
Young Writers Society

SIS - Take Two.

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Mon Dec 06, 2010 4:36 pm
Cspr says...


Getting to China had been remarkably easy, even if I had been followed twice (poor goons, hope they knew how to take bullets out of their legs). I'd even managed to bring all my guns without the airport security noticing. (I really needed to mention that to someone, since that was pitiful--if good for me.)
And now I was sitting at a little restaurant, poking at my food without much interest as I scoped the people inside of the book store, watching as they talked and moved around through the glass windows.

I grinned slyly as I spotted Gov'nor, before going back to my meal and acting like a normal "tourist".

This would be fun. If insane, crazy, and very important...it'd still be fun.
My SPD senses are tingling.

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Mon Dec 06, 2010 5:00 pm
BenFranks says...

George Leyton: The Guv'nor

Reet popped through the doors to the bookshop's stock room and emerged shortly with two young, pretty women by her side. I smiled as I recognised their faces instantly. I outstretched a hand to the first, Tanya Mu, and looked at her eyes. A file can only tell one so much, but the meeting of someone in the flesh can have the ability to tell so much more.

"George Leyton, Guv'nor. Nice to meet you Miss Mu," I said. Her grip was unhesitant and brief, her flesh warm from the radiating heat of the stock room she'd emerged from. She nodded in compliance, and I turned my attention to Naomi Grafton. "Likewise to you, Miss Grafton."

"Hello, Sir," she beamed, her hand taking mine in a firm but warm-gestured grip and then shaking as if it needed to be made worthwhile.

My gaze settled itself onto the rows of books stacked behind Reet, Mu and Grafton. I knew that if these three had been the only agents present, then after the greeting they would've dispersed or briefed me on the situation that I would be presented with - or even an anecdote of their journeys to get here. From the absence of any talk, I knew there'd be more and to my expectation, a familiar man and woman entered the bookstore from the stock room.

"Ah," I said, studying their eyes just as I had done to the other member's. Interestingly, the coldness of the pair of eyes weilded by Sean Grimm seemed misted by a moist covering indicating nerves, nevermind subtle. I had seen the same in Reet's earlier. I'd always found a fascination in the nerves of someone who can kill with an ignorance of conscience, but who finds their self-belief challenged in the presence of another human-being. "Mister Grimm," I said, shaking his hand. "Nice to meet you."

"The feelings mutual, Sir," he replied, his tone very confident.

Then my attentions turned to Miss Fey O'Conner. Unlike the other members of the team, her face was one of far closer familiarity. It wasn't the first time I'd worked with her, after all. At the beginning of World tensions we had flown to North America together to clean out a corrupt CIA outpost in Alaska and, the pair of us, managed to uncover a whole underground network of REAF Intelligence Surveillance and notified the ignorant CIA. Seeing her now made a formal greeting feel inadequete. It was as though I was bumping into an old friend who I'd not seen for several years.

"Fey," I smiled and shook her hand friendly. She had the same warm feeling as I'd remembered, but it was not to be confused with the strong personality she truly posessed.

"Hello George," she said, equally informally.

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Mon Dec 06, 2010 5:36 pm
Cspr says...


After finishing my meal quickly, I took out a book I had and pretended to finish it. I made a show of being upset, grumbling about probably not being able to find a book on holiday, until one of the locals gestured at the book store.

"They have English books?" I asked.

He just stared.

It would get my point across to anyone I was a tourist, though, I hoped. I paid the bill and put my stuff back in my tote bag, all else at various hotel rooms.

I walked across the street, already knowing where everything was, and walked into the bookstore, grinning in a dumb sort of way until the door closed behind me.

"Welcome to China, Brits."

I knew who they were, no need to pretend anymore. I made to look like I was reading through a Stephen King book's front flap, though, as I slipped out my card and showed it for a second, before putting it back--the book I held keeping anyone from seeing to from the outside.

((Why yes, she is slightly reckless...*shrugs*))
My SPD senses are tingling.

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Mon Dec 06, 2010 5:49 pm
LastPaladin says...

*Sorry it''s rather weak*

Harry Raine

One time just one time he wished that he'd been properly briefed on the matter. He knew he was meant to meet someone know as 'Guv'nor but not much else except that. Being an Asian himself Harry was shocked to see how different China was to Japan, twice he'd been led on wrong direction.

The mission or at least what he'd been given was confusing if convoluted. Turns out America was so afraid of this incoming war that they were willing to trust SIS. The CIA and SIS had a long history, true CIA was founded first. But even that didn't change fact how quickly the group had risen to prominence.

Parking his bike he pulled out his notes:

"Meet with Guv'nor.

Explain how much worse situation was.

Then it got just confusing. Turned out someone was trying to unite something. It was all military jargon and him being from street originally had no idea what to think.

Carrying on his way he finally came to the bookshop removing his Ident card from his wallet he walked over to counter and said, "Things have gotten worse."
You poor take courage
You rich take care
This earth was made a common treasury
For everyone to share
All things in common
All people one
We come in peace
The orders came to cut them down

Billy Bragg - The World Turned Upside Down

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Mon Dec 06, 2010 6:42 pm
BondGirl007 says...

Fey O'Conner

Everything was put away in it's proper place, the kitchen was clean and Fey felt satisfied. She couldn't keep the world in order but at least she had control over something, even if it was just the cleanliness of the flat. As she swiped the sponge over the counter one last time she heard footsteps and voices. She looked up when the door swung open, Sean standing in the doorway with two women behind him. He must of noticed her momentary look of confusion as she stared at the unfamiliar faces as they walked back into the front room.

"They're some of the new agents," he told her.

"You're sure? You carded them both?"
"Alright, good boy."

She hadn't known him long, and was still not quite sure how Sean operated, a simple mistake like failing to I.D. apparent new agents could possibly endanger their mission before it even started.

"The Guv'nor's here by the way," He added.

Fey felt a small smile creep onto her face, she and George Leyton had worked closely together before, and she was happy about having a leader she knew she could count on and trust. She tossed the sponge back into the sink and wiped her wet hands on the back of her pants, unrolling her sleeves as she followed Grimm.

A small crowd it seemed had formed in front of the counter in the shop, Reet stood behind the register, the two new agents leaning on the glass case that held some of the rarer books, and standing there talking to Reet on the other side of the counter was Leyton. Fey stood behind Grimm as the two made their introductions before Leyton looked past him, focusing his gaze on her.

Fey," He said smiling.
"Hello George," she replied returning the smile.
"Now what in the world are you all doing standing out here, someone's liable to see you, come along into the back and we'll give you a tour of where you all will be working for the time being." She said ushering them out of the store.
"I'd rather be hated for being who I am, then loved for who I'm not."

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Mon Dec 06, 2010 6:51 pm
BenFranks says...

George Leyton: The Guv'nor

"Fey's right," I said, helping the rear move into the back of the shop and into the stock rooms. However I put an arm infront of Reet and Raine as I wanted a word.

"Miss Reet, I need you to look after the shop. If any other agents come through that door, you need to ID them. Customers come in, serve them. Suspicious people waltz on in here then I rely on your handy judgement that you'll see that they don't waltz on out again, understood?"

"Yes, Sir," Reet grinned, obviously happy to be given such responsibility so quickly but would soon realise that her position would bare boring before long.

I turned my attention to Harry Raine. He was the only agent on the team I had expected to show up on short notice and be unbriefed and deprived of information but his comments as he'd come in through the door had taken over on the priorities of my attention. I no longer saw fit to waste time briefing him and settling him into a surprise team, but instead to take him upstairs to a small area of accomadation and get him to explain what had "gotten worse".

"Harry," I said, perching on the edge of a bed and running my index finger along my chin in a pistol grip manor. "What's worse? Don't hold back on me either, will you now?"

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Mon Dec 06, 2010 7:07 pm
LastPaladin says...

Harry Raine

“Look, I know you’ve no reason to trust me Sir, but the President of USA isn’t as in control as you all assume.”


Raine sighed a little, “Well basically Sir, what’s going on in our lovely planet right now is we’re being fooled by the puppets and ignoring the puppeteers. He's hardly in loop anymore, I dare say I know more what happens than he does.”

"The President wouldn't be able to control the facts anyway. The bad thing would be if you told me the military were pulling the strings. Then we've got UNDF issues as well," Leyton turned to look at the CIA agent, "You aren't saying that are you?"

“Well Sir that’s the thing, someone is and it’s military but it’s beyond confidential, even with one of my friends hacking all we could find was one name.”

Leyton's eyes widened. "Who is it?"

“Grant Francesco.”

"Alright, well go acquaint yourself with the rest of the team. All the same you can keep at getting intelligence from your links in America too. If you're keen on helping the peace effort, it might even mean killing some UNDF personnel, think you can handle that?" Leyton asked, "But that don't mean I trust you; just enough to accept you."

“I understand Sir; these are terrifying times we live in. The Cold War had nothing on this.” He added, “I’d be willing to take down anyone who deemed dangerous Sir, this world can’t survive another war.”

"Good," Leyton smiled, "Looks like you're in then."

Nodding, Raine stood up, then sat back down, “One more thing, my contact name, “Dust Hawk, I can give you contact information if you wish. Sorry about name, but well he’s in so deep this is only safe way. I’ve one warning he’s shall we say a little unbalanced, he’s trustworthy just...”

"Suits me. Put it this way, if the contact will help, it's a contact worth having."

“Okay, well, here’s his number.” He pulled a quickly scrawled number out his pocket and handed it to him. “He’s also got a messenger tag on AIM, DHawk.”

"Hmm. Where's he situated? Ringing and using the web to contact outside the REAF will probably cause trouble. Is he within East Asia?"

“He’s somewhere. He won’t tell me where but he’s scared he was one who told me get out of USA get myself in with British Intelligence.”

"Okay," Leyton alleged, "We shall talk more later."

“Thank you Sir, I hope this information can be of use, I really do.” Raine bowed then blushed looking up, “Sorry, force of habit, you don’t mind?”

"I don't mind. Oh, and call me 'Guv', Sir's a depressing term."

Okay, Guv. I again apologize for my brashness I had to act like that as you may have guessed.”


Raine nodded before leaving room. Well, at least they knew he could be trusted now. Dust had seemed terrified when they last spoke on phone. He hoped his friend was okay.
You poor take courage
You rich take care
This earth was made a common treasury
For everyone to share
All things in common
All people one
We come in peace
The orders came to cut them down

Billy Bragg - The World Turned Upside Down

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Mon Dec 06, 2010 10:55 pm
Elinor says...

Erika Maureen Lily

Erika sat red-faced in the back seat of her taxi cab, occasionally taking the crumpled packet out of her black leather black bag which contained the details of her mission. They would be meeting in a bookstore, Erika remembered that much. She wondered if she was late, if everyone else was already there and she would be the last one to arrive. There had not been a specific time for everyone to come, as everyone had briefed separately and throughout the day, and there was also a considerable time difference between England and China.

Erika was wearing a white dress with red lace trimming that she had gotten on a visit to see her cousin in the US three years ago. Although she really loved the dress (it was one her favorites) she was starting to regret choosing it in favor of something more professional-looking. The red flowers did not help the general public assumption that she was sixteen years old. Although she to play somewhat of a minor role, this was her biggest assignment ever, so she wanted to be taken seriously. Erika sighed and got a hair tie out of her black leather bag, tying her pale hair in a tight bun. As much as she hated make-up, she had brought some anyway just in case; this was dark red. She applied a little to her lips. There, she thought. Now they'll be able to take me seriously. As she was putting the lipstick back into her bag, her hand slid to one of the tiny vials of poison she always kept near. Erika smiled slightly, telling herself she'd show everyone the poison if they decided not to take her seriously.

The taxi arrived at the destination, and Erika gave him the required fare and thanked him with her limited Chinese. As the cab drove away, she re-strapped her shoes, slung her bag over her left shoulder, and took a deep breath before taking in the full view of the shop. This was it, this was the place where everything would begin. She wondered what the members of team would be like -- as of now, she had only been given names. That was when a dire thought crossed her mind. It was no doubt that she would cross paths with the CIA in the next few months or how ever long the mission took. What if they tried to recruit her again? Erika sighed and shook her head; she had a team to back her up if anything went astray.

As Erika entered the door, she tried to remain as casual as possible. There was a young woman at the desk whom Erika guessed was part of team.

"Good afternoon," she whispered, her voice somewhat weak and dry. "My name is Erika Lily. I'm part of--"

"Do you have an ID?" she replied, somewhat playfully, a small smile on her face.

"Yes," she said, taking somewhat of a while to fish it out of her bag. She flashed it to the woman.

"Okay. Back there," she said, gesturing her arm behind her. "I'm Isobel. Welcome to China."

As Erika walked away to joined the others, she couldn't help but notice a somewhat cold mannerism in both Isobel's voice and voice. Erika shrugged her shoulders and told herself to just ignore it.

All our dreams can come true — if we have the courage to pursue them.

-- Walt Disney

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Wed Dec 08, 2010 11:22 am
Jagged says...

Clint Lawson
Maybe today hadn’t been the right day to go out and have a little chat with the contacts they had scattered over the city, if the series of people he’d watched enter the bookstore from where he'd been quietly grabbing lunch--a tiny little restaurant at the corner of the street that let one keep an eye on the traffic without sticking out. The Chinese girl he wouldn't have looked twice at, but then there'd been that dark-haired, not-Asian one, and the Caucasian guy, all in a rather short span of time; and then the woman he'd noticed eating in a corner, book and blond hair, blue eyes and all, had gotten up and walked straight for the store, and Clint's suspicions were sparked for good. He'd lingered a bit, sipping at his cold drink and felt vindicated when more people still walked in.

And no one was coming out. There'd been no gunshots either, which hopefully meant that nothing was too amiss in there. He didn't know them that well, considering, but he trusted that his fellow agents could at least keep things under control.

Second blonde. It was probably time to go in and check if there were any bodies to be disposed of. He smiled at the old lady behind the counter, paid and got up, an easy stroll taking him not to the front door, but down the street to a tiny side alley, and then into another, until he was at the back door. He unlocked it, and then blinked at the little group assembled in the room, before his gaze zeroed in on the two faces he knew. "Sean, Fey." Pointed glance towards the new kids; they nodded, and he relaxed enough to offer a grin at the rest of them, with a nod that would serve as a greeting.

"'m Clint Lawson. Guess you guys are getting the tour, huh? I'll leave you to it." Not that there was much to see in the tiny building. This was going to be cramped. "Who's minding the shop? Reet?"

"Yeah. Leyton's here, by the way."

Finally. "Ty back yet?"

"No. Should be on his way though."

He nodded. "I'll be downstairs." As in, the bunker. Call him paranoid, he didn't like the idea of leaving it completely unmanned. Possibly because his explosives were down there. He took a detour to check on Reet though, leaning on the doorway gaping in between the back room and the store proper.

"Think we should close for the day? Wouldn't want anyone interfering with business today."
Lumi: they stand no chance against the JAG SAFETY BLANKET

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Wed Dec 08, 2010 10:00 pm
BondGirl007 says...

Fey O'Conner

"Alright ladies, lets hurry it up shall we? Haven't got all day." Fey said herding them into the back room.

Grimm frowned at the remark but said nothing. She turned back to look at George who waved her on as he lead the over dramatic Yank upstairs. She sighed, wondering if these people even had any experience on a mission at all, with the party out front, and the American's entrance both could have been potential foul ups. If a customer had walked in who knows what might have happened, pushing that thought away she walked in front of the others gesturing around the room.

"Welcome to the stockroom, backroom, whatever you want to call it. Grafton and Mu, correct? And Miss Lily, nice of you to join us" She said as the small blonde entered behind the others.

More women, oh joy. Fey wasn't partial to working with them, they tended to get emotional, and when you get emotional you get stupid. This could get interesting she thought to herself.

"O'Conner and Grimm, save your questions 'till the end of the tour, got it? Good. Extra stock over there, kitchen through those doors, small stock of weapons in here," She said showing them the layout of the room. Behind her the back door opened and a dark haired man entered.

"Sean, Fey," he nodded, acknowledging them with a slight nod. He pocketed his key as he addressed the others. "I'm Clint Lawson. Guess you guys are getting the tour, huh? I'll leave you to it. Who's minding the shop? Reet?"

"Yeah. Leyton's here, by the way."

"Ty back yet?"

"No. Should be on his way though."

He nodded. "I'll be downstairs." He made his way out to the front of the store, probably to talk to Reet.

"Now follow me please." Stepping into the old service elevator, she motioned for the others to follow. They seemed hesitant, glancing at the rusted "Out of order" sign before slowly getting in and closing the door. Pressing the bottom button three times, holding it down for about three seconds a forth, the elevator slowly jerked into motion.

"You didn't think it was actually broken did you?" She laughed as they came to a stop at the bunker. "Just be careful, we haven't worked out all the kinks" she added with a small smirk. The agents all filed out and Fey continued the tour.

"Down here we've got the bunks and another larger stash of weapons," She said pointing them out. "This is where you'll be spending most of your time when you're not out and about, so make yourselves at home get settled. If you have any questions ask Grimm, if he can't answer them, come find me."

Hopping back into the elevator she pressed the top button, and gave a little wave as it began to rise, lifting her away from them.
"I'd rather be hated for being who I am, then loved for who I'm not."

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Thu Dec 09, 2010 11:23 pm
*coco says...

Sean Grimm

Sean half-smiled and shook his head as he watched Fey disappear into the elevator, waving cockily at him in particular as the lift went up.

He turned to face the new agents. “Yeah, do what she said...have a little walk around and find me if you need anything...”

With that, he left them all to it. Sean hadn’t come here to babysit agents, he’d come here to do a job so he could get back home. The sooner this was all over, the better.

Since Iz was minding the shop and Clint was down in the bunker, Sean decided he’d join him.
Last edited by *coco on Fri Dec 10, 2010 5:54 pm, edited 2 times in total.
"Do you know what my heart says now? It says that I should forget about politics and be with you. No matter what. You're a true Queen, a Queen any King would kill for." - Prince Francis ♕

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Fri Dec 10, 2010 3:07 pm
Rydia says...

Naomi Grafton; Settling in; 10:30 AM

The tour was short and efficient, much to Naomi's liking. However, while in the elevator she had noticed an option for an upper floor. That made her nervous. There were rooms up there, possibly occupied, that hadn't been included in the tour. Were they out of bounds? Nobody had said as much so she assumed not. Maybe they were just a few self explanatory rooms. Nothing to worry about. And yet, worry she did. She was also unsettled by the heavy influx of agents in such a short space of time. Useful as it was for them all to arrive at once, it was also suspicious to outside eyes.

Naomi made her way around the bunker. She explored the weapons cache first and found it to her liking before moving on to the bunks where the Chinese woman was making claim on a bed. Naomi decided she might as well do the same. Pulling back the covers on one, she inspected the sheets, running over them with first her eyes and then pulling on a leather glove to do the same with her hand.

"You're checking the beds?" the Chinese agent asked. Naomi glanced across at her and took a closer look at the woman she'd be working with. Blue eyes were what she saw first. Unusual, very strange. They either worked to enhance the agent's beauty or to unsettle the viewer. Perhaps both. Naomi wasn't entirely sure.

"I'm looking for needles or a slight discoloration of the sheets. Either would suggest poison but since I've found neither, I must assume the bed is safe at this time. I will do the same again before I sleep in it. Every night." Naomi knew that she was paranoid but that didn't bother her at all. If anything, it made her feel safer. Being paranoid was how you stayed alive. It could of course be used against you, just as she'd used it against several of her victims. But the fact that she was aware of and prepared for that again helped ensure her safety.

Taking the gloves off and slipping them into her shoulder bag, Naomi gave the Chinese agent a friendly smile. "I'm afraid I missed your name earlier." It was not a question but a statement. It did however imply that she expected the necessary information to be divulged. "Mine's Naomi Grafton, code-name of Raven."
Writing Gooder

~Previously KittyKatSparklesExplosion15~

The light shines brightest in the darkest places.

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Fri Dec 10, 2010 3:45 pm
Incognito says...

Tanya Mu

Tanya briefly returned the womans smile, and answered her implied question.

"My name is Tanya Mu," Tanya stated quickly, with a small bow of her head. "I am quite ashamed. I didn't even think about poisons in the beds."

"You just never know," Naomi mused, making her bed once more, neatly. Tanya watched the briskness of the woman's actions, the sureness as she did things. Everything about her presence seemed to radiate experience. Tanya, even though she had been in the SIS for nine years, couldn't help but feel inadequate compared to this woman. And this woman was beautiful too, her big light blue eyes and her dark raven hair making a sure contrast that was indeniably striking. But something about how the woman acted made it seem the small conversation forced, as if she was trying to be nothing more then welcoming.

Tanya was never one to speak unless spoken too. If asked a question she would answer it. Rarely did she question, or strike the flint for the conversation to start. In this case, she felt like she was obligated to do so.

"Do you have any idea what our first mission will involve? Frankly, I didn't expect this many people here." Tanya stated, peering out of the door towards the rest of the basement floor.

"I am unsure of that myself. I expect as soon as we all get settled there will be a briefing. I am also led to believe there are even more people who have yet to show up."

Tanya let out a small sigh, "I am not used to these teamwork missions. I have always been assigned on missions with only one other person or just myself. It is a bit unnerving. The waiting only makes it worse."


'Everyone is entitled to be stupid, some just abuse the priviledge.'

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Fri Dec 10, 2010 4:42 pm
AquaMarine says...

((I know it's weak, but I am dying of a fatal illness! have a cold. I think we should move on now, and anyone who hasn't yet introduced their character can bring them in whenever they'd like.))

Isobel Reet.

"Think we should close for the day? Wouldn't want anyone interfering with business today."

Isobel let out a sigh and grinned at Clint. "God, yes. Working in a bookshop is so ... monotonous. It's been two days and I already want to bash the next customer who asks me a question over the head with the biggest encyclopaedia I can find." Clint smiled back and Isobel turned away from him towards the door.

"Sean giving them the tour?" she asked, locking the door and flipping the sign around so that it read 'Closed'. Although generally they'd have to keep the bookshop open at normal times, she figured that closing it early this once wouldn't be noticed. The shop was small and out of the way - to passers-by it would look family owned - so there was no real danger of anyone actually caring about it being open.

"It's probably finished now," said Clint, "not like there's exactly much too see. I'm going to go downstairs." A quick smile and he was gone, down to the bunker. Reet almost laughed, he'd gone to look after his explosives, no doubt. Perhaps read them a bedtime story and tuck them up. She shook her head - Reet liked Clint, he seemed like the kind of agent she'd actually work well with. Not that she'd ever seen him in action before, and from past experience she knew that people on the field were much different to when they were happily making small talk with you.

But, then, that's why they were all so good. No-one would be likely to buy books from a crazy-looking spy wielding a gun, would they? Smiling wryly, Reet walked through the door to meet the others and enquire about that meal Fey had mentioned earlier.
"It is curious how often you humans manage to obtain that which you do not want."


Click if you love cookies

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Fri Dec 10, 2010 5:47 pm
BenFranks says...

George Leyton, The Guv'nor
Important Plot Post (Sorry it's meaty)

It happened just as I was leaving Harry Raine in one of the upstairs bedrooms. That sound of scratchy print as an old-fashioned telegram, sitting in the corner of the room, began pushing out a document. Naturally, it could've been a business or third party telegram, but the likeliness of such old technology being used in the modern day was beyond unlikely. The only reason it was being used here and now was because it seemed the only untraceable thing that wouldn't be easily spotted by a REAF Communications Outpost. I shot a look to Raine, who stood up quickly obviously taking in the situation: the starting sound of print, me freezing then shooting him a glare, as an act of serious objectivity.

"Raine, take the telegram machine down to the bunker. That last thing I want is for that to start printing when we have any inspections poking their noses up here," I grunted. "But leave the paper. Don't read it."

Raine walked over to the telegram without replying, pulled the printed document from it and placed it on the bed before exiting the room to go down to the bunker with the telegram. Efficient and little fuss, just the way I preferred serious occasions to play out. I walked over to the otherside of the room and perched himself on the edge of the bed next to the piece of paper. I was alone now and, besides the grumbling noise of the lift to the basement, there was silence. The telegram read:

Sorry to contact so soon - hope you've settled in. Big Problem - patching orders through shortly.

I screwed up the paper and then began tearing it into minute pieces. It was as though I'd momentarily turned into a thoughtless machine, collecting the ruins of the paper on my lap, double checking each word was dismantled enough to defeat even the chances of a very academic literate managing to read them. Then, I turned to go down to the basement. It seemed that, so soon, our first mission had just begun.

Passing the shop floor and stock rooms on the way, I had noticed that they were abandoned and come to the conclusion everyone was in the basement settling in. I'd hoped also that Raine had plugged in the telegram so that we would get SIS's orders out of the way quickly and efficiently.

I entered the basement from the lift, noticing mumbles and groans of conversation over several meals with each of the Agents tucking in eagerly and wetting their appetites in the name of new culture food. As soon as I stepped out, however, the atmosphere turned to change. Silence took the place of grumbles and their eyes turned to me, their knives and forks dropped in attention. I walked over to the Telegram and pulled out the longer sheet of orders, read it through carefully and then looked up to the silent, eager crowd.

"It seems, Ladies and Gents, that although we are yet to be honoured with one another's acquaintance, we must already embark upon defeating our first threat. Many of you will not be surprised to hear the news that our presence in this country has not gone un-noticed by REAF Communications Officers. Luckily for us, this part of China is being runned as a mini Dictatorship by REAF's Chinese Advisory, Lu Wunn. Mr Wunn has insisted REAF intelligence keep the documents to themselves in an effort to sell them and fund his growing powers." I looked around, noticing everyone's interest and then pulled my eyes back down to the paper once more. "If we are to even last five minutes over here, nevermind our true objectives, Mr Wunn needs to be dealt with. As does all intelligence of our existence. SIS has made it abonimantly clear that we are to find and assassinate the Chinese Advisory and retrieve all intelligence from the Local REAF Comms HQ."

I walked to the head of the table and placed the paper upon the dry wood. I'd only read people's files and had not yet found the time to get to know their true strengths. Making a paper-based decision was, inevitably, paper-thin. It didn't matter though, it was all I had to go on.

"Right," I started once more, "Miss Grafton, I'm entrusting the leadership of the assassination mission to you. I want you to take Sean Grimm and Harry Raine with you. Grafton, if you are lost in action, I want Grimm to ensue command. Whatever happens, you kill and confirm Mr Wunn's death. SIS is patching through location Intel as I speak. I will be leading the Data Retrieval mission. C-4, Miss Reet, Miss Mu, Miss Kenner, Miss Lily and Fey: you're all with me. Remember this is a stealth and extraction mission. We make noise, we cause noise - the very thing we're trying to prevent. If I am lost in action, Fey will take command. Should Mr Sirus join us anytime soon, he'll be on our team too. The book shop will remain closed until one of the teams completes the objective and returns here to run the shop."

I looked up and took a deep breath. "I know it's soon, but we need to tackle this now. Any questions?"


HQ - LDR: George Leyton, Clint Lawson, Isobel Reet, Tanya Mu, Margaret Kenner, Erika Lily, Ty Sirus, 2LDR: Fey O'Connor
Assas - LDR: Naomi Grafton, Harry Raine, 2LDR: Sean Grimm

Follow your passion, stay true to yourself, never follow someone else’s path unless you’re in the woods and you’re lost and you see a path then by all means you should follow that.
— Ellen Degeneres