
Young Writers Society

Ben 10

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Thu Sep 06, 2012 10:16 am
ELLYNARA3 says...

You can be an alien, human, human with strange powers, basically anything, just ask, I really don’t mind, make you profiles as simple as possible please, we’re going to develop as we go.


Spoiler! :






Up for love?:


It is summer holidays and basically we are all going to make our own story and eventually meet up. As I said, we’ll develop as we go, I’ll make a Discussion Thread (DT) and we can talk and organise in there.

Driver chooses the music, shotgun shuts his cake hole.- Dean to Sam, Supernatural

Feelings!- Crowley, Supernatural

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Thu Sep 06, 2012 11:50 pm
Redfang18 says...

Name: James "Zapper" Mortimer
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Appearance: James is five-foot-ten and skinny as a rail. His skin's slightly tan for a young man his age because he's spent most of his time in the sun during his summer vacation. His hair appears like sun-kissed gold when he's seen outside, but really his hair is milk chocolate brown. He's often seen wearing a light yellow shirt and blue jeans in the summer. His eyes are light green. Because he's a summer artist, he carries a black backpack filled with art supplies and writing materials.
Personality: He's a strange and rare sight indeed. He's rather calm whenever he's got nothing better to do, but there has be times whenever an emotion shows on his face. He can be easily distracted by a pretty face - male and female alike - and it can impulse him to draw a picture or inspire a poem that's closely related to the face. However, there's always a chance that he can get a little "zappy" either on purpose or by accident. When it happens by accident, it's because he got startled. Getting "zappy" on purpose would be more of a personal thing.
History: Zapper was the firstborn triplet offspring of a happy human couple - a teacher for the autistic (mother) and a poetic artist (father). He's the only son of three - him and his triplet sisters, Maria and Margo. He and his sisters never really saw their parents because they were taken in by their father's parents. James found out what his parents looked like when he was eight and became aware of his zapping abilities two years later. His grandfather explained that James and his sisters were descendants of aliens called Voltarions from a distant planet seldom-known as Voltaria. Maria and Margo tried to mantain their zapping abilities, but their powers were too much and overwhelming. They ended up in a coma at fifteen and haven't woke up since. James seems to be strong enough to endure his abilities, but hasn't figured out how to use them without getting others hurt. He's been called Zapper by his grandfather since he learned of his abilities. He's spent most of his summers with his grandparents and doing what he could to keep his mind off his beloved sisters.
Up for love?: Yes. He's bi.
Other: As a descendant of the Voltarion race, he has the power to zap things - living or inanimate - and cause electronics to either lose their power or be recharged. Voltarions are living beings that are not just a part of electrical elements of Voltaria, they are the electrical elements of the planet. Voltaria is a rather strange planet, according to James' grandfather. In such planet, the trees and certain plants produce batteries that many Voltarions can feed off of. Here on Earth, batteries are scarce at certain times of the year. Beneath all the art supplies is a large supply of batteries. James needs the batteries to keep himself going every once in a while, since a Voltarion can't last more than five days without battery juice in his or her system. For a Voltarion to feed off a battery (no matter how small), the thumb must be on the negative side of the battery and another finger on the positive side. If the thumb is on the positive side, the battery is recharged with stored energy for later use.
Look down and show some mercy if you can.
Look down, look down, upon your fellow man.

~~~Les Miserables

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Thu Sep 13, 2012 1:22 am
Stori says...



Age: sixteen by the Earth-standard calendar

Appearance:Kuust looks like an upright fennec fox.He has large, dark-brown eyes
and off-white fur

Personality: Energetic and outgoing, his enthusiasm can sometimes get him into trouble.


Up for love?: Maybe, if it happens to happen.

Other: Kuust has a certain aptitude for repair mechanical things- as in, things
with moving parts. It may not be a useful talent in this modern age, but he thinks
of it as a hobby.

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Thu Oct 18, 2012 6:59 am
ELLYNARA3 says...

I know I said simple but add in a little history please Stori. I put it there for a reason.

Ok so hopefully someone desides to join in soon...Hopefully.
Driver chooses the music, shotgun shuts his cake hole.- Dean to Sam, Supernatural

Feelings!- Crowley, Supernatural

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Thu Oct 18, 2012 10:50 am
ChocoCookie says...

Name: Rosalie "Rose" Swan
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Appearance: Rose has fresh golden hair, which comes out straight and shines under the sunlight. Her skin shines pink and so does her glossy pink lips. Apparently, the best feature of Rose is her eyelashes which stuns her out. You can always see her around in denim shorts (above-knee) and a shirt. She's so plain and very simple at dressing. She doesn't apply too much makeup on. She cares for her hair, skin and everything else just like treasure. Rose stands at five-foot-eight.
Spoiler! :

Personality: Rose is one of those girls whose shy, polite, open and lovely. She's never had the guts to scream at anyone because that's just not her nature. She's very moody sometimes but that's just one of those screwed up days. She's officially very intelligent and knows her way out. Rose is never annoyed by anything and is a huge animal lover. She knows everything there is to know about them. Rose has a strong lady inside her, she may appear to be the most down-to-Earth-girl, but she can be found the most powerful.
History: Rose was adopted the minute she was born. Her adopted parents were the best friends of her parents but they died when Ghost Freak was out of control. Fran(her adopted mother) and Ryan (her adopted father) had always been known of her powers and her special liking towards animals. Of course, she had three step brothers and sister. Rachel, her step sister was the closest. She was 21 but she wasn't a bit jealous that Rose has powers that Rachel couldn't afford though the brainier one of these two was Rachel. The other two step brothers were Fred and Flann. When she was 10 and was taking a walk around the gardens during her birthday, she met a Pomeranian who she could talk to and also understand what it said. As her first pet, Rose kept him. Later on, she discovered she could turn herself and other people with her invisible. She has a slight power of shield but has never worked on them too properly.
Up for love? Yes.
Other:That is her Pomeranian - Roger.
Spoiler! :

He hasn't grown too big after that.

Rose was told by Fran that she would have the ability to absorb her mother's power - The Thunder Queen. Every time there was a storm, Rose has always felt her mother's affection touching her. As a matter of fact, when she was taken down by the son of Vilgax, she blew up the whole place making him to loose all his powers. As said above, she can be the most powerful of her group or in the World but it comes only at certain times that is when her mother feels that she must withdraw from the battle that then, she is allowed to use her Thunder Powers. All in all, Rose's thunder powers are in the hands of her real mother. (Sometimes Rose can control her thunder powers by really bringing it out of her. But the licence to those powers will only be granted when she has control over her powers.)
I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living.

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Mon Oct 22, 2012 1:39 am
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Chupatoasta says...

Name: Aria Gormeli

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Appearance: Aria is a little thing, barely tipping the scale at a little over one hundred pounds at being five foot six. She's got long blue hair and chocolate brown eyes. Although she may appear like a normal human girl with insanely colored hair, if she gets angry her mouth starts to fade and show her true form, that of a demon. Although she's good at hiding it, she has a dark black wolf tail sprouting from her lower back as well as two, furry black ears. When her demon form shows, her nails turn black and grow longer, along with her teeth. Her eyes also fade into a red and her hair fades from blue to white tipped with blood red. She tends to wear racy clothing and loves pinstripped tights as well as fishnets.

Spoiler! :

Personality: Aria is relatively quiet. She keeps to herself in fear of someone setting her off and making her angry, which happens very often. She has trouble controlling her anger and because of that, stays as far away from most people as she can. Her demon within tends to be very contradictory, however, as it loves attention from men and loves to flirt especially. She can't help it, as much as she wish she could.

History: Aria grew up with only her brother, who is a demon like herself. He, however, found entertainment in causing her pain. He'd laugh as she'd scream and often played with fire around her, putting out cigerettes on her skin and holding her hands down on stoves or dripping hot wax onto her skin. He used an axe can and a lighter once to catch her hair on fire, leaving a huge scar between her shoulder blades. When she was twelve, he tried to see how far he could take it and pushed her into a bonfire at a party. Within seconds she had changed from a regular girl into a total beast. Needless to say, her brother's demon ran far away, tail between its legs from a much stronger demon who had rolled over for the last time.

Up for love?: I suppose

Other: She's covered in scars from burns. She also has a couple tattoos here and there of wolves, pawprints and phrases.
Oh, the tiger will love you. There is no sincerer love than the love of food.
George Bernard Shaw

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Fri Oct 26, 2012 9:46 am
ChocoCookie says...

Spoiler! :
When are we starting?
I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living.

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Fri Oct 26, 2012 10:51 am
ELLYNARA3 says...

I'll put up my profile and then whoever wants to post after that can. Anyone who wants to join after we start can just post their profile and jump in.
Driver chooses the music, shotgun shuts his cake hole.- Dean to Sam, Supernatural

Feelings!- Crowley, Supernatural

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Fri Oct 26, 2012 11:41 am
ELLYNARA3 says...

Name: Alihandria Zekos

Gender: Male

Age: 3 and a half (born in a leap year.)

Appearance: Although he is 4, he looks like he is 14, which he actually would be if not born in a leap year on February 29th. He has big blue eyes which he always covers because of his powers and blonde hair and usually wears bright blue board shorts and a Hawaii shirt and thongs. He is also tanned a lot due to working out in the sun meaning that he is heavily muscled also.

Personality: He is usually very slow to anger and will hold a grudge, and he slowly fills up and up until he explodes, yelling and screaming usually hurting the people he loves and his friends, this is how he lost his sister. If you do try to get him as a friend, be prepared for a long battle, he doesn’t easily accept friends after what happened to his sister.

History: Ever since he was born he’s been hurting people, his mother died because he froze her heart with his powers. His farther who looked after him until he was five (one and a quarter). Then he blew up suffocating his farther with water. Then his sister took him in and looked after him until he was ten (two and a half) that was when he blew up again and steam roasted her from the inside out, he was then shunted from Aunt to Uncle and so by the time he was 14 (three and a half) he had killed his entire family without realising. So this summer he is going to the desert where there is no one he can kill. His sister’s death is the one he most regrets.

Up for love?: Yeah if you can break through to him.

Other: His power is water bending if you hadn’t guessed.

Spoiler! :
I don't usually write as a male but for some reason this profile just came naturaly to my head.
Driver chooses the music, shotgun shuts his cake hole.- Dean to Sam, Supernatural

Feelings!- Crowley, Supernatural

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Fri Oct 26, 2012 5:53 pm
Orpheus says...

...Might as well. Venomancer ripoff awaaaaay

Name: Lester Morton, prefers to be called Les

Gender: Male

Age: 32, acts and looks like he's 17.

Appearance: He's tall (nearly six feet) and emaciated, with a sickly tint to his skin. His hair is short, black, and a bit unkempt, sticking out in all directions without any sort of order to it. His clothes, which are usually a plain T-shirt and jeans, seem to hang off of his body, looking like they're just slightly too big for him.

Personality: He tends to act as though being around people is a source of great annoyance, and is a bit of a dick to everyone so they'll go away. If they're very stubborn, he'll give in and drop the pretense; he'd like nothing better than to make new friends, but he doesn't want to do so until he's figured out just what the hell he is now, though he'll be vague about the last bit. When he was younger, he was very outgoing and cheerful, and some of that may shine through when around someone he's become comfortable talking to.

History: Les didn't really do much of anything for most of his life, coasting his way through school with his group of friends. He put forth the minimal effort required for whatever he was supposed to do, saving the vast majority of his free time for his friends. He valued them above nearly everything else, and made sure to let that show. His parents weren't satisfied with his performance in school, deciding to restrict his time away from the house and forbid him from seeing his friends outside of school until he improved his grades. Of course, he didn't really bother obeying this last bit, though it did result in some ventures to places he wouldn't normally have gone. On one of these occasions, a walk in the nearby state park, he managed to get horribly lost after wandering off the path absentmindedly. He fell unconscious for some inexplicable reason, and woke up fifteen years later in a crumbling cocoon, changed to what he is now.

Up for love?: No, but I'm open to someone hitting on him for whatever reason.

Other: Underneath his skin is a layer of chitin, colored a very bright green. This gives his skin its peculiar tint. At a few points near and on his hands, he has retractable stingers that inject a nonlethal but painful venom. These stingers are embedded in the chitin, with no sign that they exist once retracted. He can spit a paralytic contact poison, with fatal results from prolonged exposure. It's slightly caustic, and will corrode its way through a person's outer layer of skin after about three minutes. This is also the point at which fatalities result.

Spoiler! :
If none of this crap makes sense within the rules of biology, I'm chalking it up to magic or aliens, whichever is more convenient and/or makes more sense within the setting. I'm mainly going by the Rule of Cool here, and I can see some of you guys are too.

If the personality section seems vague, that's because I can never get a very good idea of who my characters are before I actually write them.

History's also kind of lame, but hey, it's something at least. I can probably edit this later if I figure out how to fix it.
bane of your existence bane of your existence bane of your existence bane of your existence bane of your existence bane of your existence bane of your existence

Lily you are my fig father
— Elliebanana