
Young Writers Society

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Sun Aug 14, 2011 5:59 am
noninjaes says...

Jae Dawn

Dear Jae Dawn, report to the Determination Room A.S.A.P.
I tore up the piece of paper and threw it on the ground. Oh, how much would I of liked to just sit around in my room and ignore this request. But no, I can't. I know they watch me. One slip up, then bam, they would lock me up and force me into doing whatever it is that they wish of me. I would prefer to keep my pride intact. I left the room and started heading towards the infamous "determination" room - a room that I have passed many a time.
When I arrived at the entrance, I was greeted by a burly guard. I went to enter the room, but the guard stopped me. He said one word: "Letter". Oh shit! I turned and ran back to my room. Once there, I went to pick up the remains of my letter, but was stopped by the sight of a new one on my bed. Those nasty buggers are still watching me. I grabbed the new letter and raced back to the door. There, I showed him my letter. He let me enter.
Inside the door, was an elegant table and a cart of refreshments. Sitting at the table was an old lady and a young girl about my age with reddish-brown hair with stormy blue eyes. I'd seen her wandering the halls before, I knew her name was Hanna. Next to her was a boy that I did not know. I ignored him. I approached the table and sat in the chair opposite to Hanna. I glared at the old lady; she returned my look with a cold smile. I had the odd feeling that things were about to get interesting.
Noni Naps Through Nano
NaPoWriMo 2016
Stories Not Otherwise My Own

The Three Ninjateers
Being awesome since Jan 2012.

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Sun Aug 14, 2011 11:14 am
Noelle says...

Kami Meyers-Air/Aria

Dear Kami Meyers, report to the Determination room A.S.A.P.

My heart pounded. It was time. Finally, I was going to get to see what goes on in there. I had waited my whole life to find out. Well, you know, all of the last four years if you want to get specific.

Letter in hand, I approached the building. The guard glared at me as I showed him the letter.

"I'm not trying to sneak in this time, I swear."

"Whatever you say Kami," he grunted. "Just go in."

I thanked him and entered the room. It wasn't exactly how I had expected it to be. There were two kids already there, sitting at a table (I didn't know either of them) and an old lady at a desk. I smiled and waved to her as I sat at the table.

"Hi, my name is Kami!" I said, introducing myself. The first girl shook my hand, but the ther simply crossed her arms and nodded.

"I'm Hanna." the girl said. "And this is Jae, right?" The girl nodded.

"Nice to meet you Jae!" I said. Just then, another kid entered the room.
Last edited by Noelle on Sun Aug 14, 2011 12:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Noelle is the name, reviewing and writing cliffhangers is the game.

Writer of fantasy, action/adventure, and magic. Huzzah!

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"I'm writing a book. I've got the page numbers done." -- Steven Wright

YWS is life

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Sun Aug 14, 2011 12:23 pm
DarthAJ says...

Rey Hardstone - Luna

Dear Rey Hardstone, report to the Determination room A.S.A.P.

The piece of paper fell from my hands. My face screamed out surprise and astonishment. The day had finally come, I had some purpose and an adventure to look forward to.

With this happiness came the realization that I would have to leave this place, I had spent almost all my life here in this town, I would miss it. I tried to make the most of it while many of my peers used to hate being here, ultimately I found out that there were good people here.

I was about to rush out of my room to get to the determination room when I realised I had to take the piece of paper with me. I bent down quickly grabbed the paper and hurtled out of my door.

When I saw the determination room memories flooded in to me from all the times I had wished that I would be summoned there, all the times that I had wished it would finally be my turn to see if I was one of the chosen.

"Hey how ya doing Kurt?", I said to the guard while beaming. I had got to know him over time and even spoke to him many times on my walks near the determination room.

"So its finally your turn to go in eh Rey? If you get chosen I'll miss you, the other students are so afraid of me!" He replied back.

I flashed the message slip to him while saying, "Just smile a bit more Kurt, they will warm up to you in no time. I'll see you on my way out then buddy."

I walked into the room and was met by the Honey Hastings, as I fondly called her.

"Oye Honey Hastings what are you doing here?" I said while giving her a hug.

Hannah Hastings was her full name and she was a very nice lady who worked in the canteen, at least to me. Me being my usual talkative self she enjoyed talking to me ever since I got here and I even got extra helpings of food. Being friendly with the dinner people has its perks!

"Ah Rey, its finally your turn. You'll know what I'm doing here soon enough," she replied back with her serene smile.

I looked around the room and saw four other people sitting down already.

"Hey guys", I said while beaming at them.

They all introduced themselves. That Jae girl was a bit more reluctant but I'm usually more interested in people like that.

I sat down next to Jae and tried to strike up a conversation.

"So Jae I heard you were a black belt in karate, mind teaching me a few of your tricks?"

(I hope this is okay!)

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Sun Aug 14, 2011 1:24 pm
gleek456 says...

Grace Johnson- Earth

Dear Grace Johnson, report to the Determination room A.S.A.P.

I read the note over and over. It's time? Now? Finally. Taken home once I was born, isn't that peachy? I gripped the note in my right hand, slightly crumpling it.

I approached the man standing in front of the door. I smile sweetly and give him the note. I waited for a few seconds... he didn't even read it.

"Just go in," he ordered. I nod and enter the Determination Room. I saw other people in here, some I already met, and then some random woman in front of them. I shoot her a stern glare.

"Do you know how horrible your security system is?" I ask before introducing myself. I turn to the others. "I'm Grace, Grace Johnson."

"Yes, Grace. We've been expecting you. Please take a seat, we're waiting for one more person," the woman said with an annoyed sigh. I smile sweetly.

"Peachy," I say with a sweet and sour tone. I slump into a chair next to Rey, and comb my hair with my fingers.

(Reise- Love Jeremy Sumpter!)

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Sun Aug 14, 2011 2:55 pm
Dragonette says...

>I am so sorry guys, I shouldn't have joined this while on vacation, I didn't realize it would start this soon! Haha, but I'll try to keep up. Although my posts will be a little short.<


Dear Keaton Jensen, report to the Determination room A.S.A.P.

Finally. I wondered when the orders would finally show up. I'll finally be released. Finally be able to kill the king. Finally be able to avenge my family. Finally. Yes, I have been waiting a long time.

I find my way to the Determination room, hand the guard the peice of paper, and sit down in the shadowy corner.

> Like I said, I'm sorry it's so short. I want to write more bur I have to go!<
I'm a JESUS FREAK! (but you can call me a 'Jeek' if you want :D

Why is a raven like a writing desk?

You aren't an official writer unless you're at least slightly mad.

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Sun Aug 14, 2011 5:01 pm
Iggy says...

(Just to be clear, it's Hanna! :D)

Hanna Hastings - Acqua

Hanna smiled at everyone polietly. The woman sat up and cleared her throat, calling everyone's attention to her.

"Okay. As you all know, you are turning fifteen next month. Seventeen years ago, a fourtune-teller predicated Jarlson's downfall. We know that seven fourteen year olds will be the heroes, also known as the Seven Saviors. You seven are, ironically, the only seven turning fifteen this year. To determine if you are those Seven, you will be taking a test, which will not be told to the other children." She glanced at each of them sternly and snapped her fingers. A box rose out of the table and she opened it using a key. She took out the box's continents, and locked it. The box slid back into the table.

She held up a smaller box. Opening the latch, she pulled out seven beautifully polished rings. "Each of these rings representa a power: Water, Fire, Earth, Air, Spirit, Sun, and Moon. The Latin names for the rings are: Acqua, Fuoco, Terra, Aria, Spirito, Sole, and Luna. Now, Clytie. Hold out your hand, palm up, and call each ring by their Latin name.

(Have him call each ring, in order, by their Latin name. When he reaches Sole, have the ring fly to him and land in his palm.. Describe your power, how you feel the warmth run through you. Same to everyone, feel the burn for Fire, etc.)
“I can't go back to yesterday because I was a different person then."
- Lewis Carroll

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Sun Aug 14, 2011 5:53 pm
Sassafras says...

Clytie Ellen - Sole

I was in a pleasant daydream, one where everyone was running around and playing games, getting candy and soda for no reason other than they could. My little sister and my big brother were there too. They were saying how much they missed me and loved me, I could feel a smile forming on my lips at the thought. Yes, I really liked this daydream.

"Clytie." A voice close to my ear and a push on my shoulder pulled me out from my daydream and I came back to earth with a slight stumble. The lady was kneeling next to me, shaking my shoulder. There were also other people there now who were starring at me in a strange way.

"Oh, did I, umm, jeez. I'm sorry," I gave the lady a smile and she just stood up.

"It's fine, just do as I told you to." A blush reddened my cheeks and I bit my lip.

"Which was?"

"Hold out your hand and call out the names Acqua, Fuoco, Terra, Aria, Spirito, Sole, and Luna, please." I shrugged and stood up.

"Of course," I chimed happily. "Acqua... Fuoco... Terra... Aria... Spirito... Sole..." Suddenly something flew from a box at the end of the table and landed in my palm. Immediately, my skin felt warm, like when I would lay out in the sun on the grass. I felt a pleasant heat all over that took my breath away. "Wow," I gasped. I took the ring in my hand, it had a fiery stone in it that looked like the sun, and put it on. The pleasant heat stayed and I brought my hand up to look at the ring. "This is so cool," I exclaimed happily. "How'd you do this," I asked the lady. She didn't answer but gave me a small smirk. I sat down, smiling like a fool.

"You guys have to try this!" I started to take off my ring to let someone else experience it but the lady stopped me with a gentle hand on my shoulder.

"It will not work for them, they will have experiences of their own just as "cool" as yours." I smiled up at the lady and put my ring back on, waiting for the next person to stand up and get their ring.

(I know, Gleek, isn't he beyond cute?)
Last edited by Sassafras on Sun Aug 14, 2011 6:15 pm, edited 2 times in total.
A pale imitator of a girl in the sky.

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Sun Aug 14, 2011 6:13 pm
Iggy says...

Hanna Hastings - Acqua

She gasped as the ring flew to Cly when he said the Latin name for Sole. He was one of the Seven Saviors!

The woman rose and bowed to Cly. "All hail Cly, the Sole Savior." Hanna and the others followed her and bowed to Cly, who looked, stunned, at the ring.

"Next?" The woman asked, looking around. Her eyes landed on Hanna. "You try."

"Okay." Hanna held out her hand. "Acqua-" Instantly, a ring flew into her palm ere shd could finis the word.)

The woman chuckled and bowed to her. "All hail Hanna, the Acqua Savior."
Last edited by Iggy on Sun Aug 14, 2011 7:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
“I can't go back to yesterday because I was a different person then."
- Lewis Carroll

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Sun Aug 14, 2011 6:25 pm
gleek456 says...

Grace Johnson- Earth/Terra

My eyes widened as the rings flew into their hands. Okay, Sun is taken, and Water is taken, so which one would I be? I stood up, motioning that I am going to go next. I stood right in front of the boxes, and held out my hand.

"This better be worth it," I mumble to myself. I cleared my throat then sighed.

"Fuoco... Terra," that was all I could get to until a green ring flew into my hand. I'm Earth? I mean, Terra? Interesting. The woman nodded as if she read my thoughts.

"All hail Grace, the Terra saviour," she said as I sat back down. I began to examine the ring carefully. It was emerald green, a pretty green, and it was being held in some elaborate crust. Least your something, I thought to myself. I slipped the ring on and sat back.

(Reise- Yup! (^.^) )

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Sun Aug 14, 2011 7:05 pm
Iggy says...

(Please read the newest edit to the main post.)
“I can't go back to yesterday because I was a different person then."
- Lewis Carroll

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Sun Aug 14, 2011 8:01 pm
DarthAJ says...

Rey Hardstone - Luna

It lit up my eyes to see three saviors come to life right in front of me. Even if I didn't turn out to be a savior I'd be able to tell my friends that I was actually in the same room as the people who were destined to overthrow the evil Jarison.

The woman's eyes flicked towards me, I knew the moment of truth had come.

I slowly started saying the Latin name of each power.

"Acqua"...It was obvious nothing would happen as the savior was already chosen, I calmed myself when no ring flew towards me.

"Fuoco"...nothing happened. I was a bit let down so I said it again but no ring came my way.

"Terra"... I knew nothing would happen, I just gave a nervous smirk to Grace.

"Aria"... there was pin drop silence, nothing moved towards me. I was getting worried, one by one any chance I had of becoming a savior was getting lost.

"Spirito"... There were tears welling up in my eyes, I had waited ten years for this moment. All those years, hoping, wishing and yearning to become a savior. No ring had flown towards me.

Hannah could see that I was getting really nervous, she came and put a hand on my shoulder.

"Rey it doesn't matter if your a savior or not, every day in this town you put a smile on peoples faces. If that isn't a savior then what is?" Said Hannah while squeezing my shoulder.

I returned Hannah's nice gesture with a smile.

"Sole"...I expected nothing to happen as I knew the savior was already there.

I was at the last one, this was it. If no ring came towards me then I would forever remain here, I would have no greater purpose.

My hands were shaking and in my nervous state I said, "Llluyana"...nothing happened.

I made a fist and hit it on the wall behind me and shouted, "LUNA!"

At first I heard nothing but then the sound was unmistakable, a ring came flying towards me.

The ring flew right into my hand, it was engraved with the symbol of the moon and stars. I felt an odd feeling when it touched my hand, I felt as if I could sense the sadness of people around me. I felt like I could have the power to increase this sadness but to also take it away. I also felt a force of darkness which I was a bit mystified by, why would the power destined to be mine be so different from me?

Any doubts I had just faded away as soon as I realized what had just happened, I'd become a savior.

I shouted, "YES!"

I was so happy that I hugged Hannah who was standing right next to me while everyone else was cheering.

"All hail Rey, the Luna Savior," said the woman with a satisfied smile painted across her face.

(Sorry for making this melodramatic but I really wanted to show people what kind of a character Rey is and Hannah the hug is purely a friendly gesture)

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Mon Aug 15, 2011 6:44 am
noninjaes says...

Jae Dawn

I watched at the wonder before me. Seven rings, seven saviours, four already taken. I reluctantly put my hand out, palm up. I began to chant the names backwards just to be stubborn. "Luna, sole, spirito, aria, terra, fuoco..." A golden ring with a red, heart shaped gem flew to my open palm. As soon as it made contact, I felt a jolt of intense heat and power, accompanied by fury and unpredictability. I relished in the feeling.
Fuoco. I am the fire.
"All hail Jae, the fuoco saviour." Said the old woman.
Noni Naps Through Nano
NaPoWriMo 2016
Stories Not Otherwise My Own

The Three Ninjateers
Being awesome since Jan 2012.

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Tue Aug 16, 2011 3:13 am
Dragonette says...

Keaton~ Spirit

I watched as everyone stood up, and one by one, and received a ring. Five. Five saviors so far. Five rings gone and only two left. Which one would I be? I knew I would be a savior. I HAD to be one. I could not sit in this hole forever and watch other people kill the king.

The next girl in line stood up and repeated the words. Nothing happened. The poor girl looked like she was about to burst out in tears. I gave her a sad smile that said I'm sorry. And then the lady was looking at me, and it was my turn.

I whipped through the names of the powers that were already taken without even hesitating. I slowed when I got to Aria, but nothing happened. My mouth continued to go through the list of names but my mind was racing ahead. Spirito. What did that mean? What were my powers? And then, suddenly, I was saying the word. "Spirito." And a metal object was flying at me.

When the ring hit my hand the world around me was blacked out. A bolt emotions rushed through me. And the strongest of each feeling. Heart wrenching love. Gut twisting pain. Breaking sadness. Warm happiness. All of the feelings compressed through my body in a split second, and then I was hit with the empty darkness again. I thought it was over, but no, my luck just isn't that good. Just then a was staring into the endless obis of a ghoulish face.

And then I was dropped back into reality. When I opened my eyes I was laying on the floor curled in a ball. Everyone was looking down at me with worried expressions.

"All hail, Keaton, the Spirito savior." The lady announced, but her voice wasn't as joyful as when she announced the others. My journey wasn't nearly as enjoyable as everyone elses, and I wondered how the rest of it would go.
Last edited by Dragonette on Tue Aug 16, 2011 3:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I'm a JESUS FREAK! (but you can call me a 'Jeek' if you want :D

Why is a raven like a writing desk?

You aren't an official writer unless you're at least slightly mad.

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Tue Aug 16, 2011 1:19 pm
Noelle says...


My heart pounded as I watched everyone else call the rings. This was all that happened? Was this even possible? How could your powers be directly linked to a ring you have never seen before? Oh well, it had to work, right? Or else they wouldn't do it.

Wait a second, I had spent my life trying to sneak in here for this? It seemed a bit anti-climactic. I had thought there would be a huge obstacle course or some kind of test that you would have to pass. That would be a little more adventurous at least.

My heart pounded faster as the kids in front of me recieved their rings. I had my doubts of course, but I couldn't wait to get mine. The rings were so mysterious, and pretty too. They were all shades of red, blue, green, all the basic colors. I couldn't wait to see what mine was. Finally, Kaeton, who was sitting next to me, called out the names and recieved his ring; Spirito. All hail Kaeton, the Spirito savior.

That only left one ring left: Airo.

The lady turned to me and everything seemed to go in slow motion. I knew I only had one shot and it was more nerve racking than anything I have ever done. What if I wasn't chosen? No, it was going to happen. I couldn't be left behind!

Acquo, Fuoco, Terra...

And it happened. It was the one chance, my only chance to become a savior. My mouth formed the word and I spoke it aloud.


To my delight and suprise, a red ring flew my way. Catching it, I looked up, smiling.

"All hail Kami, the Aria savior."
Last edited by Noelle on Thu Aug 18, 2011 5:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Noelle is the name, reviewing and writing cliffhangers is the game.

Writer of fantasy, action/adventure, and magic. Huzzah!

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"I'm writing a book. I've got the page numbers done." -- Steven Wright

YWS is life

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Tue Aug 16, 2011 3:47 pm
Dragonette says...

Um, Noelle? My character is a guy XD Haha
I'm a JESUS FREAK! (but you can call me a 'Jeek' if you want :D

Why is a raven like a writing desk?

You aren't an official writer unless you're at least slightly mad.

The moral of Snow White is never eat apples.
— Lemony Snicket