
Young Writers Society

Disgrace to Wolf - 1

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Mon May 30, 2011 6:29 am
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Daisuki says...

Spoiler! :
Contest Entry for Not A Cliche Contest. Erm... I'm not quite sure if I did that right...
They’re here. I know it.

My scraped knees burnt. My legs were shaking, knocking together from fatigue. I couldn’t hear anything over my rasping, panting breath, but I was sure their footsteps were getting closer. I was sure they were yelling, “Get her!” I kept running blindly through the forest.

Why must they always do this? Why me? I’m not a bad kid. I transferred so they wouldn’t think I was. But my reputation was stronger than my personality. They thought I was a delinquent, but it was really them that had no honor. They thought I was a danger to them, so what did they do? Send three guys – armed, if I might add – after one girl to scare her away. Who does that?

Something hard hit the back of my head. The green of the trees, the brown, everything blurred instantly. I felt my knees hit the ground, then my cheek as my upper body collapsed. The voices grew louder. The footsteps pounded in my ears. What should I do? I struggled to stand. Never in all my days have I given up before the end. My hand fumbled for my pocket knife. Shakily, I got to my feet.

“What’ll make you leave, girl?” A smirk was on the blonde kid’s face - he tapped a thick stick against his palm like he was so cool. I couldn’t help a half-hearted snicker, even as the other two closed in.

“I can’t believe you guys,” I rasped. My throat felt coated in sand – dry, rough. “What’s wrong with you? You do know that there’s one of me, and three of you? You’ve figured out by now that I’m a girl, and yet you still do this.”

“Sorry, sweetheart,” a kid with bright blue eyes taunted. He didn’t seem very sorry at all. “We’re just protecting our own girls.”

“From what?!” I shouted desperately. I’m no threat to anyone! I wanted to scream, to make them understand. But my voice had faded away, so all that came out was an ugly sound.

A stone came shooting from one of them. It hit my knuckle, but I held fast to the knife handle. Another rock to my head. The world went spinning, my grip faltered and the knife dropped, slicing my hand in the process. I heard the boys approaching before I heard the thump of the fallen weapon.

"What a shame - she's got a pretty cute face, too."

One kicked my side, another my ribs. None of them cared that my hand was bleeding, that I was defenseless. No honor, no honor, no honor. The hate kept my mind off the pain. I was curled up now. All I saw were flashes of color; my only comfort was the cool of the earth beneath me. A blow to my head sent the world dark.

Laughing, taunting, whispers, fear. They didn’t bother to get to know me. They saw the scars on my arms. They said my eyes were beautiful - mesmerizing - yet they turned their backs in my gaze. They heard the rumors, carried over from the school I left behind, and it was enough for them. Other girls cowered, boys went after me to show off. They saw how the weight of my knife in my pocket was always there, but did they ever once think it was because of them? It was because they kept doing such unreasonable things? No, they didn’t think. They didn’t care. No one cared.

I sat up with a jolt, my chest still rising and falling rapidly. Where was I? I thought I had scoured ever inch of this forest, yet here I was in a place I had never seen. There was darkness. The canopy of the trees was denser than I had ever dreamed it could be; only the thinnest threads of light could fight their way to the floor. Fight? Oh yeah, some boys were just fighting me… if you could call three to one a fight.

A shadow was moving with its back towards me. I felt for my knife, but the leaves only crinkled in response to my search. I used the next best thing. My fist was raised as I leaped forward. My head was light and my side hurt like hell, but I felt the impact of my punch. The shadow went down with a blow to its back. It was startled, and I could suddenly see that it was a boy wearing a light grey sweatshirt, with the hood completely covering his face.

He suddenly sprang up, and the next thing I knew both my wrists were held fast within powerful hands. I thrashed about, and kicked, but he only restrained both my arms in one hand and reached into his pocket with the other. He pulled out my own knife.

I really started to panic then. I was suddenly very aware of the void in my stomach and the fact I hadn’t eaten in so long. My eyes were locked on that cold blade, my precious knife that had gotten me through… well, everything. Was I about to die by that very weapon? I was so absorbed in these thoughts I didn’t hear his low voice, talking half to me, half to himself.

“Oh shoot, maybe I shouldn’t have shown her the knife before I explained… Hey, calm down! Stop struggling so much. I know it’s hard to believe, but I’m not going to hurt you. Just take this and get out of here.” He let my arms go, pushing me away, and tossed the knife to my feet. His head was down, his face in shadow.

I didn’t take my eyes off him, but reached down for the blade.

“Ah,” I muttered, surprised. It was only then that I looked at my hand, to see the white bandage wrapped there. Blood spots still dotted my shirt eerily, but he was the one who had fixed up my hand, right?

He started muttering again. “Sorry I couldn't do anything about the bruises on your side. I mean, I put some ice on the bump on your head, but I really didn’t want to lift your shirt to… oh never mind. I probably sound like a perv right now. Just leave, please, and go get your wounds treated.”

I stared blankly, but he said, “Go!” again, so I started to turn away. But…

“Hey,” he added, timidly. “If you’re ever in this area, and those guys bother you again… Well, I’m… eh… just call me Shadow. Yeah, I know it’s a stupid name, but I’m sure if you yelled it, I’d probably hear. I mean, I’m always here, and…”

“Thank you,” I rasped in my still-strained voice. “Thank you.”

A sun rose and died before I walked to that same forest.

“Shaaaaaaadow!” My voice rang out, echoing off the air. I listened. Nothing. “Shaaaaaaaadow!” All my heart and soul, I poured them into that one call. I had just gotten my voice back, and now I’d probably lose it again.

There! I spun around to be greeted by the sight of a running Shadow, his aura utterly serious. He slowed down as he reached me, panting, but not nearly as much as a regular person would. The grey hood of his sweatshirt still blocked his face.

“Hi!” I greeted, uncharacteristically cheerful.

He peered around suspiciously. “You aren’t in trouble, are you?”

“Uh, no, not at the moment.”

He breathed a sigh. “God, you got me all worked up for nothing. I was seriously expecting a fight.” He scratched the back of his neck; he ran his fingers through his hair. Was he… embarrassed?

Shadow turned back to me. “So what did you want?”

“I wanted to say thank you, um, to you. For fixing my hand and not leaving me alone,” I said, awkwardly. “I also feel kind of bad for waking up and immediately hitting you…”

“Ah, don’t worry about that,” he replied, looking down as always, that hood constantly blocking his face. “I probably would have done the same in your situation.”

“Yeah,” I agreed. Silence fell. After a minute, he broke it.

“So, how are your injuries? Are you okay?”

I laughed it off. “I’m fine. I’m pretty used to it actually… Well, I, uh, I don’t go looking for fights or anything…”

“I know what you mean,” Shadow said, but in a way that was so serious, solemn, that I found my head turning to look at him. He jumped at my gaze. “Well, um…” He couldn’t find what to say.

I looked over at this boy, this Shadow. I knew nothing about him, but for some reason I felt an overwhelming urge to learn. What's wrong with me? I might just be stupid, but it only recently occured to me that he could be some kind of creep, some kind of child molester. I felt so naive with my guard down, but no matter how hard I tried I just couldn't picture him that way. Then again, if he wanted to hurt me or do something bad, you'd think he would have done it yesterday when I was injured and defenseless.

"Your eyes," I suddenly said. "Can I see your eyes?"

That's right... Eyes are a gateway to a person's soul. I felt like I've read that somewhere, and I really wanted to look into his soul, to see what I would find there.


"Why not?"

He touched his face, in the shadow of his hood, then stared at his hand. "My face is a mess. You really don't want to see it."

I blanked. How was I supposed to respond to that? My mouth started blabbing on its own.

“I bet it’s not. I bet I’ve seen worse. I’m really not big on looks, as you can see from my appearance. I really want to see your face, I really–" A hand clamped over my mouth. It was warm, and I immediately stopped talking.

“I’m sorry, I should go now. I need to say good-bye while we’re still on good terms. So… bye.” The hand slipped away.

He started walking.

“Shadow’s not your real name, is it?” I shouted after him, desperate to continue talking.

“No, but it’s what I usually go by. What’s your name?” He turned back towards me. For some reason I felt a wave of… relief.

“Well, since you’re not using your real name, I’ll just tell you what everyone calls me. Disgrace, or Scray, for short.”

“What kind of name if that?”

“It’s my name.” Why did I care so much for a name that was supposed to be an insult? I’d had it for so long, I guess.

“Disgrace… Scray…” He tested out the words on his tongue, but he kept cringing. “I don’t want to call you that. How about Wolf? You look like a wolf to me.”


“I don’t know. Something about your stance, and you look like a good fighter, too. I bet you could have inflicted some damage to those guys the other day if you weren’t so exhausted. Not that I’m an expert on this stuff or anything.”

“Wolf and Shadow, huh? Okay.” Wolf. Wolves are strong, they have a system and a code of honor, not just senseless fighting. I could get used to being called something so noble.

I guess I was a little hyped up on the pleasure of my new name, because I felt like wandering back into dangerous territory. “You can call me Wolf – but only if you show me your face.”

I couldn’t see it, but I could practically sense his frown. The light in his voice disappeared. I noticed he didn’t turn away again, though.

“No. I’m serious; you don’t want to see it.” I inched closer. “Please. Can’t we just talk?” Just a little more. A couple feet. “I haven’t talked like this with anyone in a long time.” There! I lunged at the hood, pulling it back. I had to prove I could accept him.

His reflexes hit me hard. I flew off him, but not before I could snatch a glance.

He ran over to where I lay on the ground. “Are you okay? I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. Don’t do that ever again. I’m sorry,” he babbled as I clutched my side and coughed.

“I saw it.”

He froze. He let go of my shoulder. He backed away. “No,” he whispered. His hands reached up, they pulled down the hood.

Eyes like slivers of ebony looked down at me. They were the eyes of an animal – a snake or a cat. Their firery irises struck through me; the color almost seemed to be moving like some kind of writhing thing. The part of his eye that should have been white was the complete opposite. It was the dakest, shiny black, like a deep pool of night. Grayish-silver scales surrounded them like a mask, branching off in various sizes, in various patterns across his face.

Dull, but incredibly strong-looking fangs stuck out from his mouth. They were ivory – they glinted dangerously in the light. But even as strange as these features were, my eyes were drawn immediately to the enormous burn mark running from the bottom of his right eye, across his cheek, down past his ear. It was so thick that the first thing I thought was, What could’ve done that? The scar wasn’t properly healed either – it was a dark brown and crusted with blood.

Shaggy, matted black hair hung into his face. It looked like it’d been clumsily cut.

He crouched down in front of me. Those animal eyes of his suddenly started to weep. The fangs bit into his lip.

"I didn't want this... to happen... again," he choked. His voice grew loud. "Damn it! This is so frustrating!"

He was stuck somewhere between anger and sadness. The tears still flowed and his voice was laced with sorrow, yet a rage flew from his mouth. I looked at his burn, his scales, his eyes, and I couldn't help feeling a little pang in my chest. But I couldn't figure out what it meant. He must have built up so many of these same memories. So many people must have left him. I wanted this memory - of me - to be different.

He sniffed and wiped his nose on his sleeve, a little bit calmer. “Why do I have to be like this?! Shoot... I'm gonna be alone again.” The tears raged forth again, silently, down his strange face. I was afraid if he bit his lip any harder, trying to keep in his sobs, it would start to bleed.

“D-Don't cry!” I urged. Comforting wasn’t my strong point. I scooted closer to him, petted his black mane. “It’s okay,” I cooed. “I’ll stay with you. Look. Shh… It’s all right.”

His face was soaked with his tears. My eyes were soaked with the image of him. After a time, he looked up again. “You’re still here,” he observed, rubbing his piercing eyes.

“I guess so,” I replied, quietly.

“Aren’t you scared?”

“Like I said, I’ve seen worse. And it’s hard to be scared of something crying so pitifully.”

“Thank you… Wolf.” He looked up to see my reaction to the name. I smiled. He blushed… I think.

I coughed. “Well,” I said. “I could take you home and brush your hair and cut it. That would do wonders, first of all. Then, I could clean up that thing on your face. It looks like it could get infected, and that could be bad. Geez, why are you so great at cleaning up other people’s wounds, but not your own?”

He looked away. “Are you curious to know why I’m like this?”

“Frankly, yes, but I thought you’d tell me if I waited. I’ll accept any story at this point.”

“I’m the son of a dragon.” Oh. I wasn’t expecting that.

“Is it hard?” I asked. He nodded.

“I’m always confused. What am I – a human or a dragon? The answer is neither. People think I’m freak when they see me, they never want to look. Dragons call me Reject. It’s a constant fight.”

“Well, you son of a dragon, can I fight beside you?”

“Would you?”

I nodded. He grinned, but suddenly remembered he was baring his fangs and looked away in embarrassment. I laughed.

Disgrace and Reject.

Wolf and Shadow.

Extra Stuff:
Spoiler! :

I can hear your rasping breath
just barely
over the screams of footsteps
and my own dying lungs.

I’m running for you
to you
even as resentment surrounds and
lighting strikes where I’ve been.

I used to die on my own
to bleed on my own
to feel pain and cry all alone
but now you cry alongside me.

In your shadow I hesitate.
Your light is shining so brightly
and I’m terrified that if I am embrace you
I’ll smother it.

But your bright arms reach out
and I am pressed against your heart
and I am healed
because even if there’s fists pounding against my back
my front is pressed against yours.

I used to endure on my own
to get bruised on my own
to fall and rise all alone
but now you rise alongside me.

I won’t be right behind you,
I won’t let you protect me.
If you get hurt
it is better if we’re hurt the same.

You run with me in the storm
and your hand clasps mine.
Even as the world turns against us,
we’ll say, together,

“I used to hurt on my own
to suffer on my own
to struggle and fight all alone

but now you fight alongside me.”
Last edited by Daisuki on Wed Jun 22, 2011 1:22 am, edited 26 times in total.
Oh, I wish I was punk-rocker with flowers in my hair.

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Mon May 30, 2011 4:42 pm
Sannah says...

I love this story! :) There is nothing I dislike about and it was written very well. It was a really sweet story and sounds like something you could continue if you wanted to.
"Raise your voice every single time they try and shut your mouth." My Chemical Romance
"I will never cease to fly if held down and I will always reach too high." Vanessa Carlton
"And rest assured, cause' dreams don't turn to dust." Owl City

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Mon May 30, 2011 5:33 pm
freewritersavvy says...

Oh I love IT!!!!!!

Well, well done! I am very impressed! It sucked me in right from the start!

Keep Writing,
~When you do the common things in life in an uncommon way, you will command the attention of the world. ~ George Carver

Writing...they claim it is a dangerous occupation... 'they' have no idea!

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Tue May 31, 2011 12:18 am
Mickixoxo says...

Heyyyy Dai :3

I really liked this story. Although, like every story, there were a few nitpicks.

"What a shame - she's got a pretty cute face, too."

One kicked my side, another my ribs. None of them cared that my hand was bleeding, that I was defenseless. No honor, no honor, no honor. The hate kept my mind off the pain. I was curled up now. All I saw was flashes of color, my only comfort was the cool of the earth beneath me. A blow to my head sent the world dark.

"All I saw was the flashes of color, my only comfort was the cool of the earth beneath me."
I think that "was" should be changed to "were" since "flashes" is plural. Also, I think you should either add a conjunction after the comma, or make the comma a period and capitalize the m in "my" since they're both complete sentences.

Also, I think you did very well with this contest! So far, yours is my favorite ;P ... wait... am I allowed to say that? :O Oh well, I already said it XD
I don't have anything else for you to fix! This was amazing. I wasn't bored AT. ALL. But, I do wonder why everyone automatically attacked the MC. If she had beautiful eyes, and was cute, then why did everyone just assume she was a delinquent and pick fights with her? That kind of confused me :/

But I seriously loved this! XD very good :3
If there's a 50/50 chance of getting something wrong go for it anyway because there is also a 50/50 chance of getting it right

I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity. ~Edgar Allen Poe

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Tue May 31, 2011 6:26 am
GryphonFledgling says...


You do know that there’s one of me, and five of you?

You just said this like a few sentences ago. Putting it here feels a little repetitive. Cut one of them?

A shadow was moving with its back towards me.

So why doesn't she run away again at this point? Seems like instead of getting closer where she could potentially be attacked and be at a disadvantage what with all of her injuries, she should just hightail it out of there or lay still and hope he doesn't notice her.

D'awww, Shadow is so bumbling and awkward and helpful and cute. Makes me want to squeeze him.

“Shaaaaaaadow!” My voice rang out, echoing off the air. I listened. Nothing.

Sooo, how long after their initial meeting is this taking place? I mean, while I squee-d at his behavior above, she really did just meet this guy and he was acting kind of suspiciously, so what brought her to the conclusion that calling him would actually be a good idea. Not to mention that he sort of not-so-subtly might have indicated that he's sort of pseudo-stalking her, that he would always hear her if she called. Why did she think it would be a good idea to encourage this sort of behavior, or that he would actually be there at all?

What time period is this set in? I mean, from the fact that he was wearing a sweatshirt, I want to say modern-day, but the sort of way she carries a knife around like it's commonplace and the way she was run out of town and mobs are out for her blood, I sort of want to say sometime more archaic. It just seems a little... odd in time. And then we find out that he's a son of a dragon and that puts us somewhere in fantasy. I mean, she doesn't even seem surprised by this. Just making things a little more concrete would help out a lot.

This was interesting, but I wanted a little more. It felt really fast and vague. I wanted more details, a bit more explanation, a bit more of a "getting to know one another" period. It just zooms along and suddenly they're going on to hang together and I'm all like "buwhat? when did this happen? where are they? what is her problem that no one likes her? etc. etc." and the story's already over. Slow down a little. I liked what you had, but it just felt like you could pull more out of it.

Feel free to drop me a line if you have any questions!

I am reminded of the babe by you.

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Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:17 pm
fireheartedkaratepup says...

A shadow was moving with its back towards me.

Good job on the proper use of its! ^-^ I think this would be better as "A shadow was moving, its back towards me." Maybe.

I used the next best thing. My fist was raised as I leaped forward.

Hn. Kinda fragmented here. One version, second sentence revision: "My fist raised, I leapt forward." This avoids repeating "was", since you use it in the next sentence. Second version, combining sentences: "I used the next best thing--my fist. Leaping forward, I struck with all my might..." and connect things from there.

He started muttering again. “Sorry I couldn't do anything about the bruises on your side. I mean, I put some ice on the bump on your head, but I really didn’t want to lift your shirt to… oh never mind. I probably sound like a perv right now. Just leave, please, and go get your wounds treated.”

Ok, I already liked this story, but I think I fell in love right about here.

“This is probably way too personal, so if you don’t want to please don’t answer, but… why is your face always hidden?”I had just wanted to change the topic, but felt bad immediately after I asked. I had just met this guy… this Shadow. Why was I being so nosy?

Seems a tad forced, like you're trying to get to a point in the story you want to go to, but you're moving too fast. Maybe even just add a sentence or before she starts talking about how she peers at him cautiously, how she's curious (instead of/in addendum to the questioning afterwards.) After all, she's known this guy... how long? A few minutes? So the face covering wouldn't be all that unusual yet--he could just be a guy who likes wearing a hoodie. Now, if she wanted to see his face because he rescued her and she wants to know what he looks like, that would be plausible.

The scales were on his arms, too. I felt them, and they were smooth and tough.

Wait, what? Pulling down his hood also reveals his arms? Did he take his shirt off? :P Maybe the arms observation would be better suited for a later time, when they know each other a bit better.

Conclusion: Awww. :3 I like this story. The dialogue seems forced and rushed, but I think it's pretty good nevertheless. You have a strong base here, I think.
"Ok, Lolpup. You can be a girl worth fighting for."

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Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:39 am
DarkShadow says...

i love this story alot :) it wasn't like what i've read in a while and it's sweet like (i dun know? something super sweet) i also like that they come from diffrent places but both have the same (almost) problems with both of them being outcasts.
"A book comes and says, 'Write me.' My job is to try to serve it to the best of my ability, which is never good enough, but all i can do is listen to it, do what it tells me and collaborate." -Madeleine L'engle

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Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:16 am
Dragongirl says...

Neat idea. Son of a dragon, cool. Definantly a lot you could do with that. I like Shadow, he's cute. The only thing is he is a little too cute. I mean he's been called a reject his whole life, so why is he crying at the first girl to see his face. It just seems like he might be a little bit tougher than that, but that's just me.
The second thing was that I found it waayyyy too unrealistic that 5 guy would attack one girl and then start kicking her once she is on the ground.The kicking was just ridiculous.
I did think it was interesting and I hope you write more about Shadow and Wolf.:)
Good job. Keep it up.
"Every writer I know has trouble writing." - Joseph Heller

~ A word to the wise ain't necessary, it's the stupid ones who need advice.~
- Bill Cosby

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Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:51 am
matthewmazer says...

Sorry I take so long to do the review, I'm making fun of myself with GIMP :-)!
1)The concept behind the story is really cool (human/dragon and human romance)
2)the beginnin really drew me in with her being beat up.
3)If you want, it'd be helpful, you could put a paragrapg in there about why everyone thinks she's a deliquent.
4)(In my opinion) Use more description(though people say I should tell, not show<----I find it kind of hard to). Is is light out, maybe dark? Is the forest damp from a recent rain? Is everyone wearing a school uniform?
5)Use some emotion; does she feel pain and if she does is it bad? Does she loathes her attackers(If she does use "angry" thoughts, words)? Does she hate being in this position(bullied, attacked)?
Use italics when she thinks.
The akward perv moment was pretty funny XD. If you do build onto this have Wolf ask why Shadow saved her( It could be one of those S: i like you why?,W:Oh no reason (teases S))

Since it's a romance contest add something kinda more....romancey. maybe a something like: with scales that covered a face that would have been beautiful.
That's all I can think of for now
And if you need help with something like showing her running through the forest trying to escape her attackers, or why some thinks a delqiuent just ask.
We've all been sorry. We've all been hurt. How we survive is what makes us who we are.

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Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:06 am
Payne says...

Hey there, Dai. Since I know you don't like a lot of praise, I'll start with the con-crit. :wink:

I thought I had scoured ever inch of this forest,

It should be 'every.'

A shadow was moving with its back towards me. I felt for my knife, but the leaves only crinkled in response to my search. I used the next best thing. My fist was raised as I leaped forward. My head was light and my side hurt like heck, but I felt the impact of my punch. The shadow went down with a blow to its back. It was startled, and I could suddenly see that it was a boy wearing a light grey sweatshirt, with the hood completely covering his face.

This scene is a little confusing; I'm not clear on where this shadow is in relation to Wolf, and whether it's the boy concealed in shadow, or whether it is his actual shadow.

“Hi!” I greeted, uncharacteristically cheerful.

Since this is her POV, she probably wouldn't think of herself as being 'uncharacteristically cheerful.' Perhaps she could feel that way.

He scratched the back of his neck; he ran his fingers through his hair.

His hood is still up, so it seems like both of these actions would be hard to do.

Their firery irises

It should be 'fiery.'

It was the dakest, shiny black, like a deep pool of night.

This is a bit wordy. You have good descriptions there, but perhaps one too many.

Why did I care so much for a name that was supposed to be an insult? I’d had it for so long, I guess.

Very nice touch to her character. :)

Wolf is the kind of leading lady I like; she seems very tough, with a less-than-delicate past. I like the conflicting-but-similar characters of her and Shadow. Very good story flow; it wasn't choppy, and carried the reader right along. Keep up the good work.

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Fri Jun 03, 2011 11:14 am
matthewmazer says...

(When I thought of this I saw them on a stone wall) have them talk about their pasts and then Wolf asks Shadow why he saved her. He replies that he likes her, then he asks SHadow why she asked. She says "oh, no reason, just curios" (but she says it in a teasing way and you can tell she likes him.
Or you can have a thougt come from wolfs head when she sees wolfs face like; scales covered a face that was beautiful underneath.
You could even have something from Shadow's POV later in the story or in the same chapter.
We've all been sorry. We've all been hurt. How we survive is what makes us who we are.

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Fri Jun 03, 2011 11:14 am
matthewmazer says...

(When I thought of this I saw them on a stone wall) have them talk about their pasts and then Wolf asks Shadow why he saved her. He replies that he likes her, then he asks SHadow why she asked. She says "oh, no reason, just curios" (but she says it in a teasing way and you can tell she likes him.
Or you can have a thougt come from wolfs head when she sees wolfs face like; scales covered a face that was beautiful underneath.
You could even have something from Shadow's POV later in the story or in the same chapter.
We've all been sorry. We've all been hurt. How we survive is what makes us who we are.

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Mon Jun 13, 2011 5:48 pm
Qoh16 says...

This was a very cute story, although I personally think it should be longer, put more substance into it. This story has great potential. I did like that you included pictures at the end, cause I couldn't figure out what the heck they looked like. haha. :D Well other than that, this is a good start. Good luck. Keep Writing!! XD

~Life has a song for every moment in life. It is just the matter of finding the right one.~

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Reviews: 739
Mon Jun 13, 2011 6:18 pm
xXTheBlackSheepXx says...

Hey this was great! Since the contest is probably over and because you’ve already gotten a lot of reviews I won’t go in depth or anything, but here’s a few comments!
- I totally loved the characters and the non-typical romance you set up. I really think I can learn something from you in this area x)
- the scene where Wolf wakes up and runs into Shadow was my favorite part. The perv comment made me smirk while reading this :D
- I’m really curious as to why everyone seems to be beating her up; that part is never really explained and to me it’s pretty crucial.
- I wish I knew more about why Shadow called her Wolf, I mean, he says she looks wolfy but that’s not really a good enough reason in my opinion.
- maybe Shadow cried a little too much at the end. This is just my own opinion though, because I don’t think I’ve ever seen a dude really cry, let alone soak the ground with his tears.
Awesome story though, I’m glad I read it!
Keep writing!!
The bad news is we don't have any control.
The good news is we can't make any mistakes.
-Chuck Palahniuk

My dog is a Samsonite refridgerator
— APoltergeist