
Young Writers Society

Blazed (Closed/started)

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Fri Oct 07, 2011 11:55 pm
Redfang18 says...

Zeke | The Den/His House

I was a little impressed that the twosome were rebels themselves, but the girl was curious. She gave me the impression that she had a thing for animals. I decided to put her and her companion to the test. Getting out of my chair, I went to my kitcten and brewed some tea. Mint tea was my specialty, since it was one of my grandmother's secret recipes that I managed to memorize from her recipe book. After a while, I poured three cups from the kettle. I set the first cup next to my chair and gave the other cups to my guests. I sat back in my chair and sipped my tea. I smiled secretly. Minty to the taste, calming to the smell. Just the way my grandmother made it. I admitted, "As a rebel myself, I should know where the headquaters' are. Sadly, I don't know. I only come when the rebels call me. Other than that, I stand before you as a youth who's been a loner his whole life."
The twosome took a sip at their cups.
Setting my cup aside, I watched them with caution. If they were for the government, the truth serum that I added in their cups would make them rat themselves out. Suddenly my head started to hurt. I put my hand on my temple, clutching it in pain as my eyes squeezed themselves shut. I saw myself on the ground, holding my stomach as I laid there. I looked like I was dying from a gunshot wound in the stomach. Question is when will that come to pass and how will I get that hurt? I fell out of my chair, still clutching my temple and groaning in pain.
Look down and show some mercy if you can.
Look down, look down, upon your fellow man.

~~~Les Miserables

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Sat Oct 08, 2011 2:02 am
EnchantedPanda says...


I checked my watch, it was 3 'clock in the morning and I was ready to leave. I stuffed some food and drink in my bag and crept out my room. This was it, I was finally escaping from the governments base. I strolled down the hallway stealthily, looking out for a dark silhouette. I finally spotted a dark shadow at the end of the hallway. I ran forward and stuck the syringe needle into his arm, pressing down on the top. As soon as he dropped to the ground and grabbed his hat and walked forward as though nothing had happened. I stuck the hat on my head so that from the security cameras I looked like another guard.

Soon I reached the gate. This would be harder, I pulled against the iron bars, at first nothing happened but slowly the metal began to stretch apart creating a gap just wide enough for me to squeeze through. I continued pulling the bars when suddenly behind me I heard a load shout.

"She's escaping!" called out on guard ignorantly as though I had no name.

"Which one?" yelled another guard running toward the gate.

"Dunno' mate, just hurry up right! It ain't easy giving kids abilities like the ones we give 'em."

The guards ran faster yelling and knocking at cabins and ringing alarms. My hands shook violently with fright and I pulled as hard as I possibly could my arms aching with the effort. Just as i was about to slip through the gap I felt a pair of hands grab my shoulders.

"What do you think you're doing?" he asked in a snarling, sarcastic voice. I grinned evilly and tilted my head sideways. I lifted him up and threw the guard against the ground. Spitting on him as I squeezed through the gap and sprinted away into the dark night.

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Sat Oct 08, 2011 2:50 am
gleek456 says...

Camille Huntington

"Hello everyone. Am I interrupting something?" Another red head jumped. I swore to myself. Which one was the girl? I'm so confused and lost! How could we tell? There's was the girl with the sword, then the girl who looked... blind. Very interesting. I looked at Sam and Wes, to see that they were confused too. I exhaled, since I wasn't the only lost one. I pulled my cardigan closer to my body, and clicked the heels of my flats together. Might as well begin playing pretend. I cleared my throat and stepped a little closer.

"No! Of course not!" I replied to the girl, while smiling. The girl with the sword glared at me. Someone looks like doesn't believe me. I put my hand out. "Trust me".

Sword-girl pulled Blindie back, as if she thought she was going to die. They won't, not yet. I rolled my eyes and castes a glance at Sam and Wes.

"We need to talk to..." I trailed off.

"Atila," Wes finished for me. I nodded at his answer. Sword-girl stepped forward, sword raised a bit higher this time.

"Right here," she answered. I put on a disgusted look.

"Oh... I was expecting a bit more than a child," I said. It was true! She looked far too young to be a leader of a rebellion. It's like leaving me in a red room, with red clothes, and being told to "work with it". Fun.

"What do you want?" Atila asked. There's my cue. I nodded as a signal. Before Wes or Sam could make any movement, I raised my palms in the air, indicating clouds to gather. Once the clouds were ready, I started to make it snow... in the desert. I work best in winter, you know? Once a blanket of snow was created, Wes immediately flashed behind Mishta.

"We want you to come with us," Sam answered. Atila glared at us.

"You don't scare me," she answered. Let's not play pretend anymore. I scoffed.

"Oh, we don't scare you, do we? Okay, time for a little girl talk, adult, to child," I answered. I walked right up to her, despite the fact a blade was right under my chin. "We're from the government, if you haven't already established that. We will do anything to help others learn how good the government really is, giving you powers. You should be grateful".

Now, Atila scoffed. The sword began to heat up, and she held the tip of the blade right on my neck. I could feel Sam move a bit, and Wes flinching.

"Look, what the government did, shouldn't have been done," Atila started. I never took my eyes off the blade. In a second, she could've just dug the blade right through me! Don't let your guard down Camille! I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"Listen, I suggest you put the blade down before I ends you," I taunted. Note: I just had to add that! Santana language. Blame it on glee. xD

(Hope this was okay! I'm as confused as Camille as to what to do, so I came up with this. Please tell me if I did anything wrong be PM. :) )

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Sat Oct 08, 2011 4:10 am
icebender28 says...


Mishta, what are you doing here. I thought. She was gonna get herself killed. The Cammille girl walked up to my sword, and I heated it up.
I could have run her through, and i should've, but something about killing people made me...sick. Like when you see someone skinning kittens.
"Talking is for idiots." I muttered. "The government hurt us and destroyed our lives, and yet you fight for them." I drew in closer. "Did they tell you that they kill children?"
A flash of shock escaped from behind her mask, barely noticable.
I heard the two boys grunt.
"Better keep yourself out of danger, or your boyfriends here will get themselves killed." I whispered, and flung my sword around. It cut a long stripe across the ice girl's neck, and collided with Speedy. it was only the flat side, but it still sent him sprawling. He landed on the ground, and tried to get up, but I was there in an instant, my foot on his back.
"Speed isn't so helpful when you can't move."
"NO!" Somebody shouted, as I reached to my pockets. I rolled my eyes and put the syringe to his neck. He passed out.
because he was so fast, I reasoned, he would be affected more quickly, but it would wear off soon. Like in a minute.
I turned back to the two love-bird-government-scum. Cancel had ran up to Ice to check her neck. She was trying to shove him away.
I wasn't about to cause more bloodshed, so I turned, grabbed Mishta's hand, and steered her towards the building, and safety.

(Hope this is okay, and honestly, I don't know how our fight will end! You guys can go after her, or let it be, or drag it out for a few more posts. You know, whatever you guys want! End it how you guys think it should go, and I'll go with it. :D )
Life is to be lived, not survived.

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Sat Oct 08, 2011 12:21 pm
SubjectBlue says...

I was up in a split second, shooting right at their direction- the older one got hit- and collapsed to the ground.
I ran towards her, leaping right at the second one, who tried to help her up- she made a movement- and looked really surprised when she realized her fire wasn't working- it took me about five more seconds to beat her fighting out, and hold her to the ground.

after ten seconds of pathetic attempts of struggle by her- who taught her CQC?! what an idiot!- I had enough, and gave her a good hard taze, that kept her immobilized. Cam and Wes were there soon after, and both seemed quite annoyed.
"Wes, take the blind one- Cam, you get miss personality here. I pulled out two pairs of hand cuffs and throw each one a pair.
"I'm sick of this assignment, let's go home."

(OCC: I know it was a little short, but I didn't had a lot to write)
'I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.' -Stephen G. Tallentyre

"Great minds think alike- idiots are unpredictable"

For Free!

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Sat Oct 08, 2011 4:00 pm
Daisuki says...

Sire and Soul | Zeke’s House

Fox boy gets up from his chair and disappears into the kitchen for a while, returning with three teacups. He offers each of us one, and sits down with his. I look at the liquid – a pale, minty green. As I bring it closer to my face I can smell that yes, it is mint. Next to me, S’oul is sniffing hers strangely, occasionally baring her teeth at it, as if it wants to leap from the cup and bite her.

As Fox makes a comment with a snarky undertone – something about how he’s such a loner – I reach into one of my jacket pockets, and after a few seconds of digging, pull out a small white pill. As inconspicuously as I can, I drop it in the cup, swishing the tea around. Within a moment, it turns a light purple. Ah, now it makes sense. He slipped some truth serum into our drinks. I motion for S’oul to drink it, which she reluctantly obeys, and take a sip myself. The mint really is quite tasty.

As I’m remembering the fact that Fox boy never asked our names – and never told us his, for that matter – he suddenly convulses. Right out of the blue, just falls on the floor, shattering his teacup (what a waste) as his hands squeeze his head so hard I feel his brains will pop out. S’oul is unnerved by his screaming, and I myself don’ t know what to do.

I crouch next to him, put a hand on his shoulder. His eyes are squeezed shut and sweat pours from his face. I can almost hear his teeth grinding inside his grimacing mouth.

I feel I have to yell, to penetrate him inside. “Can you tell me what’s wrong?!” I shout. His body curls tighter into a fetal position. I consider doing a blood exchange so I can regulate and maybe calm his energy, but then I wonder why that even crossed my mind. The blood exchange is a very deep, intimate thing, and I don’t even know him.

The only thing left to do is wait, but his screams still taunt my ears.
Last edited by Daisuki on Sat Oct 08, 2011 5:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Oh, I wish I was punk-rocker with flowers in my hair.

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Sat Oct 08, 2011 4:13 pm
PrincessOfDarkness says...

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Sat Oct 08, 2011 4:56 pm
Audy says...

(Princess, I'm not ignoring you, just confused with your post. Who is was the guy and where is this forest?)

Wesley | Desert


"You guys looking for me?" says a voice from behind, my reflexes spun me around - I want to spring at the unidentified intruder - except my body isn't moving as I want it to. Damn. I'm too close to Samuel. How could I miscalculate this? I try to calm myself down. I have to prove to the higher-ups that I can handle this. I have to prove to them that I am better than this. If I move too quickly now, she'll know something's up. I stand my guard. I might not be able to move fast, but my thoughts are flying in every direction.

I think up of a hundred different strategies to immobilize them both. If Samuel takes just two feet forward, I'd be out of his range, and he'd be able to immobilize the intruder's powers, whatever they were. We cannot underestimate her approaching us openly like this. Now if only I could communicate my thoughts...

Through my peripheral vision I see a figure jump down. Ah, the redhead. I almost forgot about her.

"Hello guys. Am I interrupting something?"

"No! Of course not!" Camille said, confidence radiating in her tone. Good, so that girl was taken care of. Now if I just take one step back...

Too-late. Camille had proved a great threat, the intruder pulled the redheaded girl back, that was when I noticed it. The red-head was blind. There's no way she could be the pyromaniac. Then the intruder was really...

"Atila," I say. The rebel in question steps forward to confirm my theory. She raises her sword as if she was going to attack, but I wait. I wait until Camille baits her closer to us - with that, the blinded girl will be open. I'll step back and around and strike the blinded girl from behind - she won't be able to attack with her fire with Samuel closing in, and whatever powers the blinded girl had, she won't be able to catch me.

Then it starts to snow. I waste no time.


I step back, feeling my body vibrating with energy - I zoom out and around and grab the blind girl's arms from behind, effectively restraining her.

I can see Atila getting angry. Good. Just one more step. One more step and her powers would be immobilized.

"Talking is for idiots," Atila said. "The government hurt us and destroyed our lives, and yet you fight for them. Did they tell you that they kill children?"

My eyes widen. Children, did they really kill children? Suddenly, I freeze, a sound escaping from my lips before I even realized what was happening. A memory flashed into my mind of a small three-year-old child with dark hair and big brown eyes, his helpless body blasting into bits and pieces.

Suddenly, a sword swings around, knocking me back. I hit the ground hard, ad I felt out of breath. This was the first time in a long time I had ever been hit...

The image of the strange boy still burned in my memory. Who is this child? Why is he so familiar? I was too distracted to notice Atila's form right above me, she has me pinned down with her foot before I could move away. She is strong, and I am getting weaker. My speed had taxed a lot of my energy.

"Speed isn't so helpful when you can't move," Atila said, as though she were reading my thoughts - then just like that, my thoughts clouded away into darkness.


I wake up lightheaded. What happened? I immediately see Samuel struggle with Atila before he tazed her. I don't have time to find out what's happening.

"Wes, take the blind one!" Samuel said, throwing me a pair of handcuff.

I waste no time. I don't know how long I've been out, but it appears as though I have regained some energy. I turned towards the blind girl.


The blind girl was in handcuffs. I drag her over to the car and pushed her inside. I look at her. I assumed she was Atila. That was my mistake. It seemed like throughout this whole mission, I was useless. I kept making mistake after mistake. I was supposed to be close to promotion, but I couldn't even handle getting my team out of danger.

"Who are you anyway?" I ask. Camille is just now getting Atila's limp body inside the car. She looked absolutely beat up. For Samuel to struggle so much, just how strong is this young girl? It was a smart idea to taze her then and there.

The blind girl spits in my direction, but I dodged it in time. She uses the opening to her advantage, getting out of the car and trying to run off, but I stopped right in front of her.

"Don't take me back there!" She yells. Her desparation strikes me. The image of the boy coming to my mind's eye yet again. I am puzzled - shocked for a moment, but a moment long enough for her to strike me at a point on my neck that sent me sprawling. Damn- that was a weak spot...

Samuel had her in his arms before she managed to run off. He tazed her without a second's thought.

I looked up at him with shame. What was wrong with me today?

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Sat Oct 08, 2011 5:03 pm
PrincessOfDarkness says...

Someone include me then, please seem as my POV just seem to be all "wrong" and "confusing" for some reason?
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Sat Oct 08, 2011 5:58 pm
PrincessOfDarkness says...

QuickSilver | Following the Screams | Rebellion ¬


I'm angry, raging.

I follow the sound of the screams to a boy, curled up in a fetal position. Two people are crouched next to him, but I crouch beside him and touch him softly on the forhead. He's burning up.

I turn my hand silver and place it against his forhead, cooling him down.

I don't know what to do.

There you go. *shrugs*
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Sat Oct 08, 2011 6:36 pm
SubjectBlue says...

I could hear the girl making noise in the back sit.
Mission accomplished- and we functioned so well, I felt like dancing.
"Cam, if the little b*tch doesn't shut it in ten seconds- gag her, will ya?" I yell cheerfully.
The noise stopped.
Cam and Wess seemed very unhappy, and I haven't managed to realize why yet, "Wess, stop being so hard on yourself, you did great- you too- Cam." I said.
Wess just shook his head: "She said they kill kids, Sam, kids! Don't you get it?!"
Cam nodded grimly.
I burst into laughter: "Are the two of you kidding me?! You're gonna let the lies of a little rebel scum, who doesn't have the guts to do her duty, ruin your evening?!"
Wess and Cam looked at each other, then at me, with embarrassment - then Cam started laughing too, and after her Wess.
I looked behind at Atila and the other girl: "I'm not a fool, kid- stop blaming your government, to which you owe so much, for every little thing- lies won't help you."
I was a little suddened, such young children are traitors nowadays- but I was quite happy with myself nonetheless.
"Tell you what, guys. After we drop the 'package' here- who's up for a drink? I'm buying!"
The dust swirled as we left the desert behind us.
'I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.' -Stephen G. Tallentyre

"Great minds think alike- idiots are unpredictable"

For Free!

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Sat Oct 08, 2011 6:42 pm
EnchantedPanda says...


Two hours later my running pace began to slow down until I was barely moving at all. I sat down on a rock to rest my legs and to cool down. My head began to spin around and my arms grew loose. I was floating on some kind of cloud, I fell backward further and further. Until my body grew limp and I fainted.

Out of nowhere I heard a voice and a pair of hands lift me slightly above the ground, "is she one of us?" asked a male voice, he sounded genuinely concerned.

"Don't worry 'bout it, we have to keep moving!" said a sharp female voice above my head.

I felt the pair of hands let me fall to the ground and a scream escaped my lips. The pair of hands immediately lifted me up again and I suddenly had an urge to ask them "are you the rebellion?"

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Sat Oct 08, 2011 7:38 pm
*singerofthenight* says...

(OOC: Sams powers doesnt work on Mishta because her powers are natural..just enhanced. Before the gov took her, she would always have "visions". Hope this doesnt make her a god mod..i just thought it would be a twist against Sams character...if not ill change it.


She sat there fuming, her heartbeat slow. She was still using her power, little to her companions knowledge. Sighing, she turned to the guy sitting beside her...Wes was it? She closed her eyes, summoning her power even more. Seh had to do something. She was an anomially...she shouldnt exist. When she opened her eyes back up, they where a bright silver, kind of like molten steel. She heard a gasp and snorted, looking straight at whoever it was who gasped.

"I can see your pain, the scars that you try so hard to hide..." she trailed off and sat back into the seat, crossing her hands behind her, her long red hair falling over her shoulders. She may be the quiet one, but they might want to watch out and not piss her off. She bowed her head and closed her eyes, reaching for her powers, determined to get them out of this. When she opened her eyes again, they were normal...a deep chocolate brown. She sighed and looked towards the front of the car.

"You might want to pull over." If not, they were in for a lot of pain.

(OOC: left it open fo the weakness part XD I dont know your weaknesses so I need a bit of help with that )
"Hello, is this thing on?"

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Sun Oct 09, 2011 3:08 am
Redfang18 says...

Zeke | The Den

I felt something cold on my forehead, sending the vision away. I started to breathe more easily, but the headache was still there. I got on my feet and went to my kitcten so I could take some Advil. I took two pills with mint tea and rubbed my temple with my fingers.
Someone asked why was I compulsing like I was having a seizure.
I admitted sorely, "I also have visions at the oddest times. However, my visions often have a backlash. I compulse like that when I have a terrible vision." I sipped my tea and started to feel a little tired. I started off to my room, then said without turning around, "I'll be taking a nap for a while. I suggest you don't break anything. I can be very unpleasant when I'm cranky." I went in my room, shut the door behind me, and went in my bed to rest while the headache slowly eased up on my brain.
Look down and show some mercy if you can.
Look down, look down, upon your fellow man.

~~~Les Miserables

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Sun Oct 09, 2011 3:54 am
Daisuki says...

Sire and S’oul | The Den (Zeke’s house)

As I sit next to boy on the floor with S’oul in my lap, a girl with silver hair suddenly comes in through an open window. I begin to make a move to stop her from approaching Fox Boy, but she’s too fast and is leaning over him before my arm even has a chance to move. Her fingers become as metallic as her hair, a pure, bright silver I can’t help admiring. She places it on his forehead, and I assume it is cold to the touch.

The sensation awakens the illusionist boy, and his eyes flicker open. He’s on his feet in seconds, explaining why it happened in slightly slurred words. His eyelids look heavy, and he mutters something about not breaking his stuff before wandering into his room. I hear a door shut.

My eyes turn to the girl. “Do I even have to ask?”

She shakes her head, silver and black hair swooshing gracefully with her movement.

“I’m QuickSilver,” she says. S’oul looks questioningly at her, and for the moment I feel I can assume she’s not our enemy. Rebellion, then.

“Fancy some tea?” I ask, and the words seem strangely misplaced even to my own ears.

OOC: Am I posting too much??
Oh, I wish I was punk-rocker with flowers in my hair.

One believes things because one has been conditioned to believe them.
— Aldous Huxley, Brave New World