
Young Writers Society

Valentine's Day Sucks

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Thu Dec 06, 2007 7:30 am
roxythekiller says...

This is a completed short story. I wrote it from the perspective of a gay boy because it felt right in relation to the plot. Here is part 1/6

Valentine’s day is my least favorite holiday.
You know why? Because it sucks, that’s why.
People buy presents that they have to give each other, and you have to buy them something in return or they get pissed off. Even if you’re lucky enough to be single, you still get cheesy valentine’s cards that say things like ‘Happy Valentine’s Day.’
I’d like to take some of that happy and stuff it up your ass, Mr.Teddybear-who-is-smirking-back-at-me. Actually, this isn’t even my overpriced satin teddy bear. I stole it. Yes, that’s right, I get a kick out of stealing--- I’m a kleptomaniac. In fact, if someone wanted to give me a cheesy valentine, it would say ‘You stole a lot of things, and my heart is one of them.’
My name is Toby. I’m sixteen years old, and there’s nothing sweet about it.
For one, I have pasty skin. I don’t play sports because I never make the cut… no one wants me on their team. But it’s their loss anyway… I’m a hard worker and I’d be great to train with. I just suck at a lot of sports because I’m short.
It’s not my fault I’m short. I’m 5”2 and like 110 pounds. You could pick me up with one hand, stuff me in a car and rape me over and over.
I would probably enjoy it, while I’m threatening to cut your dick off while you sleep.
That’s me, undersexed and over-horny. I’m not a geek, though. Geeks don’t like me because I’m not ugly enough. Actually, people tell me I look like my mom, which is sort of true.
I have dirty blond hair and brown eyes, but online I always tell everyone they’re honey-colored. Honey is the same as brown, but no one thinks poop is honey-colored. No. Poop is brown. Like this teddy bear’s eyes.
Why DO teddy bears have those soulless brown eyes? Why not something cute? Like blue?
Brown is cheaper. And that’s why I really want contacts for my birthday.
I should be in my sixth period art class, but first I have to hide this bear. It belongs to this guy in my class, Ethan. I found it in his locker, and stole it while he was talking to someone.
I can’t stand him, he deserved it. He’s a prep, that’s why. He’s on the swim team, debate team, and was Homecoming King this year. If you ever want to make a porn movie about spanking, he would be the brat-du-jour. In fact, he’s probably going to give this bear to that chick he likes --- Tiffany. They would make a great couple, too, because they’re both equally annoying.

Other parts:






Last edited by roxythekiller on Mon Jan 21, 2008 2:23 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Thu Dec 06, 2007 9:44 pm
Gwenevire says...

Nice work but I would advise you to rate this PG 13 or something because it has sexual content.
This dude is funny. He has got a strange way of thinking and is unique. I think you could do allot with this.
You could develop his character more and get into a plot of some-kind.
Keep going! And PM me once you have written more I look forwards to reading more of it!

Over all I really like this little peace and I think you should keep going with it :D

-Good Luck!

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Thu Dec 06, 2007 10:07 pm
Monki says...

Wow. Kleptomaniac is right! I really like this piece, as I am weird myself. ;) Good work! PM me too! Please critique any of my work that you wish. Thanks!
Tom Riddle: "You read my diary?"
Harry Potter: "At first, I did not know it was your diary. I thought it was a very sad, handwritten book."

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Thu Dec 06, 2007 10:55 pm
Loose says...

Hmm, interesting.

Definately change the rating! This shouldn't be pg with the mention of rape, sex, dicks.

I loved the part about the eyes, though. "Honey coloured" was a pretty cute lie. And the teddy bears eyes being soulless.

There seem to be lots of places where you could indicate a paragraph with spaces, though.

My name is Toby. I’m sixteen years old, and there’s nothing sweet about it.
For one, I have pasty skin. I don’t play sports because I never make the cut… no one wants me on their team. But it’s their loss anyway… I’m a hard worker and I’d be great to train with. I just suck at a lot of sports because I’m short.
It’s not my fault I’m short. I’m 5”2 and like 110 pounds. You could pick me up with one hand, stuff me in a car and rape me over and over.
I would probably enjoy it, while I’m threatening to cut your dick off while you sleep.
That’s me, undersexed and over-horny. I’m not a geek, though. Geeks don’t like me because I’m not ugly enough. Actually, people tell me I look like my mom, which is sort of true.

Here, for instance, you leave a lot of lines cut off. Turning them into fully pledged paragraphs will not only space it out more, but give you practise for the future when you write longer things. EG:

My name is Toby. I’m sixteen years old, and there’s nothing sweet about it.

For one, I have pasty skin. I don’t play sports because I never make the cut… no one wants me on their team. But it’s their loss anyway… I’m a hard worker and I’d be great to train with. I just suck at a lot of sports because I’m short.

It’s not my fault I’m short. I’m 5”2 and like 110 pounds. You could pick me up with one hand, stuff me in a car and rape me over and over.

I would probably enjoy it, while I’m threatening to cut your dick off while you sleep.

That’s me, undersexed and over-horny. I’m not a geek, though. Geeks don’t like me because I’m not ugly enough. Actually, people tell me I look like my mom, which is sort of true.

There, spacier!

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Fri Dec 07, 2007 1:34 am
MadHatter says...

Wow...that's very interesting. I hope you rate this PG-13. I hope you truly don't feel like this, or actually went through that...
Voldemort: You kids! If I ever find out who's calling I will tell the wizard law and you will go to wizard jail and then I'll kill you!

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Fri Dec 07, 2007 1:45 am
Sam says...

Hey, Roxy!

Welcome to the site. ^_^ This was a rather cool piece- your main character is easy to relate to and it's a simple read. Simple reading sounds more of a burn than a compliment, but trust me, too many people think it's cool to overcomplicate their writing and overcomplicate my brain into exhaustion in the process. -_-

Let's get to the critique, shall we?


Think of writing fiction characters as one of those cheesy, old-fashioned dating shows.

"And here we have our handsome young bachelor, Toby, who enjoys saving babies from flaming buildings and baking creme brulèe in his spare time..."

Your story is a bit like this, at the moment:

"And here we have our wretched short poo-color eyed boy, Toby, who hates Valentines' day and would like to castrate you..."

Which one would make a better character? Probably the latter. But if you were the blonde bombshell who got to choose, would you pick him? Probably not.

You get the idea. Basically: you want a love fest between your readers and your characters. [DISCLAIMER: You do not want a Mary Sue factory to crop up, though. Tread carefully.]

How do you do this? You've got to have a likeable character, or at least a pitiable character. Passive characters are perfect for this. Passive characters make cute doormats- they're not the most fun characters to write for, unless you write them well. However, an opinionated character can get annoying. Really, really annoying. Why?

With every opinion surfaced, you run the risk of someone disagreeing with you. I read a story awhile ago wherein the story's narrator dissed Hello Kitty...I was none to pleased with that character, but the author managed to redeem her in the end. XD

The disagreement in your story starts with the title. Personally, the idea of Valentine's day is materialistic and shallow to me, but I'm somehow delighted by the possibility that some fellow would buy useless things for me simply to prove his love. Most girls are. Read: most effeminate characters are. And the fact Toby might put my gifts of love in an uncomfortable place isn't exactly appealing to me.

Oh, okay. So your character really does hate Valentine's day. Why? Why are they not secretly drawn to the thrill of receiving something fuzzy and/or rose-like? Was there a traumatic childhood incident?

Explanation usually goes a long way to making opinionated characters more lovable.

A side note: if you're writing in first person, don't threaten the audience. XD That's kind of a no-no, if you want to keep the romance alive between your main character and your readers.

How else can you make your characters more accessible? Don't make them Barbie dolls, but don't make them completely wretched. That is, if there's a major flaw in your character- for instance, Toby's kleptomania- you need to offset it with something positive.

You might say, "But I can't do that! That would make him just another stupid prep!" Ha, wrong. Even the most messed-up among us have good things that happen to us- no one's life is completely horrid.

I personally have a thing for pitiable characters, which is a good alternative for happy-happy characters, but it's kind of a learned process. How do you make us feel for your character?


I just finished NaNoWriMo, and became absolutely smitten with the Angst Machine that is Carl Malloy.

He glanced over at Carl and noticed the smelly pine tree somewhat hidden between Carl's knees. He laughed and reached over, resting his wrist on Carl's leg momentarily between tying it back up onto the rearview mirror. It wasn't entirely unpleasant.

And then the rearview mirror snapped, falling down between Todd's arms onto the dashboard. It left little spiderwebs of yellowed glue in its wake.

"You're a complete jinx, man."

Carl nodded soberly. "My life sucks a little, sometimes."

Why does Woe is Me work for Carl? Mainly, it's character development. In his introductory scene, he's emotionally neutral, but then spirals through an angsty series of flashbacks.

And then, it's subtle angst, like this one. Subtle angst is good because it tends to make fun of itself- and I do believe that's the only way that angst should be used in literature. As comic relief. Let's face it- declaring your life sucks because you are slowly destructing the car of the most physically attractive boy your have ever met piece by piece is rather hilarious. There's a difference between angst and self-conflict, though.

What's the difference between angst and true inner conflict? Angst usually has to do with trivial things. Inner conflict has a greater impact- inner conflict is more of a fear than a complaint.

So, is Toby angsting, or is he conflicted? To me, it looks like angsting. This isn't a bad thing, it's just something that needs to be toned down- everything comes off extremely exaggerated in first person, simply because you don't have a way of filtering opinions.

Like I mentioned earlier, a good way to fix this is to explain Toby's extreme hatred of Valentines' day.

Additionally, his stealing of the teddy bear would make more sense as kleptomania, and not as an act of hatred. Debate guys are probably the dorkiest, yet most excellent people you'll ever meet. [Probably not athletic, however.]

Of course, I'm slightly biased because I'm an extemper. XD But still. And Toby says he's annoying without base...which is another thing that needs to be explained.

Angst that stems from sexuality is harder to figure out how to do well, mainly because it's the fault of human evolution and not emotion. However, I usually get stuck with a hornier-than-most cast, so hopefully I might be able to help you out...and additionally, a disproportionate amount of my characters are gay or lesbian. I don't really know why. -_-

More Carl, to make a point:

If his mind had been a Pervert Thought factory, it would have been one of the ones he had seen in history textbooks from the bygone days of of East Coast coal production- with hundreds of workers, its smokestacks belching out thick carbon emissions at unbelievable rates.

He tried to enjoy his lighthearted racetrack comedy, but could not. He focused instead on twiddling his thumbs.

Todd was chewing. Todd, Carl was certain, was enjoying his lighthearted racetrack comedy. There was a certain injustice here; that Todd should have control of his wanton sexuality and Carl didn't.

Carl reached over Todd in a very careful manner, in a manner completely devised to avoid awkward tripping or accidental groping- which his hands had an inhuman longing to do- and take a cookie from the pile. He put it into his mouth and chewed angrily.

Chewing was supposed to burn calories. It said so in Cosmo.

He crossed his legs and uncrossed them. He reached over for another cookie. Todd sat still, his eyes never wandering from the screen.

Carl was about to reach over Todd again when Todd stopped him by putting his hand on his thigh. "Dude," he said, laughing. "Sit still."

Why did I take about a hundred words to say what I could have said with three- "Carl was horny"?

This is a fact: many people do not simply announce this.

RANDOM PERSON: Hullo there, how are you today?
PROTAGONIST: Horny. Yourself?

It's strange and slightly awkward. It's something that you don't do even in first person- you could, of course, but it's much better to show through example. Examples are good because they're ways to pack in extra needed character development.

I actually might enjoy the line like this: "I'm small. Small enough to pick up and throw into the trunk of car and take me away somewhere and rape me. You never know- I might even enjoy it. I'm kind of like that."

Granted, it's going to be an awkward line no matter what you do. XD Just make sure that it's a good awkward and not a bad awkward- it's uncomfortable, but not awful.

Summary? Keep your angst limited to what is humorous. Restrict horny to example.

*anticipation* Don't wait until next weekend, silly...I want to read the next part now. ^_~ Feel free to PM me when you have, or just if you have any questions. I'd love to answer them.
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Fri Dec 07, 2007 2:52 am
Flemzo says...

First off, space out your paragraphs next time. All I saw was a huge block of text, and I wasn't at all thrilled to want to read it. I did the spacing for you now, but next time, remember it. Now to actually read it:

roxythekiller wrote:Valentine’s day is my least favorite holiday. You know why? Because it sucks, that’s why.

Already, you're making me not like this character. He loathes a holiday, but doesn't have good reasoning. Sure, it'll appear later (hopefully), but right now, this guy's attitude is making me say "Get over it!"

People buy presents that they have to give each other, and you have to buy them something in return or they get pissed off. Even if you’re lucky enough to be single, you still get cheesy valentine’s cards that say things like ‘Happy Valentine’s Day.’

Why this is a separate paragraph, I have no idea. Maybe I spaced it wrong, but this should be a part of that little three sentence opening paragraph. It's not a separate idea, so it fits perfectly back there.

I’d like to take some of that happy and stuff it up your ass, Mr. Teddybear-who-is-smirking-back-at-me. Actually, this isn’t even my overpriced satin teddy bear. I stole it. Yes, that’s right, I get a kick out of stealing-- I’m a kleptomaniac. In fact, if someone wanted to give me a cheesy valentine, it would say ‘You stole a lot of things, and my heart is one of them.’

Comma after "say" at the end there. Sure that's usually for someone talking, but in a sense, the card is talking here. There's also a difference between your first "teddybear" and your second "teddy bear". Try to keep it consistent if you can.

My name is Toby. I’m sixteen years old, and there’s nothing sweet about it.

Ugh, like I haven't heard that a million times. That should only be used if the character just turned 16. I'm assuming that Toby's been 16 for a while, so it's awkward and out of place.

For one, I have pasty skin. I don’t play sports because I never make the cut… no one wants me on their team. But it’s their loss anyway… I’m a hard worker and I’d be great to train with. I just suck at a lot of sports because I’m short.

This could probably be moved up to the previous paragraph. The second sentence is weirdly punctuated. Try this instead:

I don't play sports, because I never make the cut. No one wants me on their team, but it's their loss anyway. I'm a hard worker...

And so on. Maybe a semicolon or a dash after "train with". It's not really a separate idea, but it's separate enough

It’s not my fault I’m short. I’m 5”2 and like 110 pounds. You could pick me up with one hand, stuff me in a car and rape me over and over.

Yikes. Why would you even say such a thing?!

I would probably enjoy it, while I’m threatening to cut your dick off while you sleep.

Again, yikes. This was actually needlessly violent. Funny, kind of, but needless.

That’s me, undersexed and over-horny. I’m not a geek, though. Geeks don’t like me because I’m not ugly enough. Actually, people tell me I look like my mom, which is sort of true.

I have dirty blond hair and brown eyes, but online I always tell everyone they’re honey-colored. Honey is the same as brown, but no one thinks poop is honey-colored. No. Poop is brown. Like this teddy bear’s eyes.

These can be blended together into one paragraph. And, I have to say, this paragraph made me laugh. Anyway, moving on...

Why DO teddy bears have those soulless brown eyes? Why not something cute? Like blue?

Brown is cheaper. And that’s why I really want contacts for my birthday.
I should be in my sixth period art class, but first I have to hide this bear. It belongs to this guy in my class, Ethan. I found it in his locker, and stole it while he was talking to someone.

Did he break into Ethan's locker, or did Ethan just not notice that someone was rooting around in his locker while it was open? Still unclear about that.

I can’t stand him, he deserved it. He’s a prep, that’s why. He’s on the swim team, debate team, and was Homecoming King this year. If you ever want to make a porn movie about spanking, he would be the brat-du-jour. In fact, he’s probably going to give this bear to that chick he likes --- Tiffany. They would make a great couple, too, because they’re both equally

He deserved having a teddy bear stolen because he's a prep? What faulty reasoning. The character really needs to be developed here, and by "be developed" I mean "get a life". Everything can only end wrong for Toby.

End of part one of six? This was really short. You probably could have posted all six parts on here, but whatever.

To be honest, I'm not a huge fan of Toby. He's kind of a whiner, and he's not really likeable. Maybe you'll use this to your advantage, but maybe not. Either way, I hope Toby gets a clue and gets over it. He has some terrible issues, and I really don't like him.

I'll see you in part two!

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Sat Dec 22, 2007 9:31 pm
Dr. Jamie Bondage says...

Well, it seems that everyone else has gotten here before I did...=p So...I don't know if this is going to help or not, but I'm going to give it a shot.

Double space. It will be easier to read. XD

I didn't see any errors. It was good. XD Keep writing.
"This kind of love is not a product of reasonings and statics--it just comes-none knows whence-and can't explain itself. And doesn't need to." Mark Twain

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Sat Jan 26, 2008 4:56 pm
Doll in Pink C0nverse* says...

You're my first story review, feel honored! Kidding! :lol:

Sweet start. I like Toby's rough personality...some what. Occasionally he comes off as this ultimate hater with all his bickering and complaints, he's so darn dramatic, but hey that kind of makes it furnehhh. ^^

"You could pick me up with one hand, stuff me in a car and rape me over and over."

Lol, hilariously morbid. XD

Alright, now to chapter two! * soars across the page in a pink cape*

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Thu Jan 31, 2008 10:08 pm
lakegirls says...

Good work on this piece. These are the kinds of stories that i like reading. I have only read the first chapter but i'm going to read the other five too. This character is very interesting.

I did notice one thing that i would change:

Even if you’re lucky enough to be single, you still get cheesy valentine’s cards that say things like ‘Happy Valentine’s Day.’

Try to think of something more creative then just valentines day, like "bee my honey, i love you" or "i choo.. choo.. choose you!"

I really liked this piece i cannot wait to read the rest!
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Fri Feb 01, 2008 5:18 pm
Sweeney_Todd says...

:oops: u are SO much braver than me! i think Yaoi and Yuri stories are awsome, but i don't have the guts to write them myself. but, anyway...

Your writing style is short, sweet, and to the point. You get across what you ant to say right off, making for a short read. That can be perfect if you want to keep it short, but for a book or a novel....paragraphs, paragraphs, paragraphs. ///-/// the part about raping him and enjoying it was kinda grody though...

:oops: really good story though.

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Mon Feb 04, 2008 9:49 pm
Louisa Clack says...

Ah I liked this.
Not sure I like Toby though.
Am I meant to?
Does he feel too sort for himself?
What place is he in right now?
Any friends?


Never give up on your dreams but be careful what you wish for

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Tue Mar 04, 2008 5:17 pm
Shadow_Thief13 says...

As much as I liked this it was to short. I prefer things long...
*random comment* I have a big brother named Ethan...

By the Gods... Please let inspiration strike me! (Just in a non-violent way O.o)

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Fri Mar 07, 2008 7:27 am
Caramel-Slice says...


Wow, this was really... interesting. I can't find much to say since Others have beaten me to it, but all I can comment on is:

stuff me in a car and rape me over and over.

is very unpleasant.

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