
Young Writers Society

The Castaways (Started)

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Fri Jun 07, 2013 5:49 am
Iggy says...

Mia Denbrough

Mia pushed herself off the sandy ground with a gasp, turning to sit and cough up seawater. She rubbed sand off of her face and shook her long brunette tresses out, absolutely hating how tangled and dishelved she looked.

The was a girl standing over her, looking concerned. She introducted herself as Divya, which Mia found to be strange. What kind of name was Divya, anyways? Then Divya-whatever explained that it was Indian, which still made no sense, but Mia didn't care. She was dirty and nasty and stomped her foot in anger.

"Where is my cell phone?" She grumbled, hands searching her jeans, then the ground beside her. When she found nothing, Mia's face started to turn white and she yelled, "Goddamnit, not my phone! How am I suppose to call the agency for help?! Never mind that, what about Facebook?!"

Kicking sand at the sea in frustration, Mia scowled and turned to see Divya looking at her in bewilderment. "What? Don't look at me! Let's go find some damn shelter." She said, then stormed ahead of the girl as they wandered into the blanket of trees.


After a while, Divya suggested that they make camp under a tree.

"No! I can't sleep on the ground! I need a bed and pillows!" She whined, then grabbed up the table that was coincidentaly lying nearby and set it up. She felt Divya's annoyance and glowered at her, hoping that if, should they get attacked by bears or whatnot in the middle of the night, that they would eat the ugly one first. Wait, were there even bears on an island? Whatever, who cares. She still would push Divya down.

Mia settled down on the table, then squirmed again, and again. It wasn't comfortable, and it was cold! "Where's the fire?" She called out.

"I couldn't make one without logs!" Divya called back.

"It's cold!" Mia whined. Just then, there was a shuffling in the trees next to her and Mia yelped in shock.

"Girls?" A small, petite woman with long blonde hair exited the darkness and came to them, a smile on her beautiful face. Mia watched in shock as she slowly examined them. "Shipwrecked?" She asked kindly.

"Yes." Mia whispered, suddenly reminded of her parents. She felt tears form in her eyes and blinked them away.

The woman, who introduced herself as Bellalyse, told them to follow her down into the woods until they came to a shelter with sticks and logs and a leafy roof. Mia jumped up and down, clapping happily.

It turns out that Bellalyse only had sleeping bags, which made Mia groan in displeasure, but she settled. It was better than nothing. Then, Divya's stomach growled loudly and Mia felt herself giggle for the first time since the wreck.

Bellalyse fed them some sort of weird-looking soup, which Mia was reluctant to try at first, but starving won out over her disgust, so she took a sip and scarfed it down. It was actually pretty good, coconut milk and some herbs.

"Off to bed." Bella said quietly after a while, stretching. She placed their empty coconut halves by the door and climbed into her sleeping bag, then Mia did the same.

"Thank you for taking us in." Divya said softly into the darkness.

Mia blushed, feeling ashamed of herself. "Yes, thank you." She whispered to the pretty blonde woman.

"You're both welcome. Now, get some sleep, we'll need to get up early tomorrow and search for any items that may have come ashore, and other castaways, of course."


After a small breakfast of coconut milk and soggy bread Bellalyse scavaged from the ship wreck, they made their way back to the shoreline, where they saw driftwood and palm leaves come ashore. Mia noticed a soaked sweater and ran over to pick it up, wringing it out and sniffing it, then making a face. It was gross, but Bellalyse said there was a small stream where tney could wash their clothes and bathe later.

Mia started to look for more items, particually clothes, when she saw a small figure down the shoreline. She yelled out and ran (okay, well, fast walked, because she doesn't do running) to meet the girl. It was a small Asain, who looked pissed off.

"Now what will I do?" She muttered to herself, not seeming to notice Mia.

"Hey, Mulan. Don't fret, help is here." Mia said cheerfully, using her bare foot to nudge the girl. "Hey, c'mon, come meet Bel- MY SHOES! WHERE ARE MY SHOES!" Mia screamed suddenly, barely noticing their absense. "Damnit, no! Those were DESIGNER!"
“I can't go back to yesterday because I was a different person then."
- Lewis Carroll

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Sat Jun 08, 2013 9:09 pm
cgirl1118 says...

I turn to see a girl fast-walking toward me. "Finally! A human!" I yell. "Don't fret Mulan, help us here!" She says to me. "My name's not Mulan, it's Chloe," I mutter underneath my breath. The girl then starts screaming about her designer shoes and I slowly back away and ditch her. I sit on the shore, wishing I had a book to read. It would've been nice, just sitting there, reading. Maybe I should go and talk to that girl again. No, don't be silly Chloe, you'll probably stutter and run away again, I think. I sigh and rest my chin on my hands, bored out of my right mind.

My stomach starts to growl and I get up and decide to find food. I start walking toward the jungle in the middle of the island. Maybe I can find some fruits or a coconut or something, I think while walking there. When I enter the jungle I feel like I'm in a new world that's filled with green things. I finally come upon a coconut tree but the only problem is that I don't know how to climb a tree. I start to try throwing rocks at it thinking that the coconuts can fall down. When nothing works I give up and keep walking into the green world.

I come upon a bush with berries on it. They look red and juicy and without thinking I plop them into my dry mouth. The delicious, sweet juice trickles down my throat and fulfills my hunger after a few more berries are eaten. I'm suddenly taken over by sleepiness and I start to lie down. My mind is heavy and I can't think straight. It feels like I'm dreaming and the only thing I could do is go to sleep, a sleep that can last forever.
What is life without books?

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Sun Jun 09, 2013 3:41 am
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Carina says...


"Waaake up."
"I know you can hear me, so wake up already; you're dehydrated."

Suddenly a bucket of cold and mucky water attacked Jae's face.

He sprang up then, fully aware and conscious. "Huh? What? Who? Huh?" he managed to sputter out with his dry and scaly lips, his headache still throbbing his head.

There was a pretty girl in front of him—ooh, she looked vaguely familiar...where was she from? A movie? A TV show? One of the girls that his friend's friend at school parties with all the time?—and a look of triumph crossed her light skin that was sunburned by the smothering sun. She was holding an empty bucket that somehow looked really out of place in this sandy and palmy area... Wait, what? Wasn't he on a cruise or whatever with his dumb sister and needy parents? Or was he back in his dorm in MIT, dreaming? Or maybe he died. There was, after all, a giant wave that was strong enough to crack and crumble every delicate bone in his body when it hit the uncaring and deathly waters below...

A form of dread suddenly knotted up his stomach as Jae started to slowly piece together a puzzle that was his memory, but he threw the puzzle away as his headache continued to pound, and every part of his body screamed, "Water, you idiot! Drink water, and eat something before you puke out your guts in front of the pretty lady!"

The girl seemed to read his thoughts. "Here," she said, handing him half-empty plastic bottle of water that looked highly contaminated. "I found this on the shoreline, but it looks like some stuff leaked in on its way here..." She shook herself out of her perplexed expression. "But hey, better than nothing, right? Drink it. Your skin is all dried up."

"Uhhh," he started out blankly, and when he didn't do anything, she forced the bottle in his hands. "Thanks, I guess." But he didn't want to drink it. There were little tiny bugs in them, and he hated bugs, nevertheless wanted to eat them. Besides, if the ocean leaked its way into it, wasn't it just as bad as drinking the sea itself? So, why was she giving him gross water full of bugs and salt and maybe radioactive substances that will make him melt into a goo?

But she looked at him intently, and her eyes held the same look that his mom had whenever she was highly expecting something. Like, "Yes, my child, drink it. Drink it and replenish yourself," and for whatever reason, he didn't want disappoint her...even when the water was just, you know, slightly infected.

"Do...you, uh, have anything to eat instead?" he managed to croak uncomfortably, and surprisingly, the excuse worked.

"I do," she said proudly, her eyes lighting up as if finding food was such a heroic task to do. "Here are some berries."

He stared at them: red, full, but a tiny bit furry and held many scars left behind from bugs. He grabbed one while biting his dry tongue, knowing that this was better than drinking water that will give him creepy-crawly feelings for the rest of his short-lived life.

He plopped one in his mouth, but suddenly a crazy-looking girl came out of nowhere and just about smacked him in the head, making him spit out the berry that he was about to hungrily devour.

"Stop!" the girl cried with a wild look in her eyes. "Those are poisonous!"

"Why is everything against me today?" was the only thing he mumbled out.

She crazy girl took the pile that the other girl collected and stepped on them, crushing them and making a puddle of red juice against the shady sand. "One of these berries can make you sick, and this whole pile is enough to kill you," she said in a matter-of-fact tone with a hint of scorn, as if they were just dumb little kids who wanted to eat worms because they thought they would be appetizing.

"Well, sorry, Kory," the other girl grumbled. "While you went out to mend with nature, I had to take care of him. What did you expect me to do?"

Suddenly Kory had a horrified face. "You didn't eat any, did you, Anna?"

"No!" the girl—Anna—said quickly. "I mean, I ate the other berries you gave to me first, thank goodness."

The other girl—Kory—sighed in relief. "That's good. Just let me handle food and water, okay?"

Oh, wait, what.

She gestured to a cracked coconut and some plump blues and green berries along with a few other fresh exotic food—all of which were about a million times more appetizing that the stuff Anna offered.

"Here," Kory offered, sitting next to Jae. "You can drink out of this coconut, and the berries aren't poisonous."


"What's your name?" Anna asked when Jae was done replenishing himself.

He felt so much stronger and healthier, and he could feel his wellbeing rise by the second. This was all relative to his previous moments of feeling groggy and gross and sick, of course. "You can call me Jae," he said after a long pause, then looked around. "Where are we?"

"Don't know exactly," Kora said. "We're in an island of some sort; I'm assuming we're all castaways from The Maiden's Kiss?"

Anna nodded, and Jae's memory started to flood in all at once: escorting Jae Mi to the party while their parents slept, seeing her laugh and walk away with some other guy, sitting on the chair while watching the night sky lie against the endless sea, awkwardly bumping into a girl, then waves, many waves, many tidal waves... And then pain, a lot of plain, and cold, and numbness, and feeling scared, and saving a girl, and then finding a table, and then black, a deep and thick kind of blackness that was like the bottom of the sea...

Wait, the girl... Was she...

"You're the guy who spilled my drink on the ship, right?" Anna beat him to it. "And then you tried wiping it away with your sleeve?"

Jae immediately felt his cheeks burn up, and even when the smiting sun was burning everything in its path, he wished he was under it so his embarrassment wasn't as evident. "Er...maybe," he said softly, and he wondered if Anna remembered when she helplessly flopped around in the water before he saved her.

"Can you stand up?" Kory asked airily, making Jae relieved that she switched the topic. It was at this time that he noticed who down to earth her appearance was; sure, the water and sun and everything else damaged everyone's appearance, but she looked like she was already some kind of native here.

Oh, natives. Were there any here?

"Yeah," Jae replied to Kory, taking her hand that she offered to him and ignoring every one of his muscles that screamed in agony at him.

"Does anything hurt?" Kory asked.

"No," Jae lied.

She squinted at him. "Are you sure? You've been out for a whole day."

Oh, man. It was like she could see right through him. "Uh... I'm fine," he assured, and she suddenly let him go, making him stumble. "But," he added quickly, "it would be nice to have support."

Kory smiled playfully and gave it back to him.

"Where to?" Anna asked.

chaotic lazy

the queen of memes

secret supreme overlord of yws

saint carina, patron saint of rp

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Mon Jun 10, 2013 6:12 pm
Laminated says...

Anna Felise

"Where to?" I asked.

"Survival," Jae replied.

We nodded in silence and wordlessly chose a direction. It wouldn't have mattered much which way we went, either was equally likely to bring death or life; at least along the shoreline. However, there was the option of going in.

"Kory," I started, "You know more about surviving than us. Would it be better to build some shelter in the jungle, where we are more hidden from whatever's prowling around?"

"No," she replied, shading her eyes from the sun, "The only things we would be hiding from in the jungle can smell us anyways. Out here, we can see and be seen by people."

I nodded. It made sense.

So, we continued our walk to nowhere.

Spoiler! :
I know it's terribly short, but we're all awake and together and I'm not sure if we're meant to further the plot at this point; so I'll leave it at that.

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Tue Jun 11, 2013 1:18 am
littleauthor says...

Kalel Tomlinson

Kalel woke up to distinct noises in the jungle near-by. She ran towards the noises, desperate for help because the silence was driving her insane. She wished to scream out help or anything to get their attention but all she did was run making the most noise she could along the way. Finally the girl turns and looks back at Kalel.

"Are you okay?" She asks quietly as Kalel slows to a stop her sea green hair flying in the light wind. She nods and sits on the rock. Kalel wished she could ask her name or something but she just picks up a stick and writes out I was in the reck, my name is Kalel.

The girl nods and tells her that her name is Chloe. Kalel smiles and reaches for a berry that was on a bush near-by. "Those are good."

Kalel smiles as the warm juices fill her mouth. She finishes up 10 more berry's and leaves the rest for later.

"Can you not speak?" Chloe asks after a long silence. Kalel nods and sighs look up at her. She was very beautiful even though she probably didn't know it. Chloe blushed and looked away for a moment and Kalel got up to start a fire. She had taken the wood from her fire and was able to start up the fire again in no time.

"How did you do that?" Chloe asked starting into the growing fire.

Practice. Kalel replied writing in the dirt with her finger. Chloe nodded and looked around as if someone was watching.

"I hope we find better shelter soon." Chloe said and Kalel nodded in agreement. That would be amazing.

Spoiler! :
Sorry its short. I have a ton of HW
It's better to be WEIRD than boring

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Wed Jul 17, 2013 2:20 pm
cgirl1118 says...


I've finally met another human. Kalel is her name. She seemed so nice. But as always, shy me, I could not speak. I just embarrassed myself in front of her and made her think I was mute. Stupid, stupid, stupid, I tell myself. Kalel is asleep now and I'm just sitting by the fire she made. It's amazing how just a little bit of wood, friction, and some blowing air can make this. I watch as the flames flicker like they are trying to escape into the air but is trapped. I'm so into watching the flames that I don't realize Kalel propped herself up beside me. I open my mouth to say something but it doesn't come out. I end up making some kind of weird croaking noise. I wish I had something to read, anything would me great.

"So I know you aren't mute, just shy," she says.I nod while blushing. This is so embarrassing.

"Why?" she asks. I take a stick and write, I don't really like talking to new people in the sand. "Oh." is all she says.

"Well, I'm not really new to you now so how about we be friends." Kalel says. I brighten up at the idea. I smile, "Ok". "The girl speaks!" Kalel says jokingly. We both smile.

Spoiler! :
Sorry I got to go.
What is life without books?

akdsjfh you know that feeling where you start writing a scene but then you get bored with the scene so you move on and start writing a different scene and then you get bored with that scene so you move on to an entirely different WIP and then you get bored with that so you move on-
— AceassinOfTheMoon