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Wed Sep 10, 2014 12:47 am
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Sonder says...

Avery Daniels

"You haven't slept in four days?"
The lady-scientist looked at me in amazement. I wanted to point out that her huge eyes bugged out of her head. It was a bit disturbing. I shifted uncomfortably on the cold metal table and nodded.
"It hasn't affected you?"
"Yo no sé."
Her lips puckered in annoyance. I wanted to punch her in those giant blue eyes. What was the point of these questions when they were just going to torture me for the next hour or so? They'd find out once they, oh, sliced me open? Tore major organs out? I don't think sleep affects survival much when pieces of your brain are removed.
"We've asked you to only speak English here in the Lab, Avery."
I rolled my eyes. Sorry for being born in Uruguay. It did get annoying, having to translate my thoughts into English, since I thought in Spanish. They say that when you are fluent in a language, you begin to think or dream in it. While that had happened a few times to me, I preferred Spanish over any other language. It was smoother, had a better sound to it, and was a great cover for when I wanted to curse.
The woman wrinkled her eyebrows disapprovingly at me and stalked away. I hoped that she wasn't that lady Noah was fixated with. She was a jerk. He deserved an intelligent jerk. Like him.
I snickered to myself. I wished Noah could be here with me. He was one of the only other subjects that was forced to stay awake through procedures. Once we had had a double operation, and it was the best time I had ever had in the Lab. It was still hell, but it was more bearable.
"I'd give you a hand, but it seems I don't possess one at the moment." Noah had gestured at the bloody stump of his arm. While it was disgusting, and caused him to groan in pain, it still warmed my heart that he cared enough to try and joke even in times like that.
"Even if you did...unh...mine would slip right through it," I had choked back at him, my tears turning from mist to liquid and back again as they fell.
His brown eyes crinkled up through the pain, and at that moment, I knew that I had a friend who would stick with me through everything. He had done some pretty horrible things, but so had I. We didn't talk about the past, and accepted each other for who we were.
I was snapped from my thoughts as a male scientist commanded me to put on my testing collar. The Lab had found a way to make me stay tangible, in my torso at least, by placing a special high-tech collar around my throat. I shivered at the cold metal touch, and despised the choking feeling I always got when I tried to turn to shadow.
They also shone extremely strong flood lights on my body from all sides, eliminating any shadows.
I hated being this weak.
I settled back in the chair they strapped me into, my heart already beginning to race. Every time I came in this disgustingly sterile room, I forgot how bad it had been the last time.
"¿Qué -- I mean, what is it today?" I asked no one in particular, biting my tongue at the slip of native language. A small throng of white-clad "doctors" swarmed a table of medical equipment that resembled torture instruments. One of them turned to me with a blank look in his eyes. It was like I was only a thing to them. A guinea pig for the wonders of "science."
One of them pulled out a large drill-like tool and gave it a giant whir. I jumped, clenching my hands under the special restraints, just for me. He looked at the others quizzically, and they nodded. The scientists pulled down their masks, and the horrors began.
It was pretty bad.


I staggered into the hallway, my sight immediately gone as my eyes struggled to adjust after such bright lighting in the lab. My whole body was shaking, and cold sweat ran down my back. I had never felt so exhausted. Maybe sleep was a good idea after all.
But as I wandered slowly back to my quarters, hoping that my joints would stay solid until I reached it, I heard slow shuffled footsteps behind me. Inwardly sighing, hoping it wasn't an idiot guard looking for trouble.
Dark brown eyes and that signature marred eyebrow greeted me.
"Hey, Bora," I sighed, immense relief at my one friend flooding my worn body.
He smirked at the sound of his nickname and flicked my nose with one finger, an old joke between us. I laughed despite myself, but my happiness faded as I noticed a rapidly healing bruise around his eye.
"¿Qué...?" I asked, wary of what he would tell me. I thought we had agreed to no ore fighting.
Noah shifted his weight, sheepish. He rubbed his forehead and glanced at me.
"Long story."
"Isn't it always?"
He gave a small laugh, at that was all the time it took for his bruise to heal away completely. It was a miracle I noticed it before it disappeared. It must have been pretty horrible.
He swept an arm over my shoulders and guided me down the hallway until I stumbled, weak. He looked at me in concern.
"C'mon, Dani. Let's get some food, and whine about life."
"This world is but a canvas to our imagination."

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Fri Sep 12, 2014 1:38 am
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thelostone says...

Shiloh Turner

"Shiloh Turner, report to the labs."

Shiloh felt as if she had been hit in the gut. "No. No, no, no." She whispered, her breathing increasing heavily. She looked around frantically, assessing her options. If she ran, they'd catch her. If she stayed, they'd drag her. But what if she hid? There was just enough room underneath the standard cots for a little girl to crawl under. Shiloh grabbed Addy and inched into the small space. She sunk back as far as she could and tried to hold back the tears that were just waiting to fall.

It didn't take long before she heard the first few footsteps. They were coming for her. If she didn't willingly go to the labs, they'd take her. Her heart pounded and she covered her mouth with her hand to keep from breathing too loudly. Without her permission, a tear fell.

"Cell 117," A scratchy voice said. "This is her's." Two pairs of slick white boots invaded her room. Just the sight of their ankles made Shiloh tremble. She clutched Addy tighter and tried to keep her breaths quiet. It's not an easy task when you're on the verge of hyperventilating.

"Where the hell'd she go?" Another deep voice. The books squeaked against the cold stone floor as they took a few steps closer to Shiloh. One pair stayed put, the other walked further into the room. Shiloh silently pressed her body against the wall. She quickly wiped the tears hanging from her chin, she was afraid they'd make a sound if they fell.

"Damn kid." One swore and picked up a fork left behind in the corner. "This is the second time she's taken a useless piece of plastic."

Shiloh's vision blurred with more tears. They had Ed and it looked as if he was going to meet the same unfortunate end as his namesake.

Please don't hurt him, please don't hurt him.

"I'd take it back to the cafeteria but it's bent. Now there's really no use to it."

There was a sickening crack and Shiloh felt as if she had been shot. Before she could stop herself, she let out a whimper.

"Wait, Vrunski," One pair of boots squeaked again as it took a step closer. "Did you hear that?"

In one fast motion, a hand thrust itself under the bed and latched onto Shiloh's arm. She let out an agonizing scream and tried to hold onto something but there was nothing. The strong white coat ripped Shiloh out from under the cot. As soon as she saw the broken remains of Ed in the other white coat's hand something inside her snapped. She thrashed and screamed, like a wild animal. She bit down hard on the white coat's arm causing him to let go of her. She backed into her corner and crouched.

"Gah!" He cried out. "She bit me!" He winced, looking at the little red dots of blood forming from the teeth marks.


The other white coat, the one with a scary beard cracked his neck and threw Ed's halves onto the floor. "Alright you little shit," He growled. "I've had enough of your psychotic tantrums." When he turned slightly to reach for something in his pocket, Shiloh jumped around his waist, climbing up him and kicking him in the process. "Son of a-OWENS GET HER THE HELL OFF OF ME!"

Shiloh was so infuriated and consumed with grief that she couldn't form words. Everything that came out of her mouth was jumbled, choked by her own tears. She clung onto Vrunksi's neck pulling him backwards, her nails digging into his skin.

She didn't notice the white coat-Owens- coming up behind her until it was too late. One buzz and a short shock was all it took for Shiloh's arms to fall weak and everything else to go black.
maybe hell is just rewinding home movies

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Fri Sep 12, 2014 3:44 pm
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IamTraunt says...

Noah Boravich - Courtyard

Glancing at Avery, she gave me a sympathetic look. She was the only person who understood me. Somehow, she seemed to think I wasn't the bad guy everyone made me out to be. I liked that. But still... I felt that her confidence was misplaced. Even though she was one in dozens of people, I sometimes believed that I may be the good guy. Just maybe.

I had told her what had happened, and she listened to my every word. Rubbing the back of my neck, I gave her a lopsided smile. She smiled back, but I could tell she was still hurting from the trial.

"¡ay! Mierda." She grimaced and held herself tightly. Wafting her hand at me as if to say she was okay, she sat up straight, sighing. "I'm fine. I'm fine. Look - don't listen to Dexton, he's a jerk."

Nodding a little, I ate another spoonful of whatever-the-hell-that-slop-was. The food was definitely the worst I had in a long time. Just another thing that made my day even better. No matter how Avery was going to comfort me, I'd still feel like dirt. He must have really hated me to say the things he did. No one that likes you wished you were dead.

"How was the trials?" Avery laughed a little as I said it, shovelling another spoonful in her mouth. She swallowed.

"Awful as usual," she replied, sarcastically, eyebrows furrowing. Whenever we got the chance, we would complain the day away. It was the norm for us.

Suddenly, a scream echoed throughout the corridors and rang in my ears. Avery jumped slightly and we turned our heads towards the door. You would think we'd get used to the screams. Well you don't. And you never escape them. Not until death. The scream was high pitched and sounded young. Maybe it was Shiloh? Avery turned back to the table, picking away at her food.

"I..." I shifted in my seat. I could... Maybe if I...

Avery's eyes focused on me, reading me like a book. She shook her head a little. No more fighting, okay? ¿por favor? I had promised her I wouldn't fight any more. One time I had been soaked in blood, my own and the guy I had beaten up. My whole body ached and I was in so much pain. She's helped to clean me up, and that's when I promised her. But I couldn't just do nothing.

Standing up, I headed towards the screaming. It was definitely Shiloh. I could hear her voice shouting something. Something about being killed. Flashes of earlier stained my eyes and I couldn't help feeling sick. Running feet followed not far behind and a hand pulled me back.

"No! Deténgase!" Avery cried.

Holding her by the shoulders, I said, "I have to, Dani."

"You don't have to prove yourself to anyone," she told me, her voice strained, worried about the consequences. But I couldn't stop. I had to vent my anger out on someone. And who better than a Coat?

"I'm sorry." I carried on, and Avery still followed me, telling me to stop and cursing loudly in Spanish. The screaming cut off and I saw two of them, one dragging Shiloh by her legs. They stopped when they saw me, looking agitated.

"Carry on," one of them said, his hand slipping by his side, reaching to get something. I heard Avery squeak a please and my stomach churned. You promised.

Raising my arm upwards, I sent an invisible wave through the air, knocking the one dragging Shiloh into the wall. I felt something pass through me - possibly Avery's hand, trying to stop me, but she must've turned shadow. The other one pulled out a taser and ran towards me with it. Swinging my arm upwards, I punched him in the jaw and grabbed him by the jacket. I slammed his face into the wall, an explosion of blood splattering all around. The Coat groaned and I thrust him against the wall again, knocking him out.

"Go! Take her!" I shouted at Avery, and she scrabbled towards the lifeless girl, scooping her up into her arms and running off.

A loud Bang! shot off and I felt something lodge into the back of my head. As I collapsed to the floor, I saw the Coat against the wall, holding a gun.

I was going to have a headache when I woke up.
Before you judge me...
Make sure you're perfect.

"Good friends, good books, and a sleepy conscience: this is the ideal life.”
― Mark Twain

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Mon Oct 06, 2014 4:50 am
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SpiritedWolfe says...

Ember Patron

Four years before I fell into this nightmare, my grandfather had a heart attack. Only a day later he died. I think I may be having one now. And I'm set to die soon.

My heart pounds in my chest like someone pounding a hammer on a wall. If I weren't already shaking uncontrollably, the force of it all would definately sent tremors through my body. One thump after another I hear it, like it's been shoved into my ears and I'm afraid the entire world can sense my panic. Because they can.

No one else is around though, and I craddle myself in a corner of some adandonned closet. My breathing is quick and ragged, even unreliable, because I feel that it can quit on me at any moment. It wouldn't be so bad if that happened right? I just want to shove everything out of my mind, to just forget the day and everything that happened. This world isn't real, remember?

But it feels so real, which scares me. No, it's not just that which scares me, but what actually happened. Never before have two people touched me in one day, I'm usually too careful for that, and never before have two dreams come up in the same day. Scratch that- the same month. They're not supposed to be this common so why do they come now?

I clutch my knees tighter. This isn't what I want to be thinking about right now. But soon the pain from the first dream and the betrayal feeling from the second comes back. Even worse. I just want to scream out, or cry or yell or throw some kind of fit like I'm ten again, but instead I choke on tears and continue to silently sob.

Now that my thoughts have strayed back to the dreams, and sadly I can remember each detail very clearly, I begin to somewhat analyze what was going on- what in the world it was all about. Why does it happen to me? What is it supposed to mean? If anything?

The first one... doesn't feel like it was me, but it was. The same with the second. I knew things I probably shouldn't have known and it all felt real. Like it was some experience from a long time ago resurfaced. Oh great, another shiver.

Just then, the door handle rattles and I want to shrink and disappear. Who is it now? Someone else who wants to enjoy my react to torture? What am I wearing some kind of sigh that says "Step right up and watch Ember slowly lose her mind!"?

As they step into the little room, I realize it's the same person who bumped into me, and also the person who gave me a second dream. "Oh there you are."

"Why'd you come find me?" I ask, more so to the floor with my eyes trained on it.

"You did kind of just start sobbing and run away. Not something you see everyday. I wanted to make sure you're alright."

"Well, I'm not, so you can go away."

He chuckles and plops down beside me, which causes me to cringe. Quickly, I retract my arm, clutching it close to my chest. He will not touch me again today. Two is enough for the next three months.

"I'm not going anywhere just yet," he says. "That's an interesting power you've got there."

"What power?"

He gives me a strange look. "What power? Obviously the only power you have: reliving memories."

My throat tightens and I nearly sputter, "Reliving... Memories- what?"

"You really don't know?" he pauses, like he's trying to think of what to make of me. "You never realized you had powers?"

"Powers... No. I didn't even think it were possible to have powers."

"So you never realized things like Shiloh can animate objects or even that Avery can turn into a freaking shadow?" He sighs when I shake my head. "What kind of world do you live in that you're oblivious to all this?"

You have no idea.

Instead I reply quietly, "Well what kind of power do you have then?"

"Me? Well... All of them. They sort of come and go."

Powers? I have powers? This is all what these dreams all are? Is this why I'm here? But why do these specific ones curse me? The memories are always of suffering and pain. I take a look at my hand, closely examining each crease. What triggers it then?

After a moment of silence, I finally look over at him. "Could you teach me?"

"What? Uh... I mean I guess I probably could, but-."

"Please? I'm not really fond of living in fear of touching things."

He raises an eyebrow at me and pulls himself up. "Alright, I can try. You know, you're an interesting girl, Ember."

As he's about leave, I speak up one last time, "Your name is Noah, right?"

With that, he laughs and responds, "Yeah." Then he leaves. Probably back to whatever he was doing before this who ordeal. For the first time in a while, I'm not so inclined to slip back into my fantasy world, having new things to be occupying my thoughts.

For who knows how long, I think about life now and before, how my so called powers have always been present. I'm so engrossed, I almost miss the gunshot echo off the wall of the hall. Of course today wouldn't end peacefully.
[insert really cool and fun quote here]
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Wed Oct 22, 2014 2:07 am
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elysian says...

Spoiler! :
I'm so sorry it's short I know >.<


I felt nothing but bliss as I held the only happiness I had in my arms. She was beautiful, and she was here with me. I stroked her hair, feeling it's smoothness. She was asleep, It was probably around 2 am, but I couldn't sleep. I was scared she would leave again.

She would leave like my mother. I always imagined my mother with my eyes and my hair but longer. She probably gave me my dimples too. I wouldn't know because she abandoned me when I was a baby.

I feel worse for Kayden though, she's been through the worst. She had a little sister, a sister that would be around 10 now, that died when she was 8 due to a bad reaction to a test. She wouldn't eat, sleep, talk. She was barely alive.

I pulled her out of it I guess. I didn't help much, she's so strong. I've never seen her cry before these last few days. Yet she still amazes me with how well she handles everything.

I kissed her hair, feeling it on my lips. Her eyes opened, and I closed my eyes, pretending to sleep. She shifted to look at me, and whispered softly, "Sam?"

I opened one eye and she smiled. "Have you been awake this whole time? What time is it?"

"Around two." I murmured, then I leaned down and touched her lips briefly, happy for a distraction that felt so good.

She shifted to look at me further away, playing with her hand. "What are we even doing?" She sighed. My heart dropped, she didn't feel the same way.

"Don't be so unsettled." She smiled and shook her head, not making eye contact.

I blushed, again forgetting she could read my aura. A heavy silence fell over us, and I longed for us to just be normal. To be able to leave.

"Sam, I...I..." She made a face, try to choke out whatever she was trying to say. She sighed. "Sam I like you." The heat in her cheeks turned them pink, but she frowned. Glancing up at me she continued, "But I don't know if this...us...will work. I don't want us to trick ourselves into thinking that we really like each other when we're just afraid and lonely." She looked down again. "Do you understand?"

"I...yes." I answered, trying to hide the pain. I was going to make a run for it again tomorrow night, and this time she won't get left behind.
elysian: (adj.) beautiful or creative; divinely inspired; peaceful and perfect.

formally lylas.

The poetry of the earth is never dead.
— John Keats