
Young Writers Society

Blood is Everything (Royal house- Started but always open)

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Thu Mar 21, 2013 3:27 am
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Shadowlight says...

Come to the day before yesterday and the year before that. To a time of broken shields, and whispering winds. When warriors were bold, and great deeds of valor were preformed. When the world was wilder, the mountains higher, lofty as the dreams of men. When the unsettled places were far greater than civilization and when kingdoms were created and obliterated by the sword.

Great kingdoms dot the wild landscape of Drallion- the very forests, mountains and seas are full of beasts of lore, magic and legends.

Royal houses struggle with one another for domination, peace, and just to survive- Drallion is not a forgiving world, you grow up fast, live hard and probably die young. Heirs are both treasures and goods to trade in a land where the blood is in your veins is everything.

Murmurings of war are beginning to fly, fast as a wildfire. Something has happened, someone is warmongering- but who? The rulers of Drallion are struggling to keep their fragile peace in any way they can or else make sure they come out on top- no matter the outcome. Old blood-feuds begin to seep to the surface, alliances will be made and broken, treaties signed and burned, Marriage pacts formed and put to the test- Bloodshed seems inevitable.

You are a member of a royal house, be you king, queen, prince, princess or bastard child you struggle to stay alive, thrive and come out on top. Maybe you are a prince struggling for recognition, to prove his metal. Maybe a young princess afraid of the prospect of being "sold" to a man you've never met to make an alliance for your family. Maybe the bastard child who's lived in the shadows and now suddenly you're thrust into the limelight. Maybe you are a Magic user, a creature both revered and feared in a superstitious land. A warrior trying to gain more, an assassin hired to end life, a handmaiden, whoever you are you have to make alliances, take risks and try to be one step ahead of everyone else.

Spoiler! :
This is only a start- if we need to add more kingdoms we will.

~In the north is Ithirica, a mighty kingdom led by a royal house that has been in power for hundreds of years. The battle hardened troops of this country have taken over many smaller kingdoms and the ambitions of the kings seems to have no limits.

~ In the east there are two strong countries. On the coast nestled between the sea and the mountains of the Teeth is the empire of Karajan. A strange country- the rule is not passed to the son but to the daughter. A beautiful empire ruled by a long line of empresses. The Karadjan Empresses have always striven for higher learning and the arts flourish here.

~On the island belt just of the eastern coast is the tiny empire of Jaipine, a wealthy sea trading country. The warrior clans of this country are some of the most highly trained and highly feared warriors anywhere. The strongest clan has been in power for over five hundred years.

~In the harsh mountains on the southeastern limits ofDrallion is the small kingdom of Napurr. A country of herdsmen and scattered villages, ruled by the leading religions high priest, in the capitol of Nagniss. This kingdoms wealth and power lay in the rich mines of precious metal and stones, that pepper the high red bluffs.

~The mysterious kingdom of the south is Sunuma, which lies in the steamy jungle of the same name. Mountainous temples of carved white limestone stand taller that the tallest trees cutting though the deep green growth. Priest kings rule a widely dispersed people, of smaller tightly knit tribes. They are a fierce, yet superstitious people.

~On the very borders of the western arid waste is Saria, a rich trading city that was built up from a simple caravan stop to a metropolis of trade, riches and culture. it boasts a influential royal house, a market that sells anything the heart of man desires- from riches, to magic, to slaves, to kingdoms- all are sold here for the right price. And the dark underground that thrives in the shadows is infamous.

Special information
Spoiler! :
-I encourage you to form alliances with other Sbers, and plot to work out fun subplots and twists. Maybe one country is going to try a alliance by marriage? Another by kidnapping another kingdoms royals? Then there are always; threats, promises, spying, assassinations- lets have fun with this. (please just make sure Shadowlight is in the know so she may assist and stay on top of plots.)

-If you don't wish to play a royal house member and only want to play (for lack of a better word) a commoner, then you can wait until those royal house slots are filled, or PM Shadowlight and she will get you plugged in somewhere. (I would strongly suggest you play a royal, or someone very close to a royal house though.)

-Magic in Drallion isn't wildly uncontrolled or fantastical. Please think along the lines of the magic users from old legends- like Merline, Gandalf , Morgana, the lady of the lake, ect. Magic users are NOT members of the royal families- they are separate creatures and their blood is considered unclean for royal lines. ( if you are going to play a Magic user please PM Shadowlight your completed profile detailing what level of magic and what kind your character possesses.)

General rules:
Spoiler! :
- Usual YWS/SB rules.

-This is a "permission" SB. So if you would like to join (and I hope you do!) Please PM me Shadowlight. and please tell me "who" you would like to play so I can add you to the character list. if you don't have a name no worries- I more mean what rank or position is your character- like Prince, Princess, handmaiden.

-The creator of this SB (Shadowlight) is always right. If there are disputes over ANYTHING the final word will be mine. (don't worry I don't bite)

- No minimum word count! Just make sure all posts are more than one paragraph and help advance the plot.

- Swearing; it's allowed just don't overdo it. And keep it reasonable; No F-bombs!
- Romance is allowed but no sex scenes please. If something mildly sexual it is crucial to what you wish to write, then PM Shadowlight the final draft- it must have her approval BEFORE being posted on the SB- thanks

- Claim as many characters as you want-- just make sure you can handle them.

-Considering the nature of this SB I will not close it to new characters at any point in the SB. If someone would like to join after the official start date they are more then welcome to- they just need to PM me (Shadowlight) Their finished profile BEFORE joining. I want to make sure they will be able to fit seamlessly into the story.

- Don't God-mod. Please, it's not fair. And no Mary/Gary Sues either. They lack depth.

- Please have a name and place at the top of each post. Such as Name | Place OR, for example; Eliza/Town:.

- Please do not kill another person's character without permission; it's unfair, and not to forget mentioning godmodding. and besides, no one likes it when they're randomly killed.

- All NON-SB posts (besides profiles) to the DT please.

- The SB is run by Shadowlight. if you have any questions, comments, problems, or suggestions- send her a PM (she likes getting those.)

- one last note- this SB takes place in the world of my novel. The names of places that I Shadowlight have stated are mine, the ideas and characters you come up with belong to you. please just don't use Drallion or the countries in anything other then this SB. thanks. <3 (Except for Saria- which belongs to Leahweird but she is letting me use it for the SB only.)

Character List

~King- Louiscypher

~Prince- KindredSpiritBee
~Princess- KindredSpiritBee

~King- Scarlettefire
~Prince- Scarlettefire
~Bastard Prince- Coco

~King/high priest- Alvarin
~General- Animal

~Prince- AriaAdams
~Prince- LittleAuthor
~Royal healer- Janika

~King- Leahweird
~Prince- Leahweird
~Pincess- Shadowlight

Magic users
~Djinn- AriaAdams
~Raven priestess- Loyalheart
`Necromancer- methrirr123

~Assassin for hire- LouisCypher

(Slots may be created or taken away as needed. If you have any character suggestions please shoot Shadowlight a PM- she likes getting those.)

Character template:
Spoiler! :
Code: Select all
[b]Name:[/b] (if an unusual name, please include a pronunciation key)
    [b]Age:[/b] ( Characters can be any age- just be reasonable.)
    [b]Gender:[/b] (Male/Female?)
    [b]Rank[/b] (king, queen, prince, princess, other?)
    [b]Allegiance:[/b] (country, king, self, other?)

    [b]Appearance:[/b] (description and picture-and please no anime orscene- digital paintings and sketches are fine though)

    [b]Personality:[/b] (Include likes and dislikes, strengths and weaknesses. you can do this in points of you prefer)

    [b]Flaws:[/b] (every character has to have them- they make them interesting)

    [b]Skills/special abilities:[/b] (no magic please- unless cleared with Shadowlight first!)

    [b]History:[/b] (Every character has one, please give us a history of  reasonable length)

    [b]Up For Love?[/b] (yes/no, conditions, reasons for such?)

    [b]Other:[/b] (anything we've missed?)

DT! I STRONGLY suggest you join.
Last edited by Shadowlight on Mon Apr 08, 2013 12:20 pm, edited 7 times in total.
"D*** the torpedoes! Four bells! Full speed ahead!"~ Admiral David Farragut

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Sat Mar 23, 2013 3:46 pm
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methrirr123 says...

Name: Rialdiin Yerek.

Age: 81

Gender: Female.

Allegiance: None, but favors the losing side.

Rank: She is very good at what she does, so I would say Master Necromancer.

Appearance: She is thin, and wiry, unsightly and unruly, with many missing teeth and a missing eye, which she covers with snakeskin wrapped around her head. Her hair is thin and grey, grimy and wiry. Her skin is wrinkled with spots. She bares upon her a black shroud, and is always leaning on a great staff, upon which sits a black jewel that glows with a malicious light. In all aspects of the word, she looks like a wicked evil witch. However, she is quite the opposite. Although a Necromancer at heart, and quite cold sometimes, she is only benevolent in her endeavors.

Personality: She can sometimes come off as heartless, simply because she see’s life as something expendable. Death is death. There are always more people in the world. However, she is normally quite sweet. She is very trusting, and sometimes may come off as naïve. However, she is also very wise, and a very powerful Necromancer. However, she doesn’t normally resort to fighting, if she thinks she can avoid it. She’s really the type of old lady who would give kids hard candies shaped like skulls while she told them stories about her childhood. She’s borderline senile, and pretty much the most interesting person you ever met, if you sit long enough to listen to her stories. What she hates more than anything, however, is not being taken seriously. She has her ways with those who underestimate her. After all, she is a very powerful necromancer.

History: As a child raised by a Necromancer, whose wife was a Mortician, who was the daughter of a Splicer, she was always surrounded by death. She can never in her life remember being afraid of the idea of death, or dying, making her very reckless. In fact, it fascinated her; the idea that one’s consciousness could be snuffed out like a candle in the wind. And what difference would it make? So many others candle glow that surely the world must shine like the sun.

She was introduced to Necromancy by her mother, who was very well connected. Almost too well connected. She was killed for her information, leaving her husband to fend for the child. After five years of training with the Necromancer who was her mentor, whose name was Jokaal, they grew quite close. It was in noticing this that her father, whose name was Raldon, left Jokaal to fend for the child.

And Jokaal raised her like a daughter, until they grew together, neither the better of the other, always sharing each other’s secrets. When Rialdiin was 21, Jokaal was killed by an assassin in his sleep. When she discovered this, however, she did not mourn. She was a Necromancer, and so was he. They spoke still, and speak still to this day. It is for this reason that Rialdiin does not fear death. She’ll have Jokaal for company.

Later down the road, she became very good at her job. She could fend for herself, so she secluded herself in a hut. People would come to her over the years to ask for things; immortality, the life of a young one, etc. She granted none their wish. Her hut’s
reputation grew, however, and people showered her with treasure in the hopes of gaining a Necromancers favor. She politely declined by burning all of the treasure, along with her hut, and running away.

She currently lives as a wisewoman, traveling and giving her counsel to all of the royal family. She has a tendancy to join and support those whom she deems as the losing side. It is for this reason that many see her as an ill omen, when she helps.

Magic Discipline: Necromancy

Spoiler! :
Necromancy is power over death, and spirits, as well as the negative energy (sometimes refered to as "necrotic energy") associated with decay and ageing. Rialdiin is an adept necromancer, and yes she is capable of reanimating corpses. However, do not picture her raising her arms to summon a legion of zombies. The practical form of necromancy would allow her to animate maybe one corpse, and it would take a while. If it were fresh, then it would be able to live normally with few ill effects. However, a decayed corpse would quickly die again. This is normally used when a soul needs to be interogated, though simply talking to the spectre is more practical. However, the reanimating of a corpse, with the prolonged focus of the Necromancer, allows the deceased to actively alter the physical world around it. Often powerful kings would hire novice necromancers to keep them alive, and Rialdiin is capable of this, as well as bestowing death. She can also make you age, or curse you with short life. Again, Necromancy also gives her power over dark and negative energies, and she has the capability of causing massive damage, reducing a man to dust. But again, she prefers not to do so.

Skills: As noted in the Spoiler above, she is capable of the most advanced forms of Necromancy, And is feared by superstitious individuals. As well as this, she is able to see the simplicity in things. It is for this reason that many would consider her wise. She is very, very good at Necromancy. Whenever she is faced with a fight that she doesn't think she can win, she can weaken her foes to the point of helplessness with her magic.

Flaws: She's Chronically kind, and also 81 years old. She get's very tired often, and hates being interrupted.

Up for Love?: Yes, straight.
Last edited by methrirr123 on Sat Mar 30, 2013 4:50 pm, edited 2 times in total.

From the ashes a fire shall be woken,
A light from the shadows shall spring;
Renewed shall be blade that was broken,
The crownless again shall be king.

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Sat Mar 23, 2013 11:26 pm
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KingLucifer says...

Name: Amara "The Raven Priestess" Zamero
Age: 29
Gender:[/b Female
[b]Rank Royal Mage
Allegiance: Ithirica

Appearance: The most notable feature is the Black Crescent on her forehead, which identity's her as a magic user. she has a heart shaped face, beautiful teal colored eyes, and a cute button nose. Her skin is a nice olive color with long black hair with red tips. Amara doesn't always wear priestess robes, she would normally wear them while inside the castle in Ithirica, outside of the castle when near a battle field or travailing, she tends to wears men clothes. Loose trousers and shirts, normally tying her hair back in a pony tail. But she always keeps two golden bracelets that help channel her magic.

Personality: Amara can be considered cocky, or overly confident in her abilities, she knows she's skilled in the way of magic. Her powerful knowing mind, make her a very good conversation holder, but Amara can easily hold a grudge against anyone. Making herself seem almost hateful, she's the kind of person who you'll never want to cross twice in a single day or repeatedly cross. But finally, she's notoriously stone faced, but makes very subtle movements in which could hint to what's wrong with her, or what she's thinking.

Flaws: Because of her over confidence, she's quick to jump at the first chance to prove her abilities, to show off just how powerful and prove the hours she's studied magic haven't gone to waste. As stated before, she can easily hold a grudge, she mainly holds a grudge against her home kingdom Karajan. Also, she's very wrathful, you cross her just once and you'll regret it, her abilities will prove as so.

Skills/special abilities: Being a magic user, she's very skilled at what she can do, skilled in the ways of defensive magic, healing, supportive, and familiars, most notably, a raven. (Hence her nickname.) but after some certain events in her home kingdom and her arrival in Ithirica, she began to learn fire magic in which was hard at first, but began to get easier and easier with practice. When not using her magic, she learned how to use a rapier, though she's not perfect with it, she knows the basics of how to use it.

History: Amara was born and raised in the Karajan Kingdom, she was one of the many women who served the Empresses and Princesses of the kingdom. She was loyal enough to never step out of line or do anything, except, she always had an interest in magic. Always entertained by the idea of making things happen like setting things on fire or causing the wind to pick up, when she got the chance to actually begin to practice magic, she took it.

Amara was smart to only practice defensive magic, but eventually she got curious abut offensive magic, she began practicing it when she shouldn't have, cause if she'd known that the Empress would be on the roof then she may still be able to practice her magic as she wishes. But Amara hadn't known and when she finally got a fire ball lit, she sent it right at a dummy she had set up herself, and by time it was out of her hands the Empress had come up and saw her practicing her magic.

The consequences were simple, Amara was to be marked with a Black Crescent that identified her as a magic user, all shop owners within the Kingdom of Karajan had the right to deny to sell any items to her. And she was to be exiled from the Kingdom immediately, Amara soon left the Kingdom and headed out to find another home. Months after her exile, she found herself in the kingdom of Ithirica, where her magic is accepted there, and the king welcomed her into his kingdom.

Up For Love? Uhhhh sure, why not, Bisexual, only if your able to get past the fact she is a magic user.

Other: Theme: Shadow of the Moon
An angel, a knight, a man who will bring light to where there is only darkness, I am the Morning Star, the Bringer of Light, hail to me as I am King Lucifer!

Formerly: Avalon

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Sun Mar 24, 2013 2:52 am
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AlmondEyes says...

Name: Tamsin Light

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Rank: Royal healer. Also bastard child of the Sunuma King. (If there are no objections)

Allegiance: To herself and the ones that she loves.

Appearance: Long thick dark ebony hair that falls to her thighs and clear vibrant royal purple eyes that could pen you to the floor a single glance. Her smooth and flawless tanned skin has always been found irresistible by men. She's 6'1 with an athletic in shape body from all of her traveling and training. You'll find her wearing a long dark purple cloak with a large hood to keep herself covered. Underneath that you'll find her in an warrior's out fit. Form fitting sleeveless top and leather trousers with straps going across her thighs holding her throwing knives in place. She keeps a bow at her back with a quiver of 25 arrows. She has a bag slung over one should that holds her herbs.

Personality: She's tough . She's mean. She won't take crap from anyone. When you talk to her, you meet her eyes and speak up. When she speaks, people listen to her. She's well respected by all because of her commitment and vast knowledge of medicines. Tamsin also has a loving and caring side you don't see much of when she's not healing. She does tend to be a smart ass and sarcastic sometimes, but not too often. She's very smart, and knows how to think on her feet. She's not afraid to get her hands dirty, and also isn't afraid of much either. She's a very curious person, but hides it well. Tamsin is good at controlling her emotions, and is very wise and mature for her age.

Flaws: Her stubbornness. Tamsin's not one to back down from much of anything, which can sometimes land her in trouble.

Skills/special abilities: She's a fast healer and has a voice that can carry across the land and enchant anyone. Her voice is known to attract birds. They say she sings like an angel.

History: Tamsin was originally born in Sunuma, but never stays in one place for long, so she doesn't really have a place to call home anymore. Not since her mother died, at least. When Tamsin was 10, her mother fell gravely ill, and she could only watch as doctor after doctor said there was nothing they could do for her mother. Tamsin took it upon herself to cook and clean and work to keep food on the table for her mother, but it wasn't enough. As time went on, her mother grew closer death, and Tamsin could do nothing as she watched her mother wither away, until one day, she left this earthly plain, leaving her by herself.

That day Tamsin vowed to learn everything there was to learn about medicine, so others wouldn't suffer the same fate as her mother and herself. One day when she was cleaning out her mother's belongings, she found a note. She read this note, thinking she had no one call family, thinking she was alone in the world, and put the note down,realizing she was the bastard child of the Sunuma King.

After reading the note, she headed to the kingdom to meet the man who was supposedly her father. She became the apprentice of the healer who was soon retiring as a way to stay close to him. She spent long hours learning and memorizing every plant there was and it's every property. Day and night. Non-stop relentlessly. All of her hard work finally payed off. By the time she had completed her work, she was known throughout all of the kingdoms for her knowledge. By the time she was twenty, she became one of the best non-magic healers out there.

Tamsin is called out to most kingdoms for aid in healing, so she keeps busy for the most part, but when she has leisure time, she's known to wander the forest. She's also known to wader around the kingdom. Tamsin has never actually met the king face to face, but she's seen him at a glance. For the most part, he seems like decent man to her. Everyone in the kingdom seems to love him. Tamsin has met one of the princes, though. Cornelius. She doesn't really know know whether to make heads or tails of him, though. She's had multiple encounters with him, and most were pleasant, but she didn't like the way he would watch her, so she keeps her distance.

Up For Love? Yes. She's looking for someone to hold her in their arms at night.

Other: She does know how to fight, and very well so. Make no mistake of that. It's one thing any woman who travels alone should learn how to do.
Last edited by AlmondEyes on Tue May 14, 2013 3:31 am, edited 3 times in total.
"What is dead my never die, but rises again, larger and stronger..."

*Ride like Lightening, crash like Thunder*

"Ask me no questions, and I'll tell you no lies..."

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Sun Mar 24, 2013 3:57 am
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Shadowlight says...

Name: Her royal highness Saja (Or Mouse by her father.)
    Age: just tunred 15
    Gender: female
    Rank Bastard daughter of the king but was given the rank of princess.
    Allegiance: her father and her country.

    Appearance: Saja has a pale honey complexion is due to her being rarely aloud outside. Her long dark silky hair reaches her waist and has a slight wave to it. Saja's eyes are her most striking feature, they are unusually large soft brown doe eyes. her body is developed for her age-something she is still getting used to. She dresses in very pretty and soft dresses- her father treats her as a doll and picks out most of her dresses.

    Personality: Saja is in a word innocent. Rarely let out of her fathers sight she has been extremely sheltered- Emeer used to say she was the only pure thing in his life. Saja sees the world through a rose colored glass, the world is a happy safe place in her mind. Saja is painfully shy and afraid of the world outside the palace. She lives in her own world of fancy, with her books and her own lively imagination. She has no friends beyond those she creates and is very lonely. She craves love an safety, she carries her heart in her hands and offers it freely.

    Flaws: Saja's greatest weakness is her vulnerability, she has no self preservation instincts. Her shyness and trusting nature are a very dangerous handicap in a family of back stabbing and mind games. And her innocence leaves her vulnerable to all sorts of attacks.

  Stengths:Just as it is her weakness her innocence is also her greatest strength. It is the one thing she has that all her family doesn't. She has no preconceptions of life or those around her, she has nothing to give her false ideas about situations. She also is a great deal cleverer then her father gives her credit for, she might even be cleverer then him...

    Skills/special abilities: Saja has a musical gift- she can sing and play the Hammer Dulcimer. She also has a gift of tongues- she picks up languages quickly.

    History: Saja is the only daughter of King Emeer. Saja's mother was the very young maid to the queen when she caught the kings eye and she was quickly seduced by his charms and flattery, when the queen found out about the couple she was enraged, and when she realized that her maid was carrying the kings child her fury knew no limit.

Saja's mother died from birthing fever only days after her little girl was born and the king all but forgot he had a child by the maid until his lover Morgiana reminded him of it. Emeer for lack of anything better to do- it being a rainy day- went to see the little babe. No one knows what happened in that poor little servants chamber, but the king later came out carrying the child- something no one expected, she was only a bastard child of a serving girl after all. But Emeer loved her and made her a princess as if she were a proper born daughter of his and not a bastard.

Emeer doted on Saja as she grew up- saying she was the only pure thing in his life. He was rarely seen without the little girl clinging to his hand or trailing behind him. She sat in his lap during councils and quietly listened to meetings with heads of state sitting in her little corner of his study. Emeer didn't like the little girl out of his sight and protected her as fearsomely as a savage beast of the wild protects its tender cubs. He taught her, her letters himself and read stories to her by the hour curled up on the cushions of her nursery. Saja was her fathers little doll and plaything, an she basked in the safety and love he gave her, feeling perfectly content and trusting him completely.

But now her future is unsure, she is of age, and the world full of unrest- and certain powerful kings have been looking to make an alliance with Saria- using the tender princess as the contract.

    Up For Love? Sort of, she is very young still, but she is a hopeless romantic just waiting to be swept off her feet in her own happily ever after story.
    Other: Saja \ suffers from what the healers call “fits”- what they are in reality are epileptic fits, where she goes glassy eyed and seems to “check out” is not present. They are absence seizures. But this is something the royal family keeps as a closely guarded secret.
"D*** the torpedoes! Four bells! Full speed ahead!"~ Admiral David Farragut

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Sun Mar 24, 2013 4:36 am
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Shadowlight says...

Last edited by Shadowlight on Thu Mar 28, 2013 1:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"D*** the torpedoes! Four bells! Full speed ahead!"~ Admiral David Farragut

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Sun Mar 24, 2013 6:13 am
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ScarlettFire says...

*reserves spot for profiles*

They will be edited soon, I hope!

Name: Kailash “Kai” Ahsera.
Age: 21.
Gender: Male.
Rank Prince.
Allegiance: Jaipine, his father, his country, his clan/family.

Appearance: Kai has looked more like his mother, and he doesn’t mind. With shoulder-length black hair, lightly tanned skin and dark brown eyes, Kai’s definitely attractive, but his expression is often closed off, his eyes cold. Compared to his father’s six-foot-one, Kai is only 5’9, and unlike his father’s bulkier yet sickly frame, he’s much slimmer and definitely stronger. Not that he’d ever dispose of his father just so he could have the throne. Kai likes to wear the traditional formal warrior robes, usually in reserved, calm colours--he doesn’t want to show up his father. Who knows what the man’ll do.
Spoiler! :

Personality: Kai seems cold upon the first meeting, cold and emotionless. He’s not actually either, not at all. He’s rather kind and caring, and full of passion, but while in his father’s shadow, he’s a mere a shade of his true self. Kai won’t hesitate to strike--and kill--when he’s in a fight; he’s not trained to hold back, either. On men, women or even children--although the thought of having to kill or harm the latter two makes him sick to the very core. But orders are orders, and he can’t argue with his father. Not if he wants to keep his head, of course. Kai does need that.

He’s definitely not a fan of thoughtless slaughter, or war--or killing of any kind, really. He thinks it’s a little cruel, not giving someone a choice over their fate. People do change; Kai’s certain of that. And he likes that people can change. He also likes nature in pretty much every way; grass, trees, the sky, the water, the moon and sun, the stars and even the animals. He thinks it’s beautiful. Kai has a soft spot for children and cute animals (just don’t tell anyone). If he ever had the chance, he’d stand up for what he believes in. His strengths lie in swordplay and compassion; he’s not a cruel, heartless bastard like his father.

Kai highly dislikes death, cruelty destruction--and pain, too. It makes his sad, seeing the things his father has done in the name of justice. War is horrible for him, but he shuts his mouth and gets on with it. Better that the enemy dies rather than their empire falls--or so he thinks. He also hates a bully--and though his father may try to deny it, the man is a bully--and would rather punish them, than those who are merely desperate. Sadly, he currently has no say whatsoever. He might be a prince and he might tell you he’s not afraid, but truly, he is. Of his father, mostly.

Flaws: Kai’s biggest flaw has to be that he always defers to his father’s judgement, even when he thinks it’s wrong. He has a few other flaws, most notable is his habit of hesitating when facing down a woman; he doesn’t like the idea of harming a woman, and has often paid for that, and the hesitation, in blood. Another is his inability to stay away from other men, as he likes the company of both men and women in his bed. He’s also extremely afraid of his father’s disapproval and strives hard to please the man any way he can, short of a few things he refuses to do that even his father can’t convince him of doing.

Skills/special abilities: Kai is a master swordsman, having studied the art of war since his was a child. He is also very sensitive to magic--a trait known well (or not so well) about the Ahsera line--and one can never trick him with it. He can’t use it, though. Never could and never will.

History: Kai was born the eldest boy out of four siblings. His mother was a beautiful woman from a clan as pure and old as his father’s, and his father is, well, the Emperor. He has trained since he could walk to be the perfect warrior, and he has mastered it--to a point. His mercy and compassion hindered him, but he never cared. For many years, he was taught separately from his siblings. According to his father, it was so he could learn without distraction.

Unfortunately, Kai was surrounded by distraction. As he grew older and became interested in things other than the sword, he began noticing the other young men and women training with him. And he decided to experiment. He was caught and spoken to by his superiors many times, but luckily, the incidents never made it to his father’s ears. As far as he ever knew, of course. He could be wrong.

Regardless, he went on to complete that training and returned to his father’s side. He’s been back less than a year and already hates being in his father’s shadows, yet he fears to step out of it. He had always been in the man’s shadow, even as a child. Love and affection were rare, but when he actually received even a glimmer of it, Kai was happy. Yet he never could shake the feeling that something was....off about his training. Kai could never quite figure it out.

Now, though, he understands. And he despises it. Kai is struggling to keep out of the old man’s way, and in the process, also trying not to let on that he’s dancing between male and female lovers. So far, he’s succeeding.

Up For Love? Yes, and he likes both (just don’t tell his father).

Other: Carries a sword in plain view at all times and there is usually a dagger hidden somewhere on him. He never goes anywhere without a weapon, although you'll probably never actually see it..

Name: Sumai Ahsera.
Age: 40.
Gender: Male.
Rank Emperor.
Allegiance: Jaipine, himself, his clan/family.

Appearance: Sumai has mid-back length black hair that is just starting to edge towards grey, lightly tanned skin and dark brown eyes that mostly just look black. He’s definitely attractive, if you like older men, and his expression is often open, his eyes warm, but they hide a somewhat cruel heart. Sumai is 6’1 with, a somewhat bulky yet sickly frame and he tries to deny his illness as much as possible--sadly, it shows. But only just. He prefers his gold, white and blue traditional Jaipine outfit, as he likes to appear every inch the Emperor he is.
Spoiler! :

Personality: Unlike his son, Sumai only appears open, friendly and warm. He’s not. At all. He’s cold, cruel and a bit of a bastard. He might be sick, but he’s still Emperor, and he wants everyone to know it. He’s selfish, and he was a brute, only he’s too ill to do anything anymore. Sumai also has a bit of a sick, twisted sense of humour, which he has put to use with a vivid imagination. Let’s just say that punishments for crimes weren’t always pretty... Neither were they quick. Sumai seemed to adore them; his son, not so much. But Sumai would make him watch anyway, and delight in the horror he often saw in his son’s eyes. He didn’t always force his children to watch, though.

Regardless of his coldness and his cruel nature, Sumai did truly love his deceased Empress. He thought he beautiful, yet he still sought out others. And if his beloved Empress ever found out, he never knew. Contrary to what others may think of him, Sumai does have a heart, even if it might be a shrunken, shriveled up old thing--he still truly cares for his family and his country. He highly dislikes any kind of threat to empire or family, and takes things far more personally than he probably should. He also despises hesitation during a battle, and thinks that sparing even one of the enemy’s children or women is just giving them license to fight back later on--not to mention he thinks it’s weak. He believes that an enemy is an enemy and therefore, they should die.

On the other hand, he’s a sucker for a pretty girl, and will do anything to make her ‘his’, in a sense. Not that he can do that anymore, with him being ill and such. He’s also got a weakness, a savage desire, for power (and many assumed it would be his downfall one day), and for control. The position, power and control of being Emperor has kind of gone to his head, which makes him arrogant on top of coldness, cruelty and bastard-ness. Sumai kind of thinks he’s immortal, despite the fact that his failing body completely betrays this ideal. He likes being Emperor, he loves the power, and he likes being able to make everyone drop whatever they’re doing just to attend to his desires, as he just devours the attention.

Flaws: By far, Sumai’s biggest flaw is his flawed logic, his desire for power and control, and his arrogance. He lacks compassion and caring for those not of his blood. Sumai also lacks hesitation, sometimes rushing into a situation blindly, which can and does cause all sorts of complications--or can just make the situation worse.

Skills/special abilities: Sumai is a master of war and swordplay, among other things, and as is typical of the Ahsera clan, Sumai is sensitive to magic, yet unable to use it. This trait is weakening, though, with age and illness, so many things that shouldn’t slip by him might just do so.

History: Sumai’s history is long and complicated, but to put it simply; Sumai was young once, a prince, and he like any other young boy; cheerful, playful, caring, with an upbringing much like Kai’s. He loved once, a young servant girl whose name he has never shared. One day, his father caught him with her and had her head lopped off. Sumai never forgave the man and plotted for many years to have his father die before his time. No one could ever prove it was him when the old emperor was assassinated--the assassin never revealed the name of the person who hired him--and Sumai was crowned Emperor.

For several years, he mourned his lost servant girl, until he met Kai’s mother, a woman from a clan as old and powerful as his own. He married her and they had several children. But it wasn’t to last; her lost her, too. An assassin had come in the night not long after their youngest was born and whisked away her soul, along with her heart. Yet Sumai refused to let the people know, and so it remained a closely guarded secret--mostly. He never could stop the rumours, so he began a set of his own; the Empress had died in childbirth a few days after giving birth to his youngest child. Sumai thought he had been wise, to keep such a secret from his people. Or did he?

Now, ten years on, Sumai is a little bitter, a lot crueler and very arrogant. But he’s ill, and he knows his body is failing him, yet he refuses to believe it and pushes himself to unwise limits. All his hopes are pinned on his son, and the bastard--a mistake and a story for another time.

Up For Love? No, not really. He's still hung up on his ten-years-gone wife. But he'll marry if he has to.

Other: Sumai is rather sick, so it wouldn't be surprising if he dies sometime soon. (Or he's assassinated...o.o)
Last edited by ScarlettFire on Mon Mar 25, 2013 2:03 pm, edited 15 times in total.
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

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Sun Mar 24, 2013 1:55 pm
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Alvarin says...

Name: Tarquin Silver-Blood (though his people only knows him as the High Priest, and if anyone speaks to him directly they would be calling him 'Your Eminence')
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Rank High Priest
Allegiance: Himself (and Napurr, kind of)

Appearance: About 6 feet tall, brown hair, dark brown (almost black) eyes, fair skin, athletic build. He has a strong jaw and quite angular features. He's good at faking innocence, since that is all he ever does, but whenever he drops that expression you'll see that he is in fact far from innocent. His expression is either bored or teasing, and the greed is clear in his eyes. He always has his head high and can come of as quite haughty.
Spoiler! :
Without the pointy ears and the dragons. He's dressed as a servant most of the time, in a black embroidered tunic, black pants, a black belt and black leather boots. Image

Personality: You know the seven deadly sins? Tar is all those sins personified. He really has no boundaries what so ever. If he thinks something looks fun, he's going to do it, and that's that. He drinks way too much, sleeps around, eats only the finest food, gets angry for the simplest of things (he doesn't show it though, but he get a kind of cruel gleam in his eyes), he's too proud of himself, he doesn't lift a finger unless he has to and he gets jealous as soon as someone has something that he doesn't. Oh, and then there's his greed. He always wants more. That need to always have more of everything actually makes it difficult for him to sleep at night.

When it comes to friends.. Well, he acts very friendly and playful, but his teasing often turns to cruelty. He likes having fun at someone else's expense. He can't stand do-goods, so he does his very best to drag them of their high horses and into the dirt. A bit like Lord Henry to Dorian, though Tar is way worse than Henry. Oh, and seducing people is quite entertaining as well, especially married men, since they are the ones who makes the most fuss about it.

So, to sum it up:
He likes corrupting and manipulating people, sleeping around and drinking.
He dislikes do-goods, being denied things and everything boring.
He's good at manipulating and seducing people, and all that education (see history) has left him with a lot of unnecessary knowledge about the other countries and their traditions.
He's bad at a bunch of things, especially admitting that he's bad at something. He can't fight (though he has won a few brawls at the tavern, but that was thanks to his wit and not his strength), nor does he want to. Knowing when enough is enough.. Well, he just doesn't. He always takes it a step too far.

Flaws: Oh, he has many. He's greedy, lazy, proud, corrupt, manipulative, self-centred, egoistic, has no boundaries, no believes and no morales. Rotten to the core, one might say.

Skills/special abilities: He's an extremely talented liar, and he can trick almost anyone into anything. He likes to think of himself as a master of corrupting others.

History: Tar was born as the oldest son of the Silver-Blood family. Since his family was one of the richest in Napurr, owning many mines and a lot of land, he was offered to the church to be raised as the new High Priest, which is tradition. Every second of his youth was spent on studies or prayer, and Tar hated it. He was bored out of his mind and never understood why the old and educated men would be stupid enough to pray to a deity that didn't exist.. And even is it did exist, it clearly didn't care about their country. What he did find amusing was how people would bow before him and treat him like he was important just because he had happened to be the first-born of a rich family. He quickly learned how to use this to his advantage.

At the age of 16, when the old High Priest died, he took over. His new duties were.. Exactly the same, though now he spent most of his time isolated in his own room. Because of his age his advisers took the opportunity to take over Napurr. Tar was also forced to wear clothes that covered his whole body, including his head and face, which was heavy and cumbersome, but he soon learned that they had their advantages. He could simply switch clothes with his servant and no one would realized that he snuck out from time to time. Nagniss offered much entertainment to a young man like Tar, and he soon found himself falling deeper and deeper into what he had been taught to call sin. He didn't mind though, rather the opposite. He became somewhat of a celebrity in the slum, but of course they never knew who he really was.

He kept going for a couple of years until he finally decided that the advisers had had their fun, and now he was going to have his. He managed to get most of them replaced by turning to the people rather than the corrupt priests that worked under him. That way he managed to secure his own power. He became more of a public person (even though he never revealed his real name or appearance), preaching in public and visiting the many churches of Napurr. Of course, he didn't believe a word of what he was saying and took every opportunity to sneak out to the closest tavern or brothel. Most of the time it was his servant who preached and blessed people, while the real High Priest was out having fun.

Up For Love?: Yes, he'll play around with anyone he finds interesting. Nothing serious though. No preferences.
“Are you looking for sympathy? You'll find it in the dictionary between shit and syphilis”
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Sun Mar 24, 2013 3:08 pm
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crossroads says...

Name: Cornelius Marcil Rhyn (Prince for basically everyone)
Age: 16
Gender: male
Rank Prince of Sunuma
Allegiance: country..for now.

Appearance: Rather tall, slender and always looking somewhat messy. His hair is dark brown, with hints of something that almost seems gold under certain lights, and he doesn't pay much attention to what it looks like. His eyes are the colour of forest, dark and green, but overall he just doesn't look like a prince. His skin is somewhat paler than the skin of other Sunumians (?), even though he spends a lot of time outside. The secret to that lies in the fact that the prince prefers lurking in shadows, following people around and learning of Alchemy in the hidden caves beneath the capital and the main temple.

Personality: For Cornelius, being a prince is boring and unnecessary. He dislikes technicalities and overthinking each new step, preferring to act in heat of the moment - which, of course, doesn't mean he couldn't act like a proper prince if he wanted to. He likes teasing people, and finding out secrets that allow him to blackmail them later - though he mostly only blackmails them by threatening to blackmail them, somewhat proud of his ability to keep all the secrets he comes across. He's very good at reading people, fast in figuring lies and rather hard to manipulate once he decided on something.
The Prince has never seen anything outside of his country, even though he's read every book that got in his hands, and is more than anything curious to see the world. He is forbidden, just as everyone living in the capital city and around the Main Temple, and walls are built separating Sunuma for the rest of the world. There's no one daring to stop the Prince from wandering the walls and looking in the distance, but long miles of forest separate the kingdom from the world around. He, unlike his parents, dislikes being trapped - Cornelius is a free spirit, feeling more and more suffocated and imprisoned as the years go by. He's loyal to his parents and wouldn't plan a rebellion, but if given a chance to run away and see the new places, he'd take it.
More or less, he's good at heart, and will help people or put in a nice word to his parents if needed - that's why people love him.
Cornelius is not a coward, but, just as all of the people of his country, he is somewhat superstitious. He tends to do automatic little actions he learned as a child, to avoid bad luck and so, but neither of them is religious and they see no point in praying for something to happen. In the terms of his people, when he enters forbidden places and speaks of forbidden things, he's a hero and a madman, but other people probably wouldn't see what everyone's making the fuss about.

Flaws: he's disobedient, teasing people and talking back to everyone, regardless of rank and everything else. He also fails to see his flaws as flaws.

Skills/special abilities: Cornelius is interested in and talented in Alchemy, the secret knowledge of the Sunuma country. Only those under an oath never to leave the kingdom and never to speak to anyone but the other Practitioners are allowed to wield it. It combines science and illusions, but most people, even from the same country, think it's really magic.

History: born as a Prince and heir, and everyone around him are planning on having him die as a King once, with a bunch of children and reforms to enhance the country's prosperity. He was always a quick learner, so he knew everything one can know about other countries before the age of twelve, and ever since he wanted to visit them. He accidentally stumbled upon an Alchemy lab as a kid of eleven, and demanded to learn it (or he'd tell everyone about it). His parents agreed after they figured they couldn't force him to forget what he saw, but just as everyone, he took the oath and doesn't speak of how something is done.
Really, Cornelius's history is rather boring one, that of a Prince growing up and exploring his country and people, sneaking out of the Temple to hang out with the commoners, and being generally loved by everyone.

Up For Love? Sure, though he's rather young. He prefers flirting with girls around his age, and guys if he sees it fitting.

Other: He has a black panther always by his side, and he calls it Night (imaginative, right?)


Name: Sati
Age: very, very old.. But currently in 20-ish form
Gender: Male
Rank: Other
Allegiance: Self, mostly

Role: a Genie released from his bottle (yes he was in a bottle, lamps are overdone :mrgreen:) and currently masterless. He doesn't t really live anywhere, as he doesn't need to sleep or eat, but does wander around the palaces and inhabited areas, curious about people.

Appearance: He has this unusually pale complexion, which separates him from people around him. His eyes are in color of amber (tend to turn reddish when he does something challenging enough), and his hair is black. It's pretty straight and messy, but he almost always wears a black cloak with a big hood, keeping his head almost completely hidden. Under it, he wears dark red, and carries his home bottle somewhere in his numerous pockets.

Personality, Flaws and Skills: cold, cruel, passionate, smart, devious, playful, charming... Everything when he needs to be. During all the years spent among people and working for them, he managed to evolve as many personalities needed - his own wishes, however, never change. He doesn't have faith in people and always relies only on himself. He loves being free, because of all that he can do without asking permission or hearing a wish, but nevertheless he always enjoys a desperate soul with a big wish only he can make true. Now, when he can, he does take pleasure in watching the person die in belief Sati will actually do what was asked of him.
He is particularly fond of plants and scorpions, and for some reason he can't stand almost all other animals. Sometimes he gets very sad, especially in the nights when he sits far up on the walls and roofs of the town, wondering if anyone will ever ask him what he wishes for.
His powers are his greatest strength, but also are a sort of weakness. He can pretty much do anything, but he's sort of addictive to people's wishes (in a way, he feeds on their desires and his abilities are stronger when he does things for someone else) and he can't go long without using his magic (in that case, he'd go back to his bottle and become prisoner again). He also likes asking for favors in return, especially since he met the demons of unknown parts of the land, and picked up a few tricks.

History: Being released by a reckless master, some fifty years ago or so, he's traveled the world around, trying to find someone he could willingly help to fulfill wishes. When he only found people hungry for power or hungry for food because of those hungry for power, Sati decided to come back to his home, find a way to release others of his kind and begin the new world order. Ironically, in that quest of his, he'll most likely have to work with the same kind of people he wanted to change the world in the first place.

Other: he can get associated with anyone, even more than one person at the time. He may think of them as masters, but will never call them so.

Up for love: Yes (though he doubts anyone could ever want it). He's been with many, both to fulfill wishes and to kill time, but never really in love.
• previously ChildOfNowhere
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Sun Mar 24, 2013 6:01 pm
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*coco says...

Name: Vahko Valtorii (Vaa-ko Val-tour-ee)

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Rank: Royal Bastard of the king - has earned the rank of Assassin

Allegiance: Jaipine

Appearance: Vahko is tall (just under 6 feet) with a lean but muscular build. He has thick dark brown hair with light brown tints, dark eyes, and fine chiselled features. As an Assassin of Jaipine, he is always dressed in black, and has an image of a sword under a crown burnt into his skin between his shoulder blades, (this is the mark of a Jaipine Assassin that he received during his initiation ceremony).

Spoiler! :

Personality: Vahko is a very conflicted character. Although he feels a great sense of pride knowing that he’s serving his king and country, the realisation that he’ll never be able to remove himself from the stigma that comes from being a Royal bastard, has made him feel increasingly disconnected from the rest of society. It is one of his major weaknesses. Years of being scorned for his bastardy has built within him a growing sense of bitterness and anger that he finds hard to control at times. As an Assassin he is cold, calculating and capable of great cruelty to his enemies. His strengths as an Assassin lie in his ferocity, reliability and relentless determination. His strengths as a person lie in his empathy for fellow outcasts and mistreated within society.

Vakho doesn’t have much of a life outside of his Assassin duties. He likes to keep to himself and spends most of his time creating more effective and discrete weapons to use during his missions.

Flaws: He is a committed cynic. His knowledge of human nature and years of practical experience have given him a foundation of hard-headed realism upon which he acts on. He also suffers from a short-temper.

Skills/special abilities: Vahko possesses all the skills of a true Assassin: intelligent, fast, strong, intuitive and relentless, his mastery of survival skills, and talent in instilling terror and intimidation to his victims, has earned him a reputation as being one of the finest Assassins in Drallion. He is in excellent physical condition and specialises in hand-to-hand combat. Vahko also possesses more heightened senses especially sight and sound. He has a near perfect aim when it comes to hitting his targets and is very good at camouflaging himself within his surroundings.
Vahko has a team of agents (though he denies it) known as ‘the shadows’ who act as his spies, informing him of what is going on in the cities.

History: Vahko had little to no childhood. He doesn’t know much about his mother, apart from the fact that she was one of the many servants that King Emperor Sumai forced into his bed. As soon as Vahko was born, the emperor stripped him from his mother and sent him to the warrior clan of Khataan - a special branch of warriors trained in the ancient art of assassination. Vahko never saw his mother again.

Upon the emperor’s orders, Vahko’s existence was kept a secret from Jaipine. The Khataan clan took Vahko under their wing and for the next seventeen years, he was trained to become an Assassin. It wasn’t until Vahko was officially initiated, that the emperor finally publically acknowledged Vahko as a Royal Bastard.

He has pledged his life and death to his father and to the service of Jaipine. The emperor now uses Vahko to silence his opponents.

Up for love? Traditionally, Jaipine Assassins are forbidden from falling in love and Vahko accepts that. He doesn’t think he even deserves to be loved. But if someone can prove him wrong, they might just be able to save him from his own darkness.
Last edited by *coco on Tue Mar 26, 2013 10:18 pm, edited 7 times in total.
"Do you know what my heart says now? It says that I should forget about politics and be with you. No matter what. You're a true Queen, a Queen any King would kill for." - Prince Francis ♕

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Mon Mar 25, 2013 3:22 am
littleauthor says...

Name: Myana Orsay
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Rank Princess of Sunuma
Allegiance: Country

Spoiler! :
Her hair fall to about the middle of her back and she has dark grey eyes. Myana may have a flawless face but she has a long scar that runs down her left arm from her childhood. If you ask her about it, she will kill you.

Personality: Very independent. She acts like a perfect little angel when there are people around, but when she's alone she ain't afraid to brake some necks. Her parents tried to raise a perfect little girl, they ended up with a rebel. She hates being a princess, it just doesn't fit her. Myana would rather be a thief or one of the towns rebels besides being the role model of the town.

Flaws: Her scar that runs down her arm. She is full of her self. Also she overestimates her self. She puts her self in anger and doesn't think things through.

Skills/special abilities: She is a actress. Able to turn into any character. One second next she is a criminal and she left you in a ditch to die. Her ability to fight. Also though she would never admit it, She is a wonderful singer.

History: Her parents where Queen and king and Myana was the first girl of their children. She has 7 other siblings and hate's almost every single one of them. Except one. Her 18 year old brother. He was the one who taught her how to fight. She grew up in royalty and hated being stuffed into the frilly dresses and the fake smile. Her parents thought she was the sweetest little thing because they obviously didn't understand sarcasm. At the age if 12 her rebel started to show. Her parents became more angered at her so she ignored them. Her brother took her under his wing and taught her how to street fight. He loved her for who she was. She was a true bad ass by the time she was 16 and at this point she was pretty much teaching her brother to fight she had gotten so good.

Up For Love? Sure if you can handle her bitchiness.

Other: She always keep her dagger with her somewhere on her body.
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Mon Mar 25, 2013 7:24 pm
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Caesar says...

Name: Ξenoζ (pronounced Ksenotz/Xenoz) of clan Archon. (see other)*
Age: 43
Gender: Male
Rank First Archon and King of Ithirica and Provinces.
Allegiance: country and self.

Appearance: is shorter than the average human male of his age, but stocky and muscled, especially in the arms. His skin is pale, his eyes small and pitch-black. The crown of his head is bald, but he has a waist-length jet-black ponytail. He has a scar running down the side of his face, from his left eye to his jaw. His kingly outfit consists of beaten metal armor over a black silk tunic, a black velvet cape and midnight blue trousers, and boots. And of course, the emblematic wrought black iron crown. Otherwise, he'll do away with the crown and full plate and wear lighter, more practical leather clothes, and chain mail. He'll also always, always wear a second half-cape over his right shoulder, red and black with the family's symbol on the outside, and a tarnished metallic red glove on his left hand which is said to be made of dragon-scale.

Personality: is an honorable man. He believes in duty, valor in combat and courage. While he is a shrewd and calculating man , the key virtues Xenoz believes in are those listed above. Once he has made a promise, pact or alliance, he will not break them. He will not stab an enemy in the back, rather face him in open combat. He will respect the sacred laws of hospitality, even in times of war. Especially in times of war.

However, do not take Xenoz for a fool. His education has made him elegant and refined, among all races, not just his own. He is acclaimed as a man ,with in-bred elegance and composure, capable of expending exactly the right amount of energy at exactly the right times. Xenoz is just as comfortable in a ballroom or dining hall as he is in an open battlefield, though, granted, he much prefers the open battlefield. His sense of humor, however, is sadly lacking.

Furthermore, Xenoz believes strongly in self-development. He has ensured his people have the means in his country to become who they want (when productive to the country, of course), and of course demands all people around him achieve these goals. He is the first to push his own limits, but wishes others to do so as well. Xenoz despises weakness of all forms, not only physical weakness, which he acknowledges are not always the person's own fault, but those weaknesses such as vices and addictions. Xenoz has a zero tolerance policy for weakness, which those closest around him have come to fear and respect.

Flaws: his penchant for honor and duty can lead to some less than strategic decisions, fortunately, they are kept in check by his fellow Archons. He's also, as mentioned, rather strict under certain aspects, and ruthless in battle (not always a flaw). Like, for example, he'll kill children in open battle, but won't, say, steal or stab a person in the back. He's been criticized for his rather spartan lifestyle by some, and for his lack of compromises by many more. It's not to say he won't listen to reason, no, but there are some things he will not allow discussion. It would be silly to argue with him when he gets like that. Also, lack of sarcasm and sense of humor in general. He's also afraid of spiders (Ithirica is the only home to the five meter Demon Spider).

Skills/special abilities: Xenoz can fight very very well, and is accustomed to a wide variety of weapons. He's also very strong physically, and very fit. He can swim, climb rocks, and move quickly through an urban environment.He can read and write in the Ars Sermonis (the language of ancient tomes and official documents) and Kauϙ (pronounced Kauk with aspirated final k), the language of orcs (trolls too, they're similar), and understand the rudiments of the language of elves; can whip up charismatic speeches when necessary; has knowledge of varying degree in all academic subjects, and so forth. He does have other skills I just can't think of them

History: Xenoz was born to one of the more prestigious families in Ithirica. The family's mythical founder was a dragon (long, long story). Xenoz has always been very open-minded and subjected to the influences of multiple cultures, which he has encouraged now that he rules.

He, like all men, began his combat and military training at age six. He began his academical studies at age eight, and hasn't stopped with either to this day. At age eighteen, he was entitled to travel across the various countries, and to meet the various races and cultures, which he did with great... enthusiasm. The remnants of his enthusiasm can be found hanging, stuffed, above the huge castle fireplace. And it is indeed a mighty impressive fireplace.

He returned a year and two months later, the country still under his father's rule. However, in his time he had missed plots and discussion in Ithirica's military halls, discussions which never came to fruit, but still float about to this day. Xenoz started up his military training again, participating in small raids and missions in the outlining provinces. His academic studies also intensified. He was enrolled in the army, naturally, and served (still does) as a lieutenant. He earned promotion quickly, and his accolades. One of his more impressive feats is that of holding off Warduna Pass against raiders with a battalion of men for several days under harsh snow, which cost him the third finger on his right hand.

At age forty, he entered the Archonship, and assumed the surname. Unfortunately, a year later, his father died, struck by a mysterious illness. His mother declined the Crown, so it passed to the firstborn, Xenoz, who became First Archon and King.

Up For Love? He's still unmarried. So...

Other: *his surname is shared by all Archons as they become one, and their firstborn male sons. His original clan name is Aldva (from his mother's clan). He also keeps two very large wolf-hounds with him, named KeϜ (pronounced Kewau) and Senj. He does not drink, smoke, take drugs, or frequent brothels.
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Sat Mar 30, 2013 8:02 am
Animal says...

Name: Maximus Flavius
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Rank General
Allegiance: Napurr

Appearance: Maximus is tall (about 6'2"), and of a sturdy build. His hair is black, and cut short in the manner of a soldier, and his beard is kept short. He generally maintains a serious demeanor, but has a good smile as well. He dresses something like this- Image.
He has weapons inside his dress, you don't know that when he will draw out a knife out of nowhere.

Personality: He has a very commanding personality. To his enemies he is a symbol of fear and panic and to his army he is the symbol of inspiration and courage. He's a smooth talker but there is always traces of authority in his voice. He doesn't care much for politics and dramatic intrigues, but is good at turning the tables in a battle by careful planning.

Even though he acts like he trusts people and acts friendly, he always remain suspicious, he is not the type of man you could kill in his sleep.

Flaws: He is way too innocent and blinded by religion.

Skills/special abilities: He's a good swordsman, a superb commander, has excellent negotiations skills and is a good tactician.

History: His father was an officer in the army of Ithrica, so his foundations in the art of warfare was strong. His father was charged against not following orders and was killed treacherously. His father disobeyed commands to save his soldiers. He was very taken aback by it. He had already lost his mother. She died while giving birth to him. So, at the age of 11, he joined the Scouts in Napurr, which consisted of small boys. They were trained for the army and they had to join the army of Napurr, once they grew up. At the age of 15, he was commanding as many as 100 scouts, he quickly ranked higher and higher and at the age of 23, he was the General of the army of Napurr.

Up For Love?: Yes, straight. He takes loves seriously, but could fall in love easily.

Other: Nothing, I think.

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Fri Apr 05, 2013 3:39 am
Dakushau says...

Name: Rose Sabelli
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Rank Assassin/Spy.
Allegiance: None, but herself and money. She is an Assassin for hire.

Appearance: Rose has long thick golden brown hair that reaches down to about her waistline. She is a beautiful girl and has a good complexion. Her eyes are a pretty blue color and her only noticeably apparent blemishes are a small symbol etched into the lower-right side portion of her neck and some scars that cover her body, which have been gathered from being an assassin and from childhood, of which the majority is on her back. She wears a dark reddish-brown cloak over her gray full-body armor, which has red tints to it. She usually wears her hood up with a red cloth around her face which cover all but her eyes and above.

Personality: She's tough and independent and doesn't like help from anyone. She is completely and utterly lacking of trust towards strangers, and even to friends or allies it takes an effort to make her begin to trust them. She keeps all of her emotions hidden and bottled up in side most of the time. She prefers to be alone and is usually in thought or taking place in actions that don't allow for thinking.

Flaws: Her greed and envy are probably some of her biggest flaws, she'll do many things if the price is right. She longs to be appreciated but doesn't let it get in the way of her missions and acquiring wealth.

Skills/special abilities: She is very good in the art of stealth, deception, and persuasion. She's also trained in many fighting styles such as: hand-to-hand combat, one-handed, two-handed, ranged, close-combat.

History: When she was only a young girl her parents abandoned her to the life of a slave. She was miserable and hated working for her "owners", who beat her constantly and treated her like dirt. One day, while delivering the evening meal, she got so angry with her masters she grabbed a knife from the table and murdered them in cold blood. After that she ran away and got mixed up with the wrong crowds and the wrong people and took jobs that involved stealth and killing. Eventually, she got trained by someone who saw the potential in her and taught her to be a master assassin. She learned to not trust and keep emotions hidden. Once she surpassed the skills of her teacher, she killed him. After killing her teacher she went into self-training, sharpening her skills to there finest. Then she became an assassin for hire.

Up For Love? Sure, though she would have to be made to trust them first.


Name: Hakiah Durronian (Hah-kai-ah Dur-roh-nian)
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Rank Knight of the Royal Family of Sunuma
Allegiance: To Sunuma and those he cares about.

Appearance: Hakiah's eyes have a nice natural green color to them and his hair is a nice brown. He has a muscular build and is almost a head taller than average with a fair complexion. He always wears his suit of armor, only taking off his helmet, which completely covers his head, occasionally.

Personality: Hakiah is loyal and will almost always follow orders without hesitation. He cares deeply for others but puts those in his kingdom and his kingdom itself as slightly higher on his priority list. He is calm and when around a member of the royal blood doesn't speak without being spoken to, unless they're his friend and he wouldn't get in trouble for it. He's usually quite kind and compassionate, but can be sarcastic at times, though usually not to superiors. He's usually wary of most people until he knows them. He can get very prideful at times.

Flaws: He has a tendency to take action and act out the commands of his superiors without always thinking about them. Sometimes his pride gets in the way.

Skills/special abilities: He is very skilled in fighting like hand-to-hand combat, archery, and sword fighting and other such things.

History: When he was young he loved to examine his dad's swords and hear stories of his dad's life as a knight. He enjoyed practicing his swordsmanship and learning about knights. As he aged he expressed his interest in becoming a knight like his father. So he joined the army of Sunuma and eventually became a knight himself. Not long after he became a knight his father died in battle. He later heard the news and mourned the loss of his father. After years of dedicated service he was given the task of protecting the royal family. He now serves faithfully as a knight of Sunuma.

Up For Love? Yes, but probably not if it interferes with his duty, he puts his kingdom first above most other things.
Last edited by Dakushau on Mon Apr 08, 2013 3:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Sat Apr 06, 2013 2:47 pm
KindredSpiritBee says...

Name: (if an unusual name, please include a pronunciation key) Adelaide, Empress of Karanjan
Age: ( Characters can be any age- just be reasonable.) 15
Gender: (Male/Female?) Female
Rank (king, queen, prince, princess, other?) Empress
Allegiance: (country, king, self, other?) Her allegiance is to her country and her own heart, though so far in her life those two have coincided. If the were to demand two different things, she would be horribly, horribly torn.

Appearance: (description and picture-and please no anime orscene- digital paintings and sketches are fine though) Dark haired, with hazel eyes, Addie, as she's affectionately called, has the normal characteristics of a Karanjan woman. She's medium height and just beginning to be curvy, she shows all the signs of becoming a very lovely woman.
Spoiler! :

Personality: (Include likes and dislikes, strengths and weaknesses. you can do this in points of you prefer) Pragmatic, but kind, she abhors violence and will do anything to avoid war where it's possible. She's excitable but tries very hard to keep her cool around everyone but her big brother, and she plays the harp exceptionally well. She's got a very close bond to her people and tries her hardest to do right by them.

Flaws: (every character has to have them- they make them interesting) Her greatest flaw is that she's only a teenager. She is trying her best, but by nature she's selfish and a little bit stupid. She's easy to dupe and a hopeless romantic.

Skills/special abilities: (no magic please- unless cleared with Shadowlight first!) She plays harp the harp very well, and has the exceptional ability to love other people, selflessly (mostly, she is still a kid after all). She's been raised to be a ruler though, and has the skills necessary for that.

History: (Every character has one, please give us a history of reasonable length) Adelaide grew up in a family of four, her brother, mother, father and herself, and had a happy childhood. There were of course the childhood mishaps, getting in trouble, ditching her lessons, just average things.
A little over a year ago that all changed though. There was a terrible accident that took the lives of both her mother and her father. Foul play is suspected, but never proved, and fourteen year old Addie suddenly found herself the Empress. It's been a struggle for her to become the kind of ruler she thinks her parents would be proud of, and even now she finds herself terribly inept.

Up For Love? (yes/no, conditions, reasons for such?) Yes, though she's pretty young

Other: (anything we've missed?) not off the top of my head
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