
Young Writers Society

Marie Curie University of Science and Art DT

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Tue Mar 03, 2020 5:46 pm
BrumalHunter says...

I'll discuss your posts in numbered sections, @HazelGrace16 and @Nike, as that'll make it easier to address specific points. (I was only expecting one, but oh well.) I'll enspoiler your (unedited) posts in here just so there aren't any discrepancies.

Hazel's post

Spoiler! :
Astral I mentioned before that I was stopping work for Joshua. I apologize if you feel offended or upset for writing his character into your post for “no reason”, but I did let you know before you wrote the post my feelings on the character. You chose to write regardless and I said that was okay and I’d wait and see. I will try to be better by acknowledging things in the future. I have gotten into the habit of viewing posts in the DT and assuming they don’t need direct responses. I would also appreciate you taking these concerns to PM instead of calling me out publicly in the DT.
Nike and I have established from the beginning that this is supposed to be a low-key SB and is just supposed to be a fun creative outlet where writers don’t need to worry about technicalities and perfection. Posts and writers should not be corrected or critiqued unless it was requested by the writer in question or greatly affects your character and disrupts the story line you are creating. In my opinion that simple conversation did not. If you have issues with that then I apologize, but I don’t expect to change that tone anytime soon. Be kind to your fellow writers. Not accusatory with guilt in mind. We all have lives. So be mindful of how you approach these situations in the future.

1. Back when you first mentioned you were no longer interested in writing for Joshua, you said: "If anyone objects or wants to take over for him thats fine, but Im just giving everyone the heads up." I then responded that I could use him, and later, I expanded by saying I would use him. I never asked you to write for him — I've been in that situation where you want to write for a character, but just can't. It really sucks, so I didn't have anything against your decision back then, and I still don't.

2. Oh, I'm not offended (but upset is accurate, though I've naturally had time to cool off). After having claimed Joshua as an NPC, I asked for your input out of respect for you as his original writer, to see if what I wrote was in-character. If you wanted to have nothing further to do with him, all you had to do was say so. I was honestly just trying to be polite, not force a burden on you.

Typically, when a person disowns a character, the character ceases to be theirs and the rest of the cast decides what becomes of them; the exception is if the writer submits an exit post explaining the character's absence. You've been saying from the beginning that we're free to use your characters in our post, and you invited people to do something with Joshua if they wanted, yet now, you're making it sound like I did so at my own risk. That seems... well, disingenuous, don't you think?

3. I agree that nobody needs to comment on every single post, but if you saw a post in which you were directly mentioned, how do you justify not responding to that? I don't mean to be disrespectful, of course, but doesn't that come down to poor communication? No-one here is psychic (...right?), so no-one can know what you're thinking if you don't talk to them. You could have PMed me about the matter before making a public declaration, or even just announced your intentions before taking action, like you'd done previously. Courtesy is a mutual thing.

4. Yeah, don't worry, I was here when you first announced on page five what your and Nike's intentions for the SB were. Although, all you said then was that the participants could post whenever they wanted and that there would be no requirements. I'm not sure what you mean by technicalities and perfection, since nobody here expects anyone else to be a perfect writer, as there is no such thing. Writing is a craft in which no-one is ever truly a master.

5. I speak with complete sincerity when I say I have neither corrected nor critiqued a single post in this storybook. If you feel differently, which is evidently the case, please quote the correction/critique; if I'm mistaken, then I'll readily admit that! But if I'm not, I'd like to clarify the misunderstanding. I've never questioned how you run this storybook and don't intend on doing so anytime soon.

6. I'll speak plainly. You did something inconsiderate, so I asked you why. I was blunt, yeah, but not unkind — and that was a conscious decision. I understand that my tone gives you reason to be defensive, but sometimes, people say things we don't like to hear. If you had been mindful yourself, I'd have reminded you of my plans, and then there would be no reason to have this discussion.

I apologise for being snappy, but do you understand why I reacted that way?

Nike's post

Spoiler! :
I just want to point out a few things.

One: This is a fun SB. I do not want to see any posts on the SB/DT looking like a review of a post. No saying 'Oh they misspelled!' or the similar. This is a creative outlet space. We are writing to break free from everyday life and to write.

Two: Please, please, and I can't stress this enough, try to read all the posts even if you aren't included. You might see an event your character(s) can go to, or the time of day-- what day it is. Or you may see that characters are already somewhere else, or getting together with someone else. It may mess up the story line if you don't read and add your own plot to a plot that's already happening. It just causes confusions. Trust I was a suspect to this act a whole lot, I'd not read and then be like damn, something else is happening and I messed it up.

Three: If you are writing with someone, DM them. If you can't get a hold of them, try to say in the DT 'hey can you read my DM please?'

Four: I hate hate HATE it when I see someone comments about each individual post in the SB! This isn't the point, we are not reviewing the posts. We are writing together. Also, no God-moding! I see it! Stop it! We aren't God, thanks. Your characters aren't perfect and that's how it should be. Do not think you should review each persons' post and comment on what they are like-- you don't know and it's just rude.

I'd like to point out that this mostly goes out to @ AstralHunter and @ TinkerTwaggy

Sorry dudes, but it's not great. We like that you're here, but we'd appreciate the same respect we give you. Thank you!

All right! Your post caught me by surprise, and I would say it wasn't your place to... jump to Hazel's defence? I'm not sure. But since you directed your post at me (and Tort, but he's already replied), here's my response!

1. I mean no disrespect, but I disagree with your mentality. I've commented on people's posts not because I want to "review" them, as you imply, but because I enjoyed them and wanted to tell the authors what I thought. There is no rule saying I can't do that, whether in the forum or this storybook itself, and rightfully so: discussing what you liked about a post is praise, not criticism. If you dislike praise, then sure, I'll refrain from praising your posts, but I've never had anybody else complain — on the contrary, people are usually grateful.

Now, I strongly suspect you're referring to Tort's last DT post when you say we shouldn't correct others on their spelling. Firstly, it's not cool to accuse two different people of something only one of them did, and secondly, he was encouraging her, not critiquing her. If either of us had said her post was garbage, then by all means, you'd be correct, and you'd even have been justified in flagging the post as disrespectful.

2. I agree! Everyone should read all other posts in the storybook, since we're all writing together. Even if two people's characters don't interact for most of the story, that doesn't mean they shouldn't support each other. Effort and enthusiasm goes into these posts, so all of them deserve equal opportunity to be enjoyed.

TinkerTwaggy and I have been the most avid in indicating that we read posts, so why aim that comment at us specifically? (Granted, you said that your comments mostly go out to us, but if you're not going to specify anyone else, it'll unfornutately come off as an accusation.)

3. Yeah, I believe PMing or tagging people for collaboration is something Tort and I have both been doing since the start. I assume you're stating this for the benefit of everyone, not just the two of us? (Again, though, it feels like you're directing this at us by tagging us.)

4. Hmm, you're repeating something you already said, so you must indeed feel quite passionately about this. If you view positive feedback as destructive criticism, that's your opinion, to which you are entitled; however, I would request that you not assume all others share it.

You've stated your hatred for commentary, and though I don't understand it, I'll nevertheless respect it and refrain from ever commenting on your posts. None of the other people have made the same claim, though, and unless they ask me to stop, I have no reason to. After all, I would feel grateful if somebody took the time to relay what they liked about my post.

I'm not even talking about actual constructive criticism — this is praise, purely and simply, and if people tell me they don't like to be on the receiving end of it, I'll be surprised but keep it to myself all the same.

5. I felt the godmoding thing required its own point, especially since there seems to be some confusion about it. Here is the most respectable (if not only) thread on the matter:
On Godmod.

It discusses in-depth how the "God Mode" can occur in storybooks, but since most of that doesn't apply here, I think the following extract is to what you're referring.

It can also be using other characters that other people Roleplay (henceforth RP) with. In other words, if you do not RP as Legolas, then you cannot have Legolas say anything, or do anything, without the player's express permission.

When it comes to roleplays, this applies. Storybooks, however? No. I don't know whether you and Hazel have been collaborating on literally each of your posts, but if you have — meaning she wrote the lines for all of her characters and you wrote the lines for all of yours — it would explain your stance. But since you think someone's godmoding (i.e. people are writing for a character that isn't theirs), it might perhaps be worth the reminder that there is a post detailing the rules of the forum:
Storybook Rules & Resources.

It specifically addresses controlling other writers' characters.

One thing that differentiates YWS Storybooks from traditional roleplays is your allowance to control other characters--as long as they're in-character. To accomplish this, you must respect the thoughts and intentions of the owners of other characters. None of your co-writers should ever feel like their character is written wrong. If you feel this way, be sure to talk about it! No one can fix mistakes unless they know they made one. The basic jist of this rule is to keep characters in-character. This takes practice and careful consideration. If you don't feel ready for it, feel free to request help from your co-writers! Everyone in the project generally wants things to go smoothly, so help is almost always given freely.

So, in reality, I don't see any grounds for your accusations. If someone felt their character was being portrayed incorrectly (even if that someone is you), they should have spoken up about it. Would you thus mind clarifying what exactly you mean?

Oh, and don't think I believe it's necessary to police spelling and grammar, because I don't. In fact, there's a rule for that too!

Treat this like a regular story! Use good grammar and spelling unless conceptually justified.

6. One final point: To reiterate, commenting on people's posts isn't rude just because you think it is. However, since you're the primary DM, it's your prerogative to enforce the rules you believe are necessary. If commentary on posts upsets you so greatly, I recommend officially banning it the rules - for this storybook and all future storybooks you run.

I don't believe I've been disrespectful, but I do agree that civility is always preferable. I'll defend my conduct if I don't think I acted in error, but I have no desire to antagonise anyone or question their authority.

With responses being what they are, I think it's best for any further discussion on these topics to be conducted via PM. Let's get back to discussing the storybook at hand! The HP event is in full swing, so I suspect the next step will be to start wrapping it up.
But the Fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.
— Paul the Apostle

Winter is inevitable. Spring will return eventually, and AstralHunter with it.

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Tue Mar 03, 2020 6:24 pm
Nike says...

Lol I’m done. Sorry I did that guys.

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Tue Mar 03, 2020 6:45 pm
TinkerTwaggy says...

An expected answer! XD

Still, the god-modding accusation is actually a pretty big deal and you're the only one so far who mentioned seeing it.
So, if you could at least point out to where it is, that would be great. I'm not asking for much here, aside literally just what you see and where you see it.
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Tue Mar 03, 2020 8:08 pm
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Nike says...

Okay. I want to give out a formal apology. I should've kept my opinions to myself. I was angry from my own personal day and from seeing a different mindset than what I'm used to seeing in Storybooks. I won't do this again, I understand where you are coming from now since reading what you replied. Thank you for being understanding and again I apologize.
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Tue Mar 03, 2020 8:12 pm
AlmondEyes says...

She may have gone about it the wrong way, bit maybe your repeated commentary that seemed unnecessary was getting on @Nike's nerves? Just s stab in the dark.
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Tue Mar 03, 2020 8:37 pm
BrumalHunter says...

I accept your apology, Nike! Everyone has a bad day every now and then, and I shan't hold that against you. I also apologise to you, to Hazel, and to everyone else for the unpleasantness my complaint caused. Hazel and I have reached a resolution.
But the Fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.
— Paul the Apostle

Winter is inevitable. Spring will return eventually, and AstralHunter with it.

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Tue Mar 03, 2020 9:18 pm
TinkerTwaggy says...

Oh. Apology accepted!
By itself, having an opinion is completely fine, and so's sharing it. I assumed that the god-modding thing was more than an opinion, which is why I asked for clarification.
Anyway! Guess I'll just wish you another wonderful day, then, since well, I still mean that.
"Is there a limit to how much living I can live with my life? How will I know if I've gone too far?
And why did I spend my life savings on sunglasses for a whale?
I shall find the answers... to these questions."

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Wed Mar 04, 2020 1:34 pm
HazelGrace16 says...


I keep trying to send you a PM but it stays in my outbox. So I’m not sure what’s going on, but to answer your question, I thought they would have been friends for awhile. If you disagree or want something else let me know!
"Sometimes it is the people who no one imagines anything of who do the things that no one can imagine" - The Imitation Game

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Thu Mar 05, 2020 9:46 am
AlmondEyes says...

@HazelGrace16 I'll pm you when I get off work!
"What is dead my never die, but rises again, larger and stronger..."

*Ride like Lightening, crash like Thunder*

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Mon Aug 17, 2020 9:08 pm
Omni says...

Hey everyone! How are the posts coming? Are you all still wanting to write in this Storybook?
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