts, and some of the kids were starting to cry again.
"Shut up!" he shouted, hurling a handful of sand in their direction, but there was no cure for it. At least, however, the crying had made the girl wake up and she blinked slowly up at him. Darren 's victory was, however, soured by the fact that he had no idea where to get food or water, the kids were bawling louder than ever and some other girl had come up to him and was telling him her name was Lilly and that something had to be done.
"You're a prefect," she said, pointing at his badge. "You should be doing something."
"Why don't you try?" Darren retorted.
"What is this?" Cassie asked in a hoarse voice, moving an arm weakly. "Why am I brown? I'm thirsty."
The smaller girl, Lilly, poked Darren hard. "You should go to the plane. Maybe they have some flight meals left."
One of the other persons on the beach perked up at that and joined in.
"Yes, let's do that!"
In a few moments, a troop of kids was running for the plane wreck, zigzagging between bits of wreckage, or stopping to marvel at a new 'cool' piece of twisted metal.
"You were supposed to do that," Lilly said sourly, looking after the receding pack. "Who says they're going to bring us some?"
"Shut up," Darren growled, flopping down on the sand. He could feel his neck burning in the sun, and he was sure he would look monstrously red the next day.
"Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts" - Einstein

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Tue Dec 17, 2013 10:44 pm
AlfonsoFernandez says...


Alex wasn't having the best day ever. First the plane had crashed. Then he had had to help some people get out of the plane so they didn't die, and then he had offered the two people that he thought may be able to help to come with him. Neither of them had come. What pained Alex the most was the pretty blue-eyed girl coming with him.

Not that here being pretty is relevant, of course. I can survive without beautiful people, I have all my life..

Now he was stuck with a small group of people he didn't even want. There was the Australian girl, whose feet seemed like plant magnets, for all the times she seemed to trip. Then there was the other girl, who might have a chance of helping him, for she seemed to be fit, and another guy, who seemed to be friends with her.

The worst part of all that, Alex was the youngest of their little group. He should be looking up to them, not the other way around. They walked though the island toward the mountain the way the guy What was his name? Elias? Or was it Elvis? had suggested. That at least, hadn't been such a bad idea. Maybe he wasn't with a bunch of city people after all. They might yet help him more.

However, Alex still didn't abandon his plan about ditching them and continuing on by himself, but that was still something to consider. He didn't want to make enemies with everyone on the first day.

Don't make them hate me more than they already do.

He would keep going, he decided, finally, but if they do not show what they're worthy of soon I will have to leave them. Same thing if they do not keep up.

I will tell them I'm going hunting, or simply leave while I'm taking the "first watch" when they sleep.

At least that seemed like a plan. Everything was not yet lost.

Until the group of rats appeared and his group went wild.
"True glory consists in doing what deserves to be written; in writing what deserves to be read."
- Pliny the Elder

[insert inspiring quote]

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Wed Dec 18, 2013 1:05 am
Pan says...

Spoiler! :
Name: Ezraiah (Ezzie)

Age: 16

Appearance: Short black hair, green eyes.

History/Points of Interest: As her parents are doctors, Hana learned from them. She transferred to the school only a few weeks prior to the incident.

Basic Personality: A sweet, shy girl. She's caring and knows a lot about first aid.

Rate out of ten for ???
Leadership: 7
Adaptability: 8
Bravery: 6
Physical Fitness: 7
Nastiness: 3 (when offended)
Group affinity: None, really


Ezraiah sat alone on the beach, looking at the plane, or rather, what was left of it. Around her, at least ten other people sat. Thirty minutes before, the fire from the explosion had finally died down, and Ezra smiled sadly, remembering the sweet scene of self-sacrifice that had transpired as the plane hurtled toward the ocean.

"Miss Collins-" Ezra said, as the plane started it's descent. Her teacher had stood up beside her, bracing herself on the seats in front of her as she wobbled. Ezra moved to unfasten her seatbelt.
"No, Ezzie." Miss Collins said. "There's something terribly wrong, and I know that if you- or anyone else, for that matter- get up, you won't survive this."
She slowly made her way toward the front of the plane, Ezzie watched her back. 'What is she going to do?"
It was only a minutes, before the speed of the descent slowed, and the plane tilted back.
It was then that Ezzie realized what had just happened. Miss Collins had sacrificed herself. For these children that were ungrateful for her in the first place.

As she sat, she heard somebody trampling through the underbrush. She turned to see a boy- slightly cute- stumbled out in with an annoyed look on his face.
He tried waking up a girl that was laying in the sand, but to no avail. After thinking for a bit, he began wrapping the girl in brown stuff.
Another girl came over and said something, and suddenly, the rest of the people were fumbling toward the plane.
Ezra understood what had happened, and went to the plane as well. The kids were digging around. She made her way to the back of the charred plane and looked in the compartments for food. What she did manage to scrounge up was quite a bit.
As caring as she is, she shoved the food into her pockets and a metallic suitcase nearby held the rest.
She drug it out of the plane and called out, "I found the food."
The kids came running out, trying to pry Ezra's hands off of the suitcase. "Come on, give it to us!"
She ignored them. "It has to be rationed out!" She insisted. "We can't eat all of it at once!"
"Well, what are you gonna do with it then?"
"You may all have a bag of peanuts and a bottle of water today. Make it last." She said. "There are limited supplies."
Dragging the case behind her, she drug it over to the two girls and the boy. He had a prefect pin on.
"I found all the food. It was in this suitcase, so most of it is unscathed.."
"Who are you, then?" The boy asked.
"E-Ezraiah Dexter." She mumbled, curtsying.
"Darren, this is Cassie and Lilly." He replied. "Nice to meet you."
She nodded, a blush forming on her face. "Could you.. watch this while I go look for first-aid supplies? Or any kind of supplies?" Lilly sat up and her and Cassie nodded. "The rule is that everyone gets one bottle of water per day, and one snack every six hours."
"Do you mind if I tag along?" Darren asked.
Ezra shook her head. "Be my guest."
Formerly 'PenAndSword'

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Wed Dec 18, 2013 4:58 pm
Elinor says...


Somehow, Cassie found the strength to sit up. The kelp annoyed her and she started to brush it off of her body, but Darren grabbed to stop her.

"No, it will help," he said.

"That hurt," Cassie replied. There were two other people beside her besides Darren, a younger girl named Lily and a girl who's name she didn't know that brought her the food and water.

"Thank you," Cassie said, taking the water and drinking it greedily. The girl also offered her a small bag of gingerbread cookies, and while she was hungry, she wanted to block out the plane ride as much as possible. She'd eat later, of course. Maybe they'd find something edible somewhere in the island.

It was odd. They'd all been Africa for a while to help out people that were less fortunate than them. They'd brought them food, helped with the young and the elderly, done whatever was needed to be done. And as their reward, they'd ended up on this deserted island, in the very same, even worse position. Completely on their own.

The other girl sat down next to Lily and Darren. Cassie continued to greedily drink the water, but seeing the others digging into their gingerbread cookies made Cassie cave and eat hers. They tasted good. Almost like the cookies she made with her mom and decorated at Christmas.

"Talk to me, guys," Cassie said. "What brought you all on this trip?"

It was odd. Despite the smoking wreckage of the plane wasn't in the line of distance, and the circumstances being what they were, it was a beautiful view. When Cassie got her strength back she would explore the island a bit. Hopefully they could all convene and work on something that was best for the group. She didn't know how many there were...twenty...thirty? Then then someone would come and save them.

All our dreams can come true — if we have the courage to pursue them.

-- Walt Disney

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Wed Dec 18, 2013 10:15 pm
TinyJarStoredDreams says...


I woke to smoke and flames. I was still strapped into my seat inside the plane as it burned. My back screamed from a burn as I struggled to get out of the seat. I ripped the arm rest off and started banging it against the window trying to desperately brake out before I would burn to death. I head a crack then the entire window shattered. I crawled out my back hitting the side of the window making me cry out in pain. I fell out and onto the wing of the plane. I ran off the wing and onto the beach struggling to stay on my feet as I was tripping over my untied shoe laces. I finally collapsed on the sand just as the entire plane was engulfed in flames.

I watched it burn as I silently thanked god for letting me out alive. A girl was walking around hanging out food and water to everyone and a group sat off to the side also handing out things and stopping to talk. I got up and walked over to the group to get something to eat.

I stood and looked down to brush off the sand only to realize my shirt had been burnt off. Not to add that my back had 3rd degree burns and was hurting like hell. I sighed and grabbed a suitcase and opened it. I grabbed a Green Day tee-shirt out of it and wrapped it around my head to keep off the sun a bit and walked over to the group.

"Who are you," The boy asked snarling as his badge gleamed off of his shirt.

"I'm uhm, P.J., I was wondering if you guys had any extra food or water I could have?" I asked feeling extra shy.

"Sure," One of the girls said hanging me a water and a pack of cookies.

I nodded and took them. Not sure of what to do next, I sat down next to the girl and started to eat the cookies. They continued their conversation and I finished up the cookies and decided to save my water till I was really thirsty. My back still stung like hell and the sun wasn't helping to I removed the shirt from my head and wrapped it around the burn to protect it from the sun.

The group kept talking and I just listened taking it all in. I've never been good at social situations and joining a conversation isn't really my thing. So I focused on other things. I examined my goalie gloves that were still in perfect conditions in my back pocket. I watched a bird poop on some kids head making him scream while some of his friends laughed. Then I watched the group in front of me argue about how they should deal out the water and food. It was truly interesting. I sighed and then watched the sun go down slowly. Then came the time to panic.
How the hell are we suppose to look forward to the future if we aren't sure if we will be alive in the next 20 seconds?

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70 Reviews

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Wed Dec 18, 2013 10:21 pm
Pan says...


"Oh, Sorry. I forgot to introduce myself." I said quickly. "My name is Ezraiah. But you can call me Ex, or Ezzie, or Ezra.. Whatever works for you." I started. "And my parents are doctors, and they wanted me to experience the joys of helping those in need, so they sent me on the trip. Also, it was a 'good cultural experience.'" I said, after returning from the scavenge. I found a few pocket knives, and an emergency axe. Along with a (thankfully) tin First Aid kit. The girl, Cassie- I think- had just asked us about why we had came on the trip.
"Nice to meet you."
I flashed a grin at the little group. "You know how that Mexican kid- the cute one- he led the other group away. And they trusted him completely and all? Well.. I think that we should be the leaders of the rest. Well, not me.. But you guys. You dragged us all out."
The prefect looked at me. "They won't listen."
"We have food. They'll listen." I assured him, patting the case of food.
Spoiler! :
Name: Damien Edwards

Age: 17

Appearance: short brown hair, hazel/gold eyes

History/Points of Interest: He's a rebel, but he's very smart. He's known for being lazy and overly affectionate.

Basic Personality: He likes you if you're smart enough. He's outgoing and can be annoying when he's affectionate.

Rate out of ten for ???
Leadership: 5
Adaptability: 8
Bravery: 9
Physical Fitness: 9
Nastiness: 5
Group affinity: Whichever has less people

Other: He's a vegetarian.

"Who is that chick with the food?" Some guy he happened to be sitting by growled, eyeing the suitcase she sat on with envy.
"That's Ezra." Damien replied. "She happens to be a friend of mine, so don't try anything, dude."
"Damn, I was just saying, she's being pretty greedy-"
"She wants to conserve all the food we have. Deal with it." Damien growled.
"Dude what's your-"
Damien stood up, and walked away from the guy. He wasn't going to listen; so why sit there?
He slowly made his way over to Ezra, making sure to approach her from behind. When he reached her, he wrapped his arms around her shoulders, and kissed the top of her head. "Ezzie, you're a genius. Honestly, nobody else would be smart enough to check the stewardess' compartment."
"Is that sarcasm I hear?" She asked, after he released her.
"Maybe." He grinned. "But I overheard your conversation. And if you have food and shelter, these kids are going to be wrapped around your finger.."
Formerly 'PenAndSword'

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70 Reviews

Gender: Male
Points: 9
Reviews: 70
Wed Dec 18, 2013 10:36 pm
Pan says...

A boy ran from the plane, burns on his body. He manages to wrap a t-shirt around his head, then Darren asked who he was. He said his name was Pj and asked for food. I handed him a bag of cookies and then stood up, brushing Damien off of me. He grumbled something and I looked at him.
"Um, Pj, was it? Do you mind if I take a look at your back?" I asked, holding up the First aid kit, but seeing as it was so charred the insignia was gone.
He shrugged, and turned around. His burns were extensive, but if there was aloe or something for burns and Pain in here.. "Does it hurt?" I ask suddenly.
He shrugged again.
I sighed, then asked, "Are you allergic to aloe vera, by chance?"
Formerly 'PenAndSword'

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Gender: Female
Points: 5736
Reviews: 84
Thu Dec 19, 2013 12:33 am
fictionfanatic says...


The screams from our group shattered my thoughts, bringing my attention to the rats scurrying over our feet and trying to climb our legs. I felt a shout rattle out of my own mouth, jerking my legs away in attempt to shake them off.

The group was going crazy, screaming and scurrying like the rats - I wasn't sure which, us or the rodents, were more scared.

Trying to get away from the rats and keep then from climbing my legs, I looked around frantically.

The trees! The branches just might be low enough if we just...yes! I grabbed on to a branch and pulled myself up.

"Guys, climb up!" I tried to yell over their screams.
Live, Love, Laugh

Adventure is worthwhile.
— Aesop