
Young Writers Society

Darkmoor Juvenile Prison

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Sun Nov 14, 2010 2:23 pm
Rydia says...

Tobias LaBelle

Interesting, interesting. The boy wasn't the usual hot-headed sort you found in Juvy, there was more to him than that. Tobias half regretted creating the situation. Clearly that stupid jar had far more value than he'd thought. So. Why wasn't the boy going quietly with the warden? There was a lot that wasn't adding up here. If he went quietly, it would be put down as a disagreement between cell-mates and the kid would probably get off with a day or two in the high security. Since he was putting up a fight, however, it would be put down as him causing a disruption with his cell-mate and he would get a week, minimum.

The guards advanced and still the boy was smiling. Looking at his muscled arms and his tremendous height, Tobias thought he might actually come out on top. The same thought seemed to be going through the mind of one guard who hesitated and looked back at the warden. Then he advanced again. The warden had scary eyes.

"You know," Tobias said, in a conversational tone that brought everyone to a ground stop. He was leaning against the wall of the cell, right by the bars, right by the warden and freedom. The guards had pushed the cell door closed behind them. "I think we'll get along just fine now." The warden raised a brow and gave the boy a sharp look. She probably thought he was playing games with her but then, her gaze softened. With his curly hair and efeminate features, it was sometimes easy to forget that Tobias was anything other than scary.

"As nice as that is, your new friend still needs to be disciplined," The warden said stiffly, a hint of sarcasm in her tone. Tobias sighed and gave a shrug.

"A shame, just when we were getting along." The kid was giving him a strange look now, probably thought he was bonkers. Tobias didn't mind. He'd put his mind to helping the boy out, afterall, he had caused the situation.

Except the warden wasn't having any of it. Not until her walkie buzzed. Unhooking it, she indicated that the guards should stand down while she answered her call.

"Yes?" the warden barked. There was a lot of static on the line and I couldn't make out the message. Neither could the warden. "You got static, speak up!" She started to move away from the cell, hesitated and then waved angrily at the guards who retreated to her side. Sadly they locked the cell behind them. "I'm watching you. Both of you." But that was standard warden speak for, 'I haven't the time to deal with you.' And then she was gone.

Toby pulled himself up to the ladder with a grin. "So," he said. "You gonna tell me what's in the jar?"
Writing Gooder

~Previously KittyKatSparklesExplosion15~

The light shines brightest in the darkest places.

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Sun Nov 14, 2010 4:48 pm
Elinor says...


Contrary to what others might have thought, Lisa's favorite part of the whole day was the time she was able to spend in her cell. Why? Because she didn't have to worry about anyone else or what they might have thought about her--she could just be herself. Lisa's roommate had never really talked to her or even acknowledged her existence, which was a step up from simply making fun of her, but overall it just reminded her about how much she hated people.

As Lisa was lying down on her bed, she thought about the day. She had gained a friend in Andi, but now there was the issue of Reggie. Lisa wondered if he would still try to come after her after what had happened on the football pitch. Although today had been the first time that the two had actually spoken, Lisa had overheard many conversations about Reggie, all of which made him out to be some kind of religious zealot.

Lisa wondered what was going on the cells of the other girls and the boys, as she always did. Were there any where the bonds were particularly strong? Lisa thought about Andi again. Would Andi really be her friend, or just supply her with cigarettes? If the former was true, Lisa wondered how she had done it, how she had gained her first friend in seventeens years.

She rolled over on her side and pulled a blanket over her body, now suddenly anxious for class to begin.

All our dreams can come true — if we have the courage to pursue them.

-- Walt Disney

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Tue Nov 16, 2010 6:55 pm
jok101 says...

*Sorry I haven't posted in a while I got behind on nano and have ended up ten thousand words off the suggested word count for today*

Nick Brown: 1hr ago:

As two of the guard led the rest of the class out I stayed seated. One guard stayed to make sure I didn't cause trouble. Once all the other 'students' had gone Mr Reynolds started lecturing me. I put my head down on the table and blocked him out and put my head on the table. After a couple of minutes he realised I wasn't listening and walked over to the guard.

"You want to get some coffee from the cafeteria" Mr Reynolds said.

"What about him?" The guard asked.

"It'll been fine, I'll lock the door, wheres he gonna go?" Mr Reynolds replied the guard shrugged his shoulders in a yeah sure whatever sought of way and they both walked out. Mr Reynolds shut the door on the way out. It was an electric lock so it didn't have a lock on this side. After they were put of sight I waited ten seconds before making my move. I worked quickly, running over to Mr Reynolds desk and grabbing the box of pens. I got under the table so the camera couldn't see what I was doing. I stripped the spring out of sixty pens re-asembling each of them as I did it. I took the lids off two of them and searched through Mr Reynolds desk. I found what I was looking for duck tape and blue tack. I squeezed a bit of the blue tack into the pen lid and stuck the pen into the blue tack making a mould. Next I put all of the springs and lids into my pockets, carrying a pen and the duck tape. I walked over too the door at the back of the class which led into a science lab. I put the duck tape on the table and grabbed one of the stools. I used it too take out all of the cameras in the room. I probably only had ten minutes ,if that, to do what I needed to do. The bunsten burners and smelting pots were in the same cupboard. I grabbed a bunsten and one of the larger smelting points I connected the bunsten to the gas nozzle and went to grab a box of matches that were kept in another cupboard. I put all the springs into into the smelting ot and held it over the bunstens blue flame with a pair of tongs.

Five minutes later and the springs had melted. I balenced it over the flame while I prepared the mould. I connected the two pens lids ,I taped them together with duck tape, With the pen lid that didn't have the blue tack in it I pulled the top of it and picked up the smelting pot with the thongs and poured it into the makeshift mould. I covered all the bits that could leak with duck tape. Two minutes left. I opened up the fire blanket box and carefully unfolded it taking note on how it was folded I hid the mould inside and put the fire blanket back the way it was in its box. I made it just in time as a group of guards in riot gear thundered down the hall. I grabbed the pen I had taken and brandished it like a knife. The riot guards waited a few seconds before bursting in. I stabbed with the pen putting mock effort into the jab one of the guards grabed my hand disarmed me and floored me another two sprayed me with pepper spray. Once I was subdues and had given up my 'struggle' the searched me. One went in to the lab and looked around.

"Nothing" he said looking around I had put the equipment back into the appropriate cupboard to avoid unwanted questioning. I started to cry a partly for the show and mostly because the pepper spray was killing me.

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Sat Nov 20, 2010 9:40 pm
Ryanator96 says...

I just lay there in my bunk for a moment, taking in what just happened. Did I really just get let off? I thought for sure I was going to get taken away to solitary, but no. I guess I just got a parden from the warden (pun completely intended) and now I was stuck with curly boy again. I looked over at him, and noticed he had an eyebrow raised at me, obviously waiting for an answer to his question. I sighed.

"Maybe later, Toby." I said as I rolled over towards the wall, "Night."

He started to say something, but then stopped and continued up the ladder onto the top bunk. Before he got there, however, he paused.

"I never told you my name was Tobias..." He said, his voice just clogged with suspicion.
The future ain't what it used to be.

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Mon Dec 06, 2010 4:41 pm
Cspr says...

Louis S.:

I'd moved so I could sit perched on the metal bed thing in here. Not sure what it's purpose was, since it didn't have a mattress. But, what else could I do but wait for something to happen?
I just sigh and twist my hands again and again, even though it won't matter with these metal cuffs. Maybe if I could knock my wrist out of... No, that'd be too painful. And I'd have to do both. And I still wasn't sure how that worked...
And I was still in a cell.

//You seriously thought you could get out? Moron. They'd just finally have an honest to God reason to hold you!//

((Thoughts = //(text)//. Or it could be italics...eh...

...Anybody still posting here...?))
My SPD senses are tingling.

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Tue Dec 07, 2010 12:09 am
Rydia says...

The Warden. 19:20. Monday. Warden's Office.

Mondays that didn't run efficiently were bad Mondays. This was one of those. The first trouble had been when she found out she was getting two new inmates. Not one. Two. That was a dog's dinner right there. And she hadn't known until the last minute! So unorganised. Someone had better have some good explanations.

There was a knock at the door.

"Enter!" The Warden called, lifting her eyes from the paper she had been about to sign. It was an authorisation for the new inmate to have his chains removed and to be bunked up with Carter. That boy. He didn't bear thinking about, but at least he kept the inmates in order.

Two of the night guards shuffled in. Very distasteful. Guards were supposed to stroll and stride, not scuttle around like church mice. They saluted.

"At ease, gentlemen." The Warden set her name to the piece of paper and stood up, holding it out. "Savidge is to be un-cuffed and will be cell sharing with Carter. He is to be escorted to cell block A and left in the custody of our friend." Yes, Carter was an interesting one but the vessels God found worked in mysterious ways. Yes sirree. The Warden had always considered herself a Christian woman. But. That didn't stop her from being suspicious of her inmates. "Keep an eye on those two, boys. Dismissed!"

The Warden could feel a headache coming on.


Sure am :)
Writing Gooder

~Previously KittyKatSparklesExplosion15~

The light shines brightest in the darkest places.

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Tue Dec 07, 2010 7:02 pm
Cspr says...



I growled quietly, as a guard tugged on my arm, nearly dragging me to wherever I was supposed to be. I guess the Priest dude had gotten bored.

At least they'd taken off my chains, though.

The guard finally stopped in front of a cell and with a "Shut up and behave!" opened the door and pushed me inside, before letting the cell slam shut behind me.

I grimaced and gritted my teeth at the loud sound, a headache prevailing about now, and I looked around.
My SPD senses are tingling.

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Tue Dec 07, 2010 7:49 pm
BenFranks says...

Reggie "The Priest" Carter

I grinned as Louis was shoved into my cell, unchained and grinding his teeth. Satisfied with the swift actions of the Warden, I saw no reason to stir any unrest and felt that the less I said around this tamed beast would be better. After all, I was merely a man of words and manipulation. Had I stirred the poor soul up in the wrong way, I could come out very badly. That kind of thing wasn't going to happen in my jail.

"Hello, Louis," I acknowledged, perching myself on the edge of the bed, my fingers parting open a book entitled "A Careless Soul". I wasn't reading it, for it was a disguise for the true content of it: a diary I had written, summing up the characters of everyone in this jail: their weaknesses, their strengths, their views, personalities and how to crush their mortal confidence with enlightenment to their true position. "I see we got those chains off of you, then."

He said nothing, merely sharply looked me up and down.

"Just remember who offered you that little piece of freedom, and I think we'll get along," I continued, closing my book and slipping it under the bottom bunk. "You're up top."

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Tue Dec 07, 2010 8:42 pm
Cspr says...


I watch him for a moment, quickly checking for any signs of anger, before just leaning back against the cement wall. "Of course," I say, voice pointedly flat, unemotional. "All right," I say a second later, then I tap my fingers along the concrete. "So, is this your fascist dictatorship, or what?" I ask, thinking back to my free days--which weren't really free to begin with. "I've lived in Silver Streets and I haven't liked them. Personally, I'd rather know what you want me to do up front and it better not involve..." I trail off. "Let's just say I'd enjoy getting out of here in one piece. If I get out..." I frown, what brought me here replaying in my mind briefly before I switch it off--metaphorically, of course.

I was still wondering what had happened. There was no need to get myself more confused when dealing with someone who was obviously more dangerous than the wannabe drug lords and their goons that had had petty scuffles near my home. Indifferent and angry were two vastly different emotions--and this guy was indifferent. I wouldn't be able to blind him using his own emotions. And that just stunk.

((Louis is much creepier than I had planned. And he uses more slang/obscure metaphors than I had planned... *shrugs*))
My SPD senses are tingling.

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Sun Dec 19, 2010 3:07 pm
Rydia says...

Tobias LaBelle. 06:30. Tuesday. The Cells.

Woken by the loud, shrill call of the prison alarms, Tobias let out a low moan and rolled over to his other side. Ouch. His back was crazy sore this morning thanks to his new bunk mate. Thinking of which... it wouldn't do to appear weak in front of him so Toby sat up. He grimaced to himself and started working out the kink in his back.

"Oy Turd, wake up call!" he shouted down to the new kid.

"Don't call me that," the boy mumbled grumpily, evidentally not a morning person. That cheered Tobias up a little and he found himself smirking as he swung his legs round and dropped down. He had a clean set of prison clothes in his drawer but they'd be getting showered first so he siddled up to the prison bars, waiting for the guards to come round.

"What should I call you then, eh?" Toby asked. "I wonder if you know your own name as well as you know mine." Tobias could be quite a clever git at times but he wasn't sure how the boy had found out his name. And if made him feel uncomfortable. There weren't many advantages one got in prison but a boy should be free to divulge his own name. The new inmates didn't get that luxury, since the warden always introduced them the morning after their arrival, but those who'd been there a while could keep their names to themselves for a time.

In a place like this, you could go a full month without being called by your first name. The teachers tended to use surnames and the inmates used a variety of nicknames so that when he did hear it - Tobias - it would sound foreign and unusual. Last night it had been so unexpected and he'd gone to sleep feeling more vulnerable than the physical attack could ever have made him.

"Call me-" the boy hesitated, probably deciding whether to give Toby a nickname or his actual name. Tobias waited patiently. This could be the difference between their being friends or enemies.
Writing Gooder

~Previously KittyKatSparklesExplosion15~

The light shines brightest in the darkest places.

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Fri Jan 21, 2011 12:29 am
Ryanator96 says...

My name... what is my name?

Okay obviously I don't mean I've forgotten my name. I'm just not sure what I want to be called at this point. I just lay there silently for a moment, then finally cave in.

"My name is Marcus." I say quietly, sitting up in the bunk.

This definitely seems to brighten his day a little. He turns away from the bars. "Marcus?" He smirks, "Marcus what?"

Once again, I find myself feeling small, and once again I just sort of sit there silently. He waits patiently, and again, I finally give.

"I have no clue. I didn't really know my mom, dad left before she knew she was pregnant... before she even knew his name. She's dead. End of story, when are we allowed out of this damn cell?" I get up and join him at the bars.

He looks up at me, skeptic, then thoughtful, and finally... kind. He gives a little grin, "Never soon enough."
The future ain't what it used to be.

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Fri Jan 21, 2011 12:30 am
Ryanator96 says...

(By the way, sorry for the late response.)
The future ain't what it used to be.

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Fri Feb 11, 2011 12:06 am
bellajackson says...

I don't understand this, are we making up characters that are in Juvvy?? This is a YELP for HELP! :) :!:

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Fri Feb 11, 2011 2:43 am
Rydia says...

We sure are! And sorry for the lack of reply on this lately, we're about to throw in a fun plot twist so don't go anywhere just yet! :D
Writing Gooder

~Previously KittyKatSparklesExplosion15~

The light shines brightest in the darkest places.

But there was no goat man, there was NEVER any goat man!
— OSP Red