
Young Writers Society

Voltron: The Protectors [DT]

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Wed Aug 23, 2017 9:47 pm
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Mageheart says...


[Black Paladin]

As the leader of the five, the black paladin is quick to the take the blame when things turn out badly. They are calm and thoughtful. They prefer to think things through, rather than rushing into action. They are also the one who tries the hardest to keep the team together, understanding that the paladins have to work together if they are going to save the universe.

[Red Paladin]

This paladin is considered to be the closest to the black paladin, and would become the leader if something happened to the black paladin. They prefer to do things alone, and are used to being able to take care of themselves without the help of others. They are impulsive, temperamental, and can be very stubborn.

[Green Paladin]

Technology is the green paladin's best friend. Any opportunity to learn more about the technology of other species makes them giddy with joy, and they are eager to understand how their lion works. People are more difficult to understand. Like the red paladin, they prefer to work alone. However, they put more thought into their actions and are more open to cooperating with other paladins.

[Blue Paladin]

While the blue paladin's strength lies in their ability to do well under pressure, they are sometimes too cocky and overestimate their own strengths. They are both accepting and friendly towards others. The blue paladin also tends to be a major flirt, though this is not a major trait.

[Yellow Paladin]

Like the blue paladin, the yellow paladin is extremely friendly. They rely on their goofy sense of humor and their love of food to lighten tense situations. They support the other paladins wholeheartedly, and will eagerly step into a fight if it means protecting the people from harm.

[ she/her, but in a boy kinda way ]

roleplaying is my platonic love language.

queer and here.

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Wed Aug 23, 2017 9:49 pm
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Mageheart says...


[Princess Allura]

Being a member of the Altean Royal Family, Allura is known for her commanding attitude towards the Paladins, her serious demeanor, and occasionally playful personality. She does, however, have a deep-seated bitterness: Zarkon is the focal point of Allura's rage and suffering because of his betrayal of her and her family that resulted in the murder of her father, her entire race, and the destruction of her home planet. Allura's raw hatred of Zarkon is unnerving to behold for those more familiar with her more compassionate side, and her bloody history with the Galra has fostered in her a severe hatred and distrust of their race.

Allura is a very caring and altruistic individual who wants to do right by the people of the galaxy and is incredibly committed to her diplomatic and military duties as the daughter of the king, and appears to define her mission by the same standards and care that her father did.

Allura has a close relationship with the mice who shared her cryo-pod with her, and they now share an empathic connection, with them having their intelligence augmented by Allura's memories and mind.


Coran is noted for being somewhat foppish, goofy, and very much a traditionalist. He is often forgetful that the current Paladins have different customs, diets, and behaviors, but is at his core a dedicated and kind man. Though he comes off as kind of a ditz at times, Coran is a man of great experience, and comes from family line which has served the royalty of Altea for generations (his grandfather built the Castle of Lions six hundred years before Coran and Allura's ten thousand year long stasis). Coran is very concerned for the well being of the Paladins and Allura, as he is often trying his hardest to ensure that they are adequately fed, rested, and at peace


Zarkon is a sadistic and cruel being, conducting gladiatorial arena battles for his amusement. He forces weak and peaceful beings to battle against monstrous fighters, likely due to his hatred for weakness in general. Despite his ostentatious lifestyle and sizable military, he despises waste and inefficiency, opting to fund and sponsor Haggar's experiments in order to harvest Quintessence directly from planets without the cost of mining and colonizing them, so that his resources can be diverted to capturing Voltron instead.

His experiences, due to his unnaturally long lifespan, have left him with a rather calm and confident disposition as there is very little thus far that is seen to fluster or agitate him. Zarkon does, however, detest those who seek greater ambition without the interests of the Galra Empire being in line with those plans. He considers grandstanding to be intolerable and indicative of an inferior leader and military officer.

He also possesses an iron-clad will as nothing has deterred him from conquering the known universe in ten-thousand years.

His obsession with regaining the Black Lion caused him to undergo a campaign that was repeatedly advised against by Haggar, showing how his possessive and one-track mind can cause him to ignore the wisdom of even his most trusted servants and supporters.


Haggar is an Altean user of dark magic and the most powerful Druid in the Galra Empire. She serves Zarkon faithfully, and in return benefits from his indulgence in her work.

Other than her love for Zarkon, Haggar is a twisted and ruthless sorceress, sadistic in her research, which among other things includes creating prosthetic limbs, developing new methods for quintessence extraction, and interrogating prisoners. Haggar's raw intellect and over 10,000 years of experience have left her all but peerless in her skills, causing her to be immensely confident when dealing with anyone near her level.

[ she/her, but in a boy kinda way ]

roleplaying is my platonic love language.

queer and here.

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Wed Aug 23, 2017 9:52 pm
Mageheart says...


Altea was the home planet of Princess Allura, her father King Alfor, Coran, and the Space Mice. The birthplace of Voltron, it was attacked by Zarkon's Galra Empire ten thousand years ago, with Alfor choosing to hide the Voltron Lions and Allura rather than have Voltron formed to battle their enemy. Sadly, Altea and all the planets in its solar system were utterly destroyed as a result, with only the six residents of the Castle of Lions being known to survive the tragedy. This left the Galra Empire virtually unopposed in its efforts to conquer the galaxy over the course of the subsequent ten millennia, until Allura was awakened by the future Paladins of Voltron.

[ she/her, but in a boy kinda way ]

roleplaying is my platonic love language.

queer and here.

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Wed Aug 23, 2017 9:52 pm
Mageheart says...




Alteans as a species are known to have minor shape shifting abilities that allow them to adapt to new environments and blend in with the local populations. Their natural forms looked mostly human, though they have pointy ears and a small, colorful marking under each eye. They are also known to have lifespans vastly superior to those of humans.


The Galra have humanoid forms. They appear to be different shades of purple, and have yellow eyes. For the most part, their hair isn't long. They are taller than the average human. They also look vaguely feline.

[ she/her, but in a boy kinda way ]

roleplaying is my platonic love language.

queer and here.

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Wed Aug 23, 2017 9:53 pm
Mageheart says...

Mechanics of Voltron

Voltron is made up of five individual lions, whose color corresponds with their respective paladin. Each lion has a personality and chooses their paladin, rather than the other way around. Each lion has abilities special to only it. The bond between the lion and paladin needs to be strong for the paladin to fly it.

When combined, the lions can form Voltron. Each lion takes a part of the weapon. The black lion is the head. The red and green lions are the arms, while the yellow and blue lions become the legs. Their individual abilities can be used in battle.

There are also handheld weapons called bayards that each paladin wields. These bayards change form based on the preferences of the paladin who it is currently being used by. The bayards can be inserted into the lions during battle to unlock certain skills that Voltron can utilize.

[ she/her, but in a boy kinda way ]

roleplaying is my platonic love language.

queer and here.

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Wed Aug 23, 2017 9:59 pm
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Mageheart says...

Hello, everyone!

I'm saentiel, and I'll be running this storybook. This storybook is based off of Voltron: Legendary Defender, though it will have some major differences. If you haven't seen the show, I advise watching the first few episodes so you can understand where we're starting from. You don't have to, but the beginning of the storybook will be following the basics of the story.

A Galra ship crashes on the planet Earth near the Garrison, a school for anyone wishing to someday go into outer space. Three students sneak out from the school and find that the person inside is a missing member of the Kerberos mission from a year earlier. With the help of a student who was kicked out, they manage to create a diversion and escape with the former prisoner.

The ex-student, who was very close with the prisoner, brings them to their shack in the desert before bringing them to a cave that houses the first lion they will find - the blue lion. They end up going into the blue lion, narrowly avoiding a Galra ship once they get out of the atmosphere, and arriving at the Castle of the Lions. They awaken Princess Allura and Coran, who explain what is going on. Then they go to find the other four lions.

Your character can fill the role of any of the unnamed characters mentioned above. They can be any paladin. The paladins can also be hybrids between the races, though they would hide that on Earth. You can come up with any story behind their heritage, and I'll glad help you out with that.

[ she/her, but in a boy kinda way ]

roleplaying is my platonic love language.

queer and here.

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Wed Aug 23, 2017 10:02 pm
Mageheart says...

I'm going to claim the role of the black paladin! My character will be half human and half Galra. They'll also be one of the three students who sneak out of the Garrison at the start of the storybook.

Sure thing, @Sheytato! Do you know what role they'll play at the start of the storybook, as well as what race they are?

Also, I have a Discord for all of my storybooks. Please feel free to join it if you want to!

[ she/her, but in a boy kinda way ]

roleplaying is my platonic love language.

queer and here.

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Thu Aug 24, 2017 1:13 am
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Sassafras says...

Green paladin please ^^
A pale imitator of a girl in the sky.

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Thu Aug 24, 2017 1:14 am
Mageheart says...

Sure thing! Do you know anything else about your character yet?

[ she/her, but in a boy kinda way ]

roleplaying is my platonic love language.

queer and here.

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Thu Aug 24, 2017 1:32 am
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Sassafras says...

I want to be one of the three students that escape.
A pale imitator of a girl in the sky.

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Thu Aug 24, 2017 1:15 pm
Mageheart says...

Alright! That means my character and your character already know each other. Also, since you're the green paladin, your character would have been the one who developed the technology that picked up the word "Voltron" from outer space.

Have you seen the show before? I know Shey hasn't.

[ she/her, but in a boy kinda way ]

roleplaying is my platonic love language.

queer and here.

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Fri Aug 25, 2017 3:26 am
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Sassafras says...

I've seen some of the first season.
A pale imitator of a girl in the sky.

Life is about losing everything.
— Isabel Allende