
Young Writers Society

The Virus has Spread, Now Everyone is Dead [STARTING]]

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Mon Aug 29, 2011 6:03 pm
Tabithalillian says...

...Well, not everyone. A new plague swept the world earlier in the year, a super virus of sorts that wiped out humanity, except for a not-so-lucky few. A few who are immune and are left on the earth in a ruined society, left to start anew and pick up the pieces. The technology of the old world is everywhere but in a non-working state. There is food everywhere but most of it has rotted; you get to eat canned goods for who knows how long. There are two groups of survivors, the innocents (dedicated to simply trying to rebuild society and survive) and the Savages (dedicated to ruling the new society and stopping at nothing to achieve this goal. They are all about survival but not in the peaceful way the innocents are).

Now you are a survivor and must pick the group that you find you best fit into. Are you about starting new, bringing about a peaceful society and staying alive? Or do you want to be in control of this new world, is killing and kidnapping right up your alley? Choose quickly because a war will soon break out between the two groups once they are formed. And the savages are going to make the first strike. Choose your weapon and begin to scout out the rest of the survivors.

-Regular YWS story book rules apply
-No smut please and thank you. Relationships are acceptable.
-You may have two characters but no more
-No godmodding
-Don't kill off another character with out the creators permission
- Lets try and keep the amount of innocents and savages equal or semi equal.
- No terrible language. Mild swearing is allowed as long as you use it in moderation.
- Lets keep it semi-lit to literate.
Character Slots
~Rampion Greer-- tabithalillian
~ Kelli Moss -- IcyFlame
~ Mary Maybelle -- MissPenelopeLane
~ Olivia Atkinson-- Gleek456
~ Ambrosia Love--Ladyofthedeathroses
~ April Hastings -- Ignorance

~ Harrison Sharpe-- tabithalillian
~ Anthony Mercer -- MissPenelopeLane
~ Alexander Duquesne -- Loller65
~ David Boone --JO3Shmo
~ Michael Grey--Ladyofthedeathroses
~ Demoni Smith --MilkNCookies

Name: (both please)
Age: (try and keep them in late teens or twenties)
Innocent or Savage:
Appearance: (picture and or words)
I will make profiles for my two characters a little later, so enjoy and fill up those slots! Aaaaand any modifications you think I should make just pm me and I can consider it!
Last edited by Tabithalillian on Sat Sep 03, 2011 7:58 pm, edited 9 times in total.
Living in a tower

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Mon Aug 29, 2011 7:51 pm
IcyFlame says...

Character profile:
Name: Kelli Moss
Age: 19
Innocent or Savage: Innocent (ish)
Weapon: Sword
Appearance: Image
Personality: Brave, but doesn't trust anyone. She is hard to get close to and has a lot of secrets. She can be quite quiet at first, but still can be deadly. She won't do anything unless she can see what's in it for her.
Bio/History: Kelli was brought up by her father because her mother left when she was eight. Both her father and brother, Kieran, were killed soon in the epidemic and she was left alone. Now, she fights for her freedom and very right to survive.
Relationship: Boyfriend killed in virus.
Other: Has plenty of secrets, but doesn't have anyone to talk to.

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Wed Aug 31, 2011 3:47 am
MissPenelopeLane says...

Name: Mary Maybelle
Age: 16
Innocent or Savage: Savage
Weapon: A medium thickness staff. On the top she has a special place carved out so she can put a slightly modified knife blade into it.
Appearance: She's a short girl, only four foot nine. Her skin is dark brown, and her hair is pure black. Her eyes are plain green, and glitter in the right light. For the most part she wears plain clothes and prefers dark colors to help her move unseen in the world. Her hands have several scars on them from where she picked up a pot full of burning water without any mitts or anything.
Personality: She's very quiet. After the virus killed most people she seemed to turn into an animal. When she does speak she's very hostile.
She grew up in New York City, and was always a tough girl. When someone told her at the age of seven that you shouldn't pick up a pot of boiling water with your bare hands, she showed them and picked it up. Of course her hands were wrapped up in bandages for a month and a half, and the scars on her palms never went away. Either way she was a very determined girl.

When people started to die out something in her snapped. She ran off after her parents died and went to hide until people stopped walking around. She waited for the quiet, then emerged to scavenge the lands for anything she could use to stay alive.

Relationship: Single, always has been.
Other: She's more animal than human..?

Name: Anthony Mercer
Age: 24
Innocent or Savage: Innocent.
Weapon: His kitchen knives.
Appearance: Anthony was always a dashing young man. He has a very trim figure, and even after the virus hit he kept himself clean shaven. His hair is short and brown, though ever since the virus hit he let it grow out a bit more, and it looks somewhat shaggy. For clothes he always wore some brightly colored garments, though the colors are hard to see through the dirt and grime he's collected wandering around. His scarf collection he kept in perfect condition; he has scarves of all colors.
Personality: Very closed off, somewhat depressed, and very bitter. He doesn't want to hurt others, despite his own mental state.
He was given a rich upbringing. He came out of the closet when he was 15 and was sent to a "Pray Away The Gay" camp where he met another rich boy named Leonard. The two of them got along well, and when they convinced everyone they were straight started to date outside the camp.

By the time Anthony was 20 he was diagnosed with a brain tumor. This crushed the two men. He went under a risky treatment, and just before he went into it he told Leonard that if he lived he wanted to get married. It was a close call, but Anthony lived through it, and the two of them got married in New York City.

When Leonard died in the plague Anthony was crushed. All the spunk and joy that he had in his life died out, and he knew that he would survive and build another society so he could make a proper grave for Leonard.

Relationship: Husband died.
Other: Touch his scarves and you die.
Do you want Peace, Love, and Happiness?
~Good, because so do I.
Before you can do that, you must do one thing.
~Imagine ALL the people.
That or sit on the couch eating nachos.

...Let's just do that.

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Wed Aug 31, 2011 2:07 pm
gleek456 says...

Name: Olivia Atkinson

Age: 20

Innocent or Savage: Innocent

Weapon: Daggers

Appearance: Olivia has that model look going on. She has long, curly brown hair and dark hazel eyes. Olivia is and looks Hispanic. Olivia has slightly rosy cheeks and long eyelashes. She is pretty tall and has a slender figure. Olivia is pretty skinny.

Spoiler! :
dfbf8f112e31.jpg (48.07 KiB) Viewed 337 times

Personality: Olivia is the ISFP kind. She is quiet, serious, sensitive and kind. She doesn't like causing trouble, she tries to avoid causing it. Olivia doesn't really like to lead or control others.She is pretty loyal and faithful. Olivia has an appreciation for appearances and a type of personality. She is open-minded and has well-developed senses. Olivia is down-to-earth, unless someone or something seriously ticks her off. She goes crazy if something she doesn't like happens. Olivia enjoys being in the present, and doesn't like to think of the past or future.

Bio/History: Olivia was born into a big family. The Atkinsons were a pretty well-known bunch, in school, in work, everywhere. Olivia was born as the 3rd oldest child, and was in the shadow of her older sister (who worked as a Scientist). The Atkinsons had high expectations when it came to working. One would be a lawyer, while another would be a business man. Olivia wanted to be a teacher when she graduated high school, but her parent's disagreed. They wanted her to become a doctor, but they didn't understand that Olivia has a very sensitive stomach.

Ever since Olivia was 13, she tried to convince her parent's about how she has the freedom to choose who she wants to be. Just when her parent's were about to agree, the plague hit, and they realized that the world needed more doctors than teachers. Olivia got seriously stressed, but then got plagued. Suddenly her whole family got plagued, but she got cured before any of them could. Later, they died and Olivia regrets not listening and being "the perfect daughter".

Relationship: Single, and up for love and straight. She's never had real love.

Other: Olivia is pretty good at self-defense.

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Wed Aug 31, 2011 4:32 pm
Loller65 says...

Name: Alexander Duquesne

Age: 23

Innocent or Savage: Innocent

Weapon: M14

Appearance: Image

Personality: Alexander is tough. He doesn't care about anything but surviving. He likes to be alone whenever possible so he can make sure his weapon stays in pristine shape. He only socializes when he needs to go out in hunting or scavenging parties. He is usually emotionless and cold towards others and keeps a cool head in a firefight.

Bio/History: Alexander grew up on his family's farm in Vermont, where he learned to hunt, shoot, and survive in the wilderness. He went to college and majored in foreign lannguages. After graduating, he returned home to be with his granddad in his last days. Unfortunately, his granddad died and then the virus killed the rest of his fmaily.

Alexander was a savage for awhile, figuring it was the easiest way to stay alive in the post apocalyptic wastes. However, when he saw one of his comrades violently rape and murder an innocent woman, he was disgusted at the thought of surrounding himself with such awful people and set out on his own. Alexander has intimate knowledge of how savages operate and has decided to try and fight against them to keep them hurting other innocent people.

Relationship: Willing to be in a relationship. Somebody's gotta repopulate the place, right?

Other: Alexander keeps his ex - savage status a secret from everyone.
Last edited by Loller65 on Fri Sep 02, 2011 4:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"There are no absolute rules of conduct, either in peace or war. Everything depends on circumstances."

-Leon Trotsky-

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Wed Aug 31, 2011 8:25 pm
Tabithalillian says...

Great everyone! Sorry I have been away so long, classes just began again! (Rapunzel inspired character? I think so.)

Name: Rampion Greer
Age: 18
Innocent or Savage: Innocent
Weapon: Frying pan and a kitchen knife
Spoiler! :
Probably her hair is a little longer.
Personality: Rampion is very sweet and a bit overbearing some times, she loves exploring she loves discovering and she loves talking. But this is only because she has not had that many people to talk to in her life. She is incredibly kind but she understands that she needs to protect her and her own. She is also a bit naive, almost to a fault. She trusts a bit to easily but is always true to her word.
Bio/History: Rampion was named for her parents favorite fairy tale. Both her parents were English majors, one an author and the other a professor of English at a local college. Both her parents were extremely paranoid and a bit boring. They home schooled her and sure her friends were approved by themselves. This usually meant that the children she was allowed to play with were children of their friends. She did most of her play inside and was always chaperoned. By the time she was able to walk and talk the Greers had hired a live in nanny who became Rampion's best and only playmate as she grew up and tired of the children her parents picked for her.
An exciting time in her life was finally approaching, when she turned eighteen, left the house and attended a college of her choice, she really could get into any one, her parents had seen to the fact that she got a stellar education and focused only on her school work. She planned on her 18th birthday to tell them she was going to leave, become an artist, a passion she had always wanted to pursue. But the virus had spread before that, leaving her parents dead and her alone in their house in New York City. Where she had lived all her life and never explored.
Relationship: Obviously Rampion has never been in a relationship but is naturally very curious about one.
Other: Though she seems a little air headed, naive and lacks street smarts Rampion is quite clever and has used her parent's small library to study many things, including self defense (though it could improve), and a great many other things. She is not stupid.
Living in a tower

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Wed Aug 31, 2011 9:03 pm
Tabithalillian says...

Name: Harrison Sharpe

Age: 23

Innocent of Savage: Savage

Weapon: Two small pistols, taken from his grandfather's house.

Spoiler! :

Personality: Harrison is extremely suave and manipulative. He is cocky and tries to use his looks to get him everywhere. But don't let his pretty boy act fool you. He is a very skilled fighter and always has a plan running through his mind. He gets irritated very easily and with enough pushing has been known to become explosively angry. Excellent at lying.

Bio: Harrison's parents were both poor and though they tried to give him the best they could he hated them for it. From a very young age he vowed that he would have more power and money than both of them. Though he seems like the type to run away from home he stayed with his parents, not out of pity, our of the mere fact that this was a free place to eat and sleep. He completed school but found that some of the knowledge he gained there was useless and spent more time improving his street smarts, his fighting skills, anything he could use to protect himself and gain respect. He managed to keep away from drugs but not so much the alcohol. Though he never became a full fledged alcoholic he did know in the back of his mind that he had a problem. Once he left home he promised never to return and he kept this promise. Studying for a few years as an architect at Cooper Union, believing that this was a good way to put his foot in the door, get into the world of big business. As he was about to graduate the virus struck and wiped out the city, the state and essentially the world. He knew there were survivors out there and he planned to find them, to try and take control of their presumably spineless group.

Relationship: He is willing to have one but it may not be for the best reasons.

Other: Can get quite violent.
Living in a tower

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Wed Aug 31, 2011 9:23 pm
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J03shmo says...

Name: David Boone
Age: 21
Innocent or Savage: Wont bother you if you bother him so innocent i guess
Weapon: Barret .50 CAL sniper rifle
Appearance: 6'0 tall, average weight, expressionless face, normal army haircut, cleaned shaved face, he is we would call "buff' these days
Personality: Quiet type, doesn't really like being around a lot of people. He is intelligent and resourceful
Bio/History: He joined the military at age 18 and went to sniper school for the army, he was the top of his class and is highly prepared to survive in this type of situation. Both parents were dis-ceased when he was young and he was raised by his older brother, he joined the military to help pay for his college education, and ever since his parents died he was never one to get close to anyone except for his older brother that is now dead due to this epidemic. Along with his great sniping skills he is also great at fighting with weapons such as a baseball bat..he was a huge baseball fan before the virus wiped everyone out. Like i said before he doesn't want to be with anyone else but he is known for always doing the right thing in any situation
Relationship: Doesn't look for one, he just worries about himself

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Wed Aug 31, 2011 9:58 pm
Ladyofthedeathroses says...

Name: Ambrosia Love *Amber*
Age: 21
Innocent or Savage: Innocent
Weapon: Throwing knives
Appearance: Image
Personality: Soft, and gentle, can be hard hearted, quiet unless with Michael.
Bio/History: Was adopted at the age of six. She met her boyfriend Michael when she was 18 and he proposed to her before the virus and he survived with her.
Relationship: Happily engaged.
Other: Wears the engagement ring around a chain on her neck.

Name: Michael Grey
Age: 23
Innocent or Savage: Innocent
Weapon: Two daggers
Appearance: Short kind of shaggy black hair, dark grey eyes, tan skin, 5'11, muscular but not bulky.
Personality: If you screw with Ambrosia you will die painfully, calm under pressure, sweet, loving, and gentle.
Bio/History: Survived the virus with Ambrosia after proposing to her. Before that he had inherited a decent fortune.
Relationship: Taken.
Other: Wears his engagement ring.
"You are without a doubt, the worst pirate I've ever heard of."

"But you have heard of me."

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Wed Aug 31, 2011 10:46 pm
gleek456 says...

Tabitha! So excited!... Can we start soon? :D I've fallen in love with Olivia.

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Wed Aug 31, 2011 11:08 pm
MilkNCookies says...

Name: Demoni Smith.
Age: 17
Innocent or Savage: Innocent, but has his savage moments
Weapon: Teeth. (will explain.)
Spoiler! :

Personality: He was around fifteen when the plague started. When it did, he naturally panicked. Ran away, you know? Into the forest. He saw a pack of wolves and reasoned that, if he followed them, he could learn their methods. So for the past two years he has done just that, learning how to outsmart a little white rabbit and how to rip it up with her teeth. The first few times he ate raw mean he nearly died; but, seeing as he had no other choice, his body slowly adapted. He also has used rocks to sharpen her teeth.
Don't you worry your little head, he has faults, too. Like the fact he hasn't talked to anyone for like 2 years. He's basically socially awkward. X 1,000,000.
Bio/History: Before the whole plague, he lived with her older sister- her father died before she was born and his mother died giving birth to him. His sister is around 30 right now and when she got sick, she told Dem to run away, before he got sick, too. He was obedient.
Relationship: Yes, if you don't mind having to sorta help him become... Human again. Straight.
Other: Has a tattoo of a dragon on his left wrist.
Last edited by MilkNCookies on Sat Sep 03, 2011 4:03 pm, edited 2 times in total.
"Fantasy is a way of looking through the wrong end of the telescope."

"The writer who breeds more words than he needs is making a chore for the reader who reads!"


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Thu Sep 01, 2011 4:54 am
Iggy says...

Name: April Hastings.

Age: 19.

Weapon: Daggers.

Innocent or Savage: Savage.

Spoiler! :

Her eyes are a innocent chocolate brown.

Personality: Glancing at her, you may think "she's so innocent looking." Well, she's not. She's a cold-hearted woman who grew up on the streets and learned to trust no one. She uses her good looks and innocent charm to trick people into doing what she says. She's sarcastic, cocky, decieveing, alluring, and breath-takingly beautiful.

History: Her mother died in child-birth, her father's a druggie, and her sister's a prostitute. When she was five, her father started beating and raping her. She didn't know what was going on, so she stayed quiet. One day when she was nine, he got severly drunk and started beatingher to death. Out of nowhere flies a dagger, striking him in the heart and killing him. A fourteen year old boy takes her to his gang. They accept her and nurse her until she's better. They tell her that they're the Aristocrats, a gang of kids living on the streets. They do whatever it takes to survive. They offer her a place in the gang, and a family. She accepts, of cojrse. The boy who saved her, Jerr, becomes her mentor and teaches her how to throw a dagger, shoot an arrow, pick a lock, swing an ax, aim a pistol, handle a sword, hot-wire a car, and self-defense. She grew up and fought amonst her family, killing anyone who harms them. When the plague hit and all of the gang, save April, died, she cursed the world and wept bitter tears. Burying their bodies and setting out to find a new gang, she vowed to make them proud and doing what they always wanted to do - take over the world.

Relationships: Straight. Up for love.

Other: Her most prized possesion is a friendship ring on her right hand. "Family not by blood, but by choice" is engraved on the back. If you touch it, she will stab you. Hard.
“I can't go back to yesterday because I was a different person then."
- Lewis Carroll

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Thu Sep 01, 2011 7:48 pm
Tabithalillian says...

Hey everyone! We will start soon but I want to get at least one more male. We just went over the female limit but I figured one more will be okay. If we don't get another profile then we start on Saturday!
Living in a tower

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Fri Sep 02, 2011 1:25 am
MilkNCookies says...

I can make my character a male, if you want.
"Fantasy is a way of looking through the wrong end of the telescope."

"The writer who breeds more words than he needs is making a chore for the reader who reads!"


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Fri Sep 02, 2011 1:30 pm
Tabithalillian says...

If you are okay with that it would be great, but you totally don't have to! And like I said if no more people join then I can just start it later today or tomorrow morning.
Living in a tower

— The Golden Goose