
Young Writers Society

Twisted Fates

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Sun Jun 14, 2009 4:45 am
WhiteTiger93 says...

I was in my room when the next letter arrived. I looked at my door. Mother wasn't there and neither was her maid. I smiled. Finally I had a little privacy.


Well, I suppose you can call it my charm. Or just irresistibility. What can I say? I was blessed. It's hard to look this good, or as you said before, be this charming, but I make due. I see it as a responsiblity.

Well, I was going to lie and say I could ride a horse like a big boy, but obviously you've called me out. You caught me. Oh and you remember that guy who was riding a pony because he was too afraid of the big horse. Yes, that was me too.

Too bad for you that my mother's not here. I would have loved to see the look on her face. Pity. I guess it's a good thing that you're not afraid of spiders because I'm simply terrified. If you ever started screaming and asking me to get the little bugger I would probably beat you to the door trying to get out. Joking, of course. Though if I do have a spider I know who to go to.

Goodnight princess,

I heard the knock on my door as soon as I sent the letter away with the hawk.

"What is it mother?" I asked.

"It's not your mother, cousin," a reedy, all too familar voice sounded. I hopped up and ran to the door. My cousin Scarlett smiled up at me.

"What do I owe this very sudden yet joyous visit too?" I asked, kissing her on each cheek.

"Oh, Alexander! You're engagement party, of course!" She laughed.

"Oh yes. That," I sighed. While I had excepted the outcome I still wasn't happy about it. Catrin had...surprised me, to say the least, but I still wasn't ready to marry. It was all happening to fast.

"Come for a walk with me cousin," Scarlett said, taking my hand. I followed her out of the castle and towards the woods where we spent most of our childhood climbing trees and chasing the animals. Scarlett had changed though. She was a woman now. I hadn't seen her in years and it felt that way. The bond we once shared had broken, not completely, but it would never be the same. I guess that's what growing up will do to you.
Hermione, shut your ungodly, lopsided mouth and quit interrupting! 20 points from Gryffindor. You know, for the brightest witch of your age you can sure be a dumba** sometimes. *smiles* 10 points to Dumbledore!

~A Very Potter Musical - Dumbledore

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Sun Jun 14, 2009 8:45 pm
Chupatoasta says...

"Catrin! Hold your arms out and suck that fat stomach of yours!" Her mother commanded, slapping her toned stomach. Catrin glared at her mother and did what she was told. One word that didn't describe Catrin was fat. Her mother could kiss her royal a- "Ah!" Catrin shouted in pain when the corset around her waist tightened, crushing her ribs.

"Perfect! You can't even tell that you've got those ugly muscles!" The queen smiled widely, walking back in front of Catrin. "If you wore this for the rest of your life you'd have such a small waist!"

"I... can't breathe," she rasped, eyes wide while her nails clawed at the stupid clothing item. Her mom slapped her hands, making her stop.

"If you this to the party I'll let you pick out what color your dress will be." Catrin shrugged, stepping off the small platform her mother had made her stand on, almost falling in the black heels. Her mother sighed, and shook her head, walking out of the dressing room. Catrin followed in a huff, dresses suddenly shoved in her face. The maids were telling her why she should wear this dress and not that dress with those shoes instead of those shoes. With a moan of annoyance Catrin held her hands up, the maids instantly quieting. She scanned the dresses with bored eyes and finally chose a simply red one with black threadings that matched her black shoes perfectly. Her mother came back in and took the dress away, all the maids following close behind. Catrin shook her head and changed into a more comfortable dress that fell around her feet gracefully. She trampled up the stairs and into her room, where Astor was waiting rather impatiently, Alexander's letter at his feet. Catrin smiled crookedly and took a seat on her bed, reading over it before grabbing a quill.


Irresistibility? No, irresistibility does you do much justice. I'm even doubting if you can can if charm. Maybe it is beauty, maybe you're some feminine guy. Gross by the way! A responsibility as you say? More like a burden I assume.

You mean the one that was bigger that the pony itself? Wow, that sure is something. I had a feeling it was you though.

Are you really scared of spiders? Ah, well, I know your weakness if you are. Yes, I did just laugh wickedly by the way. I think thunder crashed outside as well. Freaky, no?


Oh, the tiger will love you. There is no sincerer love than the love of food.
George Bernard Shaw

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Mon Jun 15, 2009 4:03 am
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WhiteTiger93 says...

"Scarlett." I sighed. I had stayed up with her all night in the meadow. While she may not be the same girl I remembered from long ago, she was still my cousin and I loved her.

"Yes?" She asked, smiling. I looked away from her.

"What's happened to you. Why have you changed so much?" I asked. She frowned.

"You will too, cousin. Once your married to the princess you'll have no choice," She laughed a little. "I'm sure you know how those royal Rhomantuses can be."

"I'm pretty sure you're wrong about that," I replied. She knew so little about Catrin. She wasn't like all the other royal girls I have met and, unfortunately, Scarlett was becoming more like them.

"Am I? She's your mortal enemy, and a Rhomantus. They're a rather predictable family, Alexander," she said.

"Actually she's my fiance," I replied, bitterly. "Besides you can't judge a lone girl off of an entire family."

"Oh yes, you're right, dear cousin. I forgot that some of them were actually good people," she laughed.

"You don't even know her," I said. I hated it that she was judging her so much.Scarlett had really changed.

"You don't know her either, but we do know her family."

"I know her more than you do."

"Cousin," Scarlett stopped. "Why are you defending her so fiercely?"

"I'm not!" I exclaimed.

"You are! Alexander, you've got a crush on the girl!"

"I don't!" I replied. My thoughts faltered a little.

"You do! This is so...scandalous!" Scarlett giggled. I stood up and walked away. How dare she accuse me of that!

The hawk met me just outside of the castle walls. I ripped it open, eagerly, and headed for my room.


It is a burden that I carry, yes. I was followed by that maid, remember? I'm starting to doubt my mother even sent the girl after me. I tend to attract women like honey attracts bears. Besides, what if I am a feminine type of guy? Don't girls love a guy whose in touch with their emotions?

Yes, that poor pony. I thought I heard the little thing wheeze a couple of times. Don't worry, I gave her a carrot afterwards. Even if she too let me fall off.

I've let a Rhomantus find my weakness. I'm going to die of fright because you hold a little garden spider in front of my face. Will you at least tell everyone I died fighting a another prince or something. Much more macho, I'd say. Wait. Don't girls also like those macho, macho guys? Well, it seems I've got it all. I'd watch out if I were you. Someone might try and marry me themselves!

Hermione, shut your ungodly, lopsided mouth and quit interrupting! 20 points from Gryffindor. You know, for the brightest witch of your age you can sure be a dumba** sometimes. *smiles* 10 points to Dumbledore!

~A Very Potter Musical - Dumbledore

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Mon Jun 15, 2009 3:09 pm
Chupatoasta says...

The door to Catrin's room flew open, causing her to scream and roll off the bed, landing on her bottom. A husky voice laughed hysterically from her door. She peeked over the edge of the bed, only her eyes showing. Her brother stood in the doorway, a wide and goofy smile spread across his chiseled features. "Boo," he laughed and Catrin chucked her shoe at him, only to have him duck.

"What are you doing here you jerk face?" Catrin snapped, still hidden behind the bed.

"Father sent me a letter about you marriage to a... a... Terrwyn!" He burst into laughter once again. Catrin huffed angrily and stood up, closing the door behind her brother.

"He's not that bad actually." Her brother, Christopher, smirked.

"Complementing him are we?" He teased, Catrin soon throwing her other shoe at him, this one pegging him in the middle of his chest. "You're still a weakling."

Catrin snarled angrily and lunged at her brother, knocking him to the ground where they rolled around in a tussle for a while. A flash of brown and white made them stop. Catrin glanced to her left, where a letter sat, before looking up at her bed, where Astor perched proudly. At the same moment Catrin and Christopher lunged at the letter, Christopher ripping it open and reading it, before bursting in laughter. Catrin kicked him in the side, taking the letter before sitting on his back to read it. "Catrin, you're already talking about undressing? Wow, you've only known about this arrangement for how long?" Catrin growled and punched her brother in the back of the skull before starting her own letter.


I remember that poor, poor maid who was forced to follow you, against her will might I add. Like I stated before, she's lucky to not have been blinded. Yes, girls like feminine men who are in touch with their emotions, but I assumed you knew enough about me to know I'm not like those girls. To me feminine men were just cursed with girly looks.

Well, I'm glad you didn't break the poor things back. Lord knows it just wanted to roll over and play dead.

If that really is your weakness then I promise the spider would be more than a little garden spider. I'd probably need a leash for it and I'd probably teach it a few tricks to make it even scarier. Yes, I'll tell them that the prince of the Kaktan kingdom defeated you. I heard that he's learned how to use a sword and ride a horse. Hmm, I might just go marry him. At least he can ride a horse and he is a pretty cute fourteen year old.

Oh, the tiger will love you. There is no sincerer love than the love of food.
George Bernard Shaw

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Mon Jun 15, 2009 5:19 pm
WhiteTiger93 says...

I lay on my bed with my ankles crossed and my arms behind my head.

"Alexander," a low, rumbling sound caused me to jump. Why was everyone suddenly disturbing me?

"Yes, father?" I asked. He opened my door and came to sit on my bed.

"How are you?" He asked.

"Engaged," I replied. I smiled to let him know I wasn't angry. He probably felt bad enough as it was. Mother was probably the mastermind behind all of this.

"I've been talking to Scarlett," he sighed. I looked up.

"So?" I said.

"Well, do you really like the girl?" He asked. Why was everyone asking me that.

"No," I said. My father looked at me hard.

"Alexander, I can tell when you're lying to me."

"So what if I do? I'm still not ready to be married off. Besides, she's only a...a friend."

"Well than that makes things complicated," father sighed.

"What are you talking about?"

"Your mother wants you...to basically rule over her. She says that if you keep her drugged she will have no say in anything. She's not happy about the idea of a Rhomantus and you compromising over anything."

I jumped up, nearly knocking father over. "So what you're saying is you want me to drug her? I won't do it!" I yelled.

"Calm down, son," father replied. "I knew you'd have this reaction which is why I'm saying you don't have to do it. I've done enough to make you unhappy," He whispered. Father closed his eyes and looked away ashamed. I was shocked. So this was my mother's idea all along.

I put a hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry about it. I'm fine."

Just then the hawk flew in my window, the letter falling on my bed. I walked over and snagged it up, reading it. When I looked up, my father was gone.


I say the maid's lucky to have been so close to all my...charm. Yes, you certainly aren't like other girls. It seems I won't even my able to attract my own fiance! Maybe a different approach would work.Then again being a Terrwyn and all, it would probably put a damper on things, eh?

Play dead? I didn't even know they could do that. Then again, it wouldn't have to learn if I had made her walk another couple of feet.

A spider that knows tricks! You monster! You'd say a fourteen year old prince had killed me? Killed me of fright at that! Ouch. Well I Think I'd prefer the spider. Then again if he can ride a horse AND carry a sword he sounds menacing. He could be your kid in shinning armor!

Hermione, shut your ungodly, lopsided mouth and quit interrupting! 20 points from Gryffindor. You know, for the brightest witch of your age you can sure be a dumba** sometimes. *smiles* 10 points to Dumbledore!

~A Very Potter Musical - Dumbledore

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Mon Jun 15, 2009 7:50 pm
Chupatoasta says...

"No! Stop it!" Catrin shouted, trying to get away from her horrid brother, who had her in a tight hug. He laughed loudly and let her drop to the ground. She shook his hand off of her and shot out of the hall and into her room, where she slammed the door in his laughing face, only to hear him groan in pain on the other side. Catrin let out a triumphant laugh before flinging herself on her bed.

Astor flew in, landing on the edge of her bed. She gave him a treat and took her letter, reading it with a smile.


Ah, there's that word again. Charm. To me it seems as though you think to highly of yourself. Kidding of course, I think. Being a Terrwyn doesn't seem to matter anymore I guess. Yuck.

The poor, poor creature. All the problems it must have faced to keep you away from it after one single ride.

Yes, kid in shining armor, I like the sound of that. I may have to wait a few more years for him though. Maybe then he could be a knight's apprentice in shining armor. More macho sounding, don't you think?

Almost forgot! Has your mother began preparing yet? Mine made me choose a dress already. I'm just lucky she didn't choose it for me.


*hey, I might be able to make one for post before five, but then i gotta go to a buds house=(**
Oh, the tiger will love you. There is no sincerer love than the love of food.
George Bernard Shaw

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Wed Jun 17, 2009 2:38 am
WhiteTiger93 says...

I stared at the letter. I hadn'teven thought about preparing! I had to talk to my mother, but knowing her, she already pisked on out for me.


Think too highly of myself? Never. That's impossible. I am kidding, you know. Though I'm sure you have reason to disagree, eh? My sarcasm isn't the best.

I'm all but too certain that poor pony still has nightmares. Poor thing. Though I did give it a carrot!

So you ARE into the macho type guys. Well! I am macho and not some seventeen year old scrawny prince. (Note the sarcasm).

I actually haven't began. I am guessing my mother has everything picked out though. That's a good thing though. I have no since of style and I might arrive in a dress fancier than your own. The horror, right. Kidding. I'm sure you'd like nothing more than to get out of the limelight. And I'm with you on that one. Too bad we're going to be main attraction.


I sent the letter away and went downstairs and into the dinning hall. My mother was chatting animatedly with my cousin. Mother looked my way and sighed.

"What is it, my son?" She asked. I stepped foward and looked down at her.

"I was wondering if you had everything...arranged for the party?" Scarlett gave my mother a knowing look and she sighed.

"Of course. I had it picked out and we'll have it fitted to you later. Don't worry," she said. I nodded and walked back to my room. The only thing I looked foward to was Catrin's letters. Things were getting rather boring here.
Hermione, shut your ungodly, lopsided mouth and quit interrupting! 20 points from Gryffindor. You know, for the brightest witch of your age you can sure be a dumba** sometimes. *smiles* 10 points to Dumbledore!

~A Very Potter Musical - Dumbledore

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Wed Jun 17, 2009 3:18 am
Chupatoasta says...

Catrin could hear the orchestra already practicing in the ball room below. She groaned and pounded her pillows in rage, kicking her feet angrily onto the pillows on the foot of her bed. She laid there for a moment, taking everything in. She only have a few more days in her home. Only a few more days in the place she spent her first nineteen years of life. Wait! What if after the party she didn't go back to Alexander's kingdom like one of her friends had. What if her mother only made her move there after the wedding?! Catrin smiled widely and ran downstairs, almost tripping over her own feet. She stuck her tongue out at her brother before running into the kitchen, where her mom was sampling the night's dinner.

"Mother!" Her mother turned around, a fake smile playing across her painted red lips.

"Yes my dear?" Catrin almost gagged.

"After the engagement party am I going to Alexander's kingdom?!" Her mother covered her mouth with a slim hand and laughed into it.

"Your father argued with me about that for the longest time the other day. No, you're going to stay here until the actual wedding, then you'll go live at the Terrwyn castle. Of course you'll both be ruling over Terrwyn and Rhomantus land, but that will be arranged on a later date. Come here, I want to show you this cake design! I already sent a replica of it to Queen Terrwyn for her opinion." Her mother gripped her hand and pulled her over to a tall cake, maybe around Catrin's height.

"Mother, it's huge!" Her mother just laughed again.

"Yes, yes, I know. But there are going to be many, many guests, so the chefs whipped this up." Catrin didn't know what to say. It wasn't because she was amazed or dazzled. It was more that she was appalled at the fact that her mother paid the chefs to make a stupid cake, but wouldn't let Catrin give money or food to the poor!

"It's great Mother," she sighed, voice rather monotone, "I've got to go back upstairs. I'm waiting on a letter from Alexander."

"Okay Deary! Dinner is in thirty minutes!" Catrin rolled her eyes and ran back upstairs, Astor floating through the window at the same time. She gave him a treat and opened the letter.

Dear Alexander,

Yes, I still believe you're to highly opinionated of yourself. Maybe you have a large enough ego to pay someone to tell you how great and amazing and 'macho' you are. Kidding, in case you didn't notice. The person would probably say something like, "Oh Alexander, you're so great, and womanly like!" Yes, that's what they'd say, don't you agree?

At least some of the horses (not that one) will let you ride. None of the horses will let my sisters ride them, mainly due to the fact that none of them can ride a horse properly. The other day Romiette was thrown backwards off my horse in a white dress after I'd told her not to mess with him.

Yes, I am into macho guys, and your womanly side that you show definitely says you're not macho. Kidding, I think.

Actually, I expected you coming in a dress. My mother just sent yours a replica of the cake, which is huge! It's up to my head! And yes, I am short so don't make fun of me once you see it! Yes, being the main attraction is horrid. I remember my sixteenth birthday. Horrible. I think you were the jester in the cocktail dress who couldn't dance to save his life.

Sincerely, I think,

Oh, the tiger will love you. There is no sincerer love than the love of food.
George Bernard Shaw

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Fri Jun 19, 2009 5:00 am
WhiteTiger93 says...

I heard my mother calling and rolled my eyes. The cake was huge. Much too big for my taste.

"What do you think?" She asked, grinning. "I think it could use a little more color, but than again it is a cake for yours and Catrin's engagement, no?" She was enjoying this. She really was.

"It's...great mother. Except maybe it needs to be, you know, smaller," I suggested.

"Mmhmm," she said, still looking it over. I rolled my eyes. She wasn't even listening.

"I'll see you later. I'm going riding with William," I told her. My mother nodded and I went upstairs to find Catrin's hawk awaiting me.


Touche! You don't bother with the little insults do you? You go and hit straight below the belt. I'll have to remember that, princess.

Poor girl. Believe it or not I can actually ride a horse. I know, shocking! My friend actually tried to ride my horse a few days ago and was almost trampled. Mother, of course, thought that my horse was dangerous and needed to be 'put down.' I wouldn't let her. My horse it like my brother. And no, not in appearances.

Alas! Maybe I will show you my macho ide by killing a spider. Those creepy, hairy, eight legged freaky things. I think I just shuddered. Kidding...I hope.

You expected me to come in a dress? Well, I can't let you down now can I? Actually my mom already ordered my something else. Not sure it's much better, but we'll see. All I have to look foward to is being stuck with needles. Great. Oh and I saw the cake. It's great if you like being eaten by the cake instead of the other way around. I tried to tell my mother to make it smaller but according to her I am just a male. We have no taste at all. Which is partially true. Ah well.

Hermione, shut your ungodly, lopsided mouth and quit interrupting! 20 points from Gryffindor. You know, for the brightest witch of your age you can sure be a dumba** sometimes. *smiles* 10 points to Dumbledore!

~A Very Potter Musical - Dumbledore

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Fri Jun 19, 2009 5:35 am
Chupatoasta says...

"Dinner time Catrin!" Catrin glared at her brother, who stood in the doorway, and got to her feet sluggishly. She hated diner time. With all her sisters, and her mother especially. She loped down the stairs behind her brothers lazily, her red dress flowing elegantly around her feet although her shoulders were slouched rather ungracefully. When she entered the dining room she instantly drew her shoulders back, smiling softly at her mother.

"Faker," her brother whispered in her ear, only to soon be slapped by Catrin. He smiled cheekily before pulling out Romiette's chair, pulling it out from under the young girl as she sat down. Catrin couldn't help but let out streams of laughter as Romiette screamed in annoyance. She took a seat and glanced at the food before her.


Catrin moaned, mostly in pain, and dropped onto her bed weakly. How she hated foreign dish nights, when her parents would order the chefs to make disgusting food from far away kingdoms. A flash of brown shot into the window right as Astor perched himself on Catrin's bed. Catrin smiled, gave him a treat, and took the note.


I might actually got easier on you if you actually insult me back just a bit. It won't hurt my feelings at all, I promise you that much. You not insulting me, however, is making me feel as though you really are a womanly-type of man. In that case, I might just dress my brother up as myself and make him marry you.

The only thing I have to ask here is, are you sure the horse isn't your brother in more ways than one?

Yes, stomping on a wee garden spider sure is macho. Now taking out a dancing, man-killing spider, that's macho.

Oh darn, I was hoping we'd match. You know, both of us in a dress. I might even wear your clothes and lend you mine if it comes down to it. My clothes would probably fit you much better anyway.

Oh, and thank you for not teasing me about my height. That cake was large around, bit it may have been only five and a half feet.

Oh, the tiger will love you. There is no sincerer love than the love of food.
George Bernard Shaw

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Fri Jun 19, 2009 6:02 am
WhiteTiger93 says...

I rolled my eyes as my mother and her maid stuck pins in me, not bothering to worry if I've been stuck. My mother only told me not to bleed on my 'formal wear.' What a cow!

I saw the hawk swoop in threw the window. Great. Only there wasn't a letter in it's beak. I sighed. What did it want though. Then, as if answering my question, it took one of the little snacks my mother had prepared for later. I smiled as she stomped after it.

I finished quickly and walked up to my room, tearing open the letter.


I will not insult you! No matter how hard you are making it. Not only because you are a woman, and I'm not saying that as a sexist, I promise you, but because I really don't take it too offenisvely to have a smart remark. Oh and you may think highly of your brother but I assure you, were I so inclined, I think I could do better. I'm trying not think about that actually.

Very funny, princess. Also, if you can find me this rare dancing spider I must ask, how do I slay the beast? Defeating it in a dance off? Yes, I agree, very macho.

You really don't want to see me in a dress, princess, I assure you. When we were little, my cousin would dress me up as a girl. Yes, I know, I'm not really helping myself here, but I was not a very pretty girl. I refuse to comment on that memory, jut so you know. It still makes me cringe.

I would never tease you about your height! It's not as if I was snickering about it behind your back and making cruel jokes. Like, 'What is the temperature down there?' Or 'I bet her little sister has to lean down to give you a hug.' I would never do that! You know me, Mr. Sensitive.

Hermione, shut your ungodly, lopsided mouth and quit interrupting! 20 points from Gryffindor. You know, for the brightest witch of your age you can sure be a dumba** sometimes. *smiles* 10 points to Dumbledore!

~A Very Potter Musical - Dumbledore

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Sat Jul 18, 2009 4:46 am
Chupatoasta says...

"Head up Catrin! Don't lift your feet, you must float." Catrin winced when her mother's stick slapped her in the chin, snapping her head up. The four books on her head wavered but stayed. "Shoulder's back, back straight, knees locked." Catrin locked her knees, looking like a retard as she walked, swinging her feet out like a penguin. This of course, caused her brother to roll in laughter.

"Mother," she sighed as she lifted the thick books off her head, "I've known how to do this since I was four, as much as I hate it, must I really practice right now?" Her mother let out an angry huff.

"Catrin Rhomantus! We will practice until your ill if we must. In four days you're engagement party will be held, and the Terrwyns are leaving tomorrow on their way here, which will only take a day. In other words, your future husband is going to be here in two days and I want to make the perfect impression!" Her mother rolled her eyes. "If only your sisters were the ones getting married!"

"Well why don't you arrange it to where one of them gets married to Alexander!" Catrin screamed, spinning around and running off from her mother and up to her room, tears pooling in her eyes. Astor squawked when she entered and locked the door, soon holding her hand out with a slice of meat from dinner that she'd held onto for him. She kissed him on the feather head, leaving the extremely pale lipstick on his white head while she wrote back.


Ah, you pansy. Can't even insult a woman can you? What, marrying my brother or the whole marrying part? If it's marrying my brother then it's pretty hard not to think about it. I mean, could you imagine you marrying some barbarian looking guy in a wedding dress? Wow, I just shuddered, no joke.

What, you've never heard of the Giant Brazilian Dancing Spider? Ugly things, I can say that much. They look like a hunting mutt with eight legs that is missing it's snout and has eight eyes, I kid you not. And yes, you do defeat it through a dance of. It wears ballet shoes and it's legs slowly get shorter and shorter until... poof!

Aw, that's would've been hilarious to actually see you in the dress. Let me guess it was pink and white with lots of frills and she made you wear a pink bow in your hair and white high heels, am I right? Yes, I'm laughing my butt off right now, just in case you're wondering.

Yes, yes, I believe you.

By the way, the temperature's fine and as sad as it is, Romiette's three years younger and four inches taller. Yeah, I'm not laughing anymore. I'm like the only person in my family without the tall person gene.

Dying slowly through pins, needles, and etiquette practice,

Oh, the tiger will love you. There is no sincerer love than the love of food.
George Bernard Shaw

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Sun Jul 19, 2009 2:30 am
WhiteTiger93 says...

I pulled the reins, effectively stopping my horse's gallop. Then a girl in a flowing blue, patched up dress ran out. She had light brown hair, streaked with blonde from the sun, running to the middle of her back. Her skin had a olive tone and the most vivid green eyes.

"Alexander!" The girl yelled, practically pulling me off my horse, wrapping me in a tight hug.

"How are you Charlotte?" I asked amused. "Remember I am engaged now."

She pushed me playfully, but her expression was a solemn one. "How are you dealing with the news?"

I shrugged. "Much better than I thought I would," I told her. "Catrin is...a free spirit I must say. It's kind of refreshing next to most of the girls I know. She is a Rhomantus, though, but I suppose I'll survive."

"I'm sorry, Alexander," she frowned, grabbing my hand. I smiled gently at her touch.

"The hardest part is that I won't even be able to see my best friend as often as I want," I responded, squeezing her hand.

Charlotte's eyes filled with tears. "Alex," she bit her lip. "I know how much you wanted to just...go. to travel and you're such a romantic," she smiled sadly.

"Ah but I still am, my dear," I grinned, bringing her hand up to my lips. Charlotte's cheeks flushed and she jerked away from me.

"You're silly, Alex," she rolled her eyes.

"Alas! My charm seems to be fading," I sighed.

I heard a the hawk's wings beat over my head. Sure enough, there was Catrin's hawk, letter in his beak.

I tore it open and smiled.

"Who's it from?" Charlotte asked.

"Catrin," I replied.

"That Rhomantus?" She asked. I nodded, mounting my horse. "I'll come by here tomorrow before I leave."

"Leave? Where?" She shouted at me as I started off.

"None other than the Rhomantus kingdom," I called back. "Oh joy!"

It didn't take long to reach my own castle. I snuck in before my mother could even say anything to me and I started my letter.


Of course the dress was frilly! You know, I'm actually quite glad you're not into all that frilly, silly stuff. I've had quite enough of that courtesy of my mother.

Me? A pansy? Ha! You're just being absurd mow, princess. Then again, if I can out dance a dancing spider, I might be a pansy. Don't worry though, I will defeat the beast! I am a Terrywn and therefore I can dance! Yes, that sounds threatening, no?

My mother has just informed me I must head out to your kingdom tomorrow. You must be thrilled about that. In fact, my own mother has been sticking me with needles trying to find the 'perfect outfits.' I thought that only happened to women!

Here's to our survival through these dark and rather torturous times,
Hermione, shut your ungodly, lopsided mouth and quit interrupting! 20 points from Gryffindor. You know, for the brightest witch of your age you can sure be a dumba** sometimes. *smiles* 10 points to Dumbledore!

~A Very Potter Musical - Dumbledore

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Fri Jul 24, 2009 4:14 am
Chupatoasta says...

Catrin had almost fallen asleep when Astor's talons dug into her calf, causing her to scream in terror and flip off the side of her bed, her head slamming against the bedside table. She groaned and crawled back onto the bed, glaring at Astor, who squawked, the pale lipstick on his head obviously making him angry. "What? We were teased by the other hawks on your way home?" He screeched, puffing his feathers out in annoyance while Catrin took the letter from him, staring on her own.


Yes, I know what you mean with the frilly stuff. My mother, as you already know from my ranting about her, was into it from the time she was a little girl. She even dressed my brother up when he was little because she didn't think she was going to have any girls. We have paintings of him with make-up and long hair in the old family portraits. My mother is obsessed I'm afraid to admit.

Oh yes, so threatening, not to mention utterly terrifying. I'm shaking in my slippers.

You know, I could be like my sister's right now and cheer and dance around and squeal about you coming but, and not meaning to be rude, I personally don't give a hoot. Of course, then again, I'd be lying. I can't wait for you to come and have that dance off with the Giant Brazilian Dancing Spider. We're having him shipped over to see just how well Terrwyns can really dance.

Ah, and about the whole you thinking women were the only ones that had to go through with the pins and needles stuff, I can hear my father and brother screaming at my mother and her maids everytime they prick one of them. Absolutely hilarious. Really. I'm rolling.

Unfortunately, I am about to die of fatigue. I am seriously wiped. Is it dangerous to go to sleep after getting a concussion? Ah, I'll find out when I wake up in the morning, if I wake up. If I don't just know that the bedside table that I slammed my head on is the murderer.

Goodnight and safe travels to the Rhomantus kingdom,
Oh, the tiger will love you. There is no sincerer love than the love of food.
George Bernard Shaw

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Fri Jul 24, 2009 6:40 pm
WhiteTiger93 says...

"Alexander!" My cousin called. "Get up!"

"Scarlett," I groaned, throwing my bed sheets off of me. "What is it?"

She shook me. Hard. I rolled off the bed and hit my head on the floor. Grumbling I stood up and glared at her. Scarlett grinned.

"Time to go, Alex," She smiled, curtsying and running out the door.

"Great...thanks," I mumbed, getting dressed. No sooner had I finished lacing my shoes, then Catrin's hawk came swooping in.


Hmm, do you think I could have a glance at some of those portraits? Sounds interesting and well worth my time to go look at. Then again...I can really relate to him. Poor guy.

Psh, you're such a Rhomantus. You're just jealous that we Terrwyn's can outdance anything that moves. [Note my sarcasm]

Glad you enjoy it. I think I bruises from where my mother pricked me. I'm covered in them! I think she did it on purpose for my reluctance to marry you. No offense. Though, I'm pretty sure it went the same with you.

Hm, if you don't wake up does that mean I'm a free man again? Kidding! I'm sure I'll pay for that comment...in the mean time, I'll just make it worth my while. I'll be sure to bring a stepping stool so that way you will be tall enough to hit me when I arrive....

Until then, princess,
Hermione, shut your ungodly, lopsided mouth and quit interrupting! 20 points from Gryffindor. You know, for the brightest witch of your age you can sure be a dumba** sometimes. *smiles* 10 points to Dumbledore!

~A Very Potter Musical - Dumbledore

I think that was when I began to realize that reputation isn't everything. I should focus less about how others perceive me and more about what makes me happy. Because, in the end, I have to live with myself.
— Seraphina