
Young Writers Society


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Mon May 20, 2019 8:50 am
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Mageheart says...

Looks were exchanged throughout the group, but every last one of them was met with a shake of the head. No one had even a remote idea of where the captain's room would be - Pride had done the most traveling out of all of them, but he hadn't been paying much attention once he accidentally found the group.

[ she/her, but in a boy kinda way ]

roleplaying is my platonic love language.

queer and here.

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299 Reviews

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Mon May 20, 2019 5:28 pm
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TheSilverFox says...

Lunis rolled his eyes. "Fine," he said, "Guess we'd better go find it." Reaching up, he yanked Mal down, tearing up Mal's robes with a loud ripping sound. The lion growled in exasperation, but Lunis quickly slung Mal over his back and darted out the entrance, flying through the maze that was the ship once again.
S'io credesse che mia risposta fosse
a persona che mai tornasse al mondo,
questa fiamma staria senza piu scosse.
Ma per ciò che giammai di questo fondo
non tornò vivo alcun, s'i' odo il vero,
senza tema d'infamia ti rispondo.

Inferno, Canto 27, l 61-66.

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590 Reviews


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Tue May 21, 2019 12:34 am
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Mageheart says...

The group filed out after the two, assuming the same positions as before - though, this time, Aquarius made sure to stay right by Kaito's side.

[ she/her, but in a boy kinda way ]

roleplaying is my platonic love language.

queer and here.

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299 Reviews

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Points: 24185
Reviews: 299
Tue May 21, 2019 1:20 am
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TheSilverFox says...

Kellach sighed as he and Aegeas left the room. Walking at the back of the group, Kellach ran his paw along the wall. "I get that Lunis is a tracker and all," he said, "But do we really have to keep following him like this? Should we just wait for him to come back to us, or is there any way to make this faster?"
S'io credesse che mia risposta fosse
a persona che mai tornasse al mondo,
questa fiamma staria senza piu scosse.
Ma per ciò che giammai di questo fondo
non tornò vivo alcun, s'i' odo il vero,
senza tema d'infamia ti rispondo.

Inferno, Canto 27, l 61-66.

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590 Reviews


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Tue May 21, 2019 8:50 am
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Mageheart says...

Aquarius wasn't sure if Kellach was talking to him, so he kept his voice quiet when he replied - he didn't want to sound like he was intruding on another conversation. "I think it's safer like this," he hesitantly said. "If Lunis finds something bad and can't handle it on his own, there's no way for us to quickly reach him."

[ she/her, but in a boy kinda way ]

roleplaying is my platonic love language.

queer and here.

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299 Reviews

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Tue May 21, 2019 5:04 pm
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TheSilverFox says...

Leaping over a hole in the floor, Kellach sighed. "Ugh, that's fair," he said. "Lunis always gets into crazy situations. And it's Lunis, so I don't really feel like helping him out. Maybe Mal, but he's also kinda annoying."
S'io credesse che mia risposta fosse
a persona che mai tornasse al mondo,
questa fiamma staria senza piu scosse.
Ma per ciò che giammai di questo fondo
non tornò vivo alcun, s'i' odo il vero,
senza tema d'infamia ti rispondo.

Inferno, Canto 27, l 61-66.

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590 Reviews


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Tue May 21, 2019 11:59 pm
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Mageheart says...

"But what if it's something that could hurt him or kill him?" Aquarius whispered. He didn't want to talk about something so negative, but they were in a dangerous place - Kellach would want to help Lunis in a situation like that.


[ she/her, but in a boy kinda way ]

roleplaying is my platonic love language.

queer and here.

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299 Reviews

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Reviews: 299
Wed May 22, 2019 12:34 am
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TheSilverFox says...

Kellach pulled his head back, frowning. "Yeah," he said. "Why wouldn't I? Just because I don't like them a whole lot doesn't mean I'm not going to run over and help them."

"They fought with us," Aegeas mumbled. Kellach looked back to see Aegeas staring through holes in the wall, blinking at the light that streamed over the endless desert beyond. "It's the least we can do."
S'io credesse che mia risposta fosse
a persona che mai tornasse al mondo,
questa fiamma staria senza piu scosse.
Ma per ciò che giammai di questo fondo
non tornò vivo alcun, s'i' odo il vero,
senza tema d'infamia ti rispondo.

Inferno, Canto 27, l 61-66.

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590 Reviews


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Wed May 22, 2019 8:41 am
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Mageheart says...

Aquarius ducked his head down. "You just made it sound like that," he said. He scooted a little closer to Kaito, who had been too busying humming a song under his breath to notice the conversation that had just happened a short distance away from him.

[ she/her, but in a boy kinda way ]

roleplaying is my platonic love language.

queer and here.

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299 Reviews

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Wed May 22, 2019 4:37 pm
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TheSilverFox says...

"That's because he always picks a fight with somebody, or somebody's out to kill him, or he's sleeping on the floor and doesn't want to get up," Kellach said. "Dude's kind of a mess."
S'io credesse che mia risposta fosse
a persona che mai tornasse al mondo,
questa fiamma staria senza piu scosse.
Ma per ciò che giammai di questo fondo
non tornò vivo alcun, s'i' odo il vero,
senza tema d'infamia ti rispondo.

Inferno, Canto 27, l 61-66.

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590 Reviews


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Wed May 22, 2019 11:39 pm
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Mageheart says...

Kaito, who only now was paying attention to the conversation happening behind him because of Aquarius moving closer, turned back to look at Kellach, Aegeas and Aquarius. "Are we talking about Aleks?" he asked.

Aquarius stifled a laugh.

"It sounded like a description of him!" Kaito protested. "Aleks is always getting into fights, almost being killed, and definitely isn't a morning person-"

A giggle escaped Aquarius, despite his best efforts to prevent it. A grin started to spread across Kaito's face in response - there was no laugh more beautiful than his god's.

[ she/her, but in a boy kinda way ]

roleplaying is my platonic love language.

queer and here.

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299 Reviews

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Wed May 22, 2019 11:57 pm
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TheSilverFox says...

"Sounds lot like Lunis," Kellach said. In spite of how odd the conversation had been, he couldn't help but grin when Aquarius and Kaito did. "'Course, he just sleeps whenever. I'm not sure he even knows what a morning is."
S'io credesse che mia risposta fosse
a persona che mai tornasse al mondo,
questa fiamma staria senza piu scosse.
Ma per ciò che giammai di questo fondo
non tornò vivo alcun, s'i' odo il vero,
senza tema d'infamia ti rispondo.

Inferno, Canto 27, l 61-66.

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590 Reviews


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Thu May 23, 2019 9:06 am
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Mageheart says...

Kaito and Aquarius exchanged a look, and now Kaito was giggling, too.

"That really does sound like Aleks," he commented. "Aleks is terrible in the morning. It's impossible to get him out of bed when he doesn't want to, and he gives whoever manages to drag him out a glare from across the room for the rest of the morning."

[ she/her, but in a boy kinda way ]

roleplaying is my platonic love language.

queer and here.

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299 Reviews

Gender: None specified
Points: 24185
Reviews: 299
Thu May 23, 2019 4:38 pm
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TheSilverFox says...

"Lunis glares at people all the time," said Kellach, starting to laugh. "You wake him up? He's mad at you. He hasn't eaten yet? He's mad at you. You catch him in his boyfriend's arms? He's really mad at you."

Aegeas tapped him on the shoulder. "Um, Kellach," he said, as the otter in question turned back to him. "He has good reason to be upset."

"Well," Kellach said, cheeks starting to sting as he crossed his arms, "He needs to close his door more often."
S'io credesse che mia risposta fosse
a persona che mai tornasse al mondo,
questa fiamma staria senza piu scosse.
Ma per ciò che giammai di questo fondo
non tornò vivo alcun, s'i' odo il vero,
senza tema d'infamia ti rispondo.

Inferno, Canto 27, l 61-66.

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590 Reviews


Gender: Nonbinary
Points: 1234
Reviews: 590
Thu May 23, 2019 11:31 pm
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Mageheart says...

Kaito looked over at Aquarius and frowned, a regretful expression flickering across his face.

"I'd love to get caught in your arms," Kaito wistfully said. His shoulders slumped. Aquarius, noting the change in mood, tried his best to make Kaito feel better - he bridged the little distance between him and his chosen and threw his arms around Kaito.

"Now you're in my arms," Aquarius quietly said, smiling.

Kaito gave a small smile of his own. "...Thanks."

[ she/her, but in a boy kinda way ]

roleplaying is my platonic love language.

queer and here.

You walk into this room at your own risk, because it leads to the future, not a future that will be but one that might be. This is not a new world, it is simply an extension of what began in the old one. It has patterned itself after every dictator who has ever planted the ripping imprint of a boot on the pages of history since the beginning of time. It has refinements, technological advances, and a more sophisticated approach to the destruction of human freedom. But like every one of the super states that preceded it, it has one iron rule: logic is an enemy and truth is a menace.
— Rod Serling