
Young Writers Society

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Thu Jun 24, 2010 8:13 pm
BenFranks says...

Post your profiles here.
Note: To be a part of the Epic SB you must have your character approved first. To do this, please PM one of the Co-Runners (in particular Elinor Brynn) or Mizzle. This is essential, or your post will be deleted.

Only accepting characters through "Character Approval Methods".

1st Post reserved for "Updates"

SB to be found here: topic65878.html

Helpful spreadsheet here: https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key ... l=en#gid=0
Change to character? Well, luckily you can edit the Spreadsheet with your changes to keep yourself and others updated! Oh, the wonder of techno-modern world...


Further Information:

PM BenFranks or any of the Co-Runners if you have questions, are confused, or any other queries.

- Jagged
- Skins
- AquaMarine
- Elinor Brynn


[Characters and Assigned teams (+Team Leaders)
SIS Elite Agents Leader: George Leyton (BenFranks)

Team Alpha (Leader: Jackson Reet)

Run Down:
This team will look after HQ's cover, run the bookshop, interact with the ordinary Chinese population to learn rumours and any ground information. They will also take part in any night operations.

Jackson Reet (AquaMarine)
Ty Sirus (Bolt)
James Dakota (Skins)
Erika Maureen Lily (Elinor Brynn)
Lila Downkins (Lolryne)
Clare Stepples (allmixedup)

Team Charlie (Leader: Samuel Cook)

Run Down:
This team will be visiting any Social events put on by REAF in the space of their time amongst this team. they must use wit, tactics and seduction to remain undercover and, if necessary, to kill. They will also assess the relationship between REAF and the SDT as priority.

Hayley Wilson (Mizzle)
Nyx Churchill (Undertaker)
Samuel Cook (Mr.Knightley)
Winter Valko (Fox)
Harry Raine (LastPaladin)
Maya Elizabeth Cardinal (foxfire)

Team Red (Leader: Clint Lawson)

Run Down:
This'll be the tactical team of the operation, specialising in disabiling army establishments and weapon fixments. Their tasks vary from assasinating REAF army commanders, soldiers, sabotaging weaponry or merely spying on high security military meetings.

Clint Lawson (Jagged)
Raeven Charleston (Kaywiia)
Fey O'Connor (BondGirl007)
Naomi Grafton (Kitty15)
Leighton Howell (Kara Hargreaves)
Isadaemys Abney (RedBird)

Active Operations/Characters participating:

Last edited by BenFranks on Tue Jun 29, 2010 12:34 pm, edited 7 times in total.

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Thu Jun 24, 2010 8:13 pm
BenFranks says...

*** UPDATES ***

June 24th 2010:
. Find out how the characters got on their special ops mission by reading through the start of the first SIS Epic SB here: topic65152.html
. You can make edits to the Spreadsheet in accordance with changes to your character. Though, do not edit other people's characters on the Spreadsheet without permission or you will be removed from the SB.
June 28th 2010:
. Storybook officially starts.
. Team Charlie receives first operation, Reet and Clint on stand-by.
Last edited by BenFranks on Mon Jun 28, 2010 12:25 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Thu Jun 24, 2010 8:14 pm
BenFranks says...

Reserved for Links

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Thu Jun 24, 2010 8:14 pm
BenFranks says...

First and Last Name: George Leyton.

Nickname: "Guv'nor"
Note: also Leader of the Elite SIS Agents group.

Age: 37

Appearance (Description): Short, cropped dark brown hair, young of face. Pale, white and relatively tall. He comes across as quite a hard-thinking bloke due to his stance of putting his hands behind his back and looking downward as a detective may be seen to do.

Image (optional):
Spoiler! :

Personality: Loving and kind first and foremost, thanks to his family man attitude he was raised in. However, he's never been married or had a wife; he's a player in the romance side, but his relationships never seem to last. He's a hard thinker, hence the fact he's the leader and will never kill someone unless he has to. He's also quite patriotic.

Preferred Vehicle:
Spoiler! :

BMWs or anything German.

Style: Stealth, if he has to. He prefers going undercover in operative situations rather than using his license to kill. Very rarely does he get involved, Guv'nor's a thinker and always has been.

Skills/Weapons/Other: Silenced Walther P99 9mm pistol. He can also adapt to a character quickly and therefore thrives in undercover operations.

Up for love: Yes.

History: Started in the army and by the time he was in his early twenties he had been fast drafted into the SAS. His rank rose quickly as his superiors realised his natural art as a team leader. However, by order of Her Majesty, he transferred into the SIS and has worked as a team leading Field Operative ever since. In terms of childhood, he loved the outdoors and had one good solid friend through school. Unfortunately his friend was killed and that sent him on a quest for justice ever since. Now his priority is to stop a war.

Code: 009
Last edited by BenFranks on Thu Jun 24, 2010 8:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Thu Jun 24, 2010 8:15 pm
Elinor says...

First and Last Name
Erika Maureen Lily



Erika is 5'5 with pale, cream like skin. She has a slim, athletic figure and black tribal swirl tattoos on her ankle and and left hand. Her hair is pale-blonde and falls in thick waves to her shoulders. Her eyes are small and clear-blue, hidden beneath thick, dark eyebrows. She's a very simple girl and hardly wears any makeup. Her complexion is very rosy, and as such, she looks very innocent and has the appearance of fifteen year old girl.


Spoiler! :

Erika is very reserved and quiet, occasionally pitching in her ideas but often being scared to. She's very kind and forgiving, but it is never possible to tell what she's thinking. She sees herself as a liability to her group, and as such is often going out of her way to try and please them.

Preferred Vehicle
Ferrari 458 Italia

Spoiler! :

Erika uses her beauty and innocence to act like an idiot and luring her enemies to believe that she is incapable of harm. By the time they learn the truth, it is too late.

Erika's preferred method of killing people is by poison; she carries countless small bottles of it in her bag. This is because she hates the sight of blood. Although she carries a pistol and knife, she only uses them for emergencies.

Up for love:
Although she wants a boyfriend, she is not desperate and thus very hard to win over.

Erika was born in Chicago, IL, and lived there until she was thirteen, when a job search forced her parents to relocate. Being a reserved person, she didn't make many friends in America and was excited to move and start fresh. Her first interest in intelligence service could have arguably come from the gritty action movies she watched and the hardcore karate classes that she took. Erika also enjoyed history and learning about how countries interacted with one another. At first, the CIA wanted to recruit her, but she decided to join the SIS instead.

Last edited by Elinor on Thu Jun 24, 2010 8:27 pm, edited 3 times in total.

All our dreams can come true — if we have the courage to pursue them.

-- Walt Disney

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Thu Jun 24, 2010 8:15 pm
Mizzle says...

First and Last Name: Hayley Wilson
Nickname: N/A
Age: 31
Appearance (Description): She's 5''5 and very lean, with strawberry blonde hair that looks orange half of the time (sort of cut in a messy way). She has hazel eyes that seem to change color, but it's really just the way the light reflects off her eyes that day. Also, she has very pale skin. In her own right, she's very beautiful, but compared to some of her colleagues, she's average.
Spoiler! :

Personality: "Silent but deadly," would describe her. She's the wallflower; the girl that's always on the sidelines, and the one you'd least expect. She has a short temper, and at times can be bitter and sarcastic. She may appear cold-hearted, but everyone at the SIS knows that if you're on her good side, you see a whole different Hayley.
Preferred Vehicle:
Spoiler! :

Style: Assassination; it's an art, and she's mastered it.
Skills/Weapons/Other: She prefers using small daggers to fight with, or a sniper. She's great at blending into the crowd, and sort of turning "invisible". She's quick on her feet, but her weak spot is hand to hand combat.
Up for love: Sure. :D
History: She was raised by her father, with help from her Nana and Papa. Her father wasn't home much, because he was a spy, as she later found out. He's one of the alumni now, and did great things in his time. She hopes to follow in his footsteps...and avenge his death along the way.
Code: 001
Last edited by Mizzle on Thu Jun 24, 2010 8:38 pm, edited 4 times in total.
"Chase your dreams, and remember me, speak bravery,
Because after all, those wings will take you up so high."
-- Owl City, "To the Sky"
✯ ✯ ✯

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Thu Jun 24, 2010 8:18 pm
LastPaladin says...

First and Last Name: Harry Raine

Nickname: Shadow Wolf/Raine

Age: 26

Appearance (Description): Long messy black hair, with dull green eyes, he's got a small moustache partially shaved with goatee. Often wears a bandanna, quite well built in his chest. Wears a light denim jacket over his uniform and has fractured his fingers a few time from recoil of his gun. Has a worn gang tattoo on his shoulder.
Image (optional): Image

Personality: Outgoing and active. Drinks and takes a little pot but can handle himself in a situation. He can be impulsive and there has been times he overstepped himself. Loves hanging with his mates on days off. Plays guitar for fun and is quite flirty. Though it never really goes anywhere.

Preferred Vehicle: Call him old fashioned but he prefers a good ol' Harley Davidson

Style: For example: Stealth and Assassination

Skills/Weapons/Other: Sniper Trained also with a pistol silenced. Knows judo and can subdue most major threats. Has a ideal street sense growing up in them.

Up for love: Yes, but you must not mind fact he plays guitar rather badly (still learning)

History: Born in the USA his family emigrated from Japan due to better job opportunities. But as they soon found they couldn't survive. Trying to make do for his family he began to do small time work for a major gang. This grew worse and worse. Finally he became the gang leader most trusted Lt. After seeing them shoot down innocents in cold blood he begged out. But they refused and made him watch as they burned down his house with his parents inside. Just as they turned to shoot him, he was rescued as it turned out someone was working undercover.

He has no idea but one of the agents saw potential in him and offered him a job.

He became proficient with a sniper rifle and earned the nickname Shadow Wolf, known for toppling regimes with a single bullet. He's been flown in from USA to help with the situation, because America fears war.

Code: 00[insert number here] 55
Last edited by LastPaladin on Thu Jun 24, 2010 8:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
You poor take courage
You rich take care
This earth was made a common treasury
For everyone to share
All things in common
All people one
We come in peace
The orders came to cut them down

Billy Bragg - The World Turned Upside Down

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Thu Jun 24, 2010 8:25 pm
Jagged says...

First and Last Name: Clint Lawson

Nickname: C-4

Age: 35

Appearance: Hair usually slicked back, an easy smile and always that five-o'clock shadow for the roguish look. Tall, with broad shoulders, tanned skin. His stance is always very casual and relaxed.

Spoiler! :

Personality: The quiet, sarcastic kind of guy. He may appear charming and harmless most of the time, but when the circumstances demand it he is absolutely ruthless and shows no hesitation in getting things done, no matter the cost. It can bring him to take extreme measures, which isn't always a good thing in his line of work, and sometimes needs to be reined in by the others. Tendencies for overkill aside, he keeps his cool under pressure and can be counted on to do his job properly. A little bit of a control freak, protective of the people he's responsible of. Slight paranoia, which is perfectly reasonable behavior for the job.

Preferred Vehicle: Heavy vehicles - jeeps, trucks, etc.

Style: Sabotage

Skills/Weapons/Other: Sidearm is SIG Sauer P229. Specializes in explosives and mechanics. Military trained, so proficient in CQC, firearms handling, as well as wilderness survival and operation under difficult conditions.

Up for love: Go for it.

A pretty non-descript childhood; father served in the Army, he grew up around the military and enlisted after finishing school. Started out in the 1st Armored Division, in the 24 Commando Engineer Regiment, where he served for a few years before being transferred to the SIS when the war seemed more imminent and some more men were needed on the field.

Code: 008

Theme Song: Welcome to Bangkok - Brand New
Last edited by Jagged on Sat Jun 26, 2010 6:38 am, edited 2 times in total.
Lumi: they stand no chance against the JAG SAFETY BLANKET

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Thu Jun 24, 2010 8:34 pm
SisterItaly says...

First and Last Name: Clare Stepples

Nickname: Stepps, heart breaker

Age: 32

Appearance (Description): Long dark brown hair, light green eyes, her skin is paler then the picture, she's 5' 4", only weighs 115 LBS.

Image (optional):
Spoiler! :

Personality: She is very flirtive, open and fun too. When the time calls for it she becomes very serious. Some say she's sick and twisted, messing with peoples heads the way she does.

Preferred Vehicle: Anything fast.

Style: For example: seduction

Skills/Weapons/Other: Best at hand at hand fight, she has terrible aim, but makes up for it with her skills to handle a dagger, or any blunt object.

Up for love: Of course, but you'll have to show her what real love is... not seduction, real love.

History: Her father was an assasin, her mother worked in the military, so she figured why not? She loves her country! All during highschool she was the heart throb, the girl every guy wanted to date. Often called heart breaker, because of this.

Code: 013
"Even in the end --even in death-- I can't hate you." - Neri Hereford's last words.

"The Gods demand blood, for they... do not bleed." Jaska.

The Book.

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Thu Jun 24, 2010 8:51 pm
Sins says...

I was going to make another character but I couldn't come up with a decent one. Plus, I don't really have the time to make a new one right now... (:

First and Last Name: James Dakota

Nickname: Jax

Age: 25

Appearance (Description): Jax is a very attractive young guy. He's about 6 foot. He's rather muscular but not overly muscular. He's got tanned skin and messy, sandy blonde hair. He has emerald coloured eyes and wears thick framed glasses when he is reading something. He dresses in a rather quirky way; he always wears a pair of black and white converse that he's had since he was 16. They're a bit tight on his feet, but he doesn't mind. With his glasses on;

Personality: Jax is an outgoing guy. He doesn't take life too seriously, not seriously enough, to be honest. If he's in a tricky situation, he will always look on the bright side of things. Jax doesn't care all that much about himself, he's more interested in everyone else around him. He's a bit of a loner, but secretly, he likes being with people. He just doesn't like getting close to them because he is determined that, if he does, he will wreck everything for them. Jax isn't the smartest of all guys, but he is very good at fighting itself. He is also a brave guy, mostly because he doesn't care what happens to him. Purposely, Jax doesn't always act that kind to people. He can come across as arrogant and careless, but realisticly, he does care an awful lot about others. He can also get pretty annoying at times.

Preferred Vehicle: Red Mini Cooper.
Spoiler! :

Style: Making other people believe in what he believes. He's really good at deceiving people, especially girls, which is down to his looks. He's also a pretty avid fighter, but he can be hesitant at times because of his upbringing. Whenever he feels that way, he pushes the thought out of his head.

Skills/Weapons/Other: Jax is a very good fighter and can do wonders with a small shotgun. If he's given a large, powerful gun of any kind, he has a field day with it.

Up for love: Yeah

History: Originally from Essex, England. Jax grew up in a peaceful family which is rather ironic. His mother hates anything to do with fighting and wars, therefore, when Jax told her that he was joining the SIS, she was no way happy. His father was no different. He would sometimes organise anti-war protests along with his wife and Jax would be forced to come along. That is one of the main reason Jax wanted to be a member of the SIS; he hated being forced to believe what his parents believed. Sometimes he can be slightly hesitant about fighting because of the way his parents brought him up.

Code: 666 (Hehe)
I didn't know what to put here so I put this.

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Thu Jun 24, 2010 8:55 pm
AquaMarine says...

First and Last Name: Jackson Reet

Nickname: Reet

Age: 28

Appearance (Description): 5'8. A bit on the thin side, and pale. Not extremely muscular, but quite fit. Brown, hair which is very curly, going in all directions off his head. Jackson's mouth is naturally set in a way that makes him look very grim, although he does smile frequently. He generally wears a shirt and jeans, with converse.

Personality: Reet is an extremely clever man. He's above average at weaponry, but lets others handle the guns as his real passion is problem solving and mind games (in a good way...) Reet is generally thought of (by himself and others) as rather odd. He has a number of quirks - which are constant tapping on surfaces, always having to know the time and counting his steps - that mark him as slightly different. This is also emphasised by his preference for solitude (which is bound to be sorely tested during the SB) and his annoyance at a lot of things about other people. He also takes things at face value and very literally, so don't expect him to understand sarcasm! Reet is very ordered and pragmatic and, when counted on, can rise to a position of responsibility if needs be. He may not be the one everyone wants to take out for a drink, but he's a good leader and means well.

NOTE: Basically, Reet shows many tendencies of Asperger's Syndrome - a type of autism. It's obviously not at all severe if he does have it, although he's never been diagnosed, but some of his characteristics are certainly similar to that of the syndrome.

Style: Stealth/Intelligence.

Skills/Weapons/Other: A small handgun plus whatever gadgets he's given.

Up for love: Sure.

History: Brought up in a normal family - he was the middle child of three siblings. He had a rough time in school, and was bullied a little. He always wanted to work somewhere which was exciting and would utilize his talents. One day, someone jokingly told him he should work in the secret services. Since then, that was his aim, although he never told anyone for fear of being laughed at.

Code: 0027
"It is curious how often you humans manage to obtain that which you do not want."


Click if you love cookies

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Thu Jun 24, 2010 9:37 pm
jok101 says...

so do I have to post my profile to one of the co runners or ask permission to join from one of the co runners. sorry if its a stupid question.

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Thu Jun 24, 2010 10:56 pm
Mizzle says...

If you are just joining this storybook, please forward me or Elinor your profile, as well as past storybooks you've been a part of. If you were in the old SIS, you just post your old profile.
"Chase your dreams, and remember me, speak bravery,
Because after all, those wings will take you up so high."
-- Owl City, "To the Sky"
✯ ✯ ✯

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Thu Jun 24, 2010 11:15 pm
Mr.Knightley says...

First and Last Name:
Samuel Cook

Erm...Sam, I suppose? It doesn't really matter.

Age: 32

Appearance (Description):
6'1", with short-cut light brown hair. He's of Native American descent, though you can't really tell.


Spoiler! :
327377385_ead48cdad8[1].jpg (53.98 KiB) Viewed 430 times


Sam is very energetic and carefree, overly so at times. Outwardly, he doesn't pay too much attention to protocol or the need for seriousness; instead, he tries to be as relaxed as possible (which usually means being obnoxious) in the hopes that it will rub off on others when they need it most. He's extremely curious, and loves new things.

Preferred Vehicle:

He loves his Audi, but, due to the extreme congestion and impossible traffic of China, he rarely gets to drive it. He doesn't really care what it is he ends up using, as long as it isn't too old.


Pretty much that, but less excessive.

Style: Seduction

This might sound weird, but Sam is most comfortable playing off of his looks in order to get what he wants. He's been known to woo women (usually the wives of his targets) in order to plant bugs, wiretaps, etc, in certain opportunistic places. He can take on any kind of demeanor in order to achieve this, be it the bookworm, the bad-ass, the good-guy..whatever. He tries to pretend it's all about the job, but he secretly enjoys it.

Because of his style of work, Sam has the knowledge required to use a gun, but never carries one. He prefers to hide various knives about himself, usually small, weak-bladed stilettos that are intended for single use, to be snapped off at the hilt to cause maximum damage while maintaining silence.

Up for love:
Yes, if you're patient enough to catch up with him.

As a teenager, Sam was just as reckless and carefree as he is now, but lacked direction. Growing up on his parents farm in Wyoming grated on his nerves, and the isolation from society eventually led him to join the Marines when he was 18. The difference in climates (metaphorically) enabled his exceptional learning capabilities in the Corps, and he graduated boot camp with flying colors to land a job with the CIA and eventually the SIS. However, he's considered somewhat of a newbie, and his superiors are taking a risk placing him in SIS, hoping it will teach him a thing or two about the business as a whole.

Code: 006
"You laugh at me because I'm different. I laugh at you because you're all the same."

Lady Gaga

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Thu Jun 24, 2010 11:59 pm
Kaywiia says...

First and Last Name: Raevan Charleston

Nickname: Rae

Age: 26

Appearance (Description): She has a mess of curly brown hair to her shoulders. Her eyes are a light blue. Fairly pale skin, but nothing too noticeable. She always has purple eyeshadow on, unless she is undercover. Tends to wear a lot of makeup.

Image (optional):
Spoiler! :

Personality: She doesn't think things through, much. She just likes to do what she feels like, screw what anyone else thinks. She tends to question authority a lot, and gets under peoples skin. She means well, though, and once you get past those other things, she is actually pretty nice. She is valued for the fact that she doesn't get tired easily, has a lot of energy, and is brave.

Preferred Vehicle: Any nice motorcycle will do, though she has one that she particularly likes.
Spoiler! :

Style: Just-Wing-It

Skills/Weapons/Other: She always has her pistol on her, and won't leave the bookstore without a knife in her boot. She happens to be a double black belt at tai quan do.

Up for love: Sure

History: Both her parents were with the CIA. So, naturally, she got involved. She has worked with the CIA for three years, and quickly became and important, trusted member. So, they were more than happy to ship her off to china for this job. They felt she would be very useful. Her plane got held back a few days, though, so she is late on the scene.

Code: 0045
Love is beautiful, but what would love be without life?

What will live longer, you or your words? Something to think about the next time you abandon a project...
— Omni