
Young Writers Society


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Mon Jul 22, 2019 12:10 pm
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Mageheart says...

"No, no, it's alright," Robin reassured him with a dismissive wave of her hands. "I've just spent the past few months doing stuff in America and eating way too much American food. What's some good food from where you're from?"


Greed and Envy exchanged a look.

"...You don't know what dogs are?" Greed slowly asked.


Zogin wasn't sure if she entirely believed him, but that was the thing with Janos - if he wanted her to believe something, he would stick with it no matter how much she grilled him. She crossed her arms and gave him a look.

Janos returned the look with a cool one of his own. Then he began to walk down the lakeside, giving Soul a brief glance before he did. Zogin seethed, knowing exactly why he was taking that route instead of any other one - he was trying to stop them following him.

[ she/her, but in a boy kinda way ]

roleplaying is my platonic love language.

queer and here.

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Tue Jul 23, 2019 12:55 am
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TheSilverFox says...

"Meat," Kendrik said, licking his lips and showing off his canines. "Meat's always good. Sausages an' hams an' turkey an' fish an' things like that. I like 'em raw, but cooked's also fine. Haven't gotten ta eat much meat up in the north, though."

Jaron would've been content to nod his head, but a couple stray memories started to tug at him. "Cranberries are really nice?" he said, having flashbacks to the food laid out on a long table by the fireplace. "Pears, apples, blueberries, strawberries, jams are almost too sweet, salt and pepper over meat always made it better, caramel apples, salads with dressings, chocolate was really nice but kinda made me sick, I had wine sometimes, cakes, ice cream..."

The fox trailed off. "Stuff like that," he said after a long pause, thinking about gears so he didn't have to see the face of the person who'd been sitting at that table.


"Um, Kendrik is sorta my friend?" Fyrsil said. He tried not to talk too quickly or sound too angry, but it came out that way. Also, Kendrik more tolerated Fyrsil than liked him, but Kendrik didn't like most people. "My cats aren't like your cats, so I want to know if my dogs are like your dogs."


Glancing between Janos and Zogin, Arlais hissed, "What just happened?"
S'io credesse che mia risposta fosse
a persona che mai tornasse al mondo,
questa fiamma staria senza piu scosse.
Ma per ciò che giammai di questo fondo
non tornò vivo alcun, s'i' odo il vero,
senza tema d'infamia ti rispondo.

Inferno, Canto 27, l 61-66.

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Tue Jul 23, 2019 10:38 am
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Mageheart says...

"That sounds amazing," Robin said, letting out a heavenly sigh. "You should make that! I'd even try eating meat raw - it's not like it can kill me."


"That makes more sense," Greed said. It didn't entirely, but he could see where Fyrsil was coming from. "Dolcetto's probably more like Kendrik than the dogs we have back at our home. He's a chimera. I don't know the entirety of it, but he and the rest of my friends were combined with animals using alchemy. They have more human forms than any of you do, but they each have some...traits that are more animal than human."


"Janos knows I don't like water," Soul said. He followed Janos with his gaze, watching as the fallen angel strolled past Mage and Zest - the former growing noticeably still as he watched him pass. "He went by the lakeside so Zogin and I wouldn't follow him."

[ she/her, but in a boy kinda way ]

roleplaying is my platonic love language.

queer and here.

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Wed Jul 24, 2019 3:30 am
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TheSilverFox says...

Tapping his claws together, Jaron squinted at the center of the room. Furniture and pieces of metal scattered out of the way, making way for the intricately carved legs of a table. A couple seconds later, the light wood linked together and formed the table base. As a white tablecloth floated down onto it, joined by various bowls and platters of food, Kendrik took the time to look over at Robin and tilt his head. "What d'ya mean, it can't kill ya?" he said. "Just 'cause nothin' here's really deadly, or somethin' else?"


Fyrsil frowned. "What kind of traits? Also, how did that all happen - what did they combine with, and did they want to do that?"


"I can follow him," Arlais said, keeping her eyes on Janos. She also spotted an otter by the shore, dipping his (feet) paws into the water. "Besides, Tristan's that way, and I also want to talk to him, so I can get that taken care of too."
S'io credesse che mia risposta fosse
a persona che mai tornasse al mondo,
questa fiamma staria senza piu scosse.
Ma per ciò che giammai di questo fondo
non tornò vivo alcun, s'i' odo il vero,
senza tema d'infamia ti rispondo.

Inferno, Canto 27, l 61-66.

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Wed Jul 24, 2019 12:28 pm
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Mageheart says...

She could lie and say it was because they were in Jaron's head, but they weren't even from her world. What was the harm in admitting the truth, especially when some of the people there already knew it?

She eyed the food laid out on the table, trying to pick what to eat first.

"It's something else," she confirmed. "I'm a grim reaper - we take people's souls when they die and bring them to the right afterlife. Technically the administration does all of the sorting out, and reapers like me just do the occasional collecting, but that's the gist of it. We're basically immortal - the only thing that could kill us is another reaper's weapon, and we don't usually go around murdering each other."


Greed's face darkened for a moment.

"They didn't want to become chimeras," he said. "The government ran experiments on them - I don't know how, but they gave them traits and features that they didn't have before. Some can pass - Dolcetto and Martel both do a good job of it. But others - like Bido - have to stay hidden. If you want some examples of traits, Martel can stretch her body in ways that shouldn't be possible, and Bido has a tail."


Zogin and Soul exchanged a look.

"Good," Zogin said. "Follow him as much as you can, then."

[ she/her, but in a boy kinda way ]

roleplaying is my platonic love language.

queer and here.

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Thu Jul 25, 2019 1:23 am
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TheSilverFox says...

While Kendrik took the opportunity to snatch a small square of steak and start chewing it up, Jaron edged over to the table. "The right afterlife?" he said. "They just, don't go there on their own?"


Fyrsil winced. "Ouch," he said. "It's kinda weird that something like a tail would stand out, but they were experimented on. Uh, they're safe from that government, right?"


Nodding, Arlais ran after Janos.

"Hey, want someone to walk with you?" she called.
S'io credesse che mia risposta fosse
a persona che mai tornasse al mondo,
questa fiamma staria senza piu scosse.
Ma per ciò che giammai di questo fondo
non tornò vivo alcun, s'i' odo il vero,
senza tema d'infamia ti rispondo.

Inferno, Canto 27, l 61-66.

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Thu Jul 25, 2019 11:28 am
Mageheart says...

"Nope," Robin confirmed. She followed Kendrik's lead and grabbed herself a piece of steak. "There's a lot of afterlives where I come from, and that's not even counting the atheists, deists, and the agnostics - they don't believe in a specific religion, so they have to pick one over the others."

She took a bite of her steak.

"But that's just what I heard," she said. "I just reap souls, and I don't even do that all that often these days."


Greed nodded.

"I hid them away in Dublith - no one in the government ever goes there," he said, the dark tone beginning to fade from his voice.


He looked over at her.

He didn't want to be followed. Though he may have rejoined the group to some extent, he enjoyed being alone, and he honestly wasn't ready to interact with someone. But Zogin and Soul didn't fully trust him, and he was sure Arlais was now lacking that trust thanks to them telling her about the kidnapping.

Knowing that she - or anyone else - wouldn't leave him alone no matter how much he wanted to be by himself, he gave a small nod. "Someone to walk with would be nice," he said, a smile he didn't feel gracing his lips.

[ she/her, but in a boy kinda way ]

roleplaying is my platonic love language.

queer and here.

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Fri Jul 26, 2019 1:27 am
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TheSilverFox says...

"I didn't know there was more than one afterlife," Jaron said, trying not to fidget. He started absentmindedly munching on blueberries instead. Talking about dead people didn't make him feel too comfortable, especially when he wasn't in control of his own body. "And that doesn't sound like a very fun job. What do you do in your free time?"


"How come?" Fyrsil said. "I'm guessing Dublith is kind of a safe place, since you were willing to hide them there, but also not all that friendly to the government?"


He was smiling, at least? It made Arlais feel a little bit about falling into step beside him.

"Just going to walk around the lake?" Arlais said, looking up at Janos. "We could always head back to the ship, or over to the house, or something like that. If you're interested, anyways."
S'io credesse che mia risposta fosse
a persona che mai tornasse al mondo,
questa fiamma staria senza piu scosse.
Ma per ciò che giammai di questo fondo
non tornò vivo alcun, s'i' odo il vero,
senza tema d'infamia ti rispondo.

Inferno, Canto 27, l 61-66.

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Fri Jul 26, 2019 11:35 am
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Mageheart says...

"Uh..." she trailed off, giving a nervous laugh in response. It didn't hurt to share the truth, did it? They didn't know where she had come from. They couldn't tell anyone. And they liked her as of right now, so she had that going for her, too.

"I kind of steal things?" she hesitantly replied.


He shrugged.

"It's a small town, so they aren't as found of the government there," Greed confirmed. "But the government also doesn't bother to come out there much - Edward was the first military person to come there in at least a decade."


"I was planning on just walking around the lake," he said. He glanced over at her. "I didn't know about the house - what's inside of it?"

[ she/her, but in a boy kinda way ]

roleplaying is my platonic love language.

queer and here.

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Sat Jul 27, 2019 1:33 am
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TheSilverFox says...

Jaron's ears shot up. "What do you steal, and why?" he said, talking almost a little too quickly as he tried to wipe some of the blue stains off his snout (with little success).


Fyrsil nodded. "And they're happy there? It, doesn't sound all that fun to be hiding from the government, probably for the rest of their lives."


Oh. Oh, right. He'd been on the ship; he hadn't actually gone into the house. Nor had he heard Jaron's explanation.

"Erm, a lot of machines, and the person whose mind we're all stuck in, somehow?" Arlais said.
S'io credesse che mia risposta fosse
a persona che mai tornasse al mondo,
questa fiamma staria senza piu scosse.
Ma per ciò che giammai di questo fondo
non tornò vivo alcun, s'i' odo il vero,
senza tema d'infamia ti rispondo.

Inferno, Canto 27, l 61-66.

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Sun Jul 28, 2019 10:10 am
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Mageheart says...

She rubbed the back of her neck.

"It varies on the situation," she admitted. "Usually, it's because I don't like someone. I know that sounds petty, but that someone usually is a big group, and I hate how us reapers aren't supposed to interact with humans that much. We can, but we're ostracized for it, so I lead a double life. Robin's not my actual name, but it's the one I usually go by - it's taken from Robin Hood. Robin Hood stole from the rich and gave to the poor, and that's what I try to do."

She looked a little smug for just a moment.

"And I do have the added advantage of being a reaper who can walk through walls, turn invisible, and walk through walls, so I have a bit of an upper hand when stealing things. I haven't been caught yet."


Greed didn't say anything for a minute.

He just stared off into the distance, clearly mulling the question over. Envy knew they had no place in replying to it. Greed was the one who truly understood the chimeras; Envy had only known them for a short time.

"We're as happy as we can be in a situation like that," Greed finally said. "I think all of us were missing something when we started living together at Devil's Nest, and being stuck together helped us find it."


He raised an eyebrow.

"I see," he said. He didn't, really, but he had realized long ago that it was best to move past things like that. He could think about it in more detail during the rest of their walk.

[ she/her, but in a boy kinda way ]

roleplaying is my platonic love language.

queer and here.

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Mon Jul 29, 2019 12:57 am
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TheSilverFox says...

"Oh," Jaron said. He didn't quite understand all of it, like what Robin meant by "big groups" or why she mentioned that she could walk through walls twice, but whatever hopes he had to find someone he could relate to drained away. "It's not because it's something you feel like you have to do, or anything like that?"


"Sure - I guess that's the most you could ask for," said Fyrsil, following Greed's gaze. "And I'm also guessing you're heading back to them once this is all over?"


Arlais blinked. "Really?" she said. "I don't get it - the one person who could've taken over Jaron's body and trapped him in his mind should be dead, and I don't know how Jaron could pull everyone else here just by thinking about it. And I'm not even sure Jaron knows what all he can do in this place. Which doesn't make me uncomfortable at all."
S'io credesse che mia risposta fosse
a persona che mai tornasse al mondo,
questa fiamma staria senza piu scosse.
Ma per ciò che giammai di questo fondo
non tornò vivo alcun, s'i' odo il vero,
senza tema d'infamia ti rispondo.

Inferno, Canto 27, l 61-66.

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Tue Jul 30, 2019 10:30 am
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Mageheart says...

She faltered.

"I mean, I feel like I have to, but not in a compulsory way," she hesitantly replied. "It's more like it just frustrates me to see certain groups or people get away with doing bad things, so I steal stuff from them - it depends on what I want to stop them from doing, and I almost never keep it for myself."


Greed shook his head.

"Not yet," he admitted. "Envy, Reyes and I have to find our other siblings. Pops is up to something - we're not sure what - and we want to stop it with the Elrics."


Janos studied her for a moment.

"How did that person die?" he asked. "It's...easy to fake deaths."

[ she/her, but in a boy kinda way ]

roleplaying is my platonic love language.

queer and here.

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Tue Jul 30, 2019 9:56 pm
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TheSilverFox says...

The fox snatched the bowl of blueberries and sat beside the table, nodding along to Robin's responses.

"See, it'd be great to run into anybody like that," Kendrik said. The hound snatched up a slice of ham and shoved it into his mouth, but kept on talking. "I could steal some blankets or some cash or somethin' like that an' not feel bad 'bout it. But everyone up north's either broke or got guards. That ain't fun at all."


Fyrsil nodded, smiling faintly. "Hopefully having you all back together isn't part of whatever he's planning, but at least you have the Elrics with you. Picking fights seems like the thing they're good at."


"Um, it was kinda vaporized by a giant burst of energy?" Arlais said, shrugging. "We never found the body but, you know, there wasn't really a body to find."
S'io credesse che mia risposta fosse
a persona che mai tornasse al mondo,
questa fiamma staria senza piu scosse.
Ma per ciò che giammai di questo fondo
non tornò vivo alcun, s'i' odo il vero,
senza tema d'infamia ti rispondo.

Inferno, Canto 27, l 61-66.

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Wed Jul 31, 2019 10:20 am
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Mageheart says...

"That sucks," Robin said. "It's too bad we're not from the same world - I could give you blankets and cash, and probably point you in the direction of someone who needs something stolen from them."


"Oh, they are very good at that," Envy agreed. A look that was a mixture of exasperated and amused flickered across their face. "Edward especially."


"It sounds like they should be dead," Janos commented. He glanced out towards the lake, mulling it over. "But I can see that it would be easy to fake their death if they survived that."

[ she/her, but in a boy kinda way ]

roleplaying is my platonic love language.

queer and here.

Life is a banana peel and I am the fool who dared to tread on it.
— looseleaf