
Young Writers Society

#Classified vs. #LongLiveBigBrother

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Tue Nov 12, 2019 10:22 pm
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Mageheart says...


A YWS Tagbook

YWS Birthday Week 2019


Starting Note: Tagbooks are a special kind of storybook. Instead of making a character profile, the character you write for is yourself - and other members of the site! Your goal is to tag as many users as you possibly can in your posts, while also telling a story. In this case, you're telling the story of the epic fight between the warring factions Classified and Unclassified.

(Or is it something else...?)

Tagbooks are usually wacky, random and filled with fourth wall breaks - if you're lucky enough to be tagged, or just want to pop in with a post of your own, you're in for a treat!

( Here's an old tagbook, if you're still confused. :)

And here's the link to the Spooktober tagbook from last month! )

And now, let the battle begin.


Jay - who was still having trouble getting used to calling herself by that name instead of Mage - hadn't exactly been keeping up with the whole classified thing. She had become an unwilling victim of its schemes thanks to the somewhat aforementioned name change, but between school, fanfictions and way too many roleplays, she hadn't really been keeping tracking of who did what.

But she had been watching from afar, and was very much intrigued by what was supposed to go down in just a matter of minutes.

The Unclassified Club had discovered a major game changer - the Classified members had their super secret base on Mars. People really hadn't been to Mars before, but they were writers, so it made sense - all they had to do was write the ability to go to Mars, and they were all set. Or they could have tracked down a random science-fiction writer, but no one was entirely sure if Classified already had one in their ranks.

Jay wasn't planning on taking part in the Unclassified club's raid of the Mars base, but she did want a front row seat. Armed with some popcorn, her favorite new pair of goggles - courtesy of a Kid Flash avatar that was bound to change by the time someone reads this post, therefore confusing the heck out of them - and her phone, Jay plopped herself down right next to the base.

The Unclassified crew, led by @alliyah, marched up to the towering building clad in their red #LongLiveBigBrother spacesuits. They were all chatting theories and taking furious notes. Only @EverLight, @EternalRain and @Oxara seemed to have noticed that their spacesuits really weren't needed - Classified had written a breathable atmosphere onto the planet - and were in the middle of taking their helmets off.

"Wait," a voice suddenly said, "what are you doing outside the base?"

Heads turned to look at @BluesClues.

Standing behind her was a flock of Classified members, clad in their own special spacesuits - these, of course, were blue, like the squares that had replaced their avatars and led to countless mistaken identity crises on the site.

"We're here to find out your nefarious secrets," @RavenLord proclaimed.

"Shhh," @zaminami hissed. "It's supposed to be a secret raid."

@BlueFeltrix stared. "But we're raiding you."

Now it was @Panikos who did the shushing.

@Dilbert64 and @ShadowVyper exchanged a look from across enemy lines.

"If you're coming for a raid for us and we're coming for a raid for you," Dilbert said.

"Then who actually gave us the intel?" Shadow finished.

alliyah and BluesClues slowly turned their heads to stare at Jay, who was happily eating her popcorn over in the corner.

"I got it from Jay," Blue admitted.

"I got it from her, too," alliyah said.

Jay rose to her feet, pushing her goggles up into her hair.

"It looks like you finally caught onto my scheme," she said, adding in a little evil laugh for extra ominousness. She turned towards the building - her popcorn forgotten on the ground. Cupping her hands around her mouth, she yelled, "Time to let them in, @ExOmelas and @ScarlettFire!"

The entire group was suddenly transported within the towering building. It wasn't nearly as impressive inside as it was outside, but that wasn't the important part. Streamers suddenly fell down from the sky, as a very, very loud, "Surprise!" was belted out by the three partners-in-crime. Even before the seemingly massive blue cake became noticeable in the back of the room, a sign that dropped down from the ceiling gave the real reason for the Mars raid away.

The sign read:



[ she/her, but in a boy kinda way ]

roleplaying is my platonic love language.

queer and here.

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Tue Nov 12, 2019 11:16 pm
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Feltrix says...

Feltrix saw the sign and cursed under his breath. He didn't actually curse, he just wrote that to add the intended sentiment, but keep everything PG. "She's onto us," he said to @AvantCoffee.

alliyah squinted suspiciously. "What does that mean?"

"Um... It's #classified," said Feltrix as alliyah began scribbling franticly into a tattered notebook.

"I'll have to add this to my cork board with all the red string and push pins," she muttered.

Panikos looked around the room. The cake and banner had been written into existence, but nothing else had been established as canon, so it was difficult to tell what was going on. Panikos turned and said, "So, Mage– no, Jay, is this some sort of-" Panikos' form flickered like a TV with interference and an error code appeared. A second later, Panikos' physical form remanifested. "Sorry about that. Is this supposed to be a Classified v. Unclassified Battle Royale or something?"

Before Mage (Feltrix still called her that) could respond, Feltrix cut in, saying, "I'm not sure I'm ready to commit to what this is or is not, just drop a few cryptic hints and make some jokes about alliyah's waning sanity."

"Hey! I'm totally, completely, 100% sane!" alliyah protested, adjusting her tinfoil hat and putting away her pocket cork board.

"Sure, sure," Feltrix continued, scanning both sides of the crowd. "But if this is a Battle Royale... where is @KaiRyu?"
Intrepid Explorer
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Tue Nov 12, 2019 11:19 pm
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Feltrix says...

Feltrix cursed again (but not really). "That was a pretty good exit line, but I forgot all the important stuff! I didn't even mention the blue squares... and who the Hades put our bases on Mars?! That was a terrible idea! All the fun stuff is on Earth. We don't have an atmosphere here! Helheim, we don't even have a magnetic field! This was very poor planning. Very poor planning indeed."
Intrepid Explorer
Squire of the Green Room
Harbinger of the Cosmic Squid
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Founder of Hermits United
TIME Magazine's 2006 Person of the Year
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Wed Nov 13, 2019 2:52 am
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alliyah says...

"it's not tinfoil. it's a party hat" @alliyah muttered under her breath.

Something was seriously, seriously wrong. She couldn't figure out how @Jaybird could continue to celebrate @Yewis' birthday amidst the plots of #Classified Crew that were looming to some sort of culmination on the 14th. Surely a martian-themed birthday party wasn't the revelation of the blue squares that alliyah had been spending the last few weeks meticulously researching and examining. She had her suspicions about @Jaybird's involvement with classified, but Jay also had a history of planning interesting parties for YWS events, so it was unresolved.

She decided to call up a few of the Unclassified code-breakers, who she had on speed-dial. *group call of @jster02, @Riellehn, @Oxara*

"Hey gang, it's alliyah, any idea what this "birthday charade" is all about?"

@jster02 responded first, "I've already put the number "15" through a few of my code analysis units, and I'm fairly certain that when paired with the date "11-14-19" it is a cipher for solving this whole thing. Whether she knew it or not, @Jaybird has given us the last clue we need to solve this."

"But what does it mean?" alliyah asked urgently.

"It all goes back. We need to go back in the history of YWS. And use the numbers." @Oxara said back.

@Riellehn who back at their office was looking at a very technical decoding chart explained the math, "You take the first date, the month & day add those, then subtract the last two digits of the year - in this case 11+14 then minus 19. You get 9 this is KEY 1. Next you find a corresponding date of significance do the same equation with adding month & day, subtracting year, and find one that when added to KEY 1 gets "15" the cipher! The trick is evaluating all dates of significance, could take years."

"I think I know the date. Meet me at the Mars Station tomorrow on the 13th for the demonstration. We're unclassifying this case, for good." alliyah hung up the phone.

Alliyah started running towards the Squills Newsroom, making sure to stop briefly at the Post-Office to drop off her RSVP for @Jaybird's Chat Party that was happening later in the week, then continued running.

She made it to the building, brushing into @Liberty the newest squills reporter on the way. "You may want to get this story Lib, it's going to be BIG."

She found the editors room, where @fraey, @EternalRain, and @CaptainJack were sitting at a conference table sorting through a large pile of memes. "Can I get the Squills Birthday archive articles, from last year?"

@Fraey chuckled a bit, but this wasn't the first time Alliyah had came to the editors with interesting requests, so fraey mumbled some binary to @SquillsBot, and produced the article.

"Yep this is exactly what I was looking for! The date that we needed is 3-13-07, the Monkeys vs Dragons Mascot wars."

The editors looked at Alliyah strangely, but she rushed out of the office flying back over to the Mars Station. There was no time to lose, something that had long ago been "decided" was emerging again, and new feuds and secrets were being written. She didn't know how exactly yet, but she knew that the Monkey vs Dragon Mascot wars had something to do with the Blue Squares, and she was going to get to the bottom of it.

Once at the Mars Station, she marched past a group of YWSers who were munching on cake @TheMulticoloredCyr, @Awru, @Asith, and @KatjaDawn and got out her poster-board she had been collecting evidence on. Alliyah did stop to hand out a few fliers to her haiku contest before continuing on her mission.

"It might be birthday week, but members of YWS, we can not trust Classified! It is my suspicion that on 11/14/19 they are going to drastically change the site if we don't stop them first. The Blue Squares are a clear reference to Project Blue Book and the Blue Screen of Death - I am fairly certain that Classified Crew is being pressured by the US government to censor vital information about extraterrestrial life and artificial intelligent and they are prepared to destroy the site if we don't stop them first!"

A few folks that had somehow missed the earlier classified commotion looked a bit uncomfortably at alliyah and slowly backed away to the snack table.

Another group of users including @Wolfical, @PrincessInk, @Mea, @AtlasW, and @Miraculor77 all clad in red "Pro-Big-Brother" shirts and space suits, and some holding cake-plates, started making there way closer to the podium and brought out their own lists of information they'd been collecting about classified, and started chanting, "Long Live Big Brother, Long Live Big Brother, Long Live Big Brother!"

A few Classified members, including the three blues, @BlueFeltrix, @BluesClues, and @TheBlueCat were wearing their signature blue color, looked surprised at the protest, but then started throwing egg shaped paint balls and papers that just had the printed word "classified" into the air. This was going to be an all-out mess for the party-cleaning committee.

Many members stood to the side, unsure of whether this was a party or failed-spin-off of the Area-51 raid. Which side should they join? Or was it best to wait out the drama and just grab some cake?

Alliyah held up the evidence cork-board above her head. "All will be unclassified, tomorrow."

you should know i am a time traveler &
there is no season as achingly temporary as now
but i have promised to return

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Wed Nov 13, 2019 4:07 am
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Shady says...

Shady Naruto ran in just then, skidding to a stop before the corkboard. "CLASSIFIED!"

She hesitated, not sure what to do now that she had everyone's attention. She turned her attention at alliyah's sign, wondering what it all meant. Screaming "classified" every time something mildly perplexing had happened had worked wonderfully to this point, but now this was an added level. A classified scheme of unclassified? A plot that couldn't be sucked under the #classified umbrella, maybe?

"You're... you're classifying unclassified, @alliyah!" She said accusingly. "You're not #LongLiveBigBrother anymore, you're just #LongLiveUnclassified. You revel in this chaos as much as the next person."

"That's not true!" she protested.

"IT DOESN'T HAVE TO BE TRUE," Shady shouted back. "All I have to do is slap a hashtag on it and people will believe it. Hey everyone, alliyah is classifying #unclassified! Reject her conspiracy! Join classified!"

@Tuckster and @AvantCoffee joined into the chorus. "REJECT HER CONSPIRACY! JOIN CLASSIFIED! PROTECT THE RIGHT TO PRIVACY!"

"u and rina are systematically watering down the grammar of yws" - Atticus
"From the fish mother to the fish death god." - lehmanf
"A fish stole my identity. I blame shady" - Omni

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Wed Nov 13, 2019 4:37 am
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Atticus says...

Tuckster climbed on top of an overturned wooden crate and cupped her hands around her mouth. "@alliyah, YWS is calling on you to unclassify classified! If you truly seek to reject conspiracies, you must clear up this haze that you have created. If you truly want to expose the truth, then you must step down from this pedestal of half-truths that you have built. And if you truly seek the good of YWS, you, your aforementioned supporters and @rosette, @Saruka, @fishsashimi must unclassify your own unclassified conspiracy theories. We challenge you, to do that tomorrow, November 13th, 2019, and in return we will reveal our secrets on November 14th. What will your choice be?"

"tiktok and giving children meth are my passions" ~ @ShadowVyper
"carinas long foretold chaos protege" ~ @veeren
"smol bean, future of chaos" ~ @carina

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Wed Nov 13, 2019 4:51 am
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alliyah says...

Alliyah observed Classified Crew descend into further chaos as several joined @ShadowVyper in the Naruto Running.

She wasn't sure what to make of the accusations that she was classifying information or making conspiracies herself, but wanted to put an end to it. She looked across the horizon, hoping to see more unclassified members showing up in space-ships soon to join the cause at the Mars Station. The next day would need everyone's support!

"@Tuckster, I absolutely will be unclassifying all the classified information that I can tomorrow, along with the Unclassified Club our plan is to reveal the truth that the Classified Crew has kept for so long from the site.

We will not allow the Blue Screen of Death to take-over the site or your secret Project Blue Book!"

With that she climbed down from the podium to enjoy some of the party snacks before the next day's important activities and revelations would begin. In the distance she heard a sound, that could only be described as a small chicken from somewhere far far away.
you should know i am a time traveler &
there is no season as achingly temporary as now
but i have promised to return

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Thu Nov 14, 2019 12:06 pm
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ExOmelas says...

Biscuits (ExOmelas) looked down around at all the red and blue surrounding them. Two colours, two options, their enby brain couldn't take this anymore. Two teams that they didn't understand fighting and fighting with them in the middle. They pulled on a yellow t-shirt and assembled a group of friends.

"@ScarlettFire, @CaptainJack, @TheSilverFox, @niteowl, @Ventomology, come on, let's show them how disagreements ought to be settled," Biscuits said. "@Panikos and @mellifera, you should know better. How do we fight? We fight with our words, not with our hashtags. We are the representatives of Last Man Standing, and we must put a stop to this chaos!"

Biscuits looked around at the others in the room. "We are Warriors, Rogues and Bards. Admittedly, that's varying levels of violence, but if you've ever played DnD you know how much damage a bard can do. And yet, we manage to settle our differences without bloodshed. It is time once and for all to settle this debate between red and blue. Let the games commence... and end in roughly 70-90 weeks!"

What fools these mortals be!
William Shakespeare
A Midsummer Night's Dream

Who cares if one more light goes out?
Well I do.

Linkin Park
One More Light

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Thu Nov 14, 2019 7:29 pm
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Oxara says...

. A figure with long hooded robe, that hid everything and cloaked his face in shadow appeared in the room, it was rather tall, and surprising thin for it's height.

@alliyah shot a accustory finger in Ox's way shouting "alien, or robot, or maybe robot alien. Or would it be an alien robot, whatever it is, unclassify yourself!"

The hooded figure responded "Of course, Alliyah, but first roll me a perception check"

"A what?"

@Tuckster engear to employ, their new knowledge exclaimed to Alliyah "I normally wouldn't tell you anything as it would be classified, but in this case I will make an exception. In DND a perception check is rolled when a character needs to see if they found out something.

The hooded figure laughed a little "Very good Tuck."

A floating hand appeared and carried a single D20 over to Tuck.

Tuck rolled and somehow manged to roll a natural 20.

The hooded figure to began to narrate himself doing the actions that he was doing. "The Hooded figure began to slowly pull the hood down. And undeath the cloaked shadowed hood was... @Oxara" Ox exclaimed

Alliyah turned on Ox, "Ox, but you had your space suit on!"

"Silly Alliyah Tricks are for DND players, I knew it was a party, I am a DM after all, so I brought my costume along!"

"You kept this form us, that's a very classified thing for you do to!" Alliyah nearly shouted at Ox, with love of course.

"Relax I only rolled a 15 on my perspective check, so @Magesar-- I mean @Jaybird would only tell me this was a party." Ox responded

"Even still you should have told me" alliyah said

"Please, I may be part of the unclassified movement, but even I can't believe that their hiding aliens, plus they don't have to, I have singular celled life all around me, I wrote it in."

"But, Ox, don't spread conspiarcy" Alliyah retorted

"I just enjoy code cracking more than anything, a little bit of classifed can be fun!"

Alliyah muttered something under her breath as @Tuckster, @Blueclues, @BlueFeltrix and @melifera all came in as their DND character. Tuck wore simple elves ear, Blue went full on with an edna costume, she was old enough to pull it off Ox supposed with a chuckle to himself. BlueFeltrix came in with a sword and some armor. And Mellifera just came in with a generic pirate costume, although she somehow managed to convince everyone it was really specific to her character

Alliyah practically shouted "They are all classified member's."

Ox simple gave Alliyah a wink and "Maybe I'll learn something useful then. Don't worry I'll use any information I find to help unclassify classified, but I am not becoming a tin hat theorist" Ox said pointing toward Alliyah's hat And went off to talk with the party that is currently building up still, both the DND one, and the quite literal mars party.

Opportunity does not knock, it presents itself when you beat down the door.
— Kyle Chandler