
Young Writers Society

broken memories cut my hands

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Sun Apr 21, 2024 10:35 am
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DreamyAlice says...

Spoiler! :
Quillyy so many poems, you are going really well!!!

All these are so emotional, the first poem and Clock hands hold me, those two are really precious.

If i could carry you
and finally fall
would you look down at me
or just walk on

this was felt, and the whole poem is like smiling through the tears lol
I really liked it, I hope you can complete your goal<3 You got this!
Imagination is a superpower. Use it well!

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Mon Apr 22, 2024 4:25 am
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Quillfeather says...

Melody of thoughts
Thoughts tumbling like a waterfall
Like a bee searching for pollen
Like the cars on a highway
The the wind blowing before a summer storm
The hush of a winters night
Was: Nicole136
And then: TrinityPoeting
Am now: Quillfeather

If you ever need to talk I am here for you<3

"All great change is preceded by chaos" - Deepak Chopra
Fight through the chaos, there are good things ahead<333

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Tue Apr 23, 2024 2:48 am
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Quillfeather says...

Illusions of freedom
A caged bird set free
But what is freedom really?
The bird flies to the end of the world
Never really free
Just trapped in a larger cage
The cage of humanity
The cage of life
Life sets us free from loss of consciences
And death sets us free from life
My soul sets me free from evils
My evil sets me free from my soul
I am a caged bird
For when I wake up I see the same bed
I see the same morning sky
I see the same troubles
But I am free
Was: Nicole136
And then: TrinityPoeting
Am now: Quillfeather

If you ever need to talk I am here for you<3

"All great change is preceded by chaos" - Deepak Chopra
Fight through the chaos, there are good things ahead<333

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Wed Apr 24, 2024 4:29 am
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Quillfeather says...

falling into the depths of your dispar
They were falling before they fell
They were crying before they were hurt
They were screaming before they raised their voice

I was silent before I fell
My tears were dry even when I hurt the most
My screams were silent

I am unheard
Because I am listening to you
I am unseen because I see you

You are blind because of your beauty
You have drowned in your self obsession

I have drowned in my self hate
We are both just as deep

We are both just as silent
Was: Nicole136
And then: TrinityPoeting
Am now: Quillfeather

If you ever need to talk I am here for you<3

"All great change is preceded by chaos" - Deepak Chopra
Fight through the chaos, there are good things ahead<333

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Thu Apr 25, 2024 1:21 am
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Quillfeather says...

Yearning of a heart never mended

I wish someone would look into my eyes
Like they do in the romance novels
Written pages of unattainable love
Ink blots of something I could never have
Dreams of holding my hand
Calls for your comfort
To mend my broken heart
Your love like a cast
For my bones broken by their words
Your words like a melody
I would dance forever
But you are like the morning mist
As soon as light hits your essence you disappear
Back into the recesses of my brain
You are gone
You were never there
Was: Nicole136
And then: TrinityPoeting
Am now: Quillfeather

If you ever need to talk I am here for you<3

"All great change is preceded by chaos" - Deepak Chopra
Fight through the chaos, there are good things ahead<333

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Fri Apr 26, 2024 2:40 am
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Quillfeather says...

my jewelry box was my mothers

I keep little pieces of myself
locked away in jewelry boxes
this box has been passed down generation to generation
in it I keep shining imperfections
tears set in stone
emotions on golden chains
it is what keeps me from destroying myself
it is what keeps my mask securely on my face
I hide away the pretty things that make me real
I push away the ugly things that make me who I am
behind closed doors are the words I left unsaid
those words haunt my dreams, they set me free
someday I will take out my box
and wear its jewels like a crown
all i tried to hide will be as clear as my scars
you won't see me then
you won't know who i am
but i will
Was: Nicole136
And then: TrinityPoeting
Am now: Quillfeather

If you ever need to talk I am here for you<3

"All great change is preceded by chaos" - Deepak Chopra
Fight through the chaos, there are good things ahead<333

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Sat Apr 27, 2024 3:52 am
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Quillfeather says...

Postcards from places I have never been

There's a thousand things I could wish

I could wish for money
To buy the hearts of those around me

I could wish for beauty
For the insincere adoration of my fake persona

I could wish for a perfect life
But I wouldn't know where to start

I could be plastic
Something so unreal that maybe you would love me

But if I was perfect then I couldn't laugh when I made a mistake
I couldn't make you smile when sing out of tune

I couldn't be me
And when I hate myself the most
I still know who I am
I am
Was: Nicole136
And then: TrinityPoeting
Am now: Quillfeather

If you ever need to talk I am here for you<3

"All great change is preceded by chaos" - Deepak Chopra
Fight through the chaos, there are good things ahead<333

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Sun Apr 28, 2024 12:38 am
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Quillfeather says...

We give our souls to technology
Gathered together, breathing the same air
In the same space, but in different parts of the world
As we scroll forever, trying to find some happiness
Trying to find some common ground
But we stand on the same ground together
We do not exchange words
Only glances at the ones around us
Our pasts would sit around fires and tell great stories
And we watch 30 seconds of others plastic lives in a never ending repeat
And wish they were our own
If you could look up from your screen
You would see the world smiling up at you
We would laugh together
But instead you live in the broken world you hold in your hands
Look up before you are left with nothing to look to
Look up before the world disappears
Look up
Was: Nicole136
And then: TrinityPoeting
Am now: Quillfeather

If you ever need to talk I am here for you<3

"All great change is preceded by chaos" - Deepak Chopra
Fight through the chaos, there are good things ahead<333

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Mon Apr 29, 2024 2:52 am
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Quillfeather says...

Take a sip
Your juice stained lips
Gluttonous, you drink it all in
I wonder where did it begin
When you would drain me of all life
And thrive in my pain
Take it all
I will keep you alive
Take my heart to keep yours beating
Take my soul to keep you young
When will it be enough?
When I break from carrying you through the dessert storms you created
When I save you from drowning in seas of your hatred
When you drink in my tears and curse their existence
When life finally drains from my body
When will it be enough for you
When I am dead?
Was: Nicole136
And then: TrinityPoeting
Am now: Quillfeather

If you ever need to talk I am here for you<3

"All great change is preceded by chaos" - Deepak Chopra
Fight through the chaos, there are good things ahead<333

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Mon Apr 29, 2024 11:40 pm
herbalhour says...

Spoiler! :
quill i've been stalking your thread i love it so much!! the repition in this one is so cool!!
When life finally drains from my body
When will it be enough for you
When I am dead
nothing is forever but everything was infinite

herb/tea - he/him/his, she/her/hers

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Tue Apr 30, 2024 9:35 pm
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Quillfeather says...


Battle scars

I always thought if you could just hold my hand
life would come easy

I was too busy cursing my pain to pull out the knife
maybe i was too afraid that taking out the knife would only make me bleed more

I pray for my life to change from the comfort of my bedroom
I wish for opportunities i will never chase after

I want to glue my broken world back together
But these broken pieces have cut me so deep
i no longer even try

my tears will never fill the holes left in my heart
If i filled them with fake smiles i wouldn't be real
but who wants real when the real is ugly

would anyone want me if i took off my masks?
would i be here if i didn't have my scars

My broken heart is like a cocoon
someday I will emerge a butterfly

my tears are an ocean
only when i stop struggling when i let go
i can begin to float
i will breathe again
Was: Nicole136
And then: TrinityPoeting
Am now: Quillfeather

If you ever need to talk I am here for you<3

"All great change is preceded by chaos" - Deepak Chopra
Fight through the chaos, there are good things ahead<333

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Tue Apr 30, 2024 9:57 pm
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Quillfeather says...

To life from death
I look at my reflection
I don't know who I am looking at anymore
I am no longer the little girl crying for someone to know her
I am no longer the girls who's life is broken apart
I am no longer a girl seeing the real world for the first time
I am no longer the girl who loves you purely
I am no longer the girl who hates you wholly
I look back on my life
I think about the times I cried behind closed doors, always because of your hate and ignorance
I think about who you broke
I think of the part of me that kept going
The part of me that didn't give up
I scream so hard into the mirror it breaks into a thousand pieces
And a long with it all my false assumptions of you
All the lies you said, All the lies I said
All the memories that hurt
All the memories that made me smile
All the emotions I never let you see
All the emotions you brought out of me
All of it breaks to form pieces of me
A tear drops on the ground
A hand reach's down to pick up the pieces I lost and build it all again
A drop of blood drops on the pure white
Broken memories cut my hands
For the last time
Was: Nicole136
And then: TrinityPoeting
Am now: Quillfeather

If you ever need to talk I am here for you<3

"All great change is preceded by chaos" - Deepak Chopra
Fight through the chaos, there are good things ahead<333

So, please, oh please, we beg, we pray, go throw your TV set away, and in its place you can install a lovely bookcase on the wall.
— Roald Dahl