
Young Writers Society

Lakeview High

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Mon Jul 27, 2009 12:47 pm
TNCowgirl says...

***I don't know what'd she say its to early in the morning.***

"You freak!" Brittney screeched. SHe continued to slander Brook before Jayke spun around and faced her.

"Brittney you cut it out right." He growled. "I will not have you talking to her like that." Brittney shut up but crossed her arms and glared. "I'll see you later, Brook, sorry about her." He led Brittney to the door and walked over to his house with Trent and his girlfriend following.

**My sister is rushing me out the door. :'( **
"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
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Mon Jul 27, 2009 4:11 pm
Chupatoasta says...

**Haha it's cool**

Brooklyn chuckled softly and hopped up the stairs quickly, setting Monty in his tank. Taylor walked into the room, grabbing the paint next to Brooklyn's bed before popping the lid and stomping over to the window. "Tay, what are you do-" Brooklyn stopped, eyes wide and Taylor slung the paint out of the window, a scream suddenly sounding. Brooklyn hurried to the window, looking down at Brittney who was covered with a fresh coat of dark red paint.

"Take that you bitch!" Taylor shouted, Brooklyn staring at her wide-eyed. "What?" Taylor turned to Brooklyn and cocked her head to the side. "Nobody insults my peeps and gets away with it!" She huffed, sticking her tongue out at the girl that was screaming bloody murder on Brooklyn's lawn.

"Here," Brooklyn giggled, grabbing a live mouse out of another, smaller tank across the room from Monty's. She handed it to Taylor, who was grinning wildly as she yelled out Brittney's name.

"Surprise!" Taylor laughed, dropping the small mouse, which landed on the top of Brittney's paint covered head. "And that's how I do," she grinned, bouncing away from the window. "So, can I borrow some clothes for the party?"
Oh, the tiger will love you. There is no sincerer love than the love of food.
George Bernard Shaw

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Mon Jul 27, 2009 5:19 pm
TNCowgirl says...

Jayke groaned as both girls started to scream at the site of the mouse. He snatched it off Brittney's head and held it in one arm as he pulled Brittney close witth the other.

"Calm down, ok. It's just a mouse." He tried his best to laugh and it looked like Trent was too.

"Just. A. Mouse!" Brittney screamed. "JUST A MOUSE!"

"Go get cleaned up for the party ok? Your making a big deal otu of nothing." He replied kissing her to shut her up. She pouted and he barely kept from rolling his eyes, Brook was right.

"Alright." She sighed as she walked to her car with Chesler. He walked back to Brook's front door and knocked. A few minutes passed before Brook's and Taylor's heads popped out.

"I think this belongs to you." He said holding the mouse out. "Seriously, for my sake leave Brittney alone."

"Why?" Taylor demanded.

"Can you just try?" He sighed.

"Give me a good reason why." Taylor said crossing her arms as Brook took the same stance.

"God help me Tay and Brook teamed back up." He laughed. "I don't have a good reason other then I'd like to keep my ears in good condition. She is my girlfriend, can't you do it for me?"

"Ya, like you've done me anything the past few years." Taylor frowned.

"Hey, your the one that told me never to say another word to you after I started dating Brittney." He replied defensivly.

"Cause she's a slut and your to good for her." Taylor replied firmly.

"Last I checked you thought I was to good for all the girls around here." He replied. SHe smiled the smile she only smiled when she was up to something or had something planned. "I don't want to know." He replied handing Brook the mouse. "I'll see y'all at the party, nothing to serious with Brittney, ok?"

"What you don't have a nickname for her?" Brook laughed. "You've got one for everyone."

"She hates nicknames. If you do anything to her, nothing that'll bust my ear drums, got it?" They nodded but had a look in their eyes that meant they were lying. "Seriously."
"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
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Mon Jul 27, 2009 11:07 pm
Chupatoasta says...

Brooklyn grinned crookedly at Jayke as Taylor slowly shut the door. "Bye darling!" She shouted, bursting into laughter once the door was fully closed. She walked up to her room and put the mouse back into the large cage that held many more before she jumped over to her closet, pulling out two pairs of tight skinny jeans, two pairs of boots, two tank tops and two V-neck sweaters. She handed Taylor the brown boots, distressed skinnies, and brown and cream V-neck, keeping the black stuff for herself.

"What should we do to Brittney and her clones?" Taylor questioned from Brooklyn's bathroom where she was changing clothes and fixing up her hair.

"We need to do something that Jayke won't know about," Brooklyn thought for a moment, her eyes searching around the room until a pile of packing styrofoam caught her eye. "I've got it!" She screamed, running downstairs after fulling on her boots. She grabbed an arm full of styrofoam and a plastic bag, running back upstairs. She threw all the styrofoam in the bag and crushed it up into small little bits.

"Tell me!" Taylor begged for the fifth time as she helped crush it all up.

"Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay! We take all this styrofoam and stuff it into the air vents. We'll turn the vents up and turn the ventilation on full blast. When Brittney turns her car on this stuff with go everywhere! It takes weeks to get it all out of the car, trust me, I know!" She grinned wildly. Brooklyn's favorite thing to do was play pranks. It was better than anything in the world, in her opinion at least.

"And Jayke won't know until he actually sees it happen!" Taylor laughed loudly while Brooklyn nodded, peaking out the window.

About an hour later Brooklyn and Taylor snuck over to the party, complete with their bags of stryfoam. The opened Brittney's car with ease and poured the bags into the air vents, turning it all the way up before they closed the door and started towards Jayke's house.

Taylor and Brook

Brittney and Cheslar (if that's cool with you)
Oh, the tiger will love you. There is no sincerer love than the love of food.
George Bernard Shaw

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Mon Jul 27, 2009 11:35 pm
TNCowgirl says...

***That's perfect, Brittney is the one with the blond hair. :P How do you put clothes together like that. I've always wondered.***

Jayke got everything ready for the part.

"Jaykey!" Brittney called walking in with Chesler on her heels. He smiled at her as she sashayed over. Her hips swinging. He pulled her close and kissed her before looking around.

"I think everything is ready." He smiled as the door bell rang and people started showing up. The music started blaring and someone slipped in alchohal, but he didn't drink any. He saw Taylor and Brook walk in and he smiled walking over. Brittney hurried to his side wrapping an arm around his waist. "Hey, y'all made it."

"What are you wearing?" Brittney demanded. He was about to say something when Brook cut in.

"Clothes, least I can say that." Brook laughed as she hugged Jayke and slipped past him with a laughing Taylor.

"I am wearing clothes!" Brittney squealed. Jayke laughed and she glared at him. "I am, see."

"Chill Brittney." He said laughing. "Their just picking on you."

"Well, they don't ahve enough status to pick on me!" She hissed. "Their....their nobodies."

"Their my friends, Brittney, relax." He replied. "And stop acting like you have to prove to them your my girlfriend, you don't have to be glued to me just cause hteir around."
"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
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Tue Jul 28, 2009 12:10 am
Chupatoasta says...

**Polyvore haha, just make an account and go to create. One you're done making the outfit his publish and you'll get a link for it hehe**

Brooklyn coughed to cover up the laugh that was building in her throat while Taylor smiled humorously next to her. "Status? Status she says," Brooklyn smirked and grabbed a random plastic cup off a table, pricking her pinkie out and flipping her hair. "You do not have a high enough social standing to pick on me. I'm too blonde and perfect. I'm also wearing a dress that could fit my four year old cousin!" She downed the whole cup after finishing her mini British-accented speech.

"Like, ohmygosh! Burn!" Taylor waved her painted fingernails in front of her face, looking like some prep before grabbing her own cup, following Brooklyn's lead. Brittney was almost foaming at the mouth and her face was beat red.

"Honey, that red face clashed with your blonde hair," Brooklyn grinned, patting Brittney's cheek rather hard. The girl glared and let out a scream that would make a grown man cry. Brooklyn just grinned, unphased, and patted her on the other cheek, avoiding a clawed hand that whipped out at her.

"Brookey, I spy hot guys!" Taylor shouted, picking up another cup before grabbing Brooklyn's hand and running across the room.

"Taylor, just how many of those have you had in the last five minutes?"

Taylor grinned wildly, rolling her eyes. "Just one or two. Maybe three."

"Wow, someone wants to get laid tonight," at Brooklyn's comment Taylor burst into laughter, bouncing in front of two dark haired guys that looked as if they belongs in some mosh pit instead of a high school party.
Oh, the tiger will love you. There is no sincerer love than the love of food.
George Bernard Shaw

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Tue Jul 28, 2009 12:43 am
TNCowgirl says...

Jayke cringed when he heard Brittney scream. He turned and walked over to her. "What this time?"

"T-t-that GIRL!" She screeched. "Come on, lets leave."

"This is my party, I can't leave." He replied tucking some of her hair behind her ear.

"Then end it. Or make her leave." Brittney replied pounting. "Or I'm going home."

"Brittney, your doing just what she wants. But if you want to leave then do. But I'm not going to end this or send her home. She's an old friend." He replied.

"Then leave her there!" Brittney pouted.

"No. Relax, it's ok." He replied kissing her lips. She sighed and frowned.

"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
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Tue Jul 28, 2009 1:18 am
Chupatoasta says...

Brooklyn peered after Taylor from her spot on top of the kitchen counter as she followed one of the guys upstairs, laughing rather drunkenly the whole way. "So, you go to Lakeview?" The guy before her asked, a cheeky smile on his rather cute face. He had dark eyes, dark hair, rather full lips, and a boyish smile a girl could die for. He wasn't insanely buff, but she could tell his definitely had some muscle under the tight Avenged Sevenfold top he wore. It was about as obvious as the tattoo sleeves he had showing on his arms.

"Well I'm starting tomorrow. It's odd, being at a party on a Thursday. I mean on a Sunday it's understandable. Everyone at my school went to class smelling like booze or marijuana on Monday, it was just natural. The teachers even did it." The teenager before her smiled again, running his hands through his hair.

"That's why I haven't seen you around. I'm Todd, by the way."

"Brooklyn," she grinned crookedly.

"Brooklyn? I like that. Sounds... sexy?" Brooklyn couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"Sexy? That's a new one. I've heard people say my name was odd, or cool, maybe awesome, but never s-" Before she knew what was happening Todd had his heated lips pressed against hers.

*haha! (by the way Brooklyn's got a purity ring, so she won't take anything too far) I was thinking Todd to maybe be an ex-football player and jayke knowing how he 'rolled'**

Oh, the tiger will love you. There is no sincerer love than the love of food.
George Bernard Shaw

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Tue Jul 28, 2009 1:35 am
TNCowgirl says...

Jayke watched as some couples disappeared. Sure hope no one blames me if they get knocked up. He thought as Brittney started dancing, she was a tad drunk now.

"Come on, Jaykey, lets dance." She smiled at him. He smiled and walked over and started dancing with her. He glanced over her shoulder and saw Todd making out with Brooklyn. Something inside of him growled. He didn't say anything though. He watched as Todd's hands started to play with the hem of Brook's shirt and she pushed his hands away pulling from the kiss and saying something. But Jayke knew that Todd wasn't going to give up til he got what he wanted. Brittney stopped dancing.

"I need a drink." She started for the drink table and he took that chance. He walked towards where Todd was trying to kiss Brook again and she was trying to pull free. As soon as he was close enough he slammed his fist into Todd's face knocking him to the ground and out.

"If your wise stay away from Todd and his crew if you still have that ring of yours." He said looking at her. She looked shaken. "You ok?"

"Ya, will Taylor be?" She asked motioning towards the stairs.

"If she doesn't mind getting laid. Check on her if you want. If something is wrong yell. Me and Trent don't drink incase anyone needs help." He replied stroking her cheek. "I got to make sure that Brittney doesn't do something she regrets."
"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
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Tue Jul 28, 2009 1:54 am
Chupatoasta says...

Brooklyn found in odd that she wanted to press her cheek against Jayke's comforting hand. He'd always been there for her in situations like these when they were younger, but for some reason Brooklyn thought it different than before.

Instead, Brooklyn nodded, glancing quickly at Todd as she rubbed her hands up and down her arms, almost running up the stairs and to the room she saw Taylor go into. From what she could hear Taylor was enjoying herself. For an odd reason, Brooklyn laughed softly.

Taylor was never one to pass up the opportunity for sex. That's what made her and Brooklyn different. Brooklyn walked downstairs, and into the living room, where Brittney was whining to Jayke about him never doing 'it' with her like he used to. "Like rabbits, right?" Brooklyn snorted and walked passed them, towards the door. Taylor was busy, extremely busy, and it looked like there wasn't anyone Brooklyn could really talk to other than the cheap sluts and horny guys. She certainly wasn't about to hear Brittney scream again anyway. Her ears were still ringing.

*SOOO SHORT! Sorry! D':**
Oh, the tiger will love you. There is no sincerer love than the love of food.
George Bernard Shaw

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Tue Jul 28, 2009 2:07 am
TNCowgirl says...

***No problem.***

"Come on, no one would notice if we left." Brittney said running her hands over his thigh. "Come on."

"Not tonight, Brittney." He replied grabbing her hand to stop it. His will power was only so strong.

"But I dressed up for you." She smiled slipping onto his lap so she was straddling him. She kissed his neck and then his lips. "Please, baby."

"Brittney, your drunk, I've told you no way when your drunk." He replied his arms wrapping around her waist.

"Ah, come on." She whimpered. "Please!"

"No." He picked her up and held her bridal style.

"Where are we going?" She demanded.

"You are going to sleep in my room." He replied as he carried her up to his room and unlocked it laying her on his bed.

"Stay with me." She said clinging to his arm.

"No, cause I know what you'll do." He laid her down and pulled away. "Sleep it off." He started out the door as Trent walked in with a passed out Chesler. He laid her next to Brittney and he locked the door behind him as they walked back down stairs.

"Where's that chick from next door?" Trent asked. Jayke looked around and frowned.

"I don't know. Let me see if she went home." He slipped out the door and walked across to her house and knocked on the door. Brook opened it after a few moments.


"Just checking to make sure you weren't locked in some room." He replied running his hand through his hair. "Sorry about Todd, I should've warned you about him."

"No problem." She leaned her head against the door frame and looked at him. "How'd you get mixed in with Brittney and her type?"

"Long story." He replied. "But ego has alot to do with it. I'm glad your back though."

"Ya, it's nice." She replied.

"I guess I better get back over to my place. You want to come back. Brittney is asleep, after she gets drunk she passes out." He replied. "She'll miss school tomorrow as will half the people that came."
"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
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Tue Jul 28, 2009 2:25 am
Chupatoasta says...

Brooklyn sighed, running a hand through her hair. "Give me one second." She grinned half-heartily, running back up to her room, where she put her shoes back on and ran over to her computer, where two people, both guys, were poking each other in the face on the screen. "Hey, Daren, Devon, I gotta go back over to the party and hang out with my peeps."

"I thought we were your peeps!" The two guys whined, both crossing their arms at the same time.

"You guys do know I think your twin stuff is freaky sometimes right? Anyway, bye guys, loves you lots!" The two guys jumped at their own webcam, knocking it off the computer desk.

"I want to blow her a kiss!"

"No I do! She's my best friend!"

"But I met her first!"

"So! I invited her over first!"

Brooklyn rolled her eyes with a grin and closed the webcam window, jogging back down. "Sorry, I had to finish up a conversation with some friends in Florida." She smiled crookedly up at him as she shut the door, locking it behind her. She was alone at her house for the next week, exactly like Jayke since their parents had went on some vacation together the second her house was unpacked. "You know, it really sucks that I'm in three inch heels and you're still taller than me."
Oh, the tiger will love you. There is no sincerer love than the love of food.
George Bernard Shaw

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Tue Jul 28, 2009 2:35 am
TNCowgirl says...

"Your just not used to people being taller." He smiled at her as they walked in his house and sat on the couch as Trent walked over with three cans of soda.

"Here, it's not opened." He said handing Brook one and then him one. "I had to chase Todd off. He woke up and slipped a pill in Kelsy's drink. I put her up in your room with Brittney and Chesler. Brittney was out cold. She wrote you a message on your bathroom mirror though. She must be in a bad mood, cause it was pretty nasty."

"I'm not surprised." Jayke sighed. "I'll clean it off tomorrow. I'm gonna crash down here after everyone's left."

"Most everyone already has, or their up in one of the spare rooms screwing." Trent replied sipping his drink.

"Has Taylor come back down yet?" Brook asked.

"Nope. But if she still can't hold her liquor she'll be passed out by now." Trent replied.

"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
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Tue Jul 28, 2009 3:09 am
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Chupatoasta says...

Brooklyn looked around Jayke's living room as he and Trent talked about people she hardly knew. She had kind of been hoping that Brittney had gotten in her car instead of passing out. That would have made Brooklyn's day an even more happy one. Wow, speaking of the day, it had been a long one. First she'd waved her mom, dad, her other mom, and her other dad, AKA Jayke's parents, off as they left on their vacation. She had always called Jayke's parents mom and dad, same with Taylor's mom and dad. After waving the rents off, she had went to get a tour, and even got the pleasure of meeting Brittney, then she went home, unpacked everything, painted her room with Taylor, moved furniture, saved Brittney from harmless little Monty, was later cussed out by Brittney, poured red paint and a rat on Brittney, pranked Brittney, picked on Brittney, was cussed out yet again by Brittney, and was almost raped. Yep, quite an eventful day indeed.

With a groan Brooklyn propped her feet up on Jayke's couch, leaning back against Jayke's shoulder. It was odd now. The way she felt when she was around Jayke. He was still one of her best friends, no doubt about it, but it was just different, and she had no idea why. "You know what?" She finally spoke, causing Trent and Jayke to look at her as her eyelids started to get heavy.

"What?" Jayke grinned crookedly.

"I think Brittney and I are going to be really good," she yawned, closing her eyes, "friends." She felt Jayke laugh from beside her and heard Trent fall out of his seat in hysterics. Now all she was worried about was singing some song in her sleep, or talking. Talking would be even worse.
Oh, the tiger will love you. There is no sincerer love than the love of food.
George Bernard Shaw

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Tue Jul 28, 2009 12:47 pm
TNCowgirl says...

***Okk, if you want me to have her talk, I don't know what to hve her say. :'(. MY brain is drawing such blanks lately***

Jayke finally stopped laughing and noticed Brook was asleep. He talked with Trent for a little while longer before everyone ended up leaving. He moved carefully away from Brook and helped Trent wake people up and send them home. Once everyone was gone except for Brittney, Chesler, that one girl, Taylor, and Brittney, Trent unlocked the door to his bed room then walked down stairs.

"Get Taylor." He said as he gently picked up Brook who snuggled closer to his chest. He couldn't help by looked down at her peaceful face. She was beautiful. You have a girlfriend! STOP IT He yelled at himself in his head. He led Trent over to Brook's house and walked up the stairs to her room laying her on the bed and pulling her shoes off then pulling the blanket over her. Trent put Taylor on the extra bed doing the same.
"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
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“And how shall I think of you?' He considered a moment and then laughed. 'Think of me with my nose in a book!”
— Susanna Clarke, Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell