
Young Writers Society

Red Sky in Morning

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Mon Aug 21, 2017 6:31 pm
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Holysocks says...

Red Sky in Morning

You are on a cruise, destined for adventures, when something terrible happens; the ship is invaded by flesh-hungry mermaids. But they don't want to simply eat you and your mates, no... they have much bigger plans for you.

Care to board?

It's a modern day cruise, there's plenty of things to keep everyone entertained; a pool, concerts, shows, games, restaurants, you name it! All your character has to do is show up. You're on vacation, essentially.

A few 'cans':

1. Your character can be any age.

2. Fantasy characters are allowed, but keep in mind that fantasy creatures aren't that common in this world, so it would be more of a secret, or rare. AKA you're not going to see teeny-tiny pixies in the restaurant, out in the open or anything. I'd prefer mostly humans, or mermaids, but I'm willing to be persuaded!

How to join:

Go to the Discussion Topic, and announce that you'd like to join! You can be human or a mermaid/man (or something else if you think of something you think would fit with the feel of the SB). Just head on over to the DT and let me know what you are (human/mermaid/other), and that you'd like to join, and then as soon as possible, start on your character template so we can do this thang! C:

This, I'm hoping, will be a very relaxed SB.

Character Template:
Code: Select all
[b]Race -human, mermaid, etc:[/b]
[b]Sex &/or gender:[/b]
[b]History (doesn't have to be long at all!) :[/b]

Character Slots:

1. Holysocks
2. Sheytato
3. Synnoev
4. Lightsong
5. Kelpies
6. EscaSkye
7. saentiel
8. Steggy
9. ajruby12
10. KaiRyu
Last edited by Holysocks on Thu Sep 28, 2017 4:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
100% autistic

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Thu Sep 28, 2017 4:03 am
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Holysocks says...


The ocean breeze hit my face, and I swear I could feel the spray of salt water. Gran was two steps behind me, huffing as we climbed the ramp, boarding the S. Mally a ship I’d been reading up on for the last three months.

It didn’t take us that long to board, but it felt like a lifetime with Gran seemingly purposefully walking slow. Her way of taking in everything was different than me- she liked to go slow, absorb and digest it all in one linear motion, but I had to gobble it as fast as I could, taking in each new piece of information and stashing it away the second I saw it.

“Slow down.” Gran said.

I managed to keep myself together long enough to wait for her to get a few steps closer and then I was off again. Once we made it inside, I was unstoppable. Everything looked familiar in such a skewed fashion- I’d seen pictures of this place, the carpet was bright red with flecks of blue and gold, and black swirls. There were lounge chairs and a sofa or two.

“Let’s figure out where our room is,” Gran said. I hadn’t realized she’d caught up to me. I didn’t want to find our room. I mean on one hand I was excited to see what it was like- on the other hand I knew Gran would make me unpack once we got there and I didn’t feel like unpacking just yet. It would be pointless to argue though. Grandmothers had a system. You don’t mess with the system.

When we got to the room, I was surprised at how small it was. It reminded me of a box- of course, it was bigger than a box, but it was shaped like a box and everything kinda fit together inside like a box. The beds were side-by-side, and kinda squished into the wall. There was a tiny round window, a bathroom that was smaller than the one my grandparents had in their RV, and a mirror on the door.

I flopped onto the bed on the left, claiming it. My backpack feel to the floor and Gran mumbled something at me, but I couldn’t tell what it was. I hadn’t realized how tired I was until the bed engulfed me and I marveled at my dream that had finally come true.
100% autistic

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Fri Sep 29, 2017 12:38 am
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ajruby12 says...

Avra Raynelle

Ocean air. Waves lapping against the ship's hull. If Avra Raynelle could, she would drink in the entire ocean just to never forget that moment. This would be the first time in many years she would board a cruise ship, and she wasn't about to waste one moment.

With the salt air whishing through her hair, which matched the clouds quite well that day, she jogged towards the ship. She stared in awe at the enormity of it all.

“I didn't know they made them this big...” she murmured, then looked up at a perched sea gull, her nose wrinkling.

“I hope you didn't eat any of my fish pals today, bird-brain. Ha, that actually works, doesn't it?” she muttered to herself cheerily. The gull squawked and flew off, dropping a feather into the ocean.

“Psh, even the birds litter.” Avra complained softly, then pulled on her suitcase to start it rolling and walked towards the ramp. She hesitated for a moment, her free hand touching her camera, which was looped around her neck.

“Well, I suppose this is the right ship… The S. Mally, or something along those lines. Well, no time to waste, Avi.” A couple walking by glanced at her oddly, and she averted her eyes. It wouldn't be the best idea to make people think I'm crazy

Finally, her sandals hit the deck and she wobbled for a moment, trying to regain her balance.

“Not used to walking on something bobbling in the sea. I much prefer swimming in it.” She stared down over the ship's railing at the water, noticing sea foam splashing up along the side of the ship. She started to reach down towards the water longingly, but swiftly pulled back.

“Nope, not going to do that. I'd never get back on board!” she said, giggling slightly. She paced carefully across the deck, keeping her suitcase close to her. Who knows what kind of people might be in a crowd like this? Granted, these people have money, but that just would attract thieves and the like.

After studying her ticket and a ship's map multiple times, she headed off to find her room. Thankfully not many people had boarded yet, so she wasn't forced into any potentially awkward situations. One brown-haired girl did whish by her in the halls, followed by an elderly lady, who was grumbling something about 'too much energy'. Avra smiled, flashing back to her own grandparents, who were rather distraught about her leaving the last time.

“Hmm, room number 242… Oh, it's right here. Bleh, right in the middle of the hall? No matter what I do… At least it wasn't expensive.” She slid in her key card, and the door opened. The room that met her eyes wasn't exactly a suite, but it had a lovely view of the ocean.

“Mm, perfect.” She plopped down on the bed, running a hand over the covers. She stared up at the light fixture, which wasn't on, but it certainly was interesting.

“Maybe this won't be too bad.”
"There are worse crimes than burning books. One of them is not reading them." - Ray Bradbury

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Sat Sep 30, 2017 10:32 pm
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Mageheart says...

Piper Jones

The water was something quite familiar to her, though this water was different than the one that she was used to. She peered over the side of the ship. The waves beat against its hull in a comforting rhythm. They had more force than the waves of her home, but that strength had not come at the cost of their gentleness. Seagulls bobbed up and down not too far away. She was even lucky enough to notice a fish briefly jumping out of the water. It was a beautiful sight that she could have spent an eternity gazing at.

But now was not the time to do so.

She turned her back to the sea and grabbed her suitcase from beside her. A smile spread across her face as its wheels rolled across the wooden deck. Though she had always been curious about the ocean, she was even more intrigued by the occupants of the cruise ship. There was a skip to her step as she made her way to her room. A cruise was the perfect time to learn more about them. Since the ship was only so large, and the number of guests relatively small, it would be difficult to avoid interacting with each other.

She unlocked the door to her room. What questions should she ask first? Names were a wonderful place to start, but also had the tendency to be quite boring. They weren't especially special. Occupations and hobbies would probably be a more interesting conversation. She shut the door behind her and made sure to lock it. Asking about their families was also good, but that could come off as somewhat creepy if they just met.

She left her suitcase by the door and took in the room.

It was small, but that was alright. She didn't need a large expanse of space to make her happy. All she needed was a view of the ocean – which she had – and a comfortable bed to sleep on. After a quick test, she decided that she absolutely loved her room.

Her gaze returned to her suitcase. Unpacking was probably the responsible thing to do, but she wanted to meet at least one of the other people on the cruise. It could wait until after she did that. A quick conversation wouldn't last that long, right? She could chat with someone and then be the responsible adult she was supposed to be.

She quickly checked her appearance in the room's only mirror. Since she had no qualms with it, she rushed out of her room in a flurry of excitement. Her pulse raced as she recalled the story that she had come up with for herself. Her name was Piper Jones. That part was actually quite true. Though she did have an interest in it, she didn't study aquatic wildlife. And while she did have several relics with her, they didn't come from her parents nonexistent museum.

Still, it was a cover story that no one would ever question.

She slammed the door shut behind her.

I can't wait to talk to a human!

[ she/her, but in a boy kinda way ]

roleplaying is my platonic love language.

queer and here.

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Thu Oct 12, 2017 12:39 am
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Steggy says...


Renee doesn't like boats.

As a child, she would have nightmares about drowning. Being pulled from a ship and into the deep, cold darkness known as the sea. Her uncles would joke about how silly this fear was, taunting her with late night watchings of Jaws and doctumarties are shark attacks. It was all too much for her mind to handle. So, when she received an invite to go on a cruise, Renee was hesitant and rather much stay at home. That same week of when the cruise was happening a thunder storm was passing overhead. She began to think of the possible scenerios that could go could wrong. The doors rattling so much that they broke off the hindges. Cars that roll down the streets and winds tapping lightly against the windows. It was all so much for Renee to handle that she finally decided it was best to leave the house. Plus, with this trip, she could find some ease from all the stress she was having with her father.

The morning of the trip was cloudy with the faint smell of rain lingering in the air. Renee dragged her suitcase down the walkway and to the yellow taxi that wait outside. Her father was inside sleeping when she left. He was happy that she was overcoming her fear. That wasn't the real reason but it was a coverup story so Renee didn't have to deal with his forgiveness. She decided to wear a tan peacoat, a floral button up, jeans, and tan flats. The taxi driver was a kind young man who wore avaitar glasses and a leather jacket. He had also mentioned his name was Rhett but Renee figured this wasn't important. She gazed out the window at the passing houses, slowing feeling the immerse regret of wanting to leave. Renee ignored this feeling and placed her earbuds into her room. Thet taxi rolled on, driving towards the port where the ship was docked.

The waves pushed against the dock as Renee got out of the taxi. She thanked the driver and got her suitcase. The ship was much larger in person than it was in the picture she was emailed. Renee began to regret coming here. There were families that were around the port and a small festival that was happening a little further down the port, along the boardwalk. Children went by, laughing. There was a small part of Renee who wanted to laugh and enjoy the sights but regrettably, she couldn't. Swallowing this all down, she carefully walked up the loading slide that lead up to the boat. She tried her best not to look down, especially since the water was crashing and causing the boat to move gently from side to side. Sweat seemed to gather around the hand that was gripping the suitcase handle. Dizzly, Renee finally made it onto the desk of the boat.
The rainy evening sky seemed to brighten as Renee made her way to the captain's lounge. With every step she took, the sense of adventure caused her heart to beat hard against her chest and there was almost a short longing for what this trip could hold.
You are like a blacksmith's hammer, you always forge people's happiness until the coal heating up the forge turns to ash. Then you just refuel it and start over. -Persistence (2015)

You have so much potential and love bursting in you. -Omnom

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Mon Oct 16, 2017 1:49 am
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EscaSkye says...

Faye Belarus

"Good evening, Miss Belarus. Your benefactor has prepared everything you need for your trip. All the details should be in the letter he sent you the other week. We hope you enjoy your vacation," the lady on the other end of the line said. It was similar to the stereotypical secretary monotone voice you hear on corporate drama shows on TV.

"You know, I still don't understand why he wouldn't talk to me directly instead. The fact you guys seem to know a lot about me, and yet I know almost nothing about you is disconcerting."

I scratch my eyebrow as I look to the side. The waves were crashing against the shore as all the establishments turned on their lights, the lavenders and blues mixing in with hazy yellows and oranges.

I'll miss this place. It won't be long until I get shipped off to who knows where.

"You'll find out soon enough when you arrive. Now please, try not to worry. Enjoy the night." She hung up before I could react. Typical.

I sigh as I stash my phone back into my pocket. It's a good thing I decided to wear my leather hoodie to keep me warm on this particularly chilly evening. I grab my duffel bag and climb on to the ship, taking out a letter in the process.

Dear Ms. Belarus,

I have heard about you through many different sources. Some have even referred to you as the 'Healing Angel'. This appears to be backed by various anecdotes and records. Some personal.

I am willing to make you an offer. I know what happened at the hospital: about how the current director removed you of your job for the charity ward incident.

Please come meet me. I will be waiting for you at the other end of the S. Mally cruise. I swear, what you've been through will never happen again. So help me.

Attached to this letter is your ticket and a safety deposit box key. You will find spending money and a manager's check. I hope the latter suffices as your family's allowance while you are on the cruise. If you decide not to come, consider the two as a gift.

I hope to see you. I'll be waiting.

Figures he'd leave a number for me to dial in that safety deposit box too.

I look behind me one more time. I could hear the distant sound of music and children playing near the docks. The cruise will be a while, and who knows if anything would happen on the ocean. If anything, at least the hefty amount on the check would last my family for a long time.

My family... my --

I blink, calling myself out of the trance as soon as I thought of him. I turn around and walk towards the door. I can't look back, not right now.

One step at a time, Belarus.

I took a deep breath and went to look for my room.
Not anymore.

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Tue Nov 07, 2017 1:10 pm
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Synnoev says...

Jake Mallory

Jake rested his arms on the railing of the ship, looking out over the sea in the distance. Beside him stood Cordelia, a careful distance away, staring down into the ocean as if thinking of diving in suddenly. He rolled his eyes, nudging her shoulder to get her attention, and her gaze flicked up irritably to meet his.

"You'll get plenty of time to swim later," he teased, a slight smile playing on his lips.

Her scowl deepened and she pushed him away, looking back to face the ocean wistfully. "I don't even know why you brought me here," she said in a low, careful voice, keeping her gaze directed away from him. "What did you think would happen?" Her tone raised slightly as she continued to speak, the stress evident on her face.

Jake shrugged easily, pulling Cordelia closer and resting his head against her hair. "I thought you'd enjoy it. Surrounded by ocean spray, open sea..." He smirked and looked down to meet her eyes. "Who knows, maybe you'll even see your family?"

Her expression darkened instantly, and she pushed him away from her, any attempt to hide her anger gone. "Is that meant to be a joke?" she said, voice ringing out across the deck. "After what you did to me?"

Well, this wouldn't do. Jake looked over at the other holidaymakers on the ship, seeing a few heads turning their way in curiosity. A girl with light, almost white hair walked by, pulling away slightly as Cordelia pushed at Jake. The two of them were going to be surrounded by these people for the next few weeks; it certainly wasn't ideal for Cordelia to be starting this drama right now in front of everyone and raising suspicion.

He turned back to her and took in her still furious expression. She met his gaze for a moment, then took a deep breath, clearly ready to launch into a tirade. "You TOOK ME from-"

Jake didn't hesitate before grabbing her wrist and pulling her close, her words frozen in her throat as she stumbled forward. His mouth by her ear, he whispered in a low voice. "I think you know the rules. Don't cause drama in public. If you need to shout, do it where they can't hear you. Preferably, where I can't hear you either. Do you understand?"

He felt her smaller frame tremble slightly beside him, then a small nod against his head.

"Good." He straightened up, casting a bright smile at another passerby. "She's just worried about our dog back home," he lied smoothly, nudging Cordelia. "Isn't that right?"

Cordelia paused, and her eyes widened in some sort of confusion as she looked over at the blue-haired girl before meeting her gaze. Jake held his tongue and nudged her slightly again, not letting his smile falter for a moment. This seemed to break her from her thoughts, and she gave a small nod. "Oh... that's right."

The blue-haired girl nodded in reply. "Er, okay? Hey, are you-"

"Actually, we really need to be getting back to our room." Jake said in a firm voice, tugging on Cordelia's hand as he led her back inside. As Cordelia followed, she turned back to look at the other girl, expression still lost in thought.

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Wed Nov 08, 2017 1:21 am
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Kelpies says...

Cordelia Mallory

Cordelia had two different trains of thought at that moment. They were both questions, the first being why she felt the girl with blue hair was different, the second being whether or not it would be worth it to sneak laxatives into Jake's food. She decided that if she got the chance, she would get her revenge on Jake, but she still wasn't sure why she thought the girl with blue hair was special. She had felt like she knew the girl, even though she had never met her before. She felt like they shared a backstory- as if they both belonged to the sea. Of course, her notions were silly and she knew it, but it was better than thinking about how much she hated her life as her husband shepherded her to their cabin. Nevertheless, she appreciated the blue-haired-girl's attempt at help.

Yes, she was bitter about what he had done to her, and taking her back to the sea only made it worse. She wanted to scream, to cry, to lash out, but she knew that if she did, she might possibly lose her skin forever, so she played the waiting game. She waited for some sort of tell- any hint as to where her husband had hidden her skin.

Their cabin wasn't horrible, and she was grateful that they had a bunk instead of one large bed. She didn't like sharing a bed with him, especially since he had a habit of stealing all the covers in the middle of the night. She climbed the ladder with her suitcase, claiming that area as her own. She glared at Jake- simultaneously daring him to come up, and silently telling him that if he did come up she'd push him right off. Even if she didn't act like it- he knew that she hated him. If he didn't- he had a thicker skull than she thought.

She opened her suitcase- which was mostly full of books, and began to read, blatantly ignoring Jake. He might have said something, but she was too busy ignoring him to notice. He went to his bed, and she silently fished through her suitcase for the laxatives. She was also plotting how she was going to get him to stop touching her, no matter the circumstances. Hmm... She couldn't make it too obvious- maybe something that caused a rash after an hour or two? Allergies could be a useful tool...

She broke a small grin. He may have won this battle, but she wasn't going to let him win the war.
We are who we are, and if someone has a problem with that; that's their problem not ours.
I do believe that insane is the only way to go.

Sometimes poetry is inspired by the conversation entered into by reading other poems.
— John Barton