
Young Writers Society

The Six

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Sat Jul 17, 2010 8:44 pm
Razcoon says...


Why didn't Zabe think of this?! He's supposed to be the smart one...moron...

"So, Lululu..." I start.

"You added an extra lu..."

"Bite me! So anyway, you like being able to see things right?"

"Of course I do!" she says seriously in a no duh voice. "It's all so beautiful, and so amazing to see all these colors I never knew existed. You can't even begin to imagine."

"Actually, I can understand your thoughts," I mutter. She looks like she's about to come up with a retort, so I say what I started before. "If you want to be able to see things like this all the time, we'll have to stay together twenty four seven." I grin lopsidedly, hopefully.

"Um...Zabe, can you do the same thing?" she asks.

"Can you? I know you can communicate by thought, but can you send what you're seeing?" Please say no...I enjoy being the mind freak...

[Isha, do what you will, but remember - Lulu and Barke, Barke and Lulu...]
Ideas don't stay in heads very long because they don't like solitary confinement.

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Sat Jul 17, 2010 9:15 pm
ForsakenAngel says...


I heard someone talking as I creeped through the forest, Rule at my heals. I paused, and he ran into me. I turned to glare at him, holding up a hand to say stop.

"Back. Up," I demanded, using my hand to wave him back a little. He took a step back, and I got back into my crouch, sneaking again, bow pulled back and ready to shoot if needed. I could hear the voices getting louder as we got closer. Then, I saw them. It was a group of people, our age, standing around in a very small clearing, talking. I narrowed my eyes, straining to listen to what they were saying.

"What are they saying?" Rule asked, scaring me and making me fall to the ground. I glared once again as he had an apologetic look on his face.

"Well I don't know!" I bursted out, yelling in a whisper. I hit his shoulder while I got up, looking for the arrow I had shot somewhere. It was out there in the open and I sighed, feeling anger pulse through me. "You fool," I murmured. If he did something like that again, that arrow wouldn't be in the ground, and neither would my foot.
Hakuna Matata <3
RIP to all my friends who didn’t make it.

Hop freight or get lost.

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Sun Jul 18, 2010 1:40 am
eldEr says...


Zabe frowned. "I haven't actually tried. It's highly possible though." He glanced at Barke, and then back to Lulu and smirked. The way they were looking at eachother... So cute.

"What?" Lulu asked nervously, glaring at Zabe.

"Oh nothing. But I'm not going to try. You've got Barke, you don't need me for that."

Lulu was about to say something when an arrow smacked into the ground in Zabriel's perhiprehal vision. Arrow? Ah, the other two of the six. "Come on out you two, before my new friend returns. Kassie, Rule," Zabe called into the bushes. He turned back to Barke and Lulu. "Speaking of which, we really need to get moving. Wake up Wulf." The boy was still sleeping.

"Who is he?" Lulu asked.

"No clue. Not a friend, I'll tell you that much. He's got a sister apparently, she was the one I was fighting. They're Walkers, but I've never seen them in the city before." Zabe sighed. So far this mission had gone completely bazzerk. All of the six, well, except for Wulf, had made contact with both Lulu and Zabriel, they had somebody hunting them... Cypress was a wreck, and had managed to surface some of Zabe's old memories.

"Cypress?" Zabe called, looking over his shoulder. Audrey was still working on fixing her up, which made Zabe smile for some odd reason.

"What?" she muttered.

I know.

Oh, the stories he could tell...

got trans?

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Sun Jul 18, 2010 2:13 am
Chupatoasta says...


Audrey took in a deep breath as she worked on Cypress' wounds, paying no mind to the two new people. She'd broke a sweat long before, so she had to keep going, even if she passed out. Surely they wouldn't leave her, for she could feel the darkness of unconciousness closing in on her. "Two more cuts, and then those ribs of yours, and everything should be fine." She smiled at Cypress, whose eyes were turned to stare up at the sky.

"Thanks," she said hoarsly, for the seventh time already.

Audrey chuckled softly, once again telling her that it was no big deal. The two gashes on Cypress's arm closed up under Audrey's green light that was coming from her slim hands. She seemed in perfect condition, other than those ribs. "Give me ten more minutes you lot," Audrey sighed, then looked down at Cypress. "This is going to hurt," she whispered softly, "a lot." Cypress groaned and rolled her eyes.

"Just get it over with already!" Audrey laughed softly and closed her eyes, her hands moving over Cypress' torso. She could feel the ribs cracking to reform back into place. Cypress writhered in pain underneath her, a scream breaking through the silence of the forest. Then another scream.

Sometimes, the pain is worse than a simple break

Sometimes, it is agonizing.


Makes you feel like death is a release, a safe haven from it all.
Audrey thought of the time she had to preform this on herself. How horrible that pain had been. She say Zabe cringe, obviously seeing the memory.

Audrey held her hands in place for ten more seconds, Cypress standing up and shooting towards the group. After seeing that she was completely healed, Audrey slumped forward and darkness engulfed her.
Oh, the tiger will love you. There is no sincerer love than the love of food.
George Bernard Shaw

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Sun Jul 18, 2010 3:32 am
NinjaCookieMonster says...


I ran back to Audrey, who had slumped to the ground the second I stood up. I wrapped an arm around her shoulders and lifted her up, trying to do something medical I had learned, but forgotten. Barke ran up behind me- without missing a beat, my free hand whipped out, and Barke flew into a tree several yards away. I couldn't deal with... all that right now.

"MMV!" I shouted. I still didn't know his name, blast. He jogged up, looking concerned. "I need you to- well- see that log over there? Yeah, bring that over here." He did (with a small amount of grunting), and I swept it under her lower back so I didn't have to sit her up myself.

"Aud? Audie, come on. Wake up now, easy," I held my fingers to the vein in her neck- still alive. I announced this to MMV and started stirring the winds, slipping them down into her lungs. I wasn't sure if it would work, but it was something. I kept mumbling to her, checking her pulse, making sure she could breathe.

After a painfully long minute, she stirred. "Thanks," she mumbled, before her eyelids fell closed again.

"She's sleeping," I told MMV. He nodded, looking grateful.

Great. Now I had to face the reason I was this beat up.
hey, Jude, don't make it bad
take a sad song and make it better
remember to let it into your heart
then you can start
to make it better.

~make books, not war~

"Not vampires, fish from space."

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Sun Jul 18, 2010 4:16 am
eldEr says...


Zabriel you fool! His mentor's voice cut into his subconscious like a knife and Zabe cringed. He hated being scolded, hated knowing that he had done something wrong. What in heaven's name has given you the audacity to ignore me?

Zabriel slipped to the ground beside Audrey and Cypress, resting his head in his hands. Things. Important things. That was the only explanation he felt willing to give at the moment. He really didn't need to add to the old man's list of worries. As if Zabe's failure hadn't been worrying enough.

What's gotten into you? His 'voice' was gentler now. More concerned than angry.

More things. I've failed miserably, and I'm sorry about that, but I have more things that I need to tend to right now. He cut the train of thought off again and took a deep breath.

"Zabe?" Lulu's voice asked softly. She obviously knew something was bothering him, so why hide it?

"I've got a lot on my mind. Memories, scoldings...fears," he said fears softly, as though it was a shameful thing to be afraid. Which reminded him, they really needed to get moving. He pushed himself to his feet and managed to pick up Audrey. "We've got to go."

got trans?

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Sun Jul 18, 2010 6:55 am
ForsakenAngel says...


I slowly walked out of the bushes, snatching up the arrow as I went, putting it in the pouch on my back alongside my sword, then put the bow over my shoulder as well. How did he know my name, how did he know Rule's name? Who was he? What did he want with a girl like me? Who were they? Where they like me? Was Rule like me? Was he like me?

The questions filled my head as I slowly approached them. All I knew is that they were talking about moving, and I didn't really want to join them. Let Rule go, he was like a puppy anyway. I wanted to say something, anything, to break the silence, but then he spoke.

"Let's go," he said sternly, looking at me then away. I didn't know any of them, well, maybe a few faces looked a little familiar, but one stood out. I didn't know how I knew him, but it stood out, like I'd talked to him before. I shrugged it off, skimming over the faces. Come to think of it, they all looked familiar.

Realization suddenly hit. They were all from the dream I kept having in the past month or so. They were the ones who had lead me to safety from whatever was out there after us. I was dazed by this realization, but in denial somehow.

You've never seen them before except in a dream, they could be the killers for all you know! I yelled at myself in my head. I wondered once again if any of them had powers like me. Well, they wouldn't have powers like mine, would they? Were they able to control fire and lightning? What could they do? The questions flooded my head, but I didn't stop to think about one of them before another popped up. I didn't just stand there when they left either, I followed, keeping silent and to myself, not wanting to say one word. I could keep quiet the whole time I was with them, and I would.
Hakuna Matata <3
RIP to all my friends who didn’t make it.

Hop freight or get lost.

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Sun Jul 18, 2010 1:16 pm
Razcoon says...


Rolling my eyes at the overly wary chick, I think to her, Stay silent if you want. Me and Zabe here can still hear you. Kassie jumps, and I smirk. Scaring people is such fun.

[Was going to make it a LOT longer, but no time. Gotta go. Oh and sakin, the pouch archers keep on their backs is a quiver.]
Last edited by Razcoon on Sun Jul 18, 2010 1:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Ideas don't stay in heads very long because they don't like solitary confinement.

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Sun Jul 18, 2010 1:21 pm
ForsakenAngel says...

Oh, I couldn't remember, thanks!

}}i{{ FS }}i{{
Hakuna Matata <3
RIP to all my friends who didn’t make it.

Hop freight or get lost.

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Sun Jul 18, 2010 3:08 pm
SisterItaly says...


I was still a little angry at Zabe. Just sticking me with Barke like that. He is attractive. I heard Zabe chuckle. I slapped him gently.
"Was I thinking at you?" I asked. I did NOT enjoy my lack of privacy. First Barke now Zabe? Poking around in my personal thoughts... it irritates me. Zabe... wanted to talk about his fears with me. Which made me feel horrid because I never would have dreamed of sharing my fears with him. He still doesn't know I can swim. I walked over to the wulf character and picked him up, throwing him over my shoulder.
"Lulu..." zabe started. I put a hand up, and ignored him, but I should of listened because I took one step and fell forward with that guy on top of me.
"Get him off me!" I coughed out. He was lifted and I looked up. My vision fogged over and the real colors came into view. Barke had lifted him off of me.
"Better?" he asked.
"Thank you." I turned to Zabe. "So are we taking them to the city?" I asked.
"Even in the end --even in death-- I can't hate you." - Neri Hereford's last words.

"The Gods demand blood, for they... do not bleed." Jaska.

The Book.

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Sun Jul 18, 2010 3:18 pm
eldEr says...


Zabe nodded. "It's a good, three to four week hike from here to there, so we had better get moving." Longer if that girl shows up again. he added silently, not to anybody but himself. Of course Barke arched an eyebrow, but Zabe waved it off. He eyed the boy in Barke's arms. "Deep sleeper huh?"

"Apparently," Barke muttered.

Zabe turned to Kassie and Rule, eyeing them each in turn. "You would be wise to follow. Unless of course you want to get torn to shreds by the girl I just ran into. Somebody take the boy, he's officially my hostage." Zabe would have of course, but he was already carrying a sleeping Audrey. "Cy?"

"Yeah?" she asked, looking up.

"You're not a witch."

"I know..."

Zabe smirked. "Have any of you ever heard of the Walkers?"

A few nodded.

Lulu snickered. "Well, that's what you are. What we are, if you haven't figured it out already."

Zabe chuckled and turned back to the hostage. "Somebody take him and let's move... now. Please?"

got trans?

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Sun Jul 18, 2010 3:58 pm
AngerManagement says...


I woke up late. Very late. And the second I shot up from the mossy undergrowth that I had been placed on I remembered what had happened and exactly why I was sleeping on the ground next to 6 Walkers. I pulled myself up and quietly inched away from my captors. Charna and I had grossly underestimated the guy. And we had been thoroughly bested.

One of the girls moved around a lot and each time my heart jumped each time. Tch. Annoying brats. I snarled in my head. I had already gotten away when I remembered that I had forgotten to leave my mark. I had forgotten to teach these Walkers not to mess with the Serkah.

I got my concealed knife and walked up to the guy in the corner. I raised my hand above my head to stab him in the chest when I heard a high-pitched scream. Instead I stabbed him in the arm and started running.

Charna. Charna, where in the world are you?

I kept running but I didn't stand a chance against the whirlwind that followed me. She was faster than my eyes could see and I was once again caught. At least this time I got the chance to fight back.
Dont tell me the moon is shining, show me the glint of light on broken glass.

Anton Chekov

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Sun Jul 18, 2010 4:18 pm
ScarlettFire says...

Charna|Forest Clearing:

I growled, climbing back onto all fours. I tried shifting but nothing happened. Oh, hell. How long had I been out for? Probably a few hours. Groaning in my Prakfura-like voice, I stretched and then silently looked around for my Brother....only to find him gone.

He didn't.... He did. I growled, stalking the clearing. The Taragroh we'd brought with us were just standing there, right on the edge of the clearing. I snarled at them and surprisingly, they understood. My Taragroh tossed it's head and took off, the other one following.

Satisfied, I went back to stalking the clearing. They would go back to father, and since father understood them, he would know what happened. It would be fine, but he would know I had failed. I let out a Prakfura-like sigh and trotted over to my weapons, floated the dagger and twisted sword over to me.

Damn it! I growled. The little....walker had snatched my sword! Throwing my head back, I was going to let out an irritated howl when a high pitched scream cut me off. I whipped around to my right, glaring into the trees. The dagger and sword dropped to the ground.

This was just perfect. I was stuck in animal form, I no longer had my steed or my brother's, and there wasn't much I could do in Prakfura form. I could bring my weapons along...

Grinning a Prakfura grin, I called the metal to me and created a kind of head piece, consisting of my dagger and his sword before somehow managing to slide the quiver or arrows and my bow over my head and one paw to let them settle on an angle across my back.

I was ready now. Time to go hunt some pitiful walkers and get my brother, and not to mention my sword, back. I launched myself into the trees at full sprint. Maybe I'd catch up to them. Maybe not. But I would find them eventually, and then they'd feel my wrath. The wrath of the House of Serkan. And what a wrath it was.
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

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Sun Jul 18, 2010 5:36 pm
NinjaCookieMonster says...


I smiled slightly. "You're not a witch." He had no idea how much better that made me feel. Granted, I still ached like heck, but at least one person didn't think I was a freak. That was good. I frowned. I still wasn't under control, though- one thing could set me off again. I didn't want Western District happening all over.

They had said we were going to a city; cities equaled good in my book. Cities meant streets, stands, alleys, hiding places, plenty of food. It was why I had stayed in the city at all, besides the obvious love of urban areas. It was my habitat, the area that met my needs, other than the occasional breakdown, in which case things got very, very bad.

I heard a rough scream from a little ways into the trees. Barke! I tried to run for him (god blast him and his ability to worry me), but my spine screamed in protest, and I swooped forward, saved only by MMV's grabbing my sides. The Lulu chick he was walking with bolted in, screaming.

I swore softly at my slip and then cried out as Barke rushed back in, holding his gashed arm. I tried to take another step, but my calves refused, and I fell back into MMV's arms, biting back a series of oaths that would make a sailor blush.

"Audrey!" he cried, showing his bloodied arm.

"Oh, no you don't! She just passed out, you buffoon! She can't heal so quick after!"

"Only because you wanted to run home!"

That stung.

"And you think that's my fault, pretty boy?"

"So I'm pretty now?"

"My GOD! I don't know how we're all fitting in here with your ego!"

"My ego? You have no room to talk, Miss Queen of the Streets!"

"At least I''m not so blasted superficial!"

"Oh, really? Sa-"

"CYPRESS! BARKE!" MMV boomed. Audrey scurried over and healed Barke's arm, despite my furious protesting. Or attempts at- MMV clamped a hand over my mouth. Lulu came back into the clearing, panting, with a boy being dragged behind her.

There was only one thing I could do.

I shoved MMV away, stormed a good six feet into the trees, and gave out a rough, primal, angry scream.
hey, Jude, don't make it bad
take a sad song and make it better
remember to let it into your heart
then you can start
to make it better.

~make books, not war~

"Not vampires, fish from space."

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Mon Jul 19, 2010 12:31 am
Razcoon says...


Cypress honestly, truly thinks I'm a jerk. More than that, superficial. Her scream pierces my ears, and my immediate reaction is to mentally shut her up.

"Listen to me!" I yell. I close my eyes, take a deep breath, and send her every happy, scared, confused thought I've had in the past who-knows-how-long. "Do you get it?" I ask finally, releasing her from her silence.

"Oh," she mumbles. Maybe I looked like a pretty boy from her perspective, but honestly, lately it's been tough for all of us. All of us including me.

"To be honest, from my perspective, you're the one acting like you're the only one with problems here." She winces, and I wonder if that was too harsh. No matter, she needs to know.
Ideas don't stay in heads very long because they don't like solitary confinement.

“If lightning is the anger of the gods, then the gods are concerned mostly about trees.”
— Lao Tzu