
Young Writers Society

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

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Fri Jul 04, 2014 7:42 pm
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Mackattack says...

Dear YWS author,
We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The term begins soon, so make sure you start off by buying your wand at your local wand shop. First years need to remember that you are not allowed to bring your brom until your second year. So will you be brave like our Griffindor's, or cunning like our Slytherin, maybe you'll be as wise as our Ravenclaw, or will you be a loyal Huffelpuff.

We hope to see you soon at school.

Yours sincerely,
Mackattack, your headmistress.


Welcome to Hogwarts, I am headmistress Mackattack, I will be an admin on this SB. I have my deputy headmistress is Wolfare1. You can sign up by sending us about who you want to be and if you don't want to be anyone specific then just tell us your team. We will be having house cup matches so be careful not to lose points. Wolf and I will assign prefect badges and head of houses badges to the responsible players. You can also request to be teachers, but we will only have one DADA teacher, and Wolf called dibs on McGonagall. Be respectful to you're houses and classmates. No hexing classmates in the hallway, it is against the rules and you will lose house points for negative behavior.


Headmistress- @Mackattack
Professor McGonagall/ Deputy headmistress- @Wolfare1
The needs of the many outweigh those of the few. This is why some decisions are difficult to make, but never be afraid to make that leap.

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Fri Jul 04, 2014 8:43 pm
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SpiritedWolfe says...

Some other information that you might need.

Obviously, some knowledge about the Harry Potter world will be needed, but you don't have to know absolutely everything! (Even I don't know all that.)

This will, of course, be set in Hogwarts. The various classrooms, areas around the school, House common rooms, etc. will be available to have different activities to write in. Though, try to keep in mind the time of day and what's happening at the time. For example, if there was a Quidditch tournament going on, then class probably wouldn't be happening.

Another thing, we will not be choosing a house for you. Please try to keep personalities with the houses (as mentioned in the letter). To try and not make this too large, there can only be two members per house, but there can be other NPC's [non-player character], because Hogwarts is huge.
NOTE: If enough interest is shown, then we may consider bumping the limit up to three, but try not to unbalance the houses too much.

Character Slots/
Spoiler! :
1. Headmaster - Filius Flitwick ~ Mackattack (Currently NPC, taken over temporarily by Wolfare1)
2. Deputy Headmistress/Transfiguration Teacher/Head of Gryffindor- Professor McGonagall ~ Wolfare1
3. Defense Against the Dark Arts Teacher/Head of Ravenclaw - Professor Bradshaw ~ dragonthief1 (Currently NPC)
4. Non-Magical Combat/Head of Slytherin - Professor Nightshade ~ Aurora99
5. Other Teacher/Head of Hufflepuff - Professor Starfyre ~ JamesHunt
6. Care of Magical Creatures/Game Keeper - Professor Hagrid ~ Fade (Currently NPC)
7. Gryffindor 1 - Kristof Detlev ~ AfterTheStorm (Currently NPC)
8. Gryffindor 2 - Layla Jane Shacklebot ~ FaerieQueen (Currently NPC)
9. Slytherin 1 - Raven Clover ~ NPC
10. Slytherin 2 - Beatrix Valji ~ Avalon
11. Ravenclaw 1 - Demetria Nova Highlander ~ RoyalHighness (Currently NPC)
12. Ravenclaw 2 - Madelyn Flintwood ~ Thewriter13
13. Ravenclaw 3 - Finlay Carson ~ BiscuitsBatchAvoy
14. Huffelpuff 1 - Simon Scarborough ~ Wolfie36
15. Huffelpuff 2 - Elizabeth Mason ~ Noelle
16. Hufflepuff 3 - Felix Jones ~ Zontafer

If your character is an NPC and you wish to be added back in, please let me know!

Character Template/
Remember to make sure we know that you're making a character before you submit one, and when using the template, remove the parts in parenthesis. Also, original characters only (this is after the books).
Code: Select all
[b]House and Year-[/b]

[b]Supplies/Belongings-[/b] (What kind of wand do they have? Do they have something particularly special to them? Add details about these things)
[i](For Teachers Only: What a students will need for class.)[/i]

[b]Appearance-[/b] (A paragraph at least, and a picture recommended)

[b]Personality-[/b] (A paragraph at least, describing interactions in detail)

[b]History-[/b] (How was their childhood? Did they know they were a wizard? What kind of relationship do they have with their family? The more details the better)

[b]Other-[/b] (Anything else others need to know about your character)
Last edited by SpiritedWolfe on Fri Oct 03, 2014 10:04 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Sun Jul 13, 2014 7:44 pm
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Mackattack says...

Flitwick stands tall at the podium after being levitated on it, he clears his throat and announces with a squeak.
"Welcome students to another year at Hogwarts! I have to remind all first years that they are not allowed to participate in Quidditch." He looks over at McGonagall," also students your house will be like your home, with your house mates as family.So please don't turn your family into frogs Mcleenin, we don't need to start this year off with another detention. Now Hagrid said to remind all students new and old that any student caught inside the Forbidden Forest will be punished severly. Also a quick little tid bit I would like to tell you that if any Slytherin has any problems you may speak to the head of you house Professor Nightshade. Any Gryffindor can go to Professor McGonagall, Ravenclaw's can go to Professor Bradshaw, and any Huffelpuff can go to our newest teacher Professor Starfyre. Now enjoy our wonderful feast!" Flitwick turnned away and with a flick of his wand a feast full of all kinds of food appeared. Chatter amoung students immdeatly erupted, while the ghosts entered.
Last edited by Mackattack on Mon Jul 14, 2014 6:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
The needs of the many outweigh those of the few. This is why some decisions are difficult to make, but never be afraid to make that leap.

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Mon Jul 14, 2014 6:11 pm
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TheCrimsonLady says...

Professor Nightshade

I watch as the last of my things fill my trunk, which snaps shut and locks itself.

"Well, that's it then." Ken's voice rings out behind me, and I turn to look at him.

"Yeah. I'll see you for the holidays though, won't I?"

"We'll see. I might be working though. People like to go home for the holidays. Good time to hunt someone down."

I shrug. "Well, then I'll help."

"You don't like killing people."

"You can kill them."

Ken grins. "Alright, alright. We'll see each other for the holidays."

"Good. Well. I should be going now."

"Bye, sweetheart."

I grab a handful of Floo powder and my trunk and step into the fireplace. Just before leaving, I grin. "Don't call me sweetheart!" Quickly, I throw the powder into the fireplace around me, and yell "Hogwarts!" Will a flurry of green flame, I appear in front of the Great Hall. Dropping my trunk off at my office, I hurry back and put my ear to the door.

Hearing chatter and laughing, I sigh, then smile. Late... again. Kicking open the doors with the toe of my boot, I walk slowly to my seat. The talking stops, and the first years stare at me like I'm an alien. Pulling my leather jacket closer around me, I palm a needle-dagger and sit down gracefully.

"Well? I appreciate the looks of fear, but you can go on eating." Everyone turns away from me and resumes their chatter. Happy, I pick at my food until I can escape to my room.

When I finally finish unpacking and go to bed with a knife underneath my pillow, I sigh in relief.

Scaring my students tomorrow was going to be fun.
Let the blood pour down in rivers as the world burns.

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Mon Jul 14, 2014 10:42 pm
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dragonthief1 says...

Professor Bradshaw

As Flitwick finished his speech i gave a sigh of pent up air. The Ravenclaw table all glanced curiously at me and the Dobermans at feet. Not many people knew this, but Alcaeus and Anicetus (Strength and Unconquerable) were in fact Cerberus. My Greek family was ancient, so we were well immersed in Greek legends. Well Cerberus wasnt a legend. He was my friend, in his form of two dobermans, he was my friends, which sounds strange. I threw them a slice of meat which they began to eat hungrily. when Professor Nightshade entered, the hall went qiuet, but resumed quickly. I glanced around and arose. Some ravenclaw students glanced at me as I rose and began to leave. "Ela," I said and the dogs got up and followed at me as i left the hall.
I wasnt sure about protocol but i had made my decision. Ever since i had moved to England, my life had become clouded with doubts. Almost every reporter from the wizarding world had heard about the young american, come to teach at Hogwarts, a rather famous school. I had much to prove and in little time. I glanced at the ring on my finger and smiled. I had proposed to the love of my life, Katie Bell, who had once been a student here, and she had said yes. We were to be married during winter break.
I froze as i heard some snickering above me and glanced up and saw Peeves cackling at me. He flew off giggling and i wondered what could be so funny, then i saw Alcaeus and Anicetus covered in some drink. They looked very peeved at Peeves. Smiling i pulled out my wand form its sheath and pointed it at the pair. "Scourgify" I said, and the dogs shook thier hides as the drink dissapeared. I led my companions to my classroom where i had previously placed all the items for my class.
Everything was well and I made my way to a cabin i had made earlier (With a little help from Hagrid) and stepped inside. It was cozy, and near enough to the forest for me to indulge in my little hobby of studying creatures. My Eagle (Sorin) was on his perch and he looked at me. i threw him a treat which he devoured eagerly. "Accio," I muttered, and my firebolt stood at atention as i prepared for a little trip into the forest. I placed my leather armour on and went outside as the dogs whined.
"Calm down you two. I'm just going for a short gander. Who knows what is waiting to be discovered? Besides, Orintono said his kinsmen lived in this forest. I just need to speak to the one named Bane." I mounted my broom and began my short adventure.

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Tue Jul 15, 2014 1:57 am
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RoyalHighness says...

Demetria Nova Highlander

Ugh, finally, Flitwick is done talking, I think to myself. Finally, I'm here at Hogwarts for my sixth year. I drink in the sights and sounds of the Great Hall, not wanting to miss a single moment. I shift uneasily in my seat as Professor Brad's demonic dogs eye me from underneath the Ravenclaw table. I spoon some more cherry pie into my mouth and make a face at them. Friday Jackson, a feisty Muggle-born, snorts, choking on her pumpkin juice.

"God, Nova, you made me get juice up my nose," Friday complains. A few drops are even caught in her blonde double-sided braided mohawk. A lot of people are intimidated by Friday's crazy hair but underneath her braids and weird name, she has a way about her that naturally attracts everyone to her. On the other side of Friday sits Charlotte Holley (everyone calls her Chat), a quiet, strange girls with long, curly brunette hair and deep blue eyes that can pierce through the toughest armor– emotional armor, that is.

"Whatever, Friday," I say, laughing. "It's your fault for keeping your nose so close to your drink."

"I have a drink-related compulsion and you know it." Chat giggles quietly to herself. "What are you laughing at?" Friday demands. Chat smiles guiltily and shrug.

"Just thinking," she says, taking a tiny bite of pie.

"Have you guys gotten your schedules yet?" I ask, draining my flagon of pumpkin juice. The Great Hall seems alive with life tonight, but we can't avoid the topic of school for much longer. Chat sighs.

"Advanced Potions," she says, "Level Five Transfiguration, Astronomy, Divination and Level Six History of Magic."

"No free periods?" asks Friday,taking another slice of pie.

"Maybe. It depends on the day."

"We'll have Potions, Astronomy, Ancient Runes, <i>and</i> History of Magic together," I say excitedly, waving my fork around as if it were an extension of my hand. "And maybe a free period. Other than that, I have Muggle Studies, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Herbology, and Charms. What about you, Friday?"

"We've got the same schedule, Nova," she replies, her face glowing with anticipation. "This'll be our year, guys, I swear."

Chat's eyes grow huge all of a sudden and she grabs my arm.

"Nova, Mario Reid is looking at you!" Chat whispers. I turn to see Mario in all his tall and dark-haired glory, staring at me with beautiful green eyes. My heart screams in my chest.

"Oh, my God, he's so hot," Friday whispers– except she didn't whisper at all. Friday can't whisper. So Mario Reid, the world's hottest seventh-year Slytherin since Salazar himself, hears her and turns away, blushing. I sigh.

"Friday," Chat scolds.


I shake my head. "Come on, guys, let's go get settled in the Common Room. I still haven't unpacked and Prince Charles gets antsy when I leave him alone at night."
We stand up together, calling goodbyes to our other Ravenclaws. I turn to get out of the bench-- only to run straight into, oh, my God, Mario Reid! He's carrying a plate full of pie, pie that ends up all over my robes.

"Sorry!" he cries as the plate crashes to the floor. "I'm so sorry...?"

"It's Nova," I snap, not realizing to whom I'm talking to at first. I wipe cherries from my sweater. Chat runs up to help clean me off.

"I'm so sorry, Nova," he says, completely disarming me with a smile.

"It's... it's okay," I say breathlessly. Friday grabs my arm a little too roughly.

"C'mon, Nova," sneers Friday, shoving past Mario. "Let's go clean you up."

"I really am sorry," Mario calls as we leave the Great Hall. I barely remember the walk back to the Common Room.

He said my name, I think to myself in a daze. He knows my name now.
I have a good feeling this is going to be my year.
Last edited by RoyalHighness on Sun Jul 20, 2014 4:34 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Tue Jul 15, 2014 12:43 pm
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Noelle says...

Eli - Great Hall

The Hufflepuff table was packed as usual. The newest members of the house sat at the end of the table, closest to the teacher's table, while my classmates and I, the third years, sat near the middle of the table.

The food appeared magically as it did every year. I couldn't help but put a little of everything onto my plate. Chicken, corn, beans, salad, cheese. It was nothing like the food I have at home. Don't tell my mom, but the house elves cooking was better than hers.

It wasn't long before there was a dull roar in the Great Hall from all of the conversation. We had all sat quietly through the sorting and the opening speeches, but we couldn't resist any longer once the food appeared.

I looked around the Great Hall. It had been just a few short months since I had been at Hogwarts last, but it had felt like an eternity. I missed my friends, the classes, yes, even the homework.

The Great Hall was quite a welcoming sight. The candles floated near the ceiling as always and the house banners hung from the walls proudly. I felt a sudden rush when my eyes landed on the badger displayed proudly on the yellow banner. Hufflepuff wasn't the most popular or high esteemed houses, but those in the house were proud to be there.

"Glad to be back?" Simon asked me. I turn to grin at the short, brown haired boy. For once he didn't have his guitar with him. He must've left it with the rest of his luggage. It would be leaning against his bed by now.

"You have no idea," I said. Simon launched into a story about Fritz, his dachshund. His dog was the cutest. He'd shown me pictures.

"Excuse me, coming through."

I turned to see a tall, red headed girl squish between me and Simon. I leaned forward a bit, meeting Simon's eyes. He looked just as surprised as me, but he soon composed himself and rolled his eyes.

"Welcome back, Eli." And as if just remembering Simon, she turned to him. "You too, Simon." He managed to mutter a "Thanks" as he dug into a chicken leg.

I raised an eyebrow. "Madelyn, shouldn't you be with the Ravenclaws?"

"I'll go back a little later. Everyone knows that the Hufflepuff table has the best food." I couldn't help but laugh. The food was the same at each table.

We talked for what seemed like hours before she headed back over to her table. It was nice to talk to her again. She's like my big sister. And it's always good to have a friend from a higher year. It was quite helpful when Simon and I were studying for the exams last year. Madelyn offered to help us out and we both ended up passing with top marks.

Classes would start in the morning. I was excited and nervous at the same time. Third year would be much different than second year. We'd have more intense classes and learn more complicated spells. It would no doubt be a challenge, but I knew that I was ready.

I was ready for another year.
Noelle is the name, reviewing and writing cliffhangers is the game.

Writer of fantasy, action/adventure, and magic. Huzzah!

* * *

"I'm writing a book. I've got the page numbers done." -- Steven Wright

YWS is life

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Tue Jul 15, 2014 7:28 pm
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Cithara says...

Matty Flintwood

I stared at my food warily, reminded of the past year when certain people tried to poison it with a BloodRot potion. After the whole crazy incident at the end of my fifth year, most of my time at Hogwarts would be living in fear.
But I think I would be just fine. I adjusted my glasses that had slid down my nose and eyed the food, noting the gravy that collected in a steaming pool.

The professors, especially Professor Flitwick, stressed the importance of being aware at all times. Ironically, they told me I was perfectly safe and had nothing to worry about.
"Hogwarts is a very safe school," they had mentioned time and time again.
But was it ever perfectly safe?

I tried to block out the taunting that involved my brother and my dearest mum. I don't think I'll ever live a day where they don't haunt my memory. Nothing could distract me, however.

"Matty! Eat up, m'dear. You've barely touched your food." I looked up to see a straight set of pearly whites staring at me. Amber Rainer never stopped talking about food, even though she was probably the skinniest sixth year in the Ravenclaw house. She was beautiful and tall, like a model of some sorts. Amber, though smart, was also brave. This had sparked some controversy from her family, who swore she would make it into Gryffindor, like the rest of the Rainers.

There was no chance I belonged in Gryffindor, despite my skill at Quidditch and my Chaser precedents I had set. Nobody in all of Ravenclaw history had seen such a Chaser.

The golden plate in front of me held a hot plate of mashed potatoes and sliced turkey. The gleaming goblet that captured my reflection showed a troubled girl with no motivation. The food looked somewhat tempting to eat, but I felt no need to eat it. I wasn’t really hungry. The chatter and clamor of silverware squashed into my ears and I tried to pull it out by thinking if something else.

I needed to lift my spirits.

It was then that I spotted a blond, small girl of thirteen at the Hufflepuff table chatting away with one of her friends. I remembered when she got caught in some issues and I was able to dig her out of the treacherous hole she had made.

How come I couldn’t dig myself out of my hole?

I got up from seat, ignoring the shouts of Amber beckoning to stuff my mouth with turkey.

It was an unusual friendship, I must say. Us being three years a part was just one component.

I remember dear Eli practicing Transfiguration in an empty classroom all the time. Every day at five in the afternoon she’d be in there vigorously practicing. One normal day in her second year, she was practicing turning birds into goblets, but the birds got out somehow and were swarming and attacking her. She was so careless, that dear Eli was. I had heard her cries and ran in to help her. Then, with my heart pounding angrily inside of my chest, I flicked out my wand and used the immobulis spell to freeze the birds and return them to their cage.

We became friends, but neither of us was aware at how dangerous that friendship would become.
Pax in Christo

"My heart is racing even as I write,
but I plan to go on as bravely as a heroine in a
novel."~The Hired Girl

I used to be Thewriter13

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Wed Jul 16, 2014 4:16 am
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KingLucifer says...

Beatrix Valji - Hogwarts - The Only Slytherin Ever Accepted

When you come from a family where the members of said family cannot live within the same country. Let alone agree on what's best for a child, you tend to have experience with intervening, and that does not even cover the fact that I also have cousins that have less than admirable morals. Let me put things into perspective, I'm the second oldest non-adult member of the family. The oldest being my cousin Anna who is the daughter of my Uncle, Terror of the South, mentor, and wise man: Alden Valji a powerful dark wizard who has given plenty of Auror's a reason to run away.

He teaches me and Anna in the Dark Arts while I have never actually used any of them. Anna has and she's made her decision to join the Dark Half of the family. I didn't want to join the Dark Half or the Light Half I just wanted to be me. But my return's to Hogwarts proved to be a sanctuary away from my family and a chance to have some fun with other people. But I was unlucky my families reputation followed me there once people finally knew who I was.

I sat at the Slytherin table but once the feast started I got up and went to the Griffindor table for my one and only trusted friend. Layla Jane Shacklebolt , ironic that a Slytherin and a Griffindor managed to become friends. But when you risk your life with someone what else can you expect? I'm one the only Slytherin welcomed there since the ideals of Purebloods, Mudbloods, and Death Eater's is perpetuated since the Second Wizarding War.

"Hey everyone!" I said to the entire Griffindor table.

A round of welcoming came from the entire table a Griffindor moves so I can sit next to my best friend Layla. But as others cheered and laughed I spotted the one guy who didn't cheer at my arrival and was my rival unlike anything I've had with my cousins. It was a bitter never talk to you rivalry, one that took place within knowledge and the classroom. If there's one thing the halves of my family could agree on, it's the fact that they want to hear nothing but praise from the professors here at Hogwarts. So as you might imagine, we've had spats all five years long. This year wasn't going to be any different, and I wasn't going to forgive him for what he did two years ago.

"How was your summer?" Layla asked.

"Other than my cousin Anna being a pain in the rear? not bad my Uncle is as mysterious as he ever is," I said.

"Oi! Anna again?" she asked.

"Yep and this time things ended with the garage getting blown up!" I said.

"Your cousin is insane why did she blow the garage up?!" she said in a harsh whisper.

"I blew it up actually I should honestly learn to control my emotions better," I said.
An angel, a knight, a man who will bring light to where there is only darkness, I am the Morning Star, the Bringer of Light, hail to me as I am King Lucifer!

Formerly: Avalon

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Wed Jul 16, 2014 2:01 pm
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BrumalHunter says...

Professor Starfyre - Great Hall - The First Feast

As the First Years entered the great Hall, led by Professor McGonagall, they gawked at the floating candles, the starry sky that was the ceiling, and everything which looked even vaguely interesting - myself and the other teachers included.

After Professor McGonagall concluded the Sorting Ceremony, she took her seat to the right of Professor Flitwick. Flitwick then made his speech, and the food appeared directly thereafter.

I was slightly nervous, just like the first years, except where they had just begun their career at Hogwarts as a student, I had just begun mine as a teacher. Everyone at the Hufflepuff table, as well as many from the others, eyed me curiously at least once during the feast, though I hid my anxiety well and smiled cheerfully at them.

I attempted to exchange pleasantries with Professor McGonagall to my left, but her responses were rather cold and stiff; apparently, she still remembered that I had barely passed my Transfiguration during my seventh year.

To my right sat Madam Hooch, Professor Slughorn and Professor Bradshaw. Though I would have liked to chat with the last of the three, he was seated the farthest from me, so it would have been rude to shout across the table. He was eating as fast as he could anyway, and seemed to be in a hurry to leave the hall. Professor Slughorn was enthusiastically indulging in his food, so instead, I engaged in a merry conversation with Madam Hooch.

It was cut short when the doors of the Great Hall burst open and who I assumed to be Professor Nightshade strode through them. She confidently made her way to her seat at the far left of the table, and after she sat and addressed the hall, the feast continued. She was a relatively new teacher, as far as I knew, and she attracted just as many glances as Professor Bradshaw, his dogs and I did.

Late into the feast, members of the different houses joined their friends at the other tables. It was not long before the prefects led the first years to their dormitories, however, and when Madam Hooch took her leave, so did I.

I went to my classroom to check that everything would be ready for the following morning's classes. I would have the Sixth Years directly after breakfast, but seeing as I had never taught them before, I had decided to devise a practical revision test for them, just to make sure they still remembered their work.

After being satisfied that everything was ready, I climbed the spiral staircase in the classroom's corner and walked through the door which led to my bedroom and study. Upon entering, Twiggy chirped excitedly and flew around in circles in his cage. I set him free and stroked him a while before returning him to his cage. He quickly fell asleep, and so did I - I would need the rest, for the following day was sure to be a trying one.
But the Fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.
— Paul the Apostle

Winter is inevitable. Spring will return eventually, and AstralHunter with it.

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Wed Jul 16, 2014 4:11 pm
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Fade says...

After leading the first years to Hogwarts in the boats, I entered the Grand Hall. Most of the older students paid me no attention, but I caught a few second years eyeing me.
I take my seat and watch as the Deputy Headmistress, Professor Mcgonagall, strides in the Hall, a long line of small and frail-looking children following closely behind. I shift uncomfortably as a few students point at me and whisper to their friends.
I try to suppress a snicker as Mcgonagall barks orders at the students, acting very much like an over-protective, rule-enforcing mother. The children gather into a large clump, and Professor Flitwick, the smallest wizard I've ever seen, stands up on a stack of books behind the marvelous golden podium. He says a long and welcoming speech, and Professor Mcgonagall pulls out a scroll.

"Aries, Damien!" A tall black boy walks up and sit atop a wooden stool that had been placed there. Mcgonagall drops an old hat onto the student's head. After a moment, the hat's brim opened and yelled,


The announcement was met with polite applause. Quickly running off to sit with the Ravenclaws, the boy sighs in relief. Mcgonagall continues the roll call, Flitwick gives another speech, and everyone is greeted by heavenly food. I quickly grab three chicken legs, a large portion of mashed potatoes, brandy and pumpkin juice.
The Hall is filled with laughter and chatter, when suddenly I feel something pierce my ankle.

"The bloody 'ell!?" I attracted many stares from my yelp. I look underneath the table and there lies a large Doberman hound. It seems to be holding something in it's mouth. Glancing around to my oblivious neighbors, I pull the item out from the dog's mouth. It quickly slinks away. I realize the item was an envelope, and I tuck it into my pocket.


"Hagrid. You received my letter?"

I nod.

"What I 'on't understan' is why you 'anna talk 'bout Fluffy."

"Actually, it's more about Cerberus," Professor Bradshaw says.

~Gallifrey Survivor~

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Tue Jul 22, 2014 4:17 am
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Wolfi says...

Simon Scarborough
Hufflepuff Boys Dormitory


"What?" I said irritably, glancing up at Felix.

"Are we going to have to go through this again?"

"You sound like my dad," I mutter, moving the capo two frets higher on my guitar.

"Simon, please," Felix said, patiently. "Classes start tomorrow. None of us can sleep with the racket you're making."

I looked around the dormitory, surprised to see that everyone had already gone to bed. "What time is it?" I whispered, leaning over to prop my guitar against the wall.

"Bed time." He swung his legs onto his bed and pulled the yellow curtain closed.

I felt ashamed. What had gotten into me? I knew that I would have to get up early the next morning. Well, there's no use just thinking about it, I decided. I gripped the bed curtain and swung it closed, the verdant, nature-themed dormitory disappearing from view.

~ * ~

When I awoke the next morning, music was blasting in my ears. Truthfully, the sounds that Felix was making with my guitar were not worthy of being called music, but I'll give him credit for trying. When I drowsily opened curtains, he was sitting on the edge of the bed, vigorously strumming some horrendous tune.


I saw a grin appear on his face as he continued playing, his inexperienced left hand running up and down the fretboard.


He stopped playing and looked up at me. "What?" he asked, mockingly irritated.

"You need some guitar lessons," I informed him. We both laughed.

"Well, now that you're up," Felix said, handing over my guitar, "it's time to get ready for our first class."

I nodded. "It's Tuesday, so we have..." I thought for a moment, then exclaimed, "History of Magic!" It was my favorite class. Many of my classmates, who live in all-magic families, are already aware of many of the things that we have learned in HM. Therefore, they seem to find it very tedious. On the other hand, I love it. Everything that we learn is so bizarre and unbelievable- yet it all happened!

"History of Magic?" Felix echoed. "I'd prefer guitar lessons."
John 14:27:
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.
I do not give to you as the world gives.
Do not let your hearts be troubled
and do not be afraid.

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Wed Jul 23, 2014 7:42 pm
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RoyalHighness says...

Demetria Nova Highlander
Girls' Ravenclaw Dormitory ; Breakfast in the Great Hall

Chat and Friday usher me into our room, still fussing over my half-ruined robes.

"I cannot believe how rude that boy is," Friday huffs, dabbing at the stains with a damp cloth.

"He's cute, Friday," Chat argues, "so it's okay."

"That is just the kind of thing that keeps us women from breaking the Glass Ceiling, don't you get it!?" When Friday goes on her feminist rants, usually we tune her out. We're all for the cause and everything, but Friday can be a bit... well... enthusiastic.

"I just don't think we have to buy into the predominance of the patriarchal paradigm just because society's been shoving it in our faces," Friday concludes at least twenty minutes later. By this time, we're all in our pajamas and waiting for sleep to come.

"I agree, Friday," I say to shut her up. "Now, what classes do we have tomorrow?"

Friday sighs, clearly annoyed that her speech yet again has taken no profound effect on us. Nevertheless, she pulls out our schedule.

"Tomorrow is Tuesday, right," she says, but it's not a question. "We have Defense Against the Dark Arts first thing in the morning, then Herbology and History of Magic."

"I have Ancient Runes," Chat sighs, "then Care of Magical Creatures. But we have History of Magic together, so that sounds promising." She doesn't sound excited.

"C'mon, Chat, lighten up," I insist. "This year is going to rock our socks off." Chat and Friday have to laugh at my lame expressions of enthusiasm. Friday rolls her eyes and Chat tucks herself into bed.

"Well, we better get some sleep," Friday says. "Goodness knows we don't want to fall asleep in Defense Against the Dark Arts."


I wake up to the sound of a dog's bark. I look down to see Friday's Animagus form panting at the foot of my bed. Her coat is pure white, whiter than any dog's coat I've ever seen. Her eyes, however, are a deep, piercing black. Chat pets her.

"Nova, did you know Friday's an Animagus?" she asks, rubbing Friday behind the ears.

"Uh, yeah," I say. "But I forgot, until today." Friday's dog form gives another bark.

"What's her dog name, can you remember?"

"Uh..." I rack my brain. Friday had told me she was an Animagus back in our third year, but she only rarely uses it, and when she does, it's just for special occasions– like the first day of school. I remember, suddenly, like a dream I've only just woken up from. "It's something to do with a color, I think."

Chat and I watch with fascination as Friday shifts back into a human form.

"Seriously, you forgot that one of your best friends is an Animagus?" she exclaims, shaking her head like a dog. "The name is Nightpaw. Because the bottoms of my paws are black as night."

"Gotcha," I say, suddenly tired and remembering how little sleep I got last night.

Forty-five minutes later, we're all in the Great Hall, scarfing down scones, muffins, and pumpkin juice.

"If there's anything better than a Hogwarts breakfast," Friday says with her mouth full of muffin, "I've yet to see it."

Chat giggles and half-chokes on a piece of bacon. A distant bell tolls, signaling the beginning of classes. Friday jumps up beside me and pulls on my right arm, the one holding my pumpkin juice. Chat's eyes grow wide and she stuffs a muffin into her bag.

"Merlin's beard," Friday swears as juice splashes to the floor. "Nova, hurry, we're late!" I down what remains of the juice in my flagon, grab my rucksack of books and tear out of the Great Hall, side by side with my two favorite people.

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Wed Jul 30, 2014 2:54 pm
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Zontafer says...

Felix Jones
Breakfast at the Great Hall - History of Magic

I entered the Great Hall, brimming with people as always with Simon next to me, walking towards the Hufflepuff table. It was my 3rd year at Hogwarts, and truth be told, I couldn't complain. I had certainly missed magic, almost as much as my friends and the castle itself.

My eyes scouted across the room in search for familiar faces, both friends and enemies. First I spotted some folks from last year at the Slytherin table, one of them Vincent Sharpe, a Slytherin at my age. Further on I even saw a 6th year who'd helped me with brewing potions, Raven Clover.
They went further on, and stopped at the Ravenclaw table, where I noticed a 6th year, and not just any 6th year: Madelyn, Madelyn Flintwood.

Madelyn and I have been 'enemies' since my 2nd year. It all started when I was heading for the library, to find a recipe on how to brew some potion for our homework in Potions. As I was walking through the courtyard to get to the library, I noticed two Ravenclaws: Madelyn Flintwood and Christopher Mark.

They must have been in a real fight, because Madelyn looked completely enraged. Worst of all, she had her wand drawn, and Christopher hadn't.

"I'll make you pay for this!" she spit at him.

"Let's calm down, Matty," said Christopher, the other Ravenclaw.

Christopher's attempt in stopping wasn't really successfull.

Madelyn's hand made a movement. "Engorg-"

Battered by fear, I drew my wand and searched through my brain for any spells that might help. The first one that popped into my head was not the most appropriate one, but it would have been too late for anything else.

My voice rose in horror, interrupting hers. "Flipendo!"

A blue stripe flew from the tip of the wand and stroke Madelyn at her chest, knocking her backwards to the grey cobble

Judging by the look on her face, she looked both surprised and furious at the same time. That was the moment when I realized what I'd done.

"I..." I tried to speak, but I couldn't find the right words.

"What in your right mind were you thinking?!" Madelyn hissed, pointing her wand shakily at me. I watched in horror as she gritted her teeth. "Aguamenti!" she shouted.

I then saw an icy blue light from her spell. The next thing I knew a wave of water dashed towards me, forcing me to throw myself over to the side just in time to dodge it, behind the walls of the courtyard. That's when I started running as fast as I could away from the Ravenclaws, panicked of what would happen next.

"Stupid second years!" I heard her call from the courtyard.

A voice drew him back from his memory. "Felix, we just walked past the Hufflepuff table," said Simon.

"Oh, yeah," I replied, his thoughts back to what he was going to have for breakfast.

"Everything alright?" He grinned at me.

"Yeah, just thinking," I ensured him. Simon knew about my little incident with Matty, but I didn't truly want to bring it up now.

We both seated down by the Hufflepuff table full of food, not far away from Eli Mason, that blonde girl who always cast the perfect spells in Transfiguration; clearly her favorite subject.

"What are you having for breakfast?" I asked Simon curiously.

"Probably an English Breakfast, it's so good," he answered. "We never have it in America."

I was too tempted. "I know! I'll get one as well." If there was one thing I never tired of, it had to be an English Breakfast. Especially bacon. I grabbed an egg, two big pieces of bacon, some sausages and tomatoes, and a piece of toast.


Once we had gotten our own copies of History of Magic by Bathilda Bangshot, we set course for classroom 4F, where the class took place. Luckily for us Hufflepuffs, our Common Room is pretty close, so we arrived just in time.

Through the blackboard, a ghost flashed through. I loved that moment, as it was the most interesting part of the entire class.

"Welcome to another year at Hogwarts," Professor Binns drawled as all of the students had seated. "I will be teaching you all again this year, in History of Magic."

Lucky us. I rolled my eyes and glanced over at Simon behind me, which was unlike me filled with excitement. I had no idea how he enjoyed Prof. Binns' classes. To be honest, History of Magic wasn't that awful, it was just the classes and Professor Binns' boring way of teaching.

The ghost gathered some of his notes and started reading. "Today's subject will be about Witch Hunting and the famous witches involved. Please open your books at page 64."

As he began to read, I was way too tired to follow. I decided to take an early nap, seeing as Professor Binns did not care, or perhaps he didn't even notice. I leaned my head upon desk, closed my eyelids and waited for my consciousness to slowly slip away.

Spoiler! :
creds to @Thewriter13
"If you're going through hell, keep going."
- Winston Churchill

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Tue Aug 05, 2014 8:45 pm
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FaerieQueen says...

Layla Shacklebolt

Another year. Another year of hell and happiness, wrapped up into one lovable ball called Hogwarts. Of course, my best friend in the world, Beatrix Valj, made it a lot more bewarable. It was always interesting, we, the two complete opposites. A Gryffindor, befriending a Slytherin. It was us who gave the rules of society a bad name. And we enjoyed it to the fullest. It is actually quite an amazing tale.
It had happened in our Third year. Everyone was going down to Hogsmeade to do the usual, shop, eat candy, and all the fun stuff a happy Hogwartsian does. Not me. Consider it an act of faith as I followed Beatrix Valj into Hogs Head pub, merely to do a little investigation. In the last wizarding war, the Valj family became famous, and infamous, as Beatrix's family was a confusing lot, half good wizards, half dark. Anyway, Im getting off topic. I had followed her to see what she was like.
When she sat down to drink some butterbeer, I had noticed a robed man in the corner, tending to his drink, while staring daggers at Beatrix's back. This made me a little worried for the girl, but from some rumours, or perhaps they were true, Beatrix Valj was not someone you wanted to cross with. This man I am speaking of slowly stood up, and made his way to her table, trying to remain inconspicous, which i must say would be quite difficult with a blundering cape on. The instant he drew his wand, I knew something was up. He began to mutter a spell when i acted.
I whipped out my wand and shouted," Expelliarmus!" the mans wand flew out of his hand. Beatrix whirled around and the man drew a knife." Die Valj!" He screamed, and the thrust the blade at her neck. The girl was fast. Incredibly fast."Confundo" She said and the man stopped mid strike, a blank look on his face. Beatrix calmy walked away from him and approached me, her eyes studying me.She stook her hand out."Im Beatrix Valj, and I want to say thank you for you intervention." I pushed her as a green spell flew past us. I wasnt positive what the spell was, but it seemed Beatrix did. Her face went white and she whirled to face the man, who was standing with his wand extended. People began running for the doors as People tried to see what was going on.
I can never truly recall what happened, but Beatrix confided in me it was what made her think of me as her true friend. I drew my wand and took a step next to her. She glanced at me curiosuly than turned to the man. He glared at me."GIrl, move out of the way before you face my wrath as well." I smiled and pointed my wand at him as well. He screamed and turned to Beatrix." Avada Kad-" He was immediatly hit with two spells. "Stupefy!" "Rictusempra!" The man was knocked unconcious, and was later dragged away by Aurors while screaming about revenge.
With a smile on her face, Beatrix turned towards me." Really? A tickling curse?" I got a little defensive."What? If they cant speak because they're laughing to hard, I think it would be useful. Stupefy didnt come to mind. Speaking of which, do you know what that green spell was.?" Her face darkened." You don't want to know." I learned the next year that the man had tried to use a killing curse on her.
We became the best of friends, the most loyal of sisters, and the happiest of people. I learned of her llife, and could not judge her. She learned of my life, and didn't seek anything of me. (In case no one has realized yet my father is the Minister of magic).
I returned to my thoughts as I poked in the ribs as Beatrix approached. My entire table moved aside to make a seat for her. In tag team duels, me and beatrix were unbeatable, and everyone knew how close we were. I smiled as my best friend approached and awaited our reunion.
Spoiler! :
The next morning, I ran into Beatrix at breakfast. With some toast still in my mouth I swallowed quickly and began to cough as Beatrix grinned and handed me some pumpkin juice to wash it down."Ready for another year in Purgatory?" I grinned. It was a running joke we had. She began to butter a roll." So many new faces."She said. "And some regular ugly ones."I added a bit loudly as he walked by. Kris. Beatrix grinned."Aye. My thoughts exactly." We began to get into a more heated discussion about whether or not she could take me on in a duel when the bell rang." Ill see you later."I called as i walked away. She snagged a peice of bacon and waved as she walked away. I smiled. This was going to be an interesting year.
We the fae have never had a queen, but let this day be filled with happiness and joy, for we now have a queen!- Legends of the Fae

Okay I’m supposed to be asleep what am I doing measuring sinks
— EllieMae