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Young Writers Society


  • Shadow_Thief13
    Oct 23, 2012

    Sheesh, back again. I've joined a writers club at school, it kinda sucks. Sssshhhh. Don't tell anyone I said that! I've been having trouble putting ideas on paper and then I realized after browsing the Internet for hours and hours for no reason that I could be on this wonderful site! Woot! Run on sentence! I hope I'm on here more often. Oooooh, I haz no ideas.

  • Shadow_Thief13
    Aug 29, 2011

    Does anyone remember me?

    Rydia Yush! And thank you for the gift, it's nice to see you prowling around again :D
    Aug 30, 2011

  • Shadow_Thief13
    Aug 29, 2011

    Sooo, it's been, what? Two years since I was last on? Yep, something like that. I've continued to write, mostly on fanfiction, but rarely. It's time I got back on. I'm just surprised I'm not freaked out about this.

  • Demeter
    Nov 26, 2008

    Happy birthday! :D

  • Demeter
    Nov 1, 2008

    Hi and thank you so much for friending me! :)

    I actually chose my name because of a cat in the Cats musical, haha. It's called Demeter, surprise surprise. :D But someone told me that Demeter is the goddess of spring, is that true? I hope it is :) It sounds so cool!

    Well, I'll see you around! And I'll be glad to check your work, just tell me what and when. :)

    Thanks again!

    Demeter xxx

  • yoha_ahoy
    Mar 19, 2008

    WHEEHEEEEEEEE!!!!!! *Yoyo flails about Theif's guestbook* Oh, um... you probably want me to sign this. *ahem* Um, right.

    *scribbles signature*

    ~Yoyo 8)

  • GingerLizzy
    Mar 11, 2008

    I likes your avvie


  • The Queen Of Doodles
    Mar 9, 2008

    *copies on of the ones who signed here*

    Hi! I decided that I like you. :D


    I hope you don't think that this is too r--...*pause*...uh...

    YOU: Random?


    YOU: What's so wrong with the word "random?"

    Well, you see--



    *turns around, shaking*
    *Lighting and Thunder in background*

    *faces you*


    BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! :twisted: *lightning and thunder* YOU ARE NOW A VICTIM OF MY RANDOMNESS!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! :twisted: *lightning and thunder*

    *turns around again, shaking*
    *lightning and thunder*

    *faces you*

    OHMIGOSH I'm so sorry! My dark side is attacking!!! *in background: :twisted: * OH NOOO!!! *gets pulled away into darkness*

    HELP MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*disappears*

  • kittykat
    Mar 4, 2008

    *wonders why she's never put a signature here*

    I need to fix this! *writes name is shiny, red cursive*

  • shadowstorm
    Mar 2, 2008

    Hi! :twisted: lol, it's the little demon face! ooh, there are a whole bunch of awesome demony smilies....

    :smt074 :smt077 :smt065 :smt096

    Woot! See ya around!

  • Periwinkle
    Mar 2, 2008

    Hi, thanks for the add. I like Perwinkle, too, it's my favorite out of the 64 crayola pack. xD

  • Hello =)

    How are you?

    Heather xx

  • maiko_koto
    Jan 28, 2008

    Oh, thanks for asking. :)

    Well, I actually think that I'm going to post something right now. It'll be my first.....kinda scary....... I just found it on some old CD I found on my computer desk, and I wrote it last year for school, so it's not exactly a masterpiece, but I hope you like it.^_^

    Well, hope we can talk more later! Oh yeah, noticed you play the violin! Awesome! I always wanted to do that!

  • Sleeping Valor
    Jan 27, 2008

    Hullo! I've decided I like you. Hope that's not too random for you. ^_^

    *signs guest book*

    (You're lucky. I didn't get my guest booked signed until 2 years after I joined. *was sadly inactive from 2006 to 2008*)

  • kittykat
    Jan 27, 2008

    :( you gruest book seems so empty so...

    *signs in cursive with bright red marker*

    there we go, problem fixed! :D

Owning our story can be hard but not nearly as difficult as spending our lives running from it. Embracing our vulnerabilities is risky but not nearly as dangerous as giving up on love and belonging and joy—the experiences that make us the most vulnerable. Only when we are brave enough to explore the darkness will we discover the infinite power of our light.
— Brené Brown